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25th IUI 2020: Cagliari, Italy - Companion
- IUI '20: 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Cagliari, Italy, March 17-20, 2020, Companion. ACM 2020, ISBN 978-1-4503-7513-9
Workshop Session: Workshops and Tutorials (Full Day)
- Andreas Bleiker, Kyoko Sugisaki:
How to Design and Evaluate Intuitive Conversational User Interfaces (USABLEBOTS). 1-2 - Berardina De Carolis, Cristina Gena, Antonio Lieto
, Silvia Rossi
, Alessandra Sciutti
Workshop on Adapted intEraction with SociAl Robots (cAESAR). 3-4 - Sergio Consoli
, Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Daniele Riboni:
SmartPHIL: 1st Workshop on Smart Personal Health Interfaces. 5-6 - Alison Smith-Renner
, Styliani Kleanthous
, Brian Y. Lim, Tsvi Kuflik, Simone Stumpf
, Jahna Otterbacher, Advait Sarkar, Casey Dugan, Avital Shulner-Tal:
ExSS-ATEC: Explainable Smart Systems for Algorithmic Transparency in Emerging Technologies 2020. 7-8 - Michal Shmueli-Scheuer, Ron Artstein, Yasaman Khazaeni, Hao Fang, Q. Vera Liao:
user2agent: 2nd Workshop on User-Aware Conversational Agents. 9-10 - John Williamson, Antti Oulasvirta
, Per Ola Kristensson:
Bayesian Methods in Interaction Design (Tutorial). 11-12
Workshop Session: Workshops and Tutorials (Half Day Morning)
- Werner Geyer, Lydia B. Chilton, Ranjitha Kumar, Adam Tauman Kalai:
HAI-GEN 2020: Workshop on Human-AI Co-Creation with Generative Models. 13-14 - Cosmin Munteanu, Leigh Clark, Benjamin R. Cowan, Stephan Schlögl, María Inés Torres
, Justin Edwards
, Christine Murad, Matthew P. Aylett, Martin Porcheron, Heloisa Candello, Philip R. Doyle, Jaisie Sin:
CUI: Conversational User Interfaces: A Workshop on New Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives for Researching Speech-based Conversational Interactions. 15-16
Workshop Session: Workshops and Tutorials (Half Day Afternoon)
- Kashyap Todi, Jean Vanderdonckt, Xiaojuan Ma, Jeffrey Nichols, Nikola Banovic
AI4AUI: Workshop on AI Methods for Adaptive User Interfaces. 17-18 - Mark P. Graus
, Bruce Ferwerda, Marko Tkalcic, Panagiotis Germanakos:
Fourth HUMANIZE workshop on Transparency and Explainability in Adaptive Systems through User Modeling Grounded in Psychological Theory: Summary. 19-20
Student Consortium
- Naieme Hazrati:
Recommender systems effect on user' choice behaviour. 21-22 - Eleonora Zedda
Designing Adaptive Behavior in a Social Robot. 23-24 - Juan Cruz Gardey, Alejandra Garrido
User Experience Evaluation through Automatic A/B Testing. 25-26 - Federico Maria Cau:
Explaining Black Box Models Through Twin Systems. 27-28 - L. R. D. Murthy:
Multimodal Interaction for Real and Virtual Environments. 29-30 - Shabnam Najafian:
Generating Natural Language Explanations for Group Recommendations in High Divergence Scenarios. 31-32 - Xu Han:
Am I Asking It Properly?: Designing and Evaluating Interview Chatbots to Improve Elicitation in an Ethical Way. 33-34 - Guillermo Reyes:
An Adaptive and Personalized In-Vehicle Human-Machine-Interface for an Improved User Experience. 35-36 - Chathurika Jayangani Palliya Guruge:
Multimodal Analytics for early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. 37-38 - Jung In Koh:
Developing a Hand Gesture Recognition System for Mapping Symbolic Hand Gestures to Analogous Emoji in Computer-Mediated Communications. 39-40
Demonstration Session: Demos and Posters
- Jumpei Yamashita
, Yoshiaki Takimoto, Hidetaka Koya, Haruo Oishi, Takatsune Kumada:
Deep Unsupervised Activity Visualization using Head and Eye Movements. 41-42 - Daniel Reinhardt, Jörn Hurtienne, Carolin Wienrich:
Measuring Mental Effort via Entropy in VR. 43-44 - Philipp Seidenschwarz, Adalsteinn Jonsson, Michael Plüss, Martin Rumo, Lukas Probst
, Heiko Schuldt
The SportSense User Interface for Holistic Tactical Performance Analysis in Football. 45-46 - Jayasankar Santhosh
, Shoya Ishimaru, Andreas Dengel:
Generating Heatmap for Unknown Documents towards Readability Measurement. 47-48 - Saeed Amal
, Mustafa Adam, Peter Brusilovsky, Einat Minkov, Zef Segal
, Tsvi Kuflik:
Demonstrating Personalized Multifaceted Visualization of People Recommendation to Conference Participants. 49-50 - Fabio Catania
, Giorgio De Luca, Nicola Bombaci, Erica Colombo, Pietro Crovari, Eleonora Beccaluva
, Franca Garzotto
Musical and Conversational Artificial Intelligence. 51-52 - Jie Zeng, Yukiko I. Nakano:
Exploiting a Large-scale Knowledge Graph for Question Generation in Food Preference Interview Systems. 53-54 - Tetsuo Fukui:
Evaluation of Educational Graph Creation Tool based on Natural Mathematical Description. 55-56 - Vangel V. Ajanovski
What to study next?: Visual Guidance in Knowledge Acquisition. 57-58 - Fumio Nihei, Yukiko I. Nakano:
A Multimodal Meeting Browser that Implements an Important Utterance Detection Model based on Multimodal Information. 59-60 - Roshni Chakraborty, Nilotpal Chakraborty
Are we friends or enemies?: Let's ask thy neighbour! 61-62 - Elayne Ruane, Robert Young, Anthony Ventresque
Training a Chatbot with Microsoft LUIS: Effect of Intent Imbalance on Prediction Accuracy. 63-64 - David Massimo, Francesco Ricci
Enhancing Travel Experience Leveraging on-line and off-line Users' Behaviour Data. 65-66 - Federico Benedetto, Davide Brunetti, Cristina Gena, Mirko Lai
, Rosa Meo
, Fabiana Vernero:
Intelligent monitoring applications for Industry 4.0. 67-68 - Sihem Amer-Yahia, Ria Mae Borromeo, Shady Elbassuoni, Behrooz Omidvar-Tehrani, Sruthi Viswanathan:
Interactive Generation and Customization of Travel Packages for Individuals and Groups. 69-70 - Christopher Tauchmann, Johannes Daxenberger, Margot Mieskes
The Influence of Input Data Complexity on Crowdsourcing Quality. 71-72 - Tim Repke
, Ralf Krestel:
Exploration Interface for Jointly Visualised Text and Graph Data. 73-74 - Jaejong Ho, Hyeonsik Gong, Kyungwon Lee
Visualizing Semantic Analysis of Text Data with Time and Importance through an Interactive Exploratory System. 75-76 - Dakuo Wang, Parikshit Ram, Daniel Karl I. Weidele, Sijia Liu, Michael J. Muller, Justin D. Weisz
, Abel N. Valente, Arunima Chaudhary, Dustin Ramsey Torres, Horst Samulowitz, Lisa Amini:
AutoAI: Automating the End-to-End AI Lifecycle with Humans-in-the-Loop. 77-78 - Vinoth Pandian Sermuga Pandian, Sarah Suleri, Matthias Jarke:
Syn: Synthetic Dataset for Training UI Element Detector From Lo-Fi Sketches. 79-80 - Vinoth Pandian Sermuga Pandian, Sarah Suleri, Matthias Jarke:
Blu: What GUIs are made of. 81-82 - Prajwal Paudyal, Ayan Banerjee
, Sandeep K. S. Gupta:
On evaluating the effects of feedback for Sign language learning using Explainable AI. 83-84 - Shabnam Najafian, Oana Inel
, Nava Tintarev:
Someone really wanted that song but it was not me!: Evaluating Which Information to Disclose in Explanations for Group Recommendations. 85-86 - Tara Tressel, Claudel Rheault, Masha Krol, Chris Tyler:
An Interactive Approach to Bias Identification in a Machine Teaching Task. 87-88 - Jun-Ho Choi, Kyungmin Kim, Taejin Park, Junho Yun, Jong-Hwan Lee
, Songkuk Kim, Hyunjung Shim, Jong-Seok Lee:
Real-time Integrated Human Activity Recognition System based on Multimodal User Understanding. 89-90 - Ran Ju, Xingchen Zhou, Bo Xu, Weiqing Liang, Wanyi Yang, Yuan Cao, Eryan Zhang, Ronggen Li, Yinghao Li, Ning Ding, Li Li, Ru Zhang, Dongliang Liu:
DUES-Adapt: Exploring Distributed User Experience With Neural UI Adaptation. 91-92 - Jung-Hyun Byun, Hyocheol Ro, Tack-Don Han:
FRISP: Framework for Registering Interactive Spatial Projection. 93-94 - Jiajing Guo, Zhen Li, Stanislaus Ju, Monisha Manoharan, Adelle Knight:
DLS Magician: Promoting Early-Stage Collaboration by Automating UI Design Process in an E&P Environment. 95-96 - Eun Jeong Kang, Cin Young Hur, Yong Soon Choi:
CrowdForest: A Visualization Tool for Opinion Sharing based-on Semantic Figurative Metaphors. 97-98 - Yuya Komabashiri, Tomohiro Mashita, Photchara Ratsamee
, Yuki Uranishi, Masahide Koike, Kiyoyasu Maruyama:
Optimal Arrangement of Surveillance Cameras Using Space Division and a Genetic Algorithm. 99-100 - Kazuma Asano, Ryota Suzuki, Yue Qiu, Yutaka Satoh:
AI-Based 360-degree Video Generation from Monocular Video for Immersive Experience. 101-102 - Ryosuke Kawamura, Kentaro Murase:
Concentration Estimation in E-Learning Based on Learner's Facial Reaction to Teacher's Action. 103-104 - Marc Wilbrink, Anna Schieben, Michael Oehl
Reflecting the automated vehicle's perception and intention: Light-based interaction approaches for on-board HMI in highly automated vehicles. 105-107 - Matthew P. Aylett, Yolanda Vazquez-Alvarez:
Voice Puppetry: Speech Synthesis Adventures in Human Centred AI. 108-109 - Hans-Christian Schmitz, Frank Kurth
, Kevin Wilkinghoff
, Uwe Müllerschkowski, Christian Karrasch, Volker Schmid:
Towards Robust Speech Interfaces for the ISS. 110-111 - Antrea Chrysanthou, Pinar Barlas
, Kyriakos Kyriakou
, Styliani Kleanthous
, Jahna Otterbacher:
Bursting the Bubble: Tool for Awareness and Research about Overpersonalization in Information Access Systems. 112-113 - Sahan Bulathwela
, Stefan Kreitmayer, María Pérez-Ortiz:
What's in it for me?: Augmenting Recommended Learning Resources with Navigable Annotations. 114-115 - Alpay Sabuncuoglu
, T. Metin Sezgin
Kart-ON: Affordable Early Programming Education with Shared Smartphones and Easy-to-Find Materials. 116-117 - Sharon Mozgai, Arno Hartholt, Albert Skip Rizzo:
An Adaptive Agent-Based Interface for Personalized Health Interventions. 118-119 - Erick Oduor, Kun Qian, Yunyao Li, Lucian Popa:
XAIT: An Interactive Website for Explainable AI for Text. 120-121 - Takuya Yonezawa, Yuanyuan Wang
, Yukiko Kawai, Kazutoshi Sumiya:
Dynamic Video Tag Cloud: A Cooking Support System for Recipe Short Videos. 122-123 - Shogo Terai, Shizuka Shirai, Mehrasa Alizadeh, Ryosuke Kawamura, Noriko Takemura
, Yuki Uranishi, Haruo Takemura
, Hajime Nagahara:
Detecting Learner Drowsiness Based on Facial Expressions and Head Movements in Online Courses. 124-125 - Corentin Haidon
, Hubert Kenfack Ngankam, Sylvain Giroux, Hélène Pigot:
Using Augmented Reality and Ontologies to Co-design Assistive Technologies in Smart Homes. 126-127 - Anindita Nath:
Towards Naturally Responsive Spoken Dialog Systems by Modelling Pragmatic-Prosody Correlations of Discourse Markers. 128-129 - Andreas Costi, Marios Belk, Christos Fidas
, Argyris Constantinides, Andreas Pitsillides:
CogniKit: An Extensible Tool for Human Cognitive Modeling based on Eye Gaze Analysis. 130-131 - Soon-Gyo Jung, Joni Salminen, Bernard J. Jansen:
Giving Faces to Data: Creating Data-Driven Personas from Personified Big Data. 132-133 - Sam Hepenstal, Leishi Zhang
, Neesha Kodagoda, B. L. William Wong:
Pan: Conversational Agent for Criminal Investigations. 134-135 - Matthew Runyon, Blake Williford, Julie Linsey, Tracy Hammond
An Intelligent Interface for Automatic Grading of Sketched Free Body Diagrams. 136-137 - Oscar Gomez, Kaustuv Kanti Ganguli
, Leonid Kuzmenko, Carlos Guedes
Exploring Music Collections: An Interactive, Dimensionality Reduction Approach to Visualizing Songbanks. 138-139 - Mathias Wilhelm, Jan-Peter Lechler, Daniel Krakowczyk, Sahin Albayrak
Demonstration of Finger Tracking Using Capacitive Sensing with a Ring. 140-141

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