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Operations Research, Volume 38
Volume 38, Number 1, January / February 1990
- Bezalel Gavish:
Area Editor Statement - Telecommunications. 2-3 - Herbert A. Simon:
Prediction and Prescription in Systems Modeling. 7-14 - Jacques A. Ferland, Gilles Guénette:
Decision Support System for the School Districting Problem. 15-21 - Kenneth R. Baker, Gary D. Scudder:
Sequencing with Earliness and Tardiness Penalties: A Review. 22-36 - Robin O. Roundy:
Computing Nested Reorder Intervals for Multi-Item Distribution Systems. 37-52 - Benjamin Lev
, Howard J. Weiss:
Inventory Models with Cost Changes. 53-63 - Sven Axsäter:
Simple Solution Procedures for a Class of Two-Echelon Inventory Problems. 64-69 - Bezalel Gavish, Robert E. Johnson:
A Fully Polynomial Approximation Scheme for Single-Product Scheduling in a Finite Capacity Facility. 70-83 - Suresh P. Sethi, Chelliah Sriskandarajah, Giri Kumar Tayi, M. R. Rao:
Heuristic Methods for Selection and Ordering of Part-Orienting Devices. 84-98 - John G. Klincewicz:
Solving a Freight Transport Problem Using Facility Location Techniques. 99-109 - James N. Eagle, James R. Yee:
An Optimal Branch-and-Bound Procedure for the Constrained Path, Moving Target Search Problem. 110-114 - Luc Devroye:
Coupled Samples in Simulation. 115-126 - R. Kipp Martin, Ronald L. Rardin, Brian A. Campbell:
Polyhedral Characterization of Discrete Dynamic Programming. 127-138 - Dimitris Bertsimas:
An Analytic Approach to a General Class of G/G/s Queueing Systems. 139-155 - Benjamin Melamed, Ward Whitt:
On Arrivals That See Time Averages. 156-172 - Linda Green, Benjamin Melamed:
An Anti-PASTA Result for Markovian Systems. 173-175 - Ronald W. Wolff:
A Note on PASTA and Anti-PASTA for Continuous-Time Markov Chains. 176-177 - Oded Berman, D. Einav, Gabriel Y. Handler:
The Constrained Bottleneck Problem in Networks. 178-181
Volume 38, Number 2, March / April 1990
- Norman Waks:
OR/MS Support to Senior Managers in the Public Sector: Two Cases. 189-192 - Ilkka Kananen, Pekka J. Korhonen, Jyrki Wallenius, Hannele Wallenius:
Multiple Objective Analysis of Input-Output Models for Emergency Management. 193-201 - Arthur T. Benjamin:
Graphs, Maneuvers and Turnpikes. 202-216 - Warren P. Adams, Hanif D. Sherali:
Linearization Strategies for a Class of Zero-One Mixed Integer Programming Problems. 217-226 - András Prékopa:
Sharp Bounds on Probabilities Using Linear Programming. 227-239 - William J. Carolan, James E. Hill, Jeffery L. Kennington, Sandra Niemi, Stephen J. Wichmann:
An Empirical Evaluation of the KORBX® Algorithms for Military Airlift Applications. 240-248 - Gerald G. Brown, Clark E. Goodman, R. Kevin Wood:
Annual Scheduling of Atlantic Fleet Naval Combatants. 249-259 - Itzhak Ravid:
Military Decision, Game Theory and Intelligence: An Anecdote. 260-264 - Tat-Chi Chow, Robert M. Oliver, G. Anthony Vignaux:
A Bayesian Escalation Model to Predict Nuclear Accidents and Risk. 265-277 - Lawrence W. Robinson:
Optimal and Approximate Policies in Multiperiod, Multilocation Inventory Models with Transshipments. 278-295 - Yu-Sheng Zheng, Paul H. Zipkin:
A Queueing Model to Analyze the Value of Centralized Inventory Information. 296-307 - Bhaskar Sengupta:
A Queue with Service Interruptions in an Alternating Random Environment. 308-318 - David Assaf, J. George Shanthikumar:
Optimal Spares Provisioning When Component Price Is Changing. 319-329 - Awi Federgruen, Kut C. So:
Optimal Maintenance Policies for Single-Server Queueing Systems Subject to Breakdowns. 330-343 - Menachem Berg, Morton J. M. Posner:
Customer Delay in M/G/∞ Repair Systems with Spares. 344-348 - Hans Daduna:
Exchangeable Items in Repair Systems: Delay Times. 349-354 - Daniel P. Heyman:
Another Way to Solve Complex Chemical Equilibria. 355-358 - Moshe Ben-Horim, Dror Zuckerman:
Stimulating Job Search Through the Unemployment Insurance System. 359-361 - Ehsan S. Soofi:
Generalized Entropy-Based Weights for Multiattribute Value Models. 362-363 - Michael A. Zazanis:
Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis Estimates for Moments of the System Time of an M/M/1 Queue. 364-369
Volume 38, Number 3, May / June 1990
- Herbert E. Scarf:
Mathematical Programming and Economic Theory. 377-385 - James S. Dyer, Richard N. Lund, John B. Larsen, V. Kumar, Robert P. Leone:
A Decision Support System for Prioritizing Oil and Gas Exploration Activities. 386-396 - Daniel M. Hamblin, Jeannie C. Johnson, Judith Killen:
Optimizing Simulation for Policy Analysis in a Residential Energy End-Use Model. 397-411 - L. G. Mason, A. Girard, X. D. Gu:
Multilocation Facility Modernization: Models and Heuristics. 412-425 - Nikiforos A. Papadakis, Anastassios N. Perakis:
Deterministic Minimal Time Vessel Routing. 426-438 - Michael H. Schneider, Stavros A. Zenios
A Comparative Study of Algorithms for Matrix Balancing. 439-455 - Thomas L. Magnanti, Rita Vachani:
A Strong Cutting Plane Algorithm for Production Scheduling with Changeover Costs. 456-473 - Richard A. Sandbothe, Gerald L. Thompson:
A Forward Algorithm for the Capacitated Lot Size Model with Stockouts. 474-486 - Lee A. Herrbach, Joseph Y.-T. Leung:
Preemptive Scheduling of Equal Length Jobs on Two Machines to Minimize Mean Flow Time. 487-494 - Sid Browne, Uri Yechiali:
Scheduling Deteriorating Jobs on a Single Processor. 495-498 - Arie Harel:
Convexity Properties of the Erlang Loss Formula. 499-505 - Charles Knessl, Bernard J. Matkowsky, Zeev Schuss, Charles Tier:
An Integral Equation Approach to the M/G/2 Queue. 506-518 - Colm Art O'Cinneide:
On the Limitations of Multivariate Phase-Type Families. 519-526 - Gehan A. Corea, Vidyadhar G. Kulkarni:
Minimum Cost Routing on Stochastic Networks. 527-536 - P.-C. G. Vassiliou, Andreas C. Georgiou
Asymptotically Attainable Structures in Nonhomogeneous Markov Systems. 537-545 - Keebom Kang, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Graphical Methods for Evaluating and Comparing Confidence-Interval Procedures. 546-553 - Alain Haurie, G. Savard, Douglas J. White:
A Note on: An Efficient Point Algorithm for a Linear Two-Stage Optimization Problem. 553-555 - Omar Ben-Ayed, Charles E. Blair:
Computational Difficulties of Bilevel Linear Programming. 556-560 - Randolph D. Nelson:
Heavy Traffic Response Times for a Priority Queue with Linear Priorities. 560-563
Volume 38, Number 4, July / August 1990
- Lawrence D. Bodin:
Twenty Years of Routing and Scheduling. 571-579 - Andrew Ford:
Estimating the Impact of Efficiency Standards on the Uncertainty of the Northwest Electric System. 580-597 - Hung-Po Chao, Robert B. Wilson:
Optimal Contract Period for Priority Service. 598-606 - Fidelis M. Ikem, Arnold M. Reisman:
An Approach to Planning for Physician Requirements in Developing Countries Using Dynamic Programming. 607-618 - Åsa Hallefjord, Sverre Storøy:
Aggregation and Disaggregation in Integer Programming Problems. 619-623 - Donald Goldfarb, Jianxiu Hao, Sheng-Roan Kai:
Efficient Shortest Path Simplex Algorithms. 624-628 - Robert S. Garfinkel, W. J. Plotnicki:
Fixed Cycle Scheduling: A Solvable Problem with Empty Precedence Structure. 629-633 - Mordechai I. Henig, Yigal Gerchak:
The Structure of Periodic Review Policies in the Presence of Random Yield. 634-643 - Suresh Chand, Suresh P. Sethi:
A Dynamic Lot Sizing Model with Learning in Setups. 644-655 - Maqbool Dada, K. N. Srikanth:
Monopolistic Pricing and the Learning Curve: An Algorithmic Approach. 656-666 - Hideaki Takagi:
Priority Queues with Setup Times. 667-677 - Jan-Kees C. W. van Ommeren
Simple Approximations for the Batch-Arrival Mx/G/1 Queue. 678-685 - Meir J. Rosenblatt, Uriel G. Rothblum:
On the Single Resource Capacity Problem for Multi-Item Inventory Systems. 686-693 - Yves Dallery, Kathryn E. Stecke:
On the Optimal Allocation of Servers and Workloads in Closed Queueing Networks. 694-703 - Bruce W. Lamar, Yosef Sheffi, Warren B. Powell:
A Capacity Improvement Lower Bound for Fixed Charge Network Design Problems. 704-710 - Dev Joneja:
The Joint Replenishment Problem: New Heuristics and Worst Case Performance Bounds. 711-723 - Offer Kella
Optimal Control of the Vacation Scheme in an M/G/1 Queue. 724-728 - George S. Fishman:
How Errors in Component Reliability Affect System Reliability. 728-732
Volume 38, Number 5, September / October 1990
- Craig W. Kirkwood:
Does Operations Research Address Strategy? 747-751 - Steven Zoraster:
The Solution of Large 0-1 Integer Programming Problems Encountered in Automated Cartography. 752-759 - James P. Kelly, Bruce L. Golden, Arjang A. Assad, Edward K. Baker:
Controlled Rounding of Tabular Data. 760-772 - Hanif D. Sherali, Konstantin Staschus
A Two-Phase Decomposition Approach for Electric Utility Capacity Expansion Planning Including Nondispatchable Technologies. 773-791 - Abdulrahman Yamani, Thom J. Hodgson, Louis A. Martin-Vega:
Single Aircraft Mid-Air Refueling Using Spherical Distances. 792-800 - Peter W. Glynn, Philip Heidelberger:
Bias Properties of Budget Constrained Simulations. 801-814 - Robert F. Bordley:
Measuring Risk Reduction Benefits with Discounted Longevity. 815-819 - Mordechai I. Henig:
Risk Criteria in a Stochastic Knapsack Problem. 820-825 - Charles Knessl:
Refinements to Heavy Traffic Limit Theorems in Queueing Theory. 826-837 - Diane J. Reynier
A High-Low Search Algorithm for a Newsboy Problem with Delayed Information Feedback. 838-846 - Matthew J. Sobel:
Myopic Solutions of Affine Dynamic Models. 847-853 - Wim M. Nawijn:
Look-Ahead Policies for Admission to a Single Server Loss System. 854-862 - J. J. Gordon:
The Evaluation of Normalizing Constants in Closed Queueing Networks. 863-869 - Haim Mendelson, Seungjin Whang:
Optimal Incentive-Compatible Priority Pricing for the M/M/1 Queue. 870-883 - Suresh Chand, Suresh P. Sethi, Jean-Marie Proth:
Existence of Forecast Horizons in Undiscounted Discrete-Time Lot Size Models. 884-892 - John J. Liu:
Optimal Dispatching in a Periodic Review Cellular Manufacturing System. 893-901 - Steven T. Hackman, Loren K. Platzman:
Near-Optimal Solution of Generalized Resource Allocation Problems with Large Capacities. 902-910 - James T. Moore, Jonathan F. Bard:
The Mixed Integer Linear Bilevel Programming Problem. 911-921 - A. A. Farley:
A Note on Bounding a Class of Linear Programming Problems, Including Cutting Stock Problems. 922-923 - Masaaki Kijima, Naoki Makimoto, Hiroshi Shirakawa:
Stochastic Minimization of the Makespan in Flow Shops with Identical Machines and Buffers of Arbitrary Size. 924-928
Volume 38, Number 6, November / December 1990
- Donald Erlenkotter:
Ford Whitman Harris and the Economic Order Quantity Model. 937-946 - Ford W. Harris:
How Many Parts to Make at Once. 947-950 - John J. Bartholdi III, Kevin L. McCroan:
Scheduling Interviews for a Job Fair. 951-960 - Ram Gopalan, Krishna S. Kolluri, Rajan Batta, Mark H. Karwan
Modeling Equity of Risk in the Transportation of Hazardous Materials. 961-973 - Barry L. Nelson:
Control Variate Remedies. 974-992 - Rex K. Kincaid, David M. Nicol, Douglas R. Shier, D. Richards:
A Multistage Linear Array Assignment Problem. 993-1005 - Michael J. Todd:
A Dantzig-Wolfe-Like Variant of Karmarkar's Interior-Point Linear Programming Algorithm. 1006-1018 - Dimitris J. Bertsimas, Patrick Jaillet, Amedeo R. Odoni:
A Priori Optimization. 1019-1033 - Margaret L. Brandeau, Samuel S. Chiu:
A Unified Family of Single-Server Queueing Location Models. 1034-1044 - Sjur Didrik Flåm, Adi Ben-Israel:
A Continuous Approach to Oligopolistic Market Equilibrium. 1045-1051 - J. Michael Harrison, Lawrence M. Wein:
Scheduling Networks of Queues: Heavy Traffic Analysis of a Two-Station Closed Network. 1052-1064 - Lawrence M. Wein:
Scheduling Networks of Queues: Heavy Traffic Analysis of a Two-Station Network with Controllable Inputs. 1065-1078 - Edward J. Anderson
Testing Feasibility in a Lot Scheduling Problem. 1079-1088 - James Flynn, Stanley J. Garstka:
A Dynamic Inventory Model with Periodic Auditing. 1089-1103 - Mark S. Daskin, Philip C. Jones, Timothy J. Lowe:
Rationalizing Tool Selection in a Flexible Manufacturing System for Sheet-Metal Products. 1104-1115 - Helmut Schneider, Kwei Tang
, Colm Art O'Cinneide:
Optimal Control of a Production Process Subject to Random Deterioration. 1116-1122 - Hyo-Seong Lee, Stephen M. Pollock:
Approximation Analysis of Open Acyclic Exponential Queueing Networks with Blocking. 1123-1134 - Kevin Ewacha, Ivan Rival, George Steiner:
Permutation Schedules for Flow Shops with Precedence Constraints. 1135-1139

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