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9th NTMS 2018: Paris, France
- 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2018, Paris, France, February 26-28, 2018. IEEE 2018, ISBN 978-1-5386-3662-6
- Mohamed Lahby
, Abderrahim Sekkaki:
A Graph Theory Based Network Selection Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 1-4 - Bouchaib Assila, Abdellatif Kobbane
, Mohammed El Koutbi:
A Many-To-One Matching Game Approach to Achieve Low-Latency Exploiting Fogs and Caching. 1-2 - Sarah Abdallah, Imad H. Elhajj
, Ali Chehab
, Ayman I. Kayssi:
A Network Management Framework for SDN. 1-4 - Keltoum Bendiab, Stavros Shiaeles
, Samia Boucherkha:
A New Dynamic Trust Model for "On Cloud" Federated Identity Management. 1-5 - Davide Ferraris, M. Carmen Fernández Gago, Javier López:
A Trust-by-Design Framework for the Internet of Things. 1-4 - Juan E. Rubio, Cristina Alcaraz
, Javier López:
Addressing Security in OCPP: Protection Against Man-in-the-Middle Attacks. 1-5 - Tao Wu, Christoph Ruland:
An Authenticated Encrypted Compressive Sensing based Imaging Mechanism. 1-4 - Deepthi Rao
, D. V. N. Siva Kumar
, P. Santhi Thilagam
An Efficient Multi-User Searchable Encryption Scheme without Query Transformation over Outsourced Encrypted Data. 1-4 - Pedram Mohammadi, Mahsa T. Pourazad, Panos Nasiopoulos:
An Entropy-based Inverse Tone Mapping Operator for High Dynamic Range Applications. 1-5 - Rahma Ben Fraj, Vincent Beroulle, Nicolas Fourty, Aref Meddeb
An Evaluation of UHF RFID Anti-Collision Protocols with NS2. 1-6 - Evelina Pencheva
, Ivaylo Atanasov
An Extension of Radio Network Information Interfaces for Terminal Activity in a Cell. 1-5 - Raid Zaghal, Saeed Salah
, Mohammad Ismail:
An InfiniBand-Based Mechanism to Enhance QoS in Multipath Routing Protocols in MANETs. 1-5 - Mehdi Guessous, Lahbib Zenkouar:
Bézier Curves Based Novel Calibration Technique of Beamformers in IEEE 802.11 WLAN Networks. 1-5 - Yoshitaka Nakamura
, Shihori Kanazawa, Hiroshi Inamura
, Osamu Takahashi:
Classification of Unknown Web Sites Based on Yearly Changes of Distribution Information of Malicious IP Addresses. 1-4 - Massimo Gallo, Samir Ghamri-Doudane, Fabio Pianese:
CliMBOS: A Modular NFV Cloud Backend for the Internet of Things. 1-5 - Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez, Jose Serrano-Chavez, S. Lirio Castellanos-Lopez, Genaro Hernández-Valdez
Comparison of the Performance Sensitivity to the Primary and Secondary Service Time Distribution in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-4 - Amjad Alsirhani
, Srinivas Sampalli, Peter Bodorik
DDoS Attack Detection System: Utilizing Classification Algorithms with Apache Spark. 1-7 - Hala Alsalloum, Ali El Masri, Leïla Merghem-Boulahia, Rana Rahim:
Demand Side Management in Smart Grids: A Stackelberg Multi Period Multi Provider Game. 1-5 - Alperen Eroglu
, Ertan Onur
, Mehmet Turan
Density-Aware Outage in Clustered Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Guangyu Li, Lila Boukhatem, Lin Zhao, Jinsong Wu
Direct Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging Strategy in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Johan Garcia:
Duplications and Misattributions of File Fragment Hashes in Image and Compressed Files. 1-5 - Christos Bouras, Nikolaos Kanakis
Evolving AL-FEC Application Towards 5G NGMN. 1-5 - Andreas Brokalakis, Ioannis Chondroulis, Ioannis Papaefstathiou
Extending the Forward Error Correction Paradigm for Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Cyrielle Feron, Vianney Lapotre
, Loïc Lagadec
Fast Evaluation of Homomorphic Encryption Schemes Based on Ring-LWE. 1-5 - Eirik Bertelsen, Gabriel Berthling-Hansen, Trude Hafsøe Bloebaum, Christian Duvholt, Einar Hov, Frank T. Johnsen, Eivind Morch, Andreas H. Weisethaunet:
Federated Publish/Subscribe Services. 1-5 - Ievgen Kabin
, Zoya Dyka
, Dan Kreiser, Peter Langendörfer
Horizontal Address-Bit DEMA against ECDSA. 1-7 - Mathew Nicho
, Adelaiye Oluwasegun
, Faouzi Kamoun:
Identifying Vulnerabilities in APT Attacks: A Simulated Approach. 1-4 - Manuel-Jesus Espinosa-Gavira
, A. Jimenez-Pro, Juan José González de la Rosa, A. Agüera Pérez
, Olivia Florencias-Oliveros
, José Carlos Palomares Salas
, José María Sierra Fernández:
Improving Flexibility in Wireless Sensor Networks via API. An Application in Environmental Monitoring. 1-4 - Giulia De Santis, Abdelkader Lahmadi, Jérôme François, Olivier Festor:
Internet-Wide Scanners Classification using Gaussian Mixture and Hidden Markov Models. 1-5 - Daniel AlShamaa, Farah Mourad-Chehade, Paul Honeine
Localization of Sensors in Indoor Wireless Networks: An Observation Model Using WiFi RSS. 1-5 - Emanuele Catania, Aurelio La Corte
Location Privacy in Virtual Cell-Equipped Ultra-Dense Networks. 1-4 - Eyuel Debebe Ayele
, Nirvana Meratnia, Paul J. M. Havinga:
MANER: Managed Data Dissemination Scheme for LoRa IoT Enabled Wildlife Monitoring System (WMS). 1-7 - Alvaro Parres-Peredo
, Iván Piza-Dávila, Francisco Cervantes
MapReduce Approach to Build Network User Profiles with Top-k Rankings for Network Security. 1-5 - Gianmarco Baldini, Raimondo Giuliani, Claudio Gentile, Gary Steri:
Measures to Address the Lack of Portability of the RF Fingerprints for Radiometric Identification. 1-5 - Daniel AlShamaa, Farah Mourad-Chehade, Paul Honeine
Mobility-based Tracking Using WiFi RSS in Indoor Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Canek Portillo, Jorge Martínez-Bauset, Vicent Pla
Modelling of S-MAC for Heterogeneous WSN. 1-6 - François Boutigny, Stéphane Betgé-Brezetz, Hervé Debar
, Grégory Blanc
, Antoine Lavignotte, Ion Popescu:
Multi-Provider Secure Virtual Network Embedding. 1-5 - Jen-Chieh Hsu, Raylin Tso, Yu-Chi Chen
, Mu-En Wu:
Oblivious Transfer Protocols Based on Commutative Encryption. 1-5 - Jihad Hamie, Ali Hamieh, Joumana Younis
, Moussa Ammar, Ahmad Ahmad-Kassem, Ahmad Skaiky, Ali Hamie, Abbass Nasser, Hani Abdallah:
On the Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds of Ranging Based on IR-UWB TOA Estimation in Wirelessbody Area Networks. 1-4 - Daniel Fraunholz, Daniel Krohmer, Frederic Pohl, Hans Dieter Schotten:
On the Detection and Handling of Security Incidents and Perimeter Breaches - A Modular and Flexible Honeytoken based Framework. 1-4 - Hesham H. Alsaadi
, Monther Aldwairi
, May Al Taei, Mansoor AlBuainain, Maktoom AlKubaisi:
Penetration and Security of OpenSSH Remote Secure Shell Service on Raspberry Pi 2. 1-5 - S. Lirio Castellanos-Lopez, Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez, Genaro Hernández-Valdez
, Jose Raul Miranda-Tello
Performance Analysis of Mobile Cellular Networks with MMPP Call Arrival Patterns. 1-6 - Zi-Yuan Liu
, Jen-Chieh Hsu, Raylin Tso, Tzong-Chen Wu:
Policy-Controlled Signature from NTRU Lattice. 1-5 - Louis Tajan, Moritz Kaumanns, Dirk Westhoff:
Pre-Computing Appropriate Parameters: How to Accelerate Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption for Cloud Auditing. 1-6 - Sara Ramezanian
, Tommi Meskanen, Valtteri Niemi:
Privacy Preserving Queries on Directed Graph. 1-5 - Francesco D'Andria
, Jose Miguel Garrido, Michael J. Boniface
, Stefano Modafferi
, Simon Crowle, Lee Middleton, Konstantinos C. Apostolakis
, Kosmas Dimitropoulos
, Petros Daras
ProsocialLearn: A Prosocial Games Marketplace. 1-5 - Flavio Meneses
, Carlos Guimarães, Daniel Corujo, Rui L. Aguiar:
SDN-based Mobility Management: Handover Performance Impact in Constrained Devices. 1-5 - José Quevedo
, Carlos Guimarães, Rui Ferreira, Alireza Sepas-Moghaddam
, Luis Malhadas, Rui L. Aguiar
, Paulo L. Correia
, Daniel Corujo:
Selectively Accessing Light Field Face Images over Information Centric Networking. 1-5 - Zeeshan Afzal
, Johan Garcia, Stefan Lindskog, Anna Brunström:
Slice Distance: An Insert-Only Levenshtein Distance with a Focus on Security Applications. 1-5 - Outi-Marja Latvala
, Chengyuan Peng, Petri Honkamaa, Kimmo Halunen:
"Speak, Friend, and Enter" - Secure, Spoken One-Time Password Authentication. 1-5 - Raouia Masmoudi
Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Systems. 1-5 - Eyuel Debebe Ayele
, Nirvana Meratnia, Paul J. M. Havinga:
Towards a New Opportunistic IoT Network Architecture for Wildlife Monitoring System. 1-5 - Charikleia Papatsimpa
, Jean-Paul M. G. Linnartz
Using Dynamic Occupancy Patterns for Improved Presence Detection in Intelligent Buildings. 1-5 - Dong Kyoo Kim:
Wireless Vital Signal Tracking for Drivers Using Micro-Doppler Seatback Radar. 1-5 - Yukinobu Fukushima, Itsuho Goda, Tutomu Murase, Tokumi Yokohira:
Workplace Capacity Design Using the Minimum Dominating Set in Server Migration Services. 1-5 - Sajjad Dadkhah
, Mario Koeppen, Somayeh Sadeghi, Kaori Yoshida:
Bad Ai: Investigating the Effect of Half-Toning Techniques on Unwanted Face Detection Systems. 1-5 - Hachemi Nabil Dellys
, Karima Benatchba, Layth Sliman
, Yen-Wei Chen:
Chaff-Points Generation Method Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithms and Non-Fixed Size Squares Boundaries for Resource Constrained Devices. 1-4 - Mahesh Balaji
, Aswani Kumar Cherukuri
Inter-Application Based Resource Management Approach for Cloud Infrastructure. 1-6 - Brahim Benaissa
, Filip Hendrichovsky, Kaori Yishida, Mario Köppen, Peter Sincak
Phone Application for Indoor Localization Based on Ble Signal Fingerprint. 1-5 - Alexander Adli:
Star Projection Technologies in the Modern Planetarium Industry. 1-4 - Mayank Raikwar, Subhra Mazumdar
, Sushmita Ruj, Sourav Sen Gupta
, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Kwok-Yan Lam
A Blockchain Framework for Insurance Processes. 1-4 - Joshua Ellul
, Gordon J. Pace
AlkylVM: A Virtual Machine for Smart Contract Blockchain Connected Internet of Things. 1-4 - Kei-Léo Brousmiche, Thomas Heno, Christian Poulain, Antoine Dalmieres, Elyes Ben Hamida:
Digitizing, Securing and Sharing Vehicles Life-cycle over a Consortium Blockchain: Lessons Learned. 1-5 - Noureddine Lasla
, Mohamed F. Younis, Wassim Znaidi, Dhafer Ben Arbia:
Efficient Distributed Admission and Revocation Using Blockchain for Cooperative ITS. 1-5 - Asutosh Palai, Meet Vora, Aashaka Shah:
Empowering Light Nodes in Blockchains with Block Summarization. 1-5 - Runchao Han, Vincent Gramoli, Xiwei Xu:
Evaluating Blockchains for IoT. 1-5 - Tesnim Abdellatif, Kei-Léo Brousmiche:
Formal Verification of Smart Contracts Based on Users and Blockchain Behaviors Models. 1-5 - Mikael Asplund, Jakob Lovhall, Simin Nadjm-Tehrani:
In-Store Payments Using Bitcoin. 1-6 - Andreas Unterweger, Fabian Knirsch, Christoph Leixnering, Dominik Engel:
Lessons Learned from Implementing a Privacy-Preserving Smart Contract in Ethereum. 1-5 - Haikel Magrahi, Nouha Omrane, Olivier Senot, Rakia Jaziri:
NFB: A Protocol for Notarizing Files over the Blockchain. 1-4 - Andra Anoaica, Hugo Levard:
Quantitative Description of Internal Activity on the Ethereum Public Blockchain. 1-5 - Beltran Borja Fiz Pontiveros
, Robert Norvill, Radu State:
Recycling Smart Contracts: Compression of the Ethereum Blockchain. 1-5 - Ence Zhou, Song Hua, Bingfeng Pi, Jun Sun, Yashihide Nomura, Kazuhiro Yamashita, Hidetoshi Kurihara:
Security Assurance for Smart Contract. 1-5 - Fabio Pianese, Matteo Signorini, Souradip Sarkar:
Small Transactions with Sustainable Incentives. 1-5 - Tatsuya Sato, Yosuke Himura:
Smart-Contract Based System Operations for Permissioned Blockchain. 1-6 - Johan Garcia:
A Fragment Hashing Approach for Scalable and Cloud-Aware Network File Detection. 1-5 - Hana Bouafif, Faouzi Kamoun, Farkhund Iqbal
, Andrew Marrington:
Drone Forensics: Challenges and New Insights. 1-6 - Áine MacDermott
, Thar Baker
, Qi Shi:
Iot Forensics: Challenges for the Ioa Era. 1-5 - Mahmoud Kalash, Mrigank Rochan, Noman Mohammed, Neil D. B. Bruce, Yang Wang, Farkhund Iqbal
Malware Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. 1-5 - Saeed Ibrahim, Nawwaf Al Harmi, Ebrahim Al Naqbi, Farkhund Iqbal
, Djedjiga Mouheb
, Omar Alfandi
Remote Data Acquisition Using Raspberry Pi3. 1-5 - Adnan Imeri
, Djamel Khadraoui:
The Security and Traceability of Shared Information in the Process of Transportation of Dangerous Goods. 1-5

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