4th VLDB 1978: West Berlin, Germany

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Survey Sessions

(Additional material from the Survey Sessions is published in a Postconference Proceedings).

Data Base Design

Data Base Software Engineering

Data Base Security and Privacy

Impact of New Technologies

Distributed Data Bases

Data Base Theory and Modeling

Panel Sessions

What End-User Facilities do we Need?

Implementing a Three-Schema DBMS Framework

Efficient Organization of Internal DBMS Structure

What is a "Good" Semantic or Meta Model?

What is the Use of Abstract Data Types?

Data Base Applications in Humanities

Data Base research Projects and Funding

Technical Sessions

Semantics and Modeling I

Semantics and Modeling II

"Very Small" Data Bases

Interfaces and Architecture

Data Base Machines I

Data Base Machines II

Reality, User Requirements and Local Database Design

Relational Views

High Level User Interfaces

Data Base Software

Distributed Data Base Systems

Physical Design Techniques I

Physical Design Techniques II

Equivalence and Transformation