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College & Research Libraries, Volume 77
Volume 77, Number 1, January 2016
- Carol L. Tilley
, Scott Walter:
What's in a Name? 2-6
- Le Yang
Metadata Effectiveness in Internet Discovery: An Analysis of Digital Collection Metadata Elements and Internet Search Engine Keywords. 7-19 - Steven A. Knowlton
A Two-Step Model for Assessing Relative Interest in E-books Compared to Print. 20-33 - Kaya van Beynen
, Camielle Swenson
Exploring Peer-to-Peer Library Content and Engagement on a Student-Run Facebook Group. 34-50 - Michael J. Khoo, Lily Rozaklis, Catherine Hall, Diana S. Kusunoki:
"A Really Nice Spot": Evaluating Place, Space, and Technology in Academic Libraries. 51-70 - Quinn Galbraith, Leanna Fry, Melissa Garrison:
The Impact of Faculty Status and Gender on Employee Well-being in Academic Libraries. 71-86 - Victoria Raish, Emily Rimland:
Employer Perceptions of Critical Information Literacy Skills and Digital Badges. 87-113 - Vince Graziano:
LGBTQ Collection Assessment: Library Ownership of Resources Cited by Master's Students. 114-127
- Laura Costello
Robert J. Grover et al., Evolving Global Information Infrastructure and Information Transfer. Santa Barbara: Libraries Unlimited, 2015. 150p. Paper, $75.00 (ISBN 1-61069-957-0). LC 2014046767. 128-129 - Scott Curtis
Enhancing Teaching and Learning in the 21st-Century Academic Library: Successful Innovations that Make a Difference, ed. Bradford Lee Eden. New York: Rowan & Littlefield, 2015. 214p. Paper, $45.00 (ISBN 978-1442247055). LC 2014043551. 129-131 - Marcy Simons:
Julie Todaro, Mentoring A-Z. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2015. 168p. Paper, $58.00 (ISBN 13: 978-0-8389-1329-1). 132-133 - Dana E. Hart:
Appraisal and Acquisition: Innovative Practices for Archives and Special Collections, ed. Kate Theimer. Landham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. Paper, $55.00 (ISBN 978-1-4422-3854-1). 133-134 - Michael Ryan:
A History of Modern Librarianship: Constructing the Heritage of Western Cultures, eds. Pamela Richards, Wayne A. Wiegand, and Marija Dalbello. Santa Barbara and Denver: Libraries Unlimited, 2015. 248p. Paper $60.00 (ISBN 978-1-61069-099-7). 135-136
Volume 77, Number 2, March 2016
- Scott Walter:
Assessment in Action: Introduction to the Special Issue. 138-139
- Kara J. Malenfant, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe
, Debra Gilchrist:
Assessment as Action Research: Bridging Academic Scholarship and Everyday Practice. 140-143 - Veronica Arellano Douglas
, Celia E. Rabinowitz
Examining the Relationship between Faculty-Librarian Collaboration and First-Year Students' Information Literacy Abilities. 144-163 - Sara Davidson Squibb
, Susan Mikkelsen:
Assessing the Value of Course-Embedded Information Literacy on Student Learning and Achievement. 164-183 - Jérôme Melançon, Nancy Goebel
Personal Librarian for Aboriginal Students: A Programmatic Assessment. 184-196 - Phil Jones, Julia Bauder, Kevin Engel:
Mixed or Complementary Messages: Making the Most of Unexpected Assessment Results. 197-211 - Kacy Lundstrom
, Pamela Martin
, Dory Cochran
Making Strategic Decisions: Conducting and Using Research on the Impact of Sequenced Library Instruction. 212-226 - Lisa Massengale, Pattie Piotrowski, Devin Savage
Identifying and Articulating Library Connections to Student Success. 227-235 - Brandy Whitlock, Nassim Ebrahimi:
Beyond the Library: Using Multiple, Mixed Measures Simultaneously in a College-Wide Assessment of Information Literacy. 236-262
Volume 77, Number 3, May 2016
- Emily Drabinski, Scott Walter:
Asking Questions that Matter. 264-268
- Luke Swindler:
New Consortial Model for E-Books Acquisitions. 269-285 - Katie Greer
, Amanda Nichols Hess
, Elizabeth W. Kraemer:
The Librarian Leading the Machine: A Reassessment of Library Instruction Methods. 286-301 - Amanda L. Folk:
Academic Reference and Instruction Librarians and Dweck's Theories of Intelligence. 302-313 - Fatih Oguz:
Organizational Influences in Technology Adoption Decisions: A Case Study of Digital Libraries. 314-334 - Rumi Graham
An Evidence-Informed Picture of Course-Related Copying. 335-358 - John K. Stemmer, David M. Mahan:
Investigating the Relationship of Library Usage to Student Outcomes. 359-375 - Joan E. Beaudoin:
Describing Images: A Case Study of Visual Literacy among Library and Information Science Students. 376-392
- Lizzy Walker:
Martin De Saulles. Information 2.0, Second Edition: New Models of Information Production, Distribution and Consumption. London: Facet Publishing, 2015. 192p. Paper, $95.00 (ISBN 978-1-78330-009-9). 393-394 - Johanna Denzin:
Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists. eds. Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Laura Braunstein, and Liorah Golomb. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2015. 287p. Paper, $68.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8767-4). LC 2015006339. 394-397 - Elise Ferer:
Robin Chin Roemer and Rachel Borchardt. Meaningful Metrics: A 21st-Century Librarian's Guide to Bibliometrics, Altmetrics, and Research Impact. Chicago: The Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015. 241p. Paper, $60.00 (ISBN 978-083898755-1). 397-398 - Lynne F. Maxwell:
Creating Leaders: An Examination of Academic and Research Library Leadership Institutes. ed. Irene M.H. Herold for the Association of College and Research Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 2015. 380p. Paper, $78.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8763-6). LC Z668.5C72 2015. 398-400 - Joseph Aubele:
Jill Markgraf, Kate Hinnant, Eric Jennings, and Hans Kishel. Maximizing the One-Shot: Connecting Library Instruction with the Curriculum. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. 175p. Paper, $55.00 (978-1-4422-3866-4). 400-402 - Edward Copenhagen:
Educational Programs: Innovative Practices for Archives and Special Collections. ed. Kate Theimer. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. 208p. Paper, $55.00 (ISBN 1-4422-3852-7). 402-403
Volume 77, Number 4, July 2016
- Wendi Arant-Kaspar:
An Introduction. 406-409
- Chris W. Belter
, Neal K. Kaske:
Using Bibliometrics to Demonstrate the Value of Library Journal Collections. 410-422 - Brian K. Kooy:
Building Virtually Free Subject Area Expertise through Social Media: An Exploratory Study. 423-454 - Paula R. Dempsey
"Are You a Computer?" Opening Exchanges in Virtual Reference Shape the Potential for Teaching. 455-468 - Christine Fruin
, Shan C. Sutton:
Strategies for Success: Open Access Policies at North American Educational Institutions. 469-499 - Yi Shen
Strategic Planning for a Data-Driven, Shared-Access Research Enterprise: Virginia Tech Research Data Assessment and Landscape Study. 500-519 - Julie Gilbert:
Heroes and Holidays: The Status of Diversity Initiatives at Liberal Arts College Libraries. 520-535 - Emily P. Frank, Nils Pharo:
Academic Librarians in Data Information Literacy Instruction: A Case Study in Meteorology. 536-552
- Jennifer Hoyer
Where Are All the Librarians of Color? The Experiences of People of Color in Academia. Rebecca Hankins and Miguel Juárez, eds. Sacramento: Library Juice Press, 2016. 352p. Paper, $35.00 (ISBN: 978-1936117833). 553-554 - Kelli Johnson:
Michelle Reale. Becoming an Embedded Librarian: Making Connections in the Classroom. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2016. 128p. Paper, $54.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1367-3). 555-556 - Andrea Kosavic
Is Digital Different? How Information Creation, Capture, Preservation and Discovery Are Being Transformed. Michael Moss, Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, and Marc J. Dupuis, eds. London: Facet Publishing, 2015. 224p. Paper, $95.00 (ISBN 978-1-85604-854-5). 556-557 - Ryan Litsey
Nigel Ford. Introduction to Information Behavior. London (UK): Facet Publishing, 2015. 224p. Paper, $85.00 (ISBN-13 978-1-85604-850-7). 557-558 - Michael R. Mitchell:
Monty L. McAdoo. The Student's Survival Guide to Research. Chicago: Neal-Schuman, an imprint of the American Library Association, 2015. 232p. Paper, $58.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1276-8). 558-560 - Mary E. O'Dea:
Theresa Willingham and Jeroen De Boer. Makerspaces in Libraries. Library Technology Essentials; 4. Ellyssa Kroski, ed. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. 142p. Paper, $45.00 (ISBN 978-1-4422-5300-1). OCLC: 906121721. 560-561
Volume 77, Number 5, September 2016
- Wendi Arant-Kaspar:
Opening the Black Box. 564-567
- Samantha Teplitzky
, Margaret L. Phillips
Evaluating the Impact of Open Access at Berkeley: Results from the 2015 Survey of Berkeley Research Impact Initiative (BRII) Funding Recipients. 568-581 - Quinn Galbraith, Melissa Garrison, Whitney Hales:
Perceptions of Faculty Status among Academic Librarians. 582-594 - Timothy J. Cain
, Fern M. Cheek
, Jeremy Kupsco
, Lynda J. Hartel
, Anna Getselman:
Health Sciences Libraries Forecasting Information Service Trends for Researchers: Models Applicable to All Academic Libraries. 595-613 - Carol Perruso
Undergraduates' Use of Google vs. Library Resources: A Four-Year Cohort Study. 614-630 - Adam L. Murray
, Ashley Ireland, Jana Hackathorn:
The Value of Academic Libraries: Library Services as a Predictor of Student Retention. 631-642 - Linda R. Musser
, Barbara M. Coopey:
Impact of a Discovery System on Interlibrary Loan. 643-653 - Nathan Frank Hall
, Sara Arnold-Garza
, Regina Gong
, Yasmeen Shorish
Leading by Example? ALA Division Publications, Open Access, and Sustainability. 654-667
- Bradford Lee Eden:
Difficult Decisions: Closing & Merging Academic Libraries. Sara Holder and Amber Butler Lannon, eds. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015. 253p. Paper, $58 (ISBN 978-083898791-9). 668-669 - Bradford Lee Eden:
Ronald C. Jantz. Managing Creativity: The Innovative Research Library. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2016 (Publications in Librarianship; no. 70). 185p. Paper, $44.00 (ISBN 978-083898834-3). 669-671 - Dana E. Hart:
Ellen Mazur Thomson. Aesthetic Tracts: Innovation in Late-Nineteenth Century Book Design. New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Press, 2015. 208p. Cloth, $55.00 (ISBN 9781584563365). 671-672 - Jennifer Hoyer
Metaliteracy in Practice. Trudi E. Jacobson and Thomas P. Mackey, eds. Chicago: ALA Neal-Schuman, 2016. 256p. Paper, $70.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1379-6). 672-673 - Andrea Kosavic
Academic E-Books: Publishers, Librarians, and Users. Suzanne M. Ward, Robert S. Freeman, and Judith M. Nixon, eds. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, 2016. 360p. Paper, $29.95 (ISBN 978-1-5575-3727-0). LC 2015027357. 673-675 - Lizzy Walker:
Making Institutional Repositories Work. Burton B. Callicot, David Scherer, and Andrew Wesolek, eds. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, 2016. 360p. Paper, $29.95 (ISBN 978-1557537263). 675-676
Volume 77, Number 6, November 2016
- Wendi Arant-Kaspar:
What's So Important about Peer Review? 678-681
- Jason M. Blank, Karen J. McGaughey, Elena L. Keeling, Kristen L. Thorp, Conor C. Shannon, Jeanine M. Scaramozzino
A Novel Assessment Tool for Quantitative Evaluation of Science Literature Search Performance: Application to First-Year and Senior Undergraduate Biology Majors. 682-702 - Maria Pinto, Rosaura Fernández-Pascual
Exploring LIS Students' Beliefs in Importance and Self-Efficacy of Core Information Literacy Competencies. 703-726 - Shin Freedman, Dawn Vreven:
Workplace Incivility and Bullying in the Library: Perception or Reality? 727-748 - Erin Rinto, Melissa Bowles-Terry, Ariel J. Santos:
Assessing the Scope and Feasibility of First-Year Students' Research Paper Topics. 749-764 - Jannette L. Finch, Angela R. Flenner:
Using Data Visualization to Examine an Academic Library Collection. 765-778 - Shannon Marie Robinson
Artists as Scholars: The Research Behavior of Dance Faculty. 779-794 - Shea-Tinn Yeh, Zhiping Walter
Determinants of Service Innovation in Academic Libraries through the Lens of Disruptive Innovation. 795-804
- Elise Ferer:
Julie Artman, Jeff Sundquist, and Douglas R. Dechow. The Craft of Librarian Instruction: Using Acting Techniques to Create Your Teaching Presence. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2016. 112 p. Paper, $38.00 (ISBN 978-083898821-3). 805-806 - Harlan Greene:
Jeannette A. Bastian, Megan Sniffin-Marinoff, and Donna Webber. Archives in Libraries: What Librarians and Archivists Need to Know to Work Together. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2015. 137p. Paper, $69.95 (ISBN 978-1-931666-87-3). 806-807 - Brenna Helmstutler:
Moira J. Bent. Practical Tips for Facilitating Research. London: Facet Publishing, 2016. 288p. Paper, $95.00 (ISBN 978-1-78330-017-4). 807-809 - Scott Curtis
Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries. Starr Hoffman, ed. Chicago: Neal-Schuman, an imprint of the American Library Association, 2016. 154p. $75.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1469-4). 809-811 - Phill Johnson:
Self-Publishing and Collection Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Libraries. Robert P. Holley, ed., for Charleston Insights in Library, Archival, and Information Sciences. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, 2015. 198p. Paper, $29.95 (ISBN 978-1-55753-721-8). 811-813

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