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9th Parallel CFD 1997: Manchester, UK
- David R. Emerson, Akin Ecer, Jacques Périaux, Nobuyuki Satofuka:
Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 1997, Manchester, UK, May 19-21, 1997. North Holland 1998, ISBN 978-0-444-82849-1 - M. A. Leschziner, F. S. Lien:
Computation of Physically Complex Turbulent Flows on Parallel Computers with a Multiblock Algorithm. 3-14 - Kenneth Morgan, Nigel P. Weatherill, Oubay Hassan, M. T. Manzari, L. B. Bayne, P. J. Brookes:
Parallel processing for large scale aerospace engineering simulations. 15-22 - N. D. Sandham, R. J. A. Howard:
Direct simulation of turbulence using massively parallel computers. 23-32 - Tadashi Watanabe:
Simulation of three-dimensional convection pattern in a Rayleigh-Bénard system using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. 33-40 - A. Arulananthan, S. P. Johnson, Kevin McManus, Chris Walshaw
, Mark Cross:
A Generic Strategy for Dynamic Load Balancing of Distributed Memory Parallel Computational Mechanics using Unstructured Meshes. 43-50 - Y. P. Chien, S. Secer, Akin Ecer, Hasan U. Akay:
Communication Cost Function for Parallel CFD Using Variable Time Stepping Algorithms. 51-56 - Tim Gutzmer:
Dynamic Load Balancing for Adaptive Mesh Coarsening in Computational Fluid Dynamics. 57-64 - T. Kinoshita, O. Inoue:
A Parallel Unstructured Mesh Adaptation for Unsteady Compressible Flow Simulations. 65-72 - C. D. Robinson, J. K. Harvey:
A Fully Concurrent DSMC Implementation with Adaptive Domain Decomposition. 73-80 - Nasir Touheed, Paul M. Selwood, Peter K. Jimack
, Martin Berzins
, Peter M. Dew:
Parellel Dynamic Load-Balancing for the Solution of Transient CFD Problems Using Adaptive Tetrahedral Meshes. 81-88 - Chris Walshaw
, Mark Cross, Martin G. Everett:
Parallel dynamic load-balancing for adaptive unstructured meshes. 89-96 - A. Bundschud, B. Risio, U. Schnell, K. R. G. Hein:
Convergence and Computing Time Acceleration for the Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion Processes by means of a Parallel Multigrid Algorithm. 99-106 - Guy Edjlali, Marc Garbey, Damien Tromeur-Dervout:
Coupling of a Combustion Code with an Incompressible Navier-Stokes Code on MIMD Architecture. 107-114 - James M. McDonough, Víctor E. Garzón, Kozo Saito:
Parallel Simulation of Forest Fire Spread Due to Firebrand Transport. 115-121 - Edoardo Bucchignani, R. Mella, Pasquale Schiano, G. Richelli:
Comparisons of the MPI and PVM performances by using structured and unstructured CFD codes. 125-132 - O. Louedin, J. Ryan:
Three-dimensional simulation on a parallel computer of supersonic coflowing jets. 133-140 - S. H. Onslow, C. E. Chapman, S. Paton, T. Bigueure:
Navier-Stokes algorithm development within the FAME mesh environment. 141-148 - Harmen van der Ven, Jaap J. W. van der Vegt:
Partitioning and parallel development of an unstructured, adaptive flow solver on the NEC SX-4. 149-156 - A. Berner, Graham F. Carey:
Parallel workstation clusters and MPI for sparse systems in computational science. 159-167 - Franck Cantariti, Laurent Dubuc, Brian J. Gribben, Mark A. Woodgate, Ken J. Badcock, Bryan E. Richards, William McMillan:
Integration of an Implicit Multiblock Code into a Workstation Cluster Environment. 169-175 - Ü. Gülçat, E. Usta, A. R. Aslan, Firat Oguz Edis:
Parallel solution of Maxwell's Equations on a cluster of WS in PVM environment. 177-184 - S. V. Peigin, S. V. Timchenko:
Application of the networked computers for numerical investigation of 3D turbulent boundary layer over complex bodies. 185-192 - A. V. Alexandrov, A. N. Antonov, T. K. Kozubskaya:
Simulation of acoustic wave propagation within unsteady viscous compressible gas flows on parallel distributed memory computer systems. 195-200 - C. B. Allen, D. P. Jones:
Parallel solution of hovering rotor flows. 201-208 - A. N. Antonov, M. A. Antonov, Boris N. Chetverushkin, I. A. Graur, Eugene V. Shilnikov:
High accuracy simulation of viscous unsteady gasdynamic flows. 209-215 - A. D'Alascio, Alfonso Matrone, R. Mella, A. Visingardi:
Ramsys. 217-224 - G. Fritsch, G. Möhres:
Multistage Simulations for Turbomachinery Design on Parallel Architectures. 225-238 - Barna L. Bihari, Vijaya Shankar, Sampath Palaniswamy:
Massively parallel implementation of an explicit CFD algorithm on unstructured grids, II. 241-248 - Y. C. Chuang, Jenq Kuen Lee, K. L. Wu, C. A. Lin:
Towards the Parallelisation of Pressure Correction Method on Unstructured Grids. 249-256 - Bruno Codenotti, G. Mariotti, S. Pedinotti, Giovanni Resta:
Parallel Implementation of a Discontinuous Finite Element Method for the Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations. 257-261 - N. C. Rycroft, Stephen R. Turnock:
Hybrid Cell Finite Volume Euler Solutions of Flow Around a Main-Jib Sail Using an IBM SP2. 263-272 - Spencer J. Sherwin
, Constantinos Evangelinos, H. Tufo, George Em Karniadakis:
hpDevelopment of a Parallel Unstructured Spectral/ Method for Unsteady Fluid Dynamics. 273-280 - Denis Vanderstraeten, Matthew G. Knepley
Parallel Building Blocks for Finite Element Simulations. 281-287 - Y. F. Yao, Brian E. Richards:
Parallel CFD Computation on Unstructured Grids. 289-296 - Hasan U. Akay, Akin Ecer, K. Fekete:
A domain decomposition based parallel solver for viscous incompressible flows. 299-306 - Neil W. Bressloff:
Parallelisation of the Discrete Transfer Radiation Model. 307-314 - Dimitris Drikakis, A. Spentzos:
Study of flow bifurcation phenomena using a parallel characteristics based method. 317-324 - Akin Ecer, N. Gopalaswamy, Hasan U. Akay, Y. P. Chien:
Efficient parallel computing using digital filtering algorithms. 325-332 - William D. Gropp
, David E. Keyes, Lois C. McInnes, Moulay D. Tidriri:
Parallel Implicit PDE Computations. 333-344 - Y. F. Hu, K. C. F. Maguire, Davor Cokljat, R. J. Blake:
Parallel Controlled Random Search Algorithms for Shape Optimization. 345-352 - Kazuo Minami, Hisashi Nakamura, Kazuo Sato, Shigeru Ishizuki:
Performance of ICCG Solver in Vector & Parallel Machine Architecture. 353-358 - Kengo Nakajima, Hisashi Nakamura, Takahiko Tanahashi:
Parallel Iterative Solvers with Localized ILU Preconditioning. 359-366 - Yu. D. Shevelev:
Last achievements and some trends in CFD. 367-374 - S. V. Timchenko:
The effective parallel algorithm for solution of parabolic partial differential equations system. 375-382 - Andrei I. Tolstykh:
Multioperator high-order compact upwind methods for CFD parallel calculations. 383-390 - Hans Bleecke, R. Heinrich, Erik Monsen, S. Leicher, Hubert Ritzdorf:
FLOWer and CLIC-3D, A Portable Flow Solving System for Block Structured 3D-Applications; Status and Benchmarks. 393-400 - I. J. P. Elshoff, K. H. Tan, S. Hummel, M. J. A. Borsboom:
Delft-Hydra - An Architecture for Coupling Concurrent Simulators. 401-406 - Reinhard Hinkelmann, Andreas Malcherek, H. Jakobs, Werner Zielke:
A 3D Free Surface Flow and Transport Model on Different High Performance Computation Architectures. 407-414 - Naoki Hirose, Takashi Nakamura, Masahiro Fukuda:
Recent Progress on Numerical Wind Tunnel at the National Aerospace Laboratory, Japan. 415-422 - J. Lepper, Roland Rühle, U. Schnell, K. R. G. Hein:
Performance Comparison of the Cray T3E/512 and the NEC SX-4/32 for a Parallel CFD-Code Based on Message Passing. 423-430 - M. B. J. M. Pourquié, Bendiks Jan Boersma, F. T. M. Nieuwstadt:
About some performance issues that occur when porting LES/DNS codes from vector machines to parallel platforms. 431-438 - B. Risio, J. Lepper, U. Schnell, K. R. G. Hein:
Microtasking versus Message Passing Parallelisation of the 3D-Combustion Code AIOLOS on the NEC SX-4. 439-446 - Peter Wilders:
Parallel performance of domain decomposition based transport. 447-454 - T. Bönisch, Roland Rühle:
Portable Parallelization of a 3-D Flow-Solver. 457-464 - Giuseppe Passoni, Giancarlo Alfonsi, Umberto Cardu, Giovanni Tula:
Implementation of a Navier-Stokes solver on a parallel computing system. 465-472 - Jubaraj Sahu, Daniel M. Pressel, Karen R. Heavey, Charles J. Nietubicz:
Parallel application of a Navier-Stokes solver for projectile aerodynamics. 473-480 - Kenjiro Shimano, Yoshiyuki Hamajima, Hideki Kato, Chuichi Arakawa:
Incompressible Navier-Stokes Solver on Massively Parallel Computer Adopting Coupled Method. 481-488 - F. Chalot, Quang Vinh Dinh, M. Mallet, A. Naïm, M. Ravachol:
A Multi-platform Shared- or Distributed-Memory Navier-Stokes Code. 491-504 - H. Schiffermüller, Branislav Basara
, Gernot Bachler:
Predictions of External Car Aerodynamics on Distributed Memory Machines. 505-512 - J. B. Vos, Stefan Haberhauer, Anders Ytterström:
Industrial Flow Simulations using Different Parallel Architectures. 513-520 - V. Botte, A. Tourlidakis, R. L. Elder:
On the use of Cray's scientific libraries for a Navier-Stokes algorithm for complex three-dimensional geometries. 523-530 - Emyr Wyn Evans, Steve P. Johnson, Peter F. Leggett, Mark Cross:
Automatic Generation of Multi-Dimensionally Partitioned Parallel CFD code in a Parallelisation Tool. 531-538 - Harri Hakula, Jari Järvinen, Petri Kallberg, Jouni Malinen, Juha Ruokolainen, Martti Verho:
ELMER - An Environment for Parallel Industrial CFD. 539-544 - Cos S. Ierotheou, Steve P. Johnson, Kevin McManus, Peter F. Leggett, Mark Cross:
Semi-automatic Parallelisation of Unstructured Mesh Codes. 545-552 - Kevin McManus, Steve P. Johnson, Peter F. Leggett, Mark Cross:
Modelling Continuum Mechanics Phenomena using Three Dimensional Unstructured Meshes on Massively Parallel Processors. 553-560 - Takashi Ohta:
An object-oriented programming paradigm for parallel computational fluid dynamics on memory distributed parallel computers. 561-568 - M. Alam, N. D. Sandham:
Numerical study of separation bubbles with turbulent reattachment followed by a boundary layer relaxation. 571-578 - Walter Huber:
Efficient parallel turbulence simulation using the combination method on workstation-clusters and MIMD-systems. 579-586 - Carl B. Jenssen:
Industrial Use of Large Eddy Simulation. 587-592 - F. S. Lien:
High Performance Computing of Turbulent Flows with a Non-linear υ2¯-f Model on the CRAY T3D Using SHMEM and MPI. 593-600 - Nobuyuki Satofuka, Takuji Nishioka, Masanori Obata:
Parallel Computation of Lattice Boltzmann Equations for Incompressible Flows. 601-608 - Yeong-Pei Tsai:
Numerical Simulation of 3-D Free Shear Layers. 609-615 - R. W. C. P. Verstappen, Arthur E. P. Veldman:
Data-parallel DNS of tubrulent flow. 617-624 - C. Weber:
Parallel Implicit Computation of Turbulent Transonic Flow around a Complete Aircraft Configuration. 625-632 - Santiago Chumbe, F. Hermosilla, Manuel Espino, M. González, Marc A. García, Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla:
Parallel computing of dispersion of passive pollutants in coastal seas. 635-640 - H. Ma, J. McCaffrey, Steve Piacsek:
A Parallel Implementation of a Spectral Element Ocean Model for Simulating Low-Latitude Circulation System. 641-648 - C. S. Richmond, A. C. Coward, B. A. de Cuevas, E. Rourke, D. J. Webb:
Modelling the Global Ocean Circulation on the T3D. 649-656 - Juan Raúl Cebral:
Zfem. 659-666 - R. Onishi, T. Kimura, T. Ohta, Z. Guo:
Development of Parallel Computing Environment for Aircraft Aero-Structural Coupled Analysis. 667-673 - Katina Warendorf, Roland Rühle:
A Parallel Self-Adaptive Grid Generation Strategy for a Highly Unstructured Euler Solver. 675-681

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