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73rd VTC Spring 2011: Budapest, Hungary
- Proceedings of the 73rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2011, 15-18 May 2011, Budapest, Hungary. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-4244-8331-0
Routing I
- Mikel Hernaez
, Pedro M. Crespo
A Novel Scheme for Message-Forwarding in Multi-Hop Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Auon Muhammad Akhtar
, Mohammad Reza Nakhai
, A. Hamid Aghvami:
Adaptive Power-Aware Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-5 - Ren-Jhong Liu, Kuochen Wang, Tien-Hsiung Ku, Rong-Hong Jan, Yuh-Jyh Hu:
An Efficient Cluster-Based Data Dissemination Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - John Lee, Anthony J. McAuley, Subir Das:
Framework for Integration of IEEE 802.21 MIH Function with Ad Hoc Routing Protocol. 1-6 - Hayoung Oh, Junjie Lee, Suchul Lee, Chong-kwon Kim:
iXOR-Intelligent XOR Using Holding-chi Strategy in Ad Hoc Networks. 1-4
- Jiaxin Yang, Xianbin Wang
, Sung Ik Park
, Heung Mook Kim:
A Flexible Parallel Transmission Scheme Using Frequency Domain Multi-Layered OFDM System. 1-5 - Hyukmin Son, Sanghoon Lee, Hojae Lee
, Sanghoon Lee
An Efficient FRS-Cooperative Strategy with No CSIT in OFDM-Based Networks. 1-5 - Mohammed Al-Attraqchi, Said Boussakta, Stéphane Y. Le Goff:
An Enhanced OFDM/OQAM System Exploiting Walsh-Hadamard Transform. 1-5 - Irina Stefan, Hany Elgala
, Raed Mesleh
, Dominic C. O'Brien, Harald Haas:
Optical Wireless OFDM System on FPGA: Study of LED Nonlinearity Effects. 1-5 - Mohammad Ghasemi Damavandi, Aliazam Abbasfar:
Upper Bounds on Achievable PMEPR through Subcarrier Sign Selection. 1-5
Cooperative Communications
- Dan Wu, Yafei Tian, Chenyang Yang:
A Cooperative Three-Time-Slot Transmission in Asymmetric Two-Way Relay Channels. 1-5 - Zicheng Wang, Tiejun Lv, Hui Gao, Yonghua Li:
A Novel Two-Way Relay UWB Network with Joint Non-Coherent Detection in Multipath. 1-5 - Kyoung-Jae Lee
, Inkyu Lee:
Achievable Rate Regions for Two-Way MIMO AF Multiple-Relay Channels. 1-5 - Dirk Wübben
, Meng Wu:
Decode-Quantize-Forward for OFDM-Based Relaying Systems. 1-5 - Tetsuki Taniguchi, Yoshio Karasawa, Nobuo Nakajima:
MIMO Cellular Systems with Irregular Cell Geometry Based on Base Station Cooperation. 1-5
Relay Selection
- Yulin Hu
, Ling Qiu:
A Novel Multiple Relay Selection Strategy for LTE-Advanced Relay Systems. 1-5 - Chin-Liang Wang, Ting-Nan Cho, Syue-Ju Syue:
Cooperative Beamforming with Multi-Relay Selection for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Yiyi Chen, Zhiyong Feng, Xin Chen:
Joint Relay Selection and Power Allocation for Energy-Constrained Multi-Hop Cognitive Networks. 1-5 - Xin He, Frank Y. Li:
Optimization of the Relay Selection Scheme in Cooperative Retransmission Networks. 1-5 - Kai Zhu, Alister G. Burr
Relay Selection Aided Distributed Space-Time Block Code for Two-Way Relay Channel with Physical-Layer Network Coding. 1-5
Handoff and Mobility Management I
- Seil Jeon
, Younghan Kim:
Adaptive Handoff Management in the Proxy Mobile IPv6 Domain. 1-5 - Ammar Haider, Iqbal Gondal
, Joarder Kamruzzaman
Dynamic Dwell Timer for Hybrid Vertical Handover in 4G Coupled Networks. 1-5 - Jong-Hyouk Lee, Thierry Ernst
Fast PMIPv6 Multicast Handover Procedure for Mobility-Unaware Mobile Nodes. 1-5 - Tiago Cardoso, Pedro Neves, Manuel Ricardo
, Susana Sargento
Media Independent Handover Management in Heterogeneous Access Networks - An Empirical Evaluation. 1-5 - Niko Kolehmainen, Olli Alanen, Tero Henttonen:
Mobility Performance in Heterogeneous LTE Networks with Indoor Base Stations. 1-5
Energy Efficiency
- Di Wu, Gang Zhu, Dongmei Zhao, Lina Liu:
Energy Balancing in an OFDM-Based WSN. 1-5 - Lianghui Ding, Ping Wu, Hao Wang, Zhiwen Pan, Xiaohu You:
Energy Minimization in Wireless Multihop Networks Using Two-Way Network Coding. 1-5 - Lamia Kaddar, Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, Ahmed Mehaoua:
EVAN: Energy-Aware SVC Video Streaming over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Lianghui Ding, Ping Wu, Hao Wang, Zhiwen Pan, Xiaohu You:
Lifetime Maximization with Inter-Session Network Coding in Energy Constrained Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Gergely Ollos, Rolland Vida
Sleep Scheduling Protocol for Mobile WSNs. 1-5
Channel Estimation
- Wataru Yamada, Naoki Kita, Motoharu Sasaki, Takatoshi Sugiyama:
Method for Applying Interlink Correlation to Multilink MIMO Propagation Channel Estimation. 1-5 - David Ferreira, Rafael F. S. Caldeirinha
Development and Implementation of a Real Time High-Resolution Channel Sounder - IF Stage. 1-5 - Carl Gustafson, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Shurjeel Wyne
, Katsuyuki Haneda, Andreas F. Molisch:
Directional Analysis of Measured 60 GHz Indoor Radio Channels Using SAGE. 1-5 - Annika Bottcher, Peter Vary, Christian Schneider, Milan Narandzic, Reiner S. Thomä:
Estimation of the Radio Channel Parameters from a Circular Array with Directional Antennas. 1-5 - Hyeong-Sook Park, Shridatt Sugrim, Predrag Spasojevic
, Youn-Ok Park:
Noise Power and SNR Estimation Based on the Preamble in Tri-Sectored OFDM Systems. 1-5
Poster I
- Talal Alsedairy, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Barry G. Evans:
Energy and Spectrum Efficient Systems with Adaptive Modulation and Spectrum Sharing for Cellular Systems. 1-5 - Ran Wang, Zi Wang, Zenghai Chen, Lin Zhang:
A 3G-802.11p Based OLT-TDMA Mechanism for Cooperative Safety in a Dense Traffic Scenario. 1-5 - SungKee Noh, Soochang Park, Euisin Lee, Sang-Ha Kim
Communication Strategy to Reflect Group Mobility Issue of Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Shoukang Zheng:
Performance Study of Cooperative Routing Metric for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Debarati Sen, Saswat Chakrabarti, Ratnam V. Raja Kumar:
Combined BER Analysis for Time-Frequency Synchronization Schemes for MB-OFDM UWB. 1-6 - Oluwakayode Onireti
, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Fabien Héliot
On Achievable Rate Region of Multiple Coordinated Multiple Access Channels. 1-5 - Daniel Bielefeld, Gernot Fabeck, Milan Zivkovic, Rudolf Mathar:
Energy Efficient Ultra-Wideband Signaling for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio. 1-5 - Sami Amara, Hatem Boujemaa:
Multihop Multibranch DF Relaying for Cooperative Systems. 1-5 - Alexander Flach, Abdul Qudoos Memon, Sian Lun Lau
, Klaus David:
Pedestrian Movement Recognition for Radio Based Collision Avoidance: A Performance Analysis. 1-5 - Suvra Sekhar Das, Santanu Mondal
, Jayeeta Saha, Kalyan Kumar Bandyopadhyay:
Comparison of Rain Fade Mitigation Techniques Using CRC and Embedded Pilot Methods in Ka-Band Satellite Links. 1-5 - Keying Wu, Xiaoyong Guo:
Compressive Sensing with Sparse Measurement Matrices. 1-5 - Xueqin Jiang, Moon Ho Lee, Jia Hou:
Regular and Irregular Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes. 1-5 - Debarati Sen, Saswat Chakrabarti, Ratnam V. Raja Kumar:
Energy Efficient Timing Synchronizer for MB-OFDM UWB. 1-6 - Kazuki Takeda, Fumiyuki Adachi
Multi-User Joint Tx/Iterative Rx MMSE-FDE and Successive MUI Cancellation for Uplink DS-CDMA. 1-5 - Matteo Mazzotti, Enrico Paolini
, Marco Chiani
, Benjamin Gadat, Cyril Bergeron, Roberta Fracchia:
Analysis of Packet-Level Forward Error Correction for Video Transmission. 1-5 - Peppino Fazio
, Floriano De Rango, Cesare Sottile
, Carlos Miguel Tavares Calafate
A New Channel Assignment Scheme for Interference-Aware Routing in Vehicular Networks. 1-5 - Helka-Liina Määttänen, Toni Huovinen, Tommi Koivisto, Mihai Enescu, Olav Tirkkonen
, Mikko Valkama
Performance Evaluations for Multiuser CQI Enhancements for LTE-Advanced. 1-5 - Ilkka Harjula, Atso Hekkala, Marja Matinmikko
, Miia Mustonen:
Performance Evaluation of Spectrum Sensing Using Welch Periodogram for OFDM Signals. 1-5 - Jani Pellikka, Marek Skowron, Andrei V. Gurtov
Comparison and Analysis of Secure Mobile Architecture (SMA) and Evolved Packet System. 1-5 - Yuanye Wang, Klaus I. Pedersen, Troels B. Sørensen, Preben E. Mogensen:
System Level Analysis of ACK/NACK Bundling for Multi-Component Carrier LTE-Advanced. 1-5 - Amir Akbari, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Reza Hoshyar, Rahim Tafazolli
Average Energy Efficiency Contours for Single Carrier AWGN MAC. 1-5
- Jeonghun Kim, Junwoo Jung
, Jaesung Lim:
A Reliable Multicast MAC Protocol with LPD Capability for Tactical Ad-Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Kien Nguyen
, Yusheng Ji:
Achieving Minimum Latency in Multi-Hop MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Nico Franzen:
Advanced Aloha with SIC for Beaconing in a MANET. 1-5 - Kazuo Mori, Katsuhiro Naito, Hideo Kobayashi:
Distributed Backoff Mechanism for Traffic Adaptive Active Period Control in Cluster-Based IEEE 802.15.4 WSNs. 1-5 - Chiara Buratti, Alberto Zanella
, Roberto Verdone:
On the Capacity of a CSMA-Based Multi-Hop Linear Network with Poisson Distributed Nodes. 1-5 - Savas Konur, Michael Fisher
Formal Analysis of a VANET Congestion Control Protocol through Probabilistic Verification. 1-5
Multiuser and Cooperative Diversity
- M. Majid Butt
, Kimmo Kansanen
, Ralf R. Müller:
Individual Packet Deadline Constrained Opportunistic Scheduling for a Multiuser System. 1-5 - Nan (Jonas) Yang
, Phee Lep Yeoh
, Maged Elkashlan, Jinhong Yuan
, Iain B. Collings
On the SER of Distributed TAS/MRC in MIMO Multiuser Relay Networks. 1-5 - Xiaoyi Liu, Haochuan Zhang, Xin Zhang, Dacheng Yang:
Outage Performance of Opportunistic Scheduling in Multiuser Relay Network with Selective Decode-and-Forward Relaying. 1-5 - Seong-Ho (Paul) Hur, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Performance of a Reduced Feedback OFDMA System Employing Joint Scheduling and Diversity. 1-5
Spectrum Sensing
- Hongtao Zhang, Xiaoxiang Wang:
A Fuzzy Decision Scheme for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio. 1-4 - Yu Rao, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
A Low Complexity Cooperative Sensing Method Exploiting Two Level Sequential Detection. 1-5 - Zezhou Luo, Jietao Zhang, Hongcheng Zhuang:
A Novel Signal Detection Method for Spectrum Sensing Using Directionality. 1-5 - Guoqin Ning, Xuege Cao, Jiaqi Duan, Kaushik R. Chowdhury
A Spectrum Sharing Algorithm Based on Spectrum Heterogeneity for Centralized Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5 - Dyonisius Dony Ariananda
, Madan Kumar Lakshmanan, Homayoun Nikookar:
A Wavelet Packet Transceiver for Spectral Analysis and Dynamic Spectrum Access. 1-5
Scheduling I
- Yasir Zaki
, Thushara Weerawardane, Carmelita Görg, Andreas Timm-Giel
Multi-QoS-Aware Fair Scheduling for LTE. 1-5 - Mehmet Emin Aydin
, Raymond Kwan, Joyce Y. Wu, Jie Zhang
Multiuser Scheduling on the LTE Downlink with Simulated Annealing. 1-5 - Andreas Ibing, Holger Boche, Philip Otto:
On Channel Correlation Based Scheduling and Signalling for MIMO-OFDMA Downlink. 1-5 - Tuomas Haataja, Harri Pennanen, Jouko Leinonen, Antti Tölli, Matti Latva-aho:
Space-Frequency Scheduling in TDD Based LTE-Advanced MIMO-OFDMA Systems. 1-5 - Sungoh Kwon
, Neung-Hyung Lee:
Uplink QoS Scheduling for LTE System. 1-5
Handoff and Mobility Management II
- Nerea Toledo, Jean-Marie Bonnin, Marivi Higuero
, Eduardo Jacob
Host Identity Protocol Based NEMO Solutions: An Evaluation of the Signaling Overhead. 1-5 - Michaela Neuland, Thomas Kürner
, Mehdi Amirijoo:
Influence of Positioning Error on X-Map Estimation in LTE. 1-5 - Maria Eugenia Berezin, Franck Rousseau
, Andrzej Duda
Multichannel Virtual Access Points for Seamless Handoffs in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Linghui Lu, Xuming Fang, Meng Cheng, Chongzhe Yang, Wantuan Luo, Cheng Di:
Positioning and Relay Assisted Robust Handover Scheme for High Speed Railway. 1-5 - Haijun Zhang, Wei Zheng, Xiangming Wen, Chunxiao Jiang:
Signalling Overhead Evaluation of HeNB Mobility Enhanced Schemes in 3GPP LTE-Advanced. 1-5 - Saif Eddine Abdelmalek, François Gagnon
, Charles L. Despins, Honglin Hu:
Vertical Handoff Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Based on Scalar Kalman Filtering. 1-5
- Huan Sun, Wei Fang, Lin Yang:
A Novel Precoder Design for Coordinated Multipoint Downlink Transmission. 1-5 - Nicola Moret, Andrea M. Tonello, Stephan Weiss:
MIMO Precoding for Filter Bank Modulation Systems Based on PSVD. 1-5 - Ana García Armada, Roberto Corvaja, Matilde Sánchez Fernández
, Ana Santos-Rodriguez:
MMSE Precoding for Downlink Coordinated Base Station Transmission. 1-5 - Dorra Ben Cheikh Battikh, Jean-Marc Kelif, Marceau Coupechoux, Philippe Godlewski:
Multicellular Zero Forcing Precoding Performance in Rayleigh and Shadow Fading. 1-5 - Lie-Liang Yang:
Transmitter Preprocessing Aided Spatial Modulation for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Systems. 1-5
Multi-antenna Signal Processing
- Seokhyun Yoon:
A Low Complexity MIMO Detection Based on Pair-Wise Markov Random Fields. 1-5 - Marc Selig, Thomas Hunziker, Dirk Dahlhaus:
Enhancing ZF-SIC by Selective Retransmissions: On Algorithms for Determining the Decoding Order. 1-5 - Harry Z. B. Chen, Yong Liu, Dong Li, Yan Wan, Yang Wang, Chaohua Gong, Liyu Cai, Keying Wu:
Experimental Evaluation for Multicell MIMO Systems with Downlink Interference Nulling. 1-5 - Peng Li, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
, Rui Fa:
Multi-Feedback Successive Interference Cancellation with Multi-Branch Processing for MIMO Systems. 1-5 - Dan Zhang, I-Wei Lai, Gerd Ascheid:
Tree Search Space Reduction for Soft-Input Soft-Output Sphere Decoding in MIMO Systems. 1-5
- Hua Bai
, Chris Mi
Electrical Impact and Power Capability of the Battery Pack Equipped in the PHEVs. 1-5 - Yueming Yuan, Wei Guan:
Outlier Detection of Handover Data for Inner-Suburban Freeway Traffic Information Estimation Using Mobile Probes. 1-5 - Markus Koegel, Wolfgang Kiess, Markus Kerper, Martin Mauve:
Compact Vehicular Trajectory Encoding. 1-5
- Francesco Benedetto
, Gaetano Giunta
An Effective Code Generator for Frequent Authentication of Multimedia Contents in Mobile Applications and Services. 1-5 - Yee Hui Lee
, Stefan Winkler:
Effects of Rain Attenuation on Satellite Video Transmission. 1-5 - Konstantinos Christidis, Petros Nicopolitidis, Georgios I. Papadimitriou, Panagiotis G. Sarigiannidis
, Andreas S. Pomportsis:
Utilizing Locality of Demand for Lower Response Times in Underwater Data Broadcasting. 1-5
Poster II
- Attila Török, Daniel Jozsef, Balázs Sonkoly
A Hybrid Simulation Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Kahina Ait Ali, Oumaya Baala
, Alexandre Caminada:
Routing Mechanisms Analysis in Vehicular City Environment. 1-5 - Tomoya Togashi, Kenichi Mase, Hiraku Okada:
Experimental Evaluation of Rate Switch Control in Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-5 - Paschalis C. Sofotasios
, Steven Freear
Simple and Accurate Approximations for the Two Dimensional Gaussian Q-Function. 1-4 - Xueyuan Jiang, Yangyang Zhang, Kai-Kit Wong, David J. Edwards:
On Partial Spectrum Sharing of Two Licensed Networks Using Cognitive Radios. 1-5 - Pen-Shun Lu, Valtteri Tervo, Khoirul Anwar
, Tadashi Matsumoto:
Low-Complexity Strategies for Multiple Access Relaying. 1-6 - Yang Li
, Sudharman K. Jayaweera
, Mario Bkassiny, Keith A. Avery:
Optimal Myopic Sensing and Dynamic Spectrum Access in Centralized Secondary Cognitive Radio Networks with Low-Complexity Implementations. 1-5 - Constantine A. Kyriakopoulos
, Petros Nicopolitidis, Georgios I. Papadimitriou:
Performance Acceleration in a Push-Based Wireless Network Considering Data Item Popularity. 1-5 - Mohammad Ali Shah, Björn Mennenga, Janis Werner
, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Complexity Reduction in Iterative Soft-In Soft-Out Sphere Detection. 1-6 - Yanxia Liang, Jiawei Yang, Ye Li, Wei Liu:
Most Dispersed and Greedy Tree Growing Algorithm for Designing LBG Initial Codebook. 1-4 - Hwanjoon Kwon, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Uniform Bit and Power Allocation with Subcarrier Selection for Coded OFDM Systems. 1-5 - Mahmoud Khodjet-Kesba, Charbel Saber, Daniel Roviras, Yahia Medjahdi:
Multicarrier Interference Evaluation with Jointly Non-Linear Amplification and Timing Errors. 1-5 - Hui Song, Raymond Kwan, Jie Zhang
Analytical Approximations of EESM Effective SNR Distribution Using Pearson System. 1-5 - Hironori Kizuka, Koichi Adachi, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
Frequency Band Allocation in MIMO System Based on Received Power Difference among Users. 1-5 - Qing Wang
, Supeng Leng, Yan Zhang, Huirong Fu:
A QoS Supported Multi-Channel MAC for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Fengming Cao, Zhong Fan:
Power Loading and Resource Allocation for Femtocells. 1-5 - Xiaoqiu Wang, Satoshi Konishi:
A Novel TCP-Oriented Multi-Layer Packet Scheduling Algorithm. 1-5 - Charles Turyagyenda, Timothy O'Farrell
, Jianhua He
, Pavel Loskot:
SFBC MIMO Energy Efficiency Improvements of Common Packet Schedulers for the Long Term Evolution Downlink. 1-5 - Akira Yamaguchi, Takashi Fujimoto, Yuichi Imagaki, Tadayuki Fukuhara:
Downlink Link Aggregation Performance with Delay Adjustment Capability in Multi-Radio Access System. 1-5 - Yoshinori Watanabe, Yasuhiko Matsunaga, Kosei Kobayashi, Hiroto Sugahara, Kojiro Hamabe:
Dynamic Neighbor Cell List Management for Handover Optimization in LTE. 1-5
Wireless Sensor Networks I
- Fabien Chraim, Thomas Watteyne, Ali Ganji, Kris Pister:
A Wireless Sensor Network Approach to Signalized Left Turn Assist at Intersections. 1-5 - Gergely Ollos, Rolland Vida:
Adaptive Event Forecasting in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Bai Du, Hongyan Li, Yuguang Fang
An Interference Avoidance Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Zheng Liang, Qingshan Zhang, Jun Zheng, Jiayuan Chen, Wei Fang:
Analytical study of wireless sensor sleep mechanism based on group arrival modeling. 1-5 - Lazar Berbakov
, Carles Antón-Haro
, Javier Matamoros
Distributed Beamforming with Sidelobe Control Using One Bit of Feedback. 1-5
Performance Analysis
- Imran Shafique Ansari
, Saad Al-Ahmadi
, Ferkan Yilmaz
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Halim Yanikomeroglu
An Exact Closed-Form Expression for the BER of Binary Modulations with Dual-Branch Selection over Generalized-K Fading. 1-4 - Moonseo Park, Ilhwan Choi, Inkyu Lee:
Exact BER Analysis of Physical Layer Network Coding for Two-Way Relay Channels. 1-5 - Dongwoo Lee, Jae Hong Lee:
Outage Probability of Amplify-and-Forward Opportunistic Relaying with Multiple Interferers over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1-5 - Tsan-Ming Wu, Yi-Fang Hou:
Performance Analysis of Cooperative Communication in the UWB Differential Transmitted Reference System. 1-5 - Ali Chelli, John R. Barry, Matthias Pätzold
Performance of Hybrid-ARQ with Incremental Redundancy over Double Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1-6
Green Communications
- Enjie Liu, Jie Zhang
, Weili Ren:
A Counter-Driven Adaptive Sleep Mode Scheme for 802.16e Networks. 1-5 - Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Yen-Chieh Cheng, Ping-Jung Hsieh, Jung-Shyr Wu:
Agent-Based Scheduling Scheme for IEEE 802.11p Wireless Vehicular Networks. 1-5 - Satoshi Nagata, Yuan Yan, Xinying Gao, Anxin Li, Hidetoshi Kayama, Tetsushi Abe, Takehiro Nakamura:
Investigation on System Performance of L1/L3 Relays in LTE-Advanced Downlink. 1-5 - Anis Ouni, Hervé Rivano
, Fabrice Valois:
On the Capacity and Energy Trade-Off in LTE-Like Network. 1-5 - Michele Polignano, Dario Vinella, Daniela Laselva, Jeroen Wigard, Troels B. Sørensen:
Power Savings and QoS Impact for VoIP Application with DRX/DTX Feature in LTE. 1-5 - Pål K. Frenger, Peter Moberg, Jens Malmodin, Ylva Jading, István Gódor:
Reducing Energy Consumption in LTE with Cell DTX. 1-5
Interference Management
- Fanglong Hu, Kan Zheng
, Lei Lei
, Wenbo Wang:
A Distributed Inter-Cell Interference Coordination Scheme between Femtocells in LTE-Advanced Networks. 1-5 - Manabu Mikami, Teruya Fujii:
An Inter-Cell Interference Cancellation Scheme with Multi-Cell Coordinated Scheduling for Downlink of MIMO/OFDM Cellular Systems. 1-5 - Javier Lafuente-Martinez, Ángela Hernández-Solana
, Israel Guío, Antonio Valdovinos:
Inter-Cell Interference Management in SC-FDMA Cellular Systems. 1-5 - Yuichiro Hikosaka, Teruo Kawamura, Nobuhiko Miki, Mamoru Sawahashi:
Inter-Code Interference Canceller for Control Signals Using Cyclic Shift CDMA in LTE Uplink. 1-5 - Ahmed Triki, Loutfi Nuaymi:
Intercell Interference Coordination Algorithms in OFDMA Wireless Systems. 1-6 - Ashley Mills, David Lister:
Intrasite Scheduling for Interference Avoidance in LTE. 1-5
Resource Allocation I
- Muhammad Kazmi, Henrik Nyberg, Oskar Drugge, Farshid Ghasemzadeh:
Handling of Uplink Transmitted Carrier Power Difference in DC-HSUPA. 1-5 - Kenji Hoshino, Teruya Fujii:
Multi-Cell Coordinated Power Control with Adjacent Cell Cooperative Transmission Considering Actual Environment. 1-5 - Mi Seong Jin, Seungah Chae, Dong In Kim:
Per Cluster Based Opportunistic Power Control for Heterogeneous Networks. 1-5 - Zhenglei Huang
, Zhimin Zeng, Hailun Xia, Junfeng Shi:
Power Control in Two-Tier OFDMA Femtocell Networks with Particle Swarm Optimization. 1-5 - Shuo Zhang, Youguang Zhang, Lie-Liang Yang:
Redundant Residue Number System Based Multicarrier DS-CDMA for Dynamic Multiple-Access in Cognitive Radios. 1-5 - Amir Kenarsari-Anhari, Farid Ashtiani:
Throughput Enhancement of IEEE 802.11e WLAN by Transmission Power Randomization. 1-5
Signal Processing
- Jie Tang, Sangarapillai Lambotharan:
A Suboptimal User Maximization Algorithm for an OFDMA Based Cognitive Radio Network. 1-5 - Francisco Ganhão, Rui Dinis
, Luís Bernardo
, Paulo Carvalho, Rodolfo Oliveira
, Paulo Pinto
Analytical Performance Evaluation of SC-FDE Modulations with Packet Combining and Multipacket Detection Schemes. 1-5 - Hironori Ogihara, Hiroshi Yasukawa:
OFDM Receiver Performance Using Rotating Circular Array Antenna for Vehicle Communications. 1-5 - Meelis Noemm, Peter Adam Hoeher, Yi Wang:
Phase Allocation Aspects of Interleave-Division Multiplexing from PAPR Prospective. 1-5 - Andrew P. Millar, Stephan Weiss
, Robert W. Stewart:
Tomlinson Harashima Precoding Design for Non-Regenerative MIMO Relay Networks. 1-5
Transmission over MIMO Channels I
- Eiji Okamoto:
A Chaos MIMO Transmission Scheme for Secure Communications on Physical Layer. 1-5 - Ming-Yang Chen, John M. Cioffi:
A New and Improved Perfect Space-Time Code for 5×5 MIMO Channels. 1-4 - Jiyun Shen, Yasuhiro Oda, Tatsuo Furuno, Tamami Maruyama, Tomoyuki Ohya:
A Novel Approach for Capacity Improvement of 2x2 MIMO in LOS Channel Using Reflectarray. 1-5 - Jongrok Park, Hojae Lee, Sanghoon Lee, Sanghoon Lee:
Beamforming Matrix Transformation for Random Beamforming. 1-5 - Katsutoshi Kusume, Karim Khashaba, Tetsushi Abe, Wolfgang Utschick
Constrained Optimization of Universal Codebook for MIMO Precoding. 1-5
Interference Management
- Bo Li:
An Effective Inter-Cell Interference Coordination Scheme for Heterogeneous Network. 1-5 - Alessandro Guidotti
, Doriana Guiducci, Marina Barbiroli
, Claudia Carciofi, Paolo Grazioso, Guido Riva:
Coexistence and Mutual Interference between Mobile and Broadcasting Systems. 1-5 - Ki Won Sung
, Jens Zander:
Coordination of Clusters for Inter-Cell Scheduling. 1-5 - Matías Toril
, Volker Wille, Pablo Guerrero-García
Improving the Spatial Consistency of the Assignment of Base Stations to Controllers in Cellular Networks. 1-5 - Jung-Min Moon, Dong-Ho Cho:
Inter-Cluster Interference Management Based on Cell-Clustering in Network MIMO Systems. 1-6 - I Wayan Mustika
, Koji Yamamoto, Hidekazu Murata, Susumu Yoshida:
Potential Game Approach for Self-Organized Interference Management in Closed Access Femtocell Networks. 1-5
Propagation Modeling
- Edgar Haddad, Nadine Malhouroux, Patrice Pajusco, Michel M. Ney:
A Scattering Model to Improve the Accuracy of 3D Ray Tracing for UWB Indoor Channel. 1-5 - Meifang Zhu, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Jonas Medbo:
Correlation Properties of Large Scale Parameters from 2.66 GHz Multi-Site Macro Cell Measurements. 1-5 - Claude Oestges, Paolo Castiglione, Nicolai Czink:
Empirical Modeling of Nomadic Peer-to-Peer Networks in Office Environment. 1-5 - Jinghui Lu, Gang Zhu, Cesar Briso-Rodríguez
Fading Characteristics in the Railway Terrain Cuttings. 1-5 - Guillaume de la Roche, Alvaro Valcarce Rial, Jie Zhang
Hybrid Model for Indoor-to-Outdoor Femtocell Radio Coverage Prediction. 1-5 - Gerhard Steinböck
, Troels Pedersen
, Bernard H. Fleury, Wei Wang, Thomas Jost, Ronald Raulefs:
Model for the Path Loss of In-Room Reverberant Channels. 1-5 - Philippe Godlewski:
The Mondrian Propagation Simulation Model. 1-4
Poster III
- Nitin Maslekar, Mounir Boussedjra, Joseph Mouzna, Houda Labiod:
VANET Based Adaptive Traffic Signal Control. 1-5 - Marco Beccuti
, Massimiliano De Pierro, András Horváth
, Ádám Horváth, Károly Farkas:
A Mean Field Based Methodology for Modeling Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Ruisi He, Zhangdui Zhong, Cesar Briso-Rodríguez
Broadband Channel Long Delay Cluster Measurements and Analysis at 2.4GHz in Subway Tunnels. 1-5 - Quoc-Tuan Vien
, Huan Xuan Nguyen
, Jinho Choi
, Brian G. Stewart, Huaglory Tianfield
Network Coding-Based Block ACK for Wireless Relay Networks. 1-5 - Jia Shi, Lie-Liang Yang:
Performance of Multiway Relay DS-CDMA Systems over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. 1-5 - Tachporn Sanguanpuak, Nandana Rajatheva:
Performance Analysis of Primary User Energy Detection in a Cognitive Relay System with Diversity. 1-5 - Sonia Fourati, Soumaya Hamouda, Sami Tabbane:
A Cooperative Incumbent User Detection for Cognitive MAC Protocol. 1-5 - Ziming He
, Yi Ma, Rahim Tafazolli
Cooperative Localization in a Distributed Base Station Scenario. 1-5 - Magnus Sandell, Justin P. Coon
Joint Data Detection and Channel Sounding for TDD Systems with Antenna Selection. 1-5 - Hua Chao, Zhongji Hu, Keying Wu:
Full Non-Orthogonal Integration of Unicast and Single Cell Broadcast in LTE-Advanced. 1-5 - Daniel Afonso, Rui Rodrigues, Francisco Cercas
, Rui Dinis
Analytical Correlation of Spreading Sequences for Nonlinear OQPSK-Type Modulations. 1-5 - André B. J. Kokkeler, Gerard J. M. Smit:
A Correlating Receiver for OFDM at Low SNR. 1-5 - Shuang Wu, Xiang Chen, Xiaofeng Zhong, Shidong Zhou, Jing Wang:
Mutual Information Evolution Based Performance Analysis in IDMA System. 1-6 - Wenyang Guan, Jianhua He
, Lin Bai, Zuoyin Tang
Adaptive Rate Control of Dedicated Short Range Communications Based Vehicle Networks for Road Safety Applications. 1-5 - Xiaoyi Zhu, Angela Doufexi
, Taskin Koçak:
Throughput and Coverage Performance for IEEE 802.11ad Millimeter-Wave WPANs. 1-5 - Mingming Li, Xiaoxiang Wang, Hongtao Zhang, Mingwei Tang:
Resource Allocation with Subcarrier Cooperation in OFDM-Based Wireless Multicast System. 1-5 - Marja Matinmikko
, Tapio Rauma, Miia Mustonen, Javier Del Ser
Architecture and Approach for Obtaining Spectrum Availability Information. 1-5 - Song Li, Xiaoxiang Wang, Hongtao Zhang, Yuan Zhao:
Dynamic Resource Allocation with Precoding for OFDMA-Based Wireless Multicast Systems. 1-5 - Véronique Capdevielle, Afef Feki, Elias Temer:
Enhanced Resource Sharing Strategies for LTE Picocells with Heterogeneous Traffic Loads. 1-5
Wireless Sensor Networks II
- Yan Li, Sumei Sun, Yuen Sam Kwok:
Energy Efficient Low-Complexity Symbol-by-Symbol GMSK Demodulator for BAN. 1-5 - Yi Zhou, Kai Chen, Jianhua He
, Haibing Guan:
Enhanced Slotted Aloha Protocols for Underwater Sensor Networks with Large Propagation Delay. 1-5 - Nancy El Rachkidy, Alexandre Guitton, Michel Misson:
Improving QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks Using a Multi-Stack Architecture. 1-5 - János Levendovszky
, Kalman Tornai, Gergely Treplán, Andras Olah
Novel Load Balancing Algorithms Ensuring Uniform Packet Loss Probabilities for WSN. 1-5 - Pradheepkumar Singaravelu, Shekhar Verma
Feasibility of Rainbow Signature for Broadcast Authentication in Sensor Networks. 1-5
Channel Estimation I
- Han-Jun Park, Keon-Wook Lee, Yong-Hwan Lee:
Channel Estimation with Dedicated Pilot Signal in MIMO-OFDM Systems. 1-5 - Li Alex Li, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
, Alister G. Burr
Dynamic Pilot Allocation Channel Estimation with Spatial Multiplexing for MIMO-OFDM Systems. 1-5 - Chin-Liang Wang, Hung-Chin Wang:
Low-Complexity Joint Timing Synchronization and Channel Estimation for MIMO OFDM Systems. 1-5 - Feifei Sun, Danpu Liu, Guangxin Yue:
Particle Filtering Based Automatic Gain Control for ADC-Limited Communication. 1-5 - Christopher Knievel, Peter Adam Hoeher, Alexander Tyrrell, Gunther Auer:
Particle Swarm Enhanced Graph-Based Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM. 1-5
Spectrum Sensing
- Shoukang Zheng, Pooi Yuen Kam
, Ying-Chang Liang
, Yonghong Zeng
Bayesian Spectrum Sensing for Digitally Modulated Primary Signals in Cognitive Radio. 1-5 - Anlei Rao, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over Non-Identical Nakagami Fading Channels. 1-4 - Alireza Babaei, Prathima Agrawal, Bijan Jabbari:
Cooperative Spectrum Sharing for a Primary Network with Capacity Constraint. 1-5 - Hao Lu, Tao Xu, Homayoun Nikookar:
A Cooperative Scheme for ZP-OFDM with Multiple Carrier Frequency Offsets over Multipath Channel. 1-5 - Yang Lu, Wenbin Guo, Xing Wang, Wenbo Wang:
Distributed Streaming Compressive Spectrum Sensing for Wide-Band Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5
Transmission Techniques
- Kandeepan Sithamparanathan
, Chava Vijaya Saradhi, Marcin Filo, Radoslaw Piesiewicz:
Delay Analysis of Cooperative Communication with Opportunistic Relay Access. 1-5 - Dennis Hui:
Distributed Precoding with Local Power Negotiation for Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission. 1-5 - Mathieu Lessinnes, Jean-Michel Dricot, Philippe De Doncker, Luc Vandendorpe, François Horlin
Dynamic Carrier Allocation for Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5 - Birendra Ghimire, Gunther Auer, Harald Haas:
Heuristic Thresholds for Busy Burst Signalling in a Decentralised Coordinated Multipoint Network. 1-5 - Haris Gacanin
, Mika Salmela, Fumiyuki Adachi
Impact of the Channel Time-Selectivity on BER Performance of Broadband Analog Network Coding with Two-Slot Channel Estimation. 1-5
Interference Mitigation
- Hun-Young Shin, Seokhwan Park, Haewook Park, Inkyu Lee:
Achievable Degrees of Freedom for Interference Broadcast Channels with Asymmetric Complex Signaling. 1-5 - Ingmar Groh, Armin Dammann
, Christian Gentner:
Efficient Intercarrier Interference Mitigation for Pilot-Aided Channel Estimation in OFDM Mobile Systems. 1-5 - Zan Yang, Xiang Cheng, Yuping Zhao, Xing Wei:
Group-Wise Joint Detection for Dual Rate TD-SCDMA Systems. 1-5 - Michal Simko, Christian Mehlführer, Thomas Zemen, Markus Rupp:
Inter-Carrier Interference Estimation in MIMO OFDM Systems with Arbitrary Pilot Structure. 1-5 - Fabien Héliot, Usama Asif, Reza Hoshyar, Rahim Tafazolli
Other-Cell Interference Aware Precoding for the Downlink of Multi-User MIMO AF Communication. 1-5
Power Control and Energy Awareness
- István Töros, Péter Fazekas:
An Energy Efficient Cellular Mobile Network Planning Algorithm. 1-5 - Efstathios Katranaras, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Reza Hoshyar:
Energy Aware Transmission in Cellular Uplink with Clustered Base Station Cooperation. 1-5 - Roberto Fantini, Dario Sabella, Marco Caretti:
Energy Efficiency in LTE-Advanced Networks with Relay Nodes. 1-5 - Gilbert Micallef, Preben E. Mogensen, Hans Otto Scheck, Ekkehard Lang:
Energy Efficient Evolution of Mobile Networks: Macro-Only Upgrades vs. a Joint-Pico Deployment Strategy. 1-5 - Vaggelis G. Douros
, George C. Polyzos
, Stavros Toumpis:
Negotiation-Based Distributed Power Control in Wireless Networks with Autonomous Nodes. 1-5
Transmission over MIMO Channels II
- Shinpei Yasukawa, Teruo Kawamura, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Hidekazu Taoka, Takehiro Nakamura:
Experimental Evaluation on SU-MIMO Transmission with Closed-Loop Precoding in LTE-Advanced Uplink. 1-5 - Hugo Reboredo, Munnujahan Ara
, Miguel R. D. Rodrigues, João M. F. Xavier:
Filter Design with Secrecy Constraints: The Degraded Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Gaussian Wiretap Channel. 1-5 - Ahmed Bannour
, Mohamed Lassaad Ammari
, Yichuang Sun, Ridha Bouallegue
On the Capacity of ASTC-MIMO-OFDM System in a Correlated Rayleigh Frequency-Selective Channel. 1-5 - Jiang Xue, Md. Zahurul I. Sarkar, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah:
Random Coding Error Exponent for OSTBC Nakagami-m Fading MIMO Channel. 1-5 - Fang Yuan, Shengqian Han, Chenyang Yang, Yu Zhang, Gang Wang, Ming Lei:
Weighted DFT Codebook for Multiuser MIMO in Spatially Correlated Channels. 1-5
PHY Techniques
- Robert Lasowski, Florian Gschwandtner, Constantin Scheuermann, Markus Duchon:
A Multi Channel Synchronization Approach in Dual Radio Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Tankred Hase, Wolfgang Hintermaier, Andreas Frey, Tobias Strobel, Uwe Baumgarten, Eckehard G. Steinbach
Influence of Image/Video Compression on Night Vision Based Pedestrian Detection in an Automotive Application. 1-5 - Jörg Nuckelt, Hendrik Hoffmann, Moritz Schack, Thomas Kürner
Linear Diversity Combining Techniques Employed in Car-to-X Communication Systems. 1-5
Poster IV
- Ramtin Kazemi, Rein Vesilo, Eryk Dutkiewicz
A Novel Genetic-Fuzzy Power Controller with Feedback for Interference Mitigation in Wireless Body Area Networks. 1-5 - Sanghoon Lee, Hyukmin Son, Jongrok Park, Sanghoon Lee:
Visual Capacity Analysis of Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Dusan Borota, Goran Ivkovic, Rama Vuyyuru, Onur Altintas, Ivan Seskar, Predrag Spasojevic
On the Delay to Reliably Detect Channel Availability in Cooperative Vehicular Environments. 1-5 - Stefanos Vatsikas, Simon Armour, Marina De Vos
, Tim Lewis:
A Distributed Algorithm for Wireless Resource Allocation Using Coalitions and the Nash Bargaining Solution. 1-5 - Hao Lu, Tao Xu, Madan Kumar Lakshmanan, Homayoun Nikookar:
Cooperative Wavelet Communication over Multi-Relay, Multi-Scale and Multi-Lag Wireless Channels. 1-5 - Zsolt Kollár
, Péter Horváth:
Physical Layer Considerations for Cognitive Radio: Modulation Techniques. 1-5 - Zsolt Kollár
, Péter Horváth:
Physical Layer Considerations for Cognitive Radio: Synchronization Point of View. 1-5 - Rui Chen, Jiandong Li, Wei Liu, Changle Li, Min Sheng:
Multi-User Multi-Stream Generalized Channel Inversion Vector Perturbation. 1-5 - Di Lu, Hongwei Yang, Keying Wu:
On the Feedback Enhancement and System Performance Evaluation of Downlink MU-MIMO for 3GPP LTE-Advanced. 1-5 - Marios Nicolaou, Angela Doufexi
, Simon Armour, Yong Sun:
A Multiuser, Multicarrier Link Adaptation Strategy for Fading Channels with PER Constraints. 1-5 - Lianjun Deng, Teruo Kawamura, Hidekazu Taoka, Mamoru Sawahashi:
Combined Effect of Transmit Diversity and Frequency Hopping for DFT-Precoded OFDMA in Uplink Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. 1-5 - Yan Zhou, Ying Wang, Tan Wang, Ke Zhang, Weidong Zhang:
Iterative Inter-Cell Interference Coordination in MU-MIMO Systems. 1-5 - Binbin Zhou
, Jiannong Cao
, Hejun Wu:
Adaptive Traffic Light Control of Multiple Intersections in WSN-Based ITS. 1-5 - Nor Fadzilah Abdullah
, Angela Doufexi
, Robert J. Piechocki
Car-to-Car Safety Broadcast with Interference Using Raptor Codes. 1-5 - Mohammed Al-Imari
, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Rahim Tafazolli
, Dageng Chen:
Subcarrier and Power Allocation for LDS-OFDM System. 1-5 - Auon Muhammad Akhtar
, Oliver Holland, Tuan Anh Le, Mohammad Reza Nakhai
, A. Hamid Aghvami:
Cooperative Cognitive Radio Beamforming in the Presence of Location Errors. 1-5 - Wei Hong, Jing Han, Haiming Wang:
UL Performance of Type-1 Relay Enhanced FDD LTE-A Networks with Unaligned Backhaul Subframes. 1-5 - Saqib R. Chaudhry, Hamed S. Al-Raweshidy
, Imran Raza
, Manal Jamil Al-Kindi:
Energy Efficient Application Controlled Multi Radio PAN over Optical Network. 1-5 - Lin Yang, Lu Zhang, Tao Yang, Wei Fang:
Location-Based Hybrid Spectrum Allocation and Reuse for Tiered LTE-A Networks. 1-5
- Seyed Morteza Razavi:
A 2-Dimensional Transmit Beamforming Method: Performance Results for Slow Fading Channels. 1-5 - Chunlin Yan, Hidetoshi Kayama, Atsushi Harada:
An Adaptive Transmission Scheme Robust to Variant Moving Speeds. 1-5 - Baolong Zhou, Ling-ge Jiang, Lei Zhang, Chen He, Shengjie Zhao, Zhining Jiang, Kun Zhao:
An Optimal Scheme for TDD Beamforming Systems with Imperfect Channel State Information. 1-5 - Sung Hyun Moon, Sang-Rim Lee, Inkyu Lee:
Sum Rates of Random Beamforming MISO Downlink Systems with Other Cell Interference. 1-5 - Hyun-Ho Lee, Young-Chai Ko:
Symbol-Wise Beamforming with Limited Feedback for MIMO-OFDM Systems. 1-5
Channel Estimation II
- Hao Wu, Hongwei Luo, Yunxia Yang:
A Vector Quantization Approach to LMMSE Channel Estimation for OFDM System. 1-5 - Pierre Bertrand:
Channel Gain Estimation from Sounding Reference Signal in LTE. 1-5 - Baozhu Ning, Raphaël Visoz, Antoine O. Berthet
Semi-Analytical Performance Prediction Method for Iterative MMSE-IC Detection and Semi-Blind Channel Estimation. 1-5 - Leïla Najjar Atallah:
Sparse Channels Structured Estimation in OFDM Systems. 1-5 - Shinsuke Yokozawa
, Yasushi Yamao:
Suppression of Quantization Noise for EPWM Transmitter with 2nd-Order Delta-Sigma Modulator. 1-5
Adaptive Relay Communications
- Xing Wang, Wenbin Guo, Yang Lu, Wenbo Wang:
Adaptive Compressive Sampling for Wideband Signals. 1-5 - Chin Choy Chai, Yong Huat Chew:
Adaptive Joint Power and Bandwidth Control for Spectrum Sharing Systems. 1-5 - Chen Luo, Yi Wu, Zesong Fei, Erik G. Larsson, Jingming Kuang:
Adaptive Partial Decode-and-Forward Relaying with Quantized Feedback. 1-6 - Wei Liu, Yahui Hu, Song Ci, Hui Tang:
Adaptive Resource Allocation and Scheduling for Cognitive Radio MIMO-OFDMA Systems. 1-6 - Stephen J. Grant, Claes Tidestav, Xinyu Gu, Niklas Johansson:
Uplink CoMP for HSPA. 1-5
Cognitive Radio
- Olasunkanmi Durowoju, Kamran Arshad
, Klaus Moessner
Cognitive Time Variant Power Control in Slow Fading Mobile Channels. 1-5 - Liliana Bolea, Jordi Pérez-Romero
, Ramón Agustí
, Oriol Sallent:
Context Discovery Mechanisms for Cognitive Radio. 1-5 - Brad W. Zarikoff, David Weldon:
Detection of Pulsed Radar in a Time Division Duplexed System. 1-5 - Andreas Dotzler, Wolfgang Utschick
, Guido Dietl:
Efficient Zero-Forcing Based Interference Coordination for MISO Networks. 1-5 - Wei Liu, Yahui Hu, Song Ci, Hui Tang:
Power Control for Relay-Assisted Cognitive Radio Networks-Part II: Distributed Scenario. 1-5
Distributed Antenna
- Hassan Osman, Huiling Zhu, Temitope Alade:
Deployment of Distributed Antenna Systems in High Buildings. 1-5 - Christos Papathanasiou, Nikos Dimitriou
, Theodoros Samios, Leandros Tassiulas:
On the Use of Distributed Directive Antenna Arrays in Mobile OFDMA Networks. 1-5 - Huiling Zhu:
On Frequency Reuse in Distributed Antenna Systems. 1-5 - Temitope Alade, Huiling Zhu, Hassan Osman:
Performance Analysis of Distributed Antenna System for High Building Wireless Communication. 1-5 - Jin-Yuan Wang, Jun-Bo Wang, Ming Chen, HuaMin Chen, Xiaoyu Dang, Han-Yin Li:
System Outage Probability Analysis of Uplink Distributed Antenna Systems over a Composite Channel. 1-5
Medium Access Protocol
- Xi Li, Wojciech Bigos, Dominik Dulas, Yi Chen, Umar Toseef, Carmelita Görg, Andreas Timm-Giel
, Andreas Klug:
Dimensioning of the LTE Access Network for the Transport Network Delay QoS. 1-7 - Francesca Martelli
, Maria Elena Renda
, Paolo Santi:
Measuring IEEE 802.11p Performance for Active Safety Applications in Cooperative Vehicular Systems. 1-5 - Rafael Cauduro Dias de Paiva, Robson D. Vieira
, Mikko Säily:
Random Access Capacity Evaluation with Synchronized MTC Users over Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Daria Stepanova, Timo Sukuvaara:
Simulation of IEEE 802.11p Vehicular Networking with Real-Life Traffic Scenario. 1-5 - Salim Abukharis, Richard MacKenzie, Timothy O'Farrell
Throughput and Delay Analysis for a Differentiated p-Persistent CSMA Protocol with the Capture Effect. 1-5
Multi-antenna Resource Allocation
- Henning Vetter, Magnus Sandell:
A New Dedicated Pilot Allocation Scheme in Multiuser MIMO OFDM with Vector Perturbation. 1-5 - Eunsung Park, Inkyu Lee:
Antenna Placement for Downlink Distributed Antenna Systems with Selection Transmission. 1-5 - Talha Ahmad, Saad Al-Ahmadi
, Halim Yanikomeroglu
, Gary Boudreau:
Downlink Linear Transmission Schemes in a Single-Cell Distributed Antenna System with Port Selection. 1-5 - Liang Zhou:
Low Complexity Transmit Antenna Selection for Spatial Multiplexing Systems with OSIC Receivers. 1-5 - Ferkan Yilmaz
, Ahmet Yilmaz
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Oguz Kucur:
Transmit Antenna Selection Based on Shadowing Side Information. 1-5
Adaptive MAC Mechanism
- Shiann-Tsong Sheu, LuWei Chen:
Universal Power Saving Mechanism for Random Traffic Intensity in IEEE 802.16e Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks. 1-5 - Seyedali Hosseininezhad, Ghasem Naddafzadeh Shirazi, Victor C. M. Leung
RLAB: Reinforcement Learning-Based Adaptive Broadcasting for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Yi-Ling Hsieh, Kuochen Wang:
Road Layout Adaptive Overlay Multicast for Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5
Traffic Management I
- Nima Alam, Asghar Tabatabaei Balaei, Andrew G. Dempster
A DSRC-Based Traffic Flow Monitoring and Lane Detection System. 1-5 - In Jun Park, Wonsun Bong, Yong Cheol Kim:
Hidden Markov Model Based Tracking of a Proxy RP in Wi-Fi Localization. 1-5 - Imdad Ullah
, Zawar Shah
, Madeeha Owais, Adeel Baig
VoIP and Tracking Capacity over WiFi Networks. 1-5
Poster V
- Yue Cao
, Haitham S. Cruickshank, Zhili Sun
Asymmetric Spray Based Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks. 1-5 - Haitao Zhao, Emiliano Garcia-Palacios, Shan Wang, Jibo Wei:
Implementing Distributed Admission Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Seung Joon Lee, Kyeongpyo Kim, Kapseok Chang, Mun Geon Kyeong, Woo Yong Lee, Hyun Kyu Chung:
Evaluation of 60 GHz MIMO Channel Capacity in the Conference Room STA-STA Scenario. 1-5 - Sung-Il Kim, Jun Heo:
Outage Probability of Interference-Limited Amplify-and-Forward Relaying with Partial Relay Selection. 1-5 - Ting Zhou, Hamid Sharif, Michael Hempel, Puttipong Mahasukhon, Tao Ma, Pradhumna Shrestha:
Priority Preemption for Real-Time Application QoS Guarantees in Cooperative Vehicular Networks. 1-6 - Jun Xiao, Yanxiang Jiang, Xiaohu You:
A Low Complexity Equalization Method for Cooperative Communication Systems Based on Distributed Frequency-Domain Linear Convolutive Space-Frequency Codes. 1-5 - Fu-Te Hsu, Hsuan-Jung Su
Randomized Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks with a Large Number of Cognitive Users. 1-5 - Seung-Hoon Hwang, Cha-Eul Jeon, Byoungjo Choi:
A Novel Channel Sharing Scheme for Optimizing ODFC in IEEE 802.22 Systems. 1-4 - Dimitris E. Kontaxis, George V. Tsoulos
, Serafim Karaboyas:
Optimum Beamforming for Correlated Rician MISO Channels. 1-5 - Ke Zhong, Xia Lei, Shaoqian Li:
A Novel Linear Interpolated Channel Estimation Method in Non-Continuous Subcarrier Mapping. 1-5 - Hyun Seok Ryu, Jun-Seok Lee, Chung Gu Kang:
Performance Analysis of Relay Systems in an Interference-Limited Environment. 1-5 - Dai Kimura, Yuya Harada, Hiroyuki Seki:
De-Centralized Dynamic ICIC Using X2 Interfaces for Downlink LTE Systems. 1-5 - Zoltan Belso, Tamas Szilagyi, László Pap, Kalman Elek, Istvan Koller:
Joint Application of Spread Spectrum and OFDM Modulation for Microwave Radio Communication Used for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. 1-5 - Hongwei Wang, Bin Ning, Hailin Jiang:
An Experimental Study of 2.4GHz Frequency Band Leaky Coaxial Cable in CBTC Train Ground Communication. 1-5 - Taimoor Abbas
, Johan Karedal, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Alexander Paier, Laura Bernadó, Andreas F. Molisch:
Directional Analysis of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Propagation Channels. 1-5 - Fulvio Babich
, Massimiliano Comisso
, Aljosa Dorni:
A PHY Design for Asynchronous Multi-Packet Reception in 802.11 Heterogeneous Networks. 1-5 - Na Yi, Yi Ma, Rahim Tafazolli
Cooperative Iterative Water-Filling for Two-User Gaussian Frequency-Selective Interference Channels. 1-5 - Sándor Imre, Károly Lendvai, Sándor Szabó:
Ring Based Call Admission Control Scheme for Future Mobile Networks. 1-5 - Márton Bérces, Péter Fazekas:
Energy Efficient Configuration of Dual RAT Cellular Networks in Homogenous Environment. 1-5
Resource and Traffic Management
- Ruijie Lin, Dritan Kaleshi:
A Fast and Efficient Node Loss-Rate Estimator for Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Arpad Drozdy, Attila Rakos, Zoltán Vincze, Csaba Vulkán:
Adaptive VoIP Multiplexing in LTE Backhaul. 1-6 - Kwashie Amartei Anang, Predrag B. Rapajic, Titus I. Eneh, Yogesh Nijsure:
Minimum Cell Size for Information Capacity Increase in Cellular Wireless Network. 1-6 - Niels Terp Kjeldgaard Jørgensen, Daniela Laselva, Jeroen Wigard:
On the Potentials of Traffic Steering Techniques between HSDPA and LTE. 1-5 - Irfan Ahmed
, Amr Mohamed
Outage Optimal Resource Allocation for Two-Hop Multiuser Multirelay Cooperative Communication in OFDMA Upstream. 1-6 - David Soldani, Hou Xiao Jun, Bernd Lück:
Strategies for Mobile Broadband Growth: Traffic Segmentation for Better Customer Experience. 1-5
Scheduling II
- Elmahdi Driouch, Wessam Ajib:
Cross Layer Scheduling Algorithms for Downlink Multi-Antenna CDMA Systems. 1-5 - Jin-Yup Hwang, Jinyoung Oh, Youngnam Han, Tai Suk Kim:
Fair QoS-Aware Scheduling in Dual-Carrier HSDPA. 1-5 - Jeong Ae Han, Wha Sook Jeon:
Game-Theoretic Approach to Distributed Scheduling for Relay-Aided OFDMA Systems. 1-5 - Ping Zhang, Yami Chen, Zhiyong Feng, Qixun Zhang, Yizhe Li, Li Tan:
Joint Power Control and Scheduling Strategies for OFDMA Femtocells in Hierarchical Networks. 1-5 - Jaewoo So, Hyun-Cheol Jeon, Donggun Ann:
Joint Proportional Fair Scheduling for Uplink and Downlink in Wireless Networks. 1-4 - Alireza Sharifian, Halim Yanikomeroglu
On the Delay-Fairness through Scheduling for Wireless OFDMA Networks. 1-5
CRCC Scheduling
- David Tung Chong Wong, Shoukang Zheng, Anh Tuan Hoang, Ying-Chang Liang
, Francois P. S. Chin:
A Multi-Channel Cooperative MAC. 1-5 - Fulvio Babich
, Alessandro Crismani:
Incremental and Complementary Coding Techniques for Cooperative Medium Access Control Protocols. 1-5 - Nuwan S. Ferdinand, Nandana Rajatheva:
Multi-User Scheduling in AF Relay Network with Antenna Correlation. 1-5 - Youngil Jeon, Young-Tae Kim, Moonseo Park, Inkyu Lee:
Opportunistic Scheduling for Three-Way Relay Systems with Physical Layer Network Coding. 1-5 - Jin Lai, Ren Ping Liu, Eryk Dutkiewicz
, Rein Vesilo:
Optimal Channel Reservation in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-6
Carrier Allocation and Aggregation
- Liu Liu, Mingju Li, Juejia Zhou, Xiaoming She, Lan Chen, Yuta Sagae, Mikio Iwamura:
Component Carrier Management for Carrier Aggregation in LTE-Advanced System. 1-6 - Zhijiat Chong, Eduard A. Jorswieck
Energy Efficiency in Random Opportunistic Beamforming. 1-5 - Yuan Yan, Anxin Li, Atsushi Harada, Hidetoshi Kayama:
Enhanced Downlink Control Channel Resource Allocation Algorithm for Cross-Carrier Scheduling in LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation System. 1-5 - Yuichi Kakishima, Teruo Kawamura, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Hidekazu Taoka, Takehiro Nakamura:
Experimental Evaluation on Throughput Performance of Asymmetric Carrier Aggregation in LTE-Advanced. 1-5 - André Michelin Camara, Roger Pierre Fabris Hoefel:
On the Performance of IEEE 802.11n Cyclic Shift Diversity Scheme for 802.11a/g Legacy Compatibility. 1-5
Timing, Code and Detector Design
- Sungmook Lim, Jemin Lee, Taehoon Kwon, Woohyun Seo, Daesik Hong:
A ML-Based Detector Considering Transmit Power Allocation for SC-FDMA Systems. 1-5 - Zhengang Pan, Yiqing Zhou
A Practical Double Peak Detection Coarse Timing for OFDM in Multipath Channels. 1-5 - Shota Yoshimura, Kenichi Higuchi:
Channel-Dependent Adaptive Spreading Code Selection in Downlink MC-CDMA. 1-5 - Shuang Tan, Tommi Koivisto, Helka-Liina Määttänen, Kari Pietikäinen, Timo Roman, Mihai Enescu:
Design and Evaluation of LTE-Advanced Double Codebook. 1-5 - Xiang Yun, Xiaoming She, Lan Chen, Jianchi Zhu, Yu Jiang, Hidekazu Taoka, Katsutoshi Kusume, Satoshi Nagata:
Investigation of Optimum Double Codebook Design for Downlink MIMO in LTE-A. 1-5 - Frans Laakso, Kari Aho, Ilmari Repo, Thomas Chapman:
Streamlining HSUPA TTI Lengths without Compromising HSUPA Capacity. 1-5
Femtocell Wireless Networks
- Yuan Yan, Anxin Li, Xinying Gao, Hidetoshi Kayama:
A New Autonomous Component Carrier Selection Scheme for Home eNB in LTE-A System. 1-5 - Zhen Liu, Troels B. Sørensen, Jeroen Wigard, Preben E. Mogensen:
DAS, Uncoordinated Femto and Joint Scheduling Systems for In-Building Wireless Solutions. 1-5 - Troels E. Kolding
, Pawel Ochal, Przemyslaw Czerepinski, Klaus I. Pedersen:
Impact of Carrier Configuration and Allocation Scheme on 3G Femtocell Offload Effect. 1-5 - Yong Jin Kwon, Dong-Ho Cho:
Load Based Cell Selection Algorithm for Faulted Handover in Indoor Femtocell Network. 1-5 - Gábor Jeney:
Practical Limits of Femtocells in a Realistic Environment. 1-5 - Haijun Zhang, Wenmin Ma, Wei Li, Wei Zheng, Xiangming Wen, Chunxiao Jiang:
Signalling Cost Evaluation of Handover Management Schemes in LTE-Advanced Femtocell. 1-5
Channel Characterization
- Petros Karadimas, Jie Zhang
A Generalized Analysis of Three-Dimensional Anisotropic Scattering in Mobile Wireless Channels-Part I: Theory. 1-5 - Laura Bernadó, Anna Roma, Alexander Paier, Thomas Zemen
, Nicolai Czink, Johan Karedal, Andreas Thiel, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Andreas F. Molisch, Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker:
In-Tunnel Vehicular Radio Channel Characterization. 1-5 - Ming-Chuan Yang, Fanyu Meng, Shuo Shi, Qing Guo:
Markov Chain Based Two-State Satellite Mobile Channel Model. 1-5 - Mingming Gan, Nicolai Czink, Paolo Castiglione, Claude Oestges, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Thomas Zemen:
Modeling Time-Variant Fast Fading Statistics of Mobile Peer-to-Peer Radio Channels. 1-5 - Panagiotis Ch. Paschalidis, Kim Mahler, Andreas Kortke, Michael Peter, Wilhelm Keusgen:
Pathloss and Multipath Power Decay of the Wideband Car-to-Car Channel at 5.7 GHz. 1-5 - Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn
, Matti Hämäläinen
, Jari H. Iinatti:
UWB and Wideband Channel Models for Working Machine Environment. 1-5
Robust MIMO Transmission Technology
- Yang Liu, Hui Zhao, Bin Zheng, Wenbo Wang, Bin Wu:
A Novel Unequal-Error-Protected STBC Design for Multimedia Transmission. 1-5 - Huiting Cheng, Sheng Chen
, Yasushi Yamao:
Adaptive Semi-Blind Space-Time Equalisation for Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading MIMO Systems. 1-5 - Baolong Zhou, Ling-ge Jiang, Chen He, Lei Zhang, Shengjie Zhao, Zhang Yi, Lingfeng Lin:
On BER of TDD Multiuser MIMO System with Channel Estimation Error and Delay. 1-5 - Junfeng Shi, Tiankui Zhang, Yiqing Zhou
, Zhimin Zeng, Zhenglei Huang
Rate Loss Caused by Limited Feedback and Channel Delay in Coordinated Multi-Point System. 1-6 - Peichang Zhang, Indrakshi Dey
, Shinya Sugiura, Sheng Chen
Semi-Blind Adaptive Space-Time Shift Keying Systems Based on Iterative Channel Estimation and Data Detection. 1-5
Localization and Tracking I
- Ziming He
, Yi Ma, Rahim Tafazolli
Accuracy Limits and Mobile Terminal Selection Scheme for Cooperative Localization in Cellular Networks. 1-5 - Christian Gentner, Ingmar Groh:
Analytical Derivation of the False Alarm and Detection Probability for NLOS Detection. 1-5 - Antoine Couteau, Frédéric Evennou, David Cibaud:
Anchor-Free Absolute Localization and Tracking System for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Juan Chóliz, Miguel Eguizabal, Ángela Hernández-Solana
, Antonio Valdovinos:
Comparison of Algorithms for UWB Indoor Location and Tracking Systems. 1-5 - Yasong Zhu, Wangdong Qi, Li Wei, Peng Liu, En Yuan, Han Wang:
Lost at the Center of a Circle: A Failure Mode and Its Remedy in the Two-Step Weighted Least Squares Method. 1-5
Poster VI
- Yong Li, Yuan Cao, Li Su, Depeng Jin, Lieguang Zeng:
Integrating Forwarding and Replication in DTN Routing: A Social Network Perspective. 1-5 - Charbel Nicolas, Michel Marot, Monique Becker:
A Self-Organization Mechanism for a Cold Chain Monitoring System. 1-5 - Bilel Romdhani, Dominique Barthel, Fabrice Valois:
Routing for Data-Collection in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Jae Cheol Park, Jin Bae Park, Ji-Hye Lee, Jin Soo Wang, Yun Hee Kim:
Analysis on Average Sum Rate of Two-Way Relaying with Simple Analog Network Coding in Nakagami Fading Channels. 1-5 - Qian Zhang, Chenyang Yang:
Transmission Mode Selection in Cooperative Multi-Cell Systems Considering Training Overhead. 1-5 - Hirley Alves
, Richard Demo Souza
, Glauber Gomes de Oliveira Brante
, Marcelo Eduardo Pellenz:
Performance of Type-I and Type-II Hybrid ARQ in Decode and Forward Relaying. 1-5 - Chin-Liang Wang, Han-Wei Chen, Yu-Ren Chou:
A Credibility-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Technique for Cognitive Radio Systems. 1-5 - Yoshihiko Akaiwa:
An Adaptive Base Station Cooperated Cellular System and Its Theoretical Performance Analysis. 1-5 - Kamel Tourki, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Toward Distributed Relay Selection for Opportunistic Amplify-and-Forward Transmission. 1-5 - S. Alireza Banani, Rodney G. Vaughan:
Power Allocation for Practicable Capacity Maximization in Eigen-MIMO. 1-5 - Frank Hsieh, Jun Tan, Luis Lopes:
Low Complexity Interference Rejection Combining for MLSE. 1-5 - Jin Soo Wang, Jin Bae Park, Sung-Hyun Hwang, Chang-Joo Kim, Yun Hee Kim:
A Pragmatic PAPR Reduction Scheme for Multiple Antenna OFDM with Frequency Switched Transmit Diversity. 1-5 - Cornelius T. Healy, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
Decoder Optimised Progressive Edge Growth Algorithm. 1-5 - Nicolas Barbot
, Stephanie Sahuguede, Anne Julien-Vergonjanne, Jean-Pierre Cances:
Performance Bound for LDPC Codes over Mobile LOS Wireless Optical Channel. 1-5 - Dung Tien Nguyen, Tristam MacDonald, Zhiyong Xu:
TDplanner: Public Transport Planning System with Real-Time Route Updates Based on Service Delays and Location Tracking. 1-5 - Flavia Martelli, Roberto Verdone, Chiara Buratti:
Link Adaptation in Wireless Body Area Networks. 1-5 - Hamed Ahmadi, Yong Huat Chew, Chin Choy Chai:
Multicell Multiuser OFDMA Dynamic Resource Allocation Using Ant Colony Optimization. 1-5 - Xiaoyan Liu, Huiling Zhu:
Novel Packet Retransmission in OFDMA Systems Using Frequency Diversity. 1-5 - Szabolcs Kustos, László Bokor
, Gábor Jeney:
Testbed Evaluation of Dynamic GGSN Load Balancing for High Bitrate 3G/UMTS Networks. 1-5
Resource Allocation
- Xiaopeng Huang, Victor B. Lawrence:
Bandwidth-Efficient Bit and Power Loading for Underwater Acoustic OFDM Communication System with Limited Feedback. 1-5 - Viet-Ha Pham, Xianbin Wang
, Md. Jahidur Rahman, Jay Nadeau:
Channel Prediction-Based Adaptive Power Control for Dynamic Wireless Communications. 1-5 - Virgilio Rodriguez, Rudolf Mathar:
Costly Power and Symbol Rate Allocation to Sub-Channels for Optimal Real Performance: Water-Filling for Maximal Throughput. 1-5 - Miquel Payaró, Antonio Pascual-Iserte
, Ana García Armada
, Matilde Sánchez Fernández
Resource Allocation in Multi-Antenna MAC Networks: FBMC vs OFDM. 1-5 - Ronghong Mo, Tony Q. S. Quek
, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Robust Beamforming and Power Control for Two-Tier Femtocell Networks. 1-5
Transmission Techniques
- Habibul Islam, Zbigniew Dziong:
Joint Link Scheduling, Beamforming and Power Control for Maximizing the Sum-Rate of Cognitive Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-5 - Fahd Ahmed Khan, Yunfei Chen
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Novel Coherent Receivers for AF Distributed STBC Using Disintegrated Channel Estimation. 1-5 - Musbah Shaat
, Faouzi Bader:
Optimal Power Allocation Algorithm for OFDM-Based Decode-and-Forward Dual-Hop Cognitive Systems. 1-5 - Liang Li, Fahd Ahmed Khan, Marius Pesavento
, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah:
Power Allocation and Beamforming in Overlay Cognitive Radio Systems. 1-5 - Huiqin Du, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah:
Transmit Beamforming in MIMO Cognitive Radio Network via Semidefinite Programming. 1-5
Transmission Techniques III
- Kaifeng Guo, Wen Xu, Guangxia Zhou:
Differential Carrier Frequency Offset and Sampling Frequency Offset Estimation for 3GPP LTE. 1-5 - Ehsan Bayaki, Diomidis S. Michalopoulos, Robert Schober:
EDFA-Based All-Optical Relaying in Free-Space Optical Systems. 1-5 - Katsuyuki Haneda, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Shurjeel Wyne
, Mats Arlelid, Andreas F. Molisch:
Feasibility Study of a Mm-Wave Impulse Radio Using Measured Radio Channels. 1-5 - Pedro Pedrosa
, Rui Dinis
, Fernando Nunes
Joint Detection and CFO Estimation for QAM Constellations. 1-5 - Norbert Goertz, Johannes Gonter:
Limits on Information Transmission in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication. 1-5
Channel Estimation and Quantization
- Chenhao Qi, Lenan Wu:
Application of Compressed Sensing to DRM Channel Estimation. 1-5 - Amit Kumar Dutta, K. V. S. Hari:
Channel Estimation Using Minimum Bit Error Rate Framework for BPSK Signals. 1-5 - Shu Zhou, Xiao-Xin Zhang, Yuping Zhao, Tingting Zhao, Timo Korhonen:
Fast and Accurate Velocity Estimation for OFDM Systems Based on Channel Frequency Response. 1-5 - Fang Yuan, Chenyang Yang:
Phase Ambiguity Quantization for Per-Cell Codebook Based Limited Feedback Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission Systems. 1-5 - Cheran M. Vithanage, Rafael Cepeda, Justin P. Coon
Pilot Placement Algorithms for OFDM Based Communications in Indoor Wideband Channels. 1-5
Transmission and Use of Channel State Information
- Yu Zhang, Ming Lei:
A Systematic Limited Feedback Scheme for Temporally Correlated MISO Channels with Feedback Delay. 1-6 - Xueying Hou, Chenyang Yang:
Codebook Design and Selection for Multi-Cell Cooperative Transmission Limited Feedback Systems. 1-5 - Umer Salim, Irfan Ghauri
Mixed CSIT DL Channel: Gains with an Additional Receive Antenna. 1-5 - Nihar Jindal, Sean A. Ramprashad:
Optimizing CSI Feedback for MU-MIMO: Tradeoffs in Channel Correlation, User Diversity and MU-MIMO Efficiency. 1-5 - Hao Liu, Yang Song, Dong Li, Liyu Cai, Hongwei Yang, Di Lu, Keying Wu:
Scalable Limited Channel Feedback for Downlink Coordinated Multi-Cell Transmission. 1-5
MIMO Channels
- Fenghua Zhang, Jianhua Zhang, Chengxiang Huang, Nan Sheng, Lei Tian:
Capacity Analysis of Intra-Site Coordinated Multi-Points (CoMP) Scheme Based on a Measurement at 2.35 GHz. 1-5 - Amir Ali Basri, Amir Ghasemi, John Sydor:
Experimental Evaluation of Outdoor-to-Indoor Mimo Systems with a Multi-Antenna Handset. 1-7 - Emna Eitel, Joachim Speidel:
Improved Detected Data Processing for Decision-Directed Tracking of MIMO Channels. 1-5 - Kentaro Saito
, Koshiro Kitao, Tetsuro Imai, Yoshiki Okano, Shunji Miura:
The Modeling Method of Time-Correlated MIMO Channels Using the Particle Filter. 1-5 - Milan Narandzic, Martin Käske, Gerd Sommerkorn, Stephan Jaeckel, Christian Schneider, Reiner S. Thomä:
Variation of Estimated Large-Scale MIMO Channel Properties between Repeated Measurements. 1-5
Cooperative MIMO I
- Thorsten Biermann, Luca Scalia, Jörg Widmer
, Holger Karl:
Backhaul Design and Controller Placement for Cooperative Mobile Access Networks. 1-5 - Payam Padidar, Fabien Héliot, Reza Hoshyar:
Codebook-Based Precoding and Power Allocation for Nonregenerative Dual Hop Relay Systems. 1-5 - Kyeongjun Ko, Jungwoo Lee
Determinant Based Multiuser MIMO Scheduling with Reduced Pilot Overhead. 1-5 - L. K. Saliya Jayasinghe, Nandana Rajatheva, K. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa, Matti Latva-aho:
Dual Hop MIMO OSTBC Communication over Rayleigh-Rician Channel. 1-5 - Rakash SivaSiva Ganesan, Tobias Weber, Anja Klein:
Interference Alignment in Multi-User Two Way Relay Networks. 1-5
Satellite Systems
- Aharon Vargas, Cedric Keip, Wolfgang H. Gerstacker, Marco Breiling
Effect of Satellite System Impairments on a Multilevel Coding System for Satellite Broadcasting. 1-6 - Dimitris Komnakos, Demosthenes Vouyioukas
, Ilias Maglogiannis
Feasibility Study of a HSPA Backhauling over Satellite for Crisis Management. 1-5 - Michael Crosnier, Fabrice Planchou, Riadh Dhaou, André-Luc Beylot:
Handover Management Optimization for LTE Terrestrial Network with Satellite Backhaul. 1-5 - Hee Wook Kim, Unhee Park, Kun Seok Kang, Bon Jun Ku:
Satellite Frequency Reuse Method for Complementary Ground Components in an Integrated MSS System. 1-5 - Guilherme Trigo, Duarte Donas-Boto, Cláudio Silva, Jose E. Sanguino
Vehicle Heading Estimation Using a Two Low-Cost GPS Receiver Configuration. 1-5
Poster VII
- Yue Cao
, Haitham S. Cruickshank, Zhili Sun
Active Congestion Control Based Routing for Opportunistic Delay Tolerant Networks. 1-5 - Dietmar Schabus, Thomas Zemen, Michael Pucher:
Distributed Field Estimation Algorithms in Vehicular Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Soroush Jahromizadeh, Veselin Rakocevic:
Joint Rate Control and Scheduling for Delay-Sensitive Traffic in Multihop Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Koichi Adachi, Sumei Sun, Jingon Joung
Cooperative Relay Transmission with Relay's Private Information. 1-5 - Evanny Obregon, Lei Shi, Javier Ferrer, Jens Zander:
A Model for Aggregate Adjacent Channel Interference in TV White Space. 1-5 - Brage Ellingsaeter, Torleiv Maseng:
Power Allocation in Cognitive Radio Based on Minimum Interference Generation. 1-5 - Jingon Joung
, Sumei Sun:
Design and Performance Evaluation of Multiple AF-Relay Processing in Multi-Cell Environment. 1-5 - C. Cortes Alcala, Siyu Lin, Ruisi He, Cesar Briso-Rodríguez
Design and Test of a High QoS Radio Network for CBTC Systems in Subway Tunnels. 1-5 - Yu Gong, Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Li Su, Lieguang Zeng:
A Location Prediction Scheme Based on Social Correlation. 1-5 - Xue Jiang, Wen-Jun Zeng, En Cheng:
A Fast Algorithm for Sparse Channel Estimation via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit. 1-5 - Hyunseuk Yoo, Frédéric Guilloud, Ramesh Pyndiah:
Low Complexity SLM Technique with an Interleaver-Butterfly Ensemble for PAPR Reduction of Power Limited OFDM System. 1-5 - Hyun-Il Yoo, Yeong-Jun Kim, Chang-Hwan Park, Kwang Jae Lim, Yong Soo Cho:
A Hierarchical Preamble Design Technique for Efficient Handover in Mobile Mesh Networks. 1-4 - Andre Gustavo Degraf Uchoa, Richard Demo Souza
, Glauber Gomes de Oliveira Brante
, Marcelo Eduardo Pellenz
Performance of a Partial Retransmissions Hybrid ARQ Scheme in Rayleigh Block Fading Channels. 1-5 - Leila Gazzah, Hatem Boujemaa, Mohamed Siala:
Discrete Time Rake Receiver for Cooperative DS-CDMA Systems. 1-5 - Kjell Larsson, Jan Christoffersson, Arne Simonsson, Bo Hagerman, Peter Cosimini:
LTE Outdoor & Indoor Interference Assessment Based on UE Measurements. 1-5 - Mohammad Abdul Awal, Lila Boukhatem:
Opportunistic Periodic Feedback Mechanisms for OFDMA Systems under Feedback Budget Constraint. 1-5 - Petri Eskelinen, Ilmari Repo, Kari Aho, Frans Laakso:
On HSUPA Open Loop Switched Antenna Transmit Diversity Performance in Varying Load Conditions. 1-5 - Peter Kantor, János Bitó:
Adaptive Link Assignment Applied in Case of Video Streaming in a Multilink Environment. 1-5 - Giorgio Calarco, Maurizio Casoni
Virtual Networks and Software Router Approach for Wireless Emergency Networks Design. 1-5
- Ruifeng Chen, Zhangdui Zhong, Minming Ni:
Cluster Based Iterative GPS-Free Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Soumaya Cherkaoui, Tarik Taleb, Eugène David Ngangue Ndih:
Improved Inter-Network Handover for Highly Mobile Users and Vehicular Networks. 1-5 - Farah El Ali, Bertrand Ducourthial, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci
On the Capacity of a Linear Vehicular Network. 1-5 - Khalid K. Almuzaini, T. Aaron Gulliver
Range-Based Localization in Wireless Networks Using the DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm. 1-7
- Mikel Hernaez
, Pedro M. Crespo
, Javier Del Ser
Joint Non-Binary LDPC-BICM and Network Coding with Iterative Decoding for the Multiple Access Relay Channel. 1-5 - Xiang Xu, Rudolf Mathar:
Low Complexity Joint Channel Estimation and Decoding for LDPC Coded MIMO-OFDM Systems. 1-5 - Ying Xu, Yuejun Wei, Yuhang Yang, Wen Chen:
On the Super Codes of the First Order Reed-Muller Code Based on m-Sequence Pairs. 1-5 - Jaesung Choi, Jeong Woo Lee:
Study on High Throughput Turbo Decoder. 1-5 - Alexander N. Lozhkin:
Turbo Linearizer for High Power Amplifier. 1-5
Spectrum Sharing
- Mostafa Sayed, Mohamed M. Abdallah
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Khalid A. Qaraqe
Dual Branch Transmit Switch-and-Stay Diversity for Underlay Cognitive Networks. 1-5 - Tao Qiu, Wenjun Xu, Tao Song, Zhiqiang He, Baoyu Tian:
Energy-Efficient Transmission for Hybrid Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5 - Yejian Chen:
Investigation on Dynamic Spectrum Allocation with Virtual Antenna Array Deployment in Decentralized Cognitive Radio System. 1-5 - Mario Bkassiny, Sudharman K. Jayaweera
, Yang Li
, Keith A. Avery:
Optimal and Low-Complexity Algorithms for Dynamic Spectrum Access in Centralized Cognitive Radio Networks with Fading Channels. 1-5 - K. B. Shashika Manosha, Nandana Rajatheva, Matti Latva-aho:
Overlay/Underlay Spectrum Sharing for Multi-Operator Environment in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5
Cooperative MIMO II
- Mirette Sadek, Sonia Aïssa:
Joint Optimization of CQI Calculation and Interference Mitigation for User-Scheduling in MIMO-OFDM Systems. 1-5 - Fakhreddine Gaaloul, Redha M. Radaydeh, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Low-Complexity Combining Schemes in Dual-Hop AF Relaying Systems. 1-5 - Maged Elkashlan, Phee Lep Yeoh
, Chang-Kyung Sung, Iain B. Collings
MIMO Relay Networks with Distributed TAS/MRC. 1-5 - Mingwei Wu, Xuzheng Lin, Pooi Yuen Kam
New Exponential Lower Bounds on the Gaussian Q-Function via Jensen's Inequality. 1-5 - Ronghong Mo, Yong Huat Chew, Chau Yuen:
Relay Precoder Designs for Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Networks with Imperfect Channel State Information. 1-5
Resource Allocation II
- Yaser M. M. Fouad, Ramy H. Gohary, Halim Yanikomeroglu
A Resource Block Assignment Scheme for OFDMA-Based Cellular Networks with Self-Organizing Terminal Relays. 1-5 - Ioannis Stiakogiannakis
, Dimitra I. Kaklamani:
A Combinatorial Auction Based Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm for Multiuser OFDMA. 1-5 - Sergio Cicalo, Velio Tralli, Ana I. Pérez-Neira:
Centralized vs Distributed Resource Allocation in Multi-Cell OFDMA Systems. 1-6 - Bahareh Jalili, Mehrdad Dianati
, Barry G. Evans
Distributed Collaborative Radio Resource Allocation in the Downlink of OFDMA Systems. 1-5 - Su Yi, Gang Wang, Yong Xia:
QoS-Enabled Dynamic Resource Management in Multi-Cell OFDMA-Based Systems. 1-5
Ad-hoc & Sensor Scheduling
- Waleed Alasmary, Otman Basir
Achieving Efficiency and Fairness in 802.11-Based Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications. 1-6 - Peter Corke
, Wen Hu
, Matthew Dunbabin
An RPC-Based Service Framework for Robot and Sensor Network Integration. 1-6 - Tahani Gazdar, Abderrahim Benslimane
, Abdelfettah Belghith
Secure Clustering Scheme Based Keys Management in VANETs. 1-5
Multiuser MIMO
- Mustapha Amara, Yi Yuan-Wu, Dirk T. M. Slock:
A Close to Capacity Double Iterative Based Precoder Design for MU-MIMO Broadcast Channel with Multi-Stream Support. 1-5 - Ryosuke Kimura, Yuki Tajika, Kenichi Higuchi:
CF-Based Adaptive PAPR Reduction Method for Block Diagonalization-Based Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Signals. 1-5 - Pengfei Chang, Tiejun Lv, Taotao Wang, Hui Gao, Yonghua Li:
MMSE Modified Multi-User MIMO Downlink Transmission with Imperfect CSI. 1-5 - Kunitaka Matsumura, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
Orthogonal Beamforming Using Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization for Multi-User MIMO Downlink System. 1-5 - Wei Fang, Huan Sun, Lin Yang:
Power Allocation for Maximizing Sum Capacity of Multiuser MIMO Downlink with Transmit Precoding Based on SLNR. 1-5
Vehicle Applications
- Markus Kerper, Christian Wewetzer, Holger Trompeter, Wolfgang Kiess, Martin Mauve:
Driving More Efficiently - The Use of Inter-Vehicle Communication to Predict a Future Velocity Profile. 1-5 - Laura Garelli, Claudio Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini
, Marco Fiore
MobSampling: V2V Communications for Traffic Density Estimation. 1-5 - Satoru Noguchi, Manabu Tsukada
, Inès Ben Jemaa, Thierry Ernst:
Real-Vehicle Integration of Driver Support Application with IPv6 GeoNetworking. 1-5
Network Architecture
- Xiaoguang Fan, Kuang Xu, Victor O. K. Li:
Fair Packet Forwarding in Opportunistic Networks. 1-5 - Gian Paolo Perrucci, Frank H. P. Fitzek
, Jörg Widmer
Survey on Energy Consumption Entities on the Smartphone Platform. 1-6 - Ragil Putro Wicaksono, Gia Khanh Tran, Kei Sakaguchi, Kiyomichi Araki:
Wireless Grid: Enabling Ubiquitous Sensor Networks with Wireless Energy Supply. 1-5
Poster VIII
- Fu-Kai Chan, Chih-Yu Wen
Adaptive AOA/TOA Localization Using Fuzzy Particle Filter for Mobile WSNs. 1-5 - Julien Beaudaux, Antoine Gallais
, Julien Montavont, Thomas Noël:
LIFT: Layer Independent Fault Tolerance Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Min Sheng, Jiandong Li, Yan Shi:
Double Zones MIMO Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Lin Shan, Hidekazu Murata, Sonia Aïssa, Susumu Yoshida:
Hybrid Network Coding and Cooperative Relaying Schemes for Bi-Directional Communication Systems. 1-5 - Yongtai Liu, Xiaoxiang Wang, Hongtao Zhang:
An Asynchronous Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Cooperative Networks. 1-5 - Uthman Baroudi
, Abdullah Alfadhly:
Effects of Mobility and Primary Appearance Probability on Spectrum Handoff. 1-6 - Yinan Qi, Reza Hoshyar, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Rahim Tafazolli
The Energy Efficiency Analysis of HARQ in Hybrid Relaying Systems. 1-5 - Jeyeon Kim, Takaaki Hasegawa:
A Simple Unevenness Detection System Using a Monocular Camera to Ensure Safety of a Handle Type Electric Wheelchair. 1-4 - Abderrahmane Lakas
, Moumena Shaqfa
Geocache: Sharing and Exchanging Road Traffic Information Using Peer-to-Peer Vehicular Communication. 1-7 - Xiaopeng Huang, Victor B. Lawrence:
Capacity Criterion-Based Bit and Power Loading for Shallow Water Acoustic OFDM System with Limited Feedback. 1-5 - Massimiliano Siti, Andrea Agnoletto, Antonio Assalini:
Doppler Spread Estimation and Channel Update Period Tuning in OFDM-Based Vehicular Communication Systems. 1-5 - Kazunori Yamamoto, Koichi Adachi, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
Phase Rotation Sequence Selection Method for IFDMA with DDCE. 1-5 - Chin-Liang Wang, Po-Chung Shen, Jia-Hong Huang:
An Improved Adaptive Receiver for OFDM Systems Using Conjugate Transmission. 1-5 - Yi Wu, Zhiqiang Tang, Erik G. Larsson:
Optimization of Frame Length in OFDMA Systems Taking into Account the Control Signaling Cost. 1-5 - Jani Puttonen, Janne Kurjenniemi, Olli Alanen, Tero Henttonen:
On Improving the Radio Resource Control Signaling Reliability in LTE Uplink. 1-5 - Ahmad Awada, Bernhard Wegmann, Ingo Viering, Anja Klein:
A Mathematical Model for User Traffic in Coverage and Capacity Optimization of a Cellular Network. 1-5 - Haitao Zhao, Emi Garcia-Palacios, An Song, Jibo Wei:
Calculating End-to-End Throughput Capacity in Wireless Networks with Consideration of Hidden Nodes and Multi-Rate Terminals. 1-5 - Maryam Najmafshar, Moslem Noori, Vahid Tabataba Vakili
Performance Analysis of OFDM-Based Amplify and Forward Networks under Adaptive M-QAM. 1-5
Routing II
- Alberto Zanella
, Barbara M. Masini
The Impact of Relay Selection Strategies on the Amount of Interference in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. 1-6 - Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, Jiandong Li:
Routing in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks with Bandwidth Guarantees. 1-5 - Ulrike Korger, Christian Hartmann:
Spatial Multiplexing for Heterogeneously Equipped Nodes in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Yukiya Kato, Fumie Ono:
Node Centrality on Disjoint Multipath Routing. 1-5 - Rodolfo Oliveira
, André Garrido, Rafael Pasquini
, Miguel Luís
, Luís Bernardo
, Rui Dinis
, Paulo Pinto
Towards the Use of XOR-Based Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6
Transmission Techniques I
- Cecilio Pimentel
, Fady Alajaji, Pedro Melo:
A Discrete Queue-Based Model for Soft-Decision Demodulated Correlated Fading Channels. 1-5 - Taotao Wang, Tiejun Lv, Hui Gao, Yonghua Li:
A Multi-Layer Orthogonal Block Coded Transmission Scheme for Noncoherent Ultra-Wideband Communications. 1-5 - Jinlin Peng, Li X. Zhang
, Desmond C. McLernon
MS-Assisted Receiver-Receiver Time Synchronization Strategy for Femtocells. 1-5 - Yue Wang
, Justin P. Coon
, Mohamed R. Ismail:
Unequal Error Protection for Quasi-Synchronous BS-CDMA Systems. 1-5
Spectrum Sensing
- Sung-Yin Shih, Kwang-Cheng Chen
Compressed Sensing Construction of Spectrum Map for Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-5 - Kamran Arshad
, Klaus Moessner
Efficient Spectrum Management among Spectrum Sharing UMTS Operators. 1-5 - Parisa Cheraghi, Yi Ma, Rahim Tafazolli
Frequency-Domain Differential Energy Detection Based on Extreme Statistics for OFDM Source Sensing. 1-5 - Changliang Zheng, Ren Ping Liu, Xun Yang, Iain B. Collings
, Zheng Zhou, Eryk Dutkiewicz
Maximum Flow-Segment Based Channel Assignment and Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks. 1-6 - Q. T. Zhang:
Multitaper Based Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio: Design and Performance. 1-5
Multiple Acess System
- Tian Zhou, Xianbin Wang
, Weikun Hou:
A Fast Collision Detection Algorithm in IEEE 802.11 through Physical Layer SINR Monitoring. 1-5 - Giuseppe Cocco, Christian Ibars, Deniz Gündüz
, Oscar del Rio Herrero:
Collision Resolution in Slotted ALOHA with Multi-User Physical-Layer Network Coding. 1-4 - Wen-Ching Chung, Ying-Yu Chen, Chung-Ju Chang:
HARQ Control Scheme by Fuzzy Q-Learning for HSPA+. 1-5 - Feng Seng Chu, Kwang-Cheng Chen
Mitigation of Macro-Femto Co-Channel Interference by Spatial Channel Separation. 1-5 - Ahmed M. Darwish, Ahmed S. Ibrahim
, Ashraf H. Badawi
, Hani Elgebaly:
Performance Improvement of Fractional Frequency Reuse in WiMAX Network. 1-5
Spectrum Detection and Multiple Access
- Hee Wook Kim, Tae-Chul Hong, Kun Seok Kang, Sooyoung Kim
, Sungmoon Yeo, Bon Jun Ku:
Applicability of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access in Satellite Communication. 1-6 - Shuyang Yu, Xiangyang Wang:
Joint Spectrum Sensing in Distributed MIMO Systems. 1-4 - Tomoya Tandai, Ryoko Matsuo, Takeshi Tomizawa, Hideo Kasami, Takahiro Kobayashi:
MAC Efficiency Enhancement with Prioritized Access Opportunity Exchange Protocol for 60 GHz Short-Range One-to-One Communications. 1-5 - Wentao Yu, Shuyang Yu, Xiangyang Wang:
Optimal Soft Combination and Cooperative Sensing in Distributed Antenna Systems. 1-4 - Md. Zahurul I. Sarkar, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah:
Performance Analysis of Multiple-Access Channel in the Presence of Multiple Interferers. 1-5
Wireless Networks Modeling
- Miao Wang, Qiuyan Liu, Zhangdui Zhong, Xia Chen:
Fade Duration Distribution and Minimum Duration Outage in Weibull Fading Channels. 1-5 - Titus I. Eneh, Predrag B. Rapajic, Kwashie Amartei Anang, Lawal Bello:
Information Capacity of Mobile Communication Systems with MMSE DFE and OFDM Receivers. 1-5 - Rainer Schoenen, Mohamed A. Rashad Salem, Akram Bin Sediq, Halim Yanikomeroglu
Multihop Wireless Channel Models Suitable for Stochastic Petri Nets and Markov State Analysis. 1-5 - Yao Lu, Xiaoxiang Wang, Jihua Lu:
Outage Probability of Cooperative Relay Systems in Two-Wave with Diffuse Power Fading Environments. 1-4 - Sinan Sinanovic
, Marco Di Renzo, Harald Haas:
Secrecy Rate of Time Switched Transmit Diversity System. 1-5
- Leticia Aladren, Paloma García-Dúcar, Jesús de Mingo
, César Sánchéz-Perez
, Pedro Luis Carro:
Behavioral Power Amplifier Modeling and Digital Predistorter Design with a Chirp Excitation Signal. 1-5 - Binghao Chen
, Zhangdui Zhong, Bo Ai, Xia Chen:
Comparison of Antenna Arrays for MIMO System in High Speed Mobile Scenarios. 1-5 - César Sánchéz-Perez
, Jesús de Mingo
, Paloma García-Dúcar, Pedro Luis Carro, Antonio Valdovinos:
Improving Digital Predistortion Mismatch Sensitivity Using Tunable Matching Networks. 1-5 - Hiroshi Nishimoto, Akinori Taira, Hiroshi Kubo, Man-On Pun, Ramesh Annavajjala, Andreas F. Molisch:
Performance Evaluation of Cross-Polarized Antenna Selection over 2 GHz Measurement-Based Channel Models. 1-5 - Pang-Chun Tsai, Ding-Bing Lin, Hsin-Piao Lin, I-Tseng Tang, Peng-Su Chen:
Printed Inverted-F Monopole Antenna for Internal Multi-Band Mobile Phone Antenna. 1-5
Vehicle Networking
- Andre B. Reis
, Susana Sargento
, Ozan K. Tonguz:
On the Performance of Sparse Vehicular Networks with Road Side Units. 1-5 - Abbas Kazerooni, Farid Ashtiani:
Effect of Traffic-Load Dependent Vehicle Routing Algorithm on the Connectivity in VANETs. 1-5 - Marco Gramaglia, María Calderón
, Carlos Jesus Bernardos
TREBOL: Tree-Based Routing and Address Autoconfiguration for Vehicle-to-Internet Communications. 1-5
Traffic Management II
- Markus Duchon, Corina Kim Schindhelm, Robert Lasowski:
Distributed Cooperative On-Demand Transportation. 1-5 - Merat Shahidi, Nika Naghavi, A. Hamid Aghvami:
Joint Pricing and ADME's Selection Strategy in Adaptation Management Framework. 1-5 - James Nightingale, Qi Wang, Christos Grecos:
OPSSA: A Media-Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Scalable Video Streaming over Simultaneous Paths in NEMO-Based Mobile Networks. 1-5
Poster IX
- Ashish James
, A. S. Madhukumar
, Ernest Kurniawan, Surya Dharma Tio:
Effects of Delay Constraints on Multihop Networks Using Rateless Codes. 1-5 - Minh Tri Tran, Vilmos Simon:
Altruism for Energy Efficiency in Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Marco Martalò
, Chiara Buratti, Gianluigi Ferrari
, Roberto Verdone:
Optimum Topology in Clustered IEEE 802.15.4 Sensor Networks with Decentralized Detection. 1-5 - Negin Golrezaei, Parisa Mansourifard, Masoumeh Nasiri-Kenari:
Multi-Carrier Based Cooperative Cognitive Network. 1-5 - Guven Yenihayat, Furuzan Atay Onat, Ertugrul Kolagasioglu, Ali Özgür Yilmaz:
Cooperative Relaying Schemes for Narrow-Band Frequency Hopping Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Chin Choy Chai, Yong Huat Chew:
Joint Cell-Site Selection and Power Control for Cognitive Radios with Outage Probability Requirement. 1-5 - Csaba Varga, László Blázovics, Hassan Charaf
, Frank H. P. Fitzek
Mobile Peer-to-Peer Spreading of Content. 1-4 - Slawomir Gajewski
, Marcin Sokol, Malgorzata Gajewska:
Data Protection and Crypto Algorithms' Performance in RSMAD. 1-5 - Daniela Radakovic, Rashid Ansari, Yingwei Yao:
H.264/SVC Multiple Description Coded Video Transmission over MIMO System with Power Control Based Antenna Selection. 1-5 - Baolong Zhou, Ling-ge Jiang, Lei Zhang, Chen He, Shengjie Zhao, Kun Zhao, Zhining Jiang:
Capacity of TDD MISO Beamforming Systems with Channel Estimation Error and Delay. 1-5 - Alexei Davydov, Gregory Morozov, Apostolos Papathanassiou:
Prediction Model for Turbo-Coded OFDMA-Systems Employing Rate Matching and HARQ. 1-4 - Fabien Héliot, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Rahim Tafazolli
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Idealized Coordinated Multi-Point Communication System. 1-5 - Xinming Zhang, Bo Yang, Shan Li, Aidong Men:
An Unscented Kalman Filter for ICI Cancellation in High-Mobility OFDM System. 1-5 - Xun Li, Young Ju Kim, Noe Yoon Park:
A Low PAPR WLED Communication System Using SC-FDMA Techniques. 1-5 - Liping Huang, Dongming Wang, Xiangyang Wang:
Capacity Improvement for Cell-Edge Primary User with the Cooperation of the Secondary User in DAS. 1-5 - Fernando Sanchez-Moya, Juan Villalba Espinosa, Luis Guilherme Uzeda Garcia, Klaus I. Pedersen, Preben E. Mogensen:
On the Impact of Explicit Uplink Information on Autonomous Component Carrier Selection for LTE-A Femtocells. 1-5 - Nobuaki Otsuki, Takatoshi Sugiyama:
A New ACK Packet Transmission Scheme for Wireless Network Coding Systems Based on IEEE802.11a. 1-5 - Liqiang Zhao, Jian Cai, Hailin Zhang:
Radio-Efficient Adaptive Modulation and Coding: Green Communication Perspective. 1-5 - Louai Saker
, Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, Letian Rong, Tijani Chahed:
Capacity and Energy Efficiency of Picocell Deployment in LTE-A Networks. 1-5
- Afef Sayadi, Bachar Wehbi, Anis Laouiti
One Shot Slot TDMA-Based Reservation MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Floriano De Rango, Annalisa Perrotta:
Performance Evaluation of Two Slot Assignment Strategies under Distributed TDMA MAC Protocol over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Ziqi Fan, Lei Wang, Xiaohui Wang:
Predictive-TDMA: A Markov Chain Based MAC Protocol for Mesh Networks. 1-5 - Xin Jin, Weijie Su, Wei Yan:
Quantitative Analysis of the VANET Connectivity: Theory and Application. 1-5
Transmission Techniques II
- Chin-Liang Wang, Shun-Sheng Wang, Yi-Ching Huang:
An Improved Constellation Extension Scheme for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems. 1-4 - Safa Isam, Izzat Darwazeh:
Design and Performance Assessment of Fixed Complexity Spectrally Efficient FDM Receivers. 1-5 - Raymundo Ramirez Gutierrez, Li Zhang
, Jaafar M. H. Elmirghani
, Rui Fa:
Generalized Phase Spatial Shift Keying Modulation for MIMO Channels. 1-5 - Hatim Chergui, Tarik Ait-Idir, Mustapha Benjillali, Samir Saoudi:
Joint-over-Transmissions Project and Forward Relaying for Single Carrier Broadband MIMO ARQ Systems. 1-5 - Tao Yang, Lin Yang, Wei Fang:
Time-Domain Low-Complexity Symbol Combining PAPR Mitigation Scheme for OFDM Systems. 1-5
PHY Performance Analysis
- Leonardo Militano, Frank H. P. Fitzek
, Antonio Iera
, Antonella Molinaro:
Group Interactions in Wireless Cooperative Networks. 1-5 - Saqib R. Chaudhry, Hamed S. Al-Raweshidy
, Abdul Rahman:
Transmitting UWB-OFDM Using 16-QAM over Hybrid Flat Fading Channels. 1-5 - Xiaoming She, Hidekazu Taoka, Jianchi Zhu, Lan Chen:
Investigation of Control Signaling and Reference Signal Design for Downlink MU-MIMO in LTE-Advanced. 1-6 - Claudio Coletti, Preben E. Mogensen, Ralf Irmer:
Performance Analysis of Relays in LTE for a Realistic Suburban Deployment Scenario. 1-5 - Marko Höyhtyä, Adrian Kotelba
, Aarne Mämmelä
Practical Adaptive Transmission with Respect to Rational Decision Theory. 1-5 - Shengbo Zhang, Xiang-Gen Xia:
The Symbol Error Performance and Diversity Gain of Two Wireless Relay Networks. 1-5
Simulation and Performance Evaluation
- Siddharth Mohan, Rohit Kapoor, Bibhu Mohanty:
Dual Cell HSDPA Application Performance. 1-6 - Fourat Haider, Erol Hepsaydir, Nicola Binucci:
Performance Analysis of a Live Mobile Broadband-HSDPA Network. 1-5 - Alan Rottinghaus, Raghunath Hariharan, Xingang Guo, Anand Rangarajan, Rotem Avivi, Alexander Busch, Brian Conner:
Supporting High Speed on WiMAX: From Theory to Practice. 1-6 - David Halls, Andrew R. Nix, Mark A. Beach
System Level Evaluation of Interference in Vehicular Mobile Broadband Networks. 1-5 - Jung-Hoon Noh
, Seong-Jun Oh:
System-Level Simulation of LTE/LTE-A for IMT-Advanced Systems. 1-5 - Chi Zhang, Yongyu Chang, Shuhui Liu, Dacheng Yang:
The Analysis and Evaluation of Uplink Transmit Diversity Schemes in Multi-User HSUPA System. 1-5
Multicasting and Broadcasting
- Miguel Luís
, Rodolfo Oliveira
, Luís Bernardo
, Rui Dinis
A Reliable Broadcast and Unicast MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Yiqing Zhou
, Zhengang Pan, Lin Tian, Gang Sun, Jinglin Shi:
Cell Throughput of Multicast Services in OFDM-Based Distributed Antenna Systems. 1-5 - Jung-Min Moon, Dong-Ho Cho:
Cooperative Multicast Based on Data Sharing in Integrated Cellular and Short-Range Networks. 1-6 - Hsien-Wen Chang, Li-Chun Wang
, Zhe-Hua Chou:
Macrodiversity Antenna Combining for MIMO-OFDM Cellular Mobile Networks in Supporting Multicast Traffic. 1-5 - S. H. Shah Newaz, Youngin Bae, Jong Min Lee, Gyu Myoung Lee, Noël Crespi, Jun Kyun Choi:
Minimizing the Number of IGMP Report Messages for Receiver-Driven Layered Video Multicasting. 1-5 - Robert Budde, Stefan Nowak, Ruediger Kays:
Reliable Broadcast Transmission in Vehicular Networks Based on Fountain Codes. 1-5
Traffic Management and Network Planning
- Thushara Weerawardane, Ranjit Perera
, Carmelita Görg:
A Markov Model for HSDPA TNL Flow Control and Congestion Control Performance Analysis. 1-6 - Yan Zhi, Sun Gang, Wang Xin:
A Novel Initial Cell Search Scheme in TD-LTE. 1-5 - Bo Li, Dacheng Yang:
An Effective Cooperative Load Balancing Scheme for Heterogeneous Network. 1-5 - Yuki Tsuchida, Satoshi Nagata, Mamoru Sawahashi:
Cell Search Time Performance Using Multipath Signals in LTE Downlink. 1-5 - Csaba Vulkán, Balázs Héder:
Congestion Control in Evolved HSPA Systems. 1-6 - Oscar Puñal, Humberto Escudero, James Gross:
Performance Comparison of Loading Algorithms for 80 MHz IEEE 802.11 WLANs. 1-5
Network Performance Optimization
- Ahmad Awada, Bernhard Wegmann, Ingo Viering, Anja Klein:
A Joint Optimization of Antenna Parameters in a Cellular Network Using Taguchi's Method. 1-5 - Ronghui Hou, King-Shan Lui, Jiandong Li:
Coding Aware Routing in Wireless Networks with Bandwidth Guarantees. 1-5 - Heejin Joung, Cheol Mun, Jae-Yun Ko, Jong-Gwan Yook:
Direct Derivation of the Gradient Method for Network Utility Maximization in Broadcast Channels and Its Application. 1-5 - Timo Nihtilä, Jussi Turkka, Ingo Viering:
Performance of LTE Self-Optimizing Networks Uplink Load Balancing. 1-5 - Ralf Weber, Andrea Garavaglia, Matthias Schulist, Stefan Brueck, Armin Dekorsy
Self-Organizing Adaptive Clustering for Cooperative Multipoint Transmission. 1-5 - Yuanye Wang, Klaus I. Pedersen, Troels B. Sørensen, Preben E. Mogensen:
Utility Maximization in LTE-Advanced Systems with Carrier Aggregation. 1-5
Signal Processing for Sensor Networks
- Feng Ye, Aidong Men, Xinming Zhang, Kan Chang
, Jinhong Di:
An Improved Wyner-Ziv Video Coding for Sensor Network. 1-4 - Sheng Li, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
Blind Reduced-Rank Receiver with Column Adaptation for DS-UWB Systems Based on Joint Iterative Optimization and CCM Criterion. 1-5 - Ahmed Masmoudi
, Faouzi Bellili, Sofiène Affes, Alex Stephenne:
Closed-Form Expression for the Exact Cramer-Rao Bound of Timing Recovery Estimators from MSK Transmissions. 1-5 - Ju-Chieh Liu, Char-Dir Chung
Power-Efficient Distributed Estimation in Hybrid MAC Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5
Localization and Tracking II
- Sergio Gil-Lopez
, Javier Del Ser
, Ángel M. Pérez-Bellido, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, José Antonio Portilla-Figueras
On the Application of a Novel Hybrid Harmony Search Algorithm to the Radar Polyphase Code Design Problem. 1-5 - Yen-Hsu Chen
, Wei-Ho Chung
, Shih-Yi Yuan
, Hongke Zhang, Sy-Yen Kuo
Order-Based Localization Scheme for Ad Hoc Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Turgut Oktem, Dirk T. M. Slock:
Pairwise Error Probability Analysis for Power Delay Profile Fingerprinting Based Localization. 1-5 - Daniele Inserra, Andrea M. Tonello, Nicola Moret:
Positioning Based on 2-D Angle of Arrival Estimation. 1-5 - Andrei Szabo, Tobias Weiherer, Joachim Bamberger:
Unsupervised Learning of Propagation Time for Indoor Localization. 1-5
International Workshop on Self-Organizing Networks, IWSON
Mobility Robustness Optimization
- Gao Hui, Peter Legg:
LTE Handover Optimisation Using Uplink ICIC. 1-5 - Thomas Jansen, Irina Balan, Szymon Stefanski, Ingrid Moerman
, Thomas Kürner
Weighted Performance Based Handover Parameter Optimization in LTE. 1-5 - Andreas Lobinger, Szymon Stefanski, Thomas Jansen, Irina Balan:
Coordinating Handover Parameter Optimization and Load Balancing in LTE Self-Optimizing Networks. 1-5 - Jaime Rodríguez Membrive, Isabel de la Bandera
, Pablo Muñoz Luengo
, Raquel Barco Moreno
Load Balancing in a Realistic Urban Scenario for LTE Networks. 1-5
- Tobias Bandh, Henning Sanneck:
Automatic Site Identification and Hardware-to-Site-Mapping for Base Station Self-Configuration. 1-5 - Christian M. Mueller, Hajo Bakker, Lutz Ewe:
Evaluation of the Automatic Neighbor Relation Function in a Dense Urban Scenario. 1-5 - Anders Dahlen, Arne Johansson, Fredrik Gunnarsson, Johan Moe, Thomas Rimhagen, Harald Kallin:
Evaluations of LTE Automatic Neighbor Relations. 1-5
Coverage and Capacity Optimisation
- Siegfried Klein, Ingo Karla, Edgar Kühn:
Potential of INTRA-LTE, Intra-Frequency Load Balancing. 1-5 - Mehdi Amirijoo, Ljupco Jorguseski, Remco Litjens, Lars-Christoph Schmelz:
Cell Outage Compensation in LTE Networks: Algorithms and Performance Assessment. 1-5 - Chung Shue Chen, François Baccelli, Laurent Roullet:
Joint Optimization of Radio Resources in Small and Macro Cell Networks. 1-5
IWSON demos
- Tobias Bandh, Henning Sanneck, Raphael Romeikat:
An Experimental System for SON Function Coordination. 1-2 - Szabolcs Nováczki
, Péter Szilágyi:
Radio Channel Degradation Detection and Diagnosis Based on Statistical Analysis. 1-2 - Andreas Eisenblätter, Ulrich Türke, Lars-Christoph Schmelz:
Self-Configuration in LTE Radio Networks: Automatic Generation of eNodeB Parameters. 1-3
IWSON posters
- Fedor Chernogorov
, Jussi Turkka, Tapani Ristaniemi, Amir Averbuch:
Detection of Sleeping Cells in LTE Networks Using Diffusion Maps. 1-5 - Michaela Neuland, Thomas Kürner
, Mehdi Amirijoo:
Influence of Different Factors on X-Map Estimation in LTE. 1-5 - Pablo Muñoz Luengo
, Raquel Barco Moreno
, Isabel de la Bandera
, Matías Toril
, Salvador Luna-Ramírez
Optimization of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Handover-Based Load Balancing. 1-5 - Bart Sas, Kathleen Spaey, Irina Balan, Kristina Zetterberg, Remco Litjens:
Self-Optimisation of Admission Control and Handover Parameters in LTE. 1-6 - Martin Kasparick
, Alexander Gladisch, Robil Daher, Martin Krohn, Djamshid Tavangarian:
Self-X Evaluation Model for Wireless Mesh Networks. 1-5 - Ahmad Awada, Bernhard Wegmann, Dirk Rose, Ingo Viering, Anja Klein:
Towards Self-Organizing Mobility Robustness Optimization in Inter-RAT Scenario. 1-5 - Harald Eckhardt, Siegfried Klein, Markus Gruber:
Vertical Antenna Tilt Optimization for LTE Base Stations. 1-5
2nd Green Wireless Communications and Networks Workshop (GreeNet)
Energy Efficient Networks
- Gunther Auer, Vito Giannini
, István Gódor, Per Skillermark, Magnus Olsson, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Dario Sabella, Manuel J. Gonzalez, Claude Desset, Oliver Blume:
Cellular Energy Efficiency Evaluation Framework. 1-6 - Mythri Hunukumbure, Rajni Agarwal, Sunil Vadgama:
Handover Mechanisms for Planned Cell Outage in Twin State Green Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Mårten Ericson:
Total Network Base Station Energy Cost vs. Deployment. 1-5 - Xiangnan Weng, Dongxu Cao, Zhisheng Niu:
Energy-Efficient Cellular Network Planning under Insufficient Cell Zooming. 1-5 - Clara Serrano, Maria Diaz, Alberto Gómez Coloma, Miguel Arranz, Santiago Tenorio:
Active Antenna - Efficient Mobile Broadband Networks. 1-4
Energy Efficient Techniques
- Marco Di Renzo, Luis Alonso
, Frank H. P. Fitzek
, Andreas Foglar, Fabrizio Granelli
, Fabio Graziosi
, Christophe Gruet, Harald Haas
, George Kormentzas, Ana I. Pérez-Neira, Jonathan Rodriguez
, John S. Thompson, Christos V. Verikoukis:
GREENET - An Early Stage Training Network in Enabling Technologies for Green Radio. 1-5 - Mozhgan Hedayati, Mehdi Amirijoo, Pål K. Frenger, Johan Moe:
Reducing Energy Consumption through Adaptation of Number of Active Radio Units. 1-5 - Anna Pantelidou
, Kalle Lähetkangas, Matti Latva-aho:
An Energy-Efficiency Comparison of RLNC and ARQ in the Presence of FEC. 1-5 - Hassan Hamdoun, Pavel Loskot, Timothy O'Farrell
, Jianhua He
Practical Network Coding for Two Way Relay Channels in LTE Networks. 1-5 - Yan Chen, Shunqing Zhang, Shugong Xu
Impact of Non-Ideal Efficiency on Bits Per Joule Performance of Base Station Transmissions. 1-5
Greenet Posters
- Pablo González-Brevis
, Jacek Gondzio, Yijia Fan, H. Vincent Poor
, John S. Thompson, Ioannis Krikidis
, Pei-Jung Chung:
Base Station Location Optimization for Minimal Energy Consumption in Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Christian Isheden, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
Energy-Efficient Link Adaptation with Shadow Fading. 1-5 - Bin Wang, Li Chen, Xiaohang Chen, Xin Zhang, Dacheng Yang:
Resource Allocation Optimization for Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Cellular Networks. 1-6 - Jan Christoffersson:
Energy Efficiency by Cell Reconfiguration: MIMO to Non-MIMO and 3-Cell Sites to Omni. 1-5 - Cengiz Gezer, Chiara Buratti:
A ZigBee Smart Energy Implementation for Energy Efficient Buildings. 1-5 - Xiuxian Lao, Laurie G. Cuthbert
, Tiankui Zhang, Lin Xiao:
Energy Efficiency and Optimal Resource Allocation in Cooperative Wireless Relay Networks. 1-6 - Bernd Bochow, Marc Emmelmann:
Purpose-Driven, Self-Growing Networks - A Framework for Enabling Cognition in Systems of Systems. 1-5 - Ronald Mao, Vibhor Julka:
Wireless Broadband Architecture Supporting Advanced Metering Infrastructure. 1-13
C2POWER Technical Session 1
- Jacek Kibilda, Kandeepan Sithamparanathan
, Radoslaw Piesiewicz:
Novel Cluster Formation Framework for Energy Efficient Short-Range Cooperative Strategies. 1-5 - Firooz B. Saghezchi
, Alberto Nascimento, Michele Albano
, Ayman Radwan
, Jonathan Rodriguez
A Novel Relay Selection Game in Cooperative Wireless Networks Based on Combinatorial Optimization. 1-6 - Frank H. P. Fitzek
, Janus Heide, Morten Videbæk Pedersen, Gergo Ertli, Marcos D. Katz:
Multi-Hop versus Overlay Networks: A Realistic Comparison Based on Energy Requirements and Latency. 1-5 - Georgios P. Koudouridis, Gunnar Hedby, Woon Hau Chin, Andreas Merentitis, Makis Stamatelatos, Nancy Alonistioti, Opher Yaron:
Enablers for Energy-Aware Cooperative Decision and Control in Wireless Networks. 1-5 - Dionysis Xenakis
, Nikos I. Passas, Lorenzo Di Gregorio, Christos V. Verikoukis:
A Context-Aware Vertical Handover Framework Towards Energy-Efficiency. 1-5 - Haesik Kim, Tao Chen:
A Study of Energy Efficient Transparent Relay Using Cooperative Strategy. 1-5
C2POWER Technical Session 2
- Quang Thai, Sam Reisenfeld
, Kandeepan Sithamparanathan
, Gian Mario Maggio
Energy-Efficient Spectrum Sensing Using Cyclostationarity. 1-5 - Malek Naoues, Dominique Noguet, Yves Louët, Khaled Grati, Adel Ghazel:
An Efficient Flexible Common Operator for FFT and Viterbi Algorithms. 1-5 - Nikola Serafimovski, Sinan Sinanovic
, Marco Di Renzo, Harald Haas:
Dual-Hop Spatial Modulation (Dh-SM). 1-5 - Gubong Lim, Leonard J. Cimini Jr.:
Robust Cooperative Relaying in an Amplify-and-Forward Network. 1-6
Broadband evolved Femtocell Technologies (BeFEMTO)
BeFEMTO Session 1
- Alexander Tyrrell, Frank A. Zdarsky, Emilio Mino, Mariano Lopez:
Use Cases, Enablers and Requirements for Evolved Femtocells. 1-5 - Alan Barbieri, Aleksander Damnjanovic, Tingfang Ji, Juan Montojo, Yongbin Wei, Durga Malladi:
LTE Femtocells: System Design and Performance Analysis. 1-5 - Frank A. Zdarsky, Andreas Mäder, Sabah Al-Sabea, Stefan Schmid:
Localization of Data and Control Plane Traffic in Enterprise Femtocell Networks. 1-5
BeFEMTO Session 2
- Alessandro Bazzi
, Gianni Pasolini
, Giovanni Chiurco, Oreste Andrisano, Piergiorgio Faraon:
Experimental Characterization of UMTS Femtocell Propagation. 1-5 - Serkan Uygungelen, Gunther Auer, Zubin Bharucha:
Graph-Based Dynamic Frequency Reuse in Femtocell Networks. 1-6 - Ana Galindo-Serrano, Lorenza Giupponi, Gunther Auer:
Distributed Learning in Multiuser OFDMA Femtocell Networks. 1-6 - Mehrdad Shariat, Atta U. Quddus, Rahim Tafazolli
Opportunistic Spectrum Reuse for Femtocell Networks. 1-5
BeFEMTO posters
- Francesco Pantisano, Mehdi Bennis, Roberto Verdone, Matti Latva-aho:
Interference Management in Femtocell Networks Using Distributed Opportunistic Cooperation. 1-5 - Chrysovalantis Kosta, Ali Imran, Atta U. Quddus, Rahim Tafazolli
Flexible Soft Frequency Reuse Schemes for Heterogeneous Networks (Macrocell and Femtocell). 1-5 - David Stuart Muirhead, Muhammad Ali Imran
Alamouti Transmit Diversity for Energy Efficient Femtocells. 1-5 - Máximo Morales Céspedes, Ana García Armada
Zero-Forcing Coordinated Base Station Transmission for Femtocell Systems. 1-5 - Paul Fuxjäger, Ivan Gojmerac, Hans Ronald Fischer, Peter Reichl:
Measurement-Based Small-Cell Coverage Analysis for Urban Macro-Offload Scenarios. 1-5 - Dennis M. Rose, Thomas Jansen, Thomas Kürner
Modeling of Femto Cells - Simulation of Interference and Handovers in LTE Networks. 1-5 - Slim Ben Halima, Maryline Hélard, Dinh Thuy Phan Huy:
New Coordination and Resource Allocation Schemes for Uniform Rate in Femtocell Networks. 1-5 - Franco Mazzenga, Marco Petracca, Remo Pomposini, Francesco Vatalaro
, Romeo Giuliano
Performance Evaluation of Spectrum Sharing Algorithms in Single and Multi Operator Scenarios. 1-5
BeFEMTO Session 5
- Shahrukh Bin Ali, Chia-Hao Yu, Olav Tirkkonen
, Cássio B. Ribeiro:
Optimization of Dynamic Frame Offset in Time Division Duplex System. 1-5 - Yuyu Wang, Kan Zheng
, Xiaodong Shen, Wenbo Wang:
A Distributed Resource Allocation Scheme in Femtocell Networks. 1-5 - Zhong Zheng, Jyri Hämäläinen, Ying Yang:
On Uplink Power Control Optimization and Distributed Resource Allocation in Femtocell Networks. 1-5 - José Núñez-Martínez, Jaime Ferragut, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy
On Stateless Routing for an All-Wireless Network of Femtocells: Implications in the 3GPP Architecture. 1-5
First International Workshop on Cross-Layer Operation
- Ernest Kurniawan, Kai Fong Ernest Chong
, Sumei Sun, Kai Yen:
Application of FASTAR Code in Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service. 1-5 - Mauro Biagi
, Gabriele Tamea, Roberto Cusani:
Geometric Cross-Layer QoS Parameters Based Seamless Vertical Handover Procedures in Presence of Adaptive Modulation and Coding. 1-5 - Chaminda T. E. R. Hewage
, Maria G. Martini
Joint Error Concealment Method for Backward Compatible 3D Video Transmission. 1-5 - Roberta Fracchia, Benjamin Gadat, Catherine Lamy-Bergot
End-to-End Application Control of Video Streaming: Implementation and Performance Evaluation. 1-5 - Roberta Fracchia, Cécile Gomez, Alessandra Tripodi:
R-RoHC: A Single Adaptive Solution for Header Compression. 1-5
Context Awareness for Proactive Systems (CAPS2011)
CAPS Session 1
- Marc Kurz
, Gerold Hölzl, Alois Ferscha, Hesam Sagha, José del R. Millán
, Ricardo Chavarriaga
Dynamic Quantification of Activity Recognition Capabilities in Opportunistic Systems. 1-5 - Christian Voigtmann, Sian Lun Lau
, Klaus David:
A Collaborative Context Prediction Technique. 1-5
CAPS Session 2
- Stephen Bell, Alisdair McDiarmid, James Irvine
Nodobo: Mobile Phone as a Software Sensor for Social Network Research. 1-5 - Markus Reschke, Sebastian Schwarzl, Johannes Starosta, Stephan Sigg
Situation Awareness Based on Channel Measurements. 1-5 - Benedikt Gollan
, Bernhard Wally, Alois Ferscha:
ID Management Strategies for Interactive Systems in Multi-Camera Scenarios. 1-5 - Jon Maurolagoitia, Jean-Pierre Le Rouzic, Miklos Bodi, Gábor Márton:
Personalization Enablers by Telecom Operators. 1-5 - Victoria Beltran, Josep Paradells
SIP/SIMPLE Resource List Server: Optimization or Burden for Presence Systems? 1-5

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