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WSC 1998: Washington DC, USA
- Deborah J. Medeiros, Edward F. Watson, John S. Carson II, Mani S. Manivannan:
Proceedings of the 30th conference on Winter simulation, WSC 1998, Washington DC, USA, December 13-16, 1998. WSC 1998, ISBN 0-7803-5134-7 - Matt Hennessee:
Challenges Facing Global Supply-Chains in the 21st Century. 3-6 - Robert E. Shannon:
Introduction to the Art and Science of Simulation. 7-14 - Lawrence Leemis:
Input Modeling. 15-22 - Martha A. Centeno, M. Florencia Reyes:
So You Have Your Model: What to Do Next. A Tutorial on Simulation Output Analysis. 23-30 - Julie C. Lowery:
Getting Started in Simulation in Healthcare. 31-36 - Darrell W. Starks, Todd C. Whyte:
Tutorial: Simulation in the Hospitality Industry. 37-40 - Osman Balci:
Verification, Validation, and Accreditation. 41-4 - Averill M. Law, Michael G. McComas:
Simulation of Manufacturing Systems. 49-52 - Ernest H. Page, Roger Smith:
Introduction to Military Training Simulation: A Guide for Discrete Event Simulationists. 53-60 - K. Ronald Laughery Jr.:
Computer Simulation as Tool for Studying Human-Centered Systems. 61-66 - Manuel D. Rossetti, Harriet Black Nembhard:
Using Cooperative Learning to Activate Your Simulation Classroom. 67-76 - Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner:
Inside Discrete-Event Simulation Software: How it Works and Why It Matters. 77-86 - Wayne J. Davis, Xu Chen, Andrew L. Brook:
Implementing On-line Simulation upon the World-Wide Web. 87-96 - Pierre L'Ecuyer:
Uniform Random Number Generators. 97-104 - Barry L. Nelson, Michael Yamnitsky:
Input Modeling Tools for Complex Problems. 105-112 - Christos Alexopoulos, Andrew F. Seila:
Advanced Methods for Simulation Output Analysis. 113-120 - Robert G. Sargent:
Verification and Validation of Simulation Models. 121-130 - George S. Fishman:
LABATCH.2: Software for Statistical Analysis of Simulation Sample Path Data. 131-140 - Jeffrey A. Joines
, Stephen D. Roberts:
Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Simulation. 141-150 - Sigrún Andradóttir:
A Review of Simulation Optimization Techniques. 151-158 - David Goldsman, Barry L. Nelson:
Statistical Screening, Selection, and Nultiple Comparison Procedures in Computer Simulation. 159-166 - Russell R. Barton:
Simulation Metamodels. 167-176 - John F. Vick, Charles R. Harrell:
Introduction to ProcessModel and ProcessModel 9000. 177-184 - Deborah L. Heflin, Charles R. Harrell:
Healthcare Simulation Modeling and Optimization using MedModel. 185-190 - Deborah L. Heflin, Charles R. Harrell:
Simulation Modeling and Optimization using ProModel. 191-198 - John Goble, Brian Wood:
MODSIM III - a Tutorial with Advances in Database Access and HLA Support. 199-204 - Deborah A. Sadowski, Vivek Bapat, Glenn Drake:
The Arena Product Family: Enterprise Modeling Solutions. 205-212 - Tyler Phillips:
AUTOMOD by AutoSimulations. 213-218 - Tyler Phillips:
AUTOSCHED AP by AutoSimulations. 219-222 - Ian Rawles:
The WITNESS Toolbox - a Tutorial. 223-226 - James O. Henriksen:
Stretching the Boundaries of Simulation Software. 227-234 - Robert C. Crain:
Simulation with GPSS/H. 235-240 - James O. Henriksen:
Windows-based Animation with PROOF. 241-248 - A. Alan B. Pritsker, Jean J. O'Reilly:
AWESIM: The Integrated Simulation System. 249-256 - Jim Rivera:
Modeling with Extend. 257-262 - William B. Nordgren:
TAYLOR II Manufacturing Simulation Software. 263-270 - Catherine Drury Barnes, K. Ronald Laughery Jr.:
Advanced Uses for Micro Saint Simulation Software. 271-274 - David P. Sly:
Object-Oriented Factory Layout in AutoCAD. 275-278 - Osman Balci, Anders I. Bertelrud, Chuck M. Esterbrook, Richard E. Nance:
Visual Simulation Environment. 279-288 - Kendra E. Moore, Scott D. Hammer:
ALPHA/SIM Simulation Software Tutorial. 289-296 - Deidra L. Donald:
A Tutorial on Ergonomics and Process Modeling using QUEST and IGRIP. 297-302 - Averill M. Law, Michael G. McComas:
ExpertFit: Total Support for Simulation Input Modeling. 303-308 - Herbert D. Schwetman:
Model-based Systems Analysis Using CSIM18. 309-314 - Perakath C. Benjamin, Dursun Delen, Madhav Erraguntla:
An Introduction to Simulation Using ProSim for Business Process Simulation and Analysis. 315-322 - Saku Hieta:
Supply Chain Simulation with LOGSIM-simulator. 323-326 - Kevin J. Healy, Richard A. Kilgore:
Introduction to SILK and Java-based Simulation. 327-334 - Larry Whitman, Brian L. Huff, Senthil Palaniswamy:
Commercial Simulation over the Web. 335-340 - Julio C. Martínez:
EZStrobe - General-Purpose Simulation System Based on Activity Cycle Diagrams. 341-348 - Andrew J. Siprelle, Richard A. Phelps, M. Michelle Barnes:
SDI INDUSTRY: An Extend-based Tool for Continuous and High-Speed Manufacturing. 349-358 - Paul A. Fishwick:
An Architectural Design for Digital Objects. 359-366 - Michael Pidd, Ricardo A. Cassel:
Three Phase Simulation in Java. 367-372 - John A. Miller, Youngfu Ge, Junxin Tao:
Component-based Simulation Environments: JSIM as a Case Study Using Java Beans. 373-382 - Michael Pidd, R. Bayer Castro:
Hierarchical Modular Modelling in Discrete Simulation. 383-390 - Perakath C. Benjamin, Madhav Erraguntla, Dursun Delen, Richard J. Mayer:
Simulation Modeling at Multiple Levels of Abstraction. 391-398 - Jalal Nikoukaran, Vlatka Hlupic, Ray J. Paul:
Criteria for Simulation Software Evaluation. 399-406 - Fernando J. Barros:
Abstract Simulators for the DSDE Formalism. 407-412 - Fernando J. Barros, Bernard P. Zeigler, Paul A. Fishwick:
Multimodels and Dynamic Structure Models: An Integration of DSDE/DEVS and OOPM. 413-420 - Yong Jae Kim, Tag Gon Kim:
A Heterogeneous Simulation Framework Based on the DEVS BUS and the High Level Architecture. 421-428 - Hamad I. Odhabi
, Ray J. Paul, Robert D. Macredie:
Developing a Graphical User Interface for Discrete Event Simulation. 429-436 - Hank Grant, Chuen-Ki Lai:
Simulation Modeling with Artificial Reality Technology (SMART): An Integration of Virtual Reality and Simulation Modeling. 437-442 - Juri Tolujev, Peter Lorenz, Daniel Beier, Thomas J. Schriber:
Assessment of Simulation Models Based on Trace-File Analysis: A Metamodeling Approach. 443-450 - Reuben Pasquini, Vernon Rego:
Efficient Process Interaction with Threads in Parallel Discrete Event Simulation. 451-458 - Kalyan S. Perumalla
, Richard M. Fujimoto:
Efficient Large-Scale Process-Oriented Parallel Simulations. 459-466 - Sundeep Prakash, Rajive L. Bagrodia:
MPI-SIM: Using Parallel Simulation to Evaluate MPI Programs. 467-474 - Yiqing Huang, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
A Speculation-based Approach for Performance and Dependability Analysis: A Case Study. 475-482 - Linda F. Wilson, Wei Shen:
Experiments in Load Migration and Dynamic Load Balancing in SPEEDES. 483-490 - Alan Mink, Christophe Bailly:
Parallel Implementation of a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Program. 491-498 - Kevin G. Jones, Samir Ranjan Das:
Combining Optimism Limiting Schemes in Time Warp Based Parallel Simulations. 499-506 - Fernando G. Gonzalez, Wayne J. Davis:
Initializing On-line Simulations from the State of a Distributed System. 507-514 - Sophie Dumas, Georges Gardarin:
A Workbench for Predicting the Performances of Distributed Object Architectures. 515-522 - Ingolf Ståhl:
The Efficient Implementation of Wait Statements. 523-530 - Yiqing Huang, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
An Object-Oriented Environment for Fast Simulation Using Compiler Techniques. 531-538 - Peter Frey, Kathiresan Nellayappan, Vasudevan Sahnmugasundaram, Ramesh Sankaran Mayiladuthurai, Chetput L. Chandrashekar, Harold W. Carter:
SEAMS: Simulation Environment for VHDL-AMS. 539-546 - Miryam Barad:
Timed Petri Nets as a Verification Tool. 547-554 - Frode B. Nilson:
GMSim: A Tool for Compositional GSMP Modeling. 555-562 - Vladimir S. Lerner:
Informational Macrodynamics: System Modelling and Simulation Methodologies. 563-570 - Art B. Owen:
Monto Carlo Extension of Quasi-Monte Carlo. 571-578 - Christiane Lemieux, Pierre L'Ecuyer:
Efficiency Improvement by Lattice Rules for Pricing Asian Options. 579-586 - Jin Wang:
A Parametric Version of Jackknife-after-Bootstrap. 587-592 - Huifen Chen, Tsu-Kuang Yang:
Estimation of the Sample Size and Coverage for Guaranteed-Coverage Nonnormal Tolerance Intervals. 593-600 - Marnix J. J. Garvels, Dirk P. Kroese:
A Comparison of RESTART Implementations. 601-608 - Raymond R. Hill:
An Analytical Comparison of Optimization Problem Generation Methodologies. 609-616 - Charles H. Reilly:
Properties of Synthetic Optimization Problems. 617-622 - Hisham A. Al-Mharmah:
Average Performance of Quasi Monte Carlo Methods for Global Optimization. 623-628 - Donald Gross, Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi:
Sensitivity of Output Performance Measures to Input Distributions in Queueing Network Modeling. 629-636 - Michael E. Kuhl, Halim Damerdji, James R. Wilson:
Least Squares Estimation of Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes. 637-646 - Peter W. Glynn, Shane G. Henderson:
Estimation of Stationary Densities for Markov Chains. 647-652 - Russell C. H. Cheng:
Bayesian Model Selection when the Number of Components is Unknown. 653-660 - Elmira Popova, David P. Morton:
Adaptive Stochastic Manpower Scheduling. 661-668 - Stephen E. Chick, Koichiro Inoue:
Sequential Allocations that Reduce Risk for Multiple Comparisons. 669-676 - Shane G. Henderson, Andrew J. Mason:
Rostering by Iterating Integer Programming and Simulation. 677-684 - Paul Glasserman, Philip Heidelberger, Perwez Shahabuddin:
Gaussian Importance Sampling and Stratification: Computational Issues. 685-694 - James M. Calvin, Marvin K. Nakayama:
Exploiting Multiple Regeneration Sequences in Simulation Output Analysis. 695-700 - Jack P. C. Kleijnen, A. J. Feelders, Russell C. H. Cheng:
Bootstrapping and Validation of Metamodels in Simulation. 701-705 - Russell C. H. Cheng, John D. Lamb:
Interactive Implementation of Optimal Simulation Experiment Designs. 707-712 - Willem J. H. Van Groenendaal, Jack P. C. Kleijnen:
Identifying Important Factors in Deterministic Investment Problems Using Design of Experiments. 713-718 - Douglas J. Morrice, John C. Butler, Peter W. Mullarkey:
An Approach to Ranking and Selection for Multiple Performance Measures. 719-726 - Koichiro Inoue, Stephen E. Chick:
Comparison of Bayesian and Frequentist Assessments of Uncertainty for Selecting the Best System. 727-734 - Chun-Hung Chen, Yu Yuan, Hsiao-Chang Chen, Enver Yücesan, Liyi Dai:
Computing Budget Allocation for Simulation Experiments with Different System Structure. 735-742 - Sigurdur Ólafsson, Leyuan Shi:
Stopping Criterion for a Simulation-Based Optimization Method. 743-750 - David G. Humphrey, James R. Wilson:
A Revised Simplex Search Procedure for Stochastic Simulation Response-surface Optimization. 751-760 - Sheldon H. Jacobson, Enver Yücesan:
Using ACCESSIBILITY to Assess the Performance of Generalized Hill Climbing Algorithms. 761-770 - Vincent P. Roske Jr.:
Military Simulation: Where we are and Where we ought to be Going. 771-772 - Michael D. Proctor, Justin C. Gubler:
Military Simulation Worlds and Organizational Learning. 773-780 - Darren R. Law:
Scalable Means More Than More: a Unifying Definition of Simulation Scalability. 781-788 - William R. Merritt:
Bounding CPU Utilization as a Part of the Model Design and the Scenario Design of a Large-scale Military Training Simulation. 789-796 - Judith S. Dahmann, Richard Fujimoto, Richard M. Weatherly:
The DoD High Level Architecture: an update. 797-804 - Roger D. Smith:
Essential Techniques for Military Modeling and Simulation. 805-812 - Ronald J. Roland, John O. Miller, Michael R. Macedonia, Jim Metzger, John Andrew:
The Future of Military Simulation (panel). 813-818 - Arnold H. Buss, Leroy Jackson:
Distributed Simulation Modeling: a Comparison of HLA, CORBA, and RMI. 819-826 - Thom McLean, Leo Mark, Margaret L. Loper, David Rosenbaum:
Applying Temporal Databases to HLA Data Collection and Analysis. 827-834 - William S. Murphy Jr., Galen D. Aswegen:
High Level Architecture Remote Data Filtering. 835-840 - Curtis L. Blais:
Prototyping Advanced Warfare Gaming Capabilities for the 21st Century Warfighter. 841-848 - William M. Garrabrants:
Simulation as a Mission Planning and Rehearsal Tool. 849-854 - William A. Sawyers:
Marine Corps Analytic Modeling and Simulation. 855-858 - Mark D. Barnell, Douglas Wynne:
Fusion Processor Simulation (FPSim). 859-864 - John B. Gilmer Jr., Frederick J. Sullivan:
Alternative Implementations of Multitrajectory Simulation. 865-872 - Joel L. Ryan, T. Glenn Bailey, James T. Moore, William B. Carlton:
Reactive Tabu Search in Unmanned Aerial Reconnaissance Simulations. 873-880 - Martin S. Kleiner, Scott A. Carey, Joseph E. Beach:
Communication Mission-type Orders to Virtual Commanders. 881-886 - William J. Frederic, Mark B. Hamby, James S. Mathison, Ronald D. Nugen:
Simulation and C41 Data Collection in Support of Force XXI Training. 887-894 - Nicholas E. Rozen:
Track Loss and Recovery for Intermittently Emitting Targets. 895-898 - Sabina E. Jordan, Mark K. Snell, Marcella M. Madsen, Jeffrey S. Smith, Brett A. Peters:
Discrete-Event Simulation for the Design and Evaluation of Physical Protection Systems. 899-906 - Keebom Kang, Kevin R. Gue, Donald R. Eaton:
Cycletime Reduction for Naval Aviation Deports. 907-914 - Edward J. Williams, Haldun Çelik:
Analysis of Conveyor Systems within Automotive Final Assembly. 915-920 - Young H. Park, Jack E. Matson, David M. Miller:
Simulation and Analysis of the Mercedes-Benz all Activity Vehicle (AAV) Production Facility. 921-926 - Raid Al-Aomar, Daniel Cook:
Modeling at the Machine-Control Level Using Discrete Event Simulation (DES). 927-934 - Michael Andersson, Göte Olsson:
A Simulation Based Decision Support Approach for Operational Capacity Planning in a Customer Order Driven Assembly Line. 935-942 - Edward J. Williams
, Dean E. Orlando:
Simulation Applied to Final Engine Drop Assembly. 943-950 - Rita Freudenberg, Henry Herper:
Simulation of Workers in Manufacturing Systems. 951-956 - Bala Ram, Gunvant Patel:
Modeling Furnace Operations Using Simulation and Heuristics. 957-964 - Bharath S. Vaidyanathan, David M. Miller, Young H. Park:
Application of Discrete Event in Production Scheduling. 965-972 - Shahram Taj, David S. Cochran, James W. Duda, Jochen Linck:
Simulation and Production Planning for Manufacturing Cells. 973-978 - Gerald T. Mackulak, Frederick P. Lawrence, Theron Colvin:
Effective Simulation Model Reuse: a case study for AMHS modeling. 979-984 - Joerg Domaschke, Steven Brown, Jennifer Robinson, Franz Leibl:
Effective Implementation of Cycle Time Reduction Strategies for Semiconductor Back-end Manufacturing. 985-992 - Clay Rippenhagen, Shekar Krishnaswamy:
Implementing the Theory of Constraints Philosophy in Highly Reentrant Systems. 993-996 - Oliver Rose:
WIP Evolution of a Semiconductor Factory after a Bottleneck Workcenter Breakdown. 997-1004 - Navdeep S. Grewal, Alvin C. Bruska, Timbur M. Wulf, Jennifer K. Robinson:
Integrating Targeted Cycle-Time Reduction into the Capital Planning Process. 1005-1010 - Andreas Peikert, Josef Thoma, Steven Brown:
A Rapid Modeling Technique for Measurable Improvements in Factory Performance. 1011-1016 - Nirupama Nayani, Mansooreh Mollaghasemi:
Validation and Verification of the Simulation Model of a Photolithography Process in Semiconductor Manufacturing. 1017-1022 - Dawn K. Russell, Phillip A. Farrington, Sherri L. Messimer, James J. Swain:
Incorporating Environmental Issues in a Filament Winding Composite Manufacturing System Simulation. 1023-1028 - Matthias Thiel, Roland Schulz, Peter Gmilkowsky:
Simulation-based Production Control in the Semiconductor Industry. 1029-1034 - John W. Fowler, Michael C. Fu, Lee Schruben, Steven Brown, Frank Chance, Sean Cunningham, Courtland Hilton, Mani Janakiram, Richard Stafford, James Hutchby:
Operational Modeling and Simulation in Semiconductor Manufacturing. 1035 - Gary Gang Jing, W. David Kelton, José C. Arantes, Ali A. Houshmand:
Modeling a Controlled Conveyor Network with Merging Configuration. 1041-1048 - Mark Kosfeld:
Warehouse Design through Dynamic Simulation. 1049-1054 - Todd LeBaron, Kelly Thompson:
Emulation of a Material Delivery System. 1055-1060 - Farhad Azadivar, J. Victor Shu:
Use of Simulation in Optimization of Maintenance Policies. 1061-1068 - Hamad I. Odhabi
, Ray J. Paul, Robert D. Macredie:
Making Simulation more Accessible in Manufacturing Systems through a 'four phase' Approach. 1069-1078 - Lei Rao, Larry E. Owen, David Goldsman:
Development and Application of a Validation Framework for Traffic Simulation Models. 1079-1086 - Roy Brooks Wiley, Thomas K. Keyser:
Discrete Event Simulation Experiments and Geographic Information Systems in Congestion Management Planning. 1087-1094 - Ulrich Klein, Thomas Schulze, Steffen Straßburger:
Traffic Simulation Based on the High Level Architecture. 1095-1104 - Jane L. Snowdon, Soad El-Taji, Mario Montevecchi, Edward A. MacNair, C. Adam Callery, Scott Miller:
Avoiding the Blues for Airline Travelers. 1105-1112 - Cenk Tunasar, Gloria Bender, Holland Yung:
Modeling Curbside Vehicular Traffic at Airports. 1113-1118 - Robert G. Kyle Jr.:
Washington Dulles International Airport Passenger Conveyance Study. 1119-1124 - Robert H. Leilich:
Application of Simulation Models in Capacity Constrained Rail Corridors. 1125-1134 - Myron Lewellen, Kerim Tumay:
Network Simulation of a Major Railroad. 1135-1138 - Jurjen S. Hooghiemstra, Maurice J. G. Tunisse:
The Use of Simulation in the Planning of the Dutch Railway Services. 1139-1146 - Charles Stallard, Larry E. Owen:
Evaluating Adaptive Signal Control Using CORSIM. 1147-1154 - Lisa A. Schaefer, Gerald T. Mackulak, Jeffery K. Cochran, Jennifer L. Cherilla:
Application of a General Particle System Model to Movement of Pedestrians and Vehicles. 1155-1160 - Gene Daigle, Michelle Thomas, Meenakshy Vasudevan:
Field Applications of CORSIM: I-40 Freeway Design Evaluation, Oklahoma City, OK. 1161-1168 - Daniel T. Brunner, Gary Cross, Catherine McGhee, Jack Levis, Dudley E. Whitney:
Toward Increased Use of Simulation in Transportation. 1169-1176 - Nathan L. Kleinman, Stacy D. Hill, Victor A. Ilenda:
Simulation Optimization of Air Traffic Delay Cost. 1177-1182 - Stewart Robinson, Mark D. Stanger:
Developing a Simulation Strategy for British Airways OR. 1183-1190 - Frederick Wieland:
Parallel Simulation for Aviation Applications. 1191-1198 - Roland R. Mielke, Adham Zahralddin, Damanjit Padam, Thomas W. Mastaglio:
Simulation Applied to Theme Park Management. 1199-1204 - Alex J. Ruiz-Torres, Kazuo Nakatani:
Application of Real-Time Simulation to Assign Due Dates on Logistic-manufacturing Networks. 1205-1210 - Frank Grange:
Challenges in Modeling Demand for Inventory Optimization of Slow-Moving Items. 1211-1218 - Julian A. Swedish:
Simulation of an Inland Waterway Barge Fleet Distribution Network. 1219-1222 - Nora K. Ryan:
The Future of Maritime Facility Designs and Operations. 1223-1228 - Javad Golkar, Amit Shekhar, Sai Buddhavarapu:
Panama Canal Simulation Model. 1229-1238 - Soemon Takakuwa:
A Practical Module-Based Simulation Model for Transportation-Inventory Systems. 1239-1246 - Todd LeBaron, Michael L. Hoffman:
Using Simulation to Optimize a Horizontal Carousel Storage System. 1247-1254 - K. Heinz Weigl:
Simulation of a Large-Scale Brewery Distribution System. 1255-1262 - Julio C. Martínez:
Earthmover-Simulation Tool for Earthwork Planning. 1263-1272 - Katy Vern, Ali K. Gunal:
The Use of Simulation for Construction Elements Manufacturing. 1273-1278 - Brenda McCabe:
Belief Networks in Construction Simulation. 1279-1286 - Photios G. Ioannou, Julio C. Martínez:
Project Scheduling Using State-based Probablistic Decision Networks. 1287-1296 - Demos C. Angelides:
Material Supply Simulation for Off Shore Pipelaying Construction. 1297-1304 - Jonathan Jinsheng Shi, S. X. Zeng, C. M. Tam:
Modeling and Simulation of Public Housing Construction in Hong Kong. 1305-1310 - Edmundo Balbontín-Bravo:
Simulation of Large Precast Operations. 1311-1318 - Anil Sawhney, André Mund:
Simulation Based Construction Management Learning System. 1319-1324 - Dany Hajjar, Simaan M. AbouRizk, Kevin Mather:
Integrating Neural Networks with Special Purpose Simulation. 1325-1332 - Mark Stanford, Robert Graham:
Are Business Managers and Non-technical Consultants Ready for Low-cost Discrete-event Simulation? A survey of users. 1333-1338 - Mohsen M. Fathee, Ray Redd, Darcy Gorgas, Batoul Modarres:
The Effects of Complexity on Business Processes Reengineering: Values and Limitations of Modeling and Simulation Technologies. 1339-1346 - David M. Ferrin, Richard P. Lavecchia:
Customer Interfacing - Lessons Learned. 1347-1350 - Mark R. Grabau, Frank Grange:
Granularity, Affordability and Utility in Business Process Simulation. 1351-1356 - Dan Grosz:
Application of Business Process Modeling at Timberland. 1357-1362 - Vlatka Hlupic, Stewart Robinson:
Business Process Modelling and Analysis Using Discrete-event Simulation. 1363-1370 - Ricki G. Ingalls:
The Value of Simulation in Modeling Supply Chains. 1371-1376 - Shigeki Umeda, Albert T. Jones:
An Integration Test-bed System for Supply Chain Management. 1377-1386 - Sugato Bagchi, Stephen J. Buckley, Markus Ettl, Grace Y. Lin:
Experience Using the IBM Supply Chain Simulator. 1387-1394 - Vivek Bapat, Eddie B. Pruitte Jr.:
Using Simulation in Call Centers. 1395-1400 - Dursun Delen, Perakath C. Benjamin, Madhav Erraguntla:
Integrated Modeling and Analysis Generator Environment (IMAGE): A Decision Support Tool. 1401-1408 - Ali Bahrami, Deborah A. Sadowski, Soheila Bahrami:
Enterprise Architecture for Business Process Simulation. 1409-1414 - Manuel D. Rossetti, Amit Kumar, Robin A. Felder:
Mobile Robot Simulation of Clinical Laboratory Deliveries. 1415-1422 - Tom Brady, Benard McGarvey:
Heuristic Optimization Using Computer Simulation: A Study of Staffing Levels in a Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Laboratory. 1423-1428 - William C. Johnson:
Birth of a New Maternity Process. 1429-1432 - Roger Jenkins, Yogesh Deshpande, Graydon Davison
Verification and Validation and Complex Environments: A Study in Service Sector. 1433-1440 - Mark D. Hermans, Joost M. Sluijs, Hannie Aartsen:
Reducing Inter-Organizational Barriers in the Medical Sector with Simulation. 1441-1450 - Osman Balci, Cengiz Ulusaraç, Poorav Shah, Edward A. Fox:
A Library of Reusable Model Components for Visual Simulation of the NCSTRL System. 1451-1460 - William S. Keezer:
Array-driven Simulation of Real Databases. 1461-1469 - James H. Graham, Irfan S. Karachiwala, Adel Said Elmaghraby
Evaluation of a Prototype Visualization for Distributed Simulations. 1469-1478 - Christos Alexopoulos, Bruce C. Shultes:
The Balanced Likelihood Ratio Method for Estimating Performance Measures of Highly Reliable Systems. 1479-1486 - Mehdi Hoseyni-Nasab, Sigrún Andradóttir:
Time Segmentation Parallel Simulation of Tandem Queues with Manufacturing Blocking. 1487-1492 - Felisa J. Vázquez-Abad, Daniel Dufresne:
Accelerated Simulation for Pricing Asian Options. 1493-1500 - Tim Curran, D. Michelle Benjamin, Sue Austin:
Simulation Case Studies in the Print/Finish Industry. 1501-1504 - R. Alan Bowman, Ira J. Haimowitz, Robert M. Mattheyses, Ayonca Özge, Mary C. Phillips:
Discrete Time Simulation of an Equipment Rental Business. 1505-1512 - Paul J. Kauffmann:
Using Simulation with a Logit Choice Model to Assess the Commercial Feasibility of an Advanced Environmental Technology. 1513-1518 - Young H. Park, David M. Miller:
Multi-factor Analysis of Firm-level Performance through Feed-forward, Feed-back Relationships. 1519-1526 - Emmanuel S. Eneyo, Gertrude P. Pannirselvam:
The Use of Simulation in Facility Layout Design: A Practical Consulting Experience. 1527-1532 - E. G. A. Gaury, Jack P. C. Kleijnen:
Risk Analysis of Robust System Design. 1533-1540 - Stewart Robinson, John S. Edwards, Wu Yongfa:
An Expert Systems Approach to Simulating the Human Decision Maker. 1541-1546 - Roger Jenkins, Ross Chapman:
The Process of Adoption. 1547-1554 - CongDuc Pham, Rajive L. Bagrodia:
Building Parallel Time-Constrained HLA Federates: A Case Study with the Parsec Parallel Simulation Language. 1555-1562 - Dhananjai Madhava Rao, Narayanan V. Thondugulam, Radharamanan Radhakrishnan, Philip A. Wilsey:
Unsynchronized Parallel Discrete Event Simulation. 1563-1570 - Vadim E. Kotov:
Communicating Structures for Modeling Large-scale Systems. 1571-1578 - Ruth Davies, Paul Roderick:
Simulation Used in Conjunction with Randomised Control Trials to Evaluate the Costs and Benefits of a New Drug. 1579-1586 - John L. Maryak, Richard H. Smith, Raimond L. Winslow:
Modeling Cardiac Ion Channel Conductivity: Model Fitting via Simulation. 1587-1590 - Chu-Cheow Lim, Yoke-Hean Low
, Boon-Ping Gan, Sanjay Jain:
Implementations of Dispatch Rules in Parallel Manufacturing Simulation. 1591-1598 - Marc Bumble, Lee D. Coraor:
Architecture for a Non-deterministic Simulation Machine. 1599-1606 - David J. Harmelink, Maria Andrea Bernal:
Simulating Haul Durations for Linear Scheduling. 1607-1614 - Tony Dean, Philip J. Fleming, Alexander L. Stolyar:
Estimates of Multicarrier CDMA System Capacity. 1615-1622 - Sheng-Tzong Cheng, Chi-Ming Chen, Ing-Ray Chen:
A Study of Self-adjusting Quality of Service Control Schemes. 1623-1628 - Michael Liljenstam, Rassul Ayani:
Interference Radius in PCS Radio Resource Management Simulations. 1629-1640 - Kazuo J. Ezawa, Gregory Napiorkowski, Mariusz Kossarski:
Evaluation of Electronic Cash Threat Scenarios Using Micro Dynamic Simulation. 1641-1648 - Enver Yücesan, Chun-Hung Chen, Insup Lee:
Web-based Simulation Experiments. 1649-1654 - Werner E. Lulay, Gunther Reinhart:
Coordination Order Processing in Decentralized Production Units Using Hierarchical Simulation Models and Web-technologies. 1655-1662 - Ernest H. Page:
The Rise of Web-based Simulation: Implications for the High Level Architecture. 1663-1668 - Steffen Straßburger, Thomas Schulze, Ulrich Klein, James O. Henriksen:
Internet-based Simulation using Off-the-shelf Simulation Tools and HLA. 1669-1676 - Steven D. Farr, Alex F. Sisti:
The Virtual M&S Lyceum: A Consortium for Modeling and Simulation Technology. 1677-1680 - Jerry Banks:
The Future of Simulation Software: a panel discussion. 1681-1688 - Mark Pool, Richard Stafford:
Optimazation and Analysis of Performance in Simulation. 1689-1692 - Royce Bowden, John D. Hall:
Simulation Optimization Research and Development. 1693-1698 - Miki Fukunari, Yu-Liang Chi, Philip M. Wolfe:
JavaBean-based Simulation with a Decision Making Bean. 1699-1702 - E. Joseph Derrick:
Web-based Diagnosis of Model Specifications. 1703-1706 - Richard A. Kilgore, Kevin J. Healy, George B. Kleindorfer:
The Future of Java-based Simulation. 1707-1712 - Douglas G. Watt:
Interating Simulation Based Scheduling with MES in a Semi-conductor Fab. 1713-1716 - Charles R. Harrell, Donald A. Hicks:
Simulation software component architecture for simulation-based enterprise applications. 1717-1728

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