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9th SmartGridComm 2018: Aalborg, Denmark
- 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids, SmartGridComm 2018, Aalborg, Denmark, October 29-31, 2018. IEEE 2018, ISBN 978-1-5386-7954-8
- Brida V. Mbuwir, Mahtab Kaffash, Geert Deconinck
Battery Scheduling in a Residential Multi-Carrier Energy System Using Reinforcement Learning. 1-6 - Pedro B. M. Martins, José Gabriel Rodríguez Carneiro Gomes, Vagner B. Nascimento, Antonio R. de Freitas:
Application of a Deep Learning Generative Model to Load Disaggregation for Industrial Machinery Power Consumption Monitoring. 1-6 - Toni Mancini, Federico Mari, Igor Melatti, Ivano Salvo, Enrico Tronci
, Jorn Klaas Gruber, Barry P. Hayes, Milan Prodanovic
, Lars Elmegaard:
Parallel Statistical Model Checking for Safety Verification in Smart Grids. 1-6 - Kaveh Paridari, Donald Azuatalam
, Archie C. Chapman
, Gregor Verbic, Lars Nordström:
A plug-and-play home energy management algorithm using optimization and machine learning techniques. 1-6 - Abdullah Albarakati, Bassam Moussa, Mourad Debbabi
, Amr M. Youssef, Basile L. Agba, Marthe Kassouf:
OpenStack-Based Evaluation Framework for Smart Grid Cyber Security. 1-6 - Olga Saukh, Franz Papst, Sergii Saukh
Synchronization Games in P2P Energy Trading. 1-6 - Daniel Bonilla Licea
, Mounir Ghogho:
Low Complexity Closed-Loop Energy Manager for a Grid-Tied PV System with Battery. 1-6 - Fabian Hohn
, Lars Nordström:
Data Models and Protocol Mapping for Reduced Communication Load in Substation Automation with High Sampling Rate Protection Applications. 1-6 - Hao Huang
, Katherine R. Davis
Power System Equipment Cyber-Physical Risk Assessment Based on Architecture and Critical Clearing Time. 1-6 - Vu Coughlin, Carlos E. Rubio-Medrano, Ziming Zhao, Gail-Joon Ahn
EDSGuard: Enforcing Network Security Requirements for Energy Delivery Systems. 1-6 - Tong Wu
, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang
, Xiaoying Tang
Isolation Forest Based Method for Low-Quality Synchrophasor Measurements and Early Events Detection. 1-7 - Ezzeldin Shereen, György Dán:
Correlation-based Detection of PMU Time Synchronization Attacks. 1-6 - Cátia Silva
, Pedro Faria, Zita A. Vale
Assessment of Distributed Generation Units Remuneration Using Different Clustering Methods for Aggregation. 1-6 - Nouman Ashraf, Saher Javaid
, Marios Lestas:
Logarithmic Utilities for Aggregator Based Demand Response. 1-7 - Joakim Borlum Petersen, Jan Dimon Bendtsen
, Pierre Vogler-Finck, Jakob Stoustrup
Energy Flexibility for Systems with large Thermal Masses with Applications to Shopping Centers. 1-6 - Xingyu Gao, Kui Wang, Yang Yu:
To Rent or to Share? 1-7 - Daniel Jorde, Thomas Kriechbaumer, Hans-Arno Jacobsen:
Electrical Appliance Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on High Frequency Current Measurements. 1-6 - Christophe Patyn
, Thijs Peirelinck
, Geert Deconinck
, Ann Nowé
Intelligent Electric Water Heater Control with Varying State Information. 1-6 - Seunghyoung Ryu, Hyungeun Choi, Hyoseop Lee, Hongseok Kim, Vincent W. S. Wong
Residential Load Profile Clustering via Deep Convolutional Autoencoder. 1-6 - Ghada Elbez
, Hubert B. Keller, Veit Hagenmeyer:
A Cost-efficient Software Testbed for Cyber-Physical Security in IEC 61850-based Substations. 1-6 - Massimiliano Masi, Tanja Pavleska, Helder Aranha
Automating Smart Grid Solution Architecture Design. 1-6 - Yinjia Huo, Gautham Prasad, Lutz Lampe, Victor C. M. Leung:
Cable Health Monitoring in Distribution Networks using Power Line Communications. 1-6 - Gargi Bag, Morgan E. Johansson, Luka Lednicki, Jonas Neander, Linus Eriksson, Rajendra Bogati, Petri Hovila, Juha Saarinen, Johan Torsner:
Performance Evaluation of IEC 61850-90-5 over a latency optimized 3GPP LTE Network. 1-7 - Mahdi Jamei, Anna Scaglione
, Sean Peisert
Low-Resolution Fault Localization Using Phasor Measurement Units with Community Detection. 1-6 - Hui Lin, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
Impact of Malicious SCADA Commands on Power Grids' Dynamic Responses. 1-7 - Peng-Yong Kong
, Kai-Sheng Tseng, Joe-Air Jiang, Chih-Wen Liu:
Robust Wireless Sensor Networks for Transmission Line Monitoring in Taiwan. 1-6 - Chi Zhang, Sanmukh R. Kuppannagari
, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Generative Adversarial Network for Synthetic Time Series Data Generation in Smart Grids. 1-6 - Andre P. Ortega, Geoff V. Merrett, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn:
Automated Negotiation for Opportunistic Energy Trading Between Neighbouring Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Adarsh Hasandka, Jianhua Zhang, S. M. Shafiul Alam, Anthony Florita
, Bri-Mathias S. Hodge:
Simulation-based Parameter Optimization Framework for Large-Scale Hybrid Smart Grid Communications Systems Design. 1-7 - Michael G. Kallitsis, Shrijita Bhattacharya, George Michailidis:
Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grids Based on Forecasts. 1-7 - Medhat H. M. Elsayed, Melike Erol-Kantarci:
Deep Q-Learning for Low-Latency Tactile Applications: Microgrid Communications. 1-6 - Mohammed S. Kemal, Rasmus L. Olsen, Hans-Peter Schwefel:
Optimized Scheduling of Smart Meter Data Access: A Parametric Study. 1-6 - Niklas Ebell
, Felix Heinrich, Jonas Schlund, Marco Pruckner
Reinforcement Learning Control Algorithm for a PV-Battery-System Providing Frequency Containment Reserve Power. 1-6 - Florian Schäfer, Jan-Hendrik Menke, Martin Braun
Contingency Analysis of Power Systems with Artificial Neural Networks. 1-6 - Mohamed Amine Abid, Hermann de Meer:
Virtualized Software Defined Buildings: a Key Enabler of The Future Smart Cities. 1-6 - Juntae Kim, Seokheon Cho, Kabseok Ko, Ramesh R. Rao:
Short-term Electric Load Prediction Using Multiple Linear Regression Method. 1-6 - Mingxiao Ma, Abdelkader Lahmadi:
On the Impact of Synchronization Attacks on Distributed and Cooperative Control in Microgrid Systems. 1-6 - Marcus Voß, Christian Bender-Saebelkampf, Sahin Albayrak
Residential Short-Term Load Forecasting Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 1-6 - José Horta, Eitan Altman, Mathieu Caujolle, Daniel Kofman, David Menga:
Real-time enforcement of local energy market transactions respecting distribution grid constraints. 1-7 - Majid Khonji, Sid Chi-Kin Chau
, Khaled M. Elbassioni
Combinatorial Optimization of Electric Vehicle Charging in AC Power Distribution Networks. 1-6 - Vadim Arzamasov, Klemens Böhm, Patrick Jochem:
Towards Concise Models of Grid Stability. 1-6 - Md Tofael Ahmed
, Pedro Faria, Zita A. Vale
Financial Benefit Analysis of an Electric Water Heater with Direct Load Control in Demand Response. 1-6 - Prashant Anantharaman, Kartik Palani, Rafael Brantley, Galen Brown, Sergey Bratus, Sean W. Smith:
PhasorSec: Protocol Security Filters for Wide Area Measurement Systems. 1-6 - Liang Ni, Bo Sun
, Xiaoqi Tan, Danny H. K. Tsang:
Online Price-based Vehicle-to-Station Recommendations for EV Battery Swapping. 1-6 - Nikoleta Andreadou
, Fausto Bonavitacola:
Residential Remote Load Scheduling and Control for Smart Homes with LabVIEW Interface. 1-7 - Mithun Mallick, Pirathayini Srikantha:
Optimal Decentralized Coordination of Voltage-Controlled Sources in Islanded Microgrids. 1-6 - Hyang-Won Lee, Jianan Zhang, Eytan H. Modiano:
Data-driven Localization and Estimation of Disturbance in the Interconnected Power System. 1-6 - Dongchan Lee, Pirathayini Srikantha, Deepa Kundur:
Online Power Quality Disturbance Classification with Recurrent Neural Network. 1-6 - Hans-Peter Schwefel, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang, Christian Wietfeld
, Hamed Mohsenian Rad:
Emerging Technologies Initiative 'Smart Grid Communications': Information Technology for Smart Utility Grids. 1-7 - Raghuram Bharadwaj Diddigi, Sai Koti Reddy Danda, Shalabh Bhatnagar
A unified decision making framework for supply and demand management in microgrid networks. 1-7 - Yong-Feng Zhang, Hsiao-Dong Chiang, Jia Su:
Feasible Region of Coupling Multi-Energy System: Modeling, Characterization and Visualization. 1-5 - Bo Zeng, Xuan Wei, Jiahuan Feng:
A Data-Driven Dispatching Approach for Sustainable Exploitation of Demand Response Resources. 1-6 - Michael J. Rausch, Varun Badrinath Krishna, Peng Gu, Rupak Chandra, Brett Feddersen, Ahmed M. Fawaz, William H. Sanders:
Peer-to-peer Detection of DoS Attacks on City-Scale IoT Mesh Networks. 1-6 - An Chen, Wen-Zhan Song
, Fangyu Li, Javad Mohammadpour Velni:
Distributed Cooperative Energy Management in Smart Microgrids with Solar Energy Prediction. 1-6 - Sheng Wang
, Yi Ding, Changzheng Shao:
Generalized Modeling of Self-scheduling Demand Resource in Multi-Energy System. 1-6 - Xingyu Gao, Kui Wang, Chenye Wu
Who Should Pay for the Mileage Payment? 1-6 - Ashfaq Ahmad
, Jamil Y. Khan
Stand-Alone Distributed PV Systems: Maximizing Self Consumption and User Comfort using ANNs. 1-6 - Wenyu Ren, Timothy M. Yardley, Klara Nahrstedt:
EDMAND: Edge-Based Multi-Level Anomaly Detection for SCADA Networks. 1-7 - Marcus Voss
, Asmaa Haja, Sahin Albayrak
Adjusted Feature-Aware k-Nearest Neighbors: Utilizing Local Permutation-Based Error for Short-Term Residential Building Load Forecasting. 1-6 - Shahab Bahrami, Yu Christine Chen, Vincent W. S. Wong
An Autonomous Demand Response Algorithm based on Online Convex Optimization. 1-7 - Shantanu Chakraborty
, Tim Baarslag, Michael Kaisers:
Energy Contract Settlements through Automated Negotiation in Residential Cooperatives. 1-6 - Ilya Sychev, Oleksandr Zhdanenko, Riccardo Bonetto, Frank H. P. Fitzek
ARIES: Low Voltage smArt gRid dIscrete Event Simulator to Enable Large Scale Learning in the Power Distribution Networks. 1-6 - Chung Ming Cheung, Wen Zhong, Chuanxiu Xiong, Ajitesh Srivastava, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Behind-the-Meter Solar Generation Disaggregation using Consumer Mixture Models. 1-6 - Mehdi Zeinali
, John S. Thompson:
Practical Evaluation of UK Internet Network Characteristics For Demand-Side Response Applications. 1-6 - Jakob Hviid
, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard
Service Abstraction Layer for Building Operating Systems: Enabling portable applications and improving system resilience. 1-6 - Yize Chen, Yushi Tan, Deepjyoti Deka:
Is Machine Learning in Power Systems Vulnerable? 1-6 - Zachary J. Lee, Daniel Chang, Cheng Jin, George S. Lee, Rand Lee, Ted Lee, Steven H. Low:
Large-Scale Adaptive Electric Vehicle Charging. 1-7 - Jan-Hendrik Menke, Florian Schäfer, Martin Braun
Performing a Virtual Field Test of a New Monitoring Method for Smart Power Grids. 1-7 - Stefan Monhof, Stefan Bocker, Janis Tiemann, Christian Wietfeld:
Cellular Network Coverage Analysis and Optimization in Challenging Smart Grid Environments. 1-6 - Zhenwei Guo, Qinmin Yang, Zaiyue Yang:
A Fast Algorithm for Optimal Power Scheduling of Large-Scale Appliances with Temporally-Spatially Coupled Constraints. 1-6 - Hyungeun Choi, Seunghyoung Ryu, Hongseok Kim:
Short-Term Load Forecasting based on ResNet and LSTM. 1-6 - Zhigang Chu, Jiazi Zhang, Oliver Kosut, Lalitha Sankar:
Unobservable False Data Injection Attacks against PMUs: Feasible Conditions and Multiplicative Attacks. 1-6 - Martijn H. H. Schoot Uiterkamp, Thijs van der Klauw, Marco E. T. Gerards, Johann L. Hurink
Offline and online scheduling of electric vehicle charging with a minimum charging threshold. 1-6 - Marius Stibs:
Towards Emergent Security in Low-Latency Smart Grids with Distributed Control. 1-6 - Arijit Bagchi, Yunjian Xu:
Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Bidding Strategy for Distribution System Aggregator in Day-Ahead Markets. 1-6 - Tin Rabuzin
, Jan Lavenius, Nathaniel Taylor, Lars Nordström:
Bayesian Detection of Islanding Events Using Voltage Angle Measurements. 1-6 - Md Umar Hashmi, Wael Labidi, Ana Busic
, Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, Tijani Chahed:
Long-Term Revenue Estimation for Battery Performing Arbitrage and Ancillary Services. 1-7 - Derek Chang, Devendra Shelar, Saurabh Amin:
DER Allocation and Line Repair Scheduling for Storm-induced Failures in Distribution Networks. 1-7 - Santiago Correa, Noah Klugman, Jay Taneja:
Deployment Strategies for Crowdsourced Power Outage Detection. 1-6 - Hans-Peter Schwefel, Imad Antonios
, Lester Lipsky:
Impact of time interval alignment on data quality in electricity grids. 1-7 - Ye Yuan, Wei Zhou, Hai-Tao Zhang, Zuowei Ping, Omid Ardakanian
Sparse Bayesian Harmonic State Estimation. 1-6 - Ângelo Pinto, Tiago Pinto
, Isabel Praça
, Zita A. Vale
, Pedro Faria:
Clustering-based negotiation profiles definition for local energy transactions. 1-5 - Pietro Danzi, Sarah Hambridge, Cedomir Stefanovic, Petar Popovski
Blockchain-Based and Multi-Layered Electricity Imbalance Settlement Architecture. 1-7 - Xinzhan Liu, Luo Xu, Qinglai Guo, Tongtian Sheng, Tianyu Yang, Yu Huang, Zanhong Wu:
Sensitivity-Based Critical Measurement Identification of State Estimation: From A CPS Perspective. 1-6 - Guangsheng Pan, Wei Gu, Shuai Lu
, Shuai Yao
, Chenyu Wu:
Coordinated Planning of Multi-Energy System with District Heating Network. 1-6 - Riccardo Bonetto, Ilya Sychev, Frank H. P. Fitzek
Power to the Future: Use Cases and Challenges for Mobile, Self Configuring, and Distributed Power Grids. 1-6 - Weiqi Hua
, Hongjian Sun
, Hao Xiao
, Wei Pei:
Stackelberg Game-Theoretic Strategies for Virtual Power Plant and Associated Market Scheduling Under Smart Grid Communication Environment. 1-6 - Peter Bach Andersen
, Tiago Sousa
, Andreas Thingvad
, Lea Sass Berthou, Murat Kulahci
Added Value of Individual Flexibility Profiles of Electric Vehicle Users For Ancillary Services. 1-6 - Jianan Zhang, Eytan H. Modiano:
Joint Frequency Regulation and Economic Dispatch Using Limited Communication. 1-6 - Thanasis G. Papaioannou
, George D. Stamoulis, Marilena Minou:
Personalized Feedback-based Customer Incentives in Automated Demand Response. 1-7 - Philipp Theile, Anna-Linnea Towle, Kaustubh Karnataki, Alessandro Crosara, Kaveh Paridari, Graham Turk, Lars Nordström:
Day-ahead electricity consumption prediction of a population of households: analyzing different machine learning techniques based on real data from RTE in France. 1-6 - Kiyoshi Nakayama, Ratnesh Sharma:
Demand Charge and Response with Energy Storage. 1-6 - Shiyao Zhang, Ka-Cheong Leung:
Joint Optimal Power Flow Routing and Decentralized Scheduling with Vehicle-to-Grid Regulation Service. 1-6 - Muhammad Fahim
, Alberto Sillitti:
An Anomaly Detection Model for Enhancing Energy Management in Smart Buildings. 1-6 - Ahmet Caner Yuzuguler, Alexandru Moga, Carsten Franke
Towards Commoditizing Simulations of System Models Using Recurrent Neural Networks. 1-6 - Teklemariam Tesfay, Mahdi Jamei, Anna Scaglione
, Mojdeh Khorsand, Kory Hedman, Rida A. Bazzi:
AVAIL: Assured Volt-Ampère Information Ledger. 1-6 - Jacopo Parvizi, John Bagterp Jørgensen
, Henrik Madsen
Robust Model Predictive Control with Scenarios for Aggregators in Grids with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources. 1-7 - Daisuke Mashima, Binbin Chen
, Toby Zhou, Ramkumar Rajendran, Biplab Sikdar
Securing Substations through Command Authentication Using On-the-fly Simulation of Power System Dynamics. 1-7 - Torben Bach Pedersen, Laurynas Siksnys, Bijay Neupane:
Modeling and Managing Energy Flexibility Using FlexOffers. 1-7

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