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8th Web Intelligence / IAT 2009: Milan, Italy
- 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2009, Milan, Italy, 15-18 September 2009, Main Conference Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society 2009, ISBN 978-0-7695-3801-3
WI'09 and IAT'09 Joint Invited Talks
- Stefano Ceri:
Search Computing. 1 - Marco Dorigo:
Swarm-Bots and Swarmanoid: Two Experiments in Embodied Swarm Intelligence. 2-3 - Katia P. Sycara:
Agent Based Aiding of Human Teams. 4-5 - Bhavani Thuraisingham:
Data Mining for Malicious Code Detection and Security Applications. 6-7 - Ronald R. Yager:
Intelligent Social Network Modeling. 8 - Chengqi Zhang
Developing Actionable Trading Strategies for Trading Agents. 9
WIC Feature Talk
- Yulin Qin:
Various Levels from Brain Informatics to Web Intelligence. 10-11
WI Foundations: Regular Papers
- Ning Zhong, Rui Guo, Wenbin Li:
Local Search in Weighted and Directed Social Networks: The Case of Enron Email Networks. 12-19 - Erich Christian Teppan, Alexander Felfernig:
Minimization of Product Utility Estimation Errors in Recommender Result Set Evaluations. 20-27
World Wide Wisdom Web (W4): Short Papers
- Youzheng Wu, Hideki Kashioka:
An Unsupervised Model of Exploiting the Web to Answer Definitional Questions. 28-33
Social Networks and Social Intelligence: Regular Papers
- Tal Grinshpoun
, Nurit Gal-Oz
, Amnon Meisels, Ehud Gudes:
CCR: A Model for Sharing Reputation Knowledge Across Virtual Communities. 34-41 - Ulli Waltinger, Alexander Mehler:
Social Semantics and Its Evaluation by Means of Semantic Relatedness and Open Topic Models. 42-49 - Xin Liu
, Tsuyoshi Murata:
Community Detection in Large-Scale Bipartite Networks. 50-57 - Adrian Popescu, Gregory Grefenstette
, Houda Bouamor:
Mining a Multilingual Geographical Gazetteer from the Web. 58-65 - Jukka Perkiö, Petri Myllymäki:
Magrathea: Building and Analyzing Ubiquitous and Social Systems. 66-75 - Leonidas Akritidis
, Dimitrios Katsaros, Panayiotis Bozanis:
Identifying Influential Bloggers: Time Does Matter. 76-83 - Claudia Müller-Birn, Janette Lehmann, Sabina Jeschke
A Composite Calculation for Author Activity in Wikis: Accuracy Needed. 84-91 - Meenakshi Nagarajan, Kamal Baid, Amit P. Sheth, Shaojun Wang:
Monetizing User Activity on Social Networks - Challenges and Experiences. 92-99 - Styliani Kleanthous
, Vania Dimitrova:
Detecting Changes over Time in a Knowledge Sharing Community. 100-107 - Dirk G. F. M. Bollen, Harry Halpin:
An Experimental Analysis of Suggestions in Collaborative Tagging. 108-115 - Chung Tong Lee, Eduarda Mendes Rodrigues, Gabriella Kazai, Natasa Milic-Frayling, Aleksandar Ignjatovic:
Model for Voter Scoring and Best Answer Selection in Community Q&A Services. 116-123
Social Networks and Social Intelligence: Short Papers
- Katherine Krumme, Sergio Herrero-Lopez:
Do Lenders Make Optimal Decisions in a Peer-to-Peer Network? 124-127 - Carolin Kaiser
, Freimut Bodendorf:
Opinion and Relationship Mining in Online Forums. 128-131 - Freddy Limpens
, Fabien Gandon
, Michel Buffa
Collaborative Semantic Structuring of Folksonomies. 132-135 - Zhiyong Zhang, Olfa Nasraoui
, Roelof van Zwol:
Exploiting Tags and Social Profiles to Improve Focused Crawling. 136-139 - Sonia Mendoza
, Victor Gómez
, Madai Navarrete, Dominique Decouchant, Kimberly García
, Gustavo Olague
, José Rodríguez:
Area-Based Collaborative Ubiquitous Work within Organizational Environments. 140-144 - Michele Ruta
, Floriano Scioscia
, Tommaso Di Noia
, Eugenio Di Sciascio
Reasoning in Pervasive Environments: An Implementation of Concept Abduction with Mobile OODBMS. 145-148
Web Mining and Farming: Regular Papers
- Paulo Cortez
, Clotilde Lopes, Pedro Nuno Miranda de Sousa, Miguel Rocha, Miguel Rio:
Symbiotic Data Mining for Personalized Spam Filtering. 149-156 - Shin-ya Sato, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Satoshi Kurihara, Toshiharu Sugawara
Estimating Relevance of Items on Basis of Proximity of User Groups on Blogspace. 157-164 - Ou Wu, Haiqiang Zuo, Mingliang Zhu, Weiming Hu, Jun Gao, Hanzi Wang:
Rank Aggregation Based Text Feature Selection. 165-172 - Ashwin Swaminathan, Cherian V. Mathew, Darko Kirovski:
Essential Pages. 173-182 - Paolo Boldi
, Francesco Bonchi, Carlos Castillo
, Sebastiano Vigna
From "Dango" to "Japanese Cakes": Query Reformulation Models and Patterns. 183-190 - Helen Ashman, Michael Antunovic, Christoph Donner, Rebecca Frith, Eric Rebelos, Jan-Felix Schmakeit, Gavin Smith, Mark Truran:
Are Clickthroughs Useful for Image Labelling? 191-197 - Faraz Zaidi, Arnaud Sallaberry, Guy Melançon:
Revealing Hidden Community Structures and Identifying Bridges in Complex Networks: An Application to Analyzing Contents of Web Pages for Browsing. 198-205 - Andrea Bernardini, Claudio Carpineto, Massimiliano D'Amico:
Full-Subtopic Retrieval with Keyphrase-Based Search Results Clustering. 206-213 - Chong Long, Jie Zhang, Minlie Huang, Xiaoyan Zhu, Ming Li, Bin Ma:
Specialized Review Selection for Feature Rating Estimation. 214-221 - Azin Ashkan, Charles L. A. Clarke, Eugene Agichtein, Qi Guo:
Estimating Ad Clickthrough Rate through Query Intent Analysis. 222-229 - Jian Li, William K. Cheung
, Jiming Liu
, Chun-hung Li:
On Discovering Community Trends in Social Networks. 230-237 - Michelangelo Diligenti, Marco Gori, Marco Maggini:
Users, Queries and Documents: A Unified Representation for Web Mining. 238-244 - Yan Chen, Yan-Qing Zhang:
A Query Substitution-Search Result Refinement Approach for Long Query Web Searches. 245-251 - Ricardo Baeza-Yates
, Christian Middleton, Carlos Castillo
The Geographical Life of Search. 252-259
Web Mining and Farming: Short Papers
- Yanan Li, Bin Wang, Sheng Xu, Peng Li, Jintao Li:
QueryTrans: Finding Similar Queries Based on Query Trace Graph. 260-263 - Weizhong Zhao, Qing He, Huifang Ma, Zhongzhi Shi:
Active Learning of Instance-Level Constraints for Semi-supervised Document Clustering. 264-268 - Shouyuan Chen, Minlie Huang, Zhiyong Lu:
Summarizing Documents by Measuring the Importance of a Subset of Vertices within a Graph. 269-272 - Satoshi Sato:
Web-Based Transliteration of Person Names. 273-278 - Xiangyu Tang, Chunyu Yang, Jie Zhou:
Stock Price Forecasting by Combining News Mining and Time Series Analysis. 279-282 - Davide Magatti, Fabio Stella
, Marco Faini:
A Software System for Topic Extraction and Document Classification. 283-286 - Changhua Yang, Kevin Hsin-Yih Lin, Hsin-Hsi Chen
Writer Meets Reader: Emotion Analysis of Social Media from Both the Writer's and Reader's Perspectives. 287-290 - Rongwei Cen, Yiqun Liu, Min Zhang, Liyun Ru, Shaoping Ma:
Web Observation from a User Perspective. 291-294 - Amit C. Awekar, Nagiza F. Samatova:
Fast Matching for All Pairs Similarity Search. 295-300 - Wenbin Zhang, Steven Skiena
Improving Movie Gross Prediction through News Analysis. 301-304 - Seung-Bo Park, Yoo-Won Kim
, Mohammed Nazim Uddin, GeunSik Jo:
Character-Net: Character Network Analysis from Video. 305-308 - Qiong Wu, Songbo Tan, Haijun Zhai, Gang Zhang, Miyi Duan, Xueqi Cheng:
SentiRank: Cross-Domain Graph Ranking for Sentiment Classification. 309-314 - Carlos Rojas, Olfa Nasraoui:
Online Evaluation of Patterns from Evolving Web Data Streams. 315-318 - Qi Guo, Eugene Agichtein, Charles L. A. Clarke, Azin Ashkan:
In the Mood to Click? Towards Inferring Receptiveness to Search Advertising. 319-324 - Tomohide Shibata, Yasuo Bamba, Keiji Shinzato, Sadao Kurohashi:
Web Information Organization Using Keyword Distillation Based Clustering. 325-330 - Eduardo H. Ramírez, Ramón F. Brena
An Information-Theoretic Approach for Unsupervised Topic Mining in Large Text Collections. 331-334 - Yoshikiyo Kato, Daisuke Kawahara, Kentaro Inui, Sadao Kurohashi, Tomohide Shibata:
Identifying Information Sender Configuration of Web Pages. 335-340
Semantics and Ontology Engineering: Regular Papers
- Samuel Sarjant
, Catherine Legg
, Michael Robinson, Olena Medelyan:
"All You Can Eat" Ontology-Building: Feeding Wikipedia to Cyc. 341-348 - Liping Zhou, Houkuan Huang, Guilin Qi, Yue Ma, Zhisheng Huang, Youli Qu:
Measuring Inconsistency in DL-Lite Ontologies. 349-356
Semantics and Ontology Engineering: Short Papers
- Xing Wang, Zong Min Ma
, Li Yan, Jingwei Cheng:
If-Then and If-Then-Unless Rules in the Semantic Web. 357-360 - Sunitha Ramanujam, Anubha Gupta, Latifur Khan
, Steven Seida, Bhavani Thuraisingham:
R2D: Extracting Relational Structure from RDF Stores. 361-366 - Limin Chen, Hong Hu, Zhongzhi Shi:
Reasoning about Web Services with Local Closed World Assumption. 367-370 - Nanhong Ye, Ajith Kodakateri Pudhiyaveetil, Susan Gauch:
Mining Hidden Concepts for Ontology Extension Using Multivariate Probabilistic Modeling. 371-374
Web Agents: Regular Papers
- Manling Zhu, Zhi Jin:
A Trust Measurement Mechanism for Service Agents. 375-382
Web Agents: Short Papers
- Özgür Kafali, Pinar Yolum
Adapting Reinforcement Learning for Trust: Effective Modeling in Dynamic Environments. 383-386
Web Services: Regular Papers
- Mohamad El Falou, Maroua Bouzid, Abdel-Illah Mouaddib, Thierry Vidal:
Automated Web Service Composition: A Decentralised Multi-agent Approach. 387-394 - Mu Li, Jinpeng Huai, Huipeng Guo:
An Adaptive Web Services Selection Method Based on the QoS Prediction Mechanism. 395-402 - Peter D. Bruza
, Alistair Barros
, Matthias Kaiser:
Augmenting Web Service Discovery by Cognitive Semantics and Abduction. 403-410 - J. Octavio Gutiérrez-García, Félix F. Ramos Corchado, Jean-Luc Koning:
Obligation-Based Agent Conversations for Semantic Web Service Composition. 411-417
Web Services: Short Papers
- Ourania Hatzi, Georgios Meditskos, Dimitris Vrakas, Nick Bassiliades
, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos, Ioannis P. Vlahavas
Semantic Web Service Composition Using Planning and Ontology Concept Relevance. 418-421 - Flavien Balbo, Valérie Monfort:
Improving Web Services Adaptability Thanks to a Synergy between Aspect Programming and a Multi-agent Middleware. 422-425 - Hany F. El Yamany
, Miriam A. M. Capretz, David S. Allison, Diego Garcia, Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo:
QoSS Policies within SOA. 426-429 - Satoshi Morimoto, Satoshi Sakai, Masaki Gotou, Heeryon Cho
, Toru Ishida
, Yohei Murakami
Building Blocks: Layered Components Approach for Accumulating High-Demand Web Services. 430-433 - Elena del Val Noguera
, Martí Navarro, Vicente Julián
, Miguel Rebollo
A Framework to Guarantee Time-Bounded Composed Services. 434-437 - Ahmed Azough
, Emmanuel Coquery, Mohand-Said Hacid:
Supporting Web Service Protocol Changes by Propagation. 438-441
Web Information Filtering and Retrieval: Regular Papers
- Songxiang Cen, Li Han, Jian Ma:
Ranking Weblogs by Analyzing Reading and Commenting Activities. 442-449 - Liang Xiang, Qing Yang:
Time-Dependent Models in Collaborative Filtering Based Recommender System. 450-457 - Jane E. Mason, Michael A. Shepherd, Jack Duffy:
Classifying Web Pages by Genre: An n-Gram Approach. 458-465 - Wanyu Deng, Qinghua Zheng, Lin Chen:
Real-Time Collaborative Filtering Using Extreme Learning Machine. 466-473 - Dario Bonino
, Fulvio Corno
, Laura Farinetti
FaSet: A Set Theory Model for Faceted Search. 474-481 - George Pallis
, Asterios Katsifodimos, Marios D. Dikaiakos:
Effective Keyword Search for Software Resources Installed in Large-Scale Grid Infrastructures. 482-489 - Mi Zhang, Neil Hurley
Statistical Modeling of Diversity in Top-N Recommender Systems. 490-497 - Renan G. Cattelan
, Darko Kirovski, Deepak Vijaywargi:
Serving Comparative Shopping Links Non-invasively. 498-507 - Mi Zhang, Neil Hurley
Novel Item Recommendation by User Profile Partitioning. 508-515 - Ming-Shun Lin, Hsin-Hsi Chen
A Web-Based Relatedness Measure by Conditional Query. 516-523 - Lorenzo M. López-López, José Jesús Castro-Schez
, David Vallejo-Fernandez, Javier Albusac:
A Recommender System Based on a Machine Learning Algorithm for B2C Portals. 524-531 - Philip O'Brien, Xiao Luo, Tony Abou-Assaleh, Weizheng Gao, Shujie Li:
Personalization of Content Ranking in the Context of Local Search. 532-539 - Huizhi Liang
, Yue Xu
, Yuefeng Li, Richi Nayak
, Li-Tung Weng:
Personalized Recommender Systems Integrating Social Tags and Item Taxonomy. 540-547
Web Information Filtering and Retrieval: Short papers
- Nan Li, Chunping Li:
Zero-Sum Reward and Punishment Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm. 548-551 - Haijun Zhai, Jiafeng Guo, Qiong Wu, Xueqi Cheng, Huawei Shen, Jin Zhang:
Query Classification Based on Regularized Correlated Topic Model. 552-555 - Bernardo de la Ossa, Julio Sahuquillo
, Ana Pont
, José A. Gil
An Empirical Study on Maximum Latency Saving in Web Prefetching. 556-559 - Heli Sun, Jianbin Huang, Boqin Feng, Tao Li, Yingliang Zhao, Jun Liu:
OrdRank: Learning to Rank with Ordered Multiple Hyperplanes. 560-563 - Kai-Hsiang Yang, Tai-Liang Kuo, Hahn-Ming Lee, Jan-Ming Ho:
A Reviewer Recommendation System Based on Collaborative Intelligence. 564-567 - Pierre Brun, Hideki Kawai, Kazuo Kunieda, Keiji Yamada:
ChronoSeeker: Future Opinion Extraction. 568-571 - Lu Jiang, Zhaohui Wu, Qinghua Zheng, Jun Liu:
Learning Deep Web Crawling with Diverse Features. 572-575 - Wei You, Dominique Fontaine, Jean-Paul A. Barthès:
Automatic Keyphrase Extraction with a Refined Candidate Set. 576-579 - Wei-Ting Cho, Yu-Min Lin, Hung-Yu Kao:
Entropy-Based Visual Tree Evaluation on Block Extraction. 580-583 - Pierpaolo Basile
, Marco de Gemmis
, Leo Iaquinta, Pasquale Lops
, Cataldo Musto
, Fedelucio Narducci, Giovanni Semeraro
SpIteR: A Module for Recommending Dynamic Personalized Museum Tours. 584-587
Intelligent Human-Web Interaction: Short Papers
- Samir Kechid, Habiba Drias
Mutli-agent System for Personalizing Information Source Selection. 588-595 - Hyunju Shim, Bo Gyeong Kang, Kyungsoo Kwag:
Web2Animation - Automatic Generation of 3D Animation from the Web Text. 596-601 - Panagiotis Germanakos, Nikos Tsianos, Zacharias Lekkas
, Constantinos Mourlas, Marios Belk, George Samaras:
Proposing Web Design Enhancements Based on Specific Cognitive Factors: An Empirical Evaluation. 602-605
Web Support Systems: Regular Papers
- Yuefeng Li, Abdulmohsen Algarni
, Sheng-Tang Wu, Yue Xue:
Mining Negative Relevance Feedback for Information Filtering. 606-613 - Gloria Bordogna
, Gabriella Pasi:
Hierarchical-Hyperspherical Divisive Fuzzy C-Means (H2D-FCM) Clustering for Information Retrieval. 614-621
Web Support Systems: Short Papers
- Hajime Hotta, Masafumi Hagiwara:
Online Geovisualization with Fast Kernel Density Estimator. 622-625 - Yi Zeng
, Yiyu Yao, Ning Zhong:
DBLP-SSE: A DBLP Search Support Engine. 626-630
Intelligent E-Technology: Regular Papers
- John K. Debenham, Simeon J. Simoff
Believable Electronic Trading Environments on the Web. 631-638 - Ashwin Swaminathan, Renan G. Cattelan
, Cherian V. Mathew, Ydo Wexler, Darko Kirovski:
Relating Reputation and Money in On-line Markets. 639-646 - Xiaoyun He, Jaideep Vaidya, Basit Shafiq, Nabil R. Adam, Vijay Atluri
Preserving Privacy in Social Networks: A Structure-Aware Approach. 647-654
Intelligent E-Technology: Short Papers
- Thomas M. DuBois, Jennifer Golbeck, Aravind Srinivasan:
Rigorous Probabilistic Trust-Inference with Applications to Clustering. 655-658 - Maristella Agosti
, Nicola Ferro
, Gianmaria Silvello
Access and Exchange of Hierarchically Structured Resources on the Web with the NESTOR Framework. 659-662 - Hossein Sharif-Paghaleh:
Analysis of the Waiting Time Effects on the Financial Return and the Order Fulfillment in Web-Based Group Buying Mechanisms. 663-666
Others: Regular Papers
- Swarnim Kulkarni, Doina Caragea
Towards Bridging the Web and the Semantic Web. 667-674
Others: Short Papers
- Jun Gao, Weiming Hu, Xiaoqin Zhang, Xi Li:
Adaptive Distributed Intrusion Detection Using Parametric Model. 675-678 - Shen Jiang, Sandra Zilles, Robert C. Holte:
Query Suggestion by Query Search: A New Approach to User Support in Web Search. 679-684 - Eduard Constantin Dragut, Fang Fang, Clement T. Yu, Weiyi Meng:
Deriving Customized Integrated Web Query Interfaces. 685-688 - Claudia d'Amato
, Nicola Fanizzi
, Floriana Esposito
, Thomas Lukasiewicz:
Approximate Classification of Semantically Annotated Web Resources Exploiting Pseudo-metrics Induced by Local Models. 689-692
Industry Track Papers
- Li Guo, Moustafa Ghanem
, Vasa Curcin
, Nabeel Azam:
Intelligent Agents in the Service-Oriented World - An Industrial Experience Report. 693-696 - Bin Wu, Shengqi Yang, Haizhou Zhao, Yuan Gao, Lijun Suo:
CosDic: Towards a Comprehensive System for Knowledge Discovery in Large-Scale Data: Architecture, Implementation and Case Studies. 697-700 - Cai-Nicolas Ziegler, Maximilian Viermetz:
Discovery of Technology Synergies through Collective Wisdom. 701-706 - Cai-Nicolas Ziegler, Christian Vögele, Maximilian Viermetz:
Distilling Informative Content from HTML News Pages. 707-712

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