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AT&T Technical Journal, Volume 64
Volume 64, Number 1, January 1985
- Costas Courcoubetis, Pravin Varaiya:
Optimal resource allocation for two processes. 1-14 - Douglas P. Holcomb, James C. North:
An infant mortality and long-term failure rate model for electronic equipment. 15-31 - David L. Jagerman:
Waiting time convexity in the M/G/1 queue. 33-41 - Christodoulos Chamzas:
Accumulation of jitter: A stochastic model. 43-76 - Irwin W. Sandberg:
Nonlocal input-output expansions. 77-90 - Jean-Jacques Werner:
Effects of channel impairments on the performance of an in-band data-driven echo canceler. 91-113 - John M. Cioffi, Jean-Jacques Werner:
Effects of biases on digitally implemented data-driven echo cancelers. 115-138 - Alec Feiner, Ernesto J. Rodriguez, C. Dennis Weiss:
System 75: Introduction and overview. 145-151 - Laurence A. Baxter, Paul R. Berkowitz, Clair A. Buzzard, J. J. Horenkamp, F. E. Wyatt:
System 75: Communications and control architecture. 153-173 - Albert S. Loverde, Howard D. Frisch, Charles R. Lindemulder, Donn Baker:
System 75: Physical architecture and design. 175-195 - Wayne Densmore, Ray J. Jakubek, Michael J. Miracle, John H. Sun:
System 75: Switch services software. 197-212 - Harold K. Woodland, Gerald A. Reisner, Anna S. Melamed:
System 75: System management. 213-228 - K. S. Lu, J. D. Price, T. L. Smith:
System 75: Maintenance architecture. 229-249 - Gary R. Sager, John A. Melber, Kenneth T. Fong:
System 75: The Oryx/Pecos operating system. 251-268 - T. Scott Kennedy, David A. Pezzutti, Tse Lin Wang:
System 75: Project development environment. 269-285 - Thomas J. Pedersen, Joseph E. Ritacco, Jamie A. Santillo:
System 75: Software development tools. 287-304 - Carole J. Lake, James J. Shanley, Steven M. Silverstein:
System 75: GAMUT: A message utility system for automatic testing. 305-320 - Michael A. McFarland, John A. Miller:
System 75: Introduction activities and results. 321-332
Volume 64, Number 2, February 1985
- Arun N. Netravali, Jack Salz:
Algorithms for estimation of three-dimensional motion. 335-346 - Mehdi Hatamian, Edward G. Bowen:
Homenet: A broadband voice/data/video network on CATV systems. 347-367 - Bharat T. Doshi, Kiran M. Rege:
Analysis of a multistage queue. 369-390 - Biing-Hwang Juang, Lawrence R. Rabiner:
A probabilistic distance measure for hidden Markov models. 391-408 - Bhaskar Sengupta, David L. Jagerman:
A conditional response time of the M/M/1 processor-sharing queue. 409-421 - Jay G. Wilpon:
A study on the ability to automatically recognize telephone-quality speech from large customer populations. 423-451 - Gerard J. Foschini:
Unintrusive communication of status in a packet network in heavy traffic. 463-479 - M. Douglas McIlroy:
A note on discrete representation of lines. 481-490 - Bezalel Gavish:
Models for configuring large-scale distributed computing systems. 491-532 - Leon S. Levy, H. Theodore Stump:
Inverted decision tables and their application: Automating the translation of specifications to programs. 533-558 - Robert P. Kurshan:
Proposed specification of BX.25 link layer protocol. 559-596 - Albert A. Fredericks, Brian L. Farrell, Darlene F. DeMaio:
Approximate analysis of a generalized clocked schedule. 597-615 - Martin H. Ackroyd:
Numerical computation of delays in clocked schedules. 617-631 - Bharat T. Doshi:
Analysis of clocked schedules - High-priority tasks. 633-660
Volume 64, Number 3, March 1985
- Robert L. Easton, Robert L. Hartman, Franklin R. Nash:
Introduction. 661-669 - Franklin R. Nash, William B. Joyce, Robert L. Hartman, E. I. Gordon, Richard W. Dixon:
Selection of a laser reliability assurance strategy for a long-life application. 671-715 - William B. Joyce, K.-Y. Liou, Franklin R. Nash, Peter R. Bossard, Robert L. Hartman:
Methodology of accelerated aging. 717-764 - A. Ross Eckler:
A statistical approach to laser certification. 765-770 - Basil W. Hakki, Phillip E. Fraley, Thomas F. Eltringham:
1.3-µm Laser reliability determination for submarine cable systems. 771-807 - Franklin R. Nash, W. J. Sundburg, Robert L. Hartman, J. R. Pawlik, D. A. Ackerman, Niloy K. Dutta, Richard W. Dixon:
Implementation of the proposed reliability assurance strategy for an InGaAsp/InP, planar mesa, buried heterostructure laser operating at 1.3 µm for use in a submarine cable. 809-860 - Robert H. Saul, Fong S. Chen, Paul W. Shumate Jr.:
Reliability of InGaAs photodiodes for SL applications. 861-882
Volume 64, Number 4, April 1985
- Yu Shuan Yeh, Larry J. Greenstein:
A new approach to space diversity combining in microwave digital radio. 885-905 - Larry J. Greenstein, Yu Shuan Yeh:
A simulation study of space diversity and adaptive equalization in microwave digital radio. 907-935 - Michael K. Brown:
A controlled impedance robot gripper. 937-969 - Tek-Che Chu, Harish C. Chandan:
Determination of fiber proof-test stress for undersea lightguide cable. 971-982 - James L. Flanagan:
Beamwidth and useable bandwidth of delay-steered microphone arrays. 983-995
Volume 64, Number 5, May - June 1985
- A. Robert Calderbank, Neil J. A. Sloane:
Four-dimensional modulation with an eight-state trellis code. 1005-1018 - Ralph A. Semplak:
100-GHz measurements of two astigmatic launchers. 1019-1031 - Stephen C. Glinski:
On the use of vector quantization for connected-digit recognition. 1033-1045 - A. F. Bergh, Frank K. Soong, Lawrence R. Rabiner:
Incorporation of temporal structure into a vector-quantization-based preprocessor for speaker-independent, isolated-word recognition. 1047-1063 - Mehdi Hatamian, Earl F. Brown:
A new light pen with subpixel accuracy. 1065-1075 - Kiran M. Rege, Bhaskar Sengupta:
Sojourn time distribution in a multiprogrammed computer system. 1077-1090 - Steve W. Fuhrmann, Robert B. Cooper:
Application of decomposition principle in M/G/1 vacation model to two continuum cyclic queueing models - Especially token-ring LANs. 1091-1099 - Joseph H. Saunders:
Place 2.0 - An interactive program for PLL analysis and design. 1101-1133
Volume 64, Number 6, July - August 1985
- Jack Salz:
Digital transmission over cross-coupled linear channels. 1147-1159 - David Hertz, Robert P. Kurshan, David Malah
, John T. Peoples:
Tone location by cyclotomic filters. 1161-1180 - Mohsen Kavehrad:
Performance of nondiversity receivers for spread spectrum in indoor wireless communications. 1181-1210 - Lawrence R. Rabiner, Biing-Hwang Juang, Stephen E. Levinson, M. Mohan Sondhi:
Recognition of isolated digits using hidden Markov models with continuous mixture densities. 1211-1234 - Biing-Hwang Juang:
Maximum-likelihood estimation for mixture multivariate stochastic observations of Markov chains. 1235-1249 - Lawrence R. Rabiner, Biing-Hwang Juang, Stephen E. Levinson, M. Mohan Sondhi:
Some properties of continuous hidden Markov model representations. 1251-1270 - Raymond Steele, Frank Benjamin:
Variable-length packetization of µ-law PCM speech. 1271-1292 - Karl E. Martersteck, Albert E. Spencer:
The 5ESS switching system: Introduction. 1305-1314 - William J. Byrne, Gerard P. O'Reilly:
The 5ESS switching system: Applications planning. 1315-1337 - D. L. Carney, J. I. Cochrane, Lawrence J. Gitten, Edward M. Prell, Robert Staehler:
The 5ESS switching system: Architectural overview. 1339-1356 - John P. Delatore, Rudolph J. Frank, Hans Oehring, L. C. Stecher:
The 5ESS switching system: Operational software. 1357-1384 - George Haugk, Frederick M. Lax, Robert D. Royer, John R. Williams:
The 5ESS switching system: Maintenance capabilities. 1385-1416 - John C. Borum, John Janik, Robert F. Metz, Jesse Russell, D. Paul Smith, Eugene J. Theriot:
The 5ESS switching system: Hardware design. 1417-1437 - Frank N. Graff, Charles E. Jeschke, Charles R. Komp, Ben E. Nevis, David W. Zdan:
The 5ESS switching system: Physical design/hardware. 1439-1483 - Ronald G. Basinger, John A. Herndon, Baylen Kaskey, Judith A. Lindner, J. Michael Milner:
The 5ESS switching system: System development environment. 1485-1502 - Helen A. Bauer, Lance M. Croxall, Edward A. Davis:
The 5ESS switching system: System test, first-office application, and early field experience. 1503-1522 - Phillip T. Fuhrer, Lawrence J. Gitten, Bernarr A. Newman, Bernard E. Snyder:
The 5ESS switching system: Operations, administration, and maintenance capabilities. 1523-1536 - John P. Delatore, Monte P. Tull, D. Van Haften:
The 5ESS switching system: Factory system testing. 1537-1558
Volume 64, Number 7, September 1985
- Terrence A. Lenahan:
Thermal buckling of dual-coated fiber. 1565-1584 - Richard H. Clarke:
Analysis of laser beam propagation in a turbulent atmosphere. 1585-1600 - Joseph Shapira:
Simple analytical representation of antenna spatial radiation patterns with application to the pyramidal horn-reflector antenna. 1601-1624 - Mohsen Kavehrad:
Convolutional coding for high-speed microwave radio communications. 1625-1637 - Irwin W. Sandberg:
Criteria for the global existence of functional expansions for input/output maps. 1639-1658 - Nicholas F. Maxemchuk:
Regular mesh topologies in local and metropolitan area networks. 1659-1685 - Benjamin F. Logan:
Bandwidth-error exchange for a simple fading channel model. 1687-1704 - John G. Klincewicz
A large-scale distribution and location model. 1705-1730 - Kiran M. Rege, Bhaskar Sengupta:
A priority-based admission scheme for a multiclass queueing system. 1731-1753 - David L. Jagerman:
Laplace transform inequalities with application to queueing. 1755-1764
Volume 64, Number 8, October 1985
- Irwin W. Sandberg, Jont B. Allen:
Almost-periodic response determination for models of the basilar membrane. 1775-1786 - John G. Ackenhusen, Young-Hwan Oh:
Single-chip implementation of feature measurement for LPC-based speech recognition. 1787-1805 - Ward Whitt:
Blocking when service is required from several facilities simultaneously. 1807-1856 - Niloy K. Dutta, Randall B. Wilson, Daniel P. Wilt, P. Besomi, Robert L. Brown, Ronald J. Nelson, Richard W. Dixon:
Performance comparison of InGaAsP lasers emitting at 1.3 and 1.55 µm for lightwave system applications. 1857-1884 - Gerard J. Foschini:
Equalizing without altering or detecting data. 1885-1911 - Mohsen Kavehrad:
Baseband cross-polarization interference cancellation for M-quadrature amplitude-modulated signals over multipath fading radio channels. 1913-1926 - Mohsen Kavehrad, Peter J. McLane:
Performance of low-complexity channel coding and diversity for spread spectrum in indoor, wireless communication. 1927-1965 - Irwin W. Sandberg:
Nonlinear input-output maps and approximate representations. 1967-1983
Volume 64, Number 9, November 1985
- Carolyn Childs, C. Rebecca Meacham:
ANALYTICOL - An analytical computing environment. 1995-2007 - Reuben M. Prichard:
FE - A multi-interface form system. 2009-2023 - David G. Belanger, Chandra M. R. Kintala:
Data extraction tools. 2025-2035 - Donald E. Swartwout:
Datastream - A language for large files. 2037-2060 - Emanuel Derman, Edward G. Sheppard:
HEQS - A hierarchical equation solver. 2061-2096 - Kiem-Phong Vo:
IFS - A tool to build integrated, interactive application software. 2097-2117 - Raymond J. Yanofchick:
T - A data management system. 2119-2129 - Richard A. Becker, John M. Chambers:
Design of the S system for data analysis. 2131-2151
Volume 64, Number 10, December 1985
- Jack Salz:
Coherent lightwave communications. 2153-2209 - Mohsen Kavehrad, Jack Salz:
Cross-polarization cancellation and equalization in digital transmission over dually polarized multipath fading channels. 2211-2245 - Mohsen Kavehrad:
Cross-polarization interference cancellation and nonminimum phase fades. 2247-2259 - Larry J. Greenstein:
Analysis/simulation study of cross-polarization cancellation in dual-polarization digital radio. 2261-2280 - Anthony J. Rustako Jr., C. B. Woodworth, Robert S. Roman, H. H. Hoffman:
A laboratory simulation facility for multipath fading microwave radio channels. 2281-2317 - Lawrence R. Rabiner, Frank K. Soong:
Single-frame vowel recognition using vector quantization with several distance measures. 2319-2330 - Richard A. Thompson:
Traffic capabilities of two rearrangeably nonblocking photonic switching modules. 2331-2373 - William Turin:
Union bounds on Viterbi algorithm performance. 2375-2385 - Sudhir Aggarwal, Krishan K. Sabnani, B. Gopinath:
A new file transfer protocol. 2387-2411 - Gerard J. Holzmann:
Tracing protocols. 2413-2433 - Kai Y. Eng, On-Ching Yue, Barry G. Haskell, Catherine R. Grimes:
A VCR-based access system for large pictorial databases. 2435-2447 - Arun N. Netravali, Zigmantas L. Budrikis:
A broadband local area network. 2449-2465 - James E. Mazo:
On binary differential detection for coherent lightwave communication. 2467-2483 - Mohsen Kavehrad, Curtis A. Siller Jr.:
Performance signatures for dual-polarized transmission of M-QAM signals over fading multipath channels. 2485-2504 - Seung W. Yoo:
An algebraic approach to a nonproduct form network. 2505-2523 - Philip Balaban:
Statistical model for amplitude and delay of selective fading. 2525-2550 - K. A. Raschke, P. A. Patankar:
Comments on "integration with the 5ESS™ switching system, " by S.A. McRoy, J. H. Miller, J. B. Truesdale, and R. W. Van Slooten. 2551-2552

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