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Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, 2019
Volume TR19, 2019
- Dmitry Itsykson, Alexander Knop, Andrei E. Romashchenko, Dmitry Sokolov:
On OBDD-based algorithms and proof systems that dynamically change order of variables. - Alexander S. Kulikov, Ivan Mikhailin, Andrey Mokhov, Vladimir V. Podolskii:
Complexity of Linear Operators. - Alexander A. Sherstov, Pei Wu:
Near-Optimal Lower Bounds on the Threshold Degree and Sign-Rank of AC^0. - Amey Bhangale, Subhash Khot:
UG-hardness to NP-hardness by Losing Half. - Omar Alrabiah, Venkatesan Guruswami:
An Exponential Lower Bound on the Sub-Packetization of MSR Codes. - Anna Gál, Ridwan Syed:
Upper Bounds on Communication in terms of Approximate Rank. - Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Meena Mahajan, Nikhil S. Mande, Nitin Saurabh:
Lower Bounds for Linear Decision Lists. - Ashish Dwivedi, Rajat Mittal, Nitin Saxena:
Efficiently factoring polynomials modulo $p^4$. - Jiawei Gao, Russell Impagliazzo:
The Fine-Grained Complexity of Strengthenings of First-Order Logic. - Dorit Aharonov, Alex Bredariol Grilo:
Stoquastic PCP vs. Randomness. - Benny Applebaum, Eliran Kachlon:
Sampling Graphs without Forbidden Subgraphs and Almost-Explicit Unbalanced Expanders. - Oded Goldreich:
Multi-pseudodeterministic algorithms. - Joshua Brakensiek, Sivakanth Gopi, Venkatesan Guruswami:
CSPs with Global Modular Constraints: Algorithms and Hardness via Polynomial Representations. - Himanshu Tyagi, Shun Watanabe:
A New Proof of Nonsignalling Multiprover Parallel Repetition Theorem. - William Kretschmer:
QMA Lower Bounds for Approximate Counting. - Alexander A. Sherstov:
The hardest halfspace. - Chin Ho Lee:
Fourier bounds and pseudorandom generators for product tests. - Alexander Golovnev, Rahul Ilango, Russell Impagliazzo, Valentine Kabanets, Antonina Kolokolova, Avishay Tal:
AC0[p] Lower Bounds against MCSP via the Coin Problem. - Mrinal Kumar, Rafael Mendes de Oliveira, Ramprasad Saptharishi:
Towards Optimal Depth Reductions for Syntactically Multilinear Circuits. - Ludmila Glinskih, Dmitry Itsykson:
On Tseitin formulas, read-once branching programs and treewidth. - Rahul Ilango:
$AC^0[p]$ Lower Bounds and NP-Hardness for Variants of MCSP. - Mahdi Cheraghchi, Valentine Kabanets, Zhenjian Lu, Dimitrios Myrisiotis:
Circuit Lower Bounds for MCSP from Local Pseudorandom Generators. - Orr Paradise:
Smooth and Strong PCPs. - Russell Impagliazzo, Sasank Mouli, Toniann Pitassi:
The Surprising Power of Constant Depth Algebraic Proofs. - Shuichi Hirahara, Osamu Watanabe:
On Nonadaptive Reductions to the Set of Random Strings and Its Dense Subsets. - Pavel Hrubes, Sivaramakrishnan Natarajan Ramamoorthy, Anup Rao, Amir Yehudayoff:
Lower Bounds on Balancing Sets and Depth-2 Threshold Circuits. - Mark Bun, Nikhil S. Mande, Justin Thaler:
Sign-Rank Can Increase Under Intersection. - Shachar Lovett, Noam Solomon, Jiapeng Zhang:
From DNF compression to sunflower theorems via regularity. - Yuval Filmus, Lianna Hambardzumyan, Hamed Hatami, Pooya Hatami, David Zuckerman:
Biasing Boolean Functions and Collective Coin-Flipping Protocols over Arbitrary Product Distributions. - Claude Crépeau, Nan Yang:
Non-Locality in Interactive Proofs. - Lijie Chen:
Non-deterministic Quasi-Polynomial Time is Average-case Hard for ACC Circuits. - Srikanth Srinivasan:
Strongly Exponential Separation Between Monotone VP and Monotone VNP. - Ashish Dwivedi, Rajat Mittal, Nitin Saxena:
Counting basic-irreducible factors mod $p^k$ in deterministic poly-time and $p$-adic applications. - Pavel Hrubes:
On $\epsilon$-sensitive monotone computations. - Alexey Milovanov:
PIT for depth-4 circuits and Sylvester-Gallai theorem for polynomials. - Pavel Hrubes:
On the complexity of computing a random Boolean function over the reals. - Chi-Ning Chou, Mrinal Kumar, Noam Solomon:
Closure of VP under taking factors: a short and simple proof. - Itay Berman, Akshay Degwekar, Ron D. Rothblum, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan:
Statistical Difference Beyond the Polarizing Regime. - Eric Allender, Archit Chauhan, Samir Datta, Anish Mukherjee:
Planarity, Exclusivity, and Unambiguity. - Sanjana Kolisetty, Linh Le, Ilya Volkovich, Mihalis Yannakakis:
The Complexity of Finding S-factors in Regular Graphs. - Srinivasan Arunachalam, Alex Bredariol Grilo, Aarthi Sundaram:
Quantum hardness of learning shallow classical circuits. - Ankit Garg, Nikhil Gupta, Neeraj Kayal, Chandan Saha:
Determinant equivalence test over finite fields and over ℚ. - Toniann Pitassi, Morgan Shirley, Thomas Watson:
Nondeterministic and Randomized Boolean Hierarchies in Communication Complexity. - Eli Ben-Sasson, Lior Goldberg, Swastik Kopparty, Shubhangi Saraf:
DEEP-FRI: Sampling Outside the Box Improves Soundness. - Jiawei Gao:
On the Fine-grained Complexity of Least Weight Subsequence in Graphs. - Akash Kumar, C. Seshadhri, Andrew Stolman:
andom walks and forbidden minors II: A poly(dε-1)$-query tester for minor-closed properties of bounded degree graphs. - Mrinal Kumar, Ben Lee Volk:
Lower Bounds for Matrix Factorization. - Per Austrin, Amey Bhangale, Aditya Potukuchi:
Simplified inpproximability of hypergraph coloring via t-agreeing families. - Itay Berman, Iftach Haitner, Eliad Tsfadia:
A Tight Parallel-Repetition Theorem for Random-Terminating Interactive Arguments. - Titus Dose, Christian Glaßer:
NP-Completeness, Proof Systems, and Disjoint NP-Pairs. - Emanuele Viola:
Pseudorandom bits and lower bounds for randomized Turing machines. - Nicola Galesi, Leszek Aleksander Kolodziejczyk, Neil Thapen:
Polynomial calculus space and resolution width. - Andrei A. Krokhin, Jakub Oprsal:
The complexity of 3-colouring H-colourable graphs. - Joshua Brakensiek, Venkatesan Guruswami:
Bridging between 0/1 and Linear Programming via Random Walks. - Kasper Green Larsen, Tal Malkin, Omri Weinstein, Kevin Yeo:
Lower Bounds for Oblivious Near-Neighbor Search. - Tom Gur, Oded Lachish:
A Lower Bound for Relaxed Locally Decodable Codes. - Olaf Beyersdorff, Joshua Blinkhorn:
Proof Complexity of Symmetry Learning in QBF. - Pavel Pudlák, Vojtech Rödl:
Extractors for small zero-fixing sources. - Rohit Agrawal:
Samplers and extractors for unbounded functions. - Scott Aaronson, Guy N. Rothblum:
Gentle Measurement of Quantum States and Differential Privacy. - Scott Aaronson, Daniel Grier, Luke Schaeffer:
A Quantum Query Complexity Trichotomy for Regular Languages. - Scott Aaronson, Robin Kothari, William Kretschmer, Justin Thaler:
Quantum Lower Bounds for Approximate Counting via Laurent Polynomials. - Vikraman Arvind, Abhranil Chatterjee, Rajit Datta, Partha Mukhopadhyay:
Efficient Black-Box Identity Testing for Free Group Algebra. - Igor Carboni Oliveira:
Randomness and Intractability in Kolmogorov Complexity. - Mrinal Kumar, Ramprasad Saptharishi, Noam Solomon:
Derandomization from Algebraic Hardness: Treading the Borders. - Thomas Watson:
A Lower Bound for Sampling Disjoint Sets. - Hamed Hatami, Kaave Hosseini, Shachar Lovett:
Sign rank vs Discrepancy. - Shuo Pang:
Large Clique is Hard on Average for Resolution. - Nicola Galesi, Dmitry Itsykson, Artur Riazanov, Anastasia Sofronova:
Bounded-depth Frege complexity of Tseitin formulas for all graphs. - Alessandro Chiesa, Peter Manohar, Igor Shinkar:
On Local Testability in the Non-Signaling Setting. - Sumegha Garg, Ran Raz, Avishay Tal:
Time-Space Lower Bounds for Two-Pass Learning. - Lijie Chen, Ofer Grossman:
Broadcast Congested Clique: Planted Cliques and Pseudorandom Generators. - Igor Carboni Oliveira, Rahul Santhanam, Srikanth Srinivasan:
Parity helps to compute Majority. - Arka Rai Choudhuri, Pavel Hubácek, Chethan Kamath, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Alon Rosen, Guy N. Rothblum:
Finding a Nash Equilibrium Is No Easier Than Breaking Fiat-Shamir. - Lijie Chen, Dylan M. McKay, Cody Murray, R. Ryan Williams:
Relations and Equivalences Between Circuit Lower Bounds and Karp-Lipton Theorems. - Leroy Chew, Judith Clymo:
The Equivalences of Refutational QRAT. - Jan Bydzovsky, Igor Carboni Oliveira, Jan Krajícek:
Consistency of circuit lower bounds with bounded theories. - Itai Benjamini, Oded Goldreich:
Pseudo-Mixing Time of Random Walks. - Arnab Bhattacharyya, Philips George John, Suprovat Ghoshal, Raghu Meka:
Average Bias and Polynomial Sources. - Swastik Kopparty, Nicolas Resch, Noga Ron-Zewi, Shubhangi Saraf, Shashwat Silas:
On List Recovery of High-Rate Tensor Codes. - Iftach Haitner, Noam Mazor, Ronen Shaltiel, Jad Silbak:
Channels of Small Log-Ratio Leakage and Characterization of Two-Party Differentially Private Computation. - Andrej Bogdanov, Nikhil S. Mande, Justin Thaler, Christopher Williamson:
Approximate degree, secret sharing, and concentration phenomena. - Lior Gishboliner, Asaf Shapira:
Testing Graphs against an Unknown Distribution. - Michal Garlík:
Resolution Lower Bounds for Refutation Statements. - Xuangui Huang, Emanuele Viola:
Approximate Degree-Weight and Indistinguishability. - Alex Bredariol Grilo, William Slofstra, Henry Yuen:
Perfect zero knowledge for quantum multiprover interactive proofs. - Rohit Agrawal:
Coin Theorems and the Fourier Expansion. - Oded Goldreich:
On the Complexity of Estimating the Effective Support Size. - Adam Bene Watts, Robin Kothari, Luke Schaeffer, Avishay Tal:
Exponential separation between shallow quantum circuits and unbounded fan-in shallow classical circuits. - Ronen Shaltiel, Swastik Kopparty, Jad Silbak:
Quasilinear time list-decodable codes for space bounded channels. - Ryo Ashida, Tatsuya Imai, Kotaro Nakagawa, A. Pavan, N. V. Vinodchandran, Osamu Watanabe:
A Sublinear-space and Polynomial-time Separator Algorithm for Planar Graphs. - Venkatesan Guruswami, Jakub Oprsal, Sai Sandeep:
Revisiting Alphabet Reduction in Dinur's PCP. - Prahladh Harsha, Subhash Khot, Euiwoong Lee, Devanathan Thiruvenkatachari:
Improved 3LIN Hardness via Linear Label Cover. - Venkatesan Guruswami, Sai Sandeep:
Rainbow coloring hardness via low sensitivity polymorphisms. - Chetan Gupta, Rahul Jain, Vimal Raj Sharma, Raghunath Tewari:
Unambiguous Catalytic Computation. - Aditya Potukuchi:
On the AC0[⊕] complexity of Andreev's Problem. - Jacobo Torán, Florian Wörz
Reversible Pebble Games and the Relation Between Tree-Like and General Resolution Space. - Jayadev Acharya, Clément L. Canonne, Yanjun Han, Ziteng Sun, Himanshu Tyagi:
Domain Compression and its Application to Randomness-Optimal Distributed Goodness-of-Fit. - Dean Doron, Dana Moshkovitz, Justin Oh, David Zuckerman:
Nearly Optimal Pseudorandomness From Hardness. - Hervé Fournier, Guillaume Malod, Maud Szusterman, Sébastien Tavenas:
Nonnegative rank measures and monotone algebraic branching programs. - Amit Chakrabarti, Prantar Ghosh:
Streaming Verification of Graph Computations via Graph Structure. - Oded Goldreich:
Testing Isomorphism in the Bounded-Degree Graph Model. - Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Yuval Filmus, Sajin Koroth, Or Meir, Toniann Pitassi:
Query-to-Communication Lifting Using Low-Discrepancy Gadgets. - Vishwas Bhargava, Shubhangi Saraf, Ilya Volkovich:
Reconstruction of Depth-$4$ Multilinear Circuits. - Ragesh Jaiswal:
A note on the relation between XOR and Selective XOR Lemmas. - Noah Fleming, Pravesh Kothari, Toniann Pitassi:
Semialgebraic Proofs and Efficient Algorithm Design. - Zachary Remscrim:
The Power of a Single Qubit: Two-way Quantum/Classical Finite Automata and the Word Problem for Linear Groups. - Chaoping Xing, Chen Yuan:
Beating the probabilistic lower bound on perfect hashing. - Srikanth Srinivasan, Utkarsh Tripathi, S. Venkitesh:
Decoding Downset codes over a finite grid. - Ryan Alweiss, Shachar Lovett, Kewen Wu, Jiapeng Zhang:
Improved bounds for the sunflower lemma. - Klim Efremenko, Gillat Kol, Raghuvansh Saxena:
Noisy Beeps. - Yotam Dikstein, Irit Dinur:
Agreement testing theorems on layered set systems. - Tomer Grossman, Ilan Komargodski, Moni Naor:
Instance Complexity and Unlabeled Certificates in the Decision Tree Model. - Visu Makam, Avi Wigderson:
Singular tuples of matrices is not a null cone (and, the symmetries of algebraic varieties). - Arnab Bhattacharyya, Édouard Bonnet, László Egri, Suprovat Ghoshal, Karthik C. S., Bingkai Lin, Pasin Manurangsi, Dániel Marx:
Parameterized Intractability of Even Set and Shortest Vector Problem. - Venkatesan Guruswami, Sai Sandeep:
$d$-to-$1$ Hardness of Coloring $4$-colorable Graphs with $O(1)$ colors. - Silas Richelson
, Sourya Roy:
Locally Testable Non-Malleable Codes. - Lijie Chen, Ce Jin, Ryan Williams:
Hardness Magnification for all Sparse NP Languages. - Dean Doron, Amnon Ta-Shma, Roei Tell:
On Hitting-Set Generators for Polynomials that Vanish Rarely. - Or Meir:
Toward Better Depth Lower Bounds: Two Results on the Multiplexor Relation. - Alexander A. Sherstov, Justin Thaler:
Vanishing-Error Approximate Degree and QMA Complexity. - Jonathan Mosheiff, Nicolas Resch, Noga Ron-Zewi, Shashwat Silas, Mary Wootters:
LDPC Codes Achieve List-Decoding Capacity. - Pascale Gourdeau, Varun Kanade, Marta Kwiatkowska, James Worrell:
On the Hardness of Robust Classification. - Roy Gotlib, Tali Kaufman:
Testing Odd Direct Sums Using High Dimensional Expanders. - Elazar Goldenberg, Karthik C. S.:
Hardness Amplification of Optimization Problems. - Irit Dinur, Roy Meshulam:
Near Coverings and Cosystolic Expansion - an example of topological property testing. - Noga Ron-Zewi, Ron Rothblum:
Local Proofs Approaching the Witness Length. - Anna Gál, Robert Robere:
Lower Bounds for (Non-monotone) Comparator Circuits. - Zeev Dvir, Allen Liu:
Fourier and Circulant Matrices are Not Rigid. - Naomi Kirshner, Alex Samorodnitsky:
A moment ratio bound for polynomials and some extremal properties of Krawchouk polynomials and Hamming spheres. - Lieuwe Vinkhuijzen, André H. Deutz:
A Simple Proof of Vyalyi's Theorem and some Generalizations. - Klim Efremenko, Gillat Kol, Raghuvansh Saxena:
Radio Network Coding Requires Logarithmic Overhead. - Nutan Limaye, Srikanth Srinivasan, Utkarsh Tripathi:
More on $AC^0[\oplus]$ and Variants of the Majority Function. - Omri Ben-Eliezer, Clément L. Canonne, Shoham Letzter, Erik Waingarten:
Finding monotone patterns in sublinear time. - Michel X. Goemans, Shafi Goldwasser, Dhiraj Holden:
Doubly-Efficient Pseudo-Deterministic Proofs. - Sourav Chakraborty, Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Nikhil S. Mande, Manaswi Paraashar:
Quantum Query-to-Communication Simulation Needs a Logarithmic Overhead. - Shachar Lovett, Kewen Wu, Jiapeng Zhang:
Decision list compression by mild random restrictions. - Srikanth Srinivasan, Utkarsh Tripathi, S. Venkitesh:
On the Probabilistic Degrees of Symmetric Boolean functions. - Irit Dinur, Konstantin Golubev:
Direct sum testing - the general case. - Ankit Garg, Visu Makam, Rafael Mendes de Oliveira, Avi Wigderson:
Search problems in algebraic complexity, GCT, and hardness of generator for invariant rings. - Mark Braverman, Subhash Khot, Dor Minzer:
On Rich $2$-to-$1$ Games. - Yaroslav Alekseev, Dima Grigoriev, Edward A. Hirsch, Iddo Tzameret:
Semi-Algebraic Proofs, IPS Lower Bounds and the $\tau$-Conjecture: Can a Natural Number be Negative? - Sivaramakrishnan Natarajan Ramamoorthy, Cyrus Rashtchian:
Equivalence of Systematic Linear Data Structures and Matrix Rigidity. - Young Ko, Omri Weinstein:
An Adaptive Step Toward the Multiphase Conjecture. - Eshan Chattopadhyay, Pooya Hatami, Kaave Hosseini, Shachar Lovett, David Zuckerman:
XOR Lemmas for Resilient Functions Against Polynomials. - Max Bannach, Zacharias Heinrich, Rüdiger Reischuk, Till Tantau:
Dynamic Kernels for Hitting Sets and Set Packing. - Gil Cohen, Shahar Samocha:
Capacity-Approaching Deterministic Interactive Coding Schemes Against Adversarial Errors. - Amey Bhangale, Subhash Khot:
Simultaneous Max-Cut is harder to approximate than Max-Cut. - Dean Doron, Pooya Hatami, William Hoza:
Log-Seed Pseudorandom Generators via Iterated Restrictions. - Stanislav Zák:
A Logical Characteristic of Read-Once Branching Programs. - Per Austrin, Jonah Brown-Cohen, Johan Håstad:
Optimal Inapproximability with Universal Factor Graphs. - Uma Girish, Ran Raz, Avishay Tal:
Quantum versus Randomized Communication Complexity, with Efficient Players. - Venkatesan Guruswami, Bernhard Haeupler, Amirbehshad Shahrasbi:
Optimally Resilient Codes for List-Decoding from Insertions and Deletions. - Venkatesan Guruswami, Andrii Riazanov, Min Ye:
Ar?kan meets Shannon: Polar codes with near-optimal convergence to channel capacity. - Rahul Santhanam:
Pseudorandomness and the Minimum Circuit Size Problem. - Nader H. Bshouty:
Almost Optimal Testers for Concise Representations. - Leroy Chew, Judith Clymo:
How QBF Expansion Makes Strategy Extraction Hard. - Stasys Jukna, Hannes Seiwert:
Sorting Can Exponentially Speed Up Pure Dynamic Programming. - Noah Stephens-Davidowitz, Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
SETH-hardness of Coding Problems. - Md Lutfar Rahman, Thomas Watson:
Tractable Unordered 3-CNF Games. - Suprovat Ghoshal, Rishi Saket:
Hardness of Learning DNFs using Halfspaces. - Ran Raz, Wei Zhan:
The Random-Query Model and the Memory-Bounded Coupon Collector. - Ramesh Krishnan S. Pallavoor, Sofya Raskhodnikova, Erik Waingarten:
Approximating the Distance to Monotonicity of Boolean Functions. - Siddharth Bhandari, Sayantan Chakraborty:
Improved bounds for perfect sampling of $k$-colorings in graphs. - Clément L. Canonne, Xi Chen, Gautam Kamath, Amit Levi, Erik Waingarten:
Random Restrictions of High-Dimensional Distributions and Uniformity Testing with Subcube Conditioning. - Guy Blanc, Jane Lange, Li-Yang Tan:
Top-down induction of decision trees: rigorous guarantees and inherent limitations. - Anant Dhayal, Russell Impagliazzo:
UTIME Easy-witness Lemma & Some Consequences. - Igor Carboni Oliveira, Lijie Chen, Shuichi Hirahara, Ján Pich, Ninad Rajgopal, Rahul Santhanam:
Beyond Natural Proofs: Hardness Magnification and Locality. - Lijie Chen, Ron Rothblum, Roei Tell, Eylon Yogev:
On Exponential-Time Hypotheses, Derandomization, and Circuit Lower Bounds. - Prerona Chatterjee, Mrinal Kumar, Adrian She, Ben Lee Volk:
A Quadratic Lower Bound for Algebraic Branching Programs. - Oded Goldreich:
Improved bounds on the AN-complexity of multilinear functions. - Prasad Chaugule, Mrinal Kumar, Nutan Limaye, Chandra Kanta Mohapatra, Adrian She, Srikanth Srinivasan:
Schur Polynomials do not have small formulas if the Determinant doesn't! - Divesh Aggarwal, Siyao Guo, Maciej Obremski, João Ribeiro, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz:
Extractor Lower Bounds, Revisited. - Susanna F. de Rezende, Jakob Nordström, Kilian Risse, Dmitry Sokolov:
Exponential Resolution Lower Bounds for Weak Pigeonhole Principle and Perfect Matching Formulas over Sparse Graphs. - Emanuele Viola:
Matching Smolensky's correlation bound with majority. - Gal Arnon
, Guy N. Rothblum:
On Prover-Efficient Public-Coin Emulation of Interactive Proofs. - Shafi Goldwasser, Ofer Grossman, Sidhanth Mohanty, David P. Woodruff:
Pseudo-deterministic Streaming. - Dmitry Itsykson, Artur Riazanov, Danil Sagunov, Petr Smirnov:
Almost Tight Lower Bounds on Regular Resolution Refutations of Tseitin Formulas for All Constant-Degree Graphs. - Avishay Tal:
Towards Optimal Separations between Quantum and Randomized Query Complexities. - Andreas Lenz, Cyrus Rashtchian, Paul H. Siegel, Eitan Yaakobi:
Covering Codes for Insertions and Deletions. - Michal Koucký, Vojtech Rödl, Navid Talebanfard:
A Separator Theorem for Hypergraphs and a CSP-SAT Algorithm. - Zachary Remscrim:
The Limitations of Few Qubits: One-way and Two-way Quantum Finite Automata and the Group Word Problem. - Marshall Ball
, Oded Goldreich, Tal Malkin:
Randomness Extraction from Somewhat Dependent Sources. - Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jesse Goodman, Vipul Goyal, Xin Li:
Extractors for Adversarial Sources via Extremal Hypergraphs. - Greg Bodwin, Ofer Grossman:
Strategy-Stealing is Non-Constructive. - Or Meir, Jakob Nordström, Toniann Pitassi, Robert Robere, Susanna F. de Rezende:
Lifting with Simple Gadgets and Applications to Circuit and Proof Complexity.
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