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PACIS 2013: Jeju Island, Korea
- Jae-Nam Lee, Ji-Ye Mao, James Y. L. Thong:
17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2013, Jeju Island, Korea, June 18-22, 2013. 2013 - Qiang Zeng, Shivendu Shivendu:
Optimal Software Outsourcing Contract under Asymmetric Information: Bundling Development and Maintenance Support. 1 - Julie Ann A. Dumlao, Sung Ho Ha:
Motivational and Social Capital Factors Influencing the Success of Social Network Sites: Twitter Case. 2 - Chia-Ying Li:
Does Self-Efficacy Contribute to Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Effectiveness? A Multi-Level Perspective. 3 - SeonJun Kang, Sang-Yong Tom Lee:
Platform Market Share of Korean Online Game under Two-Sided Market with Low Switching Costs. 4 - Tiejun Wang, Qixu Gong, Wang Ren, Yanyan Wang, Xubin Luo, Qing Li:
A Sentiment-based Hybrid Model for Stock Return Forecasting. 5 - Omer Gibreel, Seongmin Jeon, Byungjoon Yoo:
An Intercountry Analysis on the Factors and Barriers to Internet Accessibility. 6 - Myunsoo Kim, Byungtae Lee:
Analysis of Advertisement based Business Model under Technological Advancements in Fair Use Personal Recording Services: A Law and Economics Approach. 7 - Insoo Son, Dongwon Lee, Youngkyu Kim:
Understanding the Effect of Message Content and User Identity on Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks. 8 - Richard D. Shang, Jianhui Huang, Yinping Yang, Robert J. Kauffman:
Analyzing the Impact of Brokered Services on the Cloud Computing Market. 9 - Chunmian Ge, Xiao Zou:
Human Resource Flow within Software Industry: A Firm-Level Investigation. 10 - Wei Chen, Vish Krishnan, Kevin Zhu:
"Release Early, Release Often"? An Empirical Analysis of Release Strategy in Open Source Software Co-Creation. 11 - Chihoon Song, Kyungdo Park, Byung Cho Kim:
Impact of Online Reviews on Mobile App Sales: Open Versus Closed Platform Comparison. 12 - Te-Ming Chang, Wen-Feng Hsiao:
LDA-based Personalized Document Recommendation. 13 - Choonbae Yoo, Igor T. Hawryszkiewycz, Kyeong Kang:
A Multi-Perspective Approach to Knowledge Management in Complex Environments: A Case Study in an Australian Government. 14 - Hui-Min Lai, Pi-Jung Hsieh:
The Decision to Continue Sharing Knowledge in Virtual Communities: The Moderating Role of Knowledge-Sharing Experience and Knowledge Self-Efficacy. 15 - Chuang Wang, Xiaoling Jin, Matthew K. O. Lee, Yulin Fang, Zhongyun Zhou, Zhongsheng Hua:
Understanding Status Update in Microblog: A Perspective on Media Needs. 16 - William Yeoh, Gregory Richards, Shan Wang:
Linking BI Competency and Assimilation through Absorptive Capacity: A Conceptual Framework. 17 - Ruibin Geng, Xi Chen, Shun Cai:
Microblog Users' Life Time Activity Prediction. 18 - Dong Kyoon Yoo:
Knowledge Nurturing Reflexivity: The Internal Conversation Approach. 19 - Wen Chai, Wei Xu, Meiyun Zuo, Xiaowei Wen:
ACQR: A Novel Framework to Identify and Predict Influential Users in Micro-Blogging. 20 - Jinwon Hong, One-Ki Daniel Lee, Woojong Suh:
The Effects and Influential Factors of Employee's Knowledge Integration Capability in the Convergence Environment. 21 - Sujeong Choi, Il Ryu:
Leveraging Customer Knowledge in Electronic Knowledge Repositories for Service Expertise. 22 - Myunsoo Kim, Byungtae Lee:
Biting Newcomers to Improve Collaborative Learning System: An Opportunity Cost Perspective. 23 - Michael C. S. Chang:
Competitive Altruism and Active Contribution in Virtual Communities. 24 - Caihong Sun, Lu Zhang, Qian Li:
Who Are Influentials on Micro-Blogging Services: Evidence from Social Network Analysis. 25 - Jiafen Liu, Qixu Gong, Tiejun Wang, Wen Zhu, Qing Li:
Looking for Gold in the Sands: Stock Prediction Using Financial News and Social Media. 26 - Myoung-Jong Kim, Dae-Ki Kang:
Geometric Mean based Boosting Algorithm to Resolve Data Imbalance Problem. 27 - Hyun Sil Moon, Yoon Ho Cho, Jae Kyeong Kim:
IERMS: An Intelligent Exhibition Rule Management System Using PMML. 28 - Nargis Pervin, Anindya Datta, Kaushik Dutta:
Towards Generating Recommendations on Large Dynamically Growing Domains. 29 - Hanjun Lee, Keunho Choi, Donghee Yoo, Yongmoo Suh, Guijia He, Soowon Lee:
The More the Worse? Mining Valuable Ideas with Sentiment Analysis for Idea Recommendation. 30 - Minnseok Choi, Ji Young Woo, Ingoo Han:
Understanding the Group Size for Collaborative Work in Wiki-based Communities. 31 - Felix Ter Chian Tan, Barney Tan, Shan Ling Pan:
Interdependencies and Collaborative Action for Platform Leadership: A Comparative Analysis of Two Leading Chinese Multi-Sided Digital Platforms. 32 - Kyungsub Steve Choi, Il Im, Jason Danely:
Do They Tweet Differently? A Cross-Cultural Group Study of Twitter Use on Mobile Communication Devices. 33 - Sia Siew Kien, Christina Soh, Mary Lynne Markus:
A New IT Organizational form for Multinational Enterprises. 34 - Mohammad Salehan, Dan Jong Kim:
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): Driver of Cultural Change and Technological Advancement. 35 - Kristijan Mirkovski, Robert M. Davison:
The Emergence and Development of Inter-Organizational Relationships in the Wine Industry: Moderating Roles of Trust and Distrust in ICT Use. 36 - Satish Krishnan, John Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo:
Moderating Effects of Culture on Virtual Social Networks Usage and Human Development. 37 - Anuragini Shirish, Shirish C. Srivastava, Shalini Chandra:
Enabling Entrepreneurship within Virtual Worlds: Theorizing the Role of Governance and Culture. 38 - Maidul Islam, Mincheol Kang, Sung-Byung Yang:
A Research to Identify the Relationship between Consumers' Attitude and Mobile Advertising. 39 - Wenli Hwang, Bo Hsiao, Houn-Gee Chen, Ching-Chin Chern:
Dynamically Assessing the Intertwined Influences of ISD Project Risk Factors. 40 - Okugo John Onyekachi, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad, Marini Othman:
Transformational Project Manager: An Enabler of an Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation Success. 41 - Paul Ralph, Petr Shportun:
Scrum Abandonment in Distributed Teams: A Revelatory Case. 42 - Mali Senapathi, Meghann Drury, Ananth Srinivasan:
Agile Usage: Refining a Theoretical Model. 43 - Ting-Peng Liang, Nai-Shing Yen, Tsan-Ching Kang, Yu-Wen Li:
Escalation of Commiement in Software Projects: An Examination of Two Theories. 44 - Gloria H. W. Liu, Eric T. G. Wang, Cecil Eng Huang Chua:
Obtaining Management Support for IT Projects: A Persuasion View. 45 - Arviansyah, Ton A. M. Spil, Jos van Hillegersberg:
Evaluating IS/IT Projects: Revealing the Causes of Equivocality. 46 - Mirsobit Mirusmonov, Changsu Kim:
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Impact on Mobile Cloud Computing Continuance Intention. 47 - Amin Saedi, Noorminshah A. Iahad:
An Integrated Theoretical Framework for Cloud Computing Adoption by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. 48 - Shih-Wei Chou, Hui-Tzu Min, Chia-Shiang Hsu, I-Hua Hung, Yu-Chieh Chang:
Analyzing the Influence of IS Capability on Software-as-a-Service Performance: A Relational View. 49 - Stephen Smith, Asif Qumer Gill, Helen Hasan, Shahla Ghobadi:
An Enterprise Architecture Driven Approach to Virtualisation. 50 - Jung-Han Suh, Suk-Gwon Chang:
An Empirical Study on the Enterprise Cloud Service Adoption. 51 - Eun-Jung Kim, Suk-Gwon Chang:
Competitive Evolutionary Dynamics of Cloud Service Offerings in Korea: A Path-Dependency Perspective. 52 - Fang Su, Ji-Ye Mao:
Client Influence on IT Outsourcing Vendors' Operational Capabilities: A Relationship Learning Perspective. 53 - Tom Philip, Erik Wende, Gerhard Schwabe:
Exploring the Contribution of Problems in Team-Level Functionality to the Failure of Offshore-Outsourced Software Projects. 54 - Jaeyoun Oh, Habin Lee, Aggeliki Tsohou:
Governance of IT Service Procurement: Relationship vs Network based Approach. 55 - Xi Chen, Chong (Alex) Wang, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang:
All Online Friends Are Not Created Equal: Discovering Influence Structure in Online Social Networks. 56 - Xin Li, Wei Shang, Shouyang Wang:
Incorporation of Social Media Data into Macroeconomic Forecast Systems: A Mixed Frequency Modelling Approach. 57 - Andrea Malsbender, Matthias Voigt, Daniel Beverungen, Michael Rosemann:
Digital Social Signal Processing - Theoretical Underpinning and Research Agenda. 58 - Wanyou Hou, Xiangbin Xiangbin, Jian Sun:
Influencing Factors of Micro-Blogging Marketing of Travel Service Provider - An Empirical Research in China. 59 - Ji-Hye Park, Bomil Suh:
The Impact of Influential's Betweenness Centrality on the WOM Effect under the Online Social Networking Service Environment. 60 - Yongqiang Sun, Xiao-Liang Shen, Nan Wang:
Dealing with the Transition from Web to Mobile Services: The Role of Consistency and Trust. 61 - Jinghua Huang, Jing Zhang, Yangfan Li, Zhepeng Lv:
Business Value of Enterprise Micro-Blogs: Empirical Study from weibo.com in Sina. 62 - Li Yu, Haiyan Zhang, Xun Liang:
Collaborative Aggregation of Individual Rating for Group Evaluation. 63 - Pari Delir Haghighi, Frada Burstein, He Li, Chao Wang:
Integrating Social Media with Ontologies for Real-Time Crowd Monitoring and Decision Support in Mass Gatherings. 64 - Sunjip Yim, Minsoo Shin:
Effects of the Web 2.0 and Social Network Services Environment on Information Quality and Intentions to Re-Use. 65 - Jieun Lee, So-Hyun Lee, Hee-Woong Kim:
Examining Brand Engagement in the Mobile SNS Marketing Context. 66 - Ki Youn Kim, Dae Keun Cho, In Kuk Song:
How to Promote Smart TV Industry in Korea: Based on Scientific Tool for Qualitative Methodology. 67 - Ximeng (Simon) Wang, Cheng Zhang, Chee Wei Phang, Yunjie Xu, Xiaohua Zeng:
Circadian Rhythms of Friend-Making Behavior: An Investigation through Online Gaming Community. 68 - Ying Jin, Sung-Byung Yang, Cheul Rhee, Kyung Young Lee:
An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Price Decreases on Online Product Reviews: Focusing on Amazon's Kindle 2. 69 - Ho Lee, Jaewon Choi, Kyung Kyu Kim:
Impact of Anonymity (Unlinkability, Pseudonymity, Unobservability) on Information Sharing. 70 - Ling-Ling Wu, Yi-Ting Wang, Yu-Ting Su, Ming-Yih Yeh:
Cultivating Social Capital through Interactivity on Social Network Sites. 71 - Fahame Emamjome, Ahmad A. Rabaa'i, Guy G. Gable, Wasana Bandara:
Information Quality in Social Media: A Conceptual Model. 72 - Nan Zhang, Zhongwen Zhang, Qingguo Meng:
The Catalyzing Factors of Official Documents Exchange via Microblogging in Public Sectors: A Case Study based on the T-O-E Framework. 73 - Hong Zhang, Kem Z. K. Zhang, Matthew K. O. Lee, Feng Feng:
Enterprise Microblog as a New Marketing Strattegy for Companies: Enterprise Microblog Commitment and Brand Loyalty. 74 - Fei Liu, Bo Sophia Xiao:
A Theoretical Model and Empirical Investigation of Social Networking Site Users' Switching Intention. 75 - Jung Lee, Loo Geok Pee:
Reading Consumer Reviews to Confirm My Expectations: The Accelerated Impact of Confirmation under Extreme Review Tones. 76 - Un-Kon Lee, Hongki Kim:
The Effect on Audience Reactions of Audience Opinion Adoption from SNS. 77 - Jimin Kim, Younghoon Chang, Myeong-Cheol Park:
Why Do People Like to Play Social Network Games with Their Friends? A Focus on Sociability and Playability. 78 - Namho Chung, Heejeong Han, Chulmo Koo:
Tourists' Attachment Processes and Behavioral Changes in Social Media: Persuasion and Reference Group Influence Perspective. 79 - Robert Bastida, Hritik Gupta, Stephen C. Wingreen:
A Comparative Study of the Effect of Blogs and Email on Virtual Team Performance. 80 - Sasa Wang, Kem Z. K. Zhang, Matthew K. O. Lee:
Developing Consumers' Brand Loyalty in Companies' Microblogs: The Roles of Social- and Self- Factors. 81 - Chei Sian Lee, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim, Katherine M. Chudoba, Chay Hoon Lee:
Use of Social Media in the Workplace. 82 - Qingqing Bi, Lele Kang:
Influences of E-Retailer Sponsored Virtual Community on Consumer Loyalty: An Exploration of Underlying Mechanisms. 83 - Yu-Chieh Chang, Shih-Wei Chou:
An Empirical Study of Collective Continuance Intention on Virtual Community Page of Social Network Site. 84 - Dongpu Fu, Kanliang Wang:
Does Customer Membership Level Affect Online Reviews? A Study of Online Reviews from 360buy.Com in China. 85 - Taekyung Kim, Hyunjung Park, Sangkyu Rho, Sewon Moon:
Information Mediation and Hop: Do Not Wipe away Footprints. 86 - Sehwan Oh, Hyunmi Baek, JoongHo Ahn:
The Impact of Youtube on International Trade. 87 - Rohit Nishant, Thompson S. H. Teo, Mark Goh:
Sustainable Information Systems: Does It Matter? 88 - Jaehun Joo, Lyunhwa Kim:
Diffusion of Smart Grid for Low-Carbon Green Growth: Grounded Theory Apprroach. 89 - Chulmo Koo, Namho Chung, Young-Chan Lee:
The Influential Motivations of Green IT Device Use and the Role of Reference Group Perspective. 90 - Xue Yang, Yan Li, Chuan-Hoo Tan:
Drivers for Green IT in Organizations: Multiple Case Studies in China and Singapore. 91 - Mohammed Naim A. Dewan, Nasrin Ruby Biswas, Maruf Hossan Chowdhury, Mohammed A. Quaddus:
An AHP-QFD Integrated Approach to Meet Three Dimensional Environmental Value Requirements in Sustainable E-Business Modelling. 92 - Henry Linger, Jeremy Aarons, Paul McShane, Frada Burstein:
A Knowledge Management Framework for Sustainable Development: A Case of Natural Resource Management Policy Work in Indonesia. 93 - Rohit Nishant, Thompson S. H. Teo, Mark Goh:
Understanding the Environmental Impact of Sustainable IT: An Empirical Examination. 94 - Chun Fong Lei, Eric Wai Ting Ngai:
Green IT Adoption: An Academic Review of Literature. 95 - Mohammed Naim A. Dewan, Nasrin Ruby Biswas, Maruf Hossan Chowdhury, Mohammed A. Quaddus:
An AHP Integrated QFD Approach for Three Dimensional Blended Value Requirements in Sustainable E-Business Modelling: The Case of a Commercial Bank. 96 - Yen-Ling Lin, Yu Shirley Ou Yang, Carol Hsu:
Building Legitimacy for Green IS Innovations in Taiwan. 97 - Mari Karjalainen, Mikko T. Siponen, Petri Puhakainen, Suprateek Sarker:
One Size Does Not Fit All: Different Cultures Require Different Information Systems Security Interventions. 98 - Janice C. Sipior, Burke T. Ward, Regina Connolly, Labhras MacGabhann:
Privacy in Online Social Networking: Applying a Privacy Calculus Model. 99 - Geuna Kim, SangHyun Kim, Aaron M. French:
What Increases Firms' Performance of Information Security Management and the Role of Regulatory Pressure. 100 - Ling Yu, Bo Chen, Bei Huang, Ning Wang:
Context-Aware Access Control for Resources in the Ubiquitous Learning System Using Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Encryption. 101 - Seppo Pahnila, Mari Karjalainen, Mikko T. Siponen:
Information Security Behavior: Towards Multi-Stage Models. 102 - Cathy S. Lin, Sheng Wu:
Examining How the Disclosure of IS Security Policies Affect IS Personnel Ethical Conducts. 103 - Qing Hu, Zhengchuan Xu, Ali Alper Yayla:
Why College Students Commit Computer Hacks: Insights from a Cross Culture Analysis. 104 - David Sánchez, Montserrat Batet, Alexandre Viejo:
Detecting Term Relationships to Improve Textual Document Sanitization. 105 - Hwee-Joo Kam, Pairin Katerattanakul, Greg Gogolin, Soongoo Hong:
Information Security Policy Compliance in Higher Education: A Neo-Institutional Perspective. 106 - Shan Chen, Mary-Anne Williams:
Grounding Privacy-by-Design for Information Systems. 107 - Nurul Nuha Abdul Molok, Shanton Chang, Atif Ahmad:
Disclosure of Organizational Information on Social Media: Perspectives from Security Managers. 108 - Lesley Land, Stephen Smith, Vincent Pang:
Building a Taxonomy for Cybercrimes. 109 - Christian Fernando Libaque Saenz, Younghoon Chang, Jimin Kim, Myeong-Cheol Park:
Exploring Big Data Challenges: Factors Affecting Individuals' Intention for Authorizing Their Network Operators the Usage of Their Personal Information. 110 - Jee-Hae Lim, Theophanis C. Stratopoulos, Tony S. Wirjanto:
Senior Executives, IT Reputation Building & Market Valuation. 111 - Rui Bi, Robert M. Davison, Kosmas X. Smyrnios:
The Effect of IT Complementary Resources on Fast Growth Small-to-Medium Enterprise Performance: A Resource-based View. 112 - Eric T. G. Wang, Chi-Hsing Chiu, Kai-Xiang Chen:
Effect of IT Skills on IT Capabilities and IT-Business Alignment. 113 - Pakpoom Dejsakulrit, Brian J. Corbitt, Konrad Janusz Peszynski, Theerasak Thanasankit:
Using an IT Strategy to Improve Company Interaction with Their Supply Chain - A Case Study of a Fire Truck Bodybuilding Business in Thailand. 114 - Zelinna Pablo, Sherwin Ona, Rachel Edita Oñate Roxas, Charibeth Ko Cheng, Allan Borra, Nathaniel Oco:
The Democracy Cube as a Framework for Guiding Participatory Planning for Community-based IT Initiatives. 115 - Kaushik Ghosh, Thiagarajan Ramakrishnan, Jiban Khuntia:
Open Source Software and Performance: A Fit Perspective. 116 - I-Cheng Chang, She-I Chang, Chuang-Chun Liu:
Assessment Mechanism of Internal Control for Information Technology Governance. 117 - Marini Othman, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad, Azizah Suliman, Noor Habibah Arshad:
Towards COBIT-based Framework to Govern Flood Management. 118 - Tommi Tapanainen, Taro Kamioka:
Chief Information Officer (CIO) Leadership in Crisis Situations: Subordinate Stories from the Japan Earthquake Crisis. 119 - Zhen Shao, Yuqiang Feng, Qing Hu:
The Impact Mechanism of Transformational Leadership Style on Exploitative and Exploratory Learning of ERP Systems. 120 - Xiaoyan Li:
Improvisation of Offshore IT Outsourcing in High-Velocity Environments. 121 - Pei-Chi Chen, Ching-Chin Chern, Chung-Yang Chen, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng:
IT Portfolio Investment Evaluation on E-Commerce Solution Alternatives. 122 - Eric Buffenoir, Isabelle Bourdon:
Reconciling Complex Organizations and Data Management: The Panopticon Paradigm. 123 - Eunkyoung Lee, Byungtae Lee:
Dynamics of Price Elasticity Over Time: Evidence from the E-Book Industry. 124 - Kyunghee Lee, Byungtae Lee:
Price Elasticity in Electronic Markets: Evaluating Quality and Product Information for Search and Experience Products. 125 - Xiling Cui, Vincent S. Lai:
E-Loyalty to Online Auction Websites: A Stimulus-Organism-Response Model. 126 - Eldon Y. Li, HsiuJu Rebecca Yen, Chia-Chang Liu, Laurence F. K. Chang:
From Structural Assurances to Trusting Beliefs: Validating Persuasion Principles in the Context of Online Shopping. 127 - Youngsok Bang, Kunsoo Han, Animesh Animesh, Minha Hwang:
From Online to Mobile: Linking Consumers' Online Purchase Behaviors with Mobile Commerce Adoption. 128 - Jyh-Jeng Wu, Shu-Hua Chien, Ying-Hueih Chen, Wei-Kuang Wu:
Multichannel Trust Transfer and Repair. 129 - Youngsoo Kim:
When Do Online Consumers Purchase?: Based on Inter-Purchase Time. 130 - Yoo-Jung Kim, Jae-Jung Kang, Boo-Yun Cho:
Investigating the Role of Network Exteranlities and Perceived Value in User Loyalty Toward a SNS Site: Integrating Network Externalities and VTSL Model. 131 - Chih-Hung Chou, Chi-Hsing Chiu, Chin-Yuan Ho, Jung-Chieh Lee:
Understanding Mobile Apps Continuance Usage Behavior and Habit: An Expectance-Confirmation Theory. 132 - Dongwon Lim, Hwansoo Lee, Jaeheung Yoo, Hangjung Zo:
Free to Paid: Purchase and Dropout Behavior of Mobile Application Users. 133 - Hsiu-Lan Wu:
An Integrated Framework of Mobile Apps Usage Intention. 134 - Kem Z. K. Zhang, Sesia J. Zhao, Matthew K. O. Lee:
Product Attitude Formation on Online Review Sites with Social Networks. 135 - Ying-Hueih Chen, Jyh-Jeng Wu, Irene R. R. Lu, Shu-Hua Chien:
Exploring Impact of E-Marketplace Reputation and Reference Group on Trust of E-Marketplace. 136 - Qiuzhen Wang, Yiling Dai:
The Influence of Online Product Presentation and Seller Reputation on the Consumers' Purchase Intention across Different Involvement Products. 137 - Chulmo Koo, Seunghun Shin, Keehun Kim, Chulwon Kim, Namho Chung:
Smart Tourism of the Korea: A Case Study. 138 - Erik Bookholt, Ton A. M. Spil, Christiaan P. Katsma:
The Future of Digital Music Services in Three Stereotypes; How Focus Groups of End Users See the New Business Models. 139 - Daisy Seng, Carla Wilkin, Ly-Fie Sugianto:
Towards Development of an Instrument to Measure Mobile Portal User Satisfaction. 140 - Michelle Y. T. Gwee, Klarissa T. T. Chang:
Developing E-Loyalty Amongst Impulsive Buyers via Social Influence on Group Buying Websites. 141 - Ya-Ling Wu, Ying-Siou Ye:
Understanding Impulsive Buying Behavior in Mobile Commerce. 142 - Hua Xin, Angsana A. Techatassanasoontorn, Felix B. Tan:
Exploring the Influence of Trust on Mobile Payment Adoption. 143 - Alexander A. Neff, Florian Hamel, Thomas Herz, Falk Uebernickel, Walter Brenner:
Developing a Maturity Model for Product-Service Systems in Manufacturing Enterprises. 144 - Hsiao-Lan Wei, Yu-Fen Yan, Pei-Hung Ju:
Building Identification to Co-Create Supply Chain Innovation. 145 - Hyun-Sun Ryu, Jae-Nam Lee:
Effect of IT Capability on the Alignment between Business and Service Innovation Strategies. 146 - Chun-Hsiung Chiang, Shih-Wei Chou:
Understanding Software-as-a-Service Performance - A Dynamic Capability Perspective. 147 - Haichao Zheng, Jui-Long Hung, Zhangxi Lin:
An Empirical Study of Guarantee in Service E-Commerce. 148 - Niz Safrudin, Jan Recker:
Identifying the Triggers for Management Services in Business Transformation Management. 149 - Qiqi Jiang, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Jiayu Chi, Chee Wei Phang, Kwok Kee Wei:
Offline and Online Channels for Customer Relationship Management: An Investigation in the Inter-Organizational Context. 150 - Hui-Ping Ho, Ching-Ter Chang, Cheng-Yuan Ku:
House Selection via Internet by Considering Homebuyers' Risk Attitudes. 151 - Hansi Jiang, Dongsong Zhang, Zhijun Yan:
A Classification Model for Detection of Chinese Phishing E-Business Websites. 152 - Fu-Ren Lin, An-Yun Lee, Ching-Pin Cheng:
Exploring Business Ecological Information with Personal Attention. 153 - Paul Ralph, Jose Eduardo Narros:
Complexity, Process and Agility in Small Development Teams: An Exploratory Case Study. 154 - Matthias Voigt, Ralf Plattfaut, Kevin Ortbach, Andrea Malsbender, Björn Niehaves, Jörg Becker:
Evaluating Business Modeling Tools from a Creativity Support System Perspective - Results from a Focus Group in the Software Development Industry. 155 - Christopher Cheong, France Cheong, Justin Filippou:
Using Design Science Research to Incorporate Gamification into Learning Activities. 156 - Richard L. Baskerville, Allen S. Lee:
Individual - Organizational Bindpoints: A Design Theory for Bring-Your-Own-System. 157 - Jungeun Kwon, Keunho Choi, Yongmoo Suh:
Double Ensemble Approaches to Predicting Firms' Credit Rating. 158 - Xiaoyan Bai, David C. White, David Sundaram:
Multi-Methodological Approaches in Design Science: A Review, Proposal and Application. 159 - Ahmad Alturki, Guy G. Gable, Wasana Bandara:
The Design Science Research Roadmap: In Progress Evaluation. 160 - San-Yih Hwang, Roger H. L. Chiang, Yung-Lin Hsiao, Shanlin Chang:
On Classifying Discussion Threads Using Travel Information Goal-Oriented Model. 161 - Liqiang Huang, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Kwok-Kee Wei:
The Effect of Product Review Presentation and Product Type on Customer Evaluations. 162 - Wan-Chu Yen, Timmy H. Tseng:
The Impact of Impression Management on Purchase Intentions in Online Auctions: The Moderating Effects of Relationship Norms. 163 - Xin Wei Wang, Hock-Hai Teo, Deliang Wang:
Revenging Instrumentality of eWOMS: An Investigation of Online Negative Consumption Information Contribution. 164 - Teemu Leppänen, Teppo Räisänen, Sami Halonen, Jukka Riekki:
Continuation-based Mobile Personalization Agent in Human Behavior Change. 165 - Jung-Eun Son, Hee-Woong Kim:
Examining SNS Users' Citizenship Behavior: A Social Capital Perspective. 166 - Yongqiang Sun, Kai H. Lim, Yulin Fang:
Do Facts Speak Louder than Words? Understanding the Sources of Punishment Perceptions in Software Piracy Behavior. 167 - Myunsoo Kim:
Effects of Third Person Perception and Information System on Stock Market Crash. 168 - Wenli Li, Lijiao Cheng:
Effects of Neutralization Techniques and Rational Choice Theory on Internet Abuse in the Workplace. 169 - Joseph Siu-Lung Kong, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok:
Knowledge Conversion in Massive Peers: A Preliminary Study on Mutualistic Co-Presence. 170 - Khushbu Tilvawala, David Sundaram, Michael D. Myers:
Design of Organisational Ubiquitous Information Systems: Digital Native and Digital Immigrant Perspectives. 171 - Bob Feng-Yang Kuo, Chih-Yi Tseng, Cathy S. Lin, Chen-Kuang Yang:
Do Utilitarian/Hedonic Subject and Personal Relevance Matter in Users' Choice of Best Knowledge in Online Questionanswering Community? 172 - Gregory D. Moody, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Dennis F. Galletta:
Explaining the Engenderment and Role of Consumer Ambivalence in E-Commerce. 173 - Nadee Goonawardene, Junhui Jiang, Sharon Swee-Lin Tan, Zhenhui Jack Jiang:
Online Health Information Seeking and Adolescents' Intention Towards Health Self-Management. 174 - Yuxiang (Chris) Zhao, Qinghua Zhu:
An Investigation into the Online Generative Capability of Chinese Digital Immigrants. 175 - Binjie Luo, Zhangxi Lin, Siming Li:
Social Network Effect on Bidding Strategy Adoption in Online P2P Lending Market. 176 - Wei Wang, Carol Xiaojuan Ou:
Explaining the Role of User Commitment in Extended Use of Information Systems: An Empirical Investigation. 177 - Zach W. Y. Lee, Christy M. K. Cheung:
Problematic Use of Massively Multiplayer Online Games: Scale Development and Validation. 178 - Md. Mahbubul Alam, Christian Wagner:
"Facebook Distress": A Model to Investigate Discontinuation of Social Networking Site Use. 179 - Chuan Luo, Yao Lan, Chao Wang, Liukang Ma:
The Effect of Information Consistency and Information Aggregation on eWOM Readers' Perception of Information Overload. 180 - Jaeyoung Lee, Euiho Suh:
An Empirical Study of the Factors Influencing Use of Social Network Service. 181 - Meng-Xiang Li, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Kwok-Kee Wei:
Travel Distance Judgment: An Environmental Distance Information Cognitive Processing Perspective. 182 - David Bodoff, Eran Vaknin:
Don't Look Here: Off-Limits Words Bias Play in the ESP Game. 183 - Avijit Sengupta, Klarissa Ting-Ting Chang:
Effect of Icon Styles on Cognitive Absorption and Behavioral Intention of Low Literate Users. 184 - Duwaraka Yoganathan, Sangaralingam Kajanan:
Persuasive Technology for Smartphone Fitness Apps. 185 - Jörg Becker, Nico Clever, Justus Holler, Maria Shitkova:
Towards a Usability Measurement Framework for Process Modelling Tools. 186 - Yohan Choi, Yong-Young Kim, Douglas M. Schutz:
Invisible Computing. 187 - Jian Tang, Ping Zhang, Philip Fei Wu:
Passive or Active: Understanding Consumers' Behavioral Responses to Online Advertising. 188 - Jihyun Kim, Jinwoo Kim, Jae Yun Moon:
Does Age Matter in Mobile User Experience? Impact of Age on Relative Importance of Antecedents of Mobile User Experience. 189 - Li Yu, Jie Yang, Dong Yang, Xiaoping Yang:
A Decision Support System for Finding Research Topic based on Paper Recommendation. 190 - Hawa Ahmad, Andrew Basden:
Down-to-Earth Issues in Information System Use. 191 - Bang Viet Nguyen, Frada Burstein:
Usage-Driven Health Information Portals: A Concept and Design. 192 - Ming Yang, Xiaodi Wang, Melody Y. Kiang:
Identification of Consumer Adverse Drug Reaction Messages on Social Media. 193 - Shin-Yuan Hung, Wen-Ju Yu, Min-Fang Tsai, David C. Yen:
What Drives Physicians' Intention to Use Electronic Medical Record System: The Roles of Perceived Service Level, Computer Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Risk. 194 - Jei-Fuu Chen, Ling-Ling Wu:
Retaining Participants in Web-based Health Intervention: Effects of Social Capital. 195 - Supunmali Ahangama, Danny Chiang Choon Poo:
Web Presence in Managing Health Outcomes: A Country Level Analysis. 196 - Pi-Jung Hsieh, Hui-Min Lai, Pin-Yi Kuo:
Physician Acceptance Behavior of the Electronic Medical Records Exchange: An Extended Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior. 197 - Zhenbin Yang, Atreyi Kankanhalli:
Understanding the Effect of Physicians' Practice on the Use of Healthcare IS. 198 - Chun-Hua Hsiao, Mei-Chun Chen, Kai-Yu Tang:
Investigating the Success Factors for the Acceptance of Mobile Healthcare Technology. 199 - Joyce Yi-Hui Lee, Linda Lin-Lin Li:
Role Playing for Effective Online Health Communication - A Case Study of Internet-based Chat Rooms. 200 - Zixiu Guo, Kenneth J. Stevens, Yuan Li:
A Typology and Hierarchical Framework of Technology Use in Digital Natives' Learning. 201 - Christopher Cheong, Justin Filippou, France Cheong:
Understanding Student Perceptions of Game Elements to Develop Gamified Systems for Learning. 202 - Chih-Chien Wang, Ming-Chang Hsu:
Flow Experience and Challenge-Skill Balance in E-Learning. 203 - Jin-Xing Hao, Angela Yan Yu, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok:
The Learning Impacts of a Concept Map based Classroom Response System. 204 - Honglei Li:
If Use It, Will They Continue to Use? Student's Intention to Return to Wikipage Usage in Collaborative Group Project. 205 - Christopher Cheong, France Cheong, Justin Filippou:
Quick Quiz: A Gamified Approach for Enhancing Learning. 206 - Charlie C. Chen, Peter Ractham:
Adopting Internet Telephony Technology as a Cross-Cultural Communication Training Tool. 207 - G. Y. Mui, Y. J. Tee, V. Y. Sien:
Perceptions of Information Communications Technology Education: A Supply-Side Case of Malaysian Private Education. 208 - Xiang Wang, Shuyan Ding:
Constructing Autonomy Oriented Network Learning Mechanism of Generation Y. 209 - Alain Yee-Loong Chong, Eric W. T. Ngai:
What Influences Travellers' Adoption of a Location-based Social Media Service for Their Travel Planning? 210 - Daniel Weiss, Jonas Repschlaeger, Rüdiger Zarnekow, Holger Schrödl:
Towards a Consumer Cloud Computing Maturity Model - Proposition of Development Guidelines, Maturity Domains and Maturity Levels. 211 - Eric T. G. Wang, Frank K. Y. Chou, S. Z. Lai:
Can Intra-Firm IT Skills Benefit Supply Chain Integration and Performance? 212 - Qian Huang, Kun Fang, Hefu Liu:
The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture in the Relationship between Power, Trust, and eSCMS Adoption Intention. 213 - Tao Wang, Minghui Kang, Bin Fu:
Understanding User Acceptance of Micro-Blog Services in China Using the Extended Motivational Model. 214 - Seyoung Seol, Jieun Yu, Jongbum Kim, Munkee Choi, Hangjung Zo:
User Acceptance of the Next Generation Digital Signage: A Perspective of Perceived Value. 215 - Md Taimur Ahad, Laurel Evelyn Dyson, Valérie Gay:
Exploring M-Banking for Rural SMEs from the Bank's Perspective: A Focus Group Study in Bangladesh. 216 - Kangning Wei, Heshan Sun, Huayong Li:
On the Driving Forces of Diffusion of Podcasting in Organizational Settings: A Case Study and Propositions. 217 - Sherah Kurnia, Md. Mahbubur Rahim, Richard Husada, Saadat M. Alhashmi:
Identifying Facilitators and Challenges for IT Adoption at a Local Malaysian Retail Company: The IT Management Perspective. 218 - Wei He, Vincent Cho, Cong Qi, Xin Xu, Feng Lu:
Linking Knowledge Sharing and Employee Creativity: Decomposing Knowledge Mode and Improving the Measure of Tacit Knowledge Sharing. 219 - Yan Li, Weiquan Wang, Yan Zhu, Jian Chen:
What Accounts for Organizations' Different Usage of B2B E-Marketplaces? 220 - Faisal Syafar, Jing Gao, Jia Tina Du:
Applying the International Delphi Technique in a Study of Mobile Collaborative Maintenance Requirements. 221 - Fayez Hussain Alqahtani, Jason Watson, Helen Partridge:
Employees' Adoption of Enterprise Web 2.0: The Role of Technological Attributes. 222 - Kevin K. W. Ho, Eric Wing Kuen See-To, Billy Chiu, Mandy Wu:
Consumer E-Service Evaluation in Hong Kong Online Music Subscription Service Industry. 223 - Haslinda Sutan Ahmad Nawi, Othman Ibrahim, Azizah Abdul Rahman:
Public E-Service Sustainability Failure Factors: An Exploratory Study. 224 - Serpil T. Yuce, Nitin Agarwal, Rolf T. Wigand, Merlyna Lim, Rebecca S. Robinson:
Blogging, Bridging, and Brokering: Analyzing Interconnected Networks in Online Collective Actions. 225 - Qing Hu, JingHua Xiao, Kang Xie:
The Role of Guanxi in Information Technology Enabled Organizations: A Structuration Theory Perspective. 226 - Ivy L. B. Liu, Christy M. K. Cheung, Matthew K. O. Lee:
Customer Information Sharing Behavior in Social Shopping Communities: A Social Capital Perspective. 227 - One-Ki Daniel Lee, Peng Xu, Jean-Pierre Kuilboer, Noushin Ashrafi:
How to be Good at Sensing and Responding: The Roles of Three Types of IT Infrastructure. 228 - Wen-Lung Shiau, Patrick Y. K. Chau:
Does Altruism Matter on Online Group Buying? Perspectives from Egotistic and Altruistic Behavior. 229 - Shaobo Wei, Hefu Liu, Weiling Ke, Kwok-Kee Wei, Zhongsheng Hua:
The Interaction Effects between Supply Chain Integration and IT Capabilities on Firm Performance. 230 - Kevin Ortbach, Sebastian Köffer, Carl Philipp Friedrich Müller, Björn Niehaves:
How IT Consumerization Affects the Stress Level at Work: A Public Sector Case Study. 231 - Huifen Wang, Wenhui Ye, Qiuhong Tang:
Beyond ANT and Sociomateriality: Explore Symbolic Power to Information System Adoption. 232 - Sung-Byung Yang, Byounggu Choi:
The Effect of Relative Power on Interorganizational Knowledge Transfer and Relationship Quality in the Buyer-Supplier Relationship: A Bilateral Perspective. 233 - Yang Yang, Atreyi Kankanhalli:
Investigating the Influence of IT and Other Resources on Service Innovation in Banking. 234 - Kyung Jin Cha, Zoonky Lee:
What Do We Mean by Information Technology Enabled Organisational Transformation? 235 - Zhuojun Yi, Dongming Xu, Jon Heales:
The Moderating Effect of Social Influence on Ethical Decision Making in Software Piracy. 236 - Celeste See-Pui Ng:
Factors Affecting the Business Performance of Firms Utilizing Social Media. 237 - Tae Hun Kim, Jae-Nam Lee:
The Effects of Team Diversity in Knowledge Sourcing Scope and Individual Learning Mode: A Multi-Level Approach. 238 - Donghyun Kim:
The Impact of Mobile Social Capital and IT Artifact Influence on IT Adoption: User-IT Artifact Interaction. 239 - Ku Maisurah Ku Bahador, Abrar Haider:
The Maturity of Information Technology Competencies: A Case of Accounting Practitioners in the Malaysian Accounting Service. 240 - Preechaya Nuttasophon, Kristian Rotaru, Axel Schulz:
Risk Framing in Performance Measurement Systems: The Effect on Risky Decision-Making. 241 - Say Yen Teoh, Hossein Seif Zadeh:
Strategic Resilience Management Model: Complex Enterprise Systems Upgrade Implementation. 242 - Candy K. Y. Ho, Weiling Ke, Hefu Liu:
E-Learning System Implementation: Implications from the Construal Level Theory. 243 - Ravi Seethamraju:
Determinants of SaaS ERP Systems Adoption. 244 - Zhao Cai, Qian Huang, Hefu Liu, Robert M. Davison, Liang Liang:
Developing Organizational Agility through IT Capability and KM Capability: The Moderating Effects of Organizational Climate. 245 - Neil Chueh-An Lee, Eric T. G. Wang:
Enabling Supply Chain Agility through IOS Integration and Supply Chain Flexibility. 246 - Martijn Zoet, Johan Versendaal:
Business Rules Management Solutions Problem Space: Situational Factors. 247 - Philipp Zellner, Marcus Laumann:
Evaluation of Business Processes for Business Process Standardization. 248 - Julian Krumeich, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos:
Towards a Viewpoint-based Modeling Method to Foster Collaborative Modeling - Conceptual Design and Implementation. 249 - Mianzhen Pan, Ji-Ye Mao:
Cross Boundary Knowledge Management Mechanisms by Key Users in ES Implementation. 250 - Mohsen Naderpour, Jie Lu:
A Hybrid Bayesian Network for Safety of Chemical Plants. 251 - Hanns-Alexander Dietrich:
Towards Next Generation Business Process Model Repositories - A Technical Perspective on Loading and Processing of Process Models. 252 - She-I Chang, Hsing-Jung Li, Su-Han Cheng, Wan-Yun Lai:
Development of the Risk Management Mechanism of an Enterprise Resource Planning System based on Work System Method. 253 - Sepideh Ebrahimi, Othman Ibrahim, Ab Razak Che Hussin, Darshana Sedera:
Efficiency of Knowledge Integration in Enterprise Systems Implementation. 254 - Mohammad Dalvi Esfahani, Azizah Abdul Rahman, Nor Hidayati Zakaria:
Customer Oriented Business Process Improvement Methodlogy for Public Sector Organizations. 255 - Nur Syufiza Ahmad Shukor, Azizah Abdul Rahman, Noorminshah A. Iahad:
A Review on Knowledge Audit Process. 256 - Norihiko Moriwaki, Miki Hayakawa, Norio Ohkubo, Kazuo Yano, Dai Senoo:
Sensor-based Knowledge Discovery from a Large Quantity of Situational Variables. 257 - Tung-Ching Lin, Chih-Chung Liu, Feng-Sheng Wang:
Empirical Study of Online Auction Seller Switching: The Case of Yahoo vs. Ruten in Taiwan. 258 - Ahmad A. Rabaa'i, Guy G. Gable:
Measuring IS-Support: A Conceptual Model. 259 - Chen-Ya Wang, Hsia-Ching Chang, Seng-cho Timothy Chou, Fung-Fei Chen:
Acceptance and Willingness to Pay for Mobile TV Apps. 260 - Chih-Ping Wei, Lien-Chin Chen, Hung-Yao Chen, Chin-Sheng Yang:
Mining Suppliers from Online News Documents. 261 - Alexander Dreiling, Jan Recker:
Towards a Theoretical Framework for Organizational Innovation. 262 - Hadi Kandjani, Peter Bernus:
Sustaining Information Systems as a Discipline: Towards an Evolving Theory of Information Systems Discipline. 263 - Michael Mohaupt, Andreas Hilbert:
Decision Support System for Customer Value-based Revenue Management in Manufacturing. 264 - Christobal Cayaba, Zelinna Pablo:
A Qualitative Investigation of the SECI Model's Knowledge Conversions in the Applications Development Context. 265 - Yahui Li, Yuewen Liu, Hongyun Zhang, Wei Sun, Wei Huang:
An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Information Quality: From the Expectation-Perception Perspective. 266 - Maura Atapattu, Darshana Sedera:
Agility: Customer's Perspective. 267 - Jung P. Shim, Aaron M. French, Ephraim R. McLean:
Continual Growth, Inhibitors, and Implications of Information Communication Technology in South Korea from a North American Perspective. 268 - Md. Maruf Hossan Chowdhury, Mohammed Naim A. Dewan, Mohammed A. Quaddus:
Sustainable Supply Chain Management through Compliance of Stakeholders' Requirements: A Study on Ready-Made Garment (RMG) Industry of Bangladesh. 269 - Anne Marie Warren, Ainin Sulaiman, Noor Ismawati Binti Jaafar:
Investigating Civic Engagement in Social Media. 270 - Yang Bao:
The Impact of Textual Corporate Risk Disclosures on Risk Perceptions of Investors. 271 - Arif Perdana:
The Impact of Data Information Quality of XBRL-based Financial Statements on Nonprofessional Investors' Decision Making. 272 - Lin Xiao:
Consumer Motivations in Online Group Buying: A Means-End Chain Approach. 273 - Chun Fong Lei, Eric Wai Ting Ngai:
Green Information Technologies Adoption: A Managerial Perspective. 274 - Andrea Herrera, Lech J. Janczewski:
Modelling Organizational Resilience in the Cloud. 275 - Yue (Katherine) Feng, Kar Yan Tam:
Gain and Loss in System Switching: A Behavioral Economics View to Understand the Joint Effects of System Usage Performance on User Satisfaction. 276 - Siddhartha Arumugam:
Perceptions & Expectations of the Roles & Functions of the IT Project Management Office. 277 - Wee Hong Loo, Paul H. P. Yeow, Uchenna Cyril Eze:
Responsible Consumption Behaviour: A Framework for Acquisition, Use & Disposal of Computers. 278 - Jianhui Huang:
Pricing Strategy for Cloud Computing Services. 279 - Rabiah Eladwiah Abdul Rahim, Azizah Abdul Rahman:
Resource-based Framework of Green IT Capability Toward Firms' Competitive Advantage. 280 - Siti Aisyah Salim:
Cloud ERP Adoption-A Process View Approach. 281 - Geetha Kanaparan, Rowena Cullen, David D. M. Mason:
Self-Efficacy and Engagement as Predictors of Student Programming Performance. 282 - Youngseok Choi:
DYMS (Dynamic Matcher Selector) - Scenario-based Schema Matcher Selector. 283 - Eunkyoung Lee, Byungtae Lee:
How Does an Online Platform Impact on Human Behavior and Human Perception: Evidence from the P2P Lending Market and the E-Book Market. 284 - Seung Hye Jin, Yong Jin Kim:
Differencial Effect of E-Banking Services Determinants. 285 - Meng Zhang:
Understanding IT Value: A Multilevel, Complex, and Adaptive System Perspective. 286

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