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New Media & Society, Volume 25
Volume 25, Number 1, January 2023
- Steve Jones, David Park:
Editorial. 3-4 - Looking backward. 5-11
- Rohan Samarajiva:
International in scope and interdisciplinary in approach. 12-20 - Leah A. Lievrouw:
Points of departure: Reflections on New Media & Society and the next 25 years in new media studies. 21-25 - Fernando García-Mora
, Jorge Mora-Rivera
Exploring the impacts of Internet access on poverty: A regional analysis of rural Mexico. 26-49 - Kathrin Friedrich
, A. S. Aurora Hoel:
Operational analysis: A method for observing and analyzing digital media operations. 50-71 - Amana Kaskazi
, Vanessa Kitzie:
Engagement at the margins: Investigating how marginalized teens use digital media for political participation. 72-94 - Raul Ferrer Conill
, Michael Karlsson
, Mario Haim
, Aske Kammer
, Dag Elgesem, Helle Sjøvaag
Toward 'Cultures of Engagement'? An exploratory comparison of engagement patterns on Facebook news posts. 95-118 - Shelley Boulianne
, Anders Olof Larsson
Engagement with candidate posts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook during the 2019 election. 119-140 - Isabelle Freiling
, Nicole M. Krause
, Dietram A. Scheufele
, Dominique Brossard
Believing and sharing misinformation, fact-checks, and accurate information on social media: The role of anxiety during COVID-19. 141-162 - Colin Agur
, Salvatore Babones
Mobile netware, social graphs, and the reconfiguration of space. 163-180 - Izabela Zych
, Markus Kaakinen, Iina Savolainen
, Anu Sirola, Hye-Jin Paek, Atte Oksanen
The role of impulsivity, social relations online and offline, and compulsive Internet use in cyberaggression: A four-country study. 181-198 - Desirée Schmuck
, Anja Stevic, Jörg Matthes
, Kathrin Karsay
Out of control? How parents' perceived lack of control over children's smartphone use affects children's self-esteem over time. 199-219 - Dominik Neumann
, Patricia T. Huddleston, Bridget K. Behe:
Fear of Missing Out as motivation to process information: How differences in Instagram use affect attitude formation online. 220-242 - Diana Lengua
Book Review: The Lab Book: Situated Practice in Media Studies. 243-245 - Robert Diab
Book Review: Content. 245-247 - Zachary J. Rzicznek
Book Review: Digital Media Influence: A Cultivation Approach. 247-249 - Agustin Ferrari Braun
Book Review: Road to Nowhere: What Silicon Valley Gets Wrong about the Future of Transportation. 249-251 - Yongjian Li
Book Review: (Im)mobile Homes: Family Life at a Distance in the Age of Mobile Media. 252-254 - Reviewer acknowledgements. 255-269
Volume 25, Number 2, February 2023
- Julia Velkova
, Jean-Christophe Plantin
Data centers and the infrastructural temporalities of digital media: An introduction. 273-286 - Devika Narayan
Monopolization and competition under platform capitalism: Analyzing transformations in the computing industry. 287-306 - Vicki Mayer
When do we go from here? Data center infrastructure labor, jobs, and work in economic development time and temporalities. 307-323 - Steven Gonzalez Monserrate
Thermotemporalities, thermomasculinities: Uptime, downtime, and server heat in the digital Anthropocene. 324-344 - Tonia Sutherland
, Gailyn Bopp:
The Pacific futures of subsea data centers. 345-360 - Patrick Bresnihan, Patrick Brodie
Data sinks, carbon services: Waste, storage and energy cultures on Ireland's peat bogs. 361-383 - Mél Hogan
"Environmental media" in the cloud: The making of critical data center art. 384-404 - Alexander R. E. Taylor:
Concrete clouds: Bunkers, data, preparedness. 405-430 - Julia Velkova
Retrofitting and ruining: Bunkered data centers in and out of time. 431-448 - Melissa Brown
Book Review: Misogynoir Transformed: Black Women's Digital Resistance. 449-451 - Sonali Pahwa
Book Review: Cultural Netizenship: Social Media, Popular Culture, and Performance in Nigeria. 451-452 - Xiaoyi Sun
Book Review: Global South Discourse in East Asian Media Studies. 453-455 - Robert A. Wertz
Book Review: Four Shades of Gray: The Amazon Kindle Platform. 455-457 - Barbara Hof
Book Review: The Modem World: A Prehistory of Social Media. 457-459
Volume 25, Number 3, March 2023
- Soyoung Park
, Sharon Strover
, Jaewon Royce Choi
, Mackenzie Schnell:
Mind games: A temporal sentiment analysis of the political messages of the Internet Research Agency on Facebook and Twitter. 463-484 - Marcus Carter
, Ben Egliston
What are the risks of Virtual Reality data? Learning Analytics, Algorithmic Bias and a Fantasy of Perfect Data. 485-504 - Joëlle Swart
Tactics of news literacy: How young people access, evaluate, and engage with news on social media. 505-521 - Andreas Schäfer
Digital heuristics: How parties strategize political communication in hybrid media environments. 522-539 - Andrea Ceron
, Paride Carrara
Fact-checking, reputation, and political falsehoods in Italy and the United States. 540-558 - Blake Hallinan
, Bumsoo Kim
, Rebecca Scharlach
, Tommaso Trillò
, Saki Mizoroki, Limor Shifman:
Mapping the transnational imaginary of social media genres. 559-583 - Simon Amez
, Suncica Vujic
, Lieven De Marez, Stijn Baert:
Smartphone use and academic performance: First evidence from longitudinal data. 584-608 - Amanda C. Cote
, Brandon C. Harris
The cruel optimism of "good crunch": How game industry discourses perpetuate unsustainable labor practices. 609-627 - MC Forelle
Copyright and the modern car: Colliding visions of the public good in DMCA section 1201 anti-circumvention proceedings. 628-645 - Aysenur Dal
, Erik C. Nisbet, Olga Kamenchuk:
Signaling silence: Affective and cognitive responses to risks of online activism about corruption in an authoritarian context. 646-664 - Kristin M. Peterson
Book Review: Redeem All: How Digital Life is Changing Evangelical Culture. 665-667 - Ting Zhang, Ju Wen
Book Review: Reading Computer-Generated Texts. 667-669 - Michael Mazzacane
Book Review: Vidding: A History. 670-671 - Rongbin Han
Book Review: The Web of Meaning: The Internet in a Changing Chinese Society. 672-673
Volume 25, Number 4, April 2023
- Scott W. Campbell
, Adriana de Souza e Silva
, Leopoldina Fortunati, Gerard Goggin:
Futures in mobile communication research: Introduction to the special issue. 677-684 - Christina Neumayer
, Miguel Sicart:
Probably not a game: Playing with the AI in the ritual of taking pictures on the mobile phone. 685-701 - Ellie Fan Yang
, Dhavan V. Shah, Alexander Tahk, Olivia Vjorn
, Sarah Dietz, Klaren Pe-Romashko, Erika Bailey, Rachel E. Gicquelais, Juwon Hwang, David H. Gustafson, Ryan Westergaard:
mHealth and social mediation: Mobile support among stigmatized people living with HIV and substance use disorder. 702-731 - Morgan Quinn Ross
, Joseph B. Bayer, Lisa Rhee, Ivory Potti, Yung-Ju Chang:
Tracking the temporal flows of mobile communication in daily life. 732-755 - Chris Ingraham
, Justin Grandinetti
The privilege of taken for grantedness: On precarity and mobile media. 756-775 - Arul Chib
, Ming Wei Ang
Dispositions of dis/trust: Fourth-wave mobile communication for a world in flux. 776-794 - Lukas P. Otto
, Sanne Kruikemeier
The smartphone as a tool for mobile communication research: Assessing mobile campaign perceptions and effects with experience sampling. 795-815 - Johannes Bjelland, Geoffrey Canright, Kenth Engø-Monsen
, Wenche Nag
Digital exhaust and mobile communication scholarship: Pursuing the Ling connection. 816-832 - Kathleen M. Cumiskey
, Lee Humphreys
Social, seamless, just, and open: Advancing mobile communication research. 833-848 - Yan Chen
, Kate Sherren
, Michael Smit
, Kyung Young Lee:
Using social media images as data in social science research. 849-871 - Meryl Krieger
Metaphors and the disruption of "newness" in Internet-media industries. 872-877
Volume 25, Number 5, May 2023
- Dorothy Finan
Idols you can make: The player as auteur in Japan's media mix. 881-897 - Kevin Walby
, Blair Wilkinson:
The visual politics of public police Instagram use in Canada. 898-920 - Ashley Barnwell
, Bárbara Barbosa Neves
, Signe Ravn:
Captured and captioned: Representing family life on Instagram. 921-942 - Do Own (Donna) Kim
"Pay for your choices": Deconstructing neoliberal choice through free-to-play mobile interactive fiction games. 943-962 - Adriana de Souza e Silva
, Ragan Glover-Rijkse
, Anne Njathi, Daniela de Cunto Bueno:
Playful mobilities in the Global South: A study of Pokémon Go play in Rio de Janeiro and Nairobi. 963-979 - Sy Taffel
Data and oil: Metaphor, materiality and metabolic rifts. 980-998 - Anne Marthe Möller
, Mark Boukes
Online social environments and their impact on video viewers: The effects of user comments on entertainment experiences and knowledge gain during political satire consumption. 999-1022 - Wenbo Li
, Hyunyi Cho
The knowledge gap on social media: Examining roles of engagement and networks. 1023-1042 - Tobias Dienlin
, Philipp K. Masur
, Sabine Trepte:
A longitudinal analysis of the privacy paradox. 1043-1064 - Ramón Tirado Morueta
, Alejandro Rodríguez-Martín
, Emilio Álvarez-Arregui, Miguel Ángel Ortíz-Sobrino
, José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez:
Determination of Internet appropriation by older people through technological support services. 1065-1086 - Omri Asscher
, Ella Glikson
Human evaluations of machine translation in an ethically charged situation. 1087-1107 - Saifuddin Ahmed
Navigating the maze: Deepfakes, cognitive ability, and social media news skepticism. 1108-1129 - Efraín García-Sánchez
, Pedro Rolo Benetti, Gustavo Lucas Higa
, Marcos César Alvarez, Erick Gomez Nieto
Political discourses, ideologies, and online coalitions in the Brazilian Congress on Twitter during 2019. 1130-1152 - Hyunjin Kang
, Jeeyun Oh
Communication privacy management for smart speaker use: Integrating the role of privacy self-efficacy and the multidimensional view. 1153-1175 - Sonia Livingstone
, Giovanna Mascheroni
, Mariya Stoilova
The outcomes of gaining digital skills for young people's lives and wellbeing: A systematic evidence review. 1176-1202
Volume 25, Number 6, June 2023
- Gianfranco Polizzi
Internet users' utopian/dystopian imaginaries of society in the digital age: Theorizing critical digital literacy and civic engagement. 1205-1226 - Mirko Duradoni
, Gioele Salvatori, Sara Meacci, Gabriele Panerai, Andrea Guazzini
Development and validation of the Internet Locus of Control Scale (I-LOC). 1227-1247 - Alexander Jam Van Deursen
, Jan Agm van Dijk:
IQ and digital inequality: An empirical investigation. 1248-1270 - Ragnhild Brøvig-Hanssen, Ellis Jones
Remix's retreat? Content moderation, copyright law and mashup music. 1271-1289 - Hui-Lien Chou
, Chien Chou
How teens negotiate privacy on social media proactively and reactively. 1290-1312 - William L. Allen
The conventions and politics of migration data visualizations. 1313-1334 - Pedro Fierro, Patricio Aroca, Patricio Navia:
The center-periphery cleavage and online political efficacy (OPE): Territorial and democratic divide in Chile, 2018-2020. 1335-1353 - Dragos-Mihai Obreja
Toward a multidimensional streaming: A thematic case study of two Twitch channels. 1354-1373 - Enrico Gandolfi
, Richard E. Ferdig, Ilker Soyturk:
Exploring the learning potential of online gaming communities: An application of the Game Communities of Inquiry Scale. 1374-1393 - Myojung Chung
, Youngnam Seo, Younbo Jung
, Doohwang Lee:
Agenda-setting in social TV: How and when user comments influence perceived issue importance. 1394-1411 - Thomas W. L. Macdonald
"How it actually works": Algorithmic lore videos as market devices. 1412-1431 - Youngrim Kim
, Yuchen Chen
, Fan Liang
Engineering care in pandemic technogovernance: The politics of care in China and South Korea's COVID-19 tracking apps. 1432-1450 - Sofie Flensburg
, Stine Lomborg
Datafication research: Mapping the field for a future agenda. 1451-1469 - Nicole Basaraba
The emergence of creative and digital place-making: A scoping review across disciplines. 1470-1497
Volume 25, Number 7, July 2023
- Jay Jennings
, Natalie Jomini Stroud
Asymmetric adjustment: Partisanship and correcting misinformation on Facebook. 1501-1521 - Jacob L. Nelson
, Seth C. Lewis
Only "sheep" trust journalists? How citizens' self-perceptions shape their approach to news. 1522-1541 - Nicole Kashian
The impact of media use on the spillover and crossover effect of couple conflict. 1542-1560 - Vojtech Mýlek
, Lenka Dedkova
, David Smahel
Information sources about face-to-face meetings with people from the Internet: Gendered influence on adolescents' risk perception and behavior. 1561-1579 - Tamas Tofalvy
, Júlia Koltai
"Splendid Isolation": The reproduction of music industry inequalities in Spotify's recommendation system. 1580-1604 - Erica Ciszek
, Paxton Haven
, Nneka Logan:
Amplification and the limits of visibility: Complicating strategies of trans voice and representations on social media. 1605-1625 - Fenwick McKelvey
, Scott DeJong, Janna Frenzel:
Memes, scenes and #ELXN2019s: How partisans make memes during elections. 1626-1647 - Tilman Klawier
, Fabian Prochazka
, Wolfgang Schweiger
Public knowledge of alternative media in times of algorithmically personalized news. 1648-1667 - Jannie Møller Hartley
, Mette Bengtsson, Anna Schjøtt Hansen, Morten Fischer Sivertsen
Researching publics in datafied societies: Insights from four approaches to the concept of 'publics' and a (hybrid) research agenda. 1668-1686 - Francesca Bolla Tripodi
Ms. Categorized: Gender, notability, and inequality on Wikipedia. 1687-1707 - Márton Bene
Who reaps the benefits? A cross-country investigation of the absolute and relative normalization and equalization theses in the 2019 European Parliament elections. 1708-1727 - Greta Jasser, Jordan McSwiney
, Ed Pertwee, Savvas Zannettou:
'Welcome to #GabFam': Far-right virtual community on Gab. 1728-1745 - Emma Rodero
, Ignacio Lucas
Synthetic versus human voices in audiobooks: The human emotional intimacy effect. 1746-1764 - Henry Korkeila
Social capital in video game studies: A scoping review. 1765-1780 - Daniela Mahl
, Mike S. Schäfer
, Jing Zeng
Conspiracy theories in online environments: An interdisciplinary literature review and agenda for future research. 1781-1801 - Abigail Wood
, Leanne Gray, Joanne Bowser-Angermann, Poppy Gibson, Matt Fossey, Lauren Godier-McBard:
Social media and Internet-based communication in military families during separation: An international scoping review. 1802-1823
Volume 25, Number 8, August 2023
- Zenia Kish
, Benjamin Peters:
Farm media: An introduction. 1827-1841 - Christopher Miles
On Agricultural Techniques: Broadcast, precision, and the media of culture. 1842-1862 - Thomas Patrick Pringle
The whole earth and apartheid: Media, peer-production, segregation. 1863-1887 - Xiaowei R. Wang
Spicy red in Shrimp Town: Smart farming and settler colonialism in Guizhou province. 1888-1912 - Michael Carolan
The perilous promise of productivity: Affective politics of farming media and its consequences for the future of agriculture. 1913-1934 - Madeleine Fairbairn
, Zenia Kish
Setting data free: The politics of open data for food and agriculture. 1935-1959 - Benjamin Peters:
Afterword: Medium America and the grounds of a transnational history of farm media. 1960-1970 - Julien Figeac
, Guillaume Favre
How behavioral homophily on social media influences the perception of tie-strengthening within young adults' personal networks. 1971-1990 - Jörg Haßler
, Anna-Katharina Wurst
, Marc Jungblut
, Katharina Schlosser:
Influence of the pandemic lockdown on Fridays for Future's hashtag activism. 1991-2013 - Marco T. Bastos
, Dan Mercea
, Fabio Goveia
Guy next door and implausibly attractive young women: The visual frames of social media propaganda. 2014-2033 - Nick Hagar
, Johannes Wachs
, Emoke-Ágnes Horvát:
Writer movements between news outlets reflect political polarization in media. 2034-2056 - Edward B. Kang
On streaming-dating convergence: Music-mediated self-presentations on Tinder. 2057-2072 - Juliane A. Lischka
, Marcel Garz
Clickbait news and algorithmic curation: A game theory framework of the relation between journalism, users, and platforms. 2073-2094 - Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick
, Axel Westerwick:
Algorithmic personalization of source cues in the filter bubble: Self-esteem and self-construal impact information exposure. 2095-2117 - Richard Fletcher
, Antonis Kalogeropoulos
, Rasmus Kleis Nielsen:
More diverse, more politically varied: How social media, search engines and aggregators shape news repertoires in the United Kingdom. 2118-2139 - Jack Webster
The promise of personalisation: Exploring how music streaming platforms are shaping the performance of class identities and distinction. 2140-2162 - Bjørn Nansen
, Hannah Gould
, Michael Victor Arnold, Martin R. Gibbs:
Media, mortality and necro-technologies: Eulogies for dead media. 2163-2182 - Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk
, Vilde Schanke Sundet
Global platforms and asymmetrical power: Industry dynamics and opportunities for policy change. 2183-2200 - Madhavi Reddi
, Rachel Kuo, Daniel Kreiss
Identity propaganda: Racial narratives and disinformation. 2201-2218 - Felix M. Simon
, Chico Q. Camargo
Autopsy of a metaphor: The origins, use and blind spots of the 'infodemic'. 2219-2240 - Wenting Yu
, Brett Payton
, Mengru Sun, Wufan Jia
, Guanxiong Huang
Toward an integrated framework for misinformation and correction sharing: A systematic review across domains. 2241-2267 - Anthony Burton
Book Review: Code: From Information Theory to French Theory. 2268-2270 - Jennifer M. Whitmer
Book Review: The Influencer Industry: The Quest for Authenticity on Social Media. 2271-2272 - Liang Zhang, Hui Zhang
Book Review: The discursive construction of the modern political self: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the age of social media. 2273-2275 - Nathan Katz
Book Review: Streaming Culture: Subscription Platforms and the Unending Consumption of Culture. 2275-2277 - Leona Nikolic
Book Review: Deceitful Media: Artificial Intelligence and Social Life after the Turing Test. 2277-2280
Volume 25, Number 9, September 2023
- Bahareh Badiei
, Anna Popkova:
Transnational familyhood in times of imposed separation: How the US-based Iranian students use ICTs to enact relationships with their parents after the Travel Ban. 2283-2299 - Charlotte Findeis
, Benedikt Salfeld
, Stella Voigt
, Benigna Gerisch, Vera King, Anna Rosa Ostern, Hartmut Rosa:
Quantifying self-quantification: A statistical study on individual characteristics and motivations for digital self-tracking in young- and middle-aged adults in Germany. 2300-2320 - Ryan Kor-Sins
The alt-right digital migration: A heterogeneous engineering approach to social media platform branding. 2321-2338 - Magdalena Obermaier
, Desirée Schmuck
, Muniba Saleem:
I'll be there for you? Effects of Islamophobic online hate speech and counter speech on Muslim in-group bystanders' intention to intervene. 2339-2358 - Sonya Dal Cin
, Matea Mustafaj
, Karen E. Nielsen
Patterns of media use and leisure time among older adults. 2359-2380 - Seth Frey
, Nathan Schneider
Effective voice: Beyond exit and affect in online communities. 2381-2398 - Chelsea P. Butkowski
"If you didn't take a selfie, did you even vote?": Embodied mass communication and citizenship models in "I voted" selfies. 2399-2418 - Aparajita Bhandari
, Billie Sun:
An online home for the homeless: A content analysis of the subreddit r/homeless. 2419-2436 - Asta Zelenkauskaite
, Greg Loring-Albright
Facebook Live is not "liked": Construction of liveness and the reception of video livestreaming. 2437-2454 - Reginold A. Royston
Podcasts and new orality in the African mediascape. 2455-2474 - Tarja Heponiemi
, Kia Gluschkoff, Lars Leemann
, Kristiina Manderbacka, Anna-Mari Aalto, Hannele Hyppönen:
Digital inequality in Finland: Access, skills and attitudes as social impact mediators. 2475-2491 - Erik Hermann
, Michael Morgan
, James Shanahan:
Cultivation and social media: A meta-analysis. 2492-2511 - Shelley Boulianne
, Jennifer Oser
, Christian Pieter Hoffmann
Powerless in the digital age? A systematic review and meta-analysis of political efficacy and digital media use. 2512-2536 - Maurice Jones
Book Review: The Earthly Community: Reflections on the Last Utopia. 2537-2539 - Emily Mendelson
Book Review: Momfluenced: Inside the Maddening, Picture-Perfect World of Mommy Influencer Culture. 2539-2541 - Lynn Schofield Clark
Book Review: TikTok: Creativity and Culture in Short Video. 2541-2543 - Yatun Romdonah Awaliah
, Mila Ida Nurhidayah
Book Review: Women, Media, and Power in Indonesia. 2543-2545 - Sijing Lu
Book Review: Online Collaborative Translation in China and Beyond: Community, Practice and Identity. 2545-2547
Volume 25, Number 10, October 2023
- Fabian Broeker
'We went from the anonymity of the internet into my private WhatsApp': Rituals of transition among dating app users in Berlin. 2551-2571 - Karikarn Chansiri
, Thipkanok Wongphothiphan
The indirect effects of Instagram images on women's self-esteem: The moderating roles of BMI and perceived weight. 2572-2594 - João Fernando Ferreira Gonçalves
, Ina Weber
, Gina M. Masullo
, Marisa Torres da Silva
, Joep Hofhuis
Common sense or censorship: How algorithmic moderators and message type influence perceptions of online content deletion. 2595-2617 - James P. Walsh
Digital nativism: Twitter, migration discourse and the 2019 election. 2618-2643 - Brian E. Weeks
, Ericka Menchen-Trevino
, Christopher Calabrese, Andreu Casas, Magdalena Wojcieszak:
Partisan media, untrustworthy news sites, and political misperceptions. 2644-2662 - Philipp Müller
, Ruben L. Bach
Populist alternative news use and its role for elections: Web-tracking and survey evidence from two campaign periods. 2663-2683 - Ross Bonifacio
, Lee Hair
, Donghee Yvette Wohn:
Beyond fans: The relational labor and communication practices of creators on Patreon. 2684-2703 - Laura C. Mahrenbach
, Jürgen Pfeffer
Measuring political legitimacy with Twitter: Insights from India's Aadhaar program. 2704-2723 - Dillon Ludemann
Digital semaphore: Political discourse and identity negotiation through 4chan's /pol/. 2724-2743 - Anders Olof Larsson
The rise of Instagram as a tool for political communication: A longitudinal study of European political parties and their followers. 2744-2762 - Katharine Dommett
The inter-institutional impact of digital platform companies on democracy: A case study of the UK media's digital campaigning coverage. 2763-2780 - Max Schindler
, Emese Domahidi
The computational turn in online mental health research: A systematic review. 2781-2799 - Petra de Place Bak
, Jessica Gabriele Walter, Anja Bechmann
Digital false information at scale in the European Union: Current state of research in various disciplines, and future directions. 2800-2819 - Dahniar Th. Musa
, Kasiyarno
, Ali Audah
Book Reviews: Media Capture: How Money, Digital Platforms, and Governments Control the News. 2820-2821 - Xiaoqin Wu
, Yuting Jian
Book Reviews: Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis. 2822-2824 - Md Mahbub Hossain
Book Reviews: Managing Infodemics in the 21st Century: Addressing New Public Health Challenges in the Information Ecosystem. 2824-2827 - Emma Lynn
Book Reviews: Gender Violence, Social Media and Online Environments: When the Virtual Becomes Real. 2827-2829 - Lutfun Nahar Lata
Book Reviews: Automation is a myth. 2829-2830
Volume 25, Number 11, November 2023
- Mikhaila N. Calice
, Luye Bao
, Isabelle Freiling
, Emily Howell
, Michael A. Xenos
, Shiyu Yang
, Dominique Brossard
, Todd P. Newman
, Dietram A. Scheufele
Polarized platforms? How partisanship shapes perceptions of "algorithmic news bias". 2833-2854 - Kaiping Chen
, June Jeon
, Yanxi Zhou:
A critical appraisal of diversity in digital knowledge production: Segregated inclusion on YouTube. 2855-2876 - Marguerite Borelli
Social media corporations as actors of counter-terrorism. 2877-2897 - Eirini Tsichla
, Georgios Lappas, Amalia Triantafillidou, Alexandros Kleftodimos:
Gender differences in politicians' Facebook campaigns: Campaign practices, campaign issues and voter engagement. 2918-2938 - Carlo Berti
, Enzo Loner
Character assassination as a right-wing populist communication tactic on social media: The case of Matteo Salvini in Italy. 2939-2960 - Lluis de Nadal
Populism and plebiscitarianism 2.0: How Podemos used digital platforms for organization and decision-making. 2961-2980 - Roopa Vasudevan
Share and share unlike: Reciprocity, corporate power, and the open source ethos. 2981-3001 - Ben Epstein, Leticia Bode, Jennifer M. Connolly
Do squeaky wheels get the grease? Understanding when and how municipalities respond to online requests. 3002-3027 - Bryndl Hohmann-Marriott
Periods as powerful data: User understandings of menstrual app data and information. 3028-3046 - Jaimie Lee Freeman
, Gina Neff
The challenge of repurposed technologies for youth: Understanding the unique affordances of digital self-tracking for adolescents. 3047-3064 - Camille Francois, Vladimir Barash
, John Kelly:
Measuring coordinated versus spontaneous activity in online social movements. 3065-3092 - Elizabeth Biz Nijdam
Sami-digital storytelling: Survivance and revitalization in Indigenous digital games. 3093-3116 - Slgi S. Lee
Permanent connectedness and its impact on news sharing. 3117-3136 - Ingrida Kelpsiene
, Donata Armakauskaite, Victor V. Denisenko
, Kestas Kirtiklis
, Rimvydas Lauzikas, Renata Stonyte, Lina Muriniene, Costis J. Dallas
Difficult heritage on social network sites: An integrative review. 3137-3164 - Alexander Ronzhyn
, Ana Sofia Cardenal
, Albert Batlle Rubio:
Defining affordances in social media research: A literature review. 3165-3188 - John Maina Karanja
Book Reviews: Strategic Communication and AI: Public Relations with Intelligent User Interfaces. 3189-3191 - Chenghui Wu
, Ya Sun:
Book Reviews: Mixed Methods Perspectives on Communication and Social Media Research. 3191-3193 - Jack Webster
Book Reviews: Computing Taste: Algorithms and the Makers of Music Recommendations. 3194-3195 - Gabrielle Beacken
Book Reviews: Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms. 3196-3198 - Malcolm Ogden
Book Reviews: The Prison House of the Circuit: Politics of Control from Analog to Digital. 3198-3200
Volume 25, Number 12, December 2023
- André Jansson
Beyond the platform: Music streaming as a site of logistical and symbolic struggle. 3203-3221 - Lorenzo Logi
, Michele Zappavigna
A social semiotic perspective on emoji: How emoji and language interact to make meaning in digital messages. 3222-3246 - Niamh Ni Shuilleabhain
, Emma Rich
, Simone Fullagar
Rethinking digital media literacy to address body dissatisfaction in schools: Lessons from feminist new materialisms. 3247-3265 - Giulia Fioravanti
, Andrea Svicher
, Giulia Ceragioli, Viola Bruni, Silvia Casale
Examining the impact of daily exposure to body-positive and fitspiration Instagram content on young women's mood and body image: An intensive longitudinal study. 3266-3288 - Jonathon Hutchinson
Digital intermediation: Unseen infrastructures for cultural production. 3289-3307 - Ian Hawkins
, Muniba Saleem
Rise UP!: A content analytic study of how collective action is discussed within White nationalist videos on YouTube. 3308-3327 - Devon L. Greyson
, Kaitlin L. Costello:
"Emotional strip-mining": Sympathy sockpuppets in online communities. 3328-3349 - Jenna Drenten
, Evie Psarras
Digital ventriloquism and celebrity access: Cameo and the emergence of paid puppeteering on digital platforms. 3350-3369 - Tal Nadel Harony
, Gali Einav, Yair Galily
Let's WhatsApp! Generation X couples' online and offline relationship patterns in the digital age. 3370-3391 - Maria Nordbrandt
Affective polarization in the digital age: Testing the direction of the relationship between social media and users' feelings for out-group parties. 3392-3411 - Yannis Theocharis
, Ana Sofia Cardenal
, Soyeon Jin
, Toril Aalberg
, David Nicolas Hopmann, Jesper Strömbäck
, Laia Castro
, Frank Esser, Peter Van Aelst, Claes de Vreese, Nicoleta Corbu, Karolina Koc-Michalska
, Jörg Matthes
, Christian Schemer, Tamir Sheafer, Sergio Splendore, James Stanyer, Agnieszka Stepinska
, Václav Stetka
Does the platform matter? Social media and COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs in 17 countries. 3412-3437 - José van Dijck
, Tim de Winkel
, Mirko Tobias Schäfer
Deplatformization and the governance of the platform ecosystem. 3438-3454 - Xingyu Chen, Ling Jiang
, Sentao Miao, Cong Shi:
Road to micro-celebration: The role of mutation strategy of micro-celebrity in digital media. 3455-3476 - Si Yu Lee
, Jasmon Wt Hoh
A critical examination of ageism in memes and the role of meme factories. 3477-3499 - Homero Gil de Zúñiga
, Manuel Goyanes
Fueling civil disobedience in democracy: WhatsApp news use, political knowledge, and illegal political protest. 3500-3520 - Jessica Balanzategui
'Disturbing' children's YouTube genres and the algorithmic uncanny. 3521-3542 - Thomas Smits
, Ruben Ros
Distant reading 940,000 online circulations of 26 iconic photographs. 3543-3572 - Francis L. F. Lee
, Ivy W. Y. Fong
The construction and mobilization of political consumerism through digital media in a networked social movement. 3573-3592 - Caitlyn M. Jarvis
, Sean M. Eddington
"My freedom doesn't care about your fear. My freedom doesn't care about your feelings": Postmodern and oppositional organizing in #OpenAmericaNow. 3593-3612 - Zifei Fay Chen
, Yi Grace Ji, Rita Linjuan Men
Effective social media communication for startups in China: Antecedents and outcomes of organization-public dialogic communication. 3613-3640 - Benjamin N. Jacobsen
Regimes of recognition on algorithmic media. 3641-3656 - Lina Dencik
, Sanne Stevens:
Regimes of justification in the datafied workplace: The case of hiring. 3657-3675 - Yu Xu
, Yao Sun, Loni Hagen, Mihir Patel, Mary Falling:
Evolution of the plandemic communication network among serial participants on Twitter. 3676-3695 - Teresa Weikmann
, Sophie Lecheler
Visual disinformation in a digital age: A literature synthesis and research agenda. 3696-3713 - Floor Fiers
Inequality and discrimination in the online labor market: A scoping review. 3714-3734 - Xiaoyi Sun
Book Review: Transmedia Storytelling in East Asia: The Age of Digital Media. 3735-3737 - Heath Row
Book Review: Seen & Unseen: Technology, Social Media, and the Fight for Racial Justice. 3737-3739 - Moch. Zainul Arifin
, Benni Setiawan
, Jalaluddin B
Book Review: Redefining Sports Media. 3739-3741 - Victoria Netanus Grubbs
Book Review: On Black Media Philosophy. 3742-3744 - Sophie Argyle
Book Review: Personal But Not Private: Queer Women, Sexuality, and Identity Modulation on Digital Platforms. 3744-3746

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