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Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 26
Volume 26, Number 1, 1 January 2005
- Bijan Shoushtarian, Helmut E. Bez:
A practical adaptive approach for dynamic background subtraction using an invariant colour model and object tracking. 5-26 - Gustavo Olague
, Benjamín Hernández:
A new accurate and flexible model based multi-corner detector for measurement and recognition. 27-41 - Amir Ahmad, Lipika Dey:
A feature selection technique for classificatory analysis. 43-56 - Liwei Wang, Xiao Wang, Xuerong Zhang, Jufu Feng:
The equivalence of two-dimensional PCA to line-based PCA. 57-60 - Reinhold Huber, Herbert Ramoser, Konrad J. Mayer, Harald Penz, Michael Rubik:
Classification of coins using an eigenspace approach. 61-75 - Akbar Sheikh Akbari
, John J. Soraghan:
Multiscale fuzzy reasoning (MFR) for automatic object extraction. 77-81 - Ludmila I. Kuncheva
Using diversity measures for generating error-correcting output codes in classifier ensembles. 83-90 - Dong Xu, Xuelong Li
, Zhengkai Liu, Yuan Yuan:
Cast shadow detection in video segmentation. 91-99 - E. June Hill, Michael D. Alder, Christopher J. S. de Silva:
An improvement to the DR clustering algorithm. 101-107 - Hazem M. Abbas
, Mohamed M. Bayoumi:
An adaptive evolutionary algorithm for Volterra system identification. 109-119
Volume 26, Number 2, 15 January 2005
- Shih-Hsuan Chiu, Jiun-Jian Liaw:
An effective voting method for circle detection. 121-133 - Carlos Avilés-Cruz
, Risto Rangel-Kuoppa, Mario Reyes-Ayala, Edgar Alejandro Andrade-Gonzalez, Rafael Escarela-Perez
High-order statistical texture analysis - font recognition applie. 135-145 - Sheng Zheng, Jian Liu, Jin-Wen Tian:
An efficient star acquisition method based on SVM with mixtures of kernels. 147-165 - Francesco Tortorella
A ROC-based reject rule for dichotomizers. 167-180 - Juwei Lu, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Regularization studies of linear discriminant analysis in small sample size scenarios with application to face recognition. 181-191 - Ching-Nung Yang
, Tse-Shih Chen:
Aspect ratio invariant visual secret sharing schemes with minimum pixel expansion. 193-206 - Guanghui Wang, Hung-Tat Tsui, Zhanyi Hu:
Reconstruction of structured scenes from two uncalibrated images. 207-220 - Wen-Nung Lie, Tom C.-I. Lin, Ting-Chih Lin, Keng-Shen Hung:
A robust dynamic programming algorithm to extract skyline in images for navigation. 221-230
Volume 26, Number 3, February 2005
- Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Hanan Samet:
Editorial. 231-232 - Makoto Nagao:
In Memory of Prof. A. Rosenfeld. 233-234 - Theodosios Pavlidis:
Discrete geometry and Azriel Rosenfeld. 235-238 - Heinrich Niemann, Ingo Scholz
Evaluating the quality of light fields computed from hand-held camera images. 239-249 - Martin D. Levine, Jisnu Bhattacharyya:
Removing shadows. 251-265 - Nicole Vincent, Audrey Seropian, Georges Stamon:
Synthesis for handwriting analysis. 267-275 - Virginio Cantoni, Stefano Levialdi:
One long argument: Azriel Rosenfeld and the genesis of modern image systems. 277-285 - Herbert Freeman:
Automated cartographic text placement. 287-297 - Eric Backer, Peter van Kranenburg:
On musical stylometry - a pattern recognition approac. 299-309 - Alex Rav-Acha, Shmuel Peleg
Two motion-blurred images are better than one. 311-317 - Walter G. Kropatsch, Yll Haxhimusa, Zygmunt Pizlo, Georg Langs
Vision pyramids that do not grow too high. 319-337 - Terry Caelli
, Tibério S. Caetano:
Graphical models for graph matching: Approximate models and optimal algorithms. 339-346 - Anthony J. Maeder:
The image importance approach to human vision based image quality characterization. 347-354 - Alberto Sanfeliu
, Juan José Villanueva:
An approach of visual motion analysis. 355-368 - Ching Y. Suen, Jinna Tan:
Analysis of errors of handwritten digits made by a multitude of classifiers. 369-379 - Alexey Kostin, Josef Kittler, William J. Christmas
Object recognition by symmetrised graph matching using relaxation labelling with an inhibitory mechanism. 381-393
Volume 26, Number 4, March 2005
- Dipti Prasad Mukherjee, Srimanta Pal:
Advances in Pattern Recognition. 395-398 - Srujana Merugu, Joydeep Ghosh:
A privacy-sensitive approach to distributed clustering. 399-410 - Vito Di Gesù, Giosuè Lo Bosco
A genetic integrated fuzzy classifier. 411-420 - Güleser Kalayci Demir
, Kemal Ozmehmet:
Online local learning algorithms for linear discriminant analysis. 421-431 - Bernard F. Buxton, Malcolm Benjamin Dias:
Implicit, view invariant, linear flexible shape modelling. 433-447 - Isabelle Bloch, Olivier Colliot
, Oscar Camara
, Thierry Géraud
Fusion of spatial relationships for guiding recognition, example of brain structure recognition in 3D MRI. 449-457 - Suman K. Mitra, Te-Won Lee, Michael H. Goldbaum:
A Bayesian network based sequential inference for diagnosis of diseases from retinal images. 459-470 - Udhav Bhosle, Sumantra Dutta Roy
, Subhasis Chaudhuri:
Multispectral panoramic mosaicing. 471-482 - Geetika Sharma
, Ankita Kumar, Shakti Kamal, Santanu Chaudhury, J. B. Srivastava:
Novel view synthesis using a translating camera. 483-492 - Qinghong Guo, Mrinal K. Mandal, Micheal Y. Li:
Efficient Hodge-Helmholtz decomposition of motion fields. 493-501 - Alex Pentland, Tanzeem Choudhury, Nathan Eagle, Push Singh:
Human dynamics: computation for organizations: Human dynamics: computation for organizations. 503-511
Volume 26, Number 5, April 2005
- Zhiqiang Hou, Chongzhao Han:
Force field analysis snake: an improved parametric active contour model. 513-526 - Ming Li, Baozong Yuan:
2D-LDA: A statistical linear discriminant analysis for image matrix. 527-532 - Zeev Zalevsky, Ehud Rivlin, Michael Rudzsky:
Motion characterization from co-occurrence vector descriptor. 533-543 - Guodong Zhou
Direct modelling of output context dependence in discriminative hidden Markov model. 545-553 - Quen-Zong Wu, Hsu-Yung Cheng
, Bor-Shenn Jeng:
Motion detection via change-point detection for cumulative histograms of ratio images. 555-563 - Sheng-Yang Dai, Yu-Jin Zhang:
Unbalanced region matching based on two-level description for image retrieval. 565-580 - Chunjiang Zhao, Wenkang Shi, Yong Deng
A new Hausdorff distance for image matching. 581-586 - Jing Peng, Dong Zhang, Yuncai Liu:
An improved snake model for building detection from urban aerial images. 587-595 - Feng Du, Wenkang Shi, Liangzhou Chen, Yong Deng, Zhenfu Zhu:
Infrared image segmentation with 2-D maximum entropy method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO). 597-603 - Ningsong Peng, Jie Yang, Zhi Liu
Mean shift blob tracking with kernel histogram filtering and hypothesis testing. 605-614 - Ju Han, Bir Bhanu
Performance prediction for individual recognition by gait. 615-624 - Armando M. Fernandes
, Andrei B. Utkin
, Alexander V. Lavrov
, Rui M. Vilar
Design of committee machines for classification of single-wavelength lidar signals applied to early forest fire detection. 625-632 - Shutao Li, John Shawe-Taylor
Comparison and fusion of multiresolution features for texture classification. 633-638 - Kuo-Lung Wu, Jian Yu, Miin-Shen Yang:
A novel fuzzy clustering algorithm based on a fuzzy scatter matrix with optimality tests. 639-652 - Zhi Liu
, Jie Yang, Ningsong Peng:
Semi-automatic video object segmentation using seeded region merging and bidirectional projection. 653-662 - Naoufel Werghi
A discriminative 3D wavelet-based descriptors: Application to the recognition of human body postures. 663-677 - Andrew L. Rukhin, Igor Malioutov:
Fusion of biometric algorithms in the recognition problem. 679-684
Volume 26, Number 6, May 2005
- Tin Kam Ho:
Article retraction: Least-squares fitting for deformable superquadric model based on orthogonal distance. 685-686 - M. Masudur Rahman, Seiji Ishikawa:
Human motion recognition using an eigenspace. 687-697 - Sofiane Brahim-Belhouari, Amine Bermak
Gas identification using density models. 699-706 - Hyunjung Shin, Sungzoon Cho:
Invariance of neighborhood relation under input space to feature space mapping. 707-718 - Keun Chang Kwak, Witold Pedrycz:
Face recognition: A study in information fusion using fuzzy integral. 719-733 - Jocelyn Chanussot, Ingela Nyström, Natasa Sladoje
Shape signatures of fuzzy star-shaped sets based on distance from the centroid. 735-746 - (Withdrawn) Invariance image analysis using modified Zernike moments. 747-753
- Jih-Jeng Huang
, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Chorng-Shyong Ong:
Multidimensional data in multidimensional scaling using the analytic network process. 755-767 - Chung-Chu Leung, Ka-Shing Chan, Hoi-Mei Chan, Wai-Kin Tsui:
A new approach for image enhancement applied to low-contrast-low-illumination IC and document images. 769-778 - Chunlin Zhang, Ju Jiang, Mohamed S. Kamel
Intrusion detection using hierarchical neural networks. 779-791 - D. Gnanadurai, V. Sadasivam:
Undecimated wavelet based speckle reduction for SAR images. 793-800 - Qingming Huang, Wen Gao, Wenjian Cai:
Thresholding technique with adaptive window selection for uneven lighting image. 801-808 - Hsi-Chin Hsin:
Adaptive modulated wavelet subband image coding. 809-818 - Jose Luis Patino
Fuzzy relations applied to minimize over segmentation in watershed algorithms. 819-828 - Hui Zhu, Xianglong Tang:
Classifier geometrical characteristic comparison and its application in classifier selection. 829-842 - Evgeny Artyomov, Orly Yadid-Pecht:
Modified high-order neural network for invariant pattern recognition. 843-851
Volume 26, Number 7, May 2005
- Dong Xu, Wenli Xu:
Description and recognition of object contours using arc length and tangent orientation. 855-864 - Ossama El Badawy, Mohamed S. Kamel
Hierarchical representation of 2-D shapes using convex polygons: a contour-based approach. 865-877 - Dae-Won Kim, Ki Young Lee, Doheon Lee
, Kwang Hyung Lee:
A kernel-based subtractive clustering method. 879-891 - P. Punitha, D. S. Guru:
An invariant scheme for exact match retrieval of symbolic images: Triangular spatial relationship based approach. 893-907 - Ping Zhang
, Brijesh K. Verma
, Kuldeep Kumar
Neural vs. statistical classifier in conjunction with genetic algorithm based feature selection. 909-919 - Niina Päivinen:
Clustering with a minimum spanning tree of scale-free-like structure. 921-930 - Frank Yeong-Chyang Shih, Chao-Fa Chuang, Vijayalakshmi Gaddipati:
A modified regulated morphological corner detector. 931-937 - Liying Zheng, Xianglong Tang:
A new parameter control method for S-GCM. 939-942 - Carla M. Santos-Pereira
, Ana M. Pires
On optimal reject rules and ROC curves. 943-952 - José Ramón Cano, Francisco Herrera
, Manuel Lozano
Stratification for scaling up evolutionary prototype selection. 953-963 - Rajen B. Bhatt, M. Gopal:
On fuzzy-rough sets approach to feature selection. 965-975 - Yujian Li:
Hidden Markov models with states depending on observations. 977-984 - Jayanta Mukherjee, Manfred K. Lang, Sanjit K. Mitra:
Demosaicing of images obtained from single-chip imaging sensors in YUV color space. 985-997 - Abdol Hamid Pilevar, M. Sukumar:
GCHL: A grid-clustering algorithm for high-dimensional very large spatial data bases. 999-1010 - Janusz Jurek:
Recent developments of the syntactic pattern recognition model based on quasi-context sensitive languages. 1011-1018 - A. Adhipathi Reddy, Biswanath N. Chatterji:
A new wavelet based logo-watermarking scheme. 1019-1027
Volume 26, Number 8, June 2005
- Amit David, Boaz Lerner:
Support vector machine-based image classification for genetic syndrome diagnosis. 1029-1038 - Mark D. Alexiuk, Nicolino J. Pizzi:
Robust centroids using fuzzy clustering with feature partitions. 1039-1046 - Jim Z. C. Lai, Yi-Ching Liaw:
Improvement of interpolated color filter array image using modified mean-removed classified vector quantization. 1047-1058 - Yong Xia, David Dagan Feng, Rongchun Zhao, Maria Petrou:
Learning-based algorithm selection for image segmentation. 1059-1068 - Olivier Alata, Clarisse Ramananjarasoa:
Unsupervised textured image segmentation using 2-D quarter plane autoregressive model with four prediction supports. 1069-1081 - Erwie Zahara, Shu-Kai S. Fan, Du-Ming Tsai:
Optimal multi-thresholding using a hybrid optimization approach. 1082-1095 - Mehmet Nadir Kurnaz, Zümray Dokur
, Tamer Ölmez
Segmentation of remote-sensing images by incremental neural network. 1096-1104 - Volodymyr Mosorov
A main stem concept for image matching. 1105-1117 - Guillaume Koch, Laurent Heutte, Thierry Paquet:
Automatic extraction of numerical sequences in handwritten incoming mail documents. 1118-1127 - Jin Liu, Tianxu Zhang:
Recognition of the blurred image by complex moment invariants. 1128-1138 - Jianping Fan, Guihua Zeng, Mathurin Body, Mohand-Said Hacid:
Seeded region growing: an extensive and comparative study. 1139-1156 - Songcan Chen, Yulian Zhu, Daoqiang Zhang, Jing-Yu Yang:
Feature extraction approaches based on matrix pattern: MatPCA and MatFLDA. 1157-1167 - Itay Bar Yosef:
Input sensitive thresholding for ancient Hebrew manuscript. 1168-1173 - Quang-Anh Tran, Xing Li, Hai-Xin Duan:
Efficient performance estimate for one-class support vector machine. 1174-1182 - Feixiang Yan, Hong Zhang, C. Ronald Kube:
A multistage adaptive thresholding method. 1183-1191 - Yihong Wu, Zhanyi Hu:
A new constraint on the imaged absolute conic from aspect ratio and its application. 1192-1199
Volume 26, Number 9, July 2005
- Juan B. Mena, José A. Malpica:
An automatic method for road extraction in rural and semi-urban areas starting from high resolution satellite imagery. 1201-1220 - Haoran Yi, Deepu Rajan, Liang-Tien Chia:
A new motion histogram to index motion content in video segments. 1221-1231 - Ki K. Lee, Wan Chul Yoon:
Adaptive classification with ellipsoidal regions for multidimensional pattern classification problems. 1232-1243 - Xuming Huang, Bin Wang, Liming Zhang:
A new scheme for extraction of affine invariant descriptor and affine motion estimation based on independent component analysis. 1244-1255 - Chen Guang Zhao
, Tian-Ge Zhuang:
A hybrid boundary detection algorithm based on watershed and snake. 1256-1265 - Han Sun, Jingyu Yang, Mingwu Ren:
A fast watershed algorithm based on chain code and its application in image segmentation. 1266-1274 - Kuo-Lung Wu, Miin-Shen Yang:
A cluster validity index for fuzzy clustering. 1275-1291 - Jau Hong Kao, Yen Heng Chen, Jen-Hui Chuang:
Identity verification by relative 3-D structure using multiple facial images. 1292-1303 - Yutaka Hatakeyama, Kazuhiko Kawamoto
, Hajime Nobuhara, Shin-ichi Yoshida, Kaoru Hirota:
Color restoration algorithm for dynamic images under multiple luminance conditions using correction vectors. 1304-1315 - Zhibin Pan, Koji Kotani, Tadahiro Ohmi:
A generalized multiple projection axes method for fast encoding of vector quantization. 1316-1326 - Yong-Choon Cho, Seungjin Choi:
Nonnegative features of spectro-temporal sounds for classification. 1327-1336 - Xifeng Tong, Jianhua Huang, Xianglong Tang, Daming Shi:
Fingerprint minutiae matching using the adjacent feature vector. 1337-1345 - Evguenii V. Kurmyshev, Raúl Enrique Sánchez-Yáñez
Comparative experiment with colour texture classifiers using the CCR feature space. 1346-1353 - Li Yu, Runsheng Wang:
Shape representation based on mathematical morphology. 1354-1362 - Edgar Chávez
, Gonzalo Navarro:
A compact space decomposition for effective metric indexing. 1363-1376 - Edson J. R. Justino, Flávio Bortolozzi
, Robert Sabourin:
A comparison of SVM and HMM classifiers in the off-line signature verification. 1377-1385 - Datong Chen, Jean-Marc Odobez
Video text recognition using sequential Monte Carlo and error voting methods. 1386-1403
Volume 26, Number 10, July 2005
- Mohammad Eyadat, Shantaram Vasikarla:
Performance evaluation of an incorporated DCT block-based watermarking algorithm with human visual system model. 1405-1411 - Yongjin Lee, Seungjin Choi:
Maximum within-cluster association. 1412-1422 - Rafael Medina Carnicer
, Francisco José Madrid-Cuevas
, Nicolás Luis Fernández García
, Ángel Carmona-Poyato
Evaluation of global thresholding techniques in non-contextual edge detection. 1423-1434 - Ahmed Abouelela, Hazem M. Abbas
, Hesham Eldeeb, Abdelmonem A. Wahdan, Salwa M. Nassar:
Automated vision system for localizing structural defects in textile fabrics. 1435-1443 - Paulo J. S. Silva
, Ronaldo Fumio Hashimoto
, Seungchan Kim
, Junior Barrera
, Leônidas de Oliveira Brandão
, Edward Suh, Edward R. Dougherty:
Feature selection algorithms to find strong genes. 1444-1453 - Andrew Teoh Beng Jin
, David Ngo Chek Ling:
Cancellable biometerics featuring with tokenised random number. 1454-1460 - Moongu Jeon, Murray E. Alexander, Witold Pedrycz, Nicolino J. Pizzi:
Unsupervised hierarchical image segmentation with level set and additive operator splitting. 1461-1469 - Jie Wang, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Selecting discriminant eigenfaces for face recognition. 1470-1482 - Wei Wei, Qi Wang, Hua Wang, Hong Guang Zhang:
The feature extraction of nonparametric curves based on niche genetic algorithms and multi-population competition. 1483-1497 - Zhizheng Liang, Pengfei Shi:
A metasynthetic approach for segmenting handwritten Chinese character strings. 1498-1511 - Katarina Mele, Jasna Maver:
Recognizing objects on cluttered backgrounds. 1512-1524 - Richard C. Staunton:
Optimising basic edge detectors for particular acquisition systems. 1525-1531 - Karl Krissian, Carl-Fredrik Westin:
Fast sub-voxel re-initialization of the distance map for level set methods. 1532-1542 - Guang-Zheng Zhang, De-Shuang Huang, Zhong-Hua Quan:
Combining a binary input encoding scheme with RBFNN for globulin protein inter-residue contact map prediction. 1543-1553 - Thanapant Raicharoen, Chidchanok Lursinsap:
A divide-and-conquer approach to the pairwise opposite class-nearest neighbor (POC-NN) algorithm. 1554-1567 - Bin Wang, Xiang-Feng Li, Feng Liu, Fu-Qiao Hu:
Color text image binarization based on binary texture analysis. 1568-1576 - Chin-Chen Chang, Piyu Tsai, Chia-Chen Lin
SVD-based digital image watermarking scheme. 1577-1586 - Viorela Ila
, Rafael García
, Xavier Cufí, Joan Batlle Grabulosa:
Interest point characterisation through textural analysis for rejection of bad correspondences. 1587-1596 - Roya Rad, Mansour Jamzad:
Real time classification and tracking of multiple vehicles in highways. 1597-1607
Volume 26, Number 11, August 2005
- Richard C. Staunton:
Detected edge position evaluation using measured acquisition system parameters. 1609-1619 - Sheng S. Tan, Douglas P. Hart:
A fast and robust feature-based 3D algorithm using compressed image correlation. 1620-1631 - Rajen B. Bhatt, M. Gopal:
On the compact computational domain of fuzzy-rough sets. 1632-1640 - Lin-Lin Huang, Akinobu Shimizu, Hidefumi Kobatake:
Robust face detection using Gabor filter features. 1641-1649 - Bin Wang, Xiang-Feng Li, Feng Liu, Fu-Qiao Hu:
Color text image binarization based on binary texture analysis. 1650-1657 - Hua-Fu Li, Suh-Yin Lee, Man-Kwan Shan:
Online mining maximal frequent structures in continuous landmark melody streams. 1658-1674 - Frans Coetzee:
Correcting the Kullback-Leibler distance for feature selection. 1675-1683 - Zhibin Pan, Koji Kotani, Tadahiro Ohmi:
Recursive computation method for fast encoding of vector quantization based on 2-pixel-merging sum pyramid data structure. 1684-1690 - Ioannis Kalatzis
, Nikolaos Piliouras, Eric Ventouras, Charalabos C. Papageorgiou
, Ioannis A. Liappas, Chrysoula C. Nikolaou, Andreas D. Rabavilas, Dionisis A. Cavouras:
Design and implementation of a multi-PNN structure for discriminating one-month abstinent heroin addicts from healthy controls using the P600 component of ERP signals. 1691-1700 - Jacob Scharcanski
Stochastic texture analysis for monitoring stochastic processes in industry. 1701-1709 - Qing Xu, Jie Yang, Siyi Ding:
Color texture analysis using the wavelet-based hidden Markov model. 1710-1719 - Jaume Amores, Petia Radeva Ivanova
Registration and retrieval of highly elastic bodies using contextual information. 1720-1731 - Frédérique Robert-Inacio:
Symmetry parameters for 3D pattern classification. 1732-1739 - Eugenia Montiel, Alberto S. Aguado, Mark S. Nixon
Texture classification via conditional histograms. 1740-1751 - Adrien Jamain, David J. Hand
The Naive Bayes Mystery: A classification detective story. 1752-1760 - Yaniv Gurwicz, Boaz Lerner:
Bayesian network classification using spline-approximated kernel density estimation. 1761-1771 - Didi Sazbon, Zeev Zalevsky, Ehud Rivlin:
Qualitative real-time range extraction for preplanned scene partitioning using laser beam coding . 1772-1781 - Hongya Tuo, Yuncai Liu:
A new coarse-to-fine rectification algorithm for airborne push-broom hyperspectral images. 1782-1791
Volume 26, Number 12, September 2005
- Simone Marinai
, Marco Gori:
Preface. 1793-1794 - Geoffroy Simon, Amaury Lendasse
, Marie Cottrell, Jean-Claude Fort, Michel Verleysen
Time series forecasting: Obtaining long term trends with self-organizing maps. 1795-1808 - Antonio Pertusa
, José Manuel Iñesta Quereda
Polyphonic monotimbral music transcription using dynamic networks. 1809-1818 - Frédéric J. P. Richard:
A comparative study of markovian and variational image-matching techniques in application to mammograms. 1819-1829 - Gian Luca Marcialis, Fabio Roli:
Fusion of multiple fingerprint matchers by single-layer perceptron with class-separation loss function. 1830-1839 - Lionel Prevost, Loïc Oudot, Alvaro Moises, Christian Michel-Sendis, Maurice Milgram:
Hybrid generative/discriminative classifier for unconstrained character recognition. 1840-1848 - Jian-xiong Dong, Adam Krzyzak, Ching Y. Suen:
An improved handwritten Chinese character recognition system using support vector machine. 1849-1856 - Federico Di Palma, Giuseppe De Nicolao, Guido Miraglia, Egidio Pasquinetti, Francesco Piccinini:
Unsupervised spatial pattern classification of electrical-wafer-sorting maps in semiconductor manufacturing. 1857-1865 - Jirí Grim, Petr Somol, Pavel Pudil
Probabilistic neural network playing and learning Tic-Tac-Toe. 1866-1873 - Markus Hagenbuchner, Ah Chung Tsoi
A supervised training algorithm for self-organizing maps for structures. 1874-1884 - Monica Bianchini
, Marco Maggini, Lorenzo Sarti, Franco Scarselli
Recursive neural networks learn to localize faces. 1885-1895 - Sauro Menchetti, Fabrizio Costa
, Paolo Frasconi, Massimiliano Pontil:
Wide coverage natural language processing using kernel methods and neural networks for structured data. 1896-1906 - Martin Brown, Nicholas Costen
Exploratory basis pursuit classification. 1907-1915 - Nizar Bouguila, Djemel Ziou:
Using unsupervised learning of a finite Dirichlet mixture model to improve pattern recognition applications. 1916-1925 - Aristoklis D. Anastasiadis, George D. Magoulas
, Michael N. Vrahatis:
Sign-based learning schemes for pattern classification. 1926-1936 - Tomonori Kikuchi, Shigeo Abe
Comparison between error correcting output codes and fuzzy support vector machines. 1937-1945
Volume 26, Number 13, October 2005
- Tin Kam Ho:
Editorial. 1947- - Du-Ming Tsai, Cheng-Hsiang Yang:
A quantile-quantile plot based pattern matching for defect detection. 1949-1962 - Youfu Wu, Jun Shen, Mo Dai:
Traffic object detections and its action analysis. 1963-1984 - Zhitao Xiao, Zheng-Xin Hou
, Changyun Miao, Jianming Wang:
Using phase information for symmetry detection. 1985-1994 - Meghna Singh, Mrinal K. Mandal, Anup Basu:
Gaussian and Laplacian of Gaussian weighting functions for robust feature based tracking. 1995-2005 - Zhenhua Li, Zhongliang Jing, Xuhong Yang, Shaoyuan Sun:
Color transfer based remote sensing image fusion using non-separable wavelet frame transform. 2006-2014 - Li Yang:
Building k-edge-connected neighborhood graph for distance-based data projection. 2015-2021 - Attila Fazekas
, András Hajdu
, Lajos Hajdu:
Metrical neighborhood sequences in Zn. 2022-2032 - Yihong Ding, Xijian Ping, Min Hu, Dan Wang:
Range image segmentation based on randomized Hough transform. 2033-2041 - Hyung Woo Kang:
G-wire: A livewire segmentation algorithm based on a generalized graph formulation. 2042-2051 - Mohammed Yakoob Siyal, Lin Yu:
An intelligent modified fuzzy c-means based algorithm for bias estimation and segmentation of brain MRI. 2052-2062 - Weiqiong Wang, Xiaolong Xin:
Distance measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets. 2063-2069 - Torsten Rohlfing
, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.:
Multi-classifier framework for atlas-based image segmentation. 2070-2079 - Ameur Bensefia
, Thierry Paquet, Laurent Heutte:
A writer identification and verification system. 2080-2092 - M. Serdar Yümlü, Fikret S. Gürgen, Nesrin Okay:
A comparison of global, recurrent and smoothed-piecewise neural models for Istanbul stock exchange (ISE) prediction. 2093-2103 - Ran El-Yaniv, Leonid Gerzon:
Effective transductive learning via objective model selection. 2104-2115 - Dimitris K. Tasoulis, Michael N. Vrahatis:
Unsupervised clustering on dynamic databases. 2116-2127
Volume 26, Number 14, October 2005
- Luigi Di Stefano, Stefano Mattoccia
, Federico Tombari
ZNCC-based template matching using bounded partial correlation. 2129-2134 - Fangming Zhu, Steven Guan:
Ordered incremental training for GA-based classifiers. 2135-2151 - José J. Amador:
Sequential clustering by statistical methodology. 2152-2163 - Mohamed Elbakary, Malur K. Sundareshan:
Accurate representation of local frequency using a computationally efficient Gabor filter fusion approach with application to image registration. 2164-2173 - Julien Ricard, David Coeurjolly
, Atilla Baskurt:
Generalizations of angular radial transform for 2D and 3D shape retrieval. 2174-2186 - Ye Wang, Shang-Teng Huang:
Training TSVM with the proper number of positive samples. 2187-2194 - Xu-Cheng Yin
, Chang-Ping Liu, Zhi Han:
Feature combination using boosting. 2195-2205 - Cigdem Demir, Ethem Alpaydin
Cost-conscious classifier ensembles. 2206-2214 - Cheng Du, Guangda Su:
Eyeglasses removal from facial images. 2215-2220 - Sukjune Yoon, Sung-Kee Park, Sungchul Kang, Yoon Keun Kwak:
Fast correlation-based stereo matching with the reduction of systematic errors. 2221-2231 - Gian Luca Foresti, Christian Micheloni
, Claudio Piciarelli
Detecting moving people in video streams. 2232-2243 - Jian Fu, H. John Caulfield, Seong-Moo Yoo, Venkata Atluri:
Use of Artificial Color filtering to improve iris recognition and searching. 2244-2251 - Zhonglong Zheng, Jie Yang, Limin Yang:
A robust method for eye features extraction on color image. 2252-2261 - Alessandro Vinciarelli
Application of information retrieval techniques to single writer documents. 2262-2271 - Daidi Zhong, Irek Defée:
DCT histogram optimization for image database retrieval. 2272-2281 - Suchendra M. Bhandarkar, Xingzhi Luo, Richard F. Daniels, Ernest W. Tollner
Detection of cracks in computer tomography images of logs. 2282-2294 - José M. Peña, Johan Björkegren
, Jesper Tegnér
Learning dynamic Bayesian network models via cross-validation. 2295-2308 - Shitong Wang, Fu-Lai Chung
Note on the equivalence relationship between Renyi-entropy based and Tsallis-entropy based image thresholding. 2309-2312 - Weixiang Liu, Nanning Zheng:
Erratum to: "Non-negative matrix factorization based methods for object recognition" [Pattern Recognition Letters 25 (2004) 893-897]. 2313
Volume 26, Number 15, November 2005
- Md. Khayrul Bashar
, Noboru Ohnishi, Tetsuya Matsumoto, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Hiroaki Kudo, Kiyoshi Agusa:
Image retrieval by pattern categorization using wavelet domain perceptual features with LVQ neural network. 2315-2335 - Bryan W. Scotney, Sonya A. Coleman
, Madonna G. Herron:
Direct feature detection on compressed images. 2336-2345 - Guang-Zheng Zhang, De-Shuang Huang, Yunping Zhu, Yi-Xue Li:
Improving protein secondary structure prediction by using the residue conformational classes. 2346-2352 - Minho Kim, R. S. Ramakrishna:
New indices for cluster validity assessment. 2353-2363 - Mala Dutta, Anjana Kakoti Mahanta
, Arun K. Pujari:
QROCK: A quick version of the ROCK algorithm for clustering of categorical data. 2364-2373 - Dong Liang
, Jie Yang, Zhonglong Zheng, Yuchou Chang:
A facial expression recognition system based on supervised locally linear embedding. 2374-2389 - Hairong Lv, Wenyuan Wang, Chong Wang, Qing Zhuo:
Off-line Chinese signature verification based on support vector machines. 2390-2399 - Alisher Kholmatov, Berrin A. Yanikoglu
Identity authentication using improved online signature verification method. 2400-2408 - Kwok-Wai Wan, Kin-Man Lam
, Kit-Chong Ng:
An accurate active shape model for facial feature extraction. 2409-2423 - Jin Qi, Suzhen Yang, Yangsheng Wang:
Fingerprint matching combining the global orientation field with minutia. 2424-2430 - Danian Zheng, Yannan Zhao, Jiaxin Wang:
An efficient method of license plate location. 2431-2438 - Witold Pedrycz:
Interpretation of clusters in the framework of shadowed sets. 2439-2449 - Baiqing Guan, Shigang Wang, Guobao Wang
A biologically inspired method for estimating 2D high-speed translational motion. 2450-2462 - Hakan Altinçay:
On naive Bayesian fusion of dependent classifiers. 2463-2473 - Weilong Chen, Meng Joo Er, Shiqian Wu
PCA and LDA in DCT domain. 2474-2482 - Hansheng Lei, Venugopal Govindaraju:
A comparative study on the consistency of features in on-line signature verification. 2483-2489
Volume 26, Number 16, December 2005
- Zhenwei Shi, Huanwen Tang, Yiyuan Tang:
Blind source separation of more sources than mixtures using sparse mixture models. 2491-2499 - Anthony J. T. Lee, Ping Yu
, Han-Pang Chiu, Ruey-Wen Hong:
3D Z-string: A new knowledge structure to represent spatio-temporal relations between objects in a video. 2500-2508 - Sankar K. Pal, B. Uma Shankar, Pabitra Mitra:
Granular computing, rough entropy and object extraction. 2509-2517 - Cheng-Chin Chiang, Chi-Jang Huang:
A robust method for detecting arbitrarily tilted human faces in color images. 2518-2536 - Christian Viard-Gaudin, Pierre Michel Lallican, Stefan Knerr:
Recognition-directed recovering of temporal information from handwriting images. 2537-2548 - Si Quang Le
, Tu Bao Ho:
An association-based dissimilarity measure for categorical data. 2549-2557 - Jong Seung Park:
Interactive 3D reconstruction from multiple images: A primitive-based approach. 2558-2571 - Salvador Gabarda, Gabriel Cristóbal
On the use of a joint spatial-frequency representation for the fusion of multi-focus images. 2572-2578 - Edgardo Manuel Felipe Riverón, Ingrid Castellanos-Bisset, Leudis Sánchez-Cuello:
Segmentation of tiny objects in very poor-quality angiogenesis images. 2579-2587 - Manuele Bicego, Umberto Castellani
, Vittorio Murino
A Hidden Markov Model approach for appearance-based 3D object recognition. 2588-2599 - Waleed A. Yousef, Robert F. Wagner, Murray H. Loew:
Estimating the uncertainty in the estimated mean area under the ROC curve of a classifier. 2600-2610 - Chuan Zhou, Xueyin Lin:
Facial expressional image synthesis controlled by emotional parameters. 2611-2627 - Julian Fiérrez-Aguilar
, Daniel Garcia-Romero, Javier Ortega-Garcia
, Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez
Adapted user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication exploiting general information. 2628-2639

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