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Human Factors, Volume 64
Volume 64, Number 1, February 2022
- Joseph Roland Keebler, Eduardo Salas
, Michael A. Rosen, Dean F. Sittig
, Eric J. Thomas:
Preface: Special Issue on Human Factors in Healthcare. 5 - Elham A. Yousef
, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe
, Kathryn M. McDonald, David E. Newman-Toker:
Crossing Academic Boundaries for Diagnostic Safety: 10 Complex Challenges and Potential Solutions From Clinical Perspectives and High-Reliability Organizing Principles. 6-20 - Anjali Joseph
, Kapil Chalil Madathil, Roxana Jafarifiroozabadi, Hunter Rogers, Sahar Mihandoust, Amro Khasawneh, Nathan J. McNeese, Christine Holmstedt, James T. McElligott:
Communication and Teamwork During Telemedicine-Enabled Stroke Care in an Ambulance. 21-41 - Jackie S. Cha
, Denny Yu
Objective Measures of Surgeon Non-Technical Skills in Surgery: A Scoping Review. 42-73 - Elizabeth Austin
, Brette Blakely
, Paul M. Salmon
, Jeffrey Braithwaite
, Robyn Clay-Williams
Identifying Constraints on Everyday Clinical Practice: Applying Work Domain Analysis to Emergency Department Care. 74-98 - Sylvia J. Hysong
, Richard Sorelle, Ashley M. Hughes
Prevalence of Effective Audit-and-Feedback Practices in Primary Care Settings: A Qualitative Examination Within Veterans Health Administration. 99-108 - Anjum Naweed
, Jana Stahlut, Valerie O'keeffe
The Essence of Care: Versatility as an Adaptive Response to Challenges in the Delivery of Quality Aged Care by Personal Care Attendants. 109-125 - Emily S. Patterson
, Michael F. Rayo
, Judy Reed Edworthy, Susan D. Moffatt-Bruce:
Applying Human Factors Engineering to Address the Telemetry Alarm Problem in a Large Medical Center. 126-142 - Ken Catchpole
, Alicia Privette, Laura Roberts, Myrtede Alfred, Brittan Carter, Erick Woltz, Dulaney Wilson, Bruce Crookes
A Smartphone Application for Teamwork and Communication in Trauma: Pilot Evaluation "in the Wild". 143-158 - Nima Ahmadi, Farzan Sasangohar
, Tariq Nisar, Valerie Danesh
, Ethan Larsen
, Ineen Sultana, Rita Bosetti
Quantifying Occupational Stress in Intensive Care Unit Nurses: An Applied Naturalistic Study of Correlations Among Stress, Heart Rate, Electrodermal Activity, and Skin Temperature. 159-172 - Mahnoosh Sadeghi, Farzan Sasangohar
, Anthony D. McDonald
, Sudeep Hegde:
Understanding Heart Rate Reactions to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Among Veterans: A Naturalistic Study. 173-187 - Pratima Saravanan
, Jessica Menold:
Deriving Effective Decision-Making Strategies of Prosthetists: Using Hidden Markov Modeling and Qualitative Analysis to Compare Experts and Novices. 188-206 - Molly P. Kilcullen
, Tiffany M. Bisbey, Madelene J. Ottosen, Kuo-Jen Tsao, Eduardo Salas
, Eric J. Thomas:
The Safer Culture Framework: An Application to Healthcare Based on a Multi-Industry Review of Safety Culture Literature. 207-227 - Omer Perry
, Eli Jaffe
, Yuval Bitan
Dynamic Communication Quantification Model for Measuring Information Management During Mass-Casualty Incident Simulations. 228-249 - Joseph Roland Keebler, Michael A. Rosen
, Dean F. Sittig
, Eric J. Thomas, Eduardo Salas
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare: Industry Demands and a Path Forward. 250-258
Volume 64, Number 2, March 2022
- Robert G. Radwin:
Responsibilities, Opportunities, and Challenges for Human Factors in the Digital Age. 265-268 - Gloria Calhoun:
Adaptable (Not Adaptive) Automation: Forefront of Human-Automation Teaming. 269-277 - Anja K. Faulhaber
, Maik B. Friedrich
, Tatjana Kapol:
Absence of Pilot Monitoring Affects Scanning Behavior of Pilot Flying: Implications for the Design of Single-Pilot Cockpits. 278-290 - Morteza Asgari, Hamid Reza Mokhtarinia
, Mohammad Ali Sanjari, Sedighe Kahrizi, Gabel Charles Philip, Mohamad Parnianpour, Kinda Khalaf:
Trunk Dynamic Stability Assessment for Individuals With and Without Nonspecific Low Back Pain During Repetitive Movement. 291-304 - Richard W. Marklin, Ashley M. Toll, Erick Bauman, John J. Simmins, John F. LaDisa Jr.
, Robert Cooper:
Do Head-Mounted Augmented Reality Devices Affect Muscle Activity and Eye Strain of Utility Workers Who Do Procedural Work? Studies of Operators and Manhole Workers. 305-323 - Lisa Graichen
, Matthias Graichen, Josef F. Krems
Effects of Gesture-Based Interaction on Driving Behavior: A Driving Simulator Study Using the Projection-Based Vehicle-in-the-Loop. 324-342 - Palvi Aggarwal
, Frédéric Moisan
, Cleotilde Gonzalez, Varun Dutt
Learning About the Effects of Alert Uncertainty in Attack and Defend Decisions via Cognitive Modeling. 343-358 - Nir Douer, Joachim Meyer
Judging One's Own or Another Person's Responsibility in Interactions With Automation. 359-371 - Sébastien Mick
, Arnaud Badets, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Daniel Cattaert, Aymar de Rugy
Biological Plausibility of Arm Postures Influences the Controllability of Robotic Arm Teleoperation. 372-384 - Daniel M. Abdel-Malek, Ryan C. A. Foley, Fahima Wakeely, Jeffrey D. Graham
, Nicholas La Delfa
Exploring Localized Muscle Fatigue Responses at Current Upper-Extremity Ergonomics Threshold Limit Values. 385-400 - Dengbo He, Birsen Donmez
The Influence of Visual-Manual Distractions on Anticipatory Driving. 401-417 - Jing Chen
, Edin Sabic, Scott Mishler
, Cody Parker, Motonori Yamaguchi:
Effectiveness of Lateral Auditory Collision Warnings: Should Warnings Be Toward Danger or Toward Safety? 418-435
Volume 64, Number 3, May 2022
- Wendy A. Rogers
, Travis Kadylak, Megan A. Bayles:
Maximizing the Benefits of Participatory Design for Human-Robot Interaction Research With Older Adults. 441-450 - Junko Mitobe
, Takahiro Higuchi:
Top-Down Processing of Drug Names Can Induce Errors in Discriminating Similar Pseudo-Drug Names by Nurses. 451-465 - Yumeng Yao
, Subhash Rakheja, Christian Larivière
, Pierre Marcotte
Assessing Increased Activities of the Forearm Muscles Due to Anti-Vibration Gloves: Construct Validity of a Refined Methodology. 466-481 - Runyu L. Greene, Ming-Lun Lu, Menekse S. Barim, Xuan Wang
, Marie Hayden
, Yu Hen Hu, Robert G. Radwin
Estimating Trunk Angle Kinematics During Lifting Using a Computationally Efficient Computer Vision Method. 482-498 - Patrick P. Weis
, Eva Wiese:
Know Your Cognitive Environment! Mental Models as Crucial Determinant of Offloading Preferences. 499-513 - Leif Johannsen
, Karna Potwar, Matteo Saveriano, Satoshi Endo, Dongheui Lee:
Robotic Light Touch Assists Human Balance Control During Maximum Forward Reaching. 514-526 - Jasmine K. Proud
, Daniel T. H. Lai, Kurt L. Mudie, Greg L. Carstairs
, Daniel C. Billing, Alessandro Garofolini
, Rezaul K. Begg
Exoskeleton Application to Military Manual Handling Tasks. 527-554 - Nadine Matton
, Pierre-Vincent Paubel
, Sébastien Puma:
Toward the Use of Pupillary Responses for Pilot Selection. 555-567 - Colin D. McKinnon
, Michael W. L. Sonne, Peter J. Keir
Assessment of Joint Angle and Reach Envelope Demands Using a Video-Based Physical Demands Description Tool. 568-578 - Carolyn A. Duncan
, Nicole Bishop, Vicki Komisar
, Scott N. MacKinnon, Jeannette M. Byrne:
The Effect of Wave Motion Intensities on Performance in a Simulated Search and Rescue Task and the Concurrent Demands of Maintaining Balance. 579-588 - Chen Li, Yue Tang, Yingshi Zheng, Paramsothy Jayakumar, Tulga Ersal:
Modeling Human Steering Behavior in Teleoperation of Unmanned Ground Vehicles With Varying Speed. 589-600 - Davide Maggi
, Richard Romano, Oliver M. J. Carsten
Transitions Between Highly Automated and Longitudinally Assisted Driving: The Role of the Initiator in the Fight for Authority. 601-612
Volume 64, Number 4, June 2022
- Tobias Rieger
, Dietrich Manzey:
Human Performance Consequences of Automated Decision Aids: The Impact of Time Pressure. 617-634 - Benjamin Steinhilber
, Robert Seibt, Monika A. Rieger, Tessy Luger
Postural Control When Using an Industrial Lower Limb Exoskeleton: Impact of Reaching for a Working Tool and External Perturbation. 635-648 - Linh Q. Vu
, K. Han Kim
, Lawrence J. H. Schulze, Sudhakar L. Rajulu:
Evaluating Lumbar Shape Deformation With Fabric Strain Sensors. 649-661 - Richard Clewley
, Jim Nixon
Penguins, Birds, and Pilot Knowledge: Can an Overlooked Attribute of Human Cognition Explain Our Most Puzzling Aircraft Accidents? 662-674 - Sean W. Kortschot
, Greg A. Jamieson
, Amrit Prasad:
Detecting and Responding to Information Overload With an Adaptive User Interface. 675-693 - Benjamin Wolfe
, Ben D. Sawyer, Ruth Rosenholtz:
Toward a Theory of Visual Information Acquisition in Driving. 694-713 - Jork C. J. Stapel, Mounir El Hassnaoui, Riender Happee:
Measuring Driver Perception: Combining Eye-Tracking and Automated Road Scene Perception. 714-731 - Patricia R. Delucia
, Eric T. Greenlee:
Tactile Vigilance Is Stressful and Demanding. 732-745 - Shiyan Yang
, Kyle M. Wilson
, Trey Roady
, Jonny Kuo, Michael G. Lenné
Evaluating Driver Features for Cognitive Distraction Detection and Validation in Manual and Level 2 Automated Driving. 746-759 - Gonzalo J. Muñoz, Diego A. Cortéz, Constanza B. Álvarez, Juan A. Raggio, Antonia Concha, Francisca I. Rojas, Winfred Arthur, Bastián M. Fischer, Sebastián Rodriguez:
After-Action Reviews and Long-Term Performance: An Experimental Examination in the Context of an Emergency Simulation. 760-778
Volume 64, Number 5, August 2022
- Heather Johnston
, Colleen Dewis, John Kozey:
Comparison Considerations Toward Investigating the Factors of Load and Age Group on the Maximum Reach Envelope. 785-799 - Etienne Goubault
, Romain Martinez, Najoua Assila
, Élodie Monga-Dubreuil, Jennifer Dowling-Medley, Fabien Dal Maso, Mickaël Begon
Effect of Expertise on Shoulder and Upper Limb Kinematics, Electromyography, and Estimated Muscle Forces During a Lifting Task. 800-819 - Pongsatorn Saiklang
, Rungthip Puntumetakul
, James Selfe, Gillian Yeowell
An Evaluation of an Innovative Exercise to Relieve Chronic Low Back Pain in Sedentary Workers. 820-834 - Matthew L. Bolton
, Judy Reed Edworthy, Andrew D. Boyd:
Masking Between Reserved Alarm Sounds of the IEC 60601-1-8 International Medical Alarm Standard: A Systematic, Formal Analysis. 835-851 - Hyungil Kim
, Joseph L. Gabbard
Assessing Distraction Potential of Augmented Reality Head-Up Displays for Vehicle Drivers. 852-865 - Claudia Ziegler Acemyan, Philip T. Kortum, Michael D. Byrne, Dan S. Wallach:
Summative Usability Assessments of STAR-Vote: A Cryptographically Secure e2e Voting System That Has Been Empirically Proven to Be Easy to Use. 866-889 - James R. Unverricht, Yusuke Yamani
, Jing Chen
, William J. Horrey:
Minding the Gap: Effects of an Attention Maintenance Training Program on Driver Calibration. 890-903 - Thomas A. O'Neill
, Nathan J. McNeese, Amy Barron, Beau G. Schelble
Human-Autonomy Teaming: A Review and Analysis of the Empirical Literature. 904-938
Volume 64, Number 6, September 2022
- Melanie M. Boskemper, Megan L. Bartlett
, Jason S. McCarley
Measuring the Efficiency of Automation-Aided Performance in a Simulated Baggage Screening Task. 945-961 - Annemarie van den Hoed, Annemarie Landman
, Dirk Van Baelen
, Olaf Stroosma, René van Paassen, Eric L. Groen, Max Mulder
Leans Illusion in Hexapod Simulator Facilitates Erroneous Responses to Artificial Horizon in Airline Pilots. 962-972 - Ruoliang Tang
, Jay M. Kapellusch, Kurt T. Hegmann, Matthew S. Thiese, Inga Wang
, Andrew S. Merryweather:
Evaluating Different Measures of Low Back Pain Among U.S. Manual Materials Handling Workers: Comparisons of Demographic, Psychosocial, and Job Physical Exposure. 973-996 - Zeinab Kazemi, Adel Mazloumi
, Navid Arjmand, Ahmadreza Keihani, Zanyar Karimi, Mohamad Sadegh Ghasemi
, Ramin Kordi:
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Spine Kinematics, Kinetics, and Trunk Muscle Activities During Fatigue-Induced Repetitive Lifting. 997-1012 - Suman K. Chowdhury, Yu Zhou, Bocheng Wan, Curran Reddy
, Xudong Zhang
Neck Strength and Endurance and Associated Personal and Work-Related Factors. 1013-1026 - Sonja K. Ötting
, Lisa Masjutin, Jochen J. Steil
, Günter W. Maier
Let's Work Together: A Meta-Analysis on Robot Design Features That Enable Successful Human-Robot Interaction at Work. 1027-1050 - Jiali Huang
, Sanghyun Choo
, Zachary Pugh, Chang S. Nam
Evaluating Effective Connectivity of Trust in Human-Automation Interaction: A Dynamic Causal Modeling (DCM) Study. 1051-1069 - Anees Ahamed Kaleefathullah, Natasha Merat, Yee Mun Lee
, Yke Bauke Eisma, Ruth Madigan
, Jorge Garcia, Joost C. F. de Winter
External Human-Machine Interfaces Can Be Misleading: An Examination of Trust Development and Misuse in a CAVE-Based Pedestrian Simulation Environment. 1070-1085 - Starla M. Weaver
, Stephanie M. Roldan, Tracy B. Gonzalez, Stacy A. Balk, Brian H. Philips:
The Effects of Vehicle Automation on Driver Engagement: The Case of Adaptive Cruise Control and Mind Wandering. 1086-1098
Volume 64, Number 7, November 2022
- Chantal Laroche
, Christian Giguère, Véronique Vaillancourt, Claudia Marleau, Marie-France Cadieux, Karina Laprise-Girard, Emily Gula, Véronique Carroll, Manuelle Bibeau, Hugues Nélisse:
Effect of Hearing and Head Protection on the Localization of Tonal and Broadband Reverse Alarms. 1105-1120 - Monica Tatasciore
, Vanessa Bowden
, Troy A. W. Visser, Shayne Loft
Should We Just Let the Machines Do It? The Benefit and Cost of Action Recommendation and Action Implementation Automation. 1121-1136 - Yi-Ning Wu
, Adam Norton, Michael Zielinski, Pei-Chun Kao, Andrew Stanwicks, Patrick Pang, Charles H. Cring, Brian Flynn, Holly A. Yanco
Characterizing the Effects of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Operations on the Human Body While Wearing Heavy Personal Protective Equipment. 1137-1153 - Ann J. Carrigan
, Amanda Charlton, Elliott Foucar, Mark W. Wiggins
, Andrew Georgiou
, Thomas J. Palmeri, Kim M. Curby
The Role of Cue-Based Strategies in Skilled Diagnosis Among Pathologists. 1154-1167 - Dina Kanaan, Nadine Marie Moacdieh
Eye Tracking to Evaluate the Effects of Interruptions and Workload in a Complex Task. 1168-1180 - Tobias Grundgeiger
, Anna Hohm, Annabell Michalek, Timo Egenolf, Christian Markus, Oliver Happel:
The Validity of the SEEV Model as a Process Measure of Situation Awareness: The Example of a Simulated Endotracheal Intubation. 1181-1194 - Remo M. A. van der Heiden, J. Leon Kenemans, Stella F. Donker, Christian P. Janssen
The Effect of Cognitive Load on Auditory Susceptibility During Automated Driving. 1195-1209 - Sonja Schneider
, Philipp Maruhn, Nguyen-Thong Dang
, Prashant Arvind Pala
, Viola Cavallo, Klaus Bengler:
Pedestrian Crossing Decisions in Virtual Environments: Behavioral Validity in CAVEs and Head-Mounted Displays. 1210-1226 - Bradley W. Weaver
, Patricia R. Delucia
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Takeover Performance During Conditionally Automated Driving. 1227-1260
Volume 64, Number 8, December 2022
- Kate Wilmut
, Catherine Purcell:
Why Are Older Adults More at Risk as Pedestrians? A Systematic Review. 1269-1291 - Han Qiao, Jingyu Zhang
, Liang Zhang, Yazhe Li, Shayne Loft
Exploring the Peak-End Effects in Air Traffic Controllers' Mental Workload Ratings. 1292-1305 - Andrew P. Hunt
, Adam W. Potter, Denise M. Linnane, Xiaojiang Xu, Mark J. Patterson, Ian B. Stewart:
Heat Stress Management in the Military: Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature Offsets for Modern Body Armor Systems. 1306-1316 - Jacob W. Hinkel-Lipsker
, Nicole M. Stoehr, Isaiah J. Lachica, Sean M. Rogers:
Gait Adaptations to Physical Fatigue During the Negotiation of Variable and Unexpected Obstacles. 1317-1330 - Jing Chen
, Huangyi Ge, Ninghui Li, Robert W. Proctor
What I Say Means What I Do: Risk Concerns and Mobile Application-Selection Behaviors. 1331-1350 - Curtis M. Craig
, Brittany N. Neilson
, George C. Altman, Alexandra T. Travis, Joseph A. Vance
Applying Restorative Environments in the Home Office While Sheltering-in-Place. 1351-1362 - David A. Illingworth
, Karen M. Feigh
Impact Mapping for Geospatial Reasoning and Decision Making. 1363-1378 - Dawn M. Sarno
, Mark B. Neider:
So Many Phish, So Little Time: Exploring Email Task Factors and Phishing Susceptibility. 1379-1403 - Mark C. Schall Jr.
, Peter Chen:
Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Occupational Safety and Health Among Teleworkers During and After the Coronavirus Pandemic. 1404-1411 - Ziyang Xie
, Li Li, Xu Xu
Real-Time Driving Distraction Recognition Through a Wrist-Mounted Accelerometer. 1412-1428 - Molly P. Kilcullen
, Jennifer Feitosa, Eduardo Salas
Insights From the Virtual Team Science: Rapid Deployment During COVID-19. 1429-1440 - Acknowledgments. 1441-1442

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