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20. MIE 2006: Maastricht, The Netherlands
- Arie Hasman, Reinhold Haux, Johan van der Lei, Etienne De Clercq, Francis H. Roger France:
Ubiquity: Technologies for Better Health in Aging Societies - Proceedings of MIE2006, The XXst International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics, Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 27-30, 2006. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 124, IOS Press 2006, ISBN 978-1-58603-647-8
0. Keynote Presentations
- Jan H. van Bemmel:
The Young Person's Guide to Biomedical Informatics. 3-18 - Victor Maojo, Casimir A. Kulikowski:
Reflections on Biomedical Informatics: From Cybernetics to Genomic Medicine and Nanomedicine. 19-24 - Sabine Koch:
Meeting the Challenges - the Role of Medical Informatics in an Ageing Society. 25-31 - Francis H. Roger France:
Progress and Challenges of Ubiquitous Informatics in Health Care. 32-39
1.1 Ubiquity: Design and Applications
- George Demiris, Marjorie Skubic, Marilyn Rantz, Karen L. Courtney, Myra Aud, Harry W. Tyrer, Zhihai He, Jia Lee:
Facilitating interdisciplinary design specification of "smart" homes for aging in place. 45-50 - Jurgen Broeren, Mark Dixon, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Martin Rydmark:
Rehabilitation after Stroke using Virtual Reality, Haptics (force feedback) and Telemedicine. 51-56 - Wim Stut, Frank Wartena, Maarten van Steen:
A distributed shared data space for personal health systems. 57-62
1.2 Ubiquity: Opportunities and Technologies
- Michael Rigby:
Ubiquitous Technologies in Health: New Challenges of Opportunity, Expectation, and Responsibility. 65-70 - Isabella Scandurra, Maria Hägglund, Sabine Koch:
Visualisation and interaction design solutions to address specific demands in Shared Home Care. 71-76 - Chang-I Chen, Cheuk-Sing Choy, Tu-Bin Chu, Yu-Sheng Lo, Wei-Kee Huang, Ching-Feng Kuan, Yu-Chuan Li:
Safety Portal: The Safest Goes Through the Air Ubiquitous high-risk reminders bridging out the patient safety in emergency department. 77-82
1.3 Ubiquity and Health Services
- Marko Hassinen, Mikko Heinonen, Maija Marttila-Kontio, Heli Tervo:
Highly Automated Documentation for Mobile Medical Services. 85-90 - Basile Spyropoulos, Maria Botsivaly, Aris Tzavaras, Kostas Koutsourakis, Eleutherios Koulouris, Dimitrios Liargovas, Konstantina Mertika:
Development of a system supporting Patient Supervision and Treatment in contemporary Home-Care: Status Report. 91-96
1.4 Clinical Bioinformatics: Modeling and Evaluation
- Chrysa Collyda, Sotiris Diplaris, Pericles A. Mitkas, Nicos Maglaveras, Costas Pappas:
Fuzzy Hidden Markov Models: A New Approach In Multiple Sequence Alignment. 99-104 - Niels Grabe, Thora Pommerencke, Dennis Müller, Simone Huber, Karsten Neuber, Hartmut Dickhaus:
Modelling Epidermal Homeostasis as an Approach for Clinical Bioinformatics. 105-110 - Natalia Grabar, Marie-Christine Jaulent, Antoine Chambaz, Céline Lefebvre, Christian Néri:
Sifting abstracts from Medline and evaluating their relevance to molecular biology. 111-116
1.5 Clinical Bioinformatics: Integration
- Fulvia Ferrazzi, Paolo Magni, Lucia Sacchi, Riccardo Bellazzi:
Inferring gene expression networks via static and dynamic data integration. 119-124 - Gaspar S. Dias, José Luís Oliveira, Javier Vicente, Fernando Martín-Sánchez:
Integrating Medical and Genomic Data: a Sucessful Example for Rare Diseases. 125-130
1.6 Health Standards
- Barry Smith, Werner Ceusters:
HL7 RIM: An Incoherent Standard. 133-138 - Udo Altmann, Frank Rüdiger Katz, Joachim Dudeck:
A Reference Model for Clinical Tumour Documentation. 139-144 - Kjeld Engel, Bernd Blobel, Peter Pharow:
Standards for enabling health informatics interoperability. 145-150 - Gunther Schadow, Charles N. Mead, D. Mead Walker:
The HL7 Reference Information Model Under Scrutiny. 151-156 - Claudia Bartz, Amy Coenen, Woi-Hyun Hong:
Participation in the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) Programme. 157-161
2.1 EHR: Architectures
- Maria Hägglund, Isabella Scandurra, Sabine Koch:
A user-centred deployment process for ICT in health care teams - Experiences from the OLD@HOME project. 167-172 - Pere Crespo Molina, Carlos Angulo Fernández, José A. Maldonado Segura, David Moner Cano, Montserrat Robles Viejo:
Non-invasive light-weight integration engine for building EHR from autonomous distributed systems. 173-178
2.2 EHR: Research
- Etienne De Clercq, Viviane Van Casteren, Pascale Jonckheer, Peter Burggraeve, Marie France Lafontaine, Hans E. E. Vandenberghe, Vincent Lorant, Caroline Artoisenet, Karen Degroote:
Research networks: can we use data from GPs' Electronic Health Records? 181-186 - Petr Hanzlícek, Jana Zvárová, Ctibor Dostal:
Information Technology in Clinical Research in Rheumatology Domain. 187-192
2.3 EHR: Access
- Frode Ørbeck Hansen, Rune Fensli:
Method for Automatic Escalation of Access Rights to the Electronic Health Record. 195-200 - Catherine Quantin, Olivier Cohen, Benoît Riandey, François-André Allaert:
The French proposal for a health identification number. 201-206 - Petra Knaup, Jochen Pilz, Markus Thalheimer:
Can Temporary Paper-Based Patient Records Sensibly Complete an Electronic Patient Record? 207-212
2.4 EHR: Open Approaches
- Sebastian Garde, Evelyn J. S. Hovenga, Jasmin Buck, Petra Knaup:
Ubiquitous Information for Ubiquitous Computing: Expressing Clinical Data Sets with openEHR Archetypes. 215-220 - Thilo Schuler, Sebastian Garde, Sam Heard, Thomas Beale:
Towards Automatically Generating Graphical User Interfaces from openEHR Archetypes. 221-226
2.5 EHR and Clinical Management
- Heidi Buysse, Georges Van Maele, Georges De Moor:
Co-operation, interaction and information-sharing: from a paper-based Diabetes Pass to an electronic alternative. 229-234 - Selena Davis, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Jafna Cox:
Personalized cardiovascular risk management linking SCORE and behaviour change to web-based education. 235-240 - Stéphane Spahni, Christian Lovis, Monique Ackermann, Nicolas Mach, Pascal Bonnabry, Antoine Geissbühler:
Guarantying the quality of chemotherapy: from the order to the administration. 241-246
3.1 Architectures of HIS
- Christian Lovis, Stéphane Spahni, Nicolas Cassoni-Schoellhammer, Antoine Geissbühler:
Comprehensive management of the access to a component-based healthcare information system. 251-256 - A. Johannes Ten Hoopen, Pieter E. Zanstra, Egbert J. van der Haring, Wouter S. Tuil, Marten Van Wijhe:
Barriers integrating dedicated software for quality management in pain centres. 257-262
3.2 HIS Architectures: Examples
- Thorsten Brennecke, Lars Michalowski, Joachim Bergmann, Oliver J. Bott, Axel Elwert, Reinhold Haux, Ralf Schlicht:
On feasibility and benefits of patient care summaries based on claims data. 265-270 - Peter Beck, Thomas Truskaller, Ivo Rakovac, Bruno Cadonna, Thomas Pieber:
On-the-fly form generation and on-line metadata configuration - a clinical data management web infrastructure in Java. 271-276 - Mohamed Ben Saïd, Loïc Le Mignot, Jean-Baptiste Richard, Christine Le Bihan, Laurent Toubiana, Jean Philippe Jaïs, Paul Landais:
Log files analysis to assess the use and workload of a dynamic web server dedicated to End-Stage Renal Disease. 277-282
3.3 HIS: Integration
- Bernd G. M. E. Blobel:
Concept Representation in Health Informatics for Enabling Intelligent Architectures. 285-291 - Bojan Blazona, Miroslav Koncar:
Integrating Radiology Information Systems with Healthcare Delivery Environments using DICOM and HL7 Standards. 292-297 - Eivind Vedvik, Arild Faxvaag:
The fate of clinical department systems at the dawn of hospital-wide Electronic health records in a Norwegian university hospital. 298-303
3.4 HIS and Electronic Health Records
- Maria Botsivaly, Basile Spyropoulos, Michael Marinis, Panagiotis Sarantakis, Georgios Nikoloudakis, Ilias Balabanis, Nikolaos Karagiannis, Irini Limnou, Manolis Moschidis, Aris Tzavaras, Konstantinos Koutsourakis:
Software Development for the Estimation of the Mean DRGs related Treatment Cost. 307-312 - Angelica Te-Hui Hao, Chien-Yeh Hsu, Li-Fang Huang, Wen-Shan Jian, Li-Bin Wu, Ching-Chiu Kao, Mei-Show Lu, Her-Kung Chang:
Apply creative thinking of decision support in electrical nursing record. 313-319 - Peter Pharow, Bernd Blobel:
Benefits and Weaknesses of Health Cards used in Health Information Systems. 320-325 - Helle S. Wenzer, Ulrich Böttger, Niels Boye:
A Socio-technical study of an Ubiquitous CPOE-system in Local Use. 326-332
3.5 Evaluation of HIS and EHR Systems
- Elske Ammenwerth, Frauke Ehlers, Bernhard Hirsch, Gordon Gratl, Christof Machan:
HIS-Monitor: Quality of Information Processing in Hospitals. 335-340 - Lars H. Lilholt, Signe S. Pedersen, Inge Madsen, Per H. Nielsen, Niels Boye, Stig Kjær Andersen, Christian Nøhr:
Development of Methods for Usability Evaluations of EHR Systems. 341-346 - Hans Tore Mogård, Eli Haugen Bunch, Anne Moen:
Implementing communication systems in the community health services. The health care workers experiences. 347-355 - John Møller-Jensen, Ivan Lund Pedersen, Jesper Simonsen:
Measurement of the Clinical Usability of a Configurable EHR. 356-361 - Nina Eminovic, Nicolette de Keizer, Patrick J. E. Bindels, Arie Hasman:
Ten years of teledermatology. 362-367
3.6 HIS: Other Topics
- Christel Daniel-Le Bozec, Dominique Henin, Bettina Fabiani, Karima Bourquard, David Ouagne, Patrice Degoulet, Marie-Christine Jaulent:
Integrating anatomical pathology to the healthcare enterprise. 371-376 - Florian Wozak, Elske Ammenwerth, Micheal Breu, Robert Penz, Thomas Schabetsberger, Raimund Vogl, Manfred Wurz:
Medical Data GRIDs as Approach towards Secure Cross Enterprise Document Sharing (Based on IHE XDS). 377-383
4.1 eHealth: Applications and Approaches
- Paola Di Giacomo, Fabrizio L. Ricci:
A Multi-agent Approach to the Design of an E-health System. 389-394 - Emmanouel Velonakis, John Mantas, I. Mavrikakis:
A site of communication among enterprises for supporting Occupational Health and Safety Management System. 395-403 - Eva del Hoyo-Barbolla, Rita Kukafka, María Teresa Arredondo, Marta Ortega-Portillo:
A new perspective in the promotion of e-health. 404-412
4.2 eHealth: Architectures and Strategies
- Thomas Schabetsberger, Elske Ammenwerth, Ruth Breu, Alexander Hörbst, Georg Göbel, Robert Penz, Klaus Schindelwig, Herlinde Toth, Raimund Vogl, Florian Wozak:
E-Health Approach to Link-up Actors in the Health Care System of Austria. 415-420 - Egidijus Andriuskevicius, Evaldas Dobravolskas, Vytenis Punys, Vita Sinciene, Aras Valentinavicius:
Architecture for National e-Health Infrastructure in Lithuania. 421-426 - Leonidas Orfanidis, Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Barry Eaglestone:
A National EHR Strategy Preparedness Characterisation Model and its application in the South-East European Region. 427-432
4.3 eHealth and Economy
- Oliver J. Bott, Ina Hoffmann, Joachim Bergmann, Patrick Kosche, Christian von Ahn, Dirk C. Mattfeld, Oliver Schnell, Dietrich Peter Pretschner:
Simulation based cost-benefit analysis of a telemedical system for closed-loop insulin pump therapy of diabetes. 435-440 - Fabrizio L. Ricci, Luca-Dan Serbanati, Fabio Palazzo, Daniela Luzi, Giuseppe Stirparo:
E-DIMEM: an economic model to estimate the costs of e-Disease Management. 441-446
4.4 eHealth and Information Sharing
- Marc Cuggia, Nicolas Herry, Delphine Rossille, Emmanuelle Lepage, Gilles Edan, Pierre Le Beux:
A model for a Regional Health Information Network sharing clinical information between professionals in Britanny. 449-454 - Lacramioara Stoicu-Tivadar, Francesco Sicurello, Vasile Stoicu-Tivadar, Victor Moga, Mariana Moga, Gianni Pellicanò, Giannluca Ronco:
Teleconsultations as a step towards hospital interoperability. 455-460 - Eline R. M. Loomans, Marja Snoeijen, Diek Scholten, Henk ten Dolle:
Health information exchange on a regional level: dream or reality? 461-466
5.1 Decision Support: Guidelines and Protocols
- Robert-Jan Sips, Loes Braun, Nico Roos:
Enabling protocol-based medical critiquing. 471-476 - Jürgen Stausberg, Michael Nonnemacher, Dorothea Weiland, Gisela Antony, Markus Neuhäuser:
Management of Data Quality - Development of a Computer-Mediated Guideline. 477-482 - Vahid Ebrahiminia, Christine Riou, Brigitte Séroussi, Jacques Bouaud, Stéphane Dubois, Hector Falcoff, Alain Venot:
Design of a Decision Support System for Chronic Diseases Coupling Generic Therapeutic Algorithms with Guideline-Based Specific Rules. 483-488
5.2 Decision Support: Approaches
- Danielle Sent, Linda C. van der Gaag:
Automated Test Selection in Decision-Support Systems: a Case Study in Oncology. 491-496 - Loes M. M. Braun, Floris Wiesman, H. Jaap van den Herik, Arie Hasman:
Avoiding Literature Overload in the Medical Domain. 497-502 - Michael Poprat, Kornél G. Markó, Udo Hahn:
A Language Classifier that Automatically Divides Medical Documents for Experts and Health Care Consumers. 503-508 - Agnieszka Latoszek-Berendsen, Jan L. Talmon, Arie Hasman:
With good Intentions. 509-514 - Knut Bernstein, Morten Bruun-Rasmussen, Søren Vingtoft:
A method for specification of structured clinical content in electronic health records. 515-521 - Emmanuel Chazard, Philippe A. Puech, Marc Grégoire, Régis Beuscart:
Using Treemaps to represent medical data. 522-527 - Nicolas Garcelon, Fleur Mougin, Cédric Bousquet, Anita Burgun:
Evidence in pharmacovigilance: extracting Adverse Drug Reactions articles from MEDLINE to link them to case databases. 528-533
5.3 Decision Support: Other Topics
- Anand Kumar:
Towards the Use of Ontologies for Activity-Based Costing in Healthcare Organizations. 537-542 - Patrick Devos, Helene Lefranc, Eric Dufresne, Régis Beuscart:
From bibliometric analysis to research policy: the use of SIGAPS in Lille University Hospital. 543-548 - Simon Hölzer, Ralf Schweiger, Joerg Rieger, Michael Meyer:
Dealing with an Information Overload of Health Science Data: Structured utilisation of libraries, distributed knowledge in databases and web content. 549-554 - Linda Peelen, Niels Peek, Nicolette de Keizer, Evert de Jonge, Robert-Jan Bosman:
A Markov model to describe daily changes in organ failure for patients at the ICU. 555-560 - Rainer Röhrig, Markus Meister, Achim Michel-Backofen, Martin Sedlmayr, Dirk Uphus, Christian Katzer, Thomas Rose:
Online Guideline Assist in Intensive Care Medicine - Is the login-authentication a sufficient trigger for reminders? 561-568 - Alain Duhamel, Patrick Devos, Jean Louis Bourriez, Cristian Preda, L. Defebvre, Régis Beuscart:
Functional data analysis for gait curves study in Parkinson's disease. 569-574 - Yu-N Cheah, Yong Han Chong, Siew Lan Neoh:
A Framework for Cohesive Healthcare Coalition Formation. 575-580 - Amir R. Razavi, Mikael Nyström, Marian S. Stachowicz, Hans Gill, Hans Åhlfeldt, Nosrat Shahsavar:
An Approach for Generating Fuzzy Rules from Decision Trees. 581-586 - Audrey Serna, Vincent Rialle, Hélène Pigot:
Computational Representation of Alzheimer's Disease Evolution Applied to a Cooking Activity. 587-592
5.4 Decision Support: Information Retrieval
- Lina Fatima Soualmia, Badisse Dahamna, Benoît Thirion, Stéfan Jacques Darmoni:
Strategies for Health Information Retrieval. 595-600 - Aurélie Névéol, Suzanne Pereira, Lina Fatima Soualmia, Benoît Thirion, Stéfan Jacques Darmoni:
A method of cross-lingual consumer health information retrieval. 601-608 - Jainn-Shiun Chiu, Yu-Chuan Li, Fu-Chiu Yu, Yuh-Feng Wang:
Applying an Artificial Neural Network to Predict Osteoporosis in the Elderly. 609-614
5.5 Evaluation of Decision Support Systems
- Jody D. Martens, Alied van der Aa, Bert Panis, Trudy van der Weijden, Ron A. G. Winkens, Johan L. Severens:
Design and Evaluation of a Computer Reminder System to Improve Prescribing Behaviour of GPs. 617-623 - Cornelia M. Ruland:
Clinicians' Perceived Usefulness of a Support System for Patient-centered Cancer Care. 624-630 - Antonis Frigas, Smaragda Kapsimalakou, George M. Spyrou, Konstantinos Koufopoulos, Stamatios Vassilaros, Aikaterini Chatzimichael, John Mantas, Panos A. Ligomenides:
Evaluation of a Breast Cancer Computer Aided Diagnosis System. 631-636
5.6 Decision Support: Evaluation and Experiences
- Pierre Gillois, Frédérique Claudot, Gilles Chatellier, François Kohler, Marie-Christine Jaulent:
Comparison of the impact of cardiovascular guidelines on a working population. 639-644 - Richard Lenz, Rainer Blaser, Mario Beyer, Oliver Heger, C. Biber, M. Bäumlein, M. Schnabel:
IT support for clinical pathways - lessons learned. 645-650 - Anouk De Smedt, Ronald Buyl, Marc Nyssen:
Evidence-based practice in primary health care. 651-656
6.1 Health Information Management
- Lutz Ißler, Gert Funkat, Stefan Smers, Alfred Winter:
Process Frame Instances for Integrating Strategic, Tactical and Operational Information Management in Hospitals. 661-665 - Hervé Chaudet, Liliane Pellegrin, Jean-Baptiste Meynard, Gaëtan Texier, Olivier Tournebize, Benjamin Queyriaux, Jean-Paul Boutin:
Web Services Based Syndromic Surveillance for Early Warning within French Forces. 666-671 - Ansgar Kutscha, Birgit Brigl, Alfred Winter:
Modeling Economic Aspects of Hospital Information Systems to Give Decision Support for Strategic Information Management. 672-678 - Kwang Chien Yee, Ming Chao Wong, Paul Turner:
Medical error management and the role of information technology - A new approach to investigating medical handover in acute care settings. 679-684 - Marie-Catherine Beuscart-Zéphir, Peter L. Elkin, Sylvia Pelayo:
Human Factors Engineering for clinical applications. 685-690 - Martin Staemmler:
Modeling a Health Telematics Network: Does the 3LGM. 691-696
6.2 Modeling Healthcare
- Ugur Bilge, Osman Saka:
Agent Based Simulations in Healthcare. 699-704 - Anna Marie Høstgaard:
Change readiness research - A qualitative study of variations in participation. 705-710
6.3 Modeling Healthcare: Communication and Patient Flows
- Nathalie Bricon-Souf, Sandra Bringay, Françoise Anceaux, Saliha Hamek, Nathalie Degardin, Catherine Barry, Jean Charlet:
A study of the communication notes for two asynchronous collaborative activities. 713-718 - Judas Robinson, Simon de Lusignan, Patty Kostkova, Bruce Madge, Lesley Southgate:
Specific classification of elibrary resources says more about users' preferences. 719-724 - Nicolas Jay, Amedeo Napoli, François Kohler:
Cancer Patient Flows Discovery in DRG Databases. 725-730
7.1 Knowledge Representation
- György Surján:
Non Aristotelian categories in medicine. 735-740 - Werner Ceusters, Peter L. Elkin, Barry Smith:
Referent Tracking: The Problem of Negative Findings. 741-746 - Louise Deléger, Magnus Merkel, Pierre Zweigenbaum:
Enriching Medical Terminologies: an Approach Based on Aligned Corpora. 747-752
7.2 Ontologies for Medical Disciplines
- Gergely Héja, Péter Varga, Peter Pallinger, György Surján:
Restructuring the Foundational Model of Anatomy. 755-760 - James Matthew Fielding, Dirk Marwede:
Four Ontological Models for Radiological Diagnostics. 761-766
7.3 Biomedical Ontologies
- Mathias Brochhausen:
The Derives_From Relation in Biomedical Ontologies. 769-774 - Petr Kolesa, Petra Precková:
Tools for Czech Biomedical Ontologies Creation. 775-780 - Gwenaëlle Marquet, Jean Mosser, Anita Burgun:
Aligning biomedical ontologies using lexical methods and the UMLS: the case of Disease ontologies. 781-786
7.4 Concepts and Coding: Methods
- Marketta Hiissa, Tapio Pahikkala, Hanna Suominen, Tuija Lehtikunnas, Barbro Back, Helena Karsten, Sanna Salanterä, Tapio Salakoski:
Towards Automated Classification of Intensive Care Nursing Narratives. 789-794 - Susanne Hanser, Albrecht Zaiss, Stefan Schulz:
Comparison of ICHI and CCAM Basic Coding System. 795-800 - Egbert J. van der Haring, S. Broënhorst, Huib ten Napel, S. Weber, M. Schopen, Pieter E. Zanstra:
ClaML: A standard for the electronic publication of classification coding schemes. 801-806
7.5 Concepts and Coding: Systems
- Marc Verbeke, Diëgo Schrans, Sven Deroose, Jan De Maeseneer:
The International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2): an essential tool in the EPR of the GP. 809-814 - Judith van der Kooij, William T. F. Goossen, Anneke T. M. Goossen-Baremans, Marinka de Jong-Fintelman, Lisanne van Beek:
Using SNOMED CT Codes for Coding Information in Electronic Health Records for Stroke Patients. 815-823 - Anna Vikström, Gunnar H. Nilsson:
SNOMED CT in multidisciplinary clinical practice - evaluation of usefulness for classification and coding of care-planning procedures. 824-829
7.6 Terminologies
- Iulian Alecu, Cédric Bousquet, Fleur Mougin, Marie-Christine Jaulent:
Mapping of the WHO-ART terminology on Snomed CT to improve grouping of related adverse drug reactions. 833-838 - Jimison Iavindrasana, Cédric Bousquet, Marie-Christine Jaulent:
Knowledge acquisition for computation of semantic distance between WHO-ART terms. 839-844 - Suzanne Pereira, Aurélie Névéol, Philippe Massari, Michel Joubert, Stéfan Jacques Darmoni:
Construction of a semi-automated ICD-10 coding help system to optimize medical and economic coding. 845-850 - Erik Sundvall, Mikael Nyström, Håkan Petersson, Hans Åhlfeldt:
Interactive Visualization and Navigation of Complex Terminology Systems, Exemplified by SNOMED CT. 851-856 - Kornél G. Markó, Philipp Daumke, Udo Hahn:
Cross-Lingual Alignment of Biomedical Acronyms and their Expansions. 857-862 - Jean Marie Rodrigues, Alan L. Rector, Pieter E. Zanstra, Robert H. Baud, Kerry Innes, Jeremy Rogers, Anne-Marie Rassinoux, Stefan Schulz, Béatrice Trombert Paviot, Huib ten Napel, Lucienne Clavel, Egbert J. van der Haring, Ceu Mateus:
An Ontology driven collaborative development for biomedical terminologies: from the French CCAM to the Australian ICHI coding system. 863-868
8.1 Health and Biomedical Informatics Education
- Monique W. M. Jaspers, Arie Hasman:
The Redesign of the Medical Informatics Master of Science Course at the University of Amsterdam. 873-878 - Izet Masic, Ahmed Novo, Selim Toromanovic, Almir Dzananovic, Zlatan Masic, Alisa Piralic, Sejla Deljkovic:
Medical Education and Role of Medical Informatics. 879-884 - Diana Lungeanu, Rochelle E. Tractenberg, George I. Mihalas:
Developing an Interactive Approach in Teaching Medical Informatics. 885-890
8.2 Education and Networking
- Guillermo de la Calle, Victor Maojo, Mario Benito:
The INFOBIOMED Network of Excellence: Facilitating Training and Mobility in Biomedical Informatics in Europe. 893-898 - Yvon Lessard, Pridi Siregar, Nathalie Julen, Jean-Paul Sinteff, Pierre Le Beux:
Multimedia and Physiology: a new way to ensure the quality of medical education and medical knowledge. 899-904 - Brigitte Knobl, Teresa Paiva, Dieter Jungmann, Rico Böhme, Thomas Penzel:
ENN-ICS - Implementation and Evaluation of a Multilingual Learning Management System for Sleep Medicine in Europe. 905-910
8.3 Patient Education and Consumer Informatics
- Laurence Alpay, John Verhoef, Pieter J. Toussaint, Bertie Zwetsloot-Schonk:
What makes an "informed patient"? The impact of contextualization on the search for health information on the Internet. 913-919 - Antonia Stergiopoulou, Konstantinos Birbas, Theophanis Katostaras, Marianna Diomidous, John Mantas:
The Effect of a Multimedia Health Educational Program on the Postoperative Recovery of Patients undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. 920-925 - Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry, Anne Prince, Jacques Demongeot, Yohan Payan:
A New Health Strategy to Prevent Pressure Ulcer Formation in Paraplegics using Computer and Sensory Substitution via the Tongue. 926-931
8.4 Health and Clinical Management
- Andrea Battistotti, Silvana Quaglini, Enrico Cuoco:
Reducing dropouts in outpatient care through an SMS-based system. 935-940 - Janet Curran, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi:
Evaluation of a Discussion Forum for Knowledge Sharing Among Emergency Practitioners: A Social Network Approach. 941-946 - Martti Juhola, Heikki Aalto, Timo Hirvonen:
On Neural Network Classification of Otoneurological Cases on the Basis of Recognition Results of Vestibulo-ocular Reflex Eye Movements Signal. 947-952
9.1 Publication and Presentation
- Christof Machan, Elske Ammenwerth, Thomas Bodner:
Publication Bias in Medical Informatics evaluation research: Is it an issue or not? 957-962 - M. Cristina Mazzoleni, Franco Corbella:
The multiple faces of the e-patient, if not disabled. 963-968 - Eduard Hoenkamp, Regina Overberg:
Computing Latent Taxonomies from Patients' Spontaneous Self-Disclosure to Form Compatible Support Groups. 969-974
9.2 Biomedical Imaging
- Heinz Handels, René Werner, Thorsten Frenzel, Dennis Säring, Wei Lu, Daniel Low, Jan Ehrhardt:
Generation of 4D CT Image Data and Analysis of Lung Tumour Mobility during the Breathing Cycle. 977-982 - Elisabetta La Torre, Tatiana Tommasi, Barbara Caputo, Giovanni E. Gigante:
Kernel Methods for Melanoma Recognition. 983-988 - Roland Metzner, Urs Eisenmann, Christian Rainer Wirtz, Hartmut Dickhaus:
Pre- and Intraoparative Processing and Integration of Various Anatomical and Functional Data in Neurosurgery. 989-994
9.3 Professionalism
- Jean Roberts:
Progressing professional maturity in health informatics. 997-1002 - Habibollah Pirnejad, Arjen P. Stoop, Marc Berg:
Bridging information gaps between primary and secondary healthcare. 1003-1008 - Brett W. Taylor:
The Demographic Bias of Email as a Survey Method in a Pediatric Emergency Population. 1009-1016
9.4 Evaluation and Lessons Learned
- Adrian Pearl, Reuben Caspi, David Bar-Or:
Artificial Neural Network Versus Subjective Scoring in Predicting Mortality in Trauma Patients. 1019-1024 - Thomas Bürkle, Thomas Baur, Norbert Höss:
Clinical Pathways Development and Computer Support in the EPR: Lessons learned. 1025-1030 - Jan Tore Lium, Arild Faxvaag:
Removal of paper-based health records from Norwegian hospitals: Effects on clinical workflow. 1031-1036

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