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Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 159
Volume 159, Number 1, January 2008
- A. Frascella, Cosimo Guido:
Transporting many-valued sets along many-valued relations. 1-22 - Chi-Tsuen Yeh:
On the minimal solutions of max-min fuzzy relational equations. 23-39 - Song-Chol Han, Hong-Xing Li, Jia-Yin Wang:
Resolution of matrix equations over arbitrary Brouwerian lattices. 40-46
- José Luis García-Lapresta
, Ricardo Alberto Marques Pereira
The self-dual core and the anti-self-dual remainder of an aggregation operator. 47-62 - Fabrizio Durante
, Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar, Carlo Sempi:
Semilinear copulas. 63-76 - Fabrizio Durante
, Peter Sarkoci:
A note on the convex combinations of triangular norms. 77-80
- Hongbin Zhao, Dexue Zhang
Many valued lattices and their representations. 81-94 - Xiao-hong Zhang
, Xue-Shuang Fan:
Pseudo-BL algebras and pseudo-effect algebras. 95-106
- Symeon Bozapalidis, Olympia Louscou-Bozapalidou:
On the recognizability of fuzzy languages II. 107-113
Volume 159, Number 2, January 2008
- Shujin Li, Qiang Zhang:
The measure of interaction among players in games with fuzzy coalitions. 119-137 - Surajit Borkotokey
Cooperative games with fuzzy coalitions and fuzzy characteristic functions. 138-151 - Yan-An Hwang, Yu-Hsien Liao:
Max-consistency, complement-consistency and the core of fuzzy games. 152-163
- Fatiha Kacher, Moussa Larbani:
Existence of equilibrium solution for a non-cooperative game with fuzzy goals and parameters. 164-176
- Fouad Ben Abdelaziz, José Rui Figueira
, Olfa Meddeb:
On the manipulability of the fuzzy social choice functions. 177-184 - Yucheng Dong, Hongyi Li
, Yinfeng Xu:
On reciprocity indexes in the aggregation of fuzzy preference relations using the OWA operator. 185-192
- S. Ali Torabi
, Elkafi Hassini
An interactive possibilistic programming approach for multiple objective supply chain master planning. 193-214 - Nima Safaei
, Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
, Farrokh Sassani:
A fuzzy programming approach for a cell formation problem with dynamic and uncertain conditions. 215-236
Volume 159, Number 3, February 2008
- Inés Couso
, Luciano Sánchez
Higher order models for fuzzy random variables. 237-258 - Wolfgang Trutschnig
A strong consistency result for fuzzy relative frequencies interpreted as estimator for the fuzzy-valued probability. 259-269
- Mihai Cristian Florea, Anne-Laure Jousselme
, Dominic Grenier, Éloi Bossé:
Approximation techniques for the transformation of fuzzy sets into random sets. 270-288 - Diego A. Alvarez
Nonspecificity for infinite random sets of indexable type. 289-306
- Yi Ding, Anatoly Lisnianski:
Fuzzy universal generating functions for multi-state system reliability assessment. 307-324 - María José Pardo, David de la Fuente
Optimal selection of the service rate for a finite input source fuzzy queuing system. 325-342
- Pedro Terán:
Strong law of large numbers for t-normed arithmetics. 343-360 - C. Sençimen, Serpil Pehlivan
Statistical convergence in fuzzy normed linear spaces. 361-370
Volume 159, Number 4, February 2008
- William-Chandra Tjhi, Lihui Chen
A heuristic-based fuzzy co-clustering algorithm for categorization of high-dimensional data. 371-389 - Miin-Shen Yang, Yu-Hsuan Chiang, Chiu-Chi Chen, Chien-Yo Lai:
A fuzzy k-partitions model for categorical data and its comparison to the GoM model. 390-405 - Jesús A. Soto
, Antonio Flores-Sintas, Javier Palarea-Albaladejo
Improving probabilities in a fuzzy clustering partition. 406-421
- Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, D. Valincius, Adas Gelzinis:
Predictor output sensitivity and feature similarity-based feature selection. 422-434
- Zengchang Qin, Jonathan Lawry:
LFOIL: Linguistic rule induction in the label semantics framework. 435-448 - Mansoor Zolghadri Jahromi
, Mohammad Taheri
A proposed method for learning rule weights in fuzzy rule-based classification systems. 449-459
- Yen-Liang Chen, Cheng-Hsiung Weng:
Mining association rules from imprecise ordinal data. 460-474 - David H. Glass
Fuzzy confirmation measures. 475-490 - Emilia Sainio, Esko Turunen
, Radko Mesiar:
A characterization of fuzzy implications generated by generalized quantifiers. 491-499
Volume 159, Number 5, March 2008
- Ales Pultr
, Stephen Ernest Rodabaugh:
Category theoretic aspects of chain-valued frames: Part I: Categorical and presheaf theoretic foundations. 501-528 - Ales Pultr
, Stephen Ernest Rodabaugh:
Category theoretic aspects of chain-valued frames: Part II: Applications to lattice-valued topology. 529-558 - Dexue Zhang
Uniform environments as a general framework for metrics and uniformities. 559-572 - Hong-Yan Li, Fu-Gui Shi
Some separation axioms in I-fuzzy topological spaces. 573-587 - Sheng-Gang Li, Juan Lu, Xiao-Jing Zhong:
Survey of local connectedness axioms and their properties in L-topological spaces. 588-604 - Fatma Bayoumi:
Global L-neighborhood groups. 605-619 - Mona Khare, Rashmi Singh
Complete xi-grills and (L,n)-merotopies. 620-628
Volume 159, Number 6, March 2008
- Jun Kawabe:
The Choquet integral in Riesz space. 629-645 - Zhenyuan Wang, Wenye Li, Kin-Hong Lee, Kwong-Sak Leung:
Lower integrals and upper integrals with respect to nonadditive set functions. 646-660 - Hashem Parvaneh Masiha, M. Rahmati:
A symmetric conjugate condition for the representation of comonotonically additive and monotone functionals. 661-669
- Tarapada Bag, Syamal Kumar Samanta:
A comparative study of fuzzy norms on a linear space. 670-684 - Tarapada Bag
, Syamal Kumar Samanta:
Fuzzy bounded linear operators in Felbin's type fuzzy normed linear spaces. 685-707 - Ming-Liang Song, Jin-Xuan Fang:
Resonance theorems for family of quasi-homogeneous operators in fuzzy normed linear spaces. 708-719 - Alireza Kamel Mirmostafaee
, Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Fuzzy versions of Hyers-Ulam-Rassias theorem. 720-729 - Alireza Kamel Mirmostafaee
, Madjid Mirzavaziri, Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Fuzzy stability of the Jensen functional equation. 730-738 - Dorel Mihet:
Fuzzy psi-contractive mappings in non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spaces. 739-744
Volume 159, Number 7, April 2008
- Marcos Eduardo Valle
, Peter Sussner:
A general framework for fuzzy morphological associative memories. 747-768 - Mehdi Khashei, Seyed Reza Hejazi, Mehdi Bijari:
A new hybrid artificial neural networks and fuzzy regression model for time series forecasting. 769-786
- Vicenç Puig
, Jordi Saludes, Joseba Quevedo
Simulation of discrete linear time-invariant fuzzy dynamic systems. 787-803
- Barnabás Bede, Hajime Nobuhara, Martina Danková, Antonio Di Nola:
Approximation by pseudo-linear operators. 804-820
- Olga Valenzuela
, Ignacio Rojas
, Fernando Rojas
, Héctor Pomares
, Luis Javier Herrera, Alberto Guillén
, Luisa Marquez, Miguel Pasadas
Hybridization of intelligent techniques and ARIMA models for time series prediction. 821-845
- José L. Verdegay, Ronald R. Yager, Piero P. Bonissone
On heuristics as a fundamental constituent of soft computing. 846-855
- Siamak Haji Yakhchali, Seyed Hassan Ghodsypour
Erratum to "On computing the latest starting times and floats of activities in a network with imprecise durations" [Fuzzy Sets and Systems 150 (2005) 53-76]. 856
Volume 159, Number 8, April 2008
- Phi Anh Phan
, Timothy J. Gale
Direct adaptive fuzzy control with a self-structuring algorithm. 871-899 - Ruiyun Qi, Mietek A. Brdys:
Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model. 900-925 - Abdesselem Boulkroune
, Mohamed Tadjine, Mohammed M'Saad, Mondher Farza:
How to design a fuzzy adaptive controller based on observers for uncertain affine nonlinear systems. 926-948 - Min Wang, Bing Chen, Xiaoping Liu, Peng Shi:
Adaptive fuzzy tracking control for a class of perturbed strict-feedback nonlinear time-delay systems. 949-967
- Nguyen Cat Ho, Nhu-Lan Vu, Le Xuan Viet:
Optimal hedge-algebras-based controller: Design and application. 968-989
- Hak-Keung Lam
, Frank H. F. Leung
Stability analysis of discrete-time fuzzy-model-based control systems with time delay: Time delay-independent approach. 990-1000
Volume 159, Number 9, May 2008
- Gianpiero Cattaneo, Alberto Leporati
, Roberto Leporini:
Quantum conservative many-valued computing. 1001-1030 - Dusan Guller:
Binary resolution over complete residuated Stone lattices. 1031-1041 - Bart Van Gasse, Chris Cornelis
, Glad Deschrijver, Etienne E. Kerre:
Triangle algebras: A formal logic approach to interval-valued residuated lattices. 1042-1060 - John Harding, Carol L. Walker, Elbert A. Walker:
Lattices of convex normal functions. 1061-1071
- Benjamín René Callejas Bedregal, Santiago Figueira:
On the computing power of fuzzy Turing machines. 1072-1083
- Marius Tarnauceanu, Lucian Bentea:
On the number of fuzzy subgroups of finite abelian groups. 1084-1096 - Mirela Stefanescu, Irina Cristea
On the fuzzy grade of hypergroups. 1097-1106 - Reza Ameri, R. Mahjoob:
Spectrum of prime L-submodules. 1107-1115
- Zdenka Riecanová:
Effect algebraic extensions of generalized effect algebras and two-valued states. 1116-1122 - Mona Khare, Akhilesh Kumar Singh:
Atoms and Dobrakov submeasures in effect algebras. 1123-1128
Volume 159, Number 10, May 2008
- Manuel Ojeda-Aciego
, Siegfried Gottwald, Petr Hájek:
Editorial. 1129-1130 - Stefano Aguzzoli
, Brunella Gerla
Normal forms and free algebras for some extensions of MTL. 1131-1152 - Libor Behounek
On the difference between traditional and deductive fuzzy logic. 1153-1164 - Jaume Casasnovas, Gaspar Mayor:
Discrete t-norms and operations on extended multisets. 1165-1177 - Cristina Coppola
, Giangiacomo Gerla, Tiziana Pacelli
Convergence and fixed points by fuzzy orders. 1178-1190 - Tommaso Flaminio
, G. Michele Pinna
, Elisa B. P. Tiezzi
A complete fuzzy logical system to deal with trust management systems. 1191-1207 - Teresa Alsinet
, Carlos Iván Chesñevar
, Lluís Godo
, Guillermo Ricardo Simari:
A logic programming framework for possibilistic argumentation: Formalization and logical properties. 1208-1228 - Vilém Novák:
A formal theory of intermediate quantifiers. 1229-1246 - Ewa Orlowska
, Anna Maria Radzikowska
Representation theorems for some fuzzy logics based on residuated non-distributive lattices. 1247-1259 - Luca Spada
muMV-algebras: An approach to fixed points in Lukasiewicz logic. 1260-1267
Volume 159, Number 11, June 2008
- U. Gauger, S. Turrin, Michael Hanss, L. Gaul:
A new uncertainty analysis for the transformation method. 1273-1291 - Oliviero Giannini
, Michael Hanss:
An interdependency index for the outputs of uncertain systems. 1292-1308 - Zsolt Gera, József Dombi
Exact calculations of extended logical operations on fuzzy truth values. 1309-1326
- Adrian I. Ban
Approximation of fuzzy numbers by trapezoidal fuzzy numbers preserving the expected interval. 1327-1344 - Chi-Tsuen Yeh:
Trapezoidal and triangular approximations preserving the expected interval. 1345-1353 - Przemyslaw Grzegorzewski
Trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers preserving the expected interval - Algorithms and properties. 1354-1364 - Efendi N. Nasibov
, Sinem Peker:
On the nearest parametric approximation of a fuzzy number. 1365-1375 - Yurilev Chalco-Cano
, Heriberto Román-Flores, Fernando A. C. Gomide:
A new type of approximation for fuzzy intervals. 1376-1383
- Rosana Rodríguez-López
Periodic boundary value problems for impulsive fuzzy differential equations. 1384-1409 - Ting-Yu Chen
, Chueh-Yung Tsao:
The interval-valued fuzzy TOPSIS method and experimental analysis. 1410-1428
Volume 159, Number 12, June 2008
- Nicolás Marín
, Olga Pons:
Advances in intelligent databases and information systems. 1429-1430 - Carlos D. Barranco
, Jesús R. Campaña
, Juan Miguel Medina
A B+-tree based indexing technique for fuzzy numerical data. 1431-1449 - Patrick Bosc, Allel HadjAli, Olivier Pivert:
Empty versus overabundant answers to flexible relational queries. 1450-1467 - Tom Matthé, Guy De Tré:
Flexible querying in a relational framework supported by possibilistic logic. 1468-1484 - Janusz Kacprzyk
, Anna Wilbik
, Slawomir Zadrozny
Linguistic summarization of time series using a fuzzy quantifier driven aggregation. 1485-1499 - Luis Cuevas
, Nicolás Marín
, Olga Pons, María Amparo Vila Miranda
pg4DB: A fuzzy object-relational system. 1500-1514 - Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr
, Henri Prade:
Logical handling of uncertain, ontology-based, spatial information. 1515-1534 - Yeow Wei Choong, Anne Laurent, Dominique Laurent
Mining multiple-level fuzzy blocks from multidimensional data. 1535-1553 - Luis M. de Campos
, Juan M. Fernández-Luna
, Juan F. Huete
A collaborative recommender system based on probabilistic inference from fuzzy observations. 1554-1576 - R. Morales, Ignacio J. Blanco
, Olga Pons, J. Rodríguez:
GDB: A tool to build deductive rules using a fuzzy relational database with scientific data. 1577-1596
Volume 159, Number 13, July 2008
- Glad Deschrijver:
A representation of t-norms in interval-valued L-fuzzy set theory. 1597-1618 - Zhi-Hong Yi, Feng Qin, Wei-Cai Li:
Generalizations to the constructions of t-norms: Rotation(-annihilation) construction. 1619-1630 - Peter Viceník:
Additive generators of border-continuous triangular norms. 1631-1645 - Józef Drewniak, Pawel Drygas
, Ewa Rak
Distributivity between uninorms and nullnorms. 1646-1657 - Isabel Aguiló, Jaume Suñer, Joan Torrens
Matrix representation of discrete quasi-copulas. 1658-1672
- Xinwang Liu
, Hongwei Lou:
On the equivalence of some approaches to the OWA operator and RIM quantifier determination. 1673-1688
- Koichi Yamada:
A new combination of evidence based on compromise. 1689-1708
- Agnès Rico:
Sugeno integral in a finite Boolean algebra. 1709-1718 - San-Min Wang, Bin Zhao:
Prenex normal form in linguistic quantifiers modeled by Sugeno integrals. 1719-1723
- Luigi Troiano:
Gleb Beliakov, Ana Pradera and Tomasa Calvo , Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol. 221, XIX, 181 illus. (2007) ISBN 978-3-540-73720-9 (361pp., Hardcover). 1724-1725
Volume 159, Number 14, July 2008
- Vilém Novák, Irina Perfilieva
, Libor Behounek
, Petr Cintula
Formal methods for fuzzy mathematics, approximation and reasoning - Part I. 1727-1728 - Libor Behounek
, Ulrich Bodenhofer
, Petr Cintula
Relations in Fuzzy Class Theory: : Initial steps. 1729-1772 - Tomás Kroupa:
Filters in fuzzy class theory. 1773-1787 - Rostislav Horcík
Solution of a system of linear equations with fuzzy numbers. 1788-1810 - Michal Holcapek
Monadic L-fuzzy quantifiers of the type <1n, 2>*. 1811-1835
- Michal Baczynski
, Balasubramaniam Jayaram
(S, N)- and R-implications: A state-of-the-art survey. 1836-1859 - Umberto Rivieccio
Neutrosophic logics: Prospects and problems. 1860-1868 - Stephan van der Waart van Gulik, Peter Verdée:
Modeling sorites reasoning with adaptive fuzzy logic. 1869-1884
- Michal Baczynski
, Balasubramaniam Jayaram
Erratum to "On the characterizations of (S, N)-implications": [Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158 (2007) 1713-1727]. 1885
Volume 159, Number 15, August 2008
- Olivier Pivert:
Preface. 1887-1888 - Salem Benferhat, Karima Sedki:
Two alternatives for handling preferences in qualitative choice logic. 1889-1912 - Cédric Baudrit, Didier Dubois, Nathalie Perrot
Representing parametric probabilistic models tainted with imprecision. 1913-1928 - Céline Hudelot, Jamal Atif, Isabelle Bloch:
Fuzzy spatial relation ontology for image interpretation. 1929-1951 - Kevin Loquin, Olivier Strauss:
On the granularity of summative kernels. 1952-1972 - Isabelle Bloch:
Fuzzy skeleton by influence zones - Application to interpolation between fuzzy sets. 1973-1990 - Florence Jacquey, Frédéric Comby, Olivier Strauss:
Fuzzy edge detection for omnidirectional images. 1991-2010 - Laurent Mascarilla, Michel Berthier
, Carl Frélicot:
A k-order fuzzy OR operator for pattern classification with k-order ambiguity rejection. 2011-2029 - Laurent Ughetto, W. Amenel Voglozin, Noureddine Mouaddib:
Database querying with personalized vocabulary using data summaries. 2030-2046
Volume 159, Number 16, August 2008
- Rosana Rodríguez-López
Monotone method for fuzzy differential equations. 2047-2076 - Minghao Chen, Yongqiang Fu, Xiaoping Xue, Congxin Wu:
Two-point boundary value problems of undamped uncertain dynamical systems. 2077-2089 - Zezhong Wu, Jiuping Xu:
Nonconvex fuzzy mappings and the fuzzy pre-variational inequality. 2090-2103 - Congxin Wu, Zhitao Zhao:
Some notes on the characterization of compact sets of fuzzy sets with Lp metric. 2104-2115 - Tadeusz Rzezuchowski, Janusz Wasowski:
Solutions of fuzzy equations based on Kaucher arithmetic and AE-solution sets. 2116-2129 - Ehud Lehrer, Roee Teper:
The concave integral over large spaces. 2130-2144 - Elías F. Combarro
, Pedro Miranda
On the polytope of non-additive measures. 2145-2162 - Erik Quaeghebeur
, Gert de Cooman
Extreme lower probabilities. 2163-2175 - Fathi B. Saidi
, Ali Jaballah
Uniqueness in the generalized representation by fuzzy sets. 2176-2184 - Dong Qiu
, Lan Shu:
Notes on "On the restudy of fuzzy complex analysis: Part I and Part II". 2185-2189 - Osmo Kaleva
A comment on the completion of fuzzy metric spaces. 2190-2192
Volume 159, Number 17, September 2008
- Ronald R. Yager:
Measures of specificity over continuous spaces under similarity relations. 2193-2210 - Llorenç Valverde
, Sergei Ovchinnikov:
Representations of T-similarity relations. 2211-2220 - Susana Díaz
, Bernard De Baets
, Susana Montes:
On the compositional characterization of complete fuzzy pre-orders. 2221-2239 - Louis Aimé Fono, Henri Gwét
, Siméon Fotso:
On strict lower and upper sections of weakly complete fuzzy pre-orders based on co-implication. 2240-2255 - Irina Perfilieva
, Lenka Nosková:
System of fuzzy relation equations with inf-> composition: Complete set of solutions. 2256-2271 - Khaled M. Elbassioni
A note on systems with max-min and max-product constraints. 2272-2277 - Jianxin Li:
A new algorithm for minimizing a linear objective function with fuzzy relation equation constraints. 2278-2298 - Hernán Pedro Vigier, Antonio Terceño Gómez:
A model for the prediction of "diseases" of firms by means of fuzzy relations. 2299-2316
Volume 159, Number 18, September 2008
- Pei-Yi Hao:
Fuzzy one-class support vector machines. 2317-2336 - Eyke Hüllermeier, Klaus Brinker:
Learning valued preference structures for solving classification problems. 2337-2352 - Yuhua Qian, Jiye Liang
, Chuangyin Dang
Consistency measure, inclusion degree and fuzzy measure in decision tables. 2353-2377 - Alberto Fernández
, Salvador García
, María José del Jesus
, Francisco Herrera
A study of the behaviour of linguistic fuzzy rule based classification systems in the framework of imbalanced data-sets. 2378-2398 - Witold Pedrycz, Partab Rai:
Collaborative clustering with the use of Fuzzy C-Means and its quantification. 2399-2427 - Jingwei Liu, Meizhi Xu:
Kernelized fuzzy attribute C-means clustering algorithm. 2428-2445 - H. Shakouri G.
, Mohammad Bagher Menhaj
A single fuzzy rule to smooth the sharpness of mixed data: Time and frequency domains analysis. 2446-2465 - Sylvie Galichet
, Reda Boukezzoula:
Introduction to fuzzy systems, Guanrong Chen, Trung Tat Pham, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Science Series, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 1-58488-531-9, 2006, 315p. 2466-2468
Volume 159, Number 19, October 2008
- Javier Gutiérrez García
, Iraide Mardones-Pérez
, Jorge Picado
, María Angeles de Prada-Vicente:
Uniform-type structures on lattice-valued spaces and frames. 2469-2487 - Gunther Jäger
Lattice-valued convergence spaces and regularity. 2488-2502 - Wei Yao:
On many-valued stratified L-fuzzy convergence spaces. 2503-2519 - P. V. Flores, Giles Richardson:
Lattice-valued convergence: Diagonal axioms. 2520-2528 - Jawaher Al-Mufarrij, T. M. G. Ahsanullah
On the category of fixed basis frame valued topological groups. 2529-2551 - Fatma Bayoumi, Ismail Ibedou
Completion of L-topological groups. 2552-2566 - Sergey A. Solovyov:
Sobriety and spatiality in varieties of algebras. 2567-2585 - Wei Yao, Fu-Gui Shi
A note on specialization L-preorder of L-topological spaces, L-fuzzifying topological spaces, and L-fuzzy topological spaces. 2586-2595 - Huan Huang, Congxin Wu:
On the completion of fuzzy metric spaces. 2596-2605 - Ulrich Höhle
, Tomasz Kubiak
A note on Hausdorff separation in L-TOP. 2606-2610 - Veena Singh:
On a coreflective hull in L-TOP. 2611-2615
Volume 159, Number 20, October 2008
- Chun-Fei Hsu, Ping-Zong Lin, Tsu-Tian Lee, Chi-Hsu Wang:
Adaptive asymmetric fuzzy neural network controller design via network structuring adaptation. 2627-2649 - Ieroham S. Baruch, Rafael Beltran Lopez, Jose-Luis Olivares Guzman, José Martín Flores
A fuzzy-neural multi-model for nonlinear systems identification and control. 2650-2667 - Maryam Zekri
, Saeed Sadri, Farid Sheikholeslam:
Adaptive fuzzy wavelet network control design for nonlinear systems. 2668-2695 - Huai-Ning Wu
Delay-dependent H∞ fuzzy observer-based control for discrete-time nonlinear systems with state delay. 2696-2712 - Chen Peng, Yu-Chu Tian
, Engang Tian:
Improved delay-dependent robust stabilization conditions of uncertain T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delay. 2713-2729 - Yongmin Li, Shengyuan Xu, Baoyong Zhang, Yuming Chu:
Robust stabilization and H∞ control for uncertain fuzzy neutral systems with mixed time delays. 2730-2748 - Jafar Razavi-Panah, Vahid Johari Majd:
A robust multi-objective DPDC for uncertain T-S fuzzy systems. 2749-2762 - Chin-Wang Tao, Jin-Shiuh Taur, C. M. Wang, U. S. Chen:
Fuzzy hierarchical swing-up and sliding position controller for the inverted pendulum-cart system. 2763-2784
Volume 159, Number 21, November 2008
- Kudret Demirli
Selected papers from NAFIPS 2006, 2006 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. 2785 - Patrick Bosc, Olivier Pivert:
On two qualitative approaches to tolerant inclusion operators. 2786-2805 - Nicolas Cebron, Michael R. Berthold:
Adaptive prototype-based fuzzy classification. 2806-2818 - Ester Van Broekhoven, Bernard De Baets
Monotone Mamdani-Assilian models under mean of maxima defuzzification. 2819-2844 - Weldon A. Lodwick, K. David Jamison:
Interval-valued probability in the analysis of problems containing a mixture of possibilistic, probabilistic, and interval uncertainty. 2845-2858 - Nick J. Pizzi, Witold Pedrycz:
Effective classification using feature selection and fuzzy integration. 2859-2872 - Jeoung-Nae Choi, Sung-Kwun Oh, Witold Pedrycz:
Identification of fuzzy models using a successive tuning method with a variant identification ratio. 2873-2889 - Cheng-Jian Lin:
An efficient immune-based symbiotic particle swarm optimization learning algorithm for TSK-type neuro-fuzzy networks design. 2890-2909 - Chia-Feng Juang
, Chiang Lo:
Zero-order TSK-type fuzzy system learning using a two-phase swarm intelligence algorithm. 2910-2926 - Mahmoud Tarokh:
Hybrid intelligent path planning for articulated rovers in rough terrain. 2927-2937
Volume 159, Number 22, November 2008
- Vilém Novák:
A comprehensive theory of trichotomous evaluative linguistic expressions. 2939-2969 - Hongjun Zhou
, Guojun Wang:
Three and two-valued Lukasiewicz theories in the formal deductive system I (NM-logic). 2970-2982 - Miguel Campercholi, Diego Vaggione:
An implicit function theorem for regular fuzzy logic functions. 2983-2987 - Yun Shi, Bart Van Gasse, Da Ruan, Etienne E. Kerre:
On the first place antitonicity in QL-implications. 2988-3013 - Zsolt Gera, József Dombi
Type-2 implications on non-interactive fuzzy truth values. 3014-3032 - Tong-Jun Li:
Rough approximation operators on two universes of discourse and their fuzzy extensions. 3033-3050 - Janne Mertanen, Esko Turunen:
States on semi-divisible generalized residuated lattices reduce to states on MV-algebras. 3051-3064 - Sylvia Pulmannová:
Sharp and unsharp observables on sigma-MV algebras - A comparison with the Hilbert space approach. 3065-3077 - Radomír Halas:
Functional completeness of bounded structures of fuzzy logic with wvt-operators. 3078-3086 - Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic
, Heiko Vogler:
A note on cut-worthiness of recognizable tree series. 3087-3090
Volume 159, Number 23, December 2008
- Shang-Ming Zhou
, John Q. Gan
Low-level interpretability and high-level interpretability: a unified view of data-driven interpretable fuzzy system modelling. 3091-3131 - Nikolaos E. Mitrakis
, John B. Theocharis, Vassilios Petridis:
A multilayered neuro-fuzzy classifier with self-organizing properties. 3132-3159 - Plamen Angelov
, Edwin Lughofer, Xiaowei Zhou:
Evolving fuzzy classifiers using different model architectures. 3160-3182 - Bao Rong Chang:
Resolving the forecasting problems of overshoot and volatility clustering using ANFIS coupling nonlinear heteroscedasticity with quantum tuning. 3183-3200 - Markos G. Tsipouras
, Themis P. Exarchos, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
A methodology for automated fuzzy model generation. 3201-3220 - Ho Jae Lee, Do Wan Kim
Intelligent digital redesign revisited: Approximate discretization and stability limitation. 3221-3231 - Mahdi Mottaghi-Kashtiban
, Abdollah Khoei
, Khayrollah Hadidi:
Optimization of rational-powered membership functions using extended Kalman filter. 3232-3244
Volume 159, Number 24, December 2008
- Yurilev Chalco-Cano
, María-Dolores Jiménez-Gamero
, Heriberto Román-Flores, Marko Antonio Rojas-Medar
An approximation to the extension principle using decomposition of fuzzy intervals. 3245-3258 - Konstantinos A. Chrysafis
, Basil K. Papadopoulos, Garyfalos Papaschinopoulos:
On the fuzzy difference equations of finance. 3259-3270 - Luis J. Rodríguez-Muñiz
, Miguel López-Díaz
A new framework for the Bayesian analysis of single-stage decision problems with imprecise utilities. 3271-3280 - Shang-Ming Zhou
, Francisco Chiclana
, Robert Ivor John
, Jonathan M. Garibaldi
Type-1 OWA operators for aggregating uncertain information with uncertain weights induced by type-2 linguistic quantifiers. 3281-3296 - Michele Lalla
, Gisella Facchinetti, Giovanni Mastroleo
Vagueness evaluation of the crisp output in a fuzzy inference system. 3297-3312 - María José Pardo, David de la Fuente
Design of a fuzzy finite capacity queuing model based on the degree of customer satisfaction: Analysis and fuzzy optimization. 3313-3332 - Takashi Maeda:
On characterization of fuzzy vectors and its applications to fuzzy mathematical programming problems. 3333-3346 - Yan-Kuen Wu, Sy-Ming Guu, Julie Yu-Chih Liu
Reducing the search space of a linear fractional programming problem under fuzzy relational equations with max-Archimedean t-norm composition. 3347-3359 - Ke-Ang Fu, Li-Xin Zhang
Strong laws of large numbers for arrays of rowwise independent random compact sets and fuzzy random sets. 3360-3368 - Salih Aytar, Serpil Pehlivan
, Musa A. Mammadov:
The core of a sequence of fuzzy numbers. 3369-3379 - Gültekin Soylu:
Similarity-based fuzzy limits. 3380-3387 - Dug Hun Hong:
A convexity problem and a new proof for linearity preserving additions of fuzzy intervals. 3388-3392

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