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ITW 2014: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
- 2014 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW 2014, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, November 2-5, 2014. IEEE 2014
- Ram Zamir:
How to design an efficient lattice coding scheme. 1-4 - Bobak Nazer, Michael Gastpar:
Compute-and-forward for discrete memoryless networks. 5-9 - Yu-Chih Huang
, Krishna R. Narayanan:
Lattices from codes for harnessing interference: An overview and generalizations. 10-14 - Joseph Jean Boutros, Nicola di Pietro
, Nour Basha:
Generalized low-density (GLD) lattices. 15-19 - Brian M. Kurkoski, Ricardo Antonio Parrao Hernandez:
Message variance convergence condition for generalizations of LDLC lattices. 20-24 - Ahmed A. Zewail, Aylin Yener:
The multiple access channel with an untrusted relay. 25-29 - Pak Hou Che, Mayank Bakshi
, Chung Chan
, Sidharth Jaggi:
Reliable deniable communication with channel uncertainty. 30-34 - K. Sankeerth Rao
, Vinod M. Prabhakaran:
A new upperbound for the oblivious transfer capacity of discrete memoryless channels. 35-39 - Pengwei Wang, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini:
An efficient code for Adversarial Wiretap channel. 40-44 - Zhiqing Xiao, Yunzhou Li, Ming Zhao, Jing Wang:
Interactive code to correct and detect omniscient Byzantine adversaries. 45-49 - Mohammad Ali Tebbi
, Terence H. Chan
, Chi Wan Sung
Linear programming bounds for robust locally repairable storage codes. 50-54 - Mohammad Ali Tebbi
, Terence H. Chan
, Chi Wan Sung
A code design framework for multi-rack distributed storage. 55-59 - Anwitaman Datta
Locally Repairable RapidRAID Systematic Codes - One simple convoluted way to get it all. 60-64 - Ping Hu, Kenneth W. Shum, Chi Wan Sung
The fundamental theorem of distributed storage systems revisited. 65-69 - Quan Yu, Chi Wan Sung
, Terence H. Chan
Locally repairable codes over a network. 70-74 - Alex Sprintson:
Reductions techniques for establishing equivalence between different classes of network and index coding problems. 75-76 - Yu Xiang, Young-Han Kim:
A few meta-theorems in network information theory. 77-81 - Michelle Effros, Michael Langberg:
Is there a canonical network for network information theory? 82-86 - Henning Maier, Rudolf Mathar:
Cyclic interference alignment and cancellation in 3-user X- networks with minimal backhaul. 87-91 - Henning Maier, Anas Chaaban, Rudolf Mathar:
Symmetric Degrees of Freedom of the MIMO 3-way channel with MT × MR antennas. 92-96 - Lu Yang, Wei Zhang:
On achievable degrees of freedom of 3-user MIMO interference channels. 97-101 - Edin Zhang, Chiachi Huang:
On feasibility of linear interference alignment with symbol extension for two-cell MIMO interfering multiple access channel. 102-106 - Rick Fritschek
, Gerhard Wunder:
Enabling the multi-user generalized degrees of freedom in the Gaussian cellular channel. 107-111 - Hamed Mirghasemi, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
The semantic secrecy rate of the lattice Gaussian coding for the Gaussian wiretap channel. 112-116 - Xiaolu Hou
, Fuchun Lin, Frédérique E. Oggier:
Construction and secrecy gain of a family of 5-modular lattices. 117-121 - Maria Angeles Vázquez-Castro:
Arithmetic geometry of compute and forward. 122-126 - Nuwan S. Ferdinand, Brian M. Kurkoski, Behnaam Aazhang, Matti Latva-aho:
Shaping low-density lattice codes using Voronoi integers. 127-131 - Shahab Ghasemi-Goojani, Hamid Behroozi:
On the Ice-Wine problem: Recovering linear combination of codewords over the Gaussian Multiple Access Channel. 132-136 - Olav Geil
, Stefano Martin, Ryutaroh Matsumoto, Diego Ruano, Yuan Luo:
Relative generalized Hamming weights of one-point algebraic geometric codes. 137-141 - Jérôme Ducoat, Frédérique E. Oggier:
Rank weight hierarchy of some classes of cyclic codes. 142-146 - Frederic Sala, Ryan Gabrys, Lara Dolecek:
Gilbert-Varshamov-like lower bounds for deletion-correcting codes. 147-151 - Bernhard Haeupler
, Michael Mitzenmacher:
Repeated deletion channels. 152-156 - Ching-Yi Lai
, Min-Hsiu Hsieh
, Hsiao-feng Lu:
A complete MacWilliams theorem for convolutional codes. 157-161 - Masanori Hirotomo, Makoto Takita, Masakatu Morii:
Syndrome decoding of symbol-pair codes. 162-166 - Kasra Vakilinia, Adam R. Williamson, Sudarsan Vasista Srinivasan Ranganathan, Dariush Divsalar, Richard D. Wesel:
Feedback systems using non-binary LDPC codes with a limited number of transmissions. 167-171 - Yixuan Xie, Jinhong Yuan
, Yuichiro Fujiwara:
Quantum synchronizable codes from quadratic residue codes and their supercodes. 172-176 - Hiroki Koga:
On the capacity and the zero-error capacity of k-resilient AND anti-collusion codes. 177-181 - Hongbo Si, Haris Vikalo, Sriram Vishwanath:
Haplotype assembly: An information theoretic view. 182-186 - Eirik Rosnes:
Spatially-coupled counter braids. 187-191 - Burak Çakmak
, Ole Winther
, Bernard H. Fleury:
S-AMP: Approximate message passing for general matrix ensembles. 192-196 - Jun Muramatsu
Variable-length lossy source code using a constrained-random-number generator. 197-201 - Tomohiko Uyematsu, Tetsunao Matsuta:
Revisiting the rate-distortion theory using smooth max Rényi divergence. 202-206 - Nan Zhang, Badri N. Vellambi
, Khoa D. Nguyen
Delay exponent of variable-length random binning for point-to-point transmission. 207-211 - Ahmad Beirami, Faramarz Fekri
Fundamental limits of universal lossless one-to-one compression of parametric sources. 212-216 - Ulrich Speidel, T. Aaron Gulliver, Ali Makhdoumi, Muriel Médard:
Using T-codes as locally decodable source codes. 217-221 - Jun'ichi Takeuchi, Andrew R. Barron:
Stochastic Complexity for tree models. 222-226 - Pak Hou Che, Swanand Kadhe
, Mayank Bakshi
, Chung Chan
, Sidharth Jaggi, Alex Sprintson:
Reliable, deniable and hidable communication: A quick survey. 227-231 - Andrew Thangaraj
Coding for wiretap channels: Channel resolvability and semantic security. 232-236 - Manoj Mishra, Bikash Kumar Dey, Vinod M. Prabhakaran, Suhas N. Diggavi:
On the oblivious transfer capacity region of the binary erasure broadcast channel. 237-241 - Parth Pradhan, Parv Venkitasubramaniam
Under the radar attacks in dynamical systems: Adversarial privacy utility tradeoffs. 242-246 - Oliver Kosut, Li-Wei Kao:
On generalized active attacks by causal adversaries in networks. 247-251 - Flávio P. Calmon, Mayank Varia, Muriel Médard:
An exploration of the role of principal inertia components in information theory. 252-256 - Christoph Bunte, Amos Lapidoth:
Rényi entropy and quantization for densities. 257-261 - Wei Mao, Babak Hassibi:
Capacity bounds for certain channels with states and the energy harvesting channel. 262-266 - Yonatan Kaspi, Ofer Shayevitz, Tara Javidi
Searching with measurement dependent noise. 267-271 - Maël Le Treust:
Correlation between channel state and information source with empirical coordination constraint. 272-276 - Amin Sakzad
, Emanuele Viterbo
Unitary precoding for integer-forcing MIMO linear receivers. 277-281 - Elad Domanovitz, Uri Erez:
Performance of precoded integer-forcing for closed-loop MIMO multicast. 282-286 - David A. Karpuk, Camilla Hollanti:
Multi-dimensional and non-uniform constellation optimization via the special orthogonal group. 287-291 - Aris L. Moustakas, Luca Sanguinetti
, Mérouane Debbah:
Effects of mobility on user energy consumption and total throughput in a massive MIMO system. 292-296 - Min Li
, Iain B. Collings
, Stephen V. Hanly
, Chunshan Liu
, Phil Whiting:
Multicell coordinated scheduling with multiuser ZF beamforming: Policies and performance bounds. 297-301 - Uditha L. Wijewardhana, Marian Codreanu
Sparse Bayesian learning approach for streaming signal recovery. 302-306 - Jean-Claude Belfiore:
Codes for wireless wiretap channels. 307-308 - Shuiyin Liu, Yi Hong
, Emanuele Viterbo
On measures of information theoretic security. 309-310 - Li-Chia Choo, Cong Ling:
Superposition lattice coding for Gaussian broadcast channel with confidential message. 311-315 - Jinlong Lu, J. Harshan, Frédérique E. Oggier:
A USRP implementation of wiretap lattice codes. 316-320 - Huishuai Zhang, Yingbin Liang, Lifeng Lai:
Key capacity region for a cellular source model. 321-325 - Derrick Wing Kwan Ng
, Robert Schober:
Max-min fair wireless energy transfer for secure multiuser communication systems. 326-330 - Omur Ozel, Kaya Tutuncuoglu, Sennur Ulukus, Aylin Yener:
Capacity of the energy harvesting channel with energy arrival information at the receiver. 331-335 - Kaya Tutuncuoglu, Omur Ozel, Aylin Yener, Sennur Ulukus:
State amplification and state masking for the binary energy harvesting channel. 336-340 - Suzhi Bi, Chin Keong Ho, Rui Zhang
Recent advances in joint wireless energy and information transfer. 341-345 - Xiao Gao
, David B. Grayden, Mark D. McDonnell
Inferring the dynamic range of electrode current by using an information theoretic model of cochlear implant stimulation. 346-350 - Steffen Limmer, Slawomir Stanczak:
On ℓp-norm computation over multiple-access channels. 351-355 - Tansu Alpcan
, Tom Everitt
, Marcus Hutter
Can we measure the difficulty of an optimization problem? 356-360 - Jianwei Xie, Sennur Ulukus:
Secure degrees of freedom region of the Gaussian interference channel with secrecy constraints. 361-365 - Mine Alsan, Emre Telatar:
Polarization as a novel architecture to boost the classical mismatched capacity of B-DMCs. 366-370 - Mine Alsan:
Universal polar decoding with channel knowledge at the encoder. 371-375 - Vera Miloslavskaya
, Peter Trifonov:
Sequential decoding of polar codes with arbitrary binary kernel. 376-380 - Harish Vangala, Emanuele Viterbo
, Yi Hong
A new multiple folded successive cancellation decoder for polar codes. 381-385 - Peter Trifonov:
Successive cancellation permutation decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. 386-390 - Mohammad S. Karim, Neda Aboutorab, Ali A. Nasir
, Parastoo Sadeghi
Decoding delay reduction in network coded cooperative systems with intermittent status update. 391-395 - Xuan Guang, Jiyong Lu, Fang-Wei Fu:
Locality-preserving secure network coding. 396-400 - Mohammad Esmaeilzadeh, Neda Aboutorab:
Inter-session network coding for transmitting multiple layered streams over single-hop wireless networks. 401-405 - Shenghao Yang, Bin Tang:
From LDPC to chunked network codes. 406-410 - Bin Dai, Zheng Ma:
Feedback enhances the security of degraded broadcast channels with confidential messages and causal channel state information. 411-415 - Fei Lang, Zhixiang Deng, Bao-Yun Wang:
Secure communication of correlated sources over broadcast channels. 416-420 - Meryem Benammar, Pablo Piantanida:
On the secrecy capacity region of the Wiretap Broadcast Channel. 421-425 - Ahmed S. Mansour, Rafael F. Schaefer, Holger Boche:
Secrecy measures for broadcast channels with receiver side information: Joint vs individual. 426-430 - Christian A. Naesseth, Fredrik Lindsten, Thomas B. Schön
Capacity estimation of two-dimensional channels using Sequential Monte Carlo. 431-435 - Juhua Wang, Guohua Zhang, Quan Zhou, Yang Yang, Rong Sun:
Explicit constructions for type-1 QC-LDPC codes with girth at least ten. 436-440 - Francisco Lázaro Blasco, Gianluigi Liva, Gerhard Bauch:
LT code design for inactivation decoding. 441-445 - Fanny Jardel, Joseph Jean Boutros:
Non-uniform spatial coupling. 446-450 - Md. Noor-A-Rahim
, Khoa D. Nguyen
, Gottfried Lechner
Delay-exponent of bilayer anytime code. 451-455 - Sachini Jayasooriya, Sarah J. Johnson
, Lawrence Ong
, Regina Berretta
Optimization of graph based codes for belief propagation decoding. 456-460 - Behzad Amiri, Jorge-Arturo Flores-Castro, Lara Dolecek:
Design of non-binary quasi-cyclic LDPC codes by absorbing set removal. 461-465 - Remi A. Chou
, Matthieu R. Bloch, Jörg Kliewer:
Low-complexity channel resolvability codes for the symmetric multiple-access channel. 466-470 - Alberto G. Perotti
, Branislav M. Popovic:
Enhanced trellis coded multiple access (ETCMA). 471-475 - Lan V. Truong
Posterior matching scheme for Gaussian multiple access channel with feedback. 476-480 - Shenghao Yang, Soung Chang Liew, Lizhao You
, Yi Chen:
Linearly-coupled fountain codes for network-coded multiple access. 481-485 - Sreejith Sreekumar, Sibi Raj B. Pillai, Bikash Kumar Dey:
On the adaptive capacity region of fading MACs with distributed CSI. 486-490 - Joseph Kampeas, Asaf Cohen, Omer Gurewitz:
The capacity of the Multiple Access Channel under distributed scheduling and MMSE decoding. 491-495 - Deepesh Data, Bikash Kumar Dey, Manoj Mishra, Vinod M. Prabhakaran:
How to securely compute the modulo-two sum of binary sources. 496-500 - Ali Makhdoumi, Salman Salamatian, Nadia Fawaz
, Muriel Médard:
From the Information Bottleneck to the Privacy Funnel. 501-505 - Annina Bracher, Eran Hof, Amos Lapidoth:
Distributed storage for data security. 506-510 - Mitsugu Iwamoto, Tsukasa Omino, Yuichi Komano
, Kazuo Ohta:
A new model of Client-Server Communications under information theoretic security. 511-515 - Yongge Wang
, Yvo Desmedt:
Efficient secret sharing schemes achieving optimal information rate. 516-520 - Ye Wang, Prakash Ishwar
, Shantanu Rane:
An elementary completeness proof for secure two-party computation primitives. 521-525 - Weifei Zeng, Viveck R. Cadambe
, Muriel Médard:
A recursive coding algorithm for two-unicast-Z networks. 526-530 - Homa Esfahanizadeh, Farshad Lahouti, Babak Hassibi:
A matrix completion approach to linear index coding problem. 531-535 - Mingchao Yu, Parastoo Sadeghi
, Neda Aboutorab:
On deterministic linear network coded broadcast and its relation to matroid theory. 536-540 - Javad B. Ebrahimi
, Mahdi Jafari Siavoshani:
On index coding and graph homomorphism. 541-545 - Kai Cai, Guangyue Han:
On the solvability of three-pair networks with common bottleneck links. 546-550 - Ruchen Duan, Yingbin Liang, Ashish Khisti, Shlomo Shamai
Dirty interference cancellation for Gaussian broadcast channels. 551-555 - Sung Hoon Lim
, Kwang Taik Kim, Young-Han Kim:
Distributed decode-forward for broadcast. 556-560 - Stefano Rini, Shlomo Shamai
On capacity of the dirty paper channel with fading dirt in the strong fading regime. 561-565 - Meryem Benammar, Pablo Piantanida, Shlomo Shamai
Multiple description coding for the Compound Broadcast Channel. 566-570 - Behzad Asadi, Lawrence Ong
, Sarah J. Johnson
Coding schemes for a class of receiver message side information in AWGN broadcast channels. 571-575 - Reolyn Heymann, Jos H. Weber, Theo G. Swart
, Hendrik C. Ferreira
Concatenated permutation block codes for correcting single transposition errors. 576-580 - Margreta Kuijper
, Anna-Lena Trautmann
Iterative list-decoding of Gabidulin codes via Gröbner based interpolation. 581-585 - Stefan Farthofer, Andreas Winkelbauer, Gerald Matz:
Achieving positive rates over AWGN channels with quantized feedback and linear processing. 586-590 - Zi Long Liu, Yong Liang Guan, Udaya Parampalli
A new construction of zero correlation zone sequences from generalized reed-muller codes. 591-595 - Ankur A. Kulkarni:
Insertion and deletion errors with a forbidden symbol. 596-600 - Ravi Motwani, Eitan Yaakobi:
Construction of random input-output codes with moderate block lengths. 601-605 - Michal Horovitz
, Tuvi Etzion:
Local rank modulation for flash memories. 606-610 - Daesung Kim, Jeongseok Ha:
Quasi-primitive block-wise concatenated BCH codes for NAND flash memories. 611-615 - Antonio C. de A. Campello Jr., Vinay A. Vaishampayan
Set avoidance probabilities and bounds on the reliability of erasure coded storage systems. 616-620 - Thomas Westerbäck, Toni Ernvall, Camilla Hollanti:
Almost affine locally repairable codes and matroid theory. 621-625 - Mohamed S. Nafea, Aylin Yener:
Secure degrees of freedom for the MIMO wiretap channel with a multiantenna cooperative jammer. 626-630 - Anatoly Khina
, Yuval Kochman, Ashish Khisti:
From ordinary AWGN codes to optimal MIMO wiretap schemes. 631-635 - Shuiyin Liu, Yi Hong
, Emanuele Viterbo
Unshared secret key cryptography: Achieving Shannon's ideal secrecy and perfect secrecy. 636-640 - Ramanan Subramanian, Ingmar Land:
The role of artificial noise in multi-antenna fading wiretap channels: Useful or harmful? 641-645 - Matthieu R. Bloch, Jörg Kliewer:
Strong coordination over a three-terminal relay network. 646-650 - Anne Savard
, Claudio Weidmann:
On the multiway relay channel with direct links. 651-655 - Siddhartha Brahma, Ayan Sengupta, Christina Fragouli:
Switched local schedules for diamond networks. 656-660 - Sanjay Karmakar, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
The diversity multiplexing tradeoff of the half-duplex relay network. 661-665 - He Chen
, Xiangyun Zhou
, Yonghui Li
, Peng Wang, Branka Vucetic
Wireless-powered cooperative communications via a hybrid relay. 666-670

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