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SECON 2012: Seoul, Korea
- 9th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, SECON 2012, Seoul, Korea (South), June 18-21, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1904-1
The Medley
- Chi Zhang, Jun Luo
, Liu Xiang, Feng Li, Juncong Lin, Ying He
Harmonic quorum systems: Data management in 2D/3D wireless sensor networks with holes. 1-9 - Liguang Xie, Yi Shi
, Y. Thomas Hou
, Wenjing Lou, Hanif D. Sherali, Scott F. Midkiff
On renewable sensor networks with wireless energy transfer: The multi-node case. 10-18 - Zhanwei Sun, Chi Harold Liu
, Chatschik Bisdikian, Joel W. Branch, Bo Yang:
QoI-aware energy management in Internet-of-Things sensory environments. 19-27 - Yi Gai, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Mingyan Liu:
Online learning for combinatorial network optimization with restless Markovian rewards. 28-36
Demo/Poster Session
- Furqan Hameed Khan, Young-June Choi:
Towards introducing self-configurability in cognitive femtocell networks. 37-39 - Jisu Kim, Jae-Hyun Kim:
The user-centric mobility support scheme. 40-41 - Atif Ismail, Byeong-Hee Roh
Enhancing MIH for optimum network performance and handovers in heterogeneous networks. 42-44 - Andreas Achtzehn, Janne Riihijärvi, Petri Mähönen:
Error distribution in maximum likelihood estimation of radio propagation model parameters. 45-47 - Jaebeom Kim, Keun Woo Lim, Young-Bae Ko:
Contention mitigated EDCA algorithm for reliable smart grid mesh networks. 48-50 - Yeonsik Jeong, Sun-Hyun Kim, Seung-Jae Han:
Link configuration and message forwarding for intermittently connected mobile networks. 51-53 - Jae-Joon Lee, Jaesung Lim:
Implications of route oscillation in partial interference. 54-55 - Azizur Rahim, Nadeem Javaid
, Muhammad Aslam
, U. Qasim, Zahoor Ali Khan
Adaptive-reliable medium access control protocol for wireless body area networks. 56-58 - S. M. Iftekharul Alam, Salmin Sultana, Y. Charlie Hu, Sonia Fahmy
Link correlation and network coding in broadcast protocols for wireless sensor networks. 59-61 - Boram Choi, Hyuk Lim
, Hyunduk Kang, Byung Jang Jeong:
Dynamic priority scheduling for heterogeneous cognitive radio networks. 62-64 - Youn Seo, Keun Woo Lim, Young-Bae Ko, Yooseung Song, Sangjoon Park:
Adaptive wireless mesh networks architecture based on IEEE 802.11s for public surveillance. 65-67 - Karim Habak
, Khaled A. Harras, Moustafa Youssef
OPERETTA: Demonstrating an optimal energy efficient bandwidth aggregation system. 68-70 - Hyun Lee, Jae-Yong Yoo, JongWon Kim:
MOVi+: Improving the scalability of mobile opportunistic video-on-demand. 71-72 - Kwangjae Sung, Hwangnam Kim:
Bayesian navigation system with particle filtering and dead reckoning in urban canyon environments. 73-75 - Yacine Benchaïb, Claude Chaudet:
Using VIRMANEL and SILUMOD to study protocol for mobile multihop networks. 76-78 - John Tooker, Xin Dong, Mehmet Can Vuran
, Suat Irmak:
Connecting soil to the cloud: A wireless underground sensor network testbed. 79-81 - Majid Nabi, Marc Geilen
, Twan Basten
Demonstrating on-demand listening and data forwarding in wireless body area networks. 82-84 - Cheolgi Kim, Mu Sun, Maryam Rahmaniheris, Lui Sha:
How to reliably integrate medical devices over wireless. 85-87 - Dabin Kim, Jaebeom Kim, Woo Sung Jung
, Young-Bae Ko, Younghyun Kim:
Developing the IEEE 802.11s based reliable Smart Grid mesh networks. 88-90 - Shehzad Amir, Young-June Choi:
Interference coordination scheme between WiFi and Zigbee networks. 91-93 - JeongGil Ko, Nicolas Tsiftes, Adam Dunkels, Andreas Terzis:
Pragmatic low-power interoperability: ContikiMAC vs TinyOS LPL. 94-96 - Sang Wu Kim:
Integrated detection and mitigation of pollution attack in wireless network coding: Physical layer approach. 97-99 - Ildefonso de la Cruz, Okhwan Lee, Sunghyun Choi
Measurement-based Call Admission Control algorithm for multi-rate VoWLANs. 100-102 - Muhammad Aslam
, Tauseef Shah, Nadeem Javaid
, Azizur Rahim, Ziaur Rahman
, Zahoor Ali Khan
CEEC: Centralized energy efficient clustering a new routing protocol for WSNs. 103-105 - Sardorbek Muminov, Nam-Yeol Yun, Seung-Won Shin, Soo-Hyun Park, Jun-Ho Jeon, Chang-Gi Hong, Sung-Joon Park, Changhwa Kim, Gi-Hun Yang
, Young-Sun Ryuh:
Biomimetic fish robot controlling system by using underwater acoustic signal. 106-108 - Youngki Lee, Younghyun Ju, Chulhong Min, Jihyun Yu, Junehwa Song:
MobiCon: Mobile context monitoring platform: Incorporating context-awareness to smartphone-centric personal sensor networks. 109-111
Energy Efficiency
- Jingyao Zhang, Srikrishna Iyer, Patrick Schaumont
, Yaling Yang:
Simulating power/energy consumption of sensor nodes with flexible hardware in wireless networks. 112-120 - Karim Habak
, Khaled A. Harras, Moustafa Youssef
OPERETTA: An optimal energy efficient bandwidth aggregation system. 121-129 - S. M. Iftekharul Alam, Sonia Fahmy
An energy-efficient approach for provenance transmission in wireless sensor networks. 130-138 - Morten Tranberg Hansen, Branislav Kusy
, Raja Jurdak
, Koen Langendoen
AutoSync: Automatic duty-cycle control for synchronous low-power listening. 139-147
Scheduling and Resource Management
- Fangfei Chen, Matthew P. Johnson, Amotz Bar-Noy, Thomas F. La Porta:
Convergecast with aggregatable data classes. 148-156 - Seungku Kim, Seokhwan Kim, Jin-Woo Kim, Doo Seop Eom:
Flexible beacon scheduling scheme for interference mitigation in body sensor networks. 157-164 - Pu Wang
, Ian F. Akyildiz:
Network stability of cognitive radio networks in the presence of heavy tailed traffic. 165-173 - Chanmin Yoon, Yohan Chon, Hojung Cha:
PION: Human mobility-based service provisioning framework for smartphone users. 174-181
Data processing
- Liu Xiang, Jun Luo
, Chenwei Deng, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
, Weisi Lin:
DECA: Recovering fields of physical quantities from incomplete sensory data. 182-190 - Colin O'Reilly, Alexander Gluhak, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Sutharshan Rajasegarar
Online anomaly rate parameter tracking for anomaly detection in wireless sensor networks. 191-199 - Soji Omiwade, Rong Zheng:
Online data recovery in wireless sensor networks. 200-208 - Jalaluddin Qureshi
, Chuan Heng Foh
, Jianfei Cai
Optimal solution for the index coding problem using network coding over GF(2). 209-217
Routing I
- Tiansi Hu, Yunsi Fei
MURAO: A multi-level routing protocol for acoustic-optical hybrid underwater wireless sensor networks. 218-226 - Li-Chung Kuo, Tommaso Melodia
Cross-layer routing on MIMO-OFDM underwater acoustic links. 227-235 - Ze Li, Haiying Shen:
MDR: A P2P-based market-guided distributed routing mechanism for high-throughput hybrid wireless networks. 236-244 - Su Xia, Miao Jin, Hongyi Wu, Hongyu Zhou:
Bubble routing: A scalable algorithm with guaranteed delivery in 3D sensor networks. 245-253
Content sources and distribution
- Weixiong Rao, Kai Zhao, Yan Zhans, Pan Hui, Sasu Tarkoma
Maximizing timely content advertising in DTNs. 254-262 - Francesco Malandrino
, Claudio Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini
, Marco Fiore
Offloading cellular networks through ITS content download. 263-271 - Tan Yan, Wensheng Zhang, Guiling Wang:
DOVE: Data dissemination to a fixed number of receivers in VANET. 272-280 - Wuqiong Luo, Wee-Peng Tay
Identifying infection sources in large tree networks. 281-289
- Jindan Zhu, Kai Zeng, Kyu-Han Kim, Prasant Mohapatra:
Improving crowd-sourced Wi-Fi localization systems using Bluetooth beacons. 290-298 - Shigeng Zhang, Jianxin Wang, Xuan Liu, Jiannong Cao
Range-free selective multilateration for anisotropic wireless sensor networks. 299-307 - Baozhi Chen, Dario Pompili:
Uncertainty-aware localization solution for under-ice autonomous underwater vehicles. 308-316 - Jun Liu, Zhaohui Wang, Michael Zuba, Zheng Peng
, Jun-Hong Cui, Shengli Zhou:
JSL: Joint time synchronization and localization design with stratification compensation in mobile underwater sensor networks. 317-325
Routing II
- Majid Nabi, Marc Geilen
, Twan Basten
On-demand data forwarding for automatic adaptation of data propagation in WBANs. 326-334 - Euhanna Ghadimi, Olaf Landsiedel, Pablo Soldati, Mikael Johansson:
A metric for opportunistic routing in duty cycled wireless sensor networks. 335-343 - Fan Wu, Nitin H. Vaidya:
Workload-aware opportunistic routing in multi-channel, multi-radio wireless mesh networks. 344-352 - Abdallah Khreishah, Issa M. Khalil
, Jie Wu:
Universal opportunistic routing scheme using network coding. 353-361
Sensor Networks
- Claude Chaudet
, Nicola Costagliola, Isabelle M. Demeure, Salma Ktari, Samuel Tardieu
Building an efficient overlay for publish/subscribe in wireless sensor networks. 362-370 - Nasif Bin Shafi, Kashif Ali, Hossam S. Hassanein
No-reboot and zero-flash over-the-air programming for Wireless Sensor Networks. 371-379 - Paria Moinzadeh, Kirill Mechitov, Reza Shiftehfar, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Gul Agha, Billie F. Spencer:
The time-keeping anomaly of energy-saving sensors: Manifestation, solution, and a structural monitoring case study. 380-388 - Lei Chen, Jeff Frolik:
Active consensus over sensor networks via selective communication. 389-397
Performance and Fairness
- Junmei Yao, Tao Xiong, Wei Lou
Elimination of exposed terminal problem using signature detection. 398-406 - Fan Qiu, Yuan Xue:
Robust joint congestion control and scheduling for time-varying multihop wireless networks with time delay. 407-415 - Weifei Zeng, Chris T. K. Ng, Muriel Médard:
Joint coding and scheduling optimization in wireless systems with varying delay sensitivities. 416-424 - Tie Luo
, Chen-Khong Tham
Fairness and social welfare in incentivizing participatory sensing. 425-433
PHY/MAC Techniques
- Rohan Gandhi, Chih-Chun Wang, Y. Charlie Hu:
Fast rendezvous for multiple clients for cognitive radios using coordinated channel hopping. 434-442 - Hui Liu, Jialin He, Pengfei Cui, Joseph David Camp
, Dinesh Rajan:
ASTRA: Application of sequential training to rate adaptation. 443-451 - Adnan Majeed, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh
Packet aggregation in multi-rate wireless LANs. 452-460 - Mohsen Mollanoori, Majid Ghaderi:
On the performance of successive interference cancellation in random access networks. 461-469
- Syed Taha Ali, Vijay Sivaraman, Diethelm Ostry:
Authentication of lossy data in body-sensor networks for healthcare monitoring. 470-478 - Andrew Newell, Cristina Nita-Rotaru:
Split Null Keys: A null space based defense for pollution attacks in wireless network coding. 479-487 - Thivya Kandappu, Vijay Sivaraman, Roksana Boreli:
A novel unbalanced tree structure for low-cost authentication of streaming content on mobile and sensor devices. 488-496 - Shehla S. Rana, Nitin H. Vaidya:
Watchdogs to the rescue: Securing wireless TCP. 497-505
Sensing and Estimation
- Dong Wang, Lance M. Kaplan, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Charu C. Aggarwal:
On scalability and robustness limitations of real and asymptotic confidence bounds in social sensing. 506-514 - Sebastian Cartier, Saket Sathe, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Karl Aberer:
ConDense: Managing data in community-driven mobile geosensor networks. 515-523 - Shaxun Chen, Kai Zeng, Ningning Cheng, Prasant Mohapatra:
Transmit power estimation with a single monitor in multi-band networks. 524-532 - Yi Wang, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Murali Annavaram
Semi-Markov state estimation and policy optimization for energy efficient mobile sensing. 533-541
Mobile Sensor Networks
- Liangyin Chen, Yu Gu, Shuo Guo, Tian He, Yuanchao Shu, Fan Zhang, Jiming Chen:
Group-based discovery in low-duty-cycle mobile sensor networks. 542-550 - Chul-Ho Lee, Do Young Eun
Toward distributed optimal movement strategy for data harvesting in wireless sensor networks. 551-559 - John Tooker, Mehmet Can Vuran
Mobile data harvesting in wireless underground sensor networks. 560-568 - Andreea Picu
, Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos:
Forecasting DTN performance under heterogeneous mobility: The case of limited replication. 569-577
Privacy and Trust
- Erman Ayday, Faramarz Fekri
BP-P2P: Belief propagation-based trust and reputation management for P2P networks. 578-586 - Wei Peng, Feng Li, Xukai Zou, Jie Wu:
Seed and Grow: An attack against anonymized social networks. 587-595 - Wei Peng, Feng Li, Xukai Zou, Jie Wu:
A privacy-preserving social-aware incentive system for word-of-mouth advertisement dissemination on smart mobile devices. 596-604 - Sergio Salinas, Ming Li, Pan Li
Privacy-preserving energy theft detection in smart grids. 605-613
Topology, Coverage and Connectivity
- Wei Wang, Kang G. Shin, Zhaoyang Zhang, Wenbo Wang, Tao Peng:
Generalized geometry-based optimal power control in wireless networks. 614-622 - Andreas Achtzehn, Janne Riihijärvi, Guilberth Martínez Vargas, Marina Petrova, Petri Mähönen:
Improving coverage prediction for primary multi-transmitter networks operating in the TV whitespaces. 623-631 - Ashikur Rahman
, Carey L. Williamson:
Delta-graphs for wireless ad hoc networks. 632-640 - Ji-Hoon Yun, Kang G. Shin:
ARCHoN: Adaptive range control of hotzone cells in heterogeneous cellular networks. 641-649
Vehicular Systems
- Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot:
Congestion control in CSMA-based vehicular networks: Do not forget the carrier sensing. 650-658 - Parisa Haghani, Yih-Chun Hu:
Power control for fair dynamic channel reservation in VANETs. 659-667 - Eric Jung, Dhruv Gupta, Nicholas Mastronarde, Xin Liu:
Network-congestion-aware video streaming: A rest-and-download approach. 668-676

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