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International Journal of Medical Informatics, Volume 80
Volume 80, Number 1, January 2011
- Nicholas R. Hardiker
, Maria J. Grant
Factors that influence public engagement with eHealth: A literature review. 1-12 - Pedro Peris-Lopez
, Agustín Orfila, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa
, Jan C. A. van der Lubbe:
A comprehensive RFID solution to enhance inpatient medication safety. 13-24 - Elske Ammenwerth
, Franz Rauchegger, Frauke Ehlers, Bernhard Hirsch, Christine Schaubmayr:
Effect of a nursing information system on the quality of information processing in nursing: An evaluation study using the HIS-monitor instrument. 25-38 - Kate L. Lapane, Rochelle K. Rosen, Catherine Dubé:
Perceptions of e-prescribing efficiencies and inefficiencies in ambulatory care. 39-46 - InSook Cho
, Hyeoun-Ae Park, Eunja Chung:
Exploring practice variation in preventive pressure-ulcer care using data from a clinical data repository. 47-55 - Manabu Torii
, Lanlan Yin, Thang Nguyen, Chand T. Mazumdar, Hongfang Liu, David M. Hartley
, Noele P. Nelson:
An exploratory study of a text classification framework for Internet-based surveillance of emerging epidemics. 56-66 - Armenak Asatryan, Stephen Benoit, Haobo Ma, Roseanne English, Peter L. Elkin, Jerome I. Tokars:
Detection of pneumonia using free-text radiology reports in the BioSense system. 67-73
Volume 80, Number 2, February 2011
- Koji Yamamoto, Yoshiyasu Okuhara, Eike-Henner W. Kluge, Peter R. Croll, Francis Roger-France, Pekka Ruotsalainen, Kiyomu Ishikawa:
The recommendations from the 2009 SiHIS working conference in Hiroshima - Issues on trustworthiness of health information and patient safety. 75-80
- Leila Ahmadian
, Mariette van Engen-Verheul, Ferishta Bakhshi-Raiez, Niels Peek, Ronald Cornet
, Nicolette de Keizer:
The role of standardized data and terminological systems in computerized clinical decision support systems: Literature review and survey. 81-93
- Gihan Perera, Anne Holbrook, Lehana Thabane, Gary Foster, Donald J. Willison:
Views on health information sharing and privacy from primary care practices using electronic medical records. 94-101 - Liette Lapointe, Muriel Mignerat, Isabelle Vedel:
The IT productivity paradox in health: A stakeholder's perspective. 102-115 - Esther N. Munyisia, Ping Yu
, David Hailey
The changes in caregivers' perceptions about the quality of information and benefits of nursing documentation associated with the introduction of an electronic documentation system in a nursing home. 116-126 - Marie Bruyneel, Walter Libert, Vincent Ninane:
Detection of bed-exit events using a new wireless bed monitoring assistance. 127-132 - Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva
, Michael Hardey, Joan Torrent
, Pilar Ficapal
The integration of Information and Communication Technology into nursing. 133-140 - Ting-Ting Lee, Chieh-Yu Liu, Ya-Hui Kuo, Mary Etta Mills, Jian-Guo Fong, Cheyu Hung
Application of data mining to the identification of critical factors in patient falls using a web-based reporting system. 141-150
- Eike-Henner W. Kluge:
Ethical and legal challenges for health telematics in a global world: Telehealth and the technological imperative. e1-e5 - Catherine Quantin
, David-Olivier Jaquet-Chiffelle
, Gouenou Coatrieux, Eric Benzenine, François-André Allaert:
Medical record search engines, using pseudonymised patient identity: An alternative to centralised medical records. e6-e11 - Francis Roger-France:
eHealth in Belgium, a new "secure" federal network: Role of patients, health professions and social security services. e12-e16 - Bernd Blobel:
Ontology driven health information systems architectures enable pHealth for empowered patients. e17-e25 - Sebastian Haas, Sven Wohlgemuth
, Isao Echizen, Noboru Sonehara, Günter Müller:
Aspects of privacy for electronic health records. e26-e31 - Peter R. Croll:
Determining the privacy policy deficiencies of health ICT applications through semi-formal modelling. e32-e38
Volume 80, Number 3, March 2011
- Jochen Schuld, Thilo Schäfer, Stefan Nickel, Peter Jacob, Martin K. Schilling, Sven Richter:
Impact of IT-supported clinical pathways on medical staff satisfaction. A prospective longitudinal cohort study. 151-156 - Chon Abraham, Eitaro Nishihara, Miki Akiyama:
Transforming healthcare with information technology in Japan: A review of policy, people, and progress. 157-170 - Vaishali Patel, Erika L. Abramson, Alison Edwards, Sameer Malhotra, Rainu Kaushal:
Physicians' potential use and preferences related to health information exchange. 171-180 - Min-Huei Hsu, Yu-Ting Yeh, Chien-Yuan Chen, Chien-Hsiang Liu, Chien-Tsai Liu:
Online detection of potential duplicate medications and changes of physician behavior for outpatients visiting multiple hospitals using national health insurance smart cards in Taiwan. 181-189 - Thomas Neubauer, Johannes Heurix:
A methodology for the pseudonymization of medical data. 190-204 - Melanie Bettina Späth, Jane Grimson:
Applying the archetype approach to the database of a biobank information management system. 205-226
Volume 80, Number 4, April 2011
- Aleksandra Sarcevic
, Ivan Marsic, Lauren J. Waterhouse, David C. Stockwell, Randall S. Burd:
Leadership structures in emergency care settings: A study of two trauma centers. 227-238 - Suraj Kapa, Timothy Pierce, David L. Hayes, David R. Holmes Jr., Samuel J. Asirvatham:
Electromagnetic interference of magnetic field based auto identification technologies in healthcare settings. 239-250 - Mowafa Said Househ
, André Kushniruk, Malcolm Maclure, Bruce C. Carleton
, Denise Cloutier-Fisher
The use of conferencing technologies to support drug policy group knowledge exchange processes: An action case approach. 251-261 - José Rui Figueira
, Juscelino Almeida Dias, Sara Matias
, Bernard Roy, M. J. Carvalho, C. E. Plancha:
Electre Tri-C, a multiple criteria decision aiding sorting model applied to assisted reproduction. 262-273 - Jong Soo Choi
, Jean Hyoung Lee, Jong Hwan Park, Han Seung Nam, Hyuknam Kwon, Dongsoo Kim, Seung Woo Park:
Design and implementation of a seamless and comprehensive integrated medical device interface system for outpatient electronic medical records in a general hospital. 274-285 - Stephanie Medlock
, Dedan Opondo
, Saeid Eslami, Marjan Askari
, Peter Wierenga, Sophia E. de Rooij, Ameen Abu-Hanna
LERM (Logical Elements Rule Method): A method for assessing and formalizing clinical rules for decision support. 286-295
Volume 80, Number 5, May 2011
- Reza Khajouei
, P. C. Wierenga, Arie Hasman, Monique W. M. Jaspers:
Clinicians satisfaction with CPOE ease of use and effect on clinicians' workflow, efficiency and medication safety. 297-309 - Joost van Hoof
, H. S. M. Kort, P. G. S. Rutten, M. S. H. Duijnstee:
Ageing-in-place with the use of ambient intelligence technology: Perspectives of older users. 310-331 - Jieh Chang, Mollie R. Poynton, Carole A. Gassert, Nancy Staggers:
Nursing informatics competencies required of nurses in Taiwan. 332-340 - Reza Khajouei
, Arie Hasman, Monique W. M. Jaspers:
Determination of the effectiveness of two methods for usability evaluation using a CPOE medication ordering system. 341-350 - Susanne Herzberg, Kambiz Rahbar, Lars Stegger, Michael Schäfers
, Martin Dugas:
Concept and implementation of a computer-based reminder system to increase completeness in clinical documentation. 351-358 - Oluseun Adeogun, Ashutosh Tiwari
, Jeffrey R. Alcock:
Models of information exchange for UK telehealth systems. 359-370
Volume 80, Number 6, June 2011
- Marc Cuggia
, Paolo Besana, David Glasspool:
Comparing semi-automatic systems for recruitment of patients to clinical trials. 371-388 - A. Ramadas
, Kia Fatt Quek
, C. K. Y. Chan, Brian Oldenburg
Web-based interventions for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review of recent evidence. 389-405 - Li Ming Wen
, Chris Rissel
, Louise A. Baur
, Eric Lee
, Judy M. Simpson
Who is NOT likely to access the Internet for health information? Findings from first-time mothers in southwest Sydney, Australia. 406-411 - Christopher H. O. Olola, Scott P. Narus, Jonathan R. Nebeker, Mollie R. Poynton, Joseph Hales, Belle Rowan, Heather LeSieur, Cynthia Zumbrennen, Annemarie A. Edwards, Robert Crawford, Spencer Amundsen, Yasmin Kabir, Joseph Atkin, Cynthia Newberry, Jason Young, Tariq Hanifi, Ben Risenmay, Tyler Sorensen, R. Scott Evans:
The perception of medical professionals and medical students on the usefulness of an emergency medical card and a continuity of care report in enhancing continuity of care. 412-420 - Miriam McMullan, Ray Jones, Susan Lea:
The effect of an interactive e-drug calculations package on nursing students' drug calculation ability and self-efficacy. 421-430 - Jorge R. Herskovic
, Trevor Cohen
, Devika Subramanian
, M. Sriram Iyengar, Jack W. Smith, Elmer V. Bernstam
MEDRank: Using graph-based concept ranking to index biomedical texts. 431-441 - Dennis Lee
, Ronald Cornet
, Francis Y. Lau:
Implications of SNOMED CT versioning. 442-453
Volume 80, Number 7, July 2011
- Paraskevas Vezyridis
, Stephen Timmons
, Heather Wharrad
Going paperless at the emergency department: A socio-technical study of an information system for patient tracking. 455-465 - Jason J. Saleem, Alissa L. Russ, Adam Neddo, Paul T. Blades, Bradley N. Doebbeling
, Brian H. Foresman:
Paper persistence, workarounds, and communication breakdowns in computerized consultation management. 466-479 - Stacie Petter
, Ann L. Fruhling
Evaluating the success of an emergency response medical information system. 480-489 - Zahra Niazkhani
, Habibollah Pirnejad
, Heleen van der Sijs, Jos Aarts:
Evaluating the medication process in the context of CPOE use: The significance of working around the system. 490-506 - Judith A. Effken, Kathleen M. Carley
, Sheila M. Gephart
, Joyce A. Verran, Denise Bianchi, Jeffrey Reminga, Barbara B. Brewer:
Using ORA to explore the relationship of nursing unit communication to patient safety and quality outcomes. 507-517 - Hsueh-Yi Lu, Bret R. Shaw, David H. Gustafson:
Online health consultation: Examining uses of an interactive cancer communication tool by low-income women with breast cancer. 518-528 - Patrick J. Brown, Stephanie A. Guerlain
, Phillip Gordon, David T. Bauer:
Variations in faculty assessment of NICU flowsheet data: Implications for electronic data display. 529-532 - Nhi-Ha T. Trinh, Soo Jeong Youn
, Jessica Sousa
, Susan Regan
, C. Andres Bedoya, Trina E. Chang
, Maurizio Fava, Albert Yeung:
Using electronic medical records to determine the diagnosis of clinical depression. 533-540
Volume 80, Number 8, August 2011
- Madhu C. Reddy, Paul N. Gorman, Jakob E. Bardram
Special issue on Supporting Collaboration in Healthcare Settings: The Role of Informatics. 541-543
- Michael Rigby, Penny Hill, Sabine Koch
, Debbie Keeling
Social care informatics as an essential part of holistic health care: A call for action. 544-554 - Wei Xu, Zhiyu Guan, Hongxin Cao, Haiyan Zhang, Min Lu, Tiejun Li:
Analysis and evaluation of the Electronic Health Record standard in China: A comparison with the American national standard ASTM E 1384. 555-561 - Peter M. A. van Ooijen
, A. Broekema, Matthijs Oudkerk
Design and implementation of I2Vote - An interactive image-based voting system using windows mobile devices. 562-569 - Sandra L. Kane-Gill
, Shyam Visweswaran, Melissa I. Saul, An-Kwok Ian Wong, Louis E. Penrod, Steven M. Handler
Computerized detection of adverse drug reactions in the medical intensive care unit. 570-578 - Karen G. Cheng, Francisco Ernesto, Ricardo E. Ovalle-Bahamón, Khai N. Truong
Barriers to acceptance of personal digital assistants for HIV/AIDS data collection in Angola. 579-585 - Christopher E. Beaudoin, Traci Hong
Health information seeking, diet and physical activity: An empirical assessment by medium and critical demographics. 586-595 - Alexander I. Levchenko, Veronique M. Boscart, Geoffrey R. Fernie
The feasibility of an automated monitoring system to improve nurses' hand hygiene. 596-603 - Lorenzo Moja
, Rita Banzi
, Ludovica Tagliabue:
Review of "pull" point-of-care services. 604-605
- Line Melby, Pieter J. Toussaint:
Coping with the unforeseen in surgical work. e39-e48 - Rosa R. Heckle, Wayne G. Lutters:
Tensions of network security and collaborative work practice: Understanding a single sign-on deployment in a regional hospital. e49-e61 - Charlene R. Weir, Kenric W. Hammond, Peter J. Embí, Efthimis N. Efthimiadis, Stephen M. Thielke, Ashley N. Hedeen:
An exploration of the impact of computerized patient documentation on clinical collaboration. e62-e71 - Per Hasvold, Jeremiah Scholl:
Disrupted rhythms and mobile ICT in a surgical department. e72-e84 - Markus A. Feufel
, F. Eric Robinson, Valerie L. Shalin:
The impact of medical record technologies on collaboration in emergency medicine. e85-e95 - Cecily Morrison, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Alan F. Blackwell:
Multi-disciplinary collaboration during ward rounds: Embodied aspects of electronic medical record usage. e96-e111 - Tariq Andersen
, Pernille Bjørn, Finn Kensing, Jonas Moll:
Designing for collaborative interpretation in telemonitoring: Re-introducing patients as diagnostic agents. e112-e126 - Sue S. Feldman, Thomas A. Horan:
Collaboration in electronic medical evidence development: A case study of the Social Security Administration's MEGAHIT System. e127-e140 - Sarah A. Collins, Suzanne Bakken, David K. Vawdrey, Enrico W. Coiera
, Leanne M. Currie:
Model development for EHR interdisciplinary information exchange of ICU common goals. e141-e149 - Craig E. Kuziemsky, Lara Varpio
A model of awareness to enhance our understanding of interprofessional collaborative care delivery and health information system design to support it. e150-e160 - Gillian R. Hayes
, Charlotte P. Lee, Paul Dourish:
Organizational routines, innovation, and flexibility: The application of narrative networks to dynamic workflow. e161-e177 - Lisa M. Korst
, Carolyn E. Aydin, Jordana M. K. Signer, Arlene Fink:
Hospital readiness for health information exchange: Development of metrics associated with successful collaboration for quality improvement. e178-e188
Volume 80, Number 9, September 2011
- Mariann Fossum
, Gregory L. Alexander
, Margareta Ehnfors, Anna Ehrenberg:
Effects of a computerized decision support system on pressure ulcers and malnutrition in nursing homes for the elderly. 607-617 - Morten Hertzum
Electronic emergency-department whiteboards: A study of clinicians' expectations and experiences. 618-630 - Per Erlend Hasvold, Jeremiah Scholl:
Flexibility in interaction: Sociotechnical design of an operating room scheduler. 631-645 - Andrew Georgiou
, Mirela Prgomet
, George Toouli, Joanne L. Callen, Johanna I. Westbrook
What do physicians tell laboratories when requesting tests? A multi-method examination of information supplied to the Microbiology laboratory before and after the introduction of electronic ordering. 646-654 - Yannick Kergosien
, Jean-François Tournamille
, B. Laurence, Jean-Charles Billaut:
Planning and tracking chemotherapy production for cancer treatment: A performing and integrated solution. 655-662 - Eva Thors Adolfsson, Andreas Rosenblad
Reporting systems, reporting rates and completeness of data reported from primary healthcare to a Swedish quality register - The National Diabetes Register. 663-668 - Susana Rodrigues, Paulo Brandão, Luís Nelas, José Neves
, Victor Alves
A logic programming approach to medical errors in imaging. 669-679
Volume 80, Number 10, October 2011
- Raymond R. Bond
, Dewar D. Finlay
, Chris D. Nugent
, George Moore
A review of ECG storage formats. 681-697 - Judith A. Effken, Barbara B. Brewer, Melanie D. Logue, Sheila M. Gephart
, Joyce A. Verran:
Using Cognitive Work Analysis to fit decision support tools to nurse managers' work flow. 698-707 - Johanna Viitanen
, Hannele Hyppönen, Tinja Lääveri, Jukka Vänskä, Jarmo Reponen
, Ilkka Winblad:
National questionnaire study on clinical ICT systems proofs: Physicians suffer from poor usability. 708-725 - Thomas F. Imperiale
, Eric A. Sherer, Jo Ann D. Balph, Jon D. Cardwell, Rong Qi:
Provider acceptance, safety, and effectiveness of a computer-based decision tool for colonoscopy preparation. 726-733 - Alex R. Hardisty
, Susan C. Peirce
, Alun D. Preece, Charlotte E. Bolton
, Edward C. Conley, W. Alex Gray, Omer F. Rana
, Zaheer Yousef, Glyn Elwyn
Bridging two translation gaps: A new informatics research agenda for telemonitoring of chronic disease. 734-744
Volume 80, Number 11, November 2011
- Huigang Liang
, Yajiong Xue, Susan K. Chase:
Online health information seeking by people with physical disabilities due to neurological conditions. 745-753 - Teresa M. L. Chiu
, Gunther Eysenbach:
Theorizing the health service usage behavior of family caregivers: A qualitative study of an internet-based intervention. 754-764 - Hendrika Meischke, Paula Lozano, Chuan Zhou, Michelle M. Garrison
, Dimitri Christakis:
Engagement in "My Child's Asthma", an interactive web-based pediatric asthma management intervention. 765-774 - Vebjørn Mack Remen, Anders Grimsmo:
Closing information gaps with shared electronic patient summaries--How much will it matter? 775-781 - Esther N. Munyisia, Ping Yu
, David Hailey
Does the introduction of an electronic nursing documentation system in a nursing home reduce time on documentation for the nursing staff? 782-792 - Josceli Maria Tenório, Anderson Diniz Hummel, Frederico Molina Cohrs
, Vera Lúcia Sdepanian, Ivan Torres Pisa, Heimar de Fátima Marin:
Artificial intelligence techniques applied to the development of a decision-support system for diagnosing celiac disease. 793-802 - Rebecca Randell
, Stephanie M. Wilson, Peter Woodward:
The importance of the verbal shift handover report: A multi-site case study. 803-812
Volume 80, Number 12, December 2011
- Stephen Kimani, Nilufar Baghaei
Editorial. 813-814
- Pirkko Nykänen, Jytte Brender, Jan L. Talmon, Nicolette de Keizer, Michael Rigby, Marie-Catherine Beuscart-Zéphir, Elske Ammenwerth
Guideline for good evaluation practice in health informatics (GEP-HI). 815-827 - Mirou Jaana, Haitham Tamim, Guy Paré, Mari Teitelbaum:
Key IT management issues in hospitals: Results of a Delphi study in Canada. 828-840 - Helen Cripps, Craig Standing:
The implementation of electronic health records: A case study of bush computing the Ngaanyatjarra Lands. 841-848 - Maria Lluch:
Healthcare professionals' organisational barriers to health information technologies - A literature review. 849-862 - Thomas R. Campion Jr., Lemuel R. Waitman, Nancy M. Lorenzi, Addison K. May, Cynthia S. Gadd:
Barriers and facilitators to the use of computer-based intensive insulin therapy. 863-871 - Yung-Ting Chang, Syed Abdul Shabbir
, Chung-You Tsai, Yu-Chuan Li
A novel method for inferring RFID tag reader recordings into clinical events. 872-880 - Arie Hasman:
T.M. Deserno, Editors, , Biomedical Image Processing (2011) Springer Verlag 978-3-642-15815-5 632 pp.. 881-882
- Sherwin Lim, Lishan Xue, Ching Chiuan Yen
, Leanne Chang
, Hock Chuan Chan, Bee Choo Tai, Henry Been-Lirn Duh
, Mahesh Choolani:
A study on Singaporean women's acceptance of using mobile phones to seek health information. e189-e202 - Katarina Segerståhl, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen:
Designing personal exercise monitoring employing multiple modes of delivery: Implications from a qualitative study on heart rate monitoring. e203-e213 - Mary Steele
, Lisa Dow, Gordon D. Baxter:
Promoting public awareness of the links between lifestyle and cancer: A controlled study of the usability of health information leaflets. e214-e229 - (Withdrawn) Designing for healthy living: Supporting reflectivity on interactions in healthcare. e230-e244
- Massimo Esposito
, Ivanoe De Falco
, Giuseppe De Pietro
An evolutionary-fuzzy DSS for assessing health status in multiple sclerosis disease. e245-e254

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