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Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Volume 28
Volume 28, Numbers 1&2, December 1995
Selected Papers from the Second International World-Wide Web Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 17-20, 1994
- C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Robert F. Goldstein:
HTML to the Max: A Manifesto for Adding SGML Intelligence to the World-Wide Web. 3-11 - Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, Håkon Wium Lie:
Towards a Uniform Library of Common Code - A Presentation of the CERN World-Wide Web Library. 13-23 - Venkata N. Padmanabhan, Jeffrey C. Mogul:
Improving HTTP Latency. 25-35 - Hans-Werner Braun, Kimberly C. Claffy
Web Traffic Characterization: An Assesment of the Impact of Caching Documents from NCSA's Web Server. 37-51 - Stefan Gessler, Andreas Kotulla:
PDAs as MObile WWW Browsers. 53-59 - Alan Falconer Slater:
Extending W3 Clients. 61-68 - Thane J. Frivold, Ruth E. Lang, Martin W. Fong:
Extending WWW for Synchronous Collaboration. 69-75 - Tom Meyer, David Blair, Suzanne Hader:
WAXweb: A MOO-Based Collaborative Hypermedia System for WWW. 77-84 - Peter Dömel:
WebMap: A Graphical Hypertext Navigation Tool. 85-97 - Alberto Aimar, James Casey, Nikos Drakos, Ian Hannell, Arash Khodabandeh, Paolo Palazzi
, Bertrand Rousseau, Mario Ruggier:
WebLinker, a Tool for Managing WWW Cross-References. 99-107 - Robert E. Kent, Christian Neuss:
Creating a Web Analysis and Visualization Environment. 109-117 - C. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig, Darren R. Hardy, Udi Manber, Michael F. Schwartz:
The Harvest Information Discovery and Access System. 119-125 - David Eichmann
Ethical Web Agents. 127-136 - Steven D. Whitehead:
Auto-FAQ: An Experiment in Cyberspace Leveraging. 137-146 - Jong-Gyun Lim:
Using Coollists to Index HTML Documents in the Web. 147-154 - David W. Robertson, William E. Johnston, Wing Nip:
Virtual Frog Dissection: Interactive 3D Graphics via the Web. 155-160 - Daniel Egret
, André Heck:
WWW in Astronomy and Related Space Sciences. 161-166 - Robert E. Wray III
, Ronald Chong, Joseph Perry Phillips, Seth Rogers, William Walsh, John E. Laird
Organizing Information in Mosaic: A Classroom Experiment. 167-178 - Jakob Nielsen, Darrell Sano:
SunWeb: User Interface Design for Sun Microsystem's Internal Web. 179-188 - N. N. Soreide, L. C. McCarty, D. C. McClurg:
Mosaic Access to Real-Time Data from the TOGA-TAO Array of Moored Buoys. 189-197 - Richard Dratva:
WWW-Based Home Banking Services in Switzerland: A Case Study. 199-208 - Kenneth Y. Goldberg
, Michael Mascha, Steve Gentner, Jürgen Rossman, Nick Rothenberg, Carl Sutter, Jeff Wiegley:
Beyond the Web: Manipulating the Real World. 209-219 - Theodore Meyer, Ramachandran Suresh, Douglas Ilg, Bruce Moxon:
Mosaic, HDF and EOSDIS: Providing Access to Earth Sciences Data. 221-229 - Anthony N. Boston
, David R. B. Stockwell:
Interactice Species Distribution Reporting, Mapping and Modelling Using the World Wide Web. 231-238 - Stuart Weibel, Eric Miller, Jean Godby, Ralph LeVan
An Architecture for Scholary Publishing on the World Wide Web. 239-245 - James R. Davis, Carl Lagoze:
"Drop-In" Publishing with the World Wide Web. 247-255 - Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason, Hal R. Varian:
Some FAQs about Usage-Based Pricing. 257-265
Volume 28, Number 3, 1 January 1996
- Lyndon Y. Ong, Mischa Schwartz:
Design of Resource Control Protocols for Release 2/3 Broadband ISDN Services. 269-282 - João L. Sobrinho, José M. Brázio:
Proposal and Performance Analysis of a Multiple-Access Protocol for High-Speed Wireless LANs. 283-305 - Raif O. Onvural, Haldon J. Sandick, Rao Cherukuri:
Structure and Use of Signaling in B-ISDNs. 307-323 - Herwig Bruneel, Sabine Wittevrongel:
An Approximate Analytical Technique for the Performance Evaluation of ATM Switching Elements with Burst Routing. 325-343 - C. J. Hughes:
Feedback Restricted Access Queues for Controlling Cell Loss in ATM Networks. 345-350 - Paul Goransson:
Bandwidth Reservation on a Commercial Router. 351-370 - Ian F. Akyildiz, David A. Levine:
A Collision-Free MAC Protocol for Optical Star LANs. 371-390 - Kurt Reiss, Lazaros F. Merakos
Performance Analysis of an Adaptive Bandwidth Reservation Scheme for ATM Virtual Path Traffic. 391-400 - Anastasios A. Economides
, Petros A. Ioannou, John A. Silvester:
Adaptive Virtual Circuit Routing. 401-409 - Gopalakrishnan Ramamurthy, Bhaskar Sengupta:
An Analysis of a Variable Bit Rate Multiplexer Using Loss Priorities. 411-423
Volume 28, Number 4, 1 February 1996
- Oliver Hermanns, Marko Schuba:
Performance Investigations of the IP Multicast Architecture. 429-439 - Manfred R. Siegl, Georg Trausmuth:
Hierarchical Network Management: A Concept and Its Prototype in SNMPv2. 441-452 - S. Radhakrishnan, S. V. Raghavan, Ashok K. Agrawala:
A Flexible Traffic Shaper for High Speed Networks: Design and Comparative Study with Leaky Bucket. 453-469 - David M. Drury:
ATM Traffic Management and the Impact of ATM Switch Design. 471-479 - Lutz Nentwig, Sonia Manhart, Kurt Sandkuhl
Hotline and Consulting in a Metropolitan Area Network: The HotCon Approach to Integrated Services. 481-490 - Sylvia Wilbur, Sarom Ing:
Real-Time Video for Informal Workgroup Communication: A Survey of Recent Advances. 491-497 - Rüdiger Grimm, Thomas Hetschold:
Security Policies in OSI-Management Experiences from the DeTeBerkom Project BMSec. 499-511 - Yoshiki Sameshima, Peter T. Kirstein:
Secure Document Interchange: A Secure User Agent. 513-523 - François Flückiger:
From World-Wide Web to Information Superhighway. 525-534 - Miguel Rio, António Costa
, Joaquim Macedo
, Vasco Freitas:
A Framework for Broadcasting and Management of URIs. 535-542 - Rui J. P. José, António Costa
, Joaquim Macedo
, Vasco Freitas:
Providing Multiple External Views on Directory User Interfaces. 543-550 - Paul Barker:
X.500 Index DSAs and Scaling Issues for an Indexed White Pages Directory Service. 551-562 - Karl Jonas, Helmut Jungblut, Joachim Kaeber, Manfred Kaul, Ina Müller, Horst Santo, Josef Schäffer, Ralf Wegner:
The Information Footprint: A Satellite-Based Information on Demand Teleservice. 563-573 - Michael Behringer:
Technical Options for a European High-Speed Backbone. 575-581 - Hank Nussbacher:
Lessons Learned from a MAN. 583-588 - Peter Mills, Jim Strom:
G-MING: A High Performance Multi-Service Telecommunications Infrastructure for the Greater Manchester Educational Community. 589-597
Volume 28, Number 5, 1 March 1996
- Edward H. Lipper:
Switching System Performance Issues for Universal Personal Communications. 603-611 - Patricia E. Wirth:
Teletraffic Implications of Database Architectures in Mobile and Personal Communications. 613-618 - Philip M. Williams:
Requirements and Issues for Automatic Focused Overload Control. 619-625 - James Yan:
Dimensioning Network Resources for IN Services. 627-633 - Avril Smith, John Adams, Geoff Tagg:
Available Bit Rate - A New Service for ATM. 635-640 - Hiroshi Saito:
Resource Management and Charging in ATM Networks. 641-644 - Jean-Chrysostome Bolot:
Cost-Quality Tradeoffs in the Internet. 645-651 - Jaime Bae Kim, Rahul Simha, Tatsuya Suda:
Analysis of a Finite Buffer Queue with Heterogeneous Markov Modulated Arrival Processes: A Study of Traffic Burstiness and Priority Packet Discarding. 653-673 - D. J. Floreani, A. J. Dadej:
Application of the Stratification Concept to Radio Networks and Their Gateways. 675-687 - Dominique Gaïti:
A Proposal for Integrating Intelligent Management in the Intelligent Network Conceptual Model. 689-699 - I. Chrysochos, Michael N. Koukias, I. Papanikos, George K. Kokkinakis:
Upgrading of Cable Line Concentrators to Accept ISDN Subscribers. 701-707 - Borka Jerman-Blazic, Denis Trcek, Tomaz Klobucar
, Franc Bracun:
A Tool for Support of Key Distribution and Validity Certificate Check in Global Directory Service. 709-717 - Bert J. Dempsey, Jörg Liebeherr, Alfred C. Weaver
On Retransmission-Based Error Control for Continuous Media Traffic in Packet-Switching Networks. 719-736
Volume 28, Number 6, 10 April 1996
- Francesco Bernabei, Laura Gratta, Marco Listanti:
Throughput Analysis of Multihop ShuffleNets in a Hot Spot Traffic Scenario: Impact of Routing Strategies. 743-772 - Georgios I. Papadimitriou, Dimitris G. Maritsas:
WDM Star Networks: Hybrid Random Access and Reservation Protocols with High Throughput and Low Delay. 773-787 - Lu Wei, Peter Hansson:
Further Research on Dynamic Time Slice in ATM Switch. 789-798 - James N. MacGregor, Eric S. Lee, Frank R. Safayeni:
Some Effects of Electronic Mail Use on the Quality of Relationships between Different Organizational Functions. 799-809 - Gopalakrishnan Ramamurthy, Bhaskar Sengupta:
A Predictive Congestion Control Policy for Broadband Integrated Wide Area Networks. 811-834 - Giuseppe Bianchi, Achille Pattavina:
Architecture and Performance of Non-Blocking ATM Switches with Shared Internal Queueing. 835-853 - Ian F. Akyildiz, Jörg Liebeherr, Debapriya Sarkar:
Bandwidth Regulation of Real-Time Traffic Classes in Internetworks. 855-872 - Amarnath Mukherjee:
A Proof of Quasi-Independence of Sliding Window Flow Control and Go-Back-n Error Recovery Under Independent Packet Errors. 873-887
Volume 28, Numbers 7-11, 1 May 1996
Proceedings of WWW5, 1996
- Evangelos P. Markatos:
Main Memory Caching of Web Documents. 893-905 - Adam Dingle
, Tomas Pártl:
Web Cache Coherence. 907-920 - Michael Baentsch, Georg Molter, Peter Sturm:
Introducing Application-Level Replication and Naming into Today's Web. 921-930
- Stephen E. Dossick, Gail E. Kaiser:
WWW Access to Legacy Client/Server Applications. 931-940 - Paolo Ciancarini, Andreas Knoche, Robert Tolksdorf, Fabio Vitali:
PageSpace: An Architecture to Coordinate Distributed Applications on the Web. 941-952 - Alberto Riva, Marco Ramoni:
LispWeb: A Specialized HTTP Server for Distributed AI Applications. 953-961
- Allison Woodruff, Paul M. Aoki
, Eric A. Brewer
, Paul Gauthier, Lawrence A. Rowe:
An Investigation of Documents from the World Wide Web. 963-980 - James E. Pitkow, R. Kipp Jones:
Supporting the Web: A Distributed Hyperlink Database System. 981-991 - Tim Bray:
Measuring the Web. 993-1005
- Tak Woon Yan, Matthew Jacobsen, Hector Garcia-Molina, Umeshwar Dayal:
From User Access Patterns to Dynamic Hypertext Linking. 1007-1014 - Michael L. Creech:
Author-Oriented Link Management. 1015-1025 - Les Carr, Gary Hill, David De Roure
, Wendy Hall, Hugh C. Davis:
Open Information Services. 1027-1036
- Marc H. Brown, Marc Najork
Distributed Active Objects. 1037-1052 - Jonathan Trevor, Richard Bentley, Gerrit Wildgruber:
Exorcising Daemons: A Modular and Lightweight Approach to Deploying Applications on the Web. 1053-1062 - Matthew A. Schickler, Murray S. Mazer, Charles L. Brooks:
Pan-Browser Support for Annotations and Other Meta-Information on the World Wide Web. 1063-1074
- Stéphane Bonhomme, Cécile Roisin:
Interactively Restructuring HTML Documents. 1075-1084 - Vincenzo Della Mea, Carlo Alberto Beltrami, Vito Roberto, Davide Brunato:
HTML Generation and Semantic Markup for Telepathology. 1085-1094 - Jean Paoli:
Extending the Web's Tag Set Using SGML: Authoring New Tags with Grif Symposia. 1095-1104
- Michael V. Capps, Brian C. Ladd, P. David Stotts:
Enhanced Graph Models in the Web: Multi-Client, Multi-Head, Multi-Tail Browsing. 1105-1112 - Robert Thau:
Design Considerations for the Apache Server API. 1113-1122 - Eric A. Meyer, Peter E. Murray:
Borealis Image Server. 1123-1137
- Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
, Drakoulis Martakos:
A Generic Framework for the Deployment of Structured Databases on the World Wide Web. 1139-1148 - Nick N. Duan:
Distributed Database Access in a Corporate Environment using Java. 1149-1156 - Kenichi Kamiya, Martin Röscheisen, Terry Winograd:
Grassroots: A System Providing a Uniform Framework for Communicating, Structuring, Sharing Information, and Organizing People. 1157-1174
- Mike Crandall, Mark C. Swenson:
Integrating Electronic Information Through a Corporate Web. 1175-1186 - Manfred Bogen, Michael Lenz, Susanne Zier:
Deutsche Welle: On the Air. 1187-1196 - Paul-André Pays, Fabrice de Comarmond:
An Intermediation and Payment System Technology. 1197-1206
- Ping-Jer Yeh, Bih-Horng Chen, Ming-Chih Lai, Shyan-Ming Yuan
Synchronous Navigation Control for Distance Learning on the Web. 1207-1218 - Murray W. Goldberg, Sasan Salari, Paul Swoboda:
World Wide Web - Course Tool: An Environment for Building WWW-Based Courses. 1219-1231 - Franz J. Hauck:
Supporting Hierarchical Guided Tours in the World Wide Web. 1233-1242
- Jack Jingshuang Yang, Gail E. Kaiser:
An Architecture for Integrating OODBs with WWW. 1243-1254 - David B. Ingham, Steve J. Caughey, Mark C. Little:
Fixing the "Broken-Link" Problem: The W3Objects Approach. 1255-1268 - Philippe Merle, Christophe Gransart
, Jean-Marc Geib:
CorbaWeb: A Generic Object Navigator. 1269-1281
- Neil Bowers:
Weblint: Quality Assurance for the World Wide Web. 1283-1290 - Arturo Crespo, Eric A. Bier:
WebWriter: A Browser-Based Editor for Constructing Web Applications. 1291-1306 - Corrina Perrone
, David Clark, Alexander Repenning:
WebQuest: Substantiating Education in Edutainment Through Interactive Learning Games. 1307-1319
- Yoëlle S. Maarek, Israel Ben-Shaul:
Automatically Organizing Bookmarks per Contents. 1321-1334 - Fred Douglis
, Thomas Ball, Yih-Farn Chen, Eleftherios Koutsofios:
WebGUIDE: Querying and Navigating Changes in Web Repositories. 1335-1344 - Kirsten L. Jones:
nif-T-nav: A Hierarchical Navigator for WWW Pages. 1345-1354
- Paul B. Thistlewaite, Steve Ball:
Active FORMs. 1355-1364 - François Rouaix:
A Web Navigator with Applets in Caml. 1365-1371 - Stéphane Perret, Andrzej Duda
Mobile Assistant Programming for Efficient Information Access on the WWW. 1373-1383 - Stephan Jacobs, Michael Gebhardt, Stefanie Kethers
, Wojtek Rzasa:
Filling HTML Forms Simultaneously: CoWeb - Architecture and Functionality. 1385-1395
- Jean-Chrysostome Bolot, Philipp Hoschka:
Performance Engineering of the World Wide Web: Application to Dimensioning and Cache Design. 1397-1405 - Neil G. Smith:
The UK National Web Cache - The State of the Art. 1407-1414 - Donald Neal:
The Harvest Object Cache in New Zealand. 1415-1430
- Bill N. Schilit, Fred Douglis
, David M. Kristol, Paul Krzyzanowski, James Sienicki, John A. Trotter:
TeleWeb: Loosely Connected Access to the World Wide Web. 1431-1444 - Armando Fox, Eric A. Brewer
Reducing WWW Latency and Bandwidth Requirements by Real-Time Distillation. 1445-1456 - Stephen E. Lamm, Daniel A. Reed, Will H. Scullin:
Real-Time Geographic Visualization of World Wide Web Traffic. 1457-1468
- Alice Richmond:
Enticing Online Shoppers to Buy - A Human Behavior Study. 1469-1480 - Somendra Pant, Cheng Hsu:
Business on the Web: Strategies and Economics. 1481-1492 - Youji Kohda, Susumu Endo:
Ubiquitous Advertising on the WWW: Merging Advertisement on the Browser. 1493-1499
- Jin W. Chang, Colin T. Scott:
Agent-Based Workflow: TRP Support Environment (TSE). 1501-1512 - Erik Sandewall:
Towards a World-Wide Data Base. 1513-1522 - G. Jason Mathews, Barry E. Jacobs:
Electronic Management of the Peer Review Process. 1523-1538
- Enrico Gobbetti
, Andrea O. Leone:
Virtual Sardinia: A Large-Scale Hypermedia Regional Information System. 1539-1546 - Paul England, Robert B. Allen, Ron Underwood:
RAVE: Real-Time Services for the Web. 1547-1558 - Arun Katkere, Jennifer Schlenzig, Amarnath Gupta, Ramesh C. Jain:
Interactive Video on WWW: Beyond VCR-Like Interfaces. 1559-1572
Volume 28, Number 12, 10 June 1996
- Rolv Bræk:
SDL Basics. 1585-1602 - Amardeo Sarma:
Introduction to SDL-92. 1603-1615 - Louis Verhaard:
An Introduction to Z.105. 1617-1628 - Ekkart Rudolph, Peter Graubmann, Jens Grabowski:
Tutorial on Message Sequence Charts. 1629-1641 - Sjouke Mauw
The Formalization of Message Sequence Charts. 1643-1657 - Dieter Hogrefe:
Validation of SDL Systems. 1659-1667 - Ana R. Cavalli, Byoung-Moon Chin, Kilnam Chon:
Testing Methods for SDL Systems. 1669-1683 - Rick Reed:
Methodology for Real Time Systems. 1685-1701 - K. E. Cheng:
A Requirements Definition and Assessment Framework for SDL Tools. 1703-1715
Volume 28, Number 13, 15 October 1996
- Raj Jain
Congestion Control and Traffic Management in ATM Networks: Recent Advances and a Survey. 1723-1738 - Ivy Hsu, Jean C. Walrand:
Admission Control for Multi-Class ATM Traffic with Overflow Constraints 1. 1739-1751 - Jae-Il Jung:
Translation of User's QoS Requirements into ATM Performance Parameters in B-ISDN. 1753-1767 - David L. Tennenhouse, Butler W. Lampson, Sharon Eisner Gillett, Jennifer Steiner Klein
Virtual Infrastructure: Putting Information Infrastructure on the Technology Curve. 1769-1790 - Baiju V. Patel, Frank Schaffa, Marc Willebeek-LeMair:
The Helix Switch: A Single Chip Cell Switch Design. 1791-1807 - Bin Zhou, Mohammed Atiquzzaman
Efficient Analysis of Multistage Interconnection Networks Using Finite Output-Buffered Switching Elements. 1809-1829 - Mohammad Peyravian, Chin-Tau A. Lea:
Deriving Deadlock and Unspecified Reception Free Protocol Converters from Message Mapping Sets. 1831-1844 - Jean-Pierre Courtiat, Piotr Dembinski, Gerard J. Holzmann, Luigi Logrippo, Harry Rudin, Pamela Zave:
Formal Methods after 15 Years: Status and Trends (Paper based on contributions of the panelists at the FORmal TEchnique '95, Conference, Montreal, October 1995). 1845-1855 - G. Jason Mathews, Syed S. Towheed:
WWW-based Data Systems for Interactive Manipulation of Science Data. 1857-1864
Volume 28, Number 14, 1 November 1996
- Nicolas Apostolopoulos, Albert Geukes, Stefan Zimmermann:
DIALECT - Network-based Digital Interactive Lectures. 1873-1886 - Henry McLoughlin:
WEST: An Internet Based Education Delivery and Support Environment. 1887-1890 - Stephan Kolletzki:
Secure Internet Banking with Privacy Enhanced Mail - A Protocol for Reliable Exchange of Secured Order Forms. 1891-1899 - Michael Gehrke, Thomas Hetschold:
Management of a Public Key Certification Infrastructure - Experiences from the DeTeBerkom Project BMSec. 1901-1914 - Alexander Schill, Sabine Kühn, Frank Breiter:
Internetworking over ATM: Experiences with IP/IPng and RSVP. 1915-1927 - Jeremy Barnes, Dave Ginsburg, Dave Newson, Dave Pratt:
IP Multicast of Real-Time MPEG over ATM. 1929-1937 - Nils Meulemans:
A Yellow Pages Service Based on X.500. 1939-1946 - Joao Nuno Ferreira, Alf Hansen, Tomaz Klobucar
, Klaus-Peter Kossakowski, Manuel Medina, Damir Rajnovic, Olaf Schjelderup, Don Stikvoort:
CERTs in Europe. 1947-1952 - Gertraud Hoffmann:
B-WiN - The ATM-based High-Speed Network for the DFN Community. 1953-1960 - Markus Böhm, Wolfgang Deiters, Manuel Friedrich, Frank Lindert, Wolfgang Schulze:
Workflow Management as Teleservice. 1961-1969 - Alexander Horsch, Karin Eberle, Axel Findling, Birgit Kraus, Vania Pentcheva-Spiridonov, Artavazd Tarhanjan:
Collaborative Work with Medical Images in a University Hospital Environment: Three Pilot Projects. 1971-1978 - Manfred Bogen, Guido Hansen, Michael Lenz:
W3Gate - A Web Access for Outsiders. 1979-1990 - Alistair Chalmers, Christopher Duxbury:
The Hidden Economic and Societal Issues of Policies on Advanced Networking. 1991-1998

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