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IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Volume 4
Volume 4, Number 1, January 1997
- Daeryong Lee, SeongJoon Baek, Koeng-Mo Sung:
Modified K-means algorithm for vector quantizer design. 2-4 - Steven Sheung-On Choy, Yuk-Hee Chan
, Wan-Chi Siu:
Reduction of block-transform image coding artifacts by using local statistics of transform coefficients. 5-7 - Kuansan Wang, Chin-Hui Lee, Biing-Hwang Juang:
Selective feature extraction via signal decomposition. 8-11 - Youhong Lu, Joel M. Morris, Hans G. Feichtinger:
On a complementary condition to derivation of discrete Gabor expansions. 12-14 - Luís B. Almeida:
Product and Convolution Theorems for the Fractional Fourier Transform. 15-17 - Yuanyuan Wang, Peter J. Fish:
Correction for nonstationarity and window broadening in Doppler spectrum estimation. 18-20 - Leon H. Sibul, Lora G. Weiss, Randy K. Young:
Weighted time-frequency and time-scale transforms in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. 21-22 - Robert D. Nowak:
Optimal signal estimation using cross-validation. 23-25 - Mark C. Sullivan, Edward J. Wegman:
A normalized correlation estimator for complex data based on a quadruplex transformation. 26-28
Volume 4, Number 2, February 1997
- V. John Mathews, Peter J. Hahn:
Vector quantization using the L∞ distortion measure. 33-35 - Yinyi Lin, Tsung-Chieh Ko:
A modified model-based error diffusion. 36-38 - Jonathan P. Mackenzie, Jyri Huopaniemi, Vesa Välimäki, Izzet Kale:
Low-order modeling of head-related transfer functions using balanced model truncation. 39-41 - Richard N. Czerwinski, Douglas L. Jones:
Adaptive short-time Fourier analysis. 42-45 - Jonathon A. Chambers, Apostolos Avlonitis:
A robust mixed-norm adaptive filter algorithm. 46-48 - Bijit Halder, Thomas Kailath:
Efficient estimation of closely spaced sinusoidal frequencies using subspace-based methods. 49-51 - Mati Wax, Jacob Sheinvald:
A least-squares approach to joint diagonalization. 52-53 - Alex B. Gershman, Johann F. Böhme:
Improved DOA estimation via pseudorandom resampling of spatial spectrum. 54-57 - Lars K. Hansen, Guanghan Xu:
A fast sequential source separation algorithm for digital cochannel signals. 58-61
Volume 4, Number 3, March 1997
- Seung Jun Lee, Choong Woong Lee:
Determination of Huffman parameters for memory-constrained entropy coding of multiple sources. 65-67 - Giovanni Ramponi, Cecilia Moloney:
Smoothing speckled images using an adaptive rational operator. 68-71 - Martin J. Russell, Wendy J. Holmes:
Linear trajectory segmental HMM's. 72-74 - Sungbin Im
, Edward J. Powers:
A block LMS algorithm for third-order frequency-domain Volterra filters. 75-78 - Chee Kiang Goh, Yong Ching Lim:
An efficient weighted Lp algorithm for the design of quadrature mirror filters. 79-81 - Koichi Ichige
, Masaru Kamada:
An approximation for discrete B-splines in time domain. 82-84 - Lang Tong, Hanks H. Zeng:
Channel surfing reinitialization for the constant modulus algorithm. 85-87
Volume 4, Number 4, April 1997
- Arun Kumar, Allen Gersho:
LD-CELP speech coding with nonlinear prediction. 89-91 - Levent M. Arslan
, John H. L. Hansen:
Speech enhancement for crosstalk interference. 92-95 - Brian F. Harrison, Donald W. Tufts, Richard J. Vaccaro:
Fast, approximate maximum a posteriori probability parameter estimation. 96-99 - Fang-Biau Ueng, Yu T. Su:
Adaptive VSS blind equalizers. 100-102 - Naofal Al-Dhahir:
Analytical performance evaluation of MMSE-DFE on twisted-pair lines. 103-105 - Helmut Bölcskei, Karlheinz Gröchenig, Franz Hlawatsch, Hans G. Feichtinger:
Oversampled Wilson expansions. 106-108 - Bill M. Radich, Kevin M. Buckley:
Single-snapshot DOA estimation and source number detection. 109-111 - Jean-François Cardoso
Infomax and maximum likelihood for blind source separation. 112-114 - James A. Heinen, Russell J. Niederjohn:
Comments on "Inversion of the VanderMonde matrix". 115
Volume 4, Number 5, May 1997
- S. Rasoul Safavian, Hamid R. Rabiee
, M. Fardanesh:
Projection pursuit image compression with variable block size segmentation. 117-120 - Mathieu Hans, Vasudev Bhaskaran:
A compliant MPEG-1 layer II audio decoder with 16-b arithmetic operations. 121-122 - Patrick J. Loughlin, Berkant Tacer:
Comments on the interpretation of instantaneous frequency. 123-125 - P. P. Vaidyanathan, Jamal Tuqan, Ahmet Kirac
On the minimum phase property of prediction-error polynomials. 126-127 - Emad K. Al-Hussaini, Yousry A. El-Far:
Decentralized nonparametric detectors. 128-131 - Christopher J. Zarowski:
An approach to initializing the wavelet packet transform. 132-134 - Karim Abed-Meraim, Yingbo Hua, Philippe Loubaton, Éric Moulines:
Subspace method for blind identification of multichannel FIR systems in noise field with unknown spatial covariance. 135-137 - Vellenki U. Reddy, Constantinos B. Papadias
, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
Blind identifiability of certain classes of multipath channels from second-order statistics using antenna arrays. 138-141 - Alle-Jan van der Veen
, Michaela C. Vanderveen, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
Joint angle and delay estimation using shift-invariance properties. 142-145 - Yeh-Chin Ho, Jong-Chuang Tsay:
Fully static processor-optimal assignment of data-flow graphs. 146-148
Volume 4, Number 6, June 1997
- Hamid Gharavi, Christopher I. Richards:
Partitioning of MPEG coded video bitstreams for wireless transmission. 153-155 - Michael G. Strintzis, Isaac Kokkinidis:
Maximum likelihood motion estimation in ultrasound image sequences. 156-157 - Steven Dewitte
, Jan Cornelis
Lossless integer wavelet transform. 158-160 - Vojin Senk, Vlado Delic
, V. S. Milosevic:
A new speech scrambling concept based on Hadamard matrices. 161-163 - Ruey-Ching Shyu, Jhing-Fa Wang, Jau-Yien Lee:
A vowel-driven Mandarin speech autodialer with adaptation ability. 164-166 - Jen-Tzung Chien
, Chin-Hui Lee, Hsiao-Chuan Wang:
A hybrid algorithm for speaker adaptation using MAP transformation and adaptation. 167-169 - Peter Heitkämper:
An adaptation control for acoustic echo cancellers. 170-172 - Mustafa K. Emresoy, Amro El-Jaroudi:
Evolutionary Burg spectral estimation. 173-175 - Syed Ismail Shah, Patrick J. Loughlin, Luis F. Chaparro, Amro El-Jaroudi:
Informative priors for minimum cross-entropy positive time-frequency distributions. 176-177 - Constantinos B. Papadias
, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
A constant modulus algorithm for multiuser signal separation in presence of delay spread using antenna arrays. 178-181 - Eric Moreau
, Jean-Christophe Pesquet:
Generalized contrasts for multichannel blind deconvolution of linear systems. 182-183 - Georgios B. Giannakis
Filterbanks for blind channel identification and equalization. 184-187
Volume 4, Number 7, July 1997
- P. Greg Sherwood, Kenneth Zeger:
Progressive image coding for noisy channels. 189-191 - Andrzej Tarczynski
Sensitivity of signal reconstruction. 192-194 - Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, Gene H. Golub, Ming Gu, Ali H. Sayed:
Parameter estimation in the presence of bounded modeling errors. 195-197 - Karl Gerlach, Michael J. Steiner, Freeman C. Lin:
Detection of a spatially distributed target in white noise. 198-200 - Ercan E. Kuruoglu
, Peter J. W. Rayner, William J. Fitzgerald:
Least Lp-norm estimation of autoregressive model coefficients of symmetric α-stable processes. 201-203 - Antoine Chevreuil, Philippe Loubaton:
Blind second-order identification of FIR channels: forced cyclostationarity and structured subspace method. 204-206 - Laura Rebollo-Neira
, Juan Fernandez-Rubio:
On wideband deconvolution using wavelet transforms. 207-209
Volume 4, Number 8, August 1997
- M. Nafi Gürcan
, Yasemin Yardimci, A. Enis Çetin
, Rashid Ansari:
Detection of microcalcifications in mammograms using higher order statistics. 213-216 - Hung-Ta Pai, Alan C. Bovik
Exact multichannel blind image restoration. 217-220 - Rukmini Iyer, Mari Ostendorf, Herbert Gish:
Using out-of-domain data to improve in-domain language models. 221-223 - Faouzi Kossentini, Yuen-Wen Lee:
Computation-constrained fast MPEG-2 encoding. 224-226 - Hong Man, Faouzi Kossentini, Mark J. T. Smith:
Robust EZW image coding for noisy channels. 227-229 - Gregory Robertson, R. Lynn Kirlin, W.-S. Lu:
A pseudoinverse update algorithm for rank-reduced covariance matrices from 2-D data. 230-231 - Alex B. Gershman, Johann F. Böhme:
A note on most favorable array geometries for DOA estimation and array interpolation. 232-235 - Tsung-Ming Lin, Majid Nayeri, John R. Deller Jr.:
Automatic bound estimation: a practical development in optimal bounding ellipsoid processing. 236-239 - G. Tong Zhou, Yang Wang
Exploring lag diversity in the high-order ambiguity function for polynomial phase signals. 240-242
Volume 4, Number 9, September 1997
- Timothy J. Klausutis, Vijay K. Madisetti:
Adaptive lapped transform-based image coding. 245-247 - Gian Luca Foresti, Carlo S. Regazzoni
A real-time model-based method for 3-D object orientation estimation in outdoor scenes. 248-251 - Davide Rocchesso
Maximally diffusive yet efficient feedback delay networks for artificial reverberation. 252-255 - Oguz Tanrikulu, Anthony G. Constantinides, Jonathon A. Chambers:
New normalized constant modulus algorithms with relaxation. 256-258 - Edward R. Beadle, Petar M. Djuric
Uniform random parameter generation of stable minimum-phase real ARMA (p, q) processes. 259-261 - Javier Ramos
, Michael D. Zoltowski, Hui Liu:
A low-complexity space-time RAKE receiver for DS-CDMA communications. 262-265 - Adel Belouchrani
, Moeness G. Amin
, Karim Abed-Meraim:
Direction finding in correlated noise fields based on joint block-diagonalization of spatio-temporal correlation matrices. 266-268 - Dimitris Sindoukas
, Nikolaos A. Laskaris
, Spiros Fotopoulos:
Algorithms for color image edge enhancement using potential functions. 269-272
Volume 4, Number 10, October 1997
- Ki Yong Lee, Byung-Gook Lee, Souguil Ann:
Adaptive filtering for speech enhancement in colored noise. 277-279 - Régine Le Bouquin-Jeannès
, Gérard Faucon:
How to reduce the noise influence in a joint system developed for echo and noise cancellation. 280-282 - Jun Huang, Yunxin Zhao:
Energy-constrained signal subspace method for speech enhancement and recognition. 283-285 - Scott C. Douglas
An efficient implementation of the modified filtered-X LMS algorithm. 286-288 - MoonSeo Park, David J. Miller:
Low-delay optimal MAP state estimation in HMM's with application to symbol decoding. 289-292 - Éric Chassande-Mottin, Ingrid Daubechies, François Auger, Patrick Flandrin:
Differential reassignment. 293-294 - Dong Wei, Brian L. Evans, Alan C. Bovik
Loss of perfect reconstruction in multidimensional filterbanks and wavelets designed via extended McClellan transformations. 295-297 - Helmut Bölcskei, Karlheinz Gröchenig, Franz Hlawatsch, Hans G. Feichtinger:
Corrections to "Oversampled Wilson expansions". 298
Volume 4, Number 11, November 1997
- Jian Zhang, Tian-Hu Yu:
A 4.2 kb/s low-delay speech coder with modified CELP. 301-303 - Olivier Siohan, Chin-Hui Lee:
Iterative noise and channel estimation under the stochastic matching algorithm framework. 304-306 - José Antonio Apolinário
, Paulo S. R. Diniz
A new fast QR algorithm based on a priori errors. 307-309 - Levent Onural
, Mehmet Fatih Erden, Haldun M. Özaktas:
Extensions to common Laplace and Fourier transforms. 310-312 - Brian L. Evans:
Designing commutative cascades of multidimensional upsamplers and downsamplers. 313-316 - Hong Ren Wu
, Michael Yuen:
A generalized block-edge impairment metric for video coding. 317-320
Volume 4, Number 12, December 1997
- SeongJoon Baek, Bumki Jeon, Koeng-Mo Sung:
A fast encoding algorithm for vector quantization. 325-327 - Chih-Shoung Huang, Yinyi Lin:
Hybrid block truncation coding. 328-330 - Yi Chu, Wen-Hsien Fang:
An efficient approach for the harmonic retrieval problem via Haar wavelet transform. 331-333 - Alberto Carini
, Giovanni L. Sicuranza
, V. John Mathews:
On the inversion of certain nonlinear systems. 334-336 - Stephen J. Elliott, Boaz Rafaely
Rapid frequency-domain adaptation of causal FIR filters. 337-339

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