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Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 53
Volume 53, Number 1, January 2002
- T. M. Williams, John M. Wilson:
Editorial. 1
- John L. Scott:
Stimulating awareness of actual learning processes. 2-10
- Paul R. Harper, Arjan K. Shahani:
Modelling for the planning and management of bed capacities in hospitals. 11-18 - Florin Gorunescu
, Sally I. McClean, Peter H. Millard:
A queueing model for bed-occupancy management and planning of hospitals. 19-24 - C. Mullinax, Mark Lawley:
Assigning patients to nurses in neonatal intensive care. 25-35 - Alan Jessop:
Prioritisation of an IT budget within a local authority. 36-46
- Ronald Martin Skitmore:
Predicting the probability of winning sealed bid auctions: a comparison of models. 47-56 - Alexander Poot, Goos Kant, Albert P. M. Wagelmans:
A savings based method for real-life vehicle routing problems. 57-68 - O. F. Demirel, Thomas R. Willemain:
Generation of simulation input scenarios using bootstrap methods. 69-78 - Yanping Xiang, Kim-Leng Poh:
Knowledge-based time-critical dynamic decision modelling. 79-87 - N. Hirotsu, Mike Wright:
Using a Markov process model of an association football match to determine the optimal timing of substitution and tactical decisions. 88-96 - Hai-Jun Huang
, William H. K. Lam:
Quasi-continuous dynamic equilibrium assignment with departure time choice in congested unidirectional pedestrian networks. 97-107 - David Ronen:
Marine inventory routing: shipments planning. 108-114
- Jan Dethloff:
Relation between vehicle routing problems: an insertion heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pick-up applied to the vehicle routing problem with backhauls. 115-118 - J. Walker:
A sequential discovery sampling procedure. 119-122
Volume 53, Number 2, February 2002
- P. Keys, Gerald Midgley:
Part Special Issue Editorial: The process of OR. 123-125
- Ann R. Taket:
Facilitation: some contributions to theorising the practice of operational research. 126-136 - Z. Zhu:
Towards user-friendly OR: a Chinese experience. 137-148 - L. White:
Size matters: large group methods and the process of operational research. 149-160 - Franz Liebl:
The anatomy of complex societal problems and its implications for OR. 161-184
- S. I. Harewood:
Emergency ambulance deployment in Barbados: a multi-objective approach. 185-192 - P. J. Vlok, J. L. Coetzee, Dragan Banjevic, Andrew K. S. Jardine, Viliam Makis:
Optimal component replacement decisions using vibration monitoring and the proportional-hazards model. 193-202 - John Bowers, Gillian Mould:
Concentration and the variability of orthopaedic demand. 203-210 - T. Yang, L. Tseng:
Solving a multi-objective simulation model using a hybrid response surface method and lexicographical goal programming approach - a case study on integrated circuit ink-marking machines. 211-221
- Ming S. Hung, Murali Shanker, Michael Y. Hu:
Estimating breast cancer risks using neural networks. 222-231 - B. Tan:
Managing manufacturing risks by using capacity options. 232-242
- John C. Mingers, Frances A. O'Brien:
A comment on Baker and Benn 2001: 'Assigning pupils to tutor groups in a comprehensive school'. 243 - Barrie M. Baker, C. Benn:
Response to Mingers and O'Brien. 243
Volume 53, Number 3, March 2002
- M. Shutler, James E. Storbeck:
Performance management. 245-246
- Peter C. Smith, Maria Goddard:
Performance management and Operational Research: a marriage made in heaven? 247-255 - R. Johnston, S. Brignall, Louise Fitzgerald
'Good enough' performance measurement: a trade-off between activity and action. 256-262 - A. Harrison, Colin New:
The role of coherent supply chain strategy and performance management in achieving competitive advantage: an international survey. 263-271 - David J. Hamblin:
Rethinking the management of flexibility - a study in the aerospace defence industry. 272-282 - G. Francis, J. Holloway:
Beyond comparisons - the role for the operational researcher in benchmarking. 283-291 - Emmanuel Thanassoulis
Comparative performance measurement in regulation: the case of English and Welsh sewerage services. 292-302 - Minoo Meimand, Robert Y. Cavana, Robert Laking:
Using DEA and survival analysis for measuring performance of branches in New Zealand's Accident Compensation Corporation. 303-313 - Dimitris K. Despotis
Improving the discriminating power of DEA: focus on globally efficient units. 314-323
- Teresa Galvão Dias, Jorge Pinho de Sousa, João Falcão e Cunha:
Genetic algorithms for the bus driver scheduling problem: a case study. 324-335 - Yuan Lin Zhang, Richard C. M. Yam, Ming Jian Zuo:
Optimal replacement policy for a multistate repairable system. 336-341
- Jan Ondrich, John Ruggiero:
Outlier detection in data envelopment analysis: an analysis of jackknifing. 342-346
- Richard J. Ormerod:
Should critical realism really be critical for OR? A comment on Mingers (2000): the contribution of critical realism as an underpinning philosophy for OR/MS and systems. 347-351 - John C. Mingers:
Reply to Ormerod - the importance of being real. 351-354 - Richard J. Ormerod:
Response to Mingers - an overarching philosophy for OR/MS - Sed Quis Custodet Custodies? [But who is to guard the guards themselves] (Juvenal, c. AD 60-130). 354-357 - John C. Mingers:
Response to Ormerod: play it again, Sam. 357-359 - Richard J. Ormerod:
A comment on Yolles (2001): Viable boundary critique. 360-363 - Maurice I. Yolles:
Reply to Ormerod. 363-367
Volume 53, Number 4, April 2002
- Ian Munro, John Mingers:
The use of multimethodology in practice - results of a survey of practitioners. 369-378
- Pierrette Zouein
, W. Abillama, E. Tohme:
A multiple period capacitated inventory model for airline fuel management: a case study. 379-386 - Mar Arenas Parra, Amelia Bilbao-Terol, Rafael Caballero
, Trinidad Gómez, Maria Victoria Rodríguez, Francisco Ruiz:
Analysis via goal programming of the minimum achievable stay in surgical waiting lists. 387-396 - Kenneth R. Baker, Stephen G. Powell:
Methods for assigning students to groups: a study of alternative objective functions. 397-404
- Arno Sprecher:
Network decomposition techniques for resource-constrained project scheduling. 405-414 - J.-G. Kang, Yeong-Dae Kim:
Stowage planning in maritime container transportation. 415-426 - Ángel Corberán, Elena Fernández
, Manuel Laguna, Rafael Martí
Heuristic solutions to the problem of routing school buses with multiple objectives. 427-435 - Zhenxin Yu, Hong Yan
, T. C. Edwin Cheng
Modelling the benefits of information sharing-based partnerships in a two-level supply chain. 436-446 - René Y. Darmon, Dominique Rouziès:
Optimal sales force compensation plans: an operational procedure. 447-456 - D. Johnson:
Triangular approximations for continuous random variables in risk analysis. 457-467
- Justo Puerto, Jose Gutiérrez, Joaquín Sicilia:
Bicriteria trade-off analysis in a two-echelon inventory/distribution system. 468-469
- Stephen D. Clark:
Handbook of Transportation Science. 470-471 - A. Boyd:
Partnership and Participation: Decision-making in the Multiagency Setting. 471-472 - J. Swanson:
Business Dynamics - Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World. 472-473 - Stephen D. Clark:
Practical Optimization Methods with Mathematica Applications (& CD-ROM). 473-474
Volume 53, Number 5, May 2002
- Richard J. Ormerod:
On the nature of OR: taking stock. 475-491 - Tser-Yieth Chen:
A comparison of chance-constrained DEA and stochastic frontier analysis: bank efficiency in Taiwan. 492-500 - Sebastián Lozano, Gabriel Villa
, Fernando Guerrero, Pablo Cortés
Measuring the performance of nations at the Summer Olympics using data envelopment analysis. 501-511
- Jean-François Cordeau, Michel Gendreau, Gilbert Laporte, Jean-Yves Potvin, Frédéric Semet
A guide to vehicle routing heuristics. 512-522
- Mike R. Neighbour, Peter Bailey, Marcus Hawthorn, Connie Lensing, Hamish Robson, Stuart Smith, Bernd Zimmerman:
Providing operational analysis to a peace support operation: the Kosovo experience. 523-543 - Celia A. Glass
Bag rationalisation for a food manufacturer. 544-551 - Leon Y. O. Li, Zhuo Fu
The school bus routing problem: a case study. 552-558
- Stewart Robinson
, Roger J. Brooks, Colin D. Lewis:
Detecting shifts in the mean of a simulation output process. 559-573 - Vitaly A. Strusevich, Inna G. Drobouchevitch, Natalia V. Shakhlevich:
Three-machine shop scheduling with partially ordered processing routes. 574-582
- Giuseppe Bruno, Gilbert Laporte:
A simple enhancement of the Esau-Williams heuristic for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem. 583-586 - Young-Gun G, M.-K. Kang:
A new upper bound for unconstrained two-dimensional cutting and packing. 587-591
- Suresh K. Goyal:
A comment on 'A new method for joint replenishment problems' by Fung and Ma. 592
Volume 53, Number 6, June 2002
- John E. Beasley
, H. Howells, Julia Sonander:
Improving short-term conflict alert via tabu search. 593-602 - Tim Van Voorhis:
Highly constrained college basketball scheduling. 603-609 - Tom J. Cherrett
, Fraser N. McLeod
, H. Bell, M. McDonald:
Journey time estimation using single inductive loop detectors on non-signalised links. 610-619
- Ilkyeong Moon
, B. C. Giri
, K. Choi:
Economic lot scheduling problem with imperfect production processes and setup times. 620-629 - Edward J. Anderson
Markov chain modelling of the solution surface in local search. 630-636 - Allan Larsen
, Oli B. G. Madsen, Marius M. Solomon:
Partially dynamic vehicle routing - models and algorithms. 637-646 - H. G. Li, David J. Hand
Direct versus indirect credit scoring classifications. 647-654 - Amy Hing Ling Lau, Hon-Shiang Lau, Lawrence W. Robinson:
Convenient expressions for computing the exact annual cost of a continuous-review (Q, R) system with backordering. 655-663 - K.-N. Lau, P.-Y. Lam:
Economic freedom ranking of 161 countries in year 2000: a minimum disagreement approach. 664-671 - M. K. Lauren:
Firepower concentration in cellular automaton combat models - an alternative to Lanchester. 672-679 - Hong Yan
, Quanling Wei:
Determining compromise weights for group decision making. 680-687 - Aleksander Bachman, T. C. Edwin Cheng
, Adam Janiak, C. T. Daniel Ng
Scheduling start time dependent jobs to minimize the total weighted completion time. 688-693
- T. M. Williams, John M. Wilson:
JORS Referees 2001. 694-696
Volume 53, Number 7, July 2002
- Kevin Y. K. Ng, A. Ghanmi:
An automated surface surveillance system. 697-708 - James Moffat, Susan Witty:
Bayesian decision making and military command and control. 709-718
- Hui Zhu, Peter A. Beling, George A. Overstreet Jr.:
A Bayesian framework for the combination of classifier outputs. 719-727 - Juan A. Díaz
, Elena Fernández
A Branch-and-Price algorithm for the Single Source Capacitated Plant Location Problem. 728-740 - Mario Vanhoucke
, Erik Demeulemeester, Willy Herroelen:
Discrete time/cost trade-offs in project scheduling with time-switch constraints. 741-751 - Anshuman Tyagi, Janelle J. Harms, A. Kamal:
Analysis of M/M/S queues with 1-limited service. 752-767 - Niaz A. Wassan, Ibrahim H. Osman:
Tabu search variants for the mix fleet vehicle routing problem. 768-782 - S.-H. Choi, Yeong-Dae Kim:
A traffic control algorithm for Clos network type ATM switches. 783-791 - Mohamed Haouari
, Jouhaina Chaouachi:
A probabilistic greedy search algorithm for combinatorial optimisation with application to the set covering problem. 792-799 - Jaideep T. Naidu, Jatinder N. D. Gupta
, Bahram Alidaee:
Insights into two solution procedures for the single machine tardiness problem. 800-806
- Adam N. Letchford
Approximation Algorithms. 807-808 - Simon French:
Decision Making: Recent Developments and Worldwide Applications. 808 - Simon J. Mardle:
Energy Decisions and the Environment: A Guide to the Use of Multicriteria Methods. 808-809 - Simon French:
Evaluation and Decision Models: a Critical Perspective. 809
Volume 53, Number 8, August 2002
- Lawrence R. Weatherford, Peter P. Belobaba:
Revenue impacts of fare input and demand forecast accuracy in airline yield management. 811-821 - Renata Mansini
, M. Grazia Speranza
A multidimensional knapsack model for asset-backed securitization. 822-832 - Jeffrey Lockledge, Dimitrios Mihailidis, John Sidelko, Kenneth Chelst:
Prototype fleet optimization model. 833-841 - George Ioannou, Manolis N. Kritikos, Gregory P. Prastacos:
Map-Route: a GIS-based decision support system for intra-city vehicle routing with time windows. 842-854
- Jianli Hu, Charles L. Munson
Dynamic demand lot-sizing rules for incremental quantity discounts. 855-863 - Wen Lea Pearn, Shu-Hsing Chung, Ming-Hsien Yang:
The wafer probing scheduling problem (WPSP). 864-874 - Martha García-Murillo
, Hala Annabi:
Customer knowledge management. 875-884 - Markus Arns, Markus Fischer, Peter Kemper, Carsten Tepper:
Supply chain modelling and its analytical evaluation. 885-894 - Caroline Gagné, Wilson L. Price, Marc Gravel:
Comparing an ACO algorithm with other heuristics for the single machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times. 895-906 - Cigdem Alabas-Uslu, Fulya Altiparmak
, Berna Dengiz:
A comparison of the performance of artificial intelligence techniques for optimizing the number of kanbans. 907-914
- Jinn-Tsair Teng:
On the economic order quantity under conditions of permissible delay in payments. 915-918 - Olatunde A. Adekola:
A generalised life-expectancy model for a population. 919-921 - Chao-Ton Su, C.-S. Shi:
A manufacturer's optimal quantity discount strategy and return policy through game-theoretic approach. 922-926
- Ozhand Ganjavi, Belaïd Aouni, Z. Wang:
Technical note on balanced solutions in goal programming, compromise programming and reference point method. 927-929 - Carlos Romero
, Mehrdad Tamiz, Dylan F. Jones
Reply to the comments of Ganjavi et al. 929-930 - Ozhand Ganjavi, Belaïd Aouni, Z. Wang:
Response to reply to the comments of Ganjavi, Aouni and Wang 2002. 930-931 - Carlos Romero, Mehrdad Tamiz, Dylan F. Jones
Final reply to the comments of Professors Ganjavi et al. 931
Volume 53, Number 9, September 2002
- Janet E. Annetts, Eric Audsley:
Multiple objective linear programming for environmental farm planning. 933-943 - Enrico Angelelli
, M. Grazia Speranza
The application of a vehicle routing model to a waste-collection problem: two case studies. 944-952 - A. Antipov, Nigel Meade
Forecasting call frequency at a financial services call centre. 953-960 - Marcos Singer, Patricio Donoso, Sebastián Jara:
Fleet configuration subject to stochastic demand: an application in the distribution of liquefied petroleum gas. 961-971
- Gilbert Laporte, Udatta S. Palekar:
Some applications of the clustered travelling salesman problem. 972-976
- I. D. Giosa, I. L. Tansini, I. O. Viera:
New assignment algorithms for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem. 977-984 - Nicole Adler, Boaz Golany:
Including principal component weights to improve discrimination in data envelopment analysis. 985-991 - Hirofumi Fukuyama
, William L. Weber:
Evaluating public school district performance via DEA gain functions. 992-1003 - Ali Allahverdi, Tariq A. Aldowaisan:
No-wait flowshops with bicriteria of makespan and total completion time. 1004-1015 - Salih O. Duffuaa, Mehmood Khan:
An optimal repeat inspection plan with several classifications. 1016-1026 - Jung-Ug Kim, Yeong-Dae Kim, Sang-Oh Shim:
Heuristic algorithms for a multi-period multi-stop transportation planning problem. 1027-1037 - Juliane Dehnert, Jörn Freiheit, Armin Zimmermann
Modelling and evaluation of time aspects in business processes. 1038-1047 - Jason Chao-Hsien Pan, Yu-Cheng Hsiao, Chin-Jen Lee:
Inventory models with fixed and variable lead time crash costs considerations. 1048-1053 - K. T. Park, K. H. Kim:
Berth scheduling for container terminals by using a sub-gradient optimization technique. 1054-1062
Volume 53, Number 10, October 2002
- John M. Wilson, Ken Darby-Dowman:
Introduction. 1063-1064
- Ken Darby-Dowman, John M. Wilson:
Developments in linear and integer programming. 1065-1071 - Belen Dominguez-Ballesteros, Gautam Mitra, Cormac Lucas, Nikitas-Spiros Koutsoukis:
Modelling and solving environments for mathematical programming (MP): a status review and new directions. 1072-1092 - Sarah Fores
, Les G. Proll, Anthony Wren:
TRACS II: a hybrid IP/heuristic driver scheduling system for public transport. 1093-1100 - Albert Corominas, Amaia Lusa
, Rafael Pastor
Using MILP to plan annualised working hours. 1101-1108 - Julia A. Bennell
, Chris N. Potts, J. Douglass Whitehead:
Local search algorithms for the min-max loop layout problem. 1109-1117 - Uwe Aickelin
An indirect genetic algorithm for set covering problems. 1118-1126 - Gautam Appa:
On the uniqueness of solutions to linear programs. 1127-1132 - P. Wackrill:
The out-of-kilter algorithm applied to traffic congestion. 1133-1141 - Ibrahim H. Osman, M. Hasan, A. Abdullah:
Linear programming based meta-heuristics for the weighted maximal planar graph. 1142-1149
- J. Luo, P. Huang:
EOQ under date-term supplier credit: a comment on a paper by Carlson and Rousseau. 1150-1154 - M. L. Carlson, John J. Rousseau:
Reply to Luo and Huang. 1154-1155 - M. Weverbergh:
A comment on 'Predicting the probability of winning sealed bid auctions: a comparison of models'. 1156-1158 - T. M. Williams:
Editor's note. 1158 - F. C. Duckworth, A. J. Lewis:
Comment on Clarke and Allsopp (2001). Fair measures of performance: The World Cup of Cricket. 1159-1160 - Stephen R. Clarke, Paul Allsopp:
Response to Duckworth and Lewis, comment on Clarke and Allsopp (2001). Fair measures of performance: The World Cup of Cricket. 1160-1161 - Martin Reynolds
In defence of knowledge constitutive interests. A comment on 'What is this thing called CST?' (Midgely, 1996). 1162-1165 - Gerald Midgley:
Renewing the critique of the theory of knowledge-constitutive interests: a reply to Martin Reynolds. 1165-1168 - Martin Reynolds:
Response to Midgley - renewing critique or renewing fears? 1169-1171 - Gerald Midgley:
Final reply to Reynolds - towards an enhanced OR for environmental management. 1171-1173
- N. Hirotsu, Mike Wright:
Hirotsu N and Wright M (2002). Using a Markov process model of an association football match to determine the optimal timing of substitution and tactical decisions. 1174
Volume 53, Number 11, November 2002
- Mercedes Bertomeu, Carlos Romero
Forest management optimisation models and habitat diversity: a goal programming approach. 1175-1184 - Jonathan D. Linton
, Julian Scott Yeomans, Reena Yoogalingam:
Supply planning for industrial ecology and remanufacturing under uncertainty: a numerical study of leaded-waste recovery from television disposal. 1185-1196 - Ai Cheo Yeo, Kate A. Smith
, Robert J. Willis, Malcolm Brooks:
A mathematical programming approach to optimise insurance premium pricing within a data mining framework. 1197-1203
- Timo Kuosmanen
, Thierry Post:
Quadratic data envelopment analysis. 1204-1214 - P. P. Sutton, Rodney H. Green:
A data envelopment approach to decision analysis. 1215-1224 - Kaoru Tone:
A strange case of the cost and allocative efficiencies in DEA. 1225-1231 - Wout Dullaert
, Gerrit K. Janssens, Kenneth Sörensen
, Bert Vernimmen:
New heuristics for the Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. 1232-1238 - Thomas Lorigeon, Jean-Charles Billaut, Jean-Louis Bouquard:
A dynamic programming algorithm for scheduling jobs in a two-machine open shop with an availability constraint. 1239-1246 - Hani I. Mesak:
On the impact of initial performance on the effectiveness of advertising pulsation policies. 1247-1255 - Julian Scott Yeomans:
Automatic generation of efficient policy alternatives via simulation-optimization. 1256-1267 - J. J. A. Moors, Leo W. G. Strijbosch:
Exact fill rates for (R, s, S) inventory control with gamma distributed demand. 1268-1274
- Federico Della Croce
, Vincent T'kindt
A Recovering Beam Search algorithm for the one-machine dynamic total completion time scheduling problem. 1275-1280 - David J. Robb
, Edward A. Silver:
Using composite moving averages to forecast sales. 1281-1285 - S. Viswanathan:
On optimal algorithms for the joint replenishment problem. 1286-1290 - Chi Chiang:
Ordering policies for inventory systems with expediting. 1291-1295
Volume 53, Number 12, December 2002
- Marilyn C. Mabini, Anthony H. Christer:
Controlling multi-indenture repairable inventories of multiple aircraft parts. 1297-1307 - Mohammad Modarres, B. Zarei:
Application of network theory and AHP in urban transportation to minimize earthquake damages. 1308-1316 - Rafael Pastor
, Carlos Andrés, A. Duran, M. Pérez:
Tabu search algorithms for an industrial multi-product and multi-objective assembly line balancing problem, with reduction of the task dispersion. 1317-1323 - Martin Butler, H. Paul Williams:
Fairness versus efficiency in charging for the use of common facilities. 1324-1329
- Shih-Pin Chen
, T.-S. Wei:
The practice of operational research in Taiwan. 1330-1337
- Y. Cui, R. Zhou:
Generating optimal cutting patterns for rectangular blanks of a single size. 1338-1346 - William W. Cooper, H. Deng, Zhimin Huang, Susan X. Li:
Chance constrained programming approaches to technical efficiencies and inefficiencies in stochastic data envelopment analysis. 1347-1356 - Marcos Colebrook
, Jose Gutiérrez, Sergio Alonso, Joaquín Sicilia
A new algorithm for the undesirable 1-center problem on networks. 1357-1366 - W. H. Yang:
Group scheduling in a two-stage flowshop. 1367-1373 - Marcelo Seido Nagano, J. V. Moccellin:
A high quality solution constructive heuristic for flow shop sequencing. 1374-1379 - X. Jia, Anthony H. Christer:
A prototype cost model of functional check decisions in reliability-centred maintenance. 1380-1384
- Saul I. Gass, S. M. Standard:
Characteristics of positive reciprocal matrices in the analytic hierarchy process. 1385-1389
- James W. Bryant:
A comment on Yolles (2001): Viable boundary critique. 1390-1392 - Maurice Yolles:
Reply to Bryant. 1392-1395
- John S. Edwards:
Capitalizing on Knowledge: From e-business to k-business. 1396 - S. Kafandaris:
ELECTRE and Decision Support: Methods and Applications in Engineering and Infrastructure Investment. 1396-1397 - Simon French:
Decision Modeling in Policy Management: An Introduction to the Analytic Concepts. 1397-1398 - Thomas F. Burgess
Systems Analysis and Modeling: A Macro-to-Micro Approach with Multidisciplinary Applications. 1398 - Albert P. M. Wagelmans
Logistic Systems Analysis: Third Revised and Enlarged Edition. 1399 - A. Harding:
Reliability, Maintenance and Logistic Support: A Life Cycle Approach. 1399-1400 - Ann R. Taket:
Organizing and Organizations: An Introduction. 1401 - John Crocker:
Turning Lead into Gold: The Demystification of Outsourcing. 1401-1402

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