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Journal of Systems Architecture, Volume 59
Volume 59, Number 1, January 2013
- Julio Dondo
, Jesús Barba, Fernando Rincón
, Francisco Moya
, Juan Carlos López
Dynamic objects: Supporting fast and easy run-time reconfiguration in FPGAs. 1-15 - Sheng Zhong, Jianhui Wang, Luxin Yan, Lie Kang, Zhiguo Cao
A real-time embedded architecture for SIFT. 16-29 - Pablo Martínez-Cañada
, Christian A. Morillas, Raquel Ureña
, Francisco M. Gómez López, Francisco J. Pelayo:
Embedded system for contrast enhancement in low-vision. 30-38 - Christoforos Kachris
, George Nikiforos, Vassilis Papaefstathiou, Stamatis G. Kavadias, Manolis Katevenis:
NP-SARC: Scalable network processing in the SARC multi-core FPGA platform. 39-47 - Akram Eddahech, Sofien Chtourou, Mohamed Chtourou:
Hierarchical neural networks based prediction and control of dynamic reconfiguration for multilevel embedded systems. 48-59 - Pradip Kumar Sahu, Santanu Chattopadhyay:
A survey on application mapping strategies for Network-on-Chip design. 60-76
Volume 59, Number 2, February 2013
- Ioannis Sourdis, Christos-Savvas Bouganis
, Miquel Pericàs:
Guest editorial: Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing. 77 - Harry Sidiropoulos, Kostas Siozios
, Dimitrios Soudris
On supporting rapid exploration of memory hierarchies onto FPGAs. 78-90 - Muhammad Shafiq
, Miquel Pericàs, Nacho Navarro, Eduard Ayguadé
A template system for the efficient compilation of domain abstractions onto reconfigurable computers. 91-102 - Jair Fajardo Junior, Mateus B. Rutzig
, Luigi Carro
, Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck:
Towards a multiple-ISA embedded system. 103-119
Volume 59, Number 3, March 2013
- Maxime Louvel, Alain Plantec, Jean-Philippe Babau:
Resource management for multimedia applications, distributed in open and heterogeneous home networks. 121-134 - Diego Sanchez-Roman, Victor Moreno
, Sergio López-Buedo
, Gustavo Sutter
, Iván González
, Francisco J. Gomez-Arribas
, Javier Aracil:
FPGA acceleration using high-level languages of a Monte-Carlo method for pricing complex options. 135-143 - Niels Penneman, Danielius Kudinskas, Alasdair Rawsthorne, Bjorn De Sutter, Koen De Bosschere:
Formal virtualization requirements for the ARM architecture. 144-154 - Fengwei An
, Hans Jürgen Mattausch:
K-means clustering algorithm for multimedia applications with flexible HW/SW co-design. 155-164
- Nadia Nedjah
, Felipe Maia Galvão França
, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle
Editorial Embedded Software Design for 3D Graphics Visualization. 165 - Yoon-Sig Kang, Jae-Ho Nah
, Woo-Chan Park, Sung-Bong Yang:
gkDtree: A group-based parallel update kd-tree for interactive ray tracing. 166-175 - Alexandre Solon Nery, Nadia Nedjah
, Felipe M. G. França
Efficient hardware implementation of Ray Tracing based on an embedded software for intersection computation. 176-185
Volume 59, Numbers 4-5, April - May 2013
- Shan Cao, Zhaolin Li, Fang Wang, Guoyue Jiang, Zhixiang Chen
, Shaojun Wei:
Energy-efficient stream task scheduling scheme for embedded multimedia applications on multi-issued stream architectures. 187-201 - Trung-Hieu Tran
, Tran Ngoc Thinh, Shigenori Tomiyama:
ENREM: An efficient NFA-based regular expression matching engine on reconfigurable hardware for NIDS. 202-212 - Masoud Daneshtalab
, Masoumeh Ebrahimi, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila
, Hannu Tenhunen
A systematic reordering mechanism for on-chip networks using efficient congestion-aware method. 213-222
- Zili Shao
Preface for the Special Issue of GreenCOM 2011. 223 - Yu Liu, Wei Zhang:
Static worst-case lifetime estimation of wireless sensor networks: A case study on VigilNet. 224-233 - Ya-Shu Chen, Ming-Yang Chen:
On-line energy-efficient real-time task scheduling for a heterogeneous dual-core system-on-a-chip. 234-244 - Yongqiang Gao, Haibing Guan, Zhengwei Qi, Bin Wang, Liang Liu:
Quality of service aware power management for virtualized data centers. 245-259 - Meikang Qiu, Zhong Ming, Jiayin Li, Jianning Liu, Gang Quan
, Yongxin Zhu:
Informer homed routing fault tolerance mechanism for wireless sensor networks. 260-270 - Shi-Wu Lo, Kam-yiu Lam
, Wen-Yan Huang, Sheng-Feng Qiu:
An effective cache scheduling scheme for improving the performance in multi-threaded processors. 271-278
Volume 59, Number 6, June 2013
- Zhen Fang, Li Zhao, Xiaowei Jiang, Shih-Lien Lu, Ravi R. Iyer, Tong Li, Seung Eun Lee:
Reducing cache and TLB power by exploiting memory region and privilege level semantics. 279-295
- Giuseppe Lipari, Tommaso Cucinotta
JSA WATERS 2011. 296 - Michael Bohn, Jörn Schneider
, Christian Eltges:
SimTrOS: A heterogenous abstraction level simulator for multicore synchronization in real-time systems. 297-306 - Mike Holenderski, Reinder J. Bril
, Johan J. Lukkien:
Grasp: Visualizing the behavior of hierarchical multiprocessor real-time systems. 307-314 - Laura Barros, Patricia López Martínez, César Cuevas
, José M. Drake, Michael González Harbour
Modelling real-time applications based on resource reservations. 315-330 - Michael González Harbour
, J. Javier Gutiérrez
, José M. Drake, Patricia López Martínez, J. Carlos Palencia:
Modeling distributed real-time systems with MAST 2. 331-340 - Saoussen Anssi, Stefan Kuntz, Sébastien Gérard
, François Terrier:
On the gap between schedulability tests and an automotive task model. 341-350
Volume 59, Number 7, August 2013
- Mark Thompson, Andy D. Pimentel
Exploiting domain knowledge in system-level MPSoC design space exploration. 351-360 - Soumya J.
, Santanu Chattopadhyay:
Application-Specific Network-on-Chip synthesis with flexible router Placement. 361-371 - Jinkyu Lee, Insik Shin:
Limited carry-in technique for real-time multi-core scheduling. 372-375 - Robert Brzoza-Woch, Andrzej Ruta, Krzysztof Zielinski:
Remotely reconfigurable hardware-software platform with web service interface for automated video surveillance. 376-388 - Jingtong Hu
, Yi He, Qingfeng Zhuge, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Chun Jason Xue
, Yingchao Zhao
Minimizing accumulative memory load cost on multi-core DSPs with multi-level memory. 389-399 - Satyajeet Nimgaonkar, Mahadevan Gomathisankaran, Saraju P. Mohanty:
TSV: A novel energy efficient Memory Integrity Verification scheme for embedded systems. 400-411 - João M. P. Cardoso
, João M. Fernandes
, Miguel P. Monteiro
, Tiago Carvalho
, Ricardo Nobre
Enriching MATLAB with aspect-oriented features for developing embedded systems. 412-428
- Freddy Bolanos, Fredy Rivera, Jose Edison Aedo, Nader Bagherzadeh
From UML specifications to mapping and scheduling of tasks into a NoC, with reliability considerations. 429-440 - Thomas Canhao Xu
, Gert Schley, Pasi Liljeberg, Martin Radetzki, Juha Plosila
, Hannu Tenhunen
Optimal placement of vertical connections in 3D Network-on-Chip. 441-454 - Daniela Genius, Alix Munier Kordon, Khouloud Zine el Abidine:
Space optimal solution for data reordering in streaming applications on NoC based MPSoC. 455-467 - Mehdi Modarressi, Marjan Asadinia, Hamid Sarbazi-Azad:
Using task migration to improve non-contiguous processor allocation in NoC-based CMPs. 468-481 - Yu Ren, Leibo Liu
, Shouyi Yin, Jie Han, Qinghua Wu, Shaojun Wei:
A fault tolerant NoC architecture using quad-spare mesh topology and dynamic reconfiguration. 482-491 - Wen-Chung Tsai, Deng-Yuan Zheng, Yu Hen Hu, Sao-Jie Chen
A unified link-layer fault-tolerant architecture for network-based many-core embedded systems. 492-504 - Antoni Roca, Carles Hernández
, José Flich
, Federico Silla, José Duato
Silicon-aware distributed switch architecture for on-chip networks. 505-515 - Masoumeh Ebrahimi, Hannu Tenhunen
, Masoud Dehyadegari
Fuzzy-based Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Networks-on-Chip. 516-527 - Haoyuan Ying, Ashok Jaiswal, Thomas Hollstein
, Klaus Hofmann:
Deadlock-free generic routing algorithms for 3-dimensional Networks-on-Chip with reduced vertical link density topologies. 528-542 - Masoud Dehyadegari
, Siamak Mohammadi
, Nasser Yazdani:
Distributed fair DRAM scheduling in network-on-chips architecture. 543-550 - Mohammad Hossein Neishaburi, Zeljko Zilic:
NISHA: A fault-tolerant NoC router enabling deadlock-free Interconnection of Subnets in Hierarchical Architectures. 551-569
Volume 59, Number 8, September 2013
- François Duhem
, Fabrice Muller, Willy Aubry, Bertrand Le Gal, Daniel Négru, Philippe Lorenzini:
Design space exploration for partially reconfigurable architectures in real-time systems. 571-581 - Shahram Babaie
, Afsaneh Khosrohosseini, Ahmad Khadem-Zadeh:
A new self-diagnosing approach based on petri nets and correlation graphs for fault management in wireless sensor networks. 582-600
- Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez
Energy-aware design space exploration of embedded systems. 601-602 - Marcelo Guedes, Rafael Auler, Liana Dessandre Duenha, Edson Borin, Rodolfo Azevedo
An automatic energy consumption characterization of processors using ArchC. 603-614 - Joseph G. Wingbermuehle, Ron K. Cytron, Roger D. Chamberlain:
Compiling for power with ScalaPipe. 615-625 - Ivan Minakov, Roberto Passerone
PASES: An energy-aware design space exploration framework for wireless sensor networks. 626-642 - Frank Maker III, Rajeevan Amirtharajah
, Venkatesh Akella:
MELOADES: Methodology for long-term online adaptation of embedded software for heterogeneous devices. 643-655 - A. Bengueddach, B. Senouci, Smaïl Niar, Bouziane Beldjilali:
Two-level caches tuning technique for energy consumption in reconfigurable embedded MPSoC. 656-666
Volume 59, Number 9, October 2013
- Ruben Gran Tejero
, Juan Segarra
, Clemente Rodríguez, Luis C. Aparicio, Víctor Viñals
Optimizing a combined WCET-WCEC problem in instruction fetching for real-time systems. 667-678 - Martin Elshuber, Roman Obermaisser:
Dependable and predictable time-triggered Ethernet networks with COTS components. 679-690
- Masoud Daneshtalab
, Pasi Liljeberg, Mehdi Modarressi, Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Special issue on network-based many-core embedded systems. 691-692 - Xiaohang Wang, Mei Yang, Yingtao Jiang, Maurizio Palesi, Peng Liu, Terrence S. T. Mak, Nader Bagherzadeh
Efficient multicast schemes for 3-D Networks-on-Chip. 693-708 - Sergey Ostroumov, Leonidas Tsiopoulos
, Juha Plosila
, Kaisa Sere:
Formal approach to agent-based dynamic reconfiguration in Networks-On-Chip. 709-728
- Sang Oh Park, Bin Xiao
, Victor C. M. Leung
Advanced technologies and theories for highly-reliable cyber physical system. 729-730 - Shangguang Wang
, Yan Gong, Guangxiao Chen, Qibo Sun, Fangchun Yang:
Service vulnerability scanning based on service-oriented architecture in Web service environments. 731-739 - Seung-Ho Lim, Seongwoo Lee, Woo Hyun Ahn:
Applications IO profiling and analysis for smart devices. 740-747 - Daniel Gallego, Wolfgang Woerndl, Gabriel Huecas
Evaluating the impact of proactivity in the user experience of a context-aware restaurant recommender for Android smartphones. 748-758 - Jongmoon Park, Hong-Chang Lee, Myung-Joon Lee:
JCOOLS: A toolkit for generating context-aware applications with JCAF and DROOLS. 759-766 - Weijie Liu, Wooju Kim
A stability-considered density-adaptive routing protocol in MANETs. 767-775 - Lei Jing, Yinghui Zhou, Zixue Cheng, Neil Y. Yen, James J. Park:
Context-aware service roaming for heterogeneous embedded devices over cloud. 776-784 - Deokho Kim, Changmin Lee, Sangpil Lee, Won Woo Ro:
Parallelized sub-resource loading for web rendering engine. 785-793 - Youngjoo Woo, Seon-Yeong Park, Euiseong Seo:
Virtual Battery: A testing tool for power-aware software. 794-800 - Ozgur Koray Sahingoz
Large scale wireless sensor networks with multi-level dynamic key management scheme. 801-807 - Hyun-Soo Kim, Jung-Ha Kang, Do Wook Kang, Yang Sun Lee
, Eun-Gi Kim:
Automatic elimination of unnecessary packets for smart terminals in Wireless LAN environments. 808-815
Volume 59, Number 10-A, November 2013
- François Berry, Richard P. Kleihorst, Ricardo Carmona-Galán
Smart camera architecture. 817 - Ahmed Chefi, Adel Soudani, Gilles Sicard:
Contribution to the design of a CMOS image sensor with low-complexity video compression for wireless sensor networks. 818-825 - Sébastien Courroux, Stéphane Chevobbe
, Mehdi Darouich, Michel Paindavoine
Use of wavelet for image processing in smart cameras with low hardware resources. 826-832 - Tomasz Toczek, Faouzi Hamdi, Barthélémy Heyrman, Jérôme Dubois, Johel Mitéran, Dominique Ginhac
Scene-based non-uniformity correction: From algorithm to implementation on a smart camera. 833-846 - Bostjan Murovec, Janez Pers, Rok Mandeljc, Vildana Sulic Kenk, Stanislav Kovacic:
Towards commoditized smart-camera design. 847-858 - Claudio Salvadori
, Matteo Petracca
, Simone Madeo, Stefano Bocchino, Paolo Pagano
Video streaming applications in wireless camera networks: A change detection based approach targeted to 6LoWPAN. 859-869 - Wajdi Elhamzi
, Julien Dubois, Johel Mitéran, Mohamed Atri
, Barthélémy Heyrman, Dominique Ginhac
Efficient smart-camera accelerator: A configurable motion estimator dedicated to video codec. 870-877 - Yifan He, Dongrui She, Sander Stuijk
, Henk Corporaal:
Efficient communication support in predictable heterogeneous MPSoC designs for streaming applications. 878-888 - Stephen J. Carey, David Robert Wallace Barr, Piotr Dudek
Low power high-performance smart camera system based on SCAMP vision sensor. 889-899 - Jean Louchet, Peter Veelaert:
Single-lens low-disparity stereo using microlenses. 900-907 - Ricardo Carmona-Galán
, Ákos Zarándy, Csaba Rekeczky, Péter Földesy, Alberto Rodríguez-Pérez, Carlos M. Domínguez-Matas, Jorge Fernández-Berni
, Gustavo Liñán Cembrano
, Maria Belen Pérez-Verdú
, Zoltán Kárász, Manuel Suárez-Cambre, Víctor Manuel Brea Sánchez
, Tamás Roska, Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez
A hierarchical vision processing architecture oriented to 3D integration of smart camera chips. 908-919
Volume 59, Number 10-B, November 2013
- Yang Sun Lee
, Han-Chieh Chao
, Naveen K. Chilamkurti:
Advanced smart vehicular communication system and applications. 921-922 - Juan Pedro Muñoz-Gea
, Pilar Manzanares-Lopez
, Josemaria Malgosa-Sanahuja
, Joan García-Haro
Design and implementation of a P2P communication infrastructure for WSN-based vehicular traffic control applications. 923-930 - Shangguang Wang
, Cunqun Fan, Cao Deng, Wenzhe Gu, Qibo Sun, Fangchun Yang:
A-GR: A novel geographical routing protocol for AANETs. 931-937 - Yazhi Liu, Jianwei Niu
, Jian Ma, Wendong Wang:
File downloading oriented Roadside Units deployment for vehicular networks. 938-946 - Se-Han Kim, Se-Jin Kim, Jae Yong Lee
, Byung-Chul Kim:
Energy efficient path selection scheme for OFDMA-based two-hop cellular systems. 947-952 - Salim Bitam
, Abdelhamid Mellouk, Sherali Zeadally:
HyBR: A Hybrid Bio-inspired Bee swarm Routing protocol for safety applications in Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs). 953-967 - P. Venkata Krishna
, Sudip Misra, Vankadara Saritha, Harshit Agarwal
, Naveen K. Chilamkurti:
Learning automata-based virtual backoff algorithm for efficient medium access in vehicular ad hoc networks. 968-975 - Peyman TalebiFard, Victor C. M. Leung
Towards a content-centric approach to crowd-sensing in vehicular clouds. 976-984 - José María de Fuentes
, Lorena González-Manzano
, Ana Isabel González-Tablas Ferreres
, Jorge Blasco Alís:
WEVAN - A mechanism for evidence creation and verification in VANETs. 985-995 - Pino Caballero-Gil
, Cándido Caballero-Gil
, Jezabel Molina-Gil
How to build vehicular ad-hoc networks on smartphones. 996-1004 - Jaehak Yu, Hyunjoong Kang, DaeHeon Park, Hyo-Chan Bang, Do Wook Kang:
An in-depth analysis on traffic flooding attacks detection and system using data mining techniques. 1005-1012
Volume 59, Number 10-C, November 2013
- Ivica Crnkovic
, Judith A. Stafford:
Embedded Systems Software Architecture. 1013-1014 - Moazzam Fareed Niazi, Tiberiu Seceleanu
, Hannu Tenhunen
A development and verification framework for the SegBus platform. 1015-1031 - Ashkan Beyranvand Nejad, Anca Mariana Molnos, Kees Goossens:
A unified execution model for multiple computation models of streaming applications on a composable MPSoC. 1032-1046 - Franz Dietrich
, Jochen Maaß
, Matthias Hagner, Jens Steiner, Ursula Goltz, Annika Raatz
Dynamic distribution of robot control components under hard realtime constraints - Modeling, experimental results and practical considerations. 1047-1066 - Marc Zeller, Christian Prehofer:
Modeling and efficient solving of extra-functional properties for adaptation in networked embedded real-time systems. 1067-1082 - Chih-Sheng Lin, Chao-Sheng Lin, Yu-Shin Lin, Pao-Ann Hsiung
, Chihhsiong Shih:
Multi-objective exploitation of pipeline parallelism using clustering, replication and duplication in embedded multi-core systems. 1083-1094 - Sagar Behere, Martin Törngren
, De-Jiu Chen
A reference architecture for cooperative driving. 1095-1112
Volume 59, Number 10-D, November 2013
- Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez
Design space exploration of embedded systems: A view from diverse domains. 1113-1114 - Gang Han, Marco Di Natale
, Haibo Zeng, Xue Liu, Wenhua Dou:
Optimizing the implementation of real-time Simulink models onto distributed automotive architectures. 1115-1127 - Janne Vatjus Anttila, Jari Kreku, Juha Korpi, Subayal Khan, Jukka Saastamoinen, Kari Tiensyrjä:
Early-phase performance exploration of embedded systems with ABSOLUT framework. 1128-1143 - Adam Powell, Christos-Savvas Bouganis
, Peter Y. K. Cheung:
High-level power and performance estimation of FPGA-based soft processors and its application to design space exploration. 1144-1156 - Huafeng Yu
, Yue Ma, Thierry Gautier, Loïc Besnard, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin:
Polychronous modeling, analysis, verification and simulation for timed software architectures. 1157-1170 - Alessandro Cilardo, Luca Gallo, Nicola Mazzocca
Design space exploration for high-level synthesis of multi-threaded applications. 1171-1183 - Kubilay Atasu
, Raphael Polig, Jonathan Rohrer, Christoph Hagleitner:
Exploring the design space of programmable regular expression matching accelerators. 1184-1196 - Kameswar Rao Vaddina, Amir-Mohammad Rahmani, Mohammad Fattah, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila
Design space exploration of thermal-aware many-core systems. 1197-1213
- Reinhard Schneider, Dip Goswami, Alejandro Masrur, Martin Becker, Samarjit Chakraborty
Multi-layered scheduling of mixed-criticality cyber-physical systems. 1215-1230 - Feng Xia
, Ruonan Hao, Jie Li, Naixue Xiong, Laurence T. Yang, Yan Zhang:
Adaptive GTS allocation in IEEE 802.15.4 for real-time wireless sensor networks. 1231-1242
- Cinzia Bernardeschi
, Luca Cassano
, Mario G. C. A. Cimino
, Andrea Domenici
GABES: A genetic algorithm based environment for SEU testing in SRAM-FPGAs. 1243-1254 - Kostas Siozios
, Dimitrios Soudris:
A low-cost fault tolerant solution targeting commercial FPGA devices. 1255-1265 - See-hwan Yoo
, Sung-bae Yoo, Chuck Yoo:
Virtualizing ARM VFP (Vector Floating-Point) with Xen-ARM. 1266-1276 - Godofredo R. Garay, Julio Ortega Lopera
, Antonio F. Díaz
, Luis Corrales, Vicente Alarcón Aquino
System performance evaluation by combining RTC and VHDL simulation: A case study on NICs. 1277-1298 - Hang Yin, Hans Hansson:
Mode switch timing analysis for component-based multi-mode systems. 1299-1318 - Jung-Shian Li, I-Hsien Liu
, Chuan-Kai Kao, Chao-Ming Tseng:
Intelligent Adjustment Forwarding: A compromise between end-to-end and hop-by-hop transmissions in VANET environments. 1319-1333 - Jae Hoon Lee, Young Seok Kim, Chang Lin Li, Tae Hee Han
A shortest path adaptive routing technique for minimizing path collisions in hybrid optical network-on-chip. 1334-1347 - Anita Tino, Gul N. Khan
High performance NoC synthesis using analytical modeling and simulation with optimal power and minimal IC area. 1348-1363 - Coskun Çelik, Cüneyt F. Bazlamaçci
Energy and buffer aware application mapping for networks-on-chip with self similar traffic. 1364-1374 - Lin-Tao Duan, Bing Guo, Yan Shen, Yi Wang, Wen-Li Zhang:
Energy analysis and prediction for applications on smartphones. 1375-1382 - Jianli Li, Jingling Xue
, Xinwei Xie, Qing Wan, Qingping Tan, Lanfang Tan:
Epipe: A low-cost fault-tolerance technique considering WCET constraints. 1383-1393 - Wei Jiang, Zhenlin Guo, Yue Ma, Nan Sang:
Measurement-based research on cryptographic algorithms for embedded real-time systems. 1394-1404 - Ruhui Ma, Wei Ye, Alei Liang, Haibing Guan, Jian Li:
Cache isolation for virtualization of mixed general-purpose and real-time systems. 1405-1413 - Marisol García-Valls
, Pablo Basanta-Val
A real-time perspective of service composition: Key concepts and some contributions. 1414-1423 - Zhi Chen, Meikang Qiu, Zhong Ming, Laurence T. Yang, Yongxin Zhu:
Clustering scheduling for hardware tasks in reconfigurable computing systems. 1424-1432

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