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Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 37
Volume 37, Number 1, January 2021
- Mikio Kano
, Jorge Urrutia:
Discrete Geometry on Colored Point Sets in the Plane - A Survey. 1-53 - Mansour J. Algefari, Hong-Jian Lai
Supereulerian Graphs with Constraints on the Matching Number and Minimum Degree. 55-64 - Xia Liu, Liming Xiong, Hong-Jian Lai:
Strongly Spanning Trailable Graphs with Small Circumference and Hamilton-Connected Claw-Free Graphs. 65-85 - Angèle M. Foley
, Joshua Kazdan, Larissa Kröll
, Sofía Martínez Alberga, Oleksii Melnyk, Alexander Tenenbaum:
Spiders and their Kin: An Investigation of Stanley's Chromatic Symmetric Function for Spiders and Related Graphs. 87-110 - Masamichi Kuroda, Shuhei Tsujie
Unit Ball Graphs on Geodesic Spaces. 111-125 - Tan Nhat Tran
The Largest Coefficient of the Highest Root and the Second Smallest Exponent. 127-137 - Kittitat Iamthong
, Ji-Hwan Jung
, Sergey Kitaev
Encoding Labelled p-Riordan Graphs by Words and Pattern-Avoiding Permutations. 139-149 - Sarah E. Anderson, Kirsti Kuenzel, Douglas F. Rall
On Well-Dominated Graphs. 151-165 - Yumei Hu, Yarong Wei
Rainbow Antistrong Connection in Tournaments. 167-181 - Da Zhao
Classification of Partially Metric Q-Polynomial Association Schemes with m 1 = 4. 183-197 - Alexandr V. Kostochka, André Raspaud, Bjarne Toft, Douglas B. West, Dara Zirlin:
Cut-Edges and Regular Factors in Regular Graphs of Odd Degree. 199-207 - Hong-Bin Chen
, Hung-Lin Fu, Jun-Yi Guo:
Hamiltonicity in Prime Sum Graphs. 209-219 - Michael Yatauro
Stability Theorems for Graph Vulnerability Parameters. 221-239 - Alvin Chiu, William Hoganson, Thomas C. Hull
, Sylvia Wu:
Counting Locally Flat-Foldable Origami Configurations Via 3-Coloring Graphs. 241-261 - Yanan Chu, Genghua Fan, Chuixiang Zhou
Decompositions of 6-Regular Bipartite Graphs into Paths of Length Six. 263-269 - Arturas Dubickas
Graphs with Diameter 2 and Large Total Domination Number. 271-279 - Julien Bensmail, Bi Li, Binlong Li:
An Injective Version of the 1-2-3 Conjecture. 281-311 - Nicholas Newman
, Matthew Noble:
Questions on Color-Critical Subgraphs. 313-324 - Michael A. Henning, Nader Jafari Rad
Upper Bounds on the k-Tuple (Roman) Domination Number of a Graph. 325-336 - Zhao Wang, Yaping Mao
, Colton Magnant
, Jinyu Zou:
Ramsey and Gallai-Ramsey Numbers for Two Classes of Unicyclic Graphs. 337-354 - Jing Gu, Weifan Wang, Yiqiao Wang, Ying Wang:
Strict Neighbor-Distinguishing Index of Subcubic Graphs. 355-368 - Janja Jerebic
, Sandi Klavzar, Gregor Rus:
On ℓ-Distance-Balanced Product Graphs. 369-379 - Jeffrey A. Mudrock
, Jade Hewitt, Paul Shin, Collin Smith:
Proportional Choosability of Complete Bipartite Graphs. 381-392
Volume 37, Number 2, March 2021
- Suil O
, Yongtang Shi
, Zhenyu Taoqiu:
Sharp Upper Bounds on the k-Independence Number in Graphs with Given Minimum and Maximum Degree. 393-408 - Yuxing Jia
, Mei Lu, Yi Zhang:
Anti-Ramsey Problems in Complete Bipartite Graphs for t Edge-Disjoint Rainbow Spanning Trees. 409-433 - Kengo Enami
, Kenta Noguchi
Embeddings of a Graph into a Surface with Different Weak Chromatic Numbers. 435-444 - Zuosong Liang, Yanxia Dong, Yancai Zhao, Huiyu Xing:
Equitable Clique-Coloring in Claw-Free Graphs with Maximum Degree at Most 4. 445-454 - Juan Wang, Lianying Miao, Wenyao Song, Yunlong Liu:
Acyclic Coloring of Graphs with Maximum Degree 7. 455-469 - Rogers Mathew
, Ritabrata Ray, Shashank Srivastava
Fractional Cross Intersecting Families. 471-484 - Makoto Miura
, Kazushi Ueda
Spherical 2-Designs as Stationary Points of Many-Body Systems. 485-492 - Alberto Seeger, David Sossa
Measuring Similarity Between Connected Graphs: The Role of Induced Subgraphs and Complementarity Eigenvalues. 493-525 - Garner Cochran, Éva Czabarka, Peter Dankelmann
, László A. Székely:
A Size Condition for Diameter Two Orientable Graphs. 527-544 - Julien Bensmail, Fionn Mc Inerney
On Generalisations of the AVD Conjecture to Digraphs. 545-558 - Antje Klopp, Eckhard Steffen
Fractional Matchings, Component-Factors and Edge-Chromatic Critical Graphs. 559-580 - Allan Bickle, Zhongyuan Che
Wiener Indices of Maximal k-Degenerate Graphs. 581-589 - Sudip Bera, Hiranya Kishore Dey, Sajal Kumar Mukherjee
On the Connectivity of Enhanced Power Graphs of Finite Groups. 591-603 - Zoya Masih, Manouchehr Zaker:
On Grundy and b-Chromatic Number of Some Families of Graphs: A Comparative Study. 605-620 - Hannah Alpert, Érika Roldán
Art Gallery Problem with Rook and Queen Vision. 621-642 - Chang-Xiang He, Shujuan Qian, Hai-Ying Shan, Bao-Feng Wu:
The Signature of Chordal Graphs and Cographs. 643-650
Volume 37, Number 3, May 2021
- Yu Jiang
, Meilian Liang
, Yongqi Sun, Xiaodong Xu:
On Ramsey Numbers R(K4-e, Kt). 651-661 - Shuya Chiba, Jun Fujisawa
Induced Nets and Hamiltonicity of Claw-Free Graphs. 663-690 - Ammar Babikir
, Magda Dettlaff, Michael A. Henning, Magdalena Lemanska:
Independent Domination Subdivision in Graphs. 691-709 - Biao Wu
, Yuejian Peng:
Lagrangian densities of short 3-uniform linear paths and Turán numbers of their extensions. 711-729 - Mohammadreza Bidgoli, Ali Mohammadian, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie:
On K2, t-Bootstrap Percolation. 731-741 - Davide Mattiolo
, Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo
On 3-Bisections in Cubic and Subcubic Graphs. 743-746 - Debajyoti Mondal
Simultaneous Embedding of Colored Graphs. 747-760 - Ayana Hirano, Kazunori Matsuda:
Matching Numbers and Dimension of Edge Ideals. 761-774 - Lin Yang, Sheng-Liang Yang
Weakly Protected Points in Ordered Trees. 775-788 - Dániel T. Nagy, Balázs Patkós
On L-Close Sperner Systems. 789-796 - João Paulo Costalonga
, Sandra R. Kingan:
N-Critical Matroids. 797-803 - Shun-ichi Maezawa
, Masao Tsugaki, Takamasa Yashima:
Closure and Spanning Trees with Bounded Total Excess. 805-822 - Houmem Belkhechine
, Cherifa Ben Salha:
Making a Tournament Indecomposable by One Subtournament-Reversal Operation. 823-838 - Wei Zheng, Hajo Broersma
, Ligong Wang:
Toughness, Forbidden Subgraphs and Pancyclicity. 839-866 - Michael A. Henning, Anders Yeo
Affine Planes and Transversals in 3-Uniform Linear Hypergraphs. 867-890 - Gabriela Araujo-Pardo
, György Kiss, Christian Rubio-Montiel
, Adrián Vázquez-Ávila:
On Line Colorings of Finite Projective Spaces. 891-905 - Martin Kreh
, Jan-Hendrik de Wiljes
Peg Solitaire on Cartesian Products of Graphs. 907-917 - Byeong Moon Kim, Byung Chul Song, Woonjae Hwang:
The Lower and Upper Bounds of Turán Number for Odd Wheels. 919-932 - Louis Kao
, Chih-wen Weng:
The Relation Between Hamiltonian and 1-Tough Properties of the Cartesian Product Graphs. 933-943 - Hongliang Lu
, Zixuan Yang, Xuechun Zhang:
A Characterization for Graphs Having Strong Parity Factors. 945-949 - Yuefang Sun, Gregory Z. Gutin:
Strong Subgraph Connectivity of Digraphs. 951-970 - Behnaz Pahlavsay, Elisa Palezzato, Michele Torielli
Domination for Latin Square Graphs. 971-985 - Martin Macaj
, Primoz Sparl
Half-Arc-Transitive Graphs and the Fano Plane. 987-1012 - Jesús Leaños, Christophe Ndjatchi
The Edge-Connectivity of Token Graphs. 1013-1023 - Zemin Jin, Kangyun Zhong, Yuefang Sun:
Anti-Ramsey Number of Triangles in Complete Multipartite Graphs. 1025-1044 - Ping Li
, Xueliang Li:
Rainbow Monochromatic k-Edge-Connection Colorings of Graphs. 1045-1064 - Fei-Huang Chang, Hong-Bin Chen, Wei-Tian Li
, Zhishi Pan:
Shifted-Antimagic Labelings for Graphs. 1065-1082 - Xiwu Yang
, Yizhen Wang:
The Conjecture on the Crossing Number of K1, m, n is true if Zarankiewicz's Conjecture Holds. 1083-1088 - Ilia Ponomarenko, Grigory Ryabov
The Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Chordal Bipartite Graphs Without Bipartite Claw. 1089-1102 - Wenqian Zhang
A New Result on Spectral Radius and Maximum Degree of Irregular Graphs. 1103-1119 - Rongquan Feng, Wenqian Zhang
A Note on Spectral Radius and Maximum Degree of Irregular Graphs. 1121-1127 - Tingting Han, Shenggui Zhang, Yandong Bai, Ruonan Li
Edge-Colored Complete Graphs Containing No Properly Colored Odd Cycles. 1129-1138
Volume 37, Number 4, July 2021
- Jack H. Koolen, Mengyue Cao, Qianqian Yang
Recent Progress on Graphs with Fixed Smallest Adjacency Eigenvalue: A Survey. 1139-1178 - Dein Wong
, Yuanshuai Zhang, Zhijun Wang:
Graphs of Order n with Determining Number n-3. 1179-1189 - G. Sethuraman
, V. Murugan:
Decomposition of Complete Graphs into Arbitrary Trees. 1191-1203 - Irena Rusu, Bridget Eileen Tenner:
Admissible Pinnacle Orderings. 1205-1214 - Min Zhao, Erfang Shan
, Liying Kang:
On a Conjecture for Power Domination. 1215-1228 - Owen Biesel
A Principle for Converting Lindström-Type Lemmas to Stembridge-Type Theorems, with Applications to Walks, Groves, and Alternating Flows. 1229-1246 - David Eppstein:
On Polyhedral Realization with Isosceles Triangles. 1247-1269 - Wei Li, Shenggui Zhang, Yandong Bai, Ruonan Li:
Rainbow Triangles in Arc-Colored Tournaments. 1271-1290 - S. Ganesamurthy
, P. Paulraja:
Decompositions of Some Classes of Dense Graphs into Cycles of Lengths 4 and 8. 1291-1310 - Julliano R. Nascimento
, Uéverton S. Souza
, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter:
Partitioning a Graph into Complementary Subgraphs. 1311-1331 - Zhangdong Ouyang
, Yuanqiu Huang, Fengming Dong
The Maximal 1-Planarity and Crossing Numbers of Graphs. 1333-1344 - Ali Aubad, Peter Rowley
Commuting Involution Graphs for Certain Exceptional Groups of Lie Type. 1345-1355 - Seungsang Oh:
Number of Dominating Sets in Cylindric Square Grid Graphs. 1357-1372 - Zhenhua Lyu
Extremal Digraphs Avoiding an Orientation of the Diamond. 1373-1383 - Javier Alonso, Pedro Martín
Maximum Spanning Trees in Normed Planes. 1385-1403 - Charles J. Colbourn
Egalitarian Edge Orderings of Complete Graphs. 1405-1413 - Tibor Jordán:
Minimum Size Highly Redundantly Rigid Graphs in the Plane. 1415-1431 - Dömötör Pálvölgyi
Exponential Lower Bound for Berge-Ramsey Problems. 1433-1435 - Xiutao Zhu, Fangfang Zhang, Yaojun Chen
Generalized Turán Number of Even Linear Forests. 1437-1449 - Shohei Satake
On Explicit Random-Like Tournaments. 1451-1463
Volume 37, Number 5, September 2021
- Jack H. Koolen, Akihiro Munemasa, Atsuhiro Nakamoto, Katsuhiro Ota, Akira Saito:
Preface to the special issue dedicated to Professors Eiichi Bannai and Hikoe Enomoto on their 75th birthdays. 1465-1466 - Kanat S. Abdukhalikov
, Duy Ho
Polar Coordinates View on KM-Arcs. 1467-1490 - Mengyue Cao, Jack H. Koolen
, Akihiro Munemasa, Kiyoto Yoshino
Maximality of Seidel matrices and switching roots of graphs. 1491-1507 - Alexander L. Gavrilyuk
, Mitsugu Hirasaka, Vladislav V. Kabanov
A Note on Moore Cayley Digraphs. 1509-1520 - Akihide Hanaki
Modular Terwilliger Algebras of Association Schemes. 1521-1529 - Hiroki Kajiura, Makoto Matsumoto
, Takayuki Okuda:
Non-existence and Construction of Pre-difference Sets, and Equi-Distributed Subsets in Association Schemes. 1531-1544 - Misaki Kume, Tsuyoshi Miezaki
, Tadashi Sakuma
, Hidehiro Shinohara:
Tutte Polynomial, Complete Invariant, and Theta Series. 1545-1558 - Hirotake Kurihara
Antipodal Sets and Designs on Unitary Groups. 1559-1583 - Hiroshi Nozaki, Masashi Shinohara
A Proof of a Dodecahedron Conjecture for Distance Sets. 1585-1603 - Masanori Sawa, Masatake Hirao, Kanami Ito:
Geometric Designs and Rotatable Designs I. 1605-1651 - Minjia Shi, Olivier Rioul, Patrick Solé:
Designs in Finite Metric Spaces: A Probabilistic Approach. 1653-1667 - Makoto Tagami, Ryota Hori:
Harmonic Index t-Designs in the Hamming Scheme for Arbitrary q. 1669-1685 - Paul M. Terwilliger
Notes on the Leonard System Classification. 1687-1748 - Jing Xu, Tatsuro Ito, Shuangdong Li:
Irreducible Representations of the Terwilliger Algebra of a Tree. 1749-1773 - Yan Zhu
Relative t-Designs in Nonbinary Hamming Association Schemes. 1775-1791 - Robert E. L. Aldred, Jun Fujisawa
, Akira Saito:
Distance Matching Extension in Cubic Bipartite Graphs. 1793-1806 - Kiyoshi Ando
, Yoshimi Egawa:
Contractible Edges and Contractible Triangles in a 3-Connected Graph. 1807-1821 - Christoph Brause, Stanislav Jendrol'
, Ingo Schiermeyer:
From Colourful to Rainbow Paths in Graphs: Colouring the Vertices. 1823-1839 - Shuya Chiba, Akira Saito
, Masao Tsugaki, Tomoki Yamashita:
Spanning Bipartite Graphs with Large Degree Sum in Graphs of Odd Order. 1841-1858 - Trung Duy Doan, Ingo Schiermeyer
Conflict-Free Connection Number and Size of Graphs. 1859-1871 - Kengo Enami
, Kenta Ozeki
, Tomoki Yamaguchi:
Proper Colorings of Plane Quadrangulations Without Rainbow Faces. 1873-1890 - Masahiro Hachimori
Sequential Partitions of Nonpure Simplicial Complexes. 1891-1904 - Fumiya Hidaka, Naoki Matsumoto, Atsuhiro Nakamoto
Quadrangulations of a Polygon with Spirality. 1905-1912 - Mikio Kano
, Masao Tsugaki:
Rainbow and Properly Colored Spanning Trees in Edge-Colored Bipartite Graphs. 1913-1921 - Mitsuo Kato, Masashi Kosuda, Norihide Tokushige
Extending Muirhead's Inequality. 1923-1941
Volume 37, Number 6, November 2021
- Jie Cao, Lily Li Liu
The Eulerian Distribution on the Involutions of the Hyperoctahedral Group is Indeed γ-Positive. 1943-1951 - Shude Long
, Han Ren:
Distributions of Near-4-Regular Maps on the Sphere and the Projective Plane. 1953-1963 - Rosa Winter
, Ronald van Luijk:
The Action of the Weyl Group on the E8 Root System. 1965-2064 - Junpeng Zhou, Zhongxun Zhu, Yu Yang:
Some Bounds for the Incidence Q-Spectral Radius of Uniform Hypergraphs. 2065-2077 - Sinan G. Aksoy
, Mark Kempton, Stephen J. Young
Spectral Threshold for Extremal Cyclic Edge-Connectivity. 2079-2093 - Jialei Song, Baogang Xu:
Partitions of Multigraphs Without C4. 2095-2111 - Yan Li, Yusheng Li, Ye Wang
Star-Critical Ramsey Numbers of Generalized Fans. 2113-2120 - Eun-Kyung Cho
, Ilkyoo Choi, Yiting Jiang
, Ringi Kim, Boram Park, Jiayan Yan, Xuding Zhu
Generalized List Colouring of Graphs. 2121-2127 - On-Hei Solomon Lo
, Jens M. Schmidt:
Cycle Spectra of Contraction-Critically 4-Connected Planar Graphs. 2129-2137 - Ajda Zavrtanik Drglin, Slobodan Filipovski, Robert Jajcay
, Tom Raiman
Extremal Edge-Girth-Regular Graphs. 2139-2154 - Mingqing Zhai
, Longfei Fang, Jinlong Shu:
On the Turán Number of Theta Graphs. 2155-2165 - Yuchen Liu, Yaojun Chen
Star-Critical Ramsey Numbers of Cycles Versus Wheels. 2167-2172 - Raffaele Mosca:
Independent Sets in (P4+P4, Triangle)-Free Graphs. 2173-2189 - Dieter Rautenbach, Johannes Redl:
Reconfiguring Dominating Sets in Minor-Closed Graph Classes. 2191-2205 - Beifang Chen
Conformal Decomposition of Integral Flows on Signed Graphs with Outer-Edges. 2207-2225 - Hong-Jian Lai, Lucian Mazza
Group Colorings and DP-Colorings of Multigraphs Using Edge-Disjoint Decompositions. 2227-2243 - Kai Siong Yow
, Kerri Morgan
, Graham Farr:
Factorisation of Greedoid Polynomials of Rooted Digraphs. 2245-2264 - Raffaella Mulas
A Cheeger Cut for Uniform Hypergraphs. 2265-2286 - Chunqiu Fang, Ervin Györi
, Jimeng Xiao:
On the Maximal Colorings of Complete Graphs Without Some Small Properly Colored Subgraphs. 2287-2304 - Yuanyuan Duan, Wenyao Song:
A Sufficient Condition for an IC-Planar Graph to be Class 1. 2305-2313 - Roland Lortz
, Ingrid Mengersen:
Size Ramsey Results for the Path of Order Three. 2315-2331 - Stephen P. Humphries
, Nathan Nicholson:
Difference Sets Disjoint from a Subgroup II: Groups of Order 4p2. 2333-2349 - Zongpeng Ding, Yuanqiu Huang:
A Note on the Crossing Number of the Cone of a Graph. 2351-2363 - Xiaomin Zhu, Xiao-Dong Zhang
The Hitting Times of Random Walks on Bicyclic Graphs. 2365-2386 - M. H. Bani Mostafa A., Ebrahim Ghorbani
Hamiltonicity of a Coprime Graph. 2387-2395 - Ravil Bildanov, Viktor Panshin
, Grigory Ryabov
On WL-Rank and WL-Dimension of Some Deza Circulant Graphs. 2397-2421 - Wasin So, Tingzeng Wu
, Huazhong Lü
Sharp Bounds on the Permanental Sum of a Graph. 2423-2437 - Nancy E. Clarke, Melissa Creighton, Patrick Murray, Asiyeh Sanaei:
Ambush Cops and Robbers. 2439-2457 - Adam Jaffe
Characterizing Bipartite Graphs Which Admit a k-NU Polymorphism via Absolute Retracts. 2459-2466 - Qiannan Zhou, Hajo Broersma
, Ligong Wang, Yong Lu:
Sufficient Spectral Radius Conditions for Hamilton-Connectivity of k-Connected Graphs. 2467-2485 - Fang Tian
On the Number of Linear Multipartite Hypergraphs with Given Size. 2487-2496 - Jun Guo:
Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem for Matrices Over Residue Class Rings. 2497-2510 - Lili Yuan
, Jixiang Meng, Eminjan Sabir:
The Antistrong Property for Special Digraph Families. 2511-2519 - Shasha Li, Zhongmei Qin
, Jianhua Tu
, Jun Yue:
On Tree-Connectivity and Path-Connectivity of Graphs. 2521-2533 - Bin Chen
, An Chang:
3-Free Strong Digraphs with the Maximum Size. 2535-2554 - Jiaxi Nie
, Sam Spiro, Jacques Verstraëte:
Triangle-Free Subgraphs of Hypergraphs. 2555-2570 - Dániel Gerbner:
A Note on Stability for Maximal F-Free Graphs. 2571-2580 - Michal Debski
, Malgorzata Sleszynska-Nowak
Strong Cliques in Claw-Free Graphs. 2581-2593 - Thomas Bellitto, Tereza Klimosová, Martin Merker, Marcin Witkowski
, Yelena Yuditsky:
Counterexamples to Thomassen's Conjecture on Decomposition of Cubic Graphs. 2595-2599 - Jørgen Bang-Jensen
, Thomas Bellitto, Anders Yeo
On Supereulerian 2-Edge-Coloured Graphs. 2601-2620 - Yulai Ma, Yongtang Shi, Weifan Wang:
Acyclic Edge Coloring of Chordal Graphs with Bounded Degree. 2621-2636 - Kassahun Betre
, Evatt Salinger:
The Inductive Graph Dimension from the Minimum Edge Clique Cover. 2637-2654 - Márton Borbényi, Péter Csikvári
, Haoran Luo
On the Number of Forests and Connected Spanning Subgraphs. 2655-2678 - Wei Zhuang
Domination and Outer Connected Domination in Maximal Outerplanar Graphs. 2679-2696 - R. Bruce Richter, André C. Silva, Orlando Lee:
Bounding the Number of Non-duplicates of the q-Side in Simple Drawings of Kp, q. 2697-2701 - Meng Liu, Yusheng Li:
Bipartite Ramsey Numbers of Cycles for Random Graphs. 2703-2711 - Sylwia Cichacz
, Agnieszka Görlich
, Andrea Semanicová-Fenovcíková
Upper Bounds on Inclusive Distance Vertex Irregularity Strength. 2713-2721 - Amelia R. W. Mattern
The Chromatic Number of Joins of Signed Graphs. 2723-2735 - Abderrahim Boussaïri, Brahim Chergui
, Pierre Ille
, Mohamed Zaidi:
Prime 3-Uniform Hypergraphs. 2737-2760 - Anthony Bonato, Sean English
, Bill Kay
, Daniel Moghbel:
Improved Bounds for Burning Fence Graphs. 2761-2773 - Rigoberto Flórez
, José Luis Ramírez:
Enumerations of Rational Non-decreasing Dyck Paths with Integer Slope. 2775-2801 - Cheng Yeaw Ku, Kok Bin Wong:
On the Number of Nonnegative Sums for Semi-partitions. 2803-2823

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