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22nd WWW 2013: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Companion Volume
- Leslie Carr, Alberto H. F. Laender, Bernadette Farias Lóscio, Irwin King, Marcus Fontoura, Denny Vrandecic, Lora Aroyo, José Palazzo M. de Oliveira, Fernanda Lima, Erik Wilde:
22nd International World Wide Web Conference, WWW '13, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 13-17, 2013, Companion Volume. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee / ACM 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2038-2
Developer's track
- Arnaud Le Hors, Steve Speicher:
The linked data platform (LDP). 1-2 - Vivian Genaro Motti, Dave Raggett:
Quill: a collaborative design assistant for cross platform web application user interfaces. 3-6 - Lyndon J. B. Nixon:
Linked services infrastructure: a single entry point for online media related to any linked data concept. 7-10 - Bernhard Haslhofer, Simeon Warner, Carl Lagoze, Martin Klein, Robert Sanderson, Michael L. Nelson, Herbert Van de Sompel:
ResourceSync: leveraging sitemaps for resource synchronization. 11-14 - Benjamin Canou, Emmanuel Chailloux, Vincent Botbol:
Static typing & JavaScript libraries: towards a more considerate relationship. 15-18 - Vincent Balat:
Client-server web applications widgets. 19-22 - Giovanni Grasso, Tim Furche, Christian Schallhart:
Effective web scraping with OXPath. 23-26 - Richard Duchatsch Johansen, Talita Cristina Pagani Britto
, César Augusto Cusin:
CSS browser selector plus: a JavaScript library to support cross-browser responsive design. 27-30 - Thomas Steiner:
A meteoroid on steroids: ranking media items stemming from multiple social networks. 31-34 - Markus Lanthaler:
Creating 3rd generation web APIs with hydra. 35-38
Posters: behavioral analysis and personalization
- Lei Tang, Patrick Harrington:
Scaling matrix factorization for recommendation with randomness. 39-40 - Dong Li, Zhiming Xu, Sheng Li, Xin Sun:
Link prediction in social networks based on hypergraph. 41-42 - Ingmar Weber, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Erik Borra
Inferring audience partisanship for YouTube videos. 43-44 - Ning Zheng, Xiaoming Jin, Lianghao Li:
Cross-region collaborative filtering for new point-of-interest recommendation. 45-46 - Subhabrata Mukherjee, Gaurab Basu, Sachindra Joshi:
Incorporating author preference in sentiment rating prediction of reviews. 47-48 - Krishna Yeswanth Kamath, Ana-Maria Popescu, James Caverlee:
Board coherence in Pinterest: non-visual aspects of a visual site. 49-50 - Jisun An, Daniele Quercia, Jon Crowcroft:
Fragmented social media: a look into selective exposure to political news. 51-52 - Ben Priest, Kevin Gold:
Utility discounting explains informational website traffic patterns before a hurricane. 53-54 - Asmelash Teka Hadgu, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber:
Political hashtag hijacking in the U.S. 55-56 - Wei Feng, Jianyong Wang:
Learning to annotate tweets with crowd wisdom. 57-58 - Yanan Zhu, Nazli Goharian:
To follow or not to follow: a feature evaluation. 59-60 - Vidit Jain, Esther Galbrun:
Topical organization of user comments and application to content recommendation. 61-62 - Yasser Salem, Jun Hong:
History-aware critiquing-based conversational recommendation. 63-64 - Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Jiang Bian, Yi Chang
An effective general framework for localized content optimization. 65-66 - Zhi Yang, Jilong Xue, Han Xiao Zhao, Xiao Wang, Ben Y. Zhao, Yafei Dai:
Unfolding dynamics in a social network: co-evolution oflink formation and user interaction. 67-68 - Claudia Orellana-Rodriguez, Ernesto Diaz-Aviles, Wolfgang Nejdl
Mining emotions in short films: user comments or crowdsourcing? 69-70 - Mitesh M. Khapra, Salil Joshi, Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan, Karthik Visweswariah:
Offering language based services on social media by identifying user's preferred language(s) from romanized text. 71-72
Posters: bridging structured and unstructured data
- George Gkotsis, Karen Stepanyan, Alexandra I. Cristea
, Mike Joy:
Zero-cost labelling with web feeds for weblog data extraction. 73-74 - Jesus A. Rodriguez Perez, Yashar Moshfeghi, Joemon M. Jose:
On using inter-document relations in microblog retrieval. 75-76 - Besnik Fetahu, Bernardo Pereira Nunes
, Stefan Dietze:
Towards focused knowledge extraction: query-based extraction of structured summaries. 77-78 - Sihem Amer-Yahia, Francesco Bonchi, Carlos Castillo
, Esteban Feuerstein, Isabel Méndez-Díaz, Paula Zabala:
Complexity and algorithms for composite retrieval. 79-80 - Elizabeth L. Murnane, Bernhard Haslhofer, Carl Lagoze:
RESLVE: leveraging user interest to improve entity disambiguation on short text. 81-82 - Karen Stepanyan, George Gkotsis, Vangelis Banos, Alexandra I. Cristea
, Mike Joy:
A hybrid approach for spotting, disambiguating and annotating places in user-generated text. 83-84 - Sarath Kumar Kondreddi, Peter Triantafillou, Gerhard Weikum:
HIGGINS: knowledge acquisition meets the crowds. 85-86 - Bianca Pereira, Nitish Aggarwal, Paul Buitelaar:
AELA: an adaptive entity linking approach. 87-88
Posters: content analysis
- Matthew E. Peters, Dan Lecocq:
Content extraction using diverse feature sets. 89-90 - Giang Binh Tran, Mohammad Alrifai, Dat Quoc Nguyen
Predicting relevant news events for timeline summaries. 91-92 - Mrinmaya Sachan, Shashank Srivastava:
Collective matrix factorization for co-clustering. 93-94 - Liheng Xu, Kang Liu, Siwei Lai, Yubo Chen
, Jun Zhao:
Walk and learn: a two-stage approach for opinion words and opinion targets co-extraction. 95-96 - Rahul Venkataramani, Atul Gupta, Allahbaksh M. Asadullah, Basavaraju Muddu, Vasudev D. Bhat:
Discovery of technical expertise from open source code repositories. 97-98 - Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Ajita John, Dorée D. Seligmann:
Power dynamics in spoken interactions: a case study on 2012 republican primary debates. 99-100 - Jason J. Soo:
A non-learning approach to spelling correction in web queries. 101-102 - Yu Zhang, Weixiang Zhu:
Extracting implicit features in online customer reviews for opinion mining. 103-104 - Shenghua Liu, Wenjun Zhu, Ning Xu, Fangtao Li, Xueqi Cheng, Yue Liu, Yuanzhuo Wang:
Co-training and visualizing sentiment evolvement for tweet events. 105-106 - Kai Chen, Yi Zhou, Hongyuan Zha, Jianhua He, Pei Shen, Xiaokang Yang:
Cost-effective node monitoring for online hot eventdetection in sina weibo microblogging. 107-108 - Mrinmaya Sachan, Dirk Hovy
, Eduard H. Hovy:
Solving electrical networks to incorporate supervision in random walks. 109-110 - Peilei Liu, Jintao Tang, Ting Wang:
Information current in Twitter: which brings hot events to the world. 111-112
Posters: internet monetization and incentives
- Rouben Amirbekian, Ye Chen, Alan Lu, Tak W. Yan, Liangzhong Yin:
Traffic quality based pricing in paid search using two-stage regression. 113-114 - Joel Barajas, Ram Akella, Marius Holtan, Jaimie Kwon, Aaron Flores, Victor Andrei:
Dynamic evaluation of online display advertising with randomized experiments: an aggregated approach. 115-116 - Ilya Trofimov
New features for query dependent sponsored search click prediction. 117-118 - Wei Vivian Zhang, Ye Chen, Mitali Gupta, Swaraj Sett, Tak W. Yan:
Modeling click and relevance relationship for sponsored search. 119-120 - Alexey Ya. Chervonenkis, Anna N. Sorokina, Valery A. Topinsky:
Optimization of ads allocation in sponsored search. 121-122 - Dmitry Pechyony, Rosie Jones, Xiaojing Li:
A joint optimization of incrementality and revenue to satisfy both advertiser and publisher. 123-124 - Damir Vandic, Didier Nibbering, Flavius Frasincar:
A case-based analysis of the effect of offline media on online conversion actions. 125-126
Posters: search systems and applications
- Wei Zhang, Yunbo Cao, Chin-Yew Lin, Jian Su
, Chew Lim Tan:
An error driven approach to query segmentation. 127-128 - Maxim Zhukovskiy, Andrei Khropov, Gleb Gusev, Pavel Serdyukov:
Introducing search behavior into browsing based models of page's importance. 129-130 - Cristina Ioana Muntean
, Franco Maria Nardini, Fabrizio Silvestri, Marcin Sydow:
Learning to shorten query sessions. 131-132 - Jürgen Umbrich, Claudio Gutierrez
, Aidan Hogan, Marcel Karnstedt, Josiane Xavier Parreira
The ACE theorem for querying the web of data. 133-134 - Roi Blanco, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Fabrizio Silvestri:
Towards leveraging closed captions for news retrieval. 135-136 - Wensheng Wu, Tingting Zhong:
Searching the deep web using proactive phrase queries. 137-138 - Andrew Yates, Nazli Goharian, Ophir Frieder:
Graded relevance ranking for synonym discovery. 139-140 - Taku Kuribayashi, Yasuhito Asano, Masatoshi Yoshikawa:
Ranking method specialized for content descriptions of classical music. 141-142 - Dirk Ahlers:
Towards a development process for geospatial information retrieval and search. 143-144 - Yelena Mejova, Ilaria Bordino, Mounia Lalmas, Aristides Gionis:
Searching for interestingness in Wikipedia and Yahoo!: answers. 145-146 - Seung Eun Lee, Dongug Kim:
A click model for time-sensitive queries. 147-148 - Subhabrata Mukherjee, Ashish Verma, Kenneth Ward Church
Intent classification of voice queries on mobile devices. 149-150 - Alexander Kotov, Yu Wang, Eugene Agichtein:
Leveraging geographical metadata to improve search over social media. 151-152 - Rishiraj Saha Roy, Anusha Suresh, Niloy Ganguly, Monojit Choudhury:
Place value: word position shifts vital to search dynamics. 153-154
Posters: security, privacy, trust, and abuse
- Alex Morales, Huan Sun, Xifeng Yan:
Synthetic review spamming and defense. 155-156 - Jyothsna Rachapalli, Vaibhav Khadilkar, Murat Kantarcioglu, Bhavani Thuraisingham:
REDACT: a framework for sanitizing RDF data. 157-158 - Achint Thomas, Kunal Punera, Lyndon Kennedy, Belle L. Tseng, Yi Chang
Framework for evaluation of text captchas. 159-160 - Hyun-Kyo Oh, Jin-Woo Kim, Sang-Wook Kim, Kichun Lee:
A probability-based trust prediction model using trust-message passing. 161-162 - Zeqian Shen, Neel Sundaresan:
RepRank: reputation in a peer-to-peer online system. 163-164 - Amelie Gyrard, Christian Bonnet, Karima Boudaoud:
The STAC (security toolbox: attacks & countermeasures) ontology. 165-166
Posters: semantic web
- Tom De Nies, Sam Coppens, Erik Mannens, Rik Van de Walle:
Modeling uncertain provenance and provenance of uncertainty in W3C PROV. 167-168 - Padmashree Ravindra, Kemafor Anyanwu:
Scalable processing of flexible graph pattern queries on the cloud. 169-170 - Philipp Singer, Thomas Niebler
, Markus Strohmaier, Andreas Hotho:
Computing semantic relatedness from human navigational paths on Wikipedia. 171-172 - Xiaochen Zhang, Xiaoming Jin, Lianghao Li, Dou Shen:
Discovering multilingual concepts from unaligned web documents by exploring associated images. 173-174 - Sanghoon Lee, Jongwuk Lee, Seung-won Hwang:
Fria: fast and robust instance alignment. 175-176
Posters: social networks and graph analysis
- Peng Bao, Huawei Shen, Junming Huang, Xueqi Cheng:
Popularity prediction in microblogging network: a case study on sina weibo. 177-178 - Marco Bressan, Enoch Peserico, Luca Pretto:
The power of local information in PageRank. 179-180 - Cheng-Lun Yang, Perng-Hwa Kung, Chun-An Chen, Shou-De Lin:
Semantically sampling in heterogeneous social networks. 181-182 - Hosung Park, Sue B. Moon:
Sampling bias in user attribute estimation of OSNs. 183-184 - Dong Li, Zhiming Xu, Sheng Li, Xin Sun, Anika Gupta, Katia P. Sycara:
Link recommendation for promoting information diffusion in social networks. 185-186 - Qingliang Miao, Shu Zhang, Yao Meng, Hao Yu:
Domain-sensitive opinion leader mining from online review communities. 187-188 - Danish Contractor, Tanveer A. Faruquie:
Understanding election candidate approval ratings using social media data. 189-190 - Xin Liu
, Tsuyoshi Murata, Ken Wakita:
Extracting the multilevel communities based on network structural and nonstructural information. 191-192 - Yantao Jia, Yuanzhuo Wang, Jingyuan Li, Kai Feng, Xueqi Cheng, Jianchen Li:
Structural-interaction link prediction in microblogs. 193-194 - Jay Yoon Lee, U Kang, Danai Koutra, Christos Faloutsos:
Fast anomaly detection despite the duplicates. 195-196 - Ping-Han Soh, Yu-Chieh Lin, Ming-Syan Chen:
Recommendation for online social feeds by exploiting user response behavior. 197-198
Posters: user interfaces, human factors, and smart devices
- Simon de la Rouviere, Kobus Ehlers:
Lists as coping strategy for information overload on Twitter. 199-200 - Thomas Steiner, Christopher Chedeau:
To crop, or not to crop: compiling online media galleries. 201-202 - Nikita Spirin, Karrie Karahalios:
Unsupervised approach to generate informative structured snippets for job search engines. 203-204 - Lei Guo
, Jun Ma, Zhumin Chen:
Learning to recommend with multi-faceted trust in social networks. 205-206 - Jongin Lee, John Kim, KwanHong Lee:
Hidden view game: designing human computation games to update maps and street views. 207-208 - Vasileios Triglianos, Cesare Pautasso:
ASQ: interactive web presentations for hybrid MOOCs. 209-210
Posters: web engineering
- Yingzhong Xu, Songlin Hu
QMapper: a tool for SQL optimization on hive using query rewriting. 211-212 - Rebeca Schroeder, Raqueline R. M. Penteado, Carmem Satie Hara
Partitioning RDF exploiting workload information. 213-214 - Lina Yao, Quan Z. Sheng
Correlation discovery in web of things. 215-216 - Cesare Pautasso, Masiar Babazadeh
The atomic web browser. 217-218 - Pierre Genevès, Nabil Layaïda:
XML validation: looking backward - strongly typed and flexible XML processing are not incompatible. 219-220 - Ayush Dubey, Pradipta De, Kuntal Dey, Sumit Mittal, Vikas Agarwal, Malolan Chetlur, Sougata Mukherjea:
Co-operative content adaptation framework: satisfying consumer and content creator in resource constrained browsing. 221-222
Posters: web mining
- Guansong Pang
, Huidong Jin, Shengyi Jiang:
An effective class-centroid-based dimension reduction method for text classification. 223-224 - Arkaitz Zubiaga, Heng Ji:
Harnessing web page directories for large-scale classification of tweets. 225-226 - Youngki Park, Sungchan Park, Sang-goo Lee, Woosung Jung:
Scalable k-nearest neighbor graph construction based on greedy filtering. 227-228 - Jie Wu, Yi Liu, Ji-Rong Wen:
Numeric query ranking approach. 229-230 - Defu Lian
, Vincent Wenchen Zheng, Xing Xie
Collaborative filtering meets next check-in location prediction. 231-232 - Yu Jiang, Jing Liu, Xi Zhang, Zechao Li, Hanqing Lu:
TCRec: product recommendation via exploiting social-trust network and product category information. 233-234 - Takeshi Sakaki, Fujio Toriumi, Kousuke Shinoda, Kazuhiro Kazama, Satoshi Kurihara, Itsuki Noda, Yutaka Matsuo:
Regional analysis of user interactions on social media in times of disaster. 235-236 - Ricardo M. Marcacini, Marcos Aurélio Domingues, Solange Oliveira Rezende:
Improving consensus clustering of texts using interactive feature selection. 237-238
Big data & web applications demonstrations
- James Teng Kin Lo, Eric Wohlstadter, Ali Mesbah
Live migration of JavaScript web apps. 241-244 - Gabriel Le Breton, Fabien Maronnaud, Sylvain Hallé:
Automated exploration and analysis of ajax web applications with WebMole. 245-248 - Matthias Heinrich, Franz Lehmann, Franz Josef Grüneberger, Thomas Springer, Martin Gaedke
Analyzing the suitability of web applications for a single-user to multi-user transformation. 249-252 - Philipp Langhans, Christoph Wieser, François Bry:
Crowdsourcing MapReduce: JSMapReduce. 253-256 - Christoph Boden, Marcel Karnstedt, Miriam Fernández, Volker Markl:
Large-scale social-media analytics on stratosphere. 257-260 - HyeongSik Kim, Padmashree Ravindra, Kemafor Anyanwu:
Optimizing RDF(S) queries on cloud platforms. 261-264 - Marcio dos Santos Galli, Eduardo Pezutti Beletato Santos:
TagVisor: extending web pages with interaction events to support presentation in digital signage. 265-268 - Soudip Roy Chowdhury, Olexiy Chudnovskyy, Matthias Niederhausen, Stefan Pietschmann, Paul Sharples, Florian Daniel
, Martin Gaedke
Complementary assistance mechanisms for end user mashup composition. 269-272
Social media, crowdsourcing & services demonstrations
- Tiago Rodrigues, Prateek Dewan, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Raquel Cardoso de Melo Minardi, Virgílio A. F. Almeida:
uTrack: track yourself! monitoring information on online social media. 273-276 - Bifan Wei, Jun Liu, Jian Ma, Qinghua Zheng, Wei Zhang, Boqin Feng:
DFT-extractor: a system to extract domain-specific faceted taxonomies from wikipedia. 277-280 - Mihai Georgescu, Dang Duc Pham, Nattiya Kanhabua, Sergej Zerr
, Stefan Siersdorfer, Wolfgang Nejdl
Temporal summarization of event-related updates in wikipedia. 281-284 - Vuk Milicic, Giuseppe Rizzo, José Luis Redondo García, Raphaël Troncy, Thomas Steiner:
Live topic generation from event streams. 285-288 - Pramod Verma
Serefind: a social networking website for classifieds. 289-292 - Seth B. Cleveland, Byron J. Gao:
MASFA: mass-collaborative faceted search for online communities. 293-296 - Valter Crescenzi, Paolo Merialdo, Disheng Qiu:
ALFRED: crowd assisted data extraction. 297-300 - Roberto Yus, Eduardo Mena, Sergio Ilarri, Arantza Illarramendi
SHERLOCK: a system for location-based services in wireless environments using semantics. 301-304
Rich media, information extraction, & search demonstrations
- Mozhgan Tavakolifard, Jon Atle Gulla, Kevin C. Almeroth, Jon Espen Ingvaldsen, Gaute Nygreen, Erik Berg:
Tailored news in the palm of your hand: a multi-perspective transparent approach to news recommendation. 305-308 - Lyndon J. B. Nixon, Matthias Bauer, Cristian Bara:
Connected media experiences: web based interactive video using linked data. 309-312 - Álvaro R. Pereira Jr., Diego Dutra, Milton Stiilpen Junior, Alex Amorim Dutra, Felipe Martins Melo, Paulo H. C. Mendonça, Ângelo Magno de Jesus, Kledilson Ferreira:
Radialize: a tool for social listening experience on the web based on radio station programs. 313-316 - Steven C. H. Hoi, Dayong Wang, I. Yeu Cheng, Elmer Weijie Lin, Jianke Zhu, Ying He, Chunyan Miao:
FANS: face annotation by searching large-scale web facial images. 317-320 - Daniel Gomes, David Cruz, João Miranda, Miguel Costa, Simão Fontes:
Search the past with the portuguese web archive. 321-324 - Joanna Biega, Erdal Kuzey, Fabian M. Suchanek:
Inside YAGO2s: a transparent information extraction architecture. 325-328 - Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
, Lorenz Bühmann, Christina Unger, Jens Lehmann
, Daniel Gerber:
SPARQL2NL: verbalizing sparql queries. 329-332 - Yiyuan Bai, Chaokun Wang, Yuanchi Ning, Hanzhao Wu, Hao Wang:
G-path: flexible path pattern query on large graphs. 333-336
Doctoral consortium
- Edward Benson:
Mockup driven web development. 337-342 - Giang Binh Tran:
Structured summarization for news events. 343-348 - Teresa Bracamonte:
Multimedia information retrieval on the social web. 349-354 - Birhanu Eshete:
Effective analysis, characterization, and detection of malicious web pages. 355-360 - Fabian Flöck:
Identifying, understanding and detecting recurring, harmful behavior patterns in collaborative Wikipedia editing: doctoral proposal. 361-366 - Larissa A. de Freitas
, Renata Vieira:
Ontology based feature level opinion mining for portuguese reviews. 367-370 - Amelie Gyrard:
A machine-to-machine architecture to merge semantic sensor measurements. 371-376 - Mohammadreza Khelghati, Djoerd Hiemstra, Maurice van Keulen:
Deep web entity monitoring. 377-382 - Julia Kiseleva:
Context mining and integration into predictive web analytics. 383-388 - Jaeseok Myung:
A proximity-based fallback model for hybrid web recommender systems. 389-394 - Rishiraj Saha Roy:
Analyzing linguistic structure of web search queries. 395-400 - Pinar Yanardag Delul:
Understanding and analysing microblogs. 401-406
LILE'13 keynote talk
- Sweitze Roffel
Linking data in and outside a scientific publishing house. 411-412
LILE'13 session 1
- Farhana Sarker
, Thanassis Tiropanis, Hugh C. Davis:
Exploring student predictive model that relies on institutional databases and open data instead of traditional questionnaires. 413-418 - Davide Taibi, Besnik Fetahu, Stefan Dietze:
Towards integration of web data into a coherent educational data graph. 419-424 - Patrick Siehndel, Ricardo Kawase, Asmelash Teka Hadgu, Eelco Herder:
Finding relevant missing references in learning courses. 425-430
LILE'13 session 2
- Alexander Mikroyannidis
, John Domingue:
Interactive learning resources and linked data for online scientific experimentation. 431-434 - Danica Damljanovic, David Miller, Daniel O'Sullivan:
Learning from quizzes using intelligent learning companions. 435-438 - Kai Michael Höver, Max Mühlhäuser:
Linked data selectors. 439-444 - Ricardo Kawase, Marco Fisichella, Katja Niemann, Vassilis Pitsilis, Aristides Vidalis, Philipp Holtkamp, Bernardo Pereira Nunes
OpenScout: harvesting business and management learning objects from the web of data. 445-450
LIME'13 keynote talk
- Lyndon J. B. Nixon:
The importance of linked media to the future web: lime 2013 keynote talk - a proposal for the linked media research agenda. 455-456
LIME'13 technical presentations
- Robin Aly, Roeland Ordelman, Maria Eskevich, Gareth J. F. Jones, Shu Chen:
Linking inside a video collection: what and how to measure? 457-460 - Michiel Hildebrand, Lynda Hardman:
Using explicit discourse rules to guide video enrichment. 461-464 - Julien Leroy, François Rocca, Matei Mancas
, Bernard Gosselin:
Second screen interaction: an approach to infer tv watcher's interest using 3d head pose estimation. 465-468 - Yunjia Li, Giuseppe Rizzo, José Luis Redondo García, Raphaël Troncy, Mike Wald, Gary B. Wills:
Enriching media fragments with named entities for video classification. 469-476
LIME'13 demonstrations
- Lionel Médini, Florian Bâcle, Hoang Duy Tan Nguyen:
DataConf: enriching conference publications with a mobile mashup application. 477-478 - Philipp Oehme, Michael Krug, Fabian Wiedemann, Martin Gaedke
The chrooma+ approach to enrich video content using HTML5. 479-480 - Johan Oomen, Vassilis Tzouvaras
, Kati Hyyppä:
Linking and visualizing television heritage: the EUscreen virtual exhibitions and the linked open data pilot. 481-484
LSNA'13 keynote talks
- Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Diego Sáez-Trumper:
Online social networks: beyond popularity. 489-490 - Anirban Dasgupta:
Aggregating information from the crowd and the network. 491-492 - Rogério de Paula:
The social meanings of social networks: integrating SNA and ethnography of social networking. 493-494 - Michalis Faloutsos:
Detecting malware with graph-based methods: traffic classification, botnets, and facebook scams. 495-496 - Ido Guy:
Mining and analyzing the enterprise knowledge graph. 497-498 - Johan Ugander:
Scaling graph computations at facebook. 499-500
LSNA'13 technical presentations
- Nguyen Thien Bao, Toyotaro Suzumura:
Towards highly scalable pregel-based graph processing platform with x10. 501-508 - Miyuru Dayarathna, Toyotaro Suzumura:
A first view of exedra: a domain-specific language for large graph analytics workflows. 509-516 - Santiago Augusto Nunes, Luciana A. S. Romani, Ana Maria Heuminski de Ávila, Priscila P. Coltri, Caetano Traina Jr., Robson Leonardo Ferreira Cordeiro
, Elaine P. M. de Sousa, Agma J. M. Traina:
Analysis of large scale climate data: how well climate change models and data from real sensor networks agree? 517-526 - Lovro Subelj, Marko Bajec:
Model of complex networks based on citation dynamics. 527-530 - Masaru Watanabe, Toyotaro Suzumura:
How social network is evolving?: a preliminary study on billion-scale twitter network. 531-534
MABSDA'13 technical presentations
- Bebo White:
The web as a laboratory. 539-540 - Shohei Ohsawa, Yutaka Matsuo:
Like prediction: modeling like counts by bridging facebook pages with linked data. 541-548 - Yoonsung Hong, Haewoon Kwak
, Youngmin Baek, Sue B. Moon:
Tower of babel: a crowdsourcing game building sentiment lexicons for resource-scarce languages. 549-556 - Stefan Gindl, Albert Weichselbraun, Arno Scharl:
Rule-based opinion target and aspect extraction to acquire affective knowledge. 557-564 - Dheeraj Rajagopal, Erik Cambria
, Daniel Olsher, Kenneth Kwok:
A graph-based approach to commonsense concept extraction and semantic similarity detection. 565-570 - Arturo Montejo-Ráez, Manuel Carlos Díaz-Galiano, José Manuel Perea Ortega, Luis Alfonso Ureña López:
Spanish knowledge base generation for polarity classification from masses. 571-578 - Farag Saad, Brigitte Mathiak:
Revised mutual information approach for german text sentiment classification. 579-586
MSM'13 keynote talk
- Daniele Quercia
Urban: crowdsourcing for the good of London. 591-592
MSM'13 machine learning & statistical analysis
- Fréderic Godin, Viktor Slavkovikj, Wesley De Neve, Benjamin Schrauwen, Rik Van de Walle:
Using topic models for Twitter hashtag recommendation. 593-596 - Diego Marinho de Oliveira, Alberto H. F. Laender, Adriano Veloso, Altigran Soares da Silva:
FS-NER: a lightweight filter-stream approach to named entity recognition on twitter data. 597-604
MSM'13 trend & topic detection in microposts
- Victoria S. Uren, Aba-Sah Dadzie:
Nerding out on twitter: fun, patriotism and #curiosity. 605-612 - Ruchi Parikh, Kamalakar Karlapalem:
ET: events from tweets. 613-620
MSM'13 filtering & cassification of microposts
- Lisa Posch, Claudia Wagner, Philipp Singer, Markus Strohmaier:
Meaning as collective use: predicting semantic hashtag categories on twitter. 621-628 - Bernd Hollerit, Mark Kröll
, Markus Strohmaier:
Towards linking buyers and sellers: detecting commercial Intent on twitter. 629-632
MSM'13 posters & demonstrations
- Ryadh Dahimene, Cédric du Mouza:
MicroFilter: real time filtering of microblogging content. 633-634 - Aline A. Vanin, Larissa A. de Freitas, Renata Vieira, Marco N. Bochernitsan:
Some clues on irony detection in tweets. 635-636
MSND'13 technical presentations
- Anupama Aggarwal, Jussara M. Almeida, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru:
Detection of spam tipping behaviour on foursquare. 641-648 - Bruno Leite Alves, Fabrício Benevenuto, Alberto H. F. Laender:
The role of research leaders on the evolution of scientific communities. 649-656 - Maximilian Jenders, Gjergji Kasneci
, Felix Naumann:
Analyzing and predicting viral tweets. 657-664 - Jeongin Ju, Hosung Park, Sue B. Moon:
Resolving homonymy with correlation clustering in scholarly digital libraries. 665-672 - Srikar Velichety, Sudha Ram:
Examining lists on Twitter to uncover relationships between following, membership and subscription. 673-676
PHDA'13 technical presentations
- Allisson Dantas Oliveira
, Giordano Cabral, Daniel López, Caetano Firmo, Francesc Zarzuela Serrat, Jones Oliveira de Albuquerque:
A proposal for automatic diagnosis of malaria: extended abstract. 681-682 - Stephanie Brien, Nona Naderi, Arash Shaban-Nejad, Luke Mondor, Doerthe Kroemker, David L. Buckeridge:
Vaccine attitude surveillance using semantic analysis: constructing a semantically annotated corpus. 683-686 - Patty Kostkova
A roadmap to integrated digital public health surveillance: the vision and the challenges. 687-694 - Michael A. Johansson, Oktawia Wojcik, Rumi Chunara, Mark Smolinski, John S. Brownstein:
Participatory disease surveillance in Latin America. 695-696 - Natalia Barbara Mantilla-Beniers, Rocio Rodríguez-Ramírez, Christopher R. Stephens:
Crowdsourced risk factors of influenza-like-illness in Mexico. 697-698 - Todd J. Bodnar, Marcel Salathé:
Validating models for disease detection using twitter. 699-702 - Erik Van der Goot, Hristo Tanev, Jens P. Linge
Combining twitter and media reports on public health events in medisys. 703-718
PSOM'13 technical presentations
- Yuan Cheng
, Jaehong Park, Ravi S. Sandhu:
Preserving user privacy from third-party applications in online social networks. 723-728 - Aditi Gupta, Hemank Lamba, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Anupam Joshi:
Faking Sandy: characterizing and identifying fake images on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy. 729-736 - Tzipora Halevi, James Lewis, Nasir D. Memon
A pilot study of cyber security and privacy related behavior and personality traits. 737-744 - Lilian Edwards, Andrea M. Matwyshyn:
Twitter (R)evolution: privacy, free speech and disclosure. 745-750 - Tarun Parwani, Ramin Kholoussi, Panagiotis Karras:
How to hack into Facebook without being a hacker. 751-754 - Blase Ur, Yang Wang:
A cross-cultural framework for protecting user privacy in online social media. 755-762 - Yang Wang, Pedro Giovanni Leon, Kevin Scott, Xiaoxuan Chen, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Faith Cranor:
Privacy nudges for social media: an exploratory Facebook study. 763-770
RAMSS'13 keynote talks
- Ramesh R. Sarukkai:
Real-time user modeling and prediction: examples from youtube. 775-776 - Gianmarco De Francisci Morales:
SAMOA: a platform for mining big data streams. 777-778
RAMSS'13 session 1
- Ernesto Diaz-Aviles, Wolfgang Nejdl
, Lucas Drumond, Lars Schmidt-Thieme:
Towards real-time collaborative filtering for big fast data. 779-780 - Lumin Zhang, Yan Jia, Bin Zhou, Yi Han:
Detecting real-time burst topics in microblog streams: how sentiment can help. 781-782 - Dhekar Abhik, Durga Toshniwal:
Sub-event detection during natural hazards using features of social media data. 783-788
RAMSS'13 session 2
- Raphaël Troncy, Vuk Milicic, Giuseppe Rizzo, José Luis Redondo García:
MediaFinder: collect, enrich and visualize media memes shared by the crowd. 789-790 - Thomas Steiner
, Seth van Hooland, Ed Summers:
MJ no more: using concurrent wikipedia edit spikes with social network plausibility checks for breaking news detection. 791-794 - Dmitrijs Milajevs, Gosse Bouma:
Real time discussion retrieval from twitter. 795-800
SIMPLEX'13 technical session 1
- Fabricio Murai
, Bruno F. Ribeiro, Donald F. Towsley
, Krista Gile:
Characterizing branching processes from sampled data. 805-812 - Stefano Ferretti:
Resilience of dynamic overlays through local interactions. 813-820 - Abraão Guimarães, Alex Borges Vieira, Ana Paula Couto da Silva, Artur Ziviani:
Fast centrality-driven diffusion in dynamic networks. 821-828 - Abedelaziz Mohaisen
, Omar Alrawi:
Unveiling Zeus: automated classification of malware samples. 829-832
SIMPLEX'13 technical session 2
- Michele A. Brandão, Mirella M. Moro
, Giseli Rabello Lopes, José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira:
Using link semantics to recommend collaborations in academic social networks. 833-840 - Krishna P. Gummadi
Addressing the privacy management crisis in online social networks. 841-842
SNOW'13 opening
- Steve Schifferes:
Social media, journalism and the public. 847-848 - Kanak Biscuitwala, Willem Bult, Mathias Lécuyer, T. J. Purtell, Madeline K. B. Ross, Augustin Chaintreau, Chris Haseman, Monica S. Lam, Susan E. McGregor:
Weaving a safe web of news. 849-852
SNOW'13 breaking the news
- Carlos Castillo:
Traffic prediction and discovery of news via news crowds. 853-854 - Matthias Gallé, Jean-Michel Renders, Eric Karstens:
Who broke the news?: an analysis on first reports of news events. 855-862
SNOW'13 social news
- Janette Lehmann, Carlos Castillo
, Mounia Lalmas, Ethan Zuckerman:
Finding news curators in twitter. 863-870 - Tom De Nies, Gerald Haesendonck, Fréderic Godin, Wesley De Neve, Erik Mannens, Rik Van de Walle:
Towards automatic assessment of the social media impact of news content. 871-874 - Steve Schifferes, Nic Newman:
Verifying news on the social web: challenges and prospects. 875-878 - Arkaitz Zubiaga:
Newspaper editors vs the crowd: on the appropriateness of front page news selection. 879-880
SOCM'13 technical presentations
- Vanilson Arruda Burégio, Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira, Nelson Souto Rosa:
Social machines: a unified paradigm to describe social web-oriented systems. 885-890 - Maire Byrne Evans, Kieron O'Hara, Thanassis Tiropanis, Craig Webber:
Crime applications and social machines: crowdsourcing sensitive data. 891-896 - Ben Dalton:
Pseudonymity in social machines. 897-900 - David De Roure
, Clare Hooper, Megan Meredith-Lobay
, Kevin R. Page
, Ségolène M. Tarte
, Don Cruickshank, Catherine De Roure:
Observing social machines part 1: what to observe? 901-904 - Nigel R. Shadbolt, Daniel A. Smith, Elena Simperl
, Max Van Kleek, Yang Yang, Wendy Hall:
Towards a classification framework for social machines. 905-912 - Priyanka Singh, Nigel Shadbolt:
Linked data in crowdsourcing purposive social network. 913-918 - Markus Strohmaier:
A few thoughts on engineering social machines: extended abstract. 919-920 - Ramine Tinati, Leslie Carr, Susan Halford, Catherine Pope:
The HTP model: understanding the development of social machines. 921-926 - Max Van Kleek, Daniel A. Smith, Wendy Hall, Nigel Shadbolt:
"the crowd keeps me in shape": social psychology and the present and future of health social machines. 927-932
SRS'13 keynote talks
- Jure Leskovec:
How status and reputation shape human evaluations: consequences for recommender systems. 937-938 - Mitul Tiwari:
Large-scale social recommender systems: challenges and opportunities. 939-940
SRS'13 technical presentations
- Giuliano Arru, Davide Feltoni Gurini, Fabio Gasparetti, Alessandro Micarelli, Giuseppe Sansonetti:
Signal-based user recommendation on twitter. 941-944 - Lucas Augusto M. C. Carvalho, Hendrik T. Macedo:
Generation of coalition structures to provide proper groups' formation in group recommender systems. 945-950 - Lucas Augusto Montalvão Costa Carvalho, Hendrik Teixeira Macedo:
Users' satisfaction in recommendation systems for groups: an approach based on noncooperative games. 951-958 - Sara Cohen
, Lior Ebel:
Recommending collaborators using keywords. 959-962 - Yao Lu, Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet:
A recommender system for job seeking and recruiting website. 963-966 - Danilo Menezes, Anísio Lacerda, Leila Silva, Adriano Veloso, Nivio Ziviani:
Weighted slope one predictors revisited. 967-972 - Maximilien Servajean, Esther Pacitti, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Pascal Neveu:
Profile diversity in search and recommendation. 973-980 - Mozhgan Tavakolifard, Kevin C. Almeroth, Jon Atle Gulla:
Does social contact matter?: modelling the hidden web of trust underlying twitter. 981-988 - Jun Zhang, Chun-yuen Teng, Yan Qu:
Understanding user spatial behaviors for location-based recommendations. 989-992
SWDM'13 keynote
- Ramesh C. Jain:
Disasters response using social life networks. 997-998
SWDM'13 twitter in action
- Bella Robinson, Robert Power, Mark A. Cameron:
A sensitive Twitter earthquake detector. 999-1002 - Yuan Liang, James Caverlee, John Mander:
Text vs. images: on the viability of social media to assess earthquake damage. 1003-1006 - Robert Power, Bella Robinson, Catherine Wise:
Comparing web feeds and tweets for emergency management. 1007-1010
SWDM'13 keynote 2
- David Stevens:
Leveraging on social media to support the global building resilient cities campaign. 1011-1012
SWDM'13 insights from social web
- Yohei Ikawa, Maja Vukovic, Jakob Rogstadius, Akiko Murakami:
Location-based insights from the social web. 1013-1016 - John Lingad, Sarvnaz Karimi
, Jie Yin:
Location extraction from disaster-related microblogs. 1017-1020 - Muhammad Imran, Shady Elbassuoni, Carlos Castillo
, Fernando Diaz
, Patrick Meier:
Practical extraction of disaster-relevant information from social media. 1021-1024 - Fujio Toriumi, Takeshi Sakaki, Kousuke Shinoda, Kazuhiro Kazama, Satoshi Kurihara, Itsuki Noda:
Information sharing on Twitter during the 2011 catastrophic earthquake. 1025-1028 - Abdulfatai Popoola, Dmytro Krasnoshtan, Attila-Péter Tóth, Victor Naroditskiy, Carlos Castillo
, Patrick Meier, Iyad Rahwan:
Information verification during natural disasters. 1029-1032
TEMPWEB'13 preface and keynote talk
- Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Julien Masanès, Marc Spaniol:
Preface for the TempWeb '13 Workshop. 1033 - Omar Alonso, Kyle Shiells:
Timelines as summaries of popular scheduled events. 1037-1044
TEMPWEB'13 web archiving
- Miguel Costa, Daniel Gomes, Francisco M. Couto, Mário J. Silva:
A survey of web archive search architectures. 1045-1050 - Ahmed Alsum, Michael L. Nelson, Robert Sanderson, Herbert Van de Sompel:
Archival HTTP redirection retrieval policies. 1051-1058 - Daniel Gomes, Miguel Costa, David Cruz, João Miranda, Simão Fontes:
Creating a billion-scale searchable web archive. 1059-1066
TEMPWEB'13 identifying and leveraging time information
- Julia Kiseleva, Hoang Thanh Lam, Mykola Pechenizkiy
, Toon Calders:
Discovering temporal hidden contexts in web sessions for user trail prediction. 1067-1074 - Hany SalahEldeen, Michael L. Nelson:
Carbon dating the web: estimating the age of web resources. 1075-1082 - Omar Alonso:
Stuff happens continuously: exploring web contents with temporal information. 1083-1084
TEMPWEB'13 studies and experience sharing
- Lucas C. O. Miranda, Rodrygo L. T. Santos, Alberto H. F. Laender:
Characterizing video access patterns in mainstream media portals. 1085-1092 - L. Elisa Celis, Koustuv Dasgupta, Vaibhav Rajan
Adaptive crowdsourcing for temporal crowds. 1093-1100 - Hideo Joho, Adam Jatowt
, Roi Blanco:
A survey of temporal web search experience. 1101-1108
WEBQUALITY'13 keynote talk
- Ricardo Baeza-Yates:
Measuring web quality. 1113-1114
WEBQUALITY'13 web content quality session
- Xin Liu, Radoslaw Nielek, Adam Wierzbicki, Karl Aberer:
Defending imitating attacks in web credibility evaluation systems. 1115-1122 - Jarutas Pattanaphanchai, Kieron O'Hara, Wendy Hall:
Trustworthiness criteria for supporting users to assess the credibility of web information. 1123-1130 - Michal Kakol, Michal Jankowski-Lorek, Katarzyna Abramczuk, Adam Wierzbicki, Michele Catasta:
On the subjectivity and bias of web content credibility evaluations. 1131-1136
WEBQUALITY'13 industry experience session
- Sergey Pevtsov, Sergey Volkov:
Russian web spam evolution: yandex experience. 1137-1140 - Andrei Venzhega, Polina Zhinalieva, Nikolay Suboch:
Graph-based malware distributors detection. 1141-1144 - Alexander Shishkin, Polina Zhinalieva, Kirill Nikolaev:
Quality-biased ranking for queries with commercial intent. 1145-1148
WEBQUALITY'13 web spam detection session
- András Garzó, Bálint Daróczy, Tamás Kiss, Dávid Siklósi, András A. Benczúr:
Cross-lingual web spam classification. 1149-1156 - Yoshihiko Suhara, Hiroyuki Toda, Shuichi Nishioka, Seiji Susaki:
Automatically generated spam detection based on sentence-level topic information. 1157-1160
WI&C'13 keynote talk
- Virgílio A. F. Almeida:
Exploring very large data sets from online social networks. 1165-1166
WI&C'13 session 1
- Suhas Aggarwal:
Animated CAPTCHAs and games for advertising. 1167-1174 - Jonathan Bell, Swapneel Sheth, Gail E. Kaiser:
A large-scale, longitudinal study of user profiles in world of warcraft. 1175-1184 - Nataliia Pobiedina, Julia Neidhardt, María del Carmen Calatrava Moreno, Hannes Werthner:
Ranking factors of team success. 1185-1194
WI&C'13 session 2
- Saulo D. de S. Pedro, Ana Paula Appel, Estevam R. Hruschka Jr.
Autonomously reviewing and validating the knowledge base of a never-ending learning system. 1195-1204 - Juwel Rana, Sarwar Morshed, Kåre Synnes:
End-user creation of social apps by utilizing web-based social components and visual app composition. 1205-1214 - Mohamed Nader Jelassi, Sadok Ben Yahia
, Engelbert Mephu Nguifo:
A personalized recommender system based on users' information in folksonomies. 1215-1224
WOLE'13 keynote talk
- Peter Mika:
Entity search on the web. 1231-1232
WOLE'13 technical presentations
- Neil Anderson, Jun Hong:
Visually extracting data records from the deep web. 1233-1238 - Michel Gagnon, Amal Zouaq, Ludovic Jean-Louis:
Can we use linked data semantic annotators for the extraction of domain-relevant expressions? 1239-1246 - Neel Guha, Matt Wytock:
Course-specific search engines: semi-automated methods for identifying high quality topic-specific corpora. 1247-1252 - Bernhard Haslhofer, Flávio Martins, João Magalhães:
Using SKOS vocabularies for improving web search. 1253-1258 - Paridhi Jain, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Anupam Joshi:
@i seek 'fb.me': identifying users across multiple online social networks. 1259-1268 - Matthias Keller, Patrick Mühlschlegel, Hannes Hartenstein:
Search result presentation: supporting post-search navigation by integration of taxonomy data. 1269-1274 - Elizabeth L. Murnane, Bernhard Haslhofer, Carl Lagoze:
RESLVE: leveraging user interest to improve entity disambiguation on short text. 1275-1284 - Salvatore Orlando, Francesco Pizzolon, Gabriele Tolomei:
SEED: a framework for extracting social events from press news. 1285-1294 - Vincent Simonet:
Classifying YouTube channels: a practical system. 1295-1304
WOW'13 technical presentations
- Paul Booth, Paul Gaskell, Chris Hughes:
The economics of data: quality, value & exchange in web observatories. 1309-1316 - Ian C. Brown, Wendy Hall, Lisa J. Harris:
From search to observation. 1317-1320 - Ernesto Diaz-Aviles:
Living analytics methods for the web observatory. 1321-1324 - Marie Joan Kristine Gloria, Deborah L. McGuinness, Joanne S. Luciano, Qingpeng Zhang:
Exploration in web science: instruments for web observatories. 1325-1328 - Ramesh C. Jain, Laleh Jalali, Mingming Fan
From health-persona to societal health. 1329-1334 - Nattiya Kanhabua, Wolfgang Nejdl
Understanding the diversity of tweets in the time of outbreaks. 1335-1342 - Jérôme Kunegis:
KONECT: the Koblenz network collection. 1343-1350 - Karissa McKelvey, Filippo Menczer:
Design and prototyping of a social media observatory. 1351-1358 - Siripen Pongpaichet, Vivek K. Singh, Mingyan Gao, Ramesh C. Jain:
EventShop: recognizing situations in web data streams. 1359-1368 - A. Patrice Seyed, Timothy Lebo, Evan W. Patton, Jamie P. McCusker, Deborah L. McGuinness:
SemantEco: a next-generation web observatory. 1369-1372 - Ramine Tinati, Thanassis Tiropanis, Leslie Carr:
An approach for using Wikipedia to measure the flow of trends across countries. 1373-1378 - Ionut Trestian, Chunjing Xiao
, Aleksandar Kuzmanovic:
A glance at an overlooked part of the world wide web. 1379-1386
WS-REST'13 technical presentations
- Markus Gulden, Stefan Kugele:
A concept for generating simplified RESTful interfaces. 1391-1398 - Ruben Verborgh, Michael Hausenblas, Thomas Steiner, Erik Mannens, Rik Van de Walle:
Distributed affordance: an open-world assumption for hypermedia. 1399-1406 - Luca Panziera, Flavio De Paoli
A framework for self-descriptive RESTful services. 1407-1414 - Markus Lanthaler, Christian Gütl:
Model your application domain, not your JSON structures. 1415-1420

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