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12th WiMob 2016: New York, NY, USA
- 12th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMob 2016, New York, NY, USA, October 17-19, 2016. IEEE Computer Society 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-0724-0
- Henryk Gierszal, Evangelos Sdongos
, Lukasz Kiedrowski, Dariusz Korzeniowki, Kamil Plucinski, Lukasz Brajer, Piotr Tyczka, Pedro Santo Antonio, Michalis Tsagkaropoulos, Natasha McCrone, James Jackson:
Reliability of SATCOM transmission for PPDR usage. 1-8 - Margot Deruyck, Jorg Wyckmans, Luc Martens, Wout Joseph:
Emergency ad-hoc networks by using drone mounted base stations for a disaster scenario. 1-7 - Salma Ktari, Stefano Secci, Damien Lavaux:
Bayesian network modeling for public safety network reliability analysis. 1-8 - Divyashikha Sethia
, Daya Gupta, Huzur Saran:
Security framework for portable NFC mobile based health record system. 1-8 - Yangzhe Liao, Mark S. Leeson, Matthew D. Higgins
, Chenyao Bai:
An incremental relay based cooperative routing protocol for wireless in-body sensor networks. 1-6 - Behrooz Shahriari, Melody Moh:
Intelligent mobile messaging for urban networks: Adaptive intelligent mobile messaging based on reinforcement learning. 1-8 - Eyuphan Bulut, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Rethinking offloading WiFi access point deployment from user perspective. 1-6 - Carlo Augusto Grazia
, Natale Patriciello
, Martin Klapez
, Maurizio Casoni:
Enabling smart environments by avoiding TCP congestion through PINK: A no-drop AQM. 1-7 - Theodoros Zographos, George Dimitrakopoulos, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos:
Driver assistance through an autonomous safety management framework. 1-8 - Magnus Olsson, Sibel Tombaz, István Gódor, Pål K. Frenger:
Energy performance evaluation revisited: Methodology, models and results. 1-7 - Sibel Tombaz, Pål K. Frenger, Magnus Olsson, Andreas Nilsson:
Energy performance of 5G-NX radio access at country level. 1-6 - Berk Unlu, Baver Ozceylan, Buyurman Baykal:
A method for providing energy efficient neighborhood maintenance in MANETs. 1-8 - Marwa Mamdouh
, Khaled El-Sayed
, Ahmed K. F. Khattab:
RPL load balancing via minimum degree spanning tree. 1-8 - Jan Vincent Santos, Danah Veronica Torres, Monica Kathrina Villanoy, Cedric Angelo M. Festin, John Norman Doctor, Roel Ocampo:
Rapid mobile development with ARC: Application framework for robust communications for disaster risk reduction and management. 1-6 - Natale Patriciello
, Carlo Augusto Grazia
, José Núñez-Martínez, Jorge Baranda, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy, Maurizio Casoni:
Performance evaluation of backpressure routing in integrated satellite-terrestrial backhaul for PPDR networks. 1-8 - Dhafer Ben Arbia, Muhammad Mahtab Alam, Abdullah Kadri, Rabah Attia, Elyes Ben Hamida:
Implementation and benchmarking of a novel routing protocol for tactical mobile ad-hoc networks. 1-8 - Martin Klapez
, Carlo Augusto Grazia
, Maurizio Casoni:
Towards massively multipath transmissions for public safety communications. 1-7 - Giuseppe Agapito
, Barbara Calabrese
, Pietro Hiram Guzzi, Mario Cannataro, Mariadelina Simeoni
, Ilaria Care, Theodora Lamprinoudi, Giorgio Fuiano, Arturo Pujia:
DIETOS: A recommender system for adaptive diet monitoring and personalized food suggestion. 1-8 - José Manuel Negrete Ramírez
, Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau:
Distributed interfaces and context-oriented broadcast services in a smart-home environment. 1-8 - Nuno Pombo
, Nuno M. Garcia
ubiSleep: An ubiquitous sensor system for sleep monitoring. 1-4 - Mimonah Al Qathrady, Ahmed Helmy
, Khalid Almuzaini:
Infection tracing in smart hospitals. 1-8 - Samah A. M. Ghanem, Munnujahan Ara
Multi-cell processing with limited cooperation: A novel framework to timely designs and reduced feedback. 1-7 - Camila F. Rêgo, Rodrigo R. Bezerra, Jacir Luiz Bordim:
Improving energy balance and network connectivity in wireless sensor networks employing cooperative communication. 1-8 - Zesheng Chen, Chao Chen:
Self-stopping epidemic routing in cooperative wireless mobile sensor networks. 1-7 - Felip Riera-Palou, Guillem Femenias:
On scheduling and resource allocation in cluster-based cooperative MIMO-OFDMA cellular networks. 1-9 - Mehdi Golestanian, Christian Poellabauer
A constraint-based routing algorithm for cognitive ad-hoc networks. 1-9 - Shabnam Khomejani, Huan Xuan Nguyen
, Arumugam Nallanathan, Hamid Aghvami:
Rate enhancement in cognitive radio networks using multi-level power transmission strategy. 1-6 - Mario A. Ramírez-Reyna, Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez, S. Lirio Castellanos-Lopez, Genaro Hernández-Valdez
, Mario E. Rivero-Angeles
Analysis of spectrum adaptation and spectrum leasing in heterogeneous traffic cognitive radio networks. 1-9 - Afzal Hossain, Christian Poellabauer
Challenges in building continuous smartphone sensing applications. 1-8 - Ahmed A. Shahin
, Mohamed F. Younis:
IP subnet negotiation in Wi-Fi direct for seamless multi-group communications. 1-7 - Bilel Raddadi, Nathalie Thomas, Charly Poulliat, Marie-Laure Boucheret:
On the use of spatial modulation in aeronautical communications. 1-8 - Bilal Maaz, Kinda Khawam, Yezekael Hayel, Samer Lahoud
, Steven Martin, Dominique Quadri:
Joint user association, scheduling and power control in multi-cell networks. 1-7 - Amel Faiza Tandjaoui
, Mejdi Kaddour:
Refining the impact of partially overlapping channels in wireless mesh networks through a cross-layer optimization model. 1-8 - Cheng Leong Lim, Cindy Goh, Asiya Khan
, Aly Syed, Yun Li
Predicting types of failures in wireless sensor networks using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system. 1-7 - Manzoor Ahmed Khan, Xuan T. Dang
, Sebastian Peters:
Preemptive flow management in future SDNized wireless networks. 1-8 - Wei Guo, Mahendran Veeramani, Sridhar Radhakrishnan:
Achieving throughput fairness in smart grid using SDN-based flow aggregation and scheduling. 1-7 - Nazia Majadi, Mahmuda Naznin
, Toufique Ahmed:
Energy efficient local search based target localization in an UWSN. 1-8 - Iyad Lahsen Cherif
, Lynda Zitoune, Véronique Vèque:
Throughput and energy consumption evaluation in directional antennas mesh networks. 1-8 - Lilia Lassouaoui, Stephane Rovedakis, Françoise Sailhan, Anne Wei:
Evaluation of energy aware routing metrics for RPL. 1-8 - Pierre Neumann, Julien Montavont, Thomas Noël:
Indoor deployment of low-power wide area networks (LPWAN): A LoRaWAN case study. 1-8 - Faezeh Hajiaghajani, Subir Biswas:
Device-to-device coupon distribution using economic routing utilities. 1-8 - Nesrine Ben Hassine, Dana Marinca, Pascale Minet, Dominique Barth:
Caching strategies based on popularity prediction in content delivery networks. 1-8 - Maha Kadadha, Hamda Al-Ali, Maha Al Mufti, Amira Al-Aamri
, Rabeb Mizouni:
Opportunistic mobile social networks: Challenges survey and application in smart campus. 1-8 - Matthew W. Moskewicz, Forrest N. Iandola, Kurt Keutzer:
Boda-RTC: Productive generation of portable, efficient code for convolutional neural networks on mobile computing platforms. 1-10 - Petros S. Bithas, Antonis Aspreas, Athanasios G. Kanatas
A new reconfigurable antenna scheme and its application to vehicle-to-vehicle communications. 1-6 - Fadhel Alhumaidi, Jacek Ilow:
Increasing throughput in multi-way three-user MIMO networks using successive relaying and IRI cancellation. 1-5 - Malcolm M. Sande, Bodhaswar T. Maharaj
, Soumaya Hamouda:
Fast convergence for efficient beamforming in massive MIMO heterogeneous networks. 1-7 - Xueying Yuan, Zichao Zhou, Jacek Ilow:
Orthogonal signal space alignment for MIMO Y channels with redundant antennas. 1-6 - Fabricio B. Goncalves, Felipe Maia Galvão França
, Cláudio L. Amorim:
Interest-centric vehicular ad hoc network. 1-10 - Prasan Kumar Sahoo
, Yoppy Yunhasnawa:
Ferrying vehicular data in cloud through software defined networking. 1-8 - Annette Böhm, Kristina Kunert:
Data age based MAC scheme for fast and reliable communication within and between platoons of vehicles. 1-9 - Hermes Pimenta de Moraes, Bertrand Ducourthial:
Adaptive inter-messages delay in vehicular networks. 1-8 - David T. Nguyen, Hongyang Zhao, Gang Zhou, Ge Peng, Guoliang Xing:
iRAM: Sensing memory needs of my smartphone. 1-10 - Simone Di Domenico
, Giovanni Pecoraro
, Ernestina Cianca, Mauro De Sanctis
Trained-once device-free crowd counting and occupancy estimation using WiFi: A Doppler spectrum based approach. 1-8 - Xiaoxuan Lu
, Hongkai Wen
, Han Zou, Hao Jiang, Lihua Xie, Niki Trigoni
Robust occupancy inference with commodity WiFi. 1-8 - Ahmed A. Elbery, Mustafa ElNainay
, Hesham A. Rakha
Proactive and reactive carpooling recommendation system based on spatiotemporal and geosocial data. 1-8 - Sarwar Morshed, Mitra Baratchi, Pranab K. Mandal, Geert Heijenk
A multi-channel multiple access scheme using frequency offsets - Modelling and analysis. 1-7 - Ahmad Saad, Barbara Staehle, Rudi Knorr:
Spectrum prediction using hidden Markov models for industrial cognitive radio. 1-7 - J. J. Jaime-Rodriguez
, Carlos A. Gutiérrez
, Daniel U. Campos-Delgado
, Jose Martin Luna-Rivera
First-order statistics analysis of two new geometrical models for non-WSSUS mobile-to-mobile channels. 1-8 - Jan Bohata, Petr Pesek, Stanislav Zvanovec, Zabih Ghassemlooy:
Extended measurement tests of dual polarization radio over fiber and radio over FSO fronthaul in LTE C-RAN architecture. 1-5 - Mikko Uitto:
Energy consumption evaluation of H.264 and HEVC video encoders in high-resolution live streaming. 1-7 - Taimur Bakhshi
, Bogdan V. Ghita
OpenFlow-enabled user traffic profiling in campus software defined networks. 1-8 - Sakil Ahmed Chowdhury
, Abderrahim Benslimane
Recharging of Wireless Sensor Network using KMEC with dynamic active zone strategy. 1-6 - Camilo Rojas, Damien Piguet, Jean-Dominique Decotignie:
Enabling composite metrics in collection protocols for WSNs. 1-8 - Corinna Schmitt, Tim Strasser, Burkhard Stiller:
Third-party-independent data visualization of sensor data in CoMaDa. 1-8 - Farhad Firoozi, Frank Y. Li, Vladimir Zadorozhny:
Two novel subjective logic-based in-network data processing schemes in wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Khashayar Kotobi, Philip B. Mainwaring, Sven G. Bilén
Puzzle-based auction mechanism for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks. 1-6 - Hajer Bargaoui, Nader Mbarek, Olivier Togni, Mounir Frikha:
Self-configuring multipath intra-mesh infrastructure QoS based routing. 1-8 - Rafael Kunst
, Leandro Avila, Edison Pignaton
, Sergio Bampi
, Juergen Rochol:
Improving QoS in multi-operator cellular networks. 1-8 - Lin Zhang, Zhao Wang, Ming Xiao
, Gang Wu, Shaoqian Li:
Centralized caching in two-layer networks: Algorithms and limits. 1-5 - Jorge Visca, Javier Baliosian, Raul A. Fuentes-Samaniego, Ana R. Cavalli:
Path sampling, a robust alternative to gossiping for opportunistic network routing. 1-8 - Ganesh Chandrasekaran, Ning Wang, J. Jun, Mingwei Xu
, Rahim Tafazolli
Towards D2D-based opportunistic data relay service in partial not-spots. 1-8 - Richard Jaramillo, Alejandro Quintero, Steven Chamberland:
Rate control scheme for congestion control in wireless body area networks. 1-6 - Jianzhou Chen, Lixiang Liu, Xiaohui Hu:
Feasibility of backpressure algorithm for satellite networks. 1-8 - Jun Erik Xu, Rob Torres, John Border, Nagesh Javali:
Flow control and traffic management for a broadband satellite network. 1-6 - Nathalie Mitton, Abdoul Aziz Mbacké, Hervé Rivano
Distributed efficient & fair anticollision for RFID protocol. 1-8 - Levon Nazaryan, Ruofan Jin, Chaoqun Yue, Ozgur Oksuz, Bing Wang, Kyoungwon Suh, Aggelos Kiayias:
Securely outsourcing cookies to the cloud via private information retrieval. 1-8 - Toufic Dbouk, Azzam Mourad
, Hadi Otrok
, Chamseddine Talhi:
Towards ad-hoc cloud based approach for mobile intrusion detection. 1-8 - Alexander Alexeev, Diane S. Henshel
, Mariana Cains
, Quan Sun:
On the malware propagation in heterogeneous networks. 1-5 - Wei Wang, Jeffrey Bickford:
WhatApp: Modeling mobile applications by domain names. 1-10 - Yuto Hama, Hideki Ochiai:
A low-complexity matched filter detector with parallel interference cancellation for massive MIMO systems. 1-6 - Constantine Mukasa, Valentine A. Aalo
, George P. Efthymoglou:
Exact distributions for aggregate interference in wireless networks with a poisson field of interferers. 1-5 - Hanan Al-Tous
, Imad Barhumi, Naofal Al-Dhahir:
Narrow-band interference mitigation using compressive sensing in AF-OFDM systems. 1-6 - Yang Song, Lixiang Liu, Jianzhou Chen:
Towards optimal power control and routing algorithm in deep space networks. 1-7 - Alexander Karlsson, Osama Al-Saadeh, Anton Gusarov, Renuka Venkata Ramani Challa, Sibel Tombaz, Ki Won Sung:
Energy-efficient 5G deployment in rural areas. 1-7 - Animesh Yadav
, Tri Minh Nguyen, Wessam Ajib:
Joint grid energy-throughput optimization for hybrid energy small cell access points. 1-7 - Joelle Klaimi, Rana Rahim-Amoud, Leïla Merghem-Boulahia, Akil Jrad, Moez Esseghir:
An intelligent storage-based energy management approach for smart grids. 1-7 - Amr Abdelfattah, Naceur Malouch:
Studying the impact of LTE-U on Wi-Fi downlink performance. 1-9 - Li Liu, Lingfen Sun
, Emmanuel C. Ifeachor:
User-centric QoE-driven vertical handover framework in heterogeneous wireless networks. 1-8 - Michael Rethfeldt
, Hannes Raddatz, Benjamin Beichler
, Björn Konieczek, Dirk Timmermann
, Christian Haubelt
, Peter Danielis:
ViPMesh: A virtual prototyping framework for IEEE 802.11s wireless mesh networks. 1-7 - Sami Alsemairi, Mohamed F. Younis:
Increasing base-station anonymity in wireless sensor networks through adaptive sampling rate. 1-8 - Luqiao Zhang, Ozgur Oksuz, Levon Nazaryan, Chaoqun Yue, Bing Wang, Aggelos Kiayias, Athanasios Bamis:
Encrypting wireless network traces to protect user privacy: A case study for smart campus. 1-8 - Baban A. Mahmood
, Ahmed Ibrahim, D. Manivannan
SAriadne: A secure source routing protocol to prevent hidden-channel attacks. 1-7 - Muhammad Awais Javed, Elyes Ben Hamida:
Adaptive security mechanisms for safety applications in Internet of Vehicles. 1-6 - Samir Dawaliby, Abbas Bradai, Yannis Pousset:
In depth performance evaluation of LTE-M for M2M communications. 1-8 - Hassnaa Moustafa, Eve M. Schooler, Gang Shen, Sanjana Kamath:
Remote monitoring and medical devices control in eHealth. 1-8 - Hamid Al-Hamadi, Ing-Ray Chen:
Trust-based decision making for environmental health community of interest IoT systems. 1-6

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