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Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume 13
Volume 13, Number 1, February 2010
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
PTSD Threatens Global Economies. 1-2
- Dennis Patrick Wood, Brenda K. Wiederhold
, James L. Spira:
Lessons Learned from 350 Virtual-Reality Sessions with Warriors Diagnosed with Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 3-11 - Ebru Salcioglu
, Metin Basoglu:
Control-Focused Behavioral Treatment of Earthquake Survivors Using Live Exposure to Conditioned and Simulated Unconditioned Stimuli. 13-19 - Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Mark D. Wiederhold:
Virtual Reality Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Due to Motor Vehicle Accident. 21-27 - Vanessa Germain, André Marchand, Stéphane Bouchard
, Stéphane Guay
, Marc-Simon Drouin:
Assessment of the Therapeutic Alliance in Face-to-Face or Videoconference Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 29-35 - Robert N. McLay, Colleen McBrien, Mark D. Wiederhold, Brenda K. Wiederhold
Exposure Therapy with and without Virtual Reality to Treat PTSD while in the Combat Theater: A Parallel Case Series. 37-42 - Pedro Gamito
, Jorge Oliveira
, Pedro J. Rosa
, Diogo Morais
, Nuno Duarte, Susana Oliveira, Tomaz Saraiva:
PTSD Elderly War Veterans: A Clinical Controlled Pilot Study. 43-48 - David J. Ready, Robert J. Gerardi, Andrea G. Backscheider, Nathan Mascaro, Barbara O. Rothbaum:
Comparing Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy to Present-Centered Therapy with 11 U.S. Vietnam Veterans with PTSD. 49-54 - Giuseppe Riva
, Simona Raspelli, Davide Algeri, Federica Pallavicini
, Alessandra Gorini
, Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Andrea Gaggioli
Interreality in Practice: Bridging Virtual and Real Worlds in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorders. 55-65 - Cristina Botella
, Azucena García-Palacios
, Veronica Guillen
, Rosa María Baños, Soledad Quero, Mariano Alcañiz Raya
An Adaptive Display for the Treatment of Diverse Trauma PTSD Victims. 67-71 - Kresimir Cosic, Sinisa Popovic, Davor Kukolja, Marko Horvat, Branimir Dropuljic
Physiology-Driven Adaptive Virtual Reality Stimulation for Prevention and Treatment of Stress Related Disorders. 73-78 - Melba C. Stetz, Anna Makela, Ray Folen, Brenda K. Wiederhold
CyberStudies: Lessons from the Trenches. 79-82 - Stéphane Bouchard
, Oliver Baus, François Bernier, Donald R. McCreary
Selection of Key Stressors to Develop Virtual Environments for Practicing Stress Management Skills with Military Personnel Prior to Deployment. 83-94 - Sara A. Freedman, Hunter G. Hoffman, Azucena García-Palacios
, Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss, Sara Avitzour, Naomi Josman:
Prolonged Exposure and Virtual Reality-Enhanced Imaginal Exposure for PTSD following a Terrorist Bulldozer Attack: A Case Study. 95-101 - Radoslaw Tworus, Sylwia Szymanska, Stanislaw Ilnicki:
A Soldier Suffering from PTSD, Treated by Controlled Stress Exposition Using Virtual Reality and Behavioral Training. 103-107 - James L. Spira, Scott Johnston, Robert N. McLay, Sinisa Popovic, Carmen Russoniello, Dennis Patrick Wood:
Expert Panel: Future Directions of Technological Advances in Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment for Military Deployment Mental Health. 109-117
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Use VR Handhelds in Mass Casualty Disasters. 119-120
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 121-125 - Giuseppe Riva, Alessandra Gorini:
CyberEurope. 127-128
Volume 13, Number 2, April 2010
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
What's in a Name? 129
- Cynthia M. H. Bane, Marilyn Cornish, Nicole Erspamer, Lia Kampman:
Self-Disclosure through Weblogs and Perceptions of Online and "Real-life" Friendships among Female Bloggers. 131-139 - Chyan Yang, Yi-Chun Hsu, Suyanti Tan:
Predicting the Determinants of Users' Intentions for Using YouTube to Share Video: Moderating Gender Effects. 141-152 - Chia-Wen Tsai
The Effects of Feedback in the Implementation of Web-Mediated Self-Regulated Learning. 153-158 - Joseph J. Ryan, David S. Kreiner, Marla D. Chapman, Kim Stark-Wroblewski:
Virtual Reality Cues for Binge Drinking in College Students. 159-162
- Stefan Stieger
, Christoph Burger:
Let's Go Formative: Continuous Student Ratings with Web 2.0 Application Twitter. 163-167 - Barry Dauphin, Grant Heller:
Going to Other Worlds: The Relationships between Videogaming, Psychological Absorption, and Daydreaming Styles. 169-172 - Kathryn Wilson, Stephanie Fornasier, Katherine M. White
Psychological Predictors of Young Adults' Use of Social Networking Sites. 173-177 - Edward Shih-Tse Wang
Internet Usage Purposes and Gender Differences in the Effects of Perceived Utilitarian and Hedonic Value. 179-183 - Sahin Kesici, Ismail Sahin:
Turkish Adaptation Study of Internet Addiction Scale. 185-189 - Meral Kelleci, Sevil Inal
Psychiatric Symptoms in Adolescents with Internet Use: Comparison without Internet Use. 191-194 - Kimberly Twyman, Conway Saylor, Lloyd Adam Taylor, Cadie Comeaux:
Comparing Children and Adolescents Engaged in Cyberbullying to Matched Peers. 195-199 - Sjoerd Beugelsdijk
, Arjen Slangen
The Impact of National Cultural Distance on the Number of Foreign Web Site Visits by U.S. Households. 201-205 - Mu-Li Yang, Wen-Bin Chiou
Looking Online for the Best Romantic Partner Reduces Decision Quality: The Moderating Role of Choice-Making Strategies. 207-210 - Lydia Beck, Marc Wolter, Nan Mungard, Rene Vohn, Mario Staedtgen, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Walter Sturm:
Evaluation of Spatial Processing in Virtual Reality Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). 211-215 - Alexander Libin, Manon Lauderdale, Yuri Millo, Christine Shamloo, Rachel Spencer, Brad Green, Joyce Donnellan, Christine Wellesley, Suzanne Groah:
Role-Playing Simulation as an Educational Tool for Health Care Personnel: Developing an Embedded Assessment Framework. 217-224 - Yoonjae Nam
, Kyonghee H. Kwon, Sungjoon Lee:
Does It Really Matter That People Zip through Ads? Testing the Effectiveness of Simultaneous Presentation Advertising in an IDTV Environment. 225-229
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 231-236 - Giuseppe Riva, Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberEurope. 237-238
Volume 13, Number 3, June 2010
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Psychology Should Emulate Physics. 239-240
- Chiungjung Huang:
Internet Use and Psychological Well-being: A Meta-Analysis. 241-249 - David Weibel
, Bartholomäus Wissmath
, Fred W. Mast:
Immersion in Mediated Environments: The Role of Personality Traits. 251-256 - Su-Yen Chen
, Jeng-Yi Tzeng:
College Female and Male Heavy Internet Users' Profiles of Practices and Their Academic Grades and Psychosocial Adjustment. 257-262 - Lisa A. Melander
College Students' Perceptions of Intimate Partner Cyber Harassment. 263-268 - Florian Rehbein, Grad Psych, Matthias Kleimann, Grad Mediasci, Thomas Mößle
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Video Game Dependency in Adolescence: Results of a German Nationwide Survey. 269-277 - Luigi Bonetti, Marilyn Anne Campbell
, Linda Gilmore:
The Relationship of Loneliness and Social Anxiety with Children's and Adolescents' Online Communication. 279-285 - Ja-Chul Gu, Liu Fan, Yung Ho Suh, Sang-Chul Lee:
Comparing Utilitarian and Hedonic Usefulness to User Intention in Multipurpose Information Systems. 287-297 - Holly Schiffrin, Anna Edelman, Melissa Falkenstern, Cassandra Stewart:
The Associations among Computer-Mediated Communication, Relationships, and Well-being. 299-306
- Seung-A. Annie Jin:
Effects of 3D Virtual Haptics Force Feedback on Brand Personality Perception: The Mediating Role of Physical Presence in Advergames. 307-311 - Mehwash Mehroof, Mark D. Griffiths
Online Gaming Addiction: The Role of Sensation Seeking, Self-Control, Neuroticism, Aggression, State Anxiety, and Trait Anxiety. 313-316 - Fatih Canan, Ahmet Ataoglu, Laura A. Nichols, Tuba Yildirim, Onder Ozturk:
Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of the Internet Addiction Scale in a Sample of Turkish High School Students. 317-320 - Mingliang Chen, Qingguo Ma
, Minle Li, Shenyi Dai, Xiaoyi Wang
, Liangchao Shu:
The Neural and Psychological Basis of Herding in Purchasing Books Online: An Event-Related Potential Study. 321-328 - Wei Peng
, Ming Liu:
Online Gaming Dependency: A Preliminary Study in China. 329-333 - Seung-A. Annie Jin:
Does Imposing a Goal Always Improve Exercise Intentions in Avatar-Based Exergames? The Moderating Role of Interdependent Self-Construal on Exercise Intentions and Self-Presence. 335-339 - Daniel Bohnert, William H. Ross:
The Influence of Social Networking Web Sites on the Evaluation of Job Candidates. 341-347
- Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 349-351 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 353-354
Volume 13, Number 4, August 2010
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Using Objective Measures Prepares Psychologists for a Brain-Based Taxonomy. 355
- Soraya Mehdizadeh:
Self-Presentation 2.0: Narcissism and Self-Esteem on Facebook. 357-364 - Kumi Ishii:
Conflict Management in Online Relationships. 365-370 - Dong Wei Lu, Jenn Wu Wang, Andrew Chih Wei Huang:
Differentiation of Internet Addiction Risk Level Based on Autonomic Nervous Responses: The Internet-Addiction Hypothesis of Autonomic Activity. 371-378 - Anthony A. B. Hopley, Richard M. Nicki:
Predictive Factors of Excessive Online Poker Playing. 379-385 - Wenli Chen
Internet-Usage Patterns of Immigrants in the Process of Intercultural Adaptation. 387-399 - Xiuqin Huang, Huimin Zhang, Mengchen Li, Jinan Wang, Ying Zhang, Ran Tao:
Mental Health, Personality, and Parental Rearing Styles of Adolescents with Internet Addiction Disorder. 401-406 - Cristina Botella
, María José Gallego, Azucena García-Palacios
, Veronica Guillen
, Rosa María Baños, Soledad Quero, Mariano Alcañiz Raya
An Internet-Based Self-Help Treatment for Fear of Public Speaking: A Controlled Trial. 407-421 - Yi-Fen Chen, Ya-Ju Wang:
Effect of Herd Cues and Product Involvement on Bidder Online Choices. 423-428 - Frederick Aardema, Kieron O'Connor, Sophie Côté, Annie Taillon:
Virtual Reality Induces Dissociation and Lowers Sense of Presence in Objective Reality. 429-435
- Nicki A. Dowling
, Meredith Brown
Commonalities in the Psychological Factors Associated with Problem Gambling and Internet Dependence. 437-441 - Santosh Kumar Kalwar:
Comparison of Human Anxiety Based on Different Cultural Backgrounds. 443-446 - Rosanna E. Guadagno
, Robert B. Cialdini, Gadi Evron:
Storming the Servers: A Social Psychological Analysis of the First Internet War. 447-453 - Shane Haberstroh
College Counselors' Use of Informal Language Online: Student Perceptions of Expertness, Trustworthiness, and Attractiveness. 455-459 - Seung-A. Annie Jin:
The Roles of Regulatory Focus and Medical Recommendation Avatars' Trustworthiness in Virtual Environment-Based E-Health. 461-466 - Seung-A. Annie Jin:
"I Can Be Happy Even When I Lose the Game": The Influence of Chronic Regulatory Focus and Primed Self-Construal on Exergamers' Mood. 467-471 - Che-Wei Chang, Cheng-Ru Wu
, Chia-Chun Liao:
The Virtual Cooperation Platform in Enterprise and Supplier Cooperation Models. 473-475
- Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 477-479 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 481-482
Volume 13, Number 5, October 2010
- Raj K. Kalapatapu, Uday Patil, Marianne S. Goodman:
Using the Internet to Assess Perceptions of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: What Do Patients Want in the DSM-V? 483-494 - Jeng-Yi Tzeng:
College Students' Self-Discrepancy on the Internet, from the Perspectives of Desktop Practices, Self-Control, and Academic Training. 495-502 - Deltcho Valtchanov, Kevin R. Barton, Colin Ellard:
Restorative Effects of Virtual Nature Settings. 503-512 - Sumeet Gupta
, Hee-Woong Kim, Seon-Jin Shin:
Converting Virtual Community Members Into Online Buyers. 513-520 - José Gutiérrez-Maldonado
, Marta Ferrer-García
, Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar
, Elena Moreno:
Body Image in Eating Disorders: The Influence of Exposure to Virtual-Reality Environments. 521-531 - Shu-Fang Lin:
Gender Differences and the Effect of Contextual Features on Game Enjoyment and Responses. 533-537 - Ying-Hueih Chen, Shu-Hua Chien, Jyh-Jeng Wu, Pei-Yin Tsai:
Impact of Signals and Experience on Trust and Trusting Behavior. 539-546 - Matthias J. Wieser
, Paul Pauli
, Miriam Grosseibl, Ina Molzow, Andreas Mühlberger:
Virtual Social Interactions in Social Anxiety - The Impact of Sex, Gaze, and Interpersonal Distance. 547-554 - Kevin R. Wise, Saleem Alhabash, Hyojung Park:
Emotional Responses During Social Information Seeking on Facebook. 555-562
- Chia-Wen Tsai
Designing Appropriate Blended Courses: A Students' Perspective. 563-566 - Seung-A. Annie Jin:
"I Feel More Connected to the Physically Ideal Mini Me than the Mirror-Image Mini Me": Theoretical Implications of the "Malleable Self" for Speculations on the Effects of Avatar Creation on Avatar-Self Connection in Wii. 567-570 - Osman Birgin
, Hakan Çatlioglu, Ramazan Gürbüz, Serhat Aydin:
Investigation of the Computer Experiences and Attitudes of Preservice Mathematics Teachers: New Evidence from Turkey. 571-576 - Chia-Wen Tsai
Involving Students in a Blended Course via Teacher's Initiation in Web-Enhanced Collaborative Learning. 577-580 - Dave Westwood, Mark D. Griffiths
The Role of Structural Characteristics in Video-Game Play Motivation: A Q-Methodology Study. 581-585 - Lynnda M. Dahlquist, Linda J. Herbert
, Karen E. Weiss, Monica Jimeno:
Virtual-Reality Distraction and Cold-Pressor Pain Tolerance: Does Avatar Point of View Matter? 587-591
- Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 593-596 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 597-598
Volume 13, Number 6, December 2010
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Completes Another Milestone. 599-600
- Shu-Yu Yeh:
Involving Consumers in Product Design Through Collaboration: The Case of Online Role-Playing Games. 601-610 - Borae Jin
, Namkee Park:
In-Person Contact Begets Calling and Texting: Interpersonal Motives for Cell Phone Use, Face-to-Face Interaction, and Loneliness. 611-618 - Reynol Junco, Dan Merson, Daniel W. Salter
The Effect of Gender, Ethnicity, and Income on College Students' Use of Communication Technologies. 619-627 - Kathryn C. Seigfried-Spellar
, Marcus K. Rogers:
Low Neuroticism and High Hedonistic Traits for Female Internet Child Pornography Consumers. 629-635 - Wai-Chi Lau, Kup-Sze Choi
, Wai-Yee Chung:
A Virtual Psychiatric Ward for Orientating Patients Admitted for the First Time. 637-648 - Laura Aymerich-Franch
Presence and Emotions in Playing a Group Game in a Virtual Environment: The Influence of Body Participation. 649-654 - Doug Hyun Han, Yang-Soo Kim, Yong Sik Lee, Kyung Joon Min, Perry F. Renshaw:
Changes in Cue-Induced, Prefrontal Cortex Activity with Video-Game Play. 655-661 - Clive Sanford, Hyunok Oh:
The Role of User Resistance in the Adoption of a Mobile Data Service. 663-672 - Seung-A. Annie Jin, Kwan Min Lee:
The Influence of Regulatory Fit and Interactivity on Brand Satisfaction and Trust in E-Health Marketing Inside 3D Virtual Worlds (Second Life). 673-680 - Stefan Stieger
, Christoph Burger:
Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem in the Context of Internet Addiction. 681-688 - David Michaliszyn, André Marchand, Stéphane Bouchard
, Marc-Olivier Martel, Joannie Poirier-Bisson:
A Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial of In Virtuo and In Vivo Exposure for Spider Phobia. 689-695 - Michael Hoerger:
Participant Dropout as a Function of Survey Length in Internet-Mediated University Studies: Implications for Study Design and Voluntary Participation in Psychological Research. 697-700
- Sujin Lee:
Analysis of College Students' Online Life-Styles and Their Psychological Profiles in South Korea. 701-704 - Juani Bretón-López
, Soledad Quero, Cristina Botella
, Azucena García-Palacios
, Rosa María Baños, Mariano Alcañiz Raya
An Augmented Reality System Validation for the Treatment of Cockroach Phobia. 705-710 - Michail D. Kozlov, Mark K. Johansen:
Real Behavior in Virtual Environments: Psychology Experiments in a Simple Virtual-Reality Paradigm Using Video Games. 711-714
- Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 715-718 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 719

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