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IRI 2013: San Francisco, CA, USA
- IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration, IRI 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 14-16, 2013. IEEE Computer Society 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-1050-2
- Stuart H. Rubin, Shu-Ching Chen:
The 2013 IEEE International conference on information reuse and integration: Forward. - Lotfi A. Zadeh:
Toward a restriction-centered theory of truth and meaning (RCT). - Ravi S. Sandhu:
The future of access control: Attributes, automation and adaptation. - Gongzhu Hu, Gordon K. Lee, Stuart Harvey Rubin, Russell Tatro, Suresh Vadhva:
Panel discussion: Re-use of information and data in energy management. - Ling Liu:
Big data analytics as a service: Exploring reuse opportunities.
Session A11: Information Security & Privacy
- Sandeep Reddy Pedditi, Du Zhang, Chung-E. Wang:
FIEP: An initial design of a firewall information exchange protocol. 1-5 - Randall Wald, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Amri Napolitano, Chris Sumner:
Predicting susceptibility to social bots on Twitter. 6-13 - Wonkyu Han, Mike Mabey, Gail-Joon Ahn
Simulation-based validation for smart grid environments. 14-21 - Valentina Casola
, Alessandra De Benedictis
, Massimiliano Albanese
A moving target defense approach for protecting resource-constrained distributed devices. 22-29
Session A12: Recommender Systems
- Zhengyang Li, Congfu Xu:
Tag-based top-N recommendation using a pairwise topic model. 30-37 - Pannawit Samatthiyadikun, Atsuhiro Takasu, Saranya Maneeroj:
Bayesian model for a multicriteria recommender system with support vector regression. 38-45 - Anna Cinzia Squicciarini
, Barbara Carminati
, Sushama Karumanchi:
WS-Rec: Web services recommendations using heterogeneous criteria. 46-53 - Simon Chan:
Constrained by limited information and recommendation opportunities: An exploration and exploitation problem for recommender systems. 54-61
Session A13: Workshop on Empirical Methods for Recognizing Inference in Text (EM-RITE)
- Chuan-Jie Lin, Cheng-Wei Lee, Cheng-Wei Shih, Wen-Lian Hsu:
Rank correlation analysis of NTCIR-10 RITE-2 Chinese datasets and evaluation metrics. 62-68 - Chun Tu, Min-Yuh Day
Chinese textual entailment with Wordnet semantic and dependency syntactic analysis. 69-74 - Shih-Hung Wu
, Shan-Shun Yang, Hung-Sheng Chiu, Liang-Pu Chen, Ren-Dar Yang:
Entailment analysis for improving Chinese textual entailment system. 75-81 - Chung-Chi Huang, Lun-Wei Ku:
Interest analysis using social interaction content with sentiments. 82-89 - I-Chin Wu, Chi-Hong Tsai, Yu-Hsuan Lin:
Clustering and summarization topics of subject knowledge through analyzing internal links of Wikipedia. 90-96
Session A21: Data Mining I
- Guangzhi Qu:
Solving minimum cut based multi-label classification problem with semi-definite programming method. 97-104 - Randall Wald, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Amri Napolitano:
The importance of performance metrics within wrapper feature selection. 105-111 - Anna Palczewska, Jan Palczewski
, Richard Marchese Robinson
, Daniel Neagu
Interpreting random forest models using a feature contribution method. 112-119 - Surender Reddy Yerva, Michele Catasta, Gianluca Demartini
, Karl Aberer:
Entity disambiguation in tweets leveraging user social profiles. 120-128
Session A22: Databases, Structured/Semi-Structured Data I
- Bo Tang, Ravi S. Sandhu:
Cross-tenant trust models in cloud computing. 129-136 - Qussai Yaseen
, Qutaibah Althebyan
, Yaser Jararweh
PEP-side caching: An insider threat port. 137-144 - Adam Aboutaleb
, Riham Khalil, David Stockton, Sheona Jackson:
Web-based metadata retrieval tool for fine art and games artwork. 145-152 - Teodora Sandra Buda, Thomas Cerqueus, John Murphy, Morten Kristiansen:
VFDS: Very fast database sampling system. 153-160
Session A23: Special Session on Education and Special Session on Robotics and Intelligent Machines
- June Rosemarie Massoud:
A vision of education in 50 years from now position paper for the special session on education, IEEE IRI 2013. 161 - Zoltán Balogh, Milan Turcáni
, Martin Magdin
The possibilities of using Petri Nets for realization of a universal model of educational process. 162-169 - David Kaczynski, Gongzhu Hu:
Geographic clustering of research universities in specialized fields using Microsoft Academic Search. 170-174 - Emil Vassev, Mike Hinchey
Autonomy requirements engineering. 175-184 - Nader Mohamed, Jameela Al-Jaroodi:
Service-oriented middleware for collaborative UAVs. 185-192
Session A31: Component-based Design and Reuse
- Anas Shatnawi, Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai
Mining reusable software components from object-oriented source code of a set of similar software. 193-200 - Fatemeh Hendijani Fard, Behrouz H. Far:
Detecting distributed software components that will not cause emergent behavior in asynchronous communication style. 201-208 - Hamzeh Eyal Salman
, Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai
, Christophe Dony:
Feature-to-code traceability in a collection of software variants: Combining formal concept analysis and information retrieval. 209-216 - Thouraya Bouabana-Tebibel, Stuart H. Rubin, Kadaouia Habib, Sofia Mellah, Lynda Allata:
A component-based language specific to complex systems modeling. 217-224
Session A32: Workshop on Information Reuse and Integration in Health Informatics (IRI-HI)
- David J. Dittman, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Randall Wald, Amri Napolitano:
Comparison of rank-based vs. score-based aggregation for ensemble gene selection. 225-231 - Randall Wald, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Alireza Fazelpour, David J. Dittman:
Hidden dependencies between class imbalance and difficulty of learning for bioinformatics datasets. 232-238 - David Allen, Ovidiu Daescu:
Radiation therapy simulation and optimization using kinetic polygon modeling. 239-246 - Giovanna Sannino
, Ivanoe De Falco
, Giuseppe De Pietro
Automatic extraction of effective rule sets for Obstructive Sleep Apnea detection for a real-time mobile monitoring system. 247-253 - Randall Wald, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar:
Patient response datasets: Challenges and opportunities. 254-261
Session B11: Artificial Intelligence and Optimization
- Lidia Bononi Paiva Tomaz, Rita Maria da Silva Julia, Ayres Roberto Araújo Barcelos:
Improving the accomplishment of a neural network based agent for draughts that operates in a distributed learning environment. 262-269 - Dan He, Douglas Stott Parker Jr.:
Optimized retrieval algorithms for personalized content aggregation. 270-277 - Éric Grégoire:
About logic-based A.I. systems that must handle incoming symbolic knowledge. 278-284 - Pol Schumacher, Mirjam Minor, Eric Schulte-Zurhausen:
Extracting and enriching workflows from text. 285-292
Session B12: Systems and Process Engineering
- Luciane de Fatima Silva, Lígia Maria Soares Passos
, Michel dos Santos Soares, Stéphane Julia:
Siphon-based deadlock prevention policy for interorganizational WorkFlow net design. 293-300 - Eduard C. Dragut, Peter Baker, Jia Xu, Muhammad I. Sarfraz, Elisa Bertino, Amgad Madkour, Raghu Agarwal, Ahmed R. Mahmood, Sangchun Han:
CRIS - Computational research infrastructure for science. 301-308 - Puneet Sharma, Anupam Joshi
, Tim Finin:
Detecting data exfiltration by integrating information across layers. 309-316
Session B13: Biomedical & Healthcare Systems
- Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Randall Wald, David J. Dittman, Amri Napolitano:
Feature list aggregation approaches for ensemble gene selection on patient response datasets. 317-324 - Randall Wald, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Alireza Fazelpour:
The use of balance-aware subsampling for bioinformatics datasets. 325-332 - Nurjahan Begum, Bing Hu, Thanawin Rakthanmanon, Eamonn J. Keogh:
Towards a minimum description length based stopping criterion for semi-supervised time series classification. 333-340 - David J. Dittman, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Randall Wald, Amri Napolitano:
Gene selection stability's dependence on dataset difficulty. 341-348
Session B21: Cloud Computing and Large Scale Data and System Integration
- Li Tan, Ronald Haley, Riley Wortman, Yiannis Ampatzidis
, Matthew D. Whiting:
An integrated cloud-based platform for labor monitoring and data analysis in precision agriculture. 349-356 - Deepal Jayasinghe, Josh Kimball, Siddharth Choudhary, Tao Zhu, Calton Pu:
An automated approach to create, store, and analyze large-scale experimental data in clouds. 357-364 - Stuart H. Rubin, Gordon K. Lee:
Cloud-based tasking, collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination. 365-371 - Samuel A. Ajila
, Omhenimhen Iyamu:
Efficient live wide area VM migration with IP address change using type II hypervisor. 372-379
Session B22: Automation and Distributed Systems
- Beenish Khurshid, Mohammad Moshirpour, Armin Eberlein
, Behrouz H. Far:
An automated ontology generation technique for an emergent behavior detection system. 380-387 - Jinho Ahn:
An effective method for optimistic message logging based on group communication links. 388-393 - Marcelo A. Ramos, Paulo César Masiero, Rosana T. V. Braga
, Rosângela Aparecida Dellosso Penteado:
From software product lines to system of systems: Analysis of an evolution path. 394-401 - Fausto C. Fleites, Steve Cocke, Shu-Ching Chen, Shahid Hamid:
Efficiently integrating MapReduce-based computing into a Hurricane Loss Projection model. 402-407
Session B23: Data Mining II
- Davood Izadi, Jemal H. Abawajy, Sara Ghanavati:
A new energy efficient cluster-head and backup selection scheme in WSN. 408-415 - Randall Wald, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Amri Napolitano:
Filter- and wrapper-based feature selection for predicting user interaction with Twitter bots. 416-423 - Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Alireza Fazelpour, Huanjing Wang, Randall Wald:
A survey of stability analysis of feature subset selection techniques. 424-431 - Araya Ariya, Worapoj Kreesuradej:
Probability-based incremental association rule discovery using the normal approximation. 432-439 - Chatree Sangpachatanaruk, Taieb Znati:
An integrated framework for personalized Internet workflows. 440-447
Session C11: Reuse in Software Engineering I
- Adel Ziani, Brahim Hamid
, Jacob Geisel, Jean-Michel Bruel:
A model-based repository of security and dependability patterns for trusted RCES. 448-457 - Tanmay Bhowmik, Vander Alves
, Nan Niu:
Porting mobile games in an aspect-oriented way: An industrial case study. 458-465 - Jackson Raniel Florencio da Silva, Francisco Airton Pereira da Silva, Leandro M. do Nascimento, Dhiego A. O. Martins, Vinicius C. Garcia
The dynamic aspects of product derivation in DSPL: A systematic literature review. 466-473
Session C12: Machine Learning
- Soroush Haeri, Wilson Wang-Kit Thong, Guanrong Chen
, Ljiljana Trajkovic
A reinforcement learning-based algorithm for deflection routing in optical burst-switched networks. 474-481 - Sheikh M. Qumruzzaman, Latifur Khan
, Bhavani Thuraisingham:
Behavioral sequence prediction for evolving data stream. 482-488 - Ching-Pao Chang:
Mining software repositories to acquire software risk knowledge. 489-496 - Sadi Evren Seker
, Khaled Al-Naami, Latifur Khan
Author attribution on streaming data. 497-503
Session C13: Workshop on Formal Methods Integration (FMi)
- Fatemeh Kazemeyni, Olaf Owe
, Einar Broch Johnsen
, Ilangko Balasingham:
Learning-based routing in mobile wireless sensor networks: Applying formal modeling and analysis. 504-511 - Renato Neves
, Alexandre Madeira
, Manuel A. Martins
, Luís Soares Barbosa
Giving Alloy a family. 512-519 - Robson Silva, Alexandre Mota, Rodrigo Rizzi Starr:
Creating GUI-based DSL formal tools. 520-527 - Sanaz Yeganefard, Michael J. Butler
Problem decomposition and sub-model reconciliation of control systems in Event-B. 528-535 - Nesrine Harrath, Bruno Monsuez, Kamel Barkaoui:
Verifying SystemC with predicate abstraction: A component based approach. 536-545
Session C21: Databases, Structured/Semi-Structured Data II
- Mohammad Khabbaz, Dirar Assi, Reda Alhajj, Moustafa A. Hammad:
Parse tree based approach for processing XML streams. 546-553 - Eddie Walsh, Alexander O'Connor, Vincent Wade:
The FUSE domain-aware approach to user model interoperability: A comparative study. 554-561 - Yonghun Park, Ling Liu, Jaesoo Yoo:
A fast and compact indexing technique for moving objects. 562-569 - Prashant Krishnamurthy, Martin B. H. Weiss, David Tipper
Information reuse in dynamic spectrum access. 570-577
Session C22: Reuse in Software Engineering II
- Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
, Lucas Rodrigues Tostes, Cláudia Maria Lima Werner
A Brechó-EcoSys extension to support negotiation in the software ecosystems context. 578-585 - Ra'Fat Al-Msie'deen
, Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai
, Marianne Huchard
, Christelle Urtado
, Sylvain Vauttier
Mining features from the object-oriented source code of software variants by combining lexical and structural similarity. 586-593 - Matheus Carvalho Viana, Rosângela A. D. Penteado, Antônio Francisco do Prado, Rafael Serapilha Durelli:
An approach to develop frameworks from feature models. 594-601
Session C23: Multimedia Systems
- Roumen Kountchev, Mariofanna G. Milanova
, Stuart Harvey Rubin, Roumiana Kountcheva:
Comparison of the structure and the computational complexity of the inverse difference and Laplacian Pyramids for still image decomposition. 602-609 - Muhammad Aamir Saleem, Waqas Nawaz
, Young-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee:
Road segment partitioning towards anomalous trajectory detection for surveillance applications. 610-617 - Chengde Zhang, Xiao Wu
, Mei-Ling Shyu, Qiang Peng:
Adaptive association rule mining for web video event classification. 618-625 - Dianting Liu, Mei-Ling Shyu, Guiru Zhao:
Spatial-temporal motion information integration for action detection and recognition in non-static background. 626-633
Session C31: Government/Industry/Application Track and Special Session on Power and Energy
- Hasan Mert Taymaz, Tansel Özyer, Can Cangelir:
A knowledge-based semantic tool for standard part management in aerospace industry. 634-642 - Robert A. Kosinski, Andrzej Grabowski
Simulation study on evacuation from buildings. 643-647 - Cody Tudor, Eric Sprung, Justin Meyer, Russ Tatro:
Low power-energy storage system for energy harvesting applications. 648-660 - Eric Sprung, Cody Tudor, Justin Meyer, Russ Tatro:
Low power design of a wireless sensor node for indoor monitoring. 661-667
Session C32: Workshop on Data Integration and Mining (DIM)
- Abdullah Almurayh
, Sudhanshu Semwal:
Cultural considerations for designing crossover applications for the visually impaired. 668-675 - Abdullah Almurayh
, Sudhanshu Semwal:
Controlling Xen Cloud platform via smart phones. 676-683 - Shin-Chen Huang, Min-Yuh Day
A comparative study of data mining techniques for credit scoring in banking. 684-691 - L. Svetlova, Boris G. Mirkin
, Hansheng Lei:
MFWK-Means: Minkowski metric Fuzzy Weighted K-Means for high dimensional data clustering. 692-699 - Jyoti Nandimath, Ekata Banerjee, Ankur Patil, Pratima Kakade, Saumitra Vaidya:
Big data analysis using Apache Hadoop. 700-703
Session SP: Poster Exhibition
- Lorena Chavarría-Báez, Rosaura Palma-Orozco:
A linear filtering theory-based approach for load shedding. 704-707
Instituto Polit'ecnico Nacional, Maxico
- Fatma Laidoui, Thouraya Bouabana-Tebibel:
Reinforcement of trust in DSR. 708-711 - Maryam Kazerooni, Faridoon Shabaninia, Mohammad Vaziri, Suresh Vadhva:
Federated ensemble Kalman filter in no reset mode design. 712-716 - Michael N. Gubanov, Anna Pyayt
ReadFast: Optimizing structural search relevance for big biomedical text. 717-719 - Surya Cheemalapati, Michael N. Gubanov, Michael Del Vale, Anna Pyayt
A real-time classification algorithm for emotion detection using portable EEG. 720-723 - Victoria L. Fox, Mariofanna G. Milanova
Natural image segmentation using morphological mathematics and fuzzy logic. 724-727 - Sergey Maydebura, Dong Hyun Jeong
, Byunggu Yu
Understanding environmental influences on performing password-based mobile authentication. 728-731 - Maryam Kazerooni, Faridoon Shabaninia, Mohammad Vaziri, Suresh Vadhva:
Distributed ensemble Kalman filter for multisensor application. 732-735

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