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Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 47
Volume 47, Number 1, February 2022
- Samuel C. Gutekunst
, David P. Williamson:
Semidefinite Programming Relaxations of the Traveling Salesman Problem and Their Integrality Gaps. 1-28 - Alexander Goldenshluger, Assaf Zeevi
Optimal Stopping of a Random Sequence with Unknown Distribution. 29-49 - Marcus Kaiser
Computation of Dynamic Equilibria in Series-Parallel Networks. 50-71 - William H. Sandholm
, Hung V. Tran
, Srinivas Arigapudi:
Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Semilinear Costs and State Constraints, with Applications to Large Deviations in Games. 72-99 - Krishnendu Chatterjee
, Raimundo Saona
, Bruno Ziliotto
Finite-Memory Strategies in POMDPs with Long-Run Average Objectives. 100-119 - Justin A. Sirignano
, Konstantinos Spiliopoulos:
Mean Field Analysis of Deep Neural Networks. 120-152 - Frédéric Koessler, Marie Laclau, Tristan Tomala
Interactive Information Design. 153-175 - Joseph M. Abdou
, Nikolaos Pnevmatikos
, Marco Scarsini
, Xavier Venel
Decomposition of Games: Some Strategic Considerations. 176-208 - Damek Davis
, Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy:
Graphical Convergence of Subgradients in Nonconvex Optimization and Learning. 209-231 - Rami Atar
, Amarjit Budhiraja
, Paul Dupuis, Ruoyu Wu
Large Deviations for the Single-Server Queue and the Reneging Paradox. 232-258 - Hiroshi Hirai
, Ryosuke Sato:
Polyhedral Clinching Auctions for Two-Sided Markets. 259-285 - Tongseok Lim
, Robert J. McCann
Geometrical Bounds for Variance and Recentered Moments. 286-296 - Eli Towle
, James R. Luedtke
Intersection Disjunctions for Reverse Convex Sets. 297-319 - Hélène Frankowska, Nobusumi Sagara
Value Functions and Optimality Conditions for Nonconvex Variational Problems with an Infinite Horizon in Banach Spaces. 320-340 - Matteo Basei
, Haoyang Cao
, Xin Guo
Nonzero-Sum Stochastic Games and Mean-Field Games with Impulse Controls. 341-366 - Ziv Hellman
, Yehuda John Levy
Equilibria Existence in Bayesian Games: Climbing the Countable Borel Equivalence Relation Hierarchy. 367-383 - Ziv Hellman
, Yehuda John Levy
Dense Orbits of the Bayesian Updating Group Action. 384-396 - Ashkan Mohammadi, Boris S. Mordukhovich
, M. Ebrahim Sarabi:
Variational Analysis of Composite Models with Applications to Continuous Optimization. 397-426 - Yuri Faenza
, Telikepalli Kavitha
Quasi-Popular Matchings, Optimality, and Extended Formulations. 427-457 - Mathieu Dahan
, Saurabh Amin
, Patrick Jaillet
Probability Distributions on Partially Ordered Sets and Network Interdiction Games. 458-484 - David Müller, Yurii E. Nesterov
, Vladimir Shikhman
Discrete Choice Prox-Functions on the Simplex. 485-507 - Quoc Tran-Dinh
, Ling Liang
, Kim-Chuan Toh:
A New Homotopy Proximal Variable-Metric Framework for Composite Convex Minimization. 508-539 - Manuel Aprile
, Samuel Fiorini
Regular Matroids Have Polynomial Extension Complexity. 540-559 - Tiziano De Angelis
, Erik Ekström
, Kristoffer J. Glover
Dynkin Games with Incomplete and Asymmetric Information. 560-586 - Xue Dong He
, Zhaoli Jiang
Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Dynamic Targets for Expected Terminal Wealth. 587-615 - Zachary Feinstein
, Birgit Rudloff
, Jianfeng Zhang
Dynamic Set Values for Nonzero-Sum Games with Multiple Equilibriums. 616-642 - Yiannis Giannakopoulos
, Georgy Noarov
, Andreas S. Schulz
Computing Approximate Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games via Best-Responses. 643-664 - Boualem Djehiche
, Said Hamadène
, Ibtissem Hdhiri, Helmi Zaatra
Infinite Horizon Stochastic Impulse Control with Delay and Random Coefficients. 665-689 - Afrooz Jalilzadeh
, Angelia Nedic
, Uday V. Shanbhag
, Farzad Yousefian
A Variable Sample-Size Stochastic Quasi-Newton Method for Smooth and Nonsmooth Stochastic Convex Optimization. 690-719 - Miles Lubin
, Juan Pablo Vielma
, Ilias Zadik:
Mixed-Integer Convex Representability. 720-749 - René Carmona
, Daniel B. Cooney
, Christy V. Graves, Mathieu Laurière
Stochastic Graphon Games: I. The Static Case. 750-778 - Riley Badenbroek
, Etienne de Klerk
Complexity Analysis of a Sampling-Based Interior Point Method for Convex Optimization. 779-811 - Max Klimm
, Philipp Warode
Parametric Computation of Minimum-Cost Flows with Piecewise Quadratic Costs. 812-846
Volume 47, Number 2, May 2022
- Aleksandar Nikolov
, Mohit Singh, Uthaipon Tao Tantipongpipat
Proportional Volume Sampling and Approximation Algorithms for A-Optimal Design. 847-877 - Tomer Ezra
, Michal Feldman, Nick Gravin
, Zhihao Gavin Tang:
Prophet Matching with General Arrivals. 878-898 - Zachary Feinstein
, Birgit Rudloff
Scalar Multivariate Risk Measures with a Single Eligible Asset. 899-922 - Aris Filos-Ratsikas
, Yiannis Giannakopoulos
, Philip Lazos
The Pareto Frontier of Inefficiency in Mechanism Design. 923-944 - Shai Vardi
, Alexandros Psomas, Eric J. Friedman:
Dynamic Fair Resource Division. 945-968 - Kay Giesecke
, Alexander D. Shkolnik
Reducing Bias in Event Time Simulations via Measure Changes. 969-988 - Benjamin Bachi
, Shiran Rachmilevitch
Linear and Utilitarian Choice Functions: Revisiting Myerson's Theorem. 989-994 - Krzysztof R. Apt
, Sunil Simon
, Dominik Wojtczak:
Coordination Games on Weighted Directed Graphs. 995-1025 - András Frank
, Kazuo Murota
A Discrete Convex Min-Max Formula for Box-TDI Polyhedra. 1026-1047 - Prakash Chakraborty
, Harsha Honnappa
Strong Embeddings for Transitory Queueing Models. 1048-1081 - Minh N. Bùi
, Patrick L. Combettes
Multivariate Monotone Inclusions in Saddle Form. 1082-1109 - Taotao He, Mohit Tawarmalani
Tractable Relaxations of Composite Functions. 1110-1140 - Jorge Ignacio González Cázares
, Aleksandar Mijatovic, Gerónimo Uribe Bravo:
Geometrically Convergent Simulation of the Extrema of Lévy Processes. 1141-1168 - Kuang Bai
, Jane J. Ye
Directional Necessary Optimality Conditions for Bilevel Programs. 1169-1191 - Amber L. Puha
, Amy R. Ward
Fluid Limits for Multiclass Many-Server Queues with General Reneging Distributions and Head-of-the-Line Scheduling. 1192-1228 - Lei Guo
, Zhibin Deng
A New Augmented Lagrangian Method for MPCCs - Theoretical and Numerical Comparison with Existing Augmented Lagrangian Methods. 1229-1246 - Gábor Lugosi
, Abbas Mehrabian
Multiplayer Bandits Without Observing Collision Information. 1247-1265 - Eugene A. Feinberg
, Manasa Mandava, Albert N. Shiryaev:
Sufficiency of Markov Policies for Continuous-Time Jump Markov Decision Processes. 1266-1286 - José Correa
, Paul Dütting
, Felix A. Fischer
, Kevin Schewior
Prophet Inequalities for Independent and Identically Distributed Random Variables from an Unknown Distribution. 1287-1309 - Erhun Özkan
Control of Fork-Join Processing Networks with Multiple Job Types and Parallel Shared Resources. 1310-1334 - Dennis Schol
, Maria Vlasiou
, Bert Zwart
Large Fork-Join Queues with Nearly Deterministic Arrival and Service Times. 1335-1364 - Christopher Harshaw
, Ehsan Kazemi
, Moran Feldman
, Amin Karbasi:
The Power of Subsampling in Submodular Maximization. 1365-1393 - José Correa
, Andrés Cristi
, Tim Oosterwijk
On the Price of Anarchy for Flows over Time. 1394-1411 - Hamed Amini, Andreea Minca
, Agnès Sulem:
A Dynamic Contagion Risk Model with Recovery Features. 1412-1442 - Renbo Zhao
Accelerated Stochastic Algorithms for Convex-Concave Saddle-Point Problems. 1443-1473 - Huizhen Yu
On Linear Programming for Constrained and Unconstrained Average-Cost Markov Decision Processes with Countable Action Spaces and Strictly Unbounded Costs. 1474-1499 - Jose H. Blanchet
, Karthyek R. A. Murthy
, Fan Zhang
Optimal Transport-Based Distributionally Robust Optimization: Structural Properties and Iterative Schemes. 1500-1529 - Daniel Lacker
, Agathe Soret
A Case Study on Stochastic Games on Large Graphs in Mean Field and Sparse Regimes. 1530-1565 - Akiyoshi Shioura
M-Convex Function Minimization Under L1-Distance Constraint and Its Application to Dock Reallocation in Bike-Sharing System. 1566-1611 - Rohan Ghuge, Viswanath Nagarajan
Quasi-Polynomial Algorithms for Submodular Tree Orienteering and Directed Network Design Problems. 1612-1630 - Daehyun Kim
, Xiaoxi Li
The Folk Theorem for Repeated Games with Time-Dependent Discounting. 1631-1647 - Teemu Pennanen
Efficient Allocations in Double Auction Markets. 1648-1663 - Alan M. Frieze
, Tomasz Tkocz:
A Randomly Weighted Minimum Arborescence with a Random Cost Constraint. 1664-1680 - Junyi Liu
, Guangyu Li, Suvrajeet Sen
Coupled Learning Enabled Stochastic Programming with Endogenous Uncertainty. 1681-1705
Volume 47, Number 3, August 2022
- Min Dai
, Steven Kou
, Chen Yang
A Stochastic Representation for Nonlocal Parabolic PDEs with Applications. 1707-1730 - Roberto Cominetti
, Matteo Quattropani
, Marco Scarsini
The Buck-Passing Game. 1731-1756 - Nicole Bäuerle
, Alexander Glauner
Distributionally Robust Markov Decision Processes and Their Connection to Risk Measures. 1757-1780 - Leonardo Massai
, Giacomo Como
, Fabio Fagnani:
Equilibria and Systemic Risk in Saturated Networks. 1781-1801 - Kexin Chen
, Junkee Jeon
, Hoi Ying Wong
Optimal Retirement Under Partial Information. 1802-1832 - Katia Colaneri
, Tiziano De Angelis
A Class of Recursive Optimal Stopping Problems with Applications to Stock Trading. 1833-1861 - David Gamarnik
, John N. Tsitsiklis, Martin Zubeldia
Stability, Memory, and Messaging Trade-Offs in Heterogeneous Service Systems. 1862-1874 - Siddharth Barman
, Nidhi Rathi
Fair Cake Division Under Monotone Likelihood Ratios. 1875-1903 - David Simchi-Levi
, Yunzong Xu
Bypassing the Monster: A Faster and Simpler Optimal Algorithm for Contextual Bandits Under Realizability. 1904-1931 - Lei Yang
, Xiaojun Chen, Shuhuang Xiang:
Sparse Solutions of a Class of Constrained Optimization Problems. 1932-1956 - Jeremy Kettering, Asen Kochov
Consumption Smoothing and Discounting in Infinite-Horizon, Discrete-Choice Problems. 1957-1969 - Eshwar Ram Arunachaleswaran, Siddharth Barman
, Nidhi Rathi
Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for Fair Rent Division. 1970-1998 - Saed Alizamir, Ningyuan Chen
, Sang-Hyun Kim, Vahideh H. Manshadi:
Impact of Network Structure on New Service Pricing. 1999-2033 - Zhengling Qi
, Ying Cui
, Yufeng Liu
, Jong-Shi Pang
Asymptotic Properties of Stationary Solutions of Coupled Nonconvex Nonsmooth Empirical Risk Minimization. 2034-2064 - Michael Joswig
, Benjamin Schröter
Parametric Shortest-Path Algorithms via Tropical Geometry. 2065-2081 - Zhengyuan Zhou
, Panayotis Mertikopoulos
, Nicholas Bambos
, Peter W. Glynn, Yinyu Ye:
Distributed Stochastic Optimization with Large Delays. 2082-2111 - René Aïd, Dylan Possamaï
, Nizar Touzi:
Optimal Electricity Demand Response Contracting with Responsiveness Incentives. 2112-2137 - Arunselvan Ramaswamy
, Shalabh Bhatnagar
Analyzing Approximate Value Iteration Algorithms. 2138-2159 - Roberto Andreani
, Walter Gómez
, Gabriel Haeser
, Leonardo M. Mito
, Alberto Ramos
On Optimality Conditions for Nonlinear Conic Programming. 2160-2185 - Thodoris Lykouris
, Karthik Sridharan, Éva Tardos:
Small-Loss Bounds for Online Learning with Partial Information. 2186-2218 - Ying Cui
, Ling Liang
, Defeng Sun
, Kim-Chuan Toh
On Degenerate Doubly Nonnegative Projection Problems. 2219-2239 - Luciano Campi
, Markus Fischer
Correlated Equilibria and Mean Field Games: A Simple Model. 2240-2259 - Zhaosong Lu
, Zhe Sun
, Zirui Zhou:
Penalty and Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Constrained DC Programming. 2260-2285 - Georgios Amanatidis
, Pieter Kleer
, Guido Schäfer
Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design for Non-monotone Submodular Objectives: Offline and Online. 2286-2309 - Xi Chen
, Yunxiao Chen
, Xiaoou Li:
Asymptotically Optimal Sequential Design for Rank Aggregation. 2310-2332 - Wojciech Olszewski
A Result on Convergence of Sequences of Iterations with Applications to Best-Response Dynamics. 2333-2343 - Helmut Gfrerer
, Jane J. Ye
, Jinchuan Zhou
Second-Order Optimality Conditions for Nonconvex Set-Constrained Optimization Problems. 2344-2365 - Robert L. Bassett
, Julio Deride
One-Step Estimation with Scaled Proximal Methods. 2366-2386 - Linwei Xin
, David Alan Goldberg
Distributionally Robust Inventory Control When Demand Is a Martingale. 2387-2414 - Radu Ioan Bot
, Minh N. Dao
, Guoyin Li
Extrapolated Proximal Subgradient Algorithms for Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Fractional Programs. 2415-2443 - Roland Hildebrand
Projectively Self-Concordant Barriers. 2444-2463 - Yingjie Fei
, Yudong Chen
Hidden Integrality and Semirandom Robustness of SDP Relaxation for Sub-Gaussian Mixture Model. 2464-2493 - Fangda Liu
, Tiantian Mao
, Ruodu Wang
, Linxiao Wei
Inf-Convolution, Optimal Allocations, and Model Uncertainty for Tail Risk Measures. 2494-2519 - Ronen Gradwohl
, Niklas Hahn
, Martin Hoefer
, Rann Smorodinsky
Algorithms for Persuasion with Limited Communication. 2520-2545
Volume 47, Number 4, November 2022
- Jinhak Kim
, Mohit Tawarmalani
, Jean-Philippe P. Richard
Convexification of Permutation-Invariant Sets and an Application to Sparse Principal Component Analysis. 2547-2584 - Ningyuan Chen
, Guillermo Gallego
A Primal-Dual Learning Algorithm for Personalized Dynamic Pricing with an Inventory Constraint. 2585-2613 - Xian Wu
, Moses Charikar
, Vishnu Natchu:
Local Density Estimation in High Dimensions. 2614-2640 - Ion Necoara
, Olivier Fercoq
Linear Convergence of Random Dual Coordinate Descent on Nonpolyhedral Convex Problems. 2641-2666 - Naor Alaluf, Alina Ene
, Moran Feldman
, Huy L. Nguyen
, Andrew Suh:
An Optimal Streaming Algorithm for Submodular Maximization with a Cardinality Constraint. 2667-2690 - Weina Wang
, Siva Theja Maguluri
, R. Srikant, Lei Ying
Heavy-Traffic Insensitive Bounds for Weighted Proportionally Fair Bandwidth Sharing Policies. 2691-2720 - Massimiliano Amarante
A Unified Framework for Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Decision Making and Inference. 2721-2742 - Max Klimm
, Andreas Schütz:
Equilibria in Multiclass and Multidimensional Atomic Congestion Games. 2743-2764 - Xianfu Wang
, Ziyuan Wang
The Exact Modulus of the Generalized Concave Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz Property. 2765-2783 - Tian Ding
, Dawei Li
, Ruoyu Sun
Suboptimal Local Minima Exist for Wide Neural Networks with Smooth Activations. 2784-2814 - Daniel Russo
, Benjamin Van Roy:
Satisficing in Time-Sensitive Bandit Learning. 2815-2839 - Erhan Bayraktar
, Alekos Cecchin
, Asaf Cohen
, François Delarue:
Finite State Mean Field Games with Wright-Fisher Common Noise as Limits of N-Player Weighted Games. 2840-2890 - Mao Fabrice Djete, Dylan Possamaï
, Xiaolu Tan:
McKean-Vlasov Optimal Control: Limit Theory and Equivalence Between Different Formulations. 2891-2930 - Guyan Ni
, Ying Li:
A Semidefinite Relaxation Method for Partially Symmetric Tensor Decomposition. 2931-2949 - Jia Liu
, Abdel Lisser
, Zhiping Chen
Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Geometric Optimization. 2950-2988 - Jonathan D. Hauenstein
, Ali Mohammad Nezhad
, Tingting Tang
, Tamás Terlaky
On Computing the Nonlinearity Interval in Parametric Semidefinite Optimization. 2989-3009 - Karsten Jungnitsch, Britta Peis, Marc Schröder
Stackelberg Max Closure with Multiple Followers. 3010-3024 - Rujun Jiang
, Xudong Li
Hölderian Error Bounds and Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz Inequality for the Trust Region Subproblem. 3025-3050 - Junyi Liu
, Ying Cui
, Jong-Shi Pang
Solving Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Compound Stochastic Programs with Applications to Risk Measure Minimization. 3051-3083 - Chenlin Gu
, Alvin E. Roth
, Qingyun Wu
Forbidden Transactions and Black Markets. 3084-3109 - Tommy Andersson, Lars Ehlers
, Lars-Gunnar Svensson, Ryan Tierney
Gale's Fixed Tax for Exchanging Houses. 3110-3128 - Daniela Hurtado-Lange
, Siva Theja Maguluri
Heavy-Traffic Analysis of Queueing Systems with No Complete Resource Pooling. 3129-3155 - Rob Van Eynde
, Mario Vanhoucke
A Theoretical Framework for Instance Complexity of the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. 3156-3183 - Rodolfo Rios-Zertuche
Examples of Pathological Dynamics of the Subgradient Method for Lipschitz Path-Differentiable Functions. 3184-3206 - Eshwar Ram Arunachaleswaran, Sampath Kannan, Aaron Roth
, Juba Ziani
Pipeline Interventions. 3207-3238 - Xin Guo
, Renyuan Xu
, Thaleia Zariphopoulou
Entropy Regularization for Mean Field Games with Learning. 3239-3260 - Zhigang Cao
, Bo Chen
, Xujin Chen
, Changjun Wang
Bounding Residence Times for Atomic Dynamic Routings. 3261-3281 - Xi Yin Zheng
Slater Condition for Tangent Derivatives. 3282-3303 - Javier Peña
, Negar Soheili
Projection and Rescaling Algorithm for Finding Maximum Support Solutions to Polyhedral Conic Systems. 3304-3316 - Sebastian Perez-Salazar
, Mohit Singh
, Alejandro Toriello
Adaptive Bin Packing with Overflow. 3317-3356 - Paul W. Goldberg
, Alexandros Hollender
, Ayumi Igarashi, Pasin Manurangsi, Warut Suksompong
Consensus Halving for Sets of Items. 3357-3379 - Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran
, Chandra Chekuri:
Hypergraph k-Cut for Fixed k in Deterministic Polynomial Time. 3380-3399

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