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Pattern Recognition, Volume 33
Volume 33, Number 1, January 2000
- Dequan Zhou, Guosui Liu, Jianxin Wang:
Spatio-temporal target identification method of high-range resolution radar. 1-7 - Frans Coenen
Tesseral spatio-temporal reasoning for multi-dimensional data. 9-23 - Mineichi Kudo
, Jack Sklansky:
Comparison of algorithms that select features for pattern classifiers. 25-41 - Matti Pietikäinen, Timo Ojala, Zelin Xu:
Rotation-invariant texture classification using feature distributions. 43-52 - Gonzalo Pajares
, Jesús Manuel de la Cruz
, José Antonio López Orozco
Relaxation labeling in stereo image matching. 53-68 - Zsolt Miklós Kovács-Vajna, Riccardo Rovatti, Mirko Frazzoni:
Fingerprint ridge distance computation methodologies. 69-80 - N. Alberto Borghese, Pietro Cerveri:
Calibrating a video camera pair with a rigid bar. 81-95 - Kazuhiko Shiranita, Kenichiro Hayashi, Akifumi Otsubo, Tsuneharu Miyajima, Ryuzo Takiyama:
Grading meat quality by image processing. 97-104 - Punam K. Saha
, Azriel Rosenfeld:
Determining simplicity and computing topological change in strongly normal partial tilings of R2 or R3. 105-118 - Ashutosh Malaviya, Liliane Peters:
Fuzzy handwriting description language: : FOHDEL. 119-131 - Jianying Hu, Sok Gek Lim, Michael K. Brown:
Writer independent on-line handwriting recognition using an HMM approach. 133-147 - H. E. S. Said
, T. N. Tan, Keith D. Baker:
Personal identification based on handwriting. 149-160 - Tae-eun Kim, Hyun-Ki Hong, Jong-Soo Choi:
Estimation of hybrid reflectance properties and shape reconstruction using the LMS method. 161-171 - Shelby Pereira, Thierry Pun:
An iterative template matching algorithm using the Chirp-Z transform for digital image watermarking. 173-175
Volume 33, Number 2, February 2000
- Yoram Baram:
A geometric approach to consistent classification. 177-184 - Rohit Lotlikar, Ravi Kothari:
Adaptive linear dimensionality reduction for classification. 185-194 - Yi-Kai Chen, Jhing-Fa Wang:
Skew detection and reconstruction based on maximization of variance of transition-counts. 195-208 - Joachim Hornegger, Heinrich Niemann, Robert Risack:
Appearance-based object recognition using optimal feature transforms. 209-224 - Jaakko J. Sauvola, Matti Pietikäinen:
Adaptive document image binarization. 225-236 - Sung-Il Chien, Si-Hun Sung:
Adaptive window method with sizing vectors for reliable correlation-based target tracking. 237-249 - Tomás Suk, Jan Flusser
Point-based projective invariants. 251-261 - Xiuwen Liu, DeLiang L. Wang, J. Raul Ramirez:
Boundary detection by contextual non-linear smoothing. 263-280 - Chun Hung Li, Peter Kwong-Shun Tam:
A global energy approach to facet model and its minimization using weighted least-squares algorithm. 281-293 - Sridhar R. Kundur, Daniel Raviv:
Active vision-based control schemes for autonomous navigation tasks. 295-308 - Tuan D. Pham, Michael Wagner:
Similarity normalization for speaker verification by fuzzy fusion. 309-315 - Charles L. Wilson, Craig I. Watson, Eung Gi Paek:
Effect of resolution and image quality on combined optical and neural network fingerprint matching. 317-331 - Tze Fen Li:
Bayes empirical Bayes approach to unsupervised learning of parameters in pattern recognition. 333-340 - Huazhong Shu, Limin Luo, Wenxue Yu, Y. Fu:
A new fast method for computing Legendre moments. 341-348
Volume 33, Number 3, March 2000
- Mahantapas Kundu, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kumar Basu:
Knowledge-based ECG interpretation: a critical review. 351-373 - Kam-Fai Chan, Dit-Yan Yeung:
An efficient syntactic approach to structural analysis of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions. 375-384 - Elias N. Zois
, Vassilis Anastassopoulos:
Morphological waveform coding for writer identification. 385-398 - Keechul Jung, Hang Joon Kim:
On-line recognition of cursive Korean characters using graph representation. 399-412 - Bong Seop Song, Il Dong Yun, Sang Uk Lee:
A target recognition technique employing geometric invariants. 413-425 - Hau-San Wong
, Terry Caelli
, Ling Guan:
A model-based neural network for edge characterization. 427-444 - Dennis F. Dunn, Niloufer E. Mathew:
Extracting color halftones from printed documents using texture analysis. 445-463 - Antonella Branca, Ettore Stella
, Arcangelo Distante:
Feature matching constrained by cross ratio invariance. 465-481 - Michael Boshra, Hong Zhang:
Localizing a polyhedral object in a robot hand by integrating visual and tactile data. 483-501 - Jinhui Liu, Anil K. Jain:
Image-based form document retrieval. 503-513 - Michael K. Ng:
A note on constrained k-means algorithms. 515-519 - Kazuo Hattori, Masahito Takahashi:
A new edited k-nearest neighbor rule in the pattern classification problem. 521-528 - John Yannis Goulermas, Panos Liatsis:
A new parallel feature-based stereo-matching algorithm with figural continuity preservation, based on hybrid symbiotic genetic algorithms. 529-531
Volume 33, Number 4, April 2000
- Douglas A. Miller, Steven W. Zucker:
Cliques, computation, and computational tractability. 535-542 - Karvel K. Thornber, Lance R. Williams:
Characterizing the distribution of completion shapes with corners using a mixture of random processes. 543-553 - Rafael Molina
, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
, Javier Mateos, Aurora Hermoso, C. Andrew Segall:
Restoration of severely blurred high range images using stochastic and deterministic relaxation algorithms in compound Gauss?CMarkov random fields. 555-571 - Patrick Pérez, Annabelle Chardin, Jean-Marc Laferté:
Noniterative manipulation of discrete energy-based models for image analysis. 573-586 - Simon A. Barker, Peter J. W. Rayner:
Unsupervised image segmentation using Markov random field models. 587-602 - Alan L. Yuille
, James M. Coughlan:
An A* perspective on deterministic optimization for deformable templates. 603-616 - Jan Puzicha, Thomas Hofmann, Joachim M. Buhmann:
A theory of proximity based clustering: structure detection by optimization. 617-634 - Anand Rangarajan
Self-annealing and self-annihilation: unifying deterministic annealing and relaxation labeling. 635-649 - Hansjörg Klock, Joachim M. Buhmann:
Data visualization by multidimensional scaling: a deterministic annealing approach. 651-669 - Yu Zhong, Anil K. Jain:
Object localization using color, texture and shape. 671-684 - Richard Myers, Edwin R. Hancock
Genetic algorithms for ambiguous labelling problems. 685-704 - Josef Kittler:
Probabilistic relaxation and the Hough transform. 705-714 - Stan Z. Li:
Toward global solution to MAP image restoration and segmentation: using common structure of local minima. 715-723 - Marc Gelgon, Patrick Bouthemy:
A region-level motion-based graph representation and labeling for tracking a spatial image partition. 725-740
Volume 33, Number 5, May 2000
- Kyoung-Sig Roh, In-So Kweon:
3-D object recognition using a new invariant relationship by single-view. 741-754 - Ernesto Bribiesca
A chain code for representing 3D curves. 755-765 - Kyu-Phil Han, Tae-Min Bae, Yeong-Ho Ha:
Hybrid stereo matching with a new relaxation scheme of preserving disparity discontinuity. 767-785 - Yibing Yang, Hong Yan:
An adaptive logical method for binarization of degraded document images. 787-807 - Heng-Da Cheng, Hui juan Xu:
A novel fuzzy logic approach to contrast enhancement. 809-819 - Antonio Garrido Carrillo, Nicolas Pérez de la Blanca:
Applying deformable templates for cell image segmentation. 821-832 - Stephen J. Roberts, Richard M. Everson
, Iead Rezek:
Maximum certainty data partitioning. 833-839 - Sukhamay Kundu:
A better fitness measure of a text-document for a given set of keywords. 841-848 - Chang Sup Sung, Hyun Woong Jin:
A tabu-search-based heuristic for clustering. 849-858 - Suman K. Mitra, C. A. Murthy:
Mathematical framework to show the existence of attractor of partitioned iterative function systems. 859-869 - Boubakeur Boufama:
Using geometry towards stereo dense matching. 871-873
Volume 33, Number 6, June 2000
- Jos B. T. M. Roerdink:
Group morphology. 877-895 - Isabelle Bloch:
Geodesic balls in a fuzzy set and fuzzy geodesic mathematical morphology. 897-905 - Andreas Bieniek, Alina N. Moga:
An efficient watershed algorithm based on connected components. 907-916 - Fulin Cheng, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Adaptive morphological operators, fast algorithms and their applications. 917-933 - Paul D. Gader, Mohamed A. Khabou, Alexander Koldobsky:
Morphological regularization neural networks. 935-944 - Lúcio F. C. Pessoa, Petros Maragos:
Neural networks with hybrid morphological/rank/linear nodes: a unifying framework with applications to handwritten character recognition. 945-960 - Saeid Saryazdi
, Véronique Haese-Coat, Joseph Ronsin:
Image representation by a new optimal non-uniform morphological sampling. 961-977 - Alexander Tuzikov
, Jos B. T. M. Roerdink, Henk J. A. M. Heijmans:
Similarity measures for convex polyhedra based on Minkowski addition. 979-995 - John G. M. Schavemaker, Marcel J. T. Reinders, Jan J. Gerbrands, Eric Backer:
Image sharpening by morphological filtering. 997-1012 - Antonios Gasteratos, Ioannis Andreadis:
Non-linear image processing in hardware. 1013-1021 - Spiridon Vlassis, Kostantinos Doris, Stilianos Siskos, Ioannis Pitas:
Analog implementation of erosion/dilation, median and order statistics filters. 1023-1032 - Damian G. Jones, Paul T. Jackway
Granolds: a novel texture representation. 1033-1045 - Sinan Batman, Edward R. Dougherty, Francis Sand:
Heterogeneous morphological granulometries. 1047-1057 - Nina S. T. Hirata
, Edward R. Dougherty, Junior Barrera
A switching algorithm for design of optimal increasing binary filters over large windows. 1059-1081 - Antoine Aubert, Dominique Jeulin:
Estimation of the influence of second- and third-order moments on random sets reconstructions. 1083-1104 - Anastasios L. Kesidis, Nikos Papamarkos:
A window-based inverse Hough transform. 1105-1117
Volume 33, Number 7, July 2000
- Suman K. Mitra, C. A. Murthy, Malay Kumar Kundu:
A technique for image magnification using partitioned iterative function system. 1119-1133 - Dae-Sik Jang, Hyung-Il Choi:
Active models for tracking moving objects. 1135-1146 - Eric L'Homer:
Extraction of strokes in handwritten characters. 1147-1160 - Maxim A. Grudin:
On internal representations in face recognition systems. 1161-1177 - Xosé R. Fernández-Vidal, Rosa Rodríguez-Sánchez
, Jose A. García, Joaquín Fernández-Valdivia
Integral opponent-colors features for computing visual target distinctness. 1179-1198 - W. S. Kim, Hyung Suck Cho:
Learning-based constitutive parameters estimation in an image sensing system with multiple mirrors. 1199-1217 - Michel Ménard, Christophe Demko, Pierre Loonis:
The fuzzy c+2-means: solving the ambiguity rejection in clustering. 1219-1237 - Y. V. Venkatesh, Rishikesh Narayanan:
Self-organizing neural networks based on spatial isomorphism for active contour modeling. 1239-1250 - Lin Yu Tseng, Shiueng Bien Yang:
A genetic clustering algorithm for data with non-spherical-shape clusters. 1251-1259 - Ergina Kavallieratou
, Nikos Fakotakis, George K. Kokkinakis:
A slant removal algorithm. 1261-1262
Volume 33, Number 8, August 2000
- Ye-In Chang, Hsing-Yen Ann, Wei-Horng Yeh:
A unique-ID-based matrix strategy for efficient iconic indexing of symbolic pictures. 1263-1276 - Yibing Yang, Hong Yan, Donggang Yu:
Content-lossless document image compression based on structural analysis and pattern matching. 1277-1293 - J. M. M. Montiel
, Juan D. Tardós, Luis Montano:
Structure and motion from straight line segments. 1295-1307 - Adnan Amin:
Recognition of printed arabic text based on global features and decision tree learning techniques. 1309-1323 - M. Angeles López
, Filiberto Pla
Dealing with segmentation errors in region-based stereo matching. 1325-1338 - C. V. Jawahar
, Prabir K. Biswas, A. K. Ray:
Analysis of fuzzy thresholding schemes. 1339-1349 - Michael Boshra, M. A. Ismail:
Recognition of occluded polyhedra from range images. 1351-1367 - Nuria Oliver
, Alex Pentland, François Bérard:
LAFTER: a real-time face and lips tracker with facial expression recognition. 1369-1382 - Ge Cong, Bahram Parvin:
Model-based segmentation of nuclei. 1383-1393 - Baoyun Wang, Zhenya He:
Can the classification capability of network be further improved by using quadratic sigmoidal neurons? 1395-1399 - Shung-Yung Lung, Chih-Chien Thomas Chen:
A new approach for text-independent speaker recognition. 1401-1403
Volume 33, Number 9, September 2000
- Jan Flusser:
On the independence of rotation moment invariants. 1405-1410 - Yu-Hua Gu
, Tardi Tjahjadi:
Coarse-to-fine planar object identification using invariant curve features and B-spline modeling. 1411-1422 - Mahmoud Melkemi, Mourad Djebali:
Computing the shape of a planar points set. 1423-1436 - Jacques Fayolle, Laurence Riou, Christophe Ducottet:
Robustness of a multiscale scheme of feature points detection. 1437-1453 - Ujjwal Maulik, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay:
Genetic algorithm-based clustering technique. 1455-1465 - Manabu Ichino, Hiroyuki Yaguchi:
An apparent simplicity appearing in pattern classification problems. 1467-1474 - David M. J. Tax, Martijn van Breukelen, Robert P. W. Duin, Josef Kittler:
Combining multiple classifiers by averaging or by multiplying? 1475-1485 - Isabelle Bloch:
On links between mathematical morphology and rough sets. 1487-1496 - V. Ramasubramanian
, Kuldip K. Paliwal
Fast nearest-neighbor search algorithms based on approximation-elimination search. 1497-1510 - Gabriel Fielding, Moshe Kam:
Weighted matchings for dense stereo correspondence. 1511-1524 - Dario Maio
, Davide Maltoni:
Real-time face location on gray-scale static images. 1525-1539 - Akira Nakamura, Azriel Rosenfeld:
Digital knots. 1541-1553 - Clifford Clausen, Harry Wechsler:
Color image compression using PCA and backpropagation learning. 1555-1560 - Qiang Ji, John Engel, Eric Craine
Classifying cervix tissue patterns with texture analysis. 1561-1573 - Koffi Yao, Max Mignotte, Christophe Collet, Pascal Galerne, Gilles Burel
Unsupervised segmentation using a self-organizing map and a noise model estimation in sonar imagery. 1575-1584
Volume 33, Number 10, October 2000
- Richard E. Frye, Robert S. Ledley:
Texture discrimination using discrete cosine transformation shift-insensitive (DCTSIS) descriptors. 1585-1598 - Eraldo Ribeiro
, Edwin R. Hancock
Improved orientation estimation for texture planes using multiple vanishing points. 1599-1610 - Eduardo Morales, Frank Y. Shih:
Wavelet coefficients clustering using morphological operations and pruned quadtrees. 1611-1620 - Essam A. El-Kwae, Mansur R. Kabuka:
Binary object representation and recognition using the Hilbert morphological skeleton transform. 1621-1636 - Francis K. H. Quek:
An algorithm for the rapid computation of boundaries of run-length encoded regions. 1637-1649 - Norm E. Davison, Hadass Eviatar, Ray L. Somorjai:
Snakes simplified. 1651-1664 - Kohei Inoue, Kiichi Urahama:
Learning of view-invariant pattern recognizer with temporal context. 1665-1674 - Zygmunt Pizlo, Kirk Loubier:
Recognition of a solid shape from its single perspective image obtained by a calibrated camera. 1675-1681 - Rahul Singh, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos:
Planar shape recognition by shape morphing. 1683-1699 - Chin-Chuan Han, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Gwo-Jong Yu, Liang-Hua Chen:
Fast face detection via morphology-based pre-processing. 1701-1712 - Li-Fen Chen
, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ming-Tat Ko, Ja-Chen Lin, Gwo-Jong Yu:
A new LDA-based face recognition system which can solve the small sample size problem. 1713-1726 - M. A. Ismail, Samia Gad:
Off-line arabic signature recognition and verification. 1727-1740 - Håkan Brunzell, Jonny Eriksson:
Feature reduction for classification of multidimensional data. 1741-1748 - Qianhua He, Sam Kwong
, Kim-Fung Man
, Kit-Sang Tang
An improved maximum model distance approach for HMM-based speech recognition systems. 1749-1758 - Lalit Gupta, Mark McAvoy, James W. Phegley:
Classification of temporal sequences via prediction using the simple recurrent neural network. 1759-1770
Volume 33, Number 11, November 2000
- Baback Moghaddam, Tony Jebara, Alex Pentland:
Bayesian face recognition. 1771-1782 - Athanasios Nikolaidis, Ioannis Pitas:
Facial feature extraction and pose determination. 1783-1791 - Kuo-Chin Fan, Cheng Wen Liu, Yuan-Kai Wang:
A randomized approach with geometric constraints to fingerprint verification. 1793-1803 - Mohammed Yeasin, Subhasis Chaudhuri:
Visual understanding of dynamic hand gestures. 1805-1817 - Tao-I Hsu, Jiann-Ling Kuo, Roland Wilson:
A multiresolution texture gradient method for unsupervised segmentation. 1819-1833 - David A. Clausi, M. Ed Jernigan:
Designing Gabor filters for optimal texture separability. 1835-1849 - Ye Zhang, Mita D. Desai:
Hyperspectral image compression based on adaptive recursive bidirection prediction/JPEG. 1851-1861 - Andrew D. J. Cross, Richard Myers, Edwin R. Hancock
Convergence of a hill-climbing genetic algorithm for graph matching. 1863-1880 - Kuo-Chin Fan, Wei-Hsien Wu:
A run-length-coding-based approach to stroke extraction of Chinese characters. 1881-1895 - Andrea Torsello
, Marcello Pelillo:
Continuous-time relaxation labeling processes. 1897-1908 - Dinggang Shen, Horace Ho-Shing Ip
, Eam Khwang Teoh:
Affine invariant detection of perceptually parallel 3D planar curves. 1909-1918 - Lei Wang, Jun Liu, Stan Z. Li:
MRF parameter estimation by MCMC method. 1919-1925 - S. V. N. Vishwanathan, M. Narasimha Murty:
Kohonen's SOM with cache. 1927-1929 - Syed A. Rizvi, Tarek N. Saadawi, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
A clutter rejection technique for FLIR imagery using region based principal component analysis. 1931-1933
Volume 33, Number 12, December
- Constantine Kotropoulos, Anastasios Tefas, Ioannis Pitas:
Morphological elastic graph matching applied to frontal face authentication under well-controlled and real conditions. 1935-1947 - Shiu Yin Yuen
, Chi Ho Ma:
Genetic algorithm with competitive image labelling and least square. 1949-1966 - Xian Wang, Venu Govindaraju, Sargur N. Srihari:
Holistic recognition of handwritten character pairs. 1967-1973 - Maher Ahmed, Rabab Kreidieh Ward:
An expert system for general symbol recognition. 1975-1988 - Sarunas Raudys:
Scaled rotation regularization. 1989-1998 - Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany:
Adaptive soft k-nearest-neighbour classifiers. 1999-2005 - Rosa Rodríguez-Sánchez
, Jose A. García, Joaquín Fernández-Valdivia
, Xosé R. Fernández-Vidal:
Origins of illusory percepts in digital images. 2007-2017 - Lesa M. Kennedy, Mitra Basu:
Application of projection pursuit learning to boundary detection and deblurring in images. 2019-2031 - Jacek Turski
Projective Fourier analysis for patterns. 2033-2043 - Andrew R. Webb:
Gamma mixture models for target recognition. 2045-2054 - Jia-Guu Leu:
Image enlargement based on a step edge model. 2055-2073 - Lalit Gupta, Mark McAvoy:
Investigating the prediction capabilities of the simple recurrent neural network on real temporal sequences. 2075-2081 - Alberto Ferrari, Michele Borgatti, Roberto Guerrieri:
A complete system for NN classification based on a VLSI array processor. 2083-2093 - Song-Ha Choi, Seong-Whan Lee:
Region tracking using perspective motion model. 2095-2098 - Giorgio Fumera
, Fabio Roli
, Giorgio Giacinto
Reject option with multiple thresholds. 2099-2101

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