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IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 36
Volume 36, Number 1, January 1987
- Kang G. Shin, Parameswaran Ramanathan:
Clock Synchronization of a Large Multiprocessor System in the Presence of Malicious Faults. 2-12 - John H. Zurawski, J. B. Gosling:
Design of a High-Speed Square Root Multiply and Divide Unit. 13-23 - Edward Ashford Lee, David G. Messerschmitt:
Static Scheduling of Synchronous Data Flow Programs for Digital Signal Processing. 24-35 - Richard J. Zaccone, Jesse L. Barlow:
Eliminating the Normalization Problem in Digit On-Line Arithmetic. 36-46 - G. Robert Redinbo:
Fault-Tolerant Decoders for Cyclic Error-Correcting Codes. 47-63 - Jik H. Chang, Oscar H. Ibarra, Michael A. Palis:
Parallel Parsing on a One-Way Array of Finite-State Machines. 64-75 - Mark A. Holliday, Mary K. Vernon:
Exact Performance Estimates for Multiprocessor Memory and Bus Interference. 76-85 - Eiji Fujiwara, Kohji Matsuoka:
A Self-Checking Generalized Prediction Checker and Its Use for Built-In Testing. 86-93 - John P. Robinson, Nirmal R. Saxena:
A Unified View of Test Compression Methods. 94-99
- Alan M. Schwartz, Michael C. Loui:
Dictionary Machines on Cube-Class Networks. 100-105 - Zhiyuan Li, Walid A. Abu-Sufah:
On Reducing Data Synchronization in Multiprocessed Loops. 105-109 - Lindsay Kleeman
, Antonio Cantoni:
On the Unavoidability of Metastable Behavior in Digital Systems. 109-112 - Howard C. Card, P. Glenn Gulak, Robert D. McLeod, Werner Pries:
(lambda, T) Complexity Measures for VLSI Computations in Constant Chip Area. 112-117 - Dianne P. O'Leary:
Systolic Arrays for Matrix Transpose and Other Reorderings. 117-122 - Ian F. Akyildiz:
Exact Product Form Solution for Queueing Networks with Blocking. 122-125
Volume 36, Number 2, February 1987
- Kang G. Shin, Ming-Syan Chen
Performance Analysis of Distributed Routing Strategies Free of Ping-Pong-Type Looping. 129-137 - Imrich Chlamtac, Ora Ganz:
Performance Models of Asynchronous Multitrunk HYPERchannel Networks. 138-146 - Hsieh S. Hou:
The Fast Hartley Transform Algorithm. 147-156 - Hung Chi Lai, Saburo Muroga:
Logic Networks with a Minimum Number of NOR(NAND) Gates for Parity Functions of n Variables. 157-166 - Patricia J. Eberlein:
On the Schur Decomposition of a Matrix for Parallel Computation. 167-174 - Lee D. Coraor, Paul T. Hulina, Orlando A. Morean:
A General Model for Memory-Based Finite-State Machines. 175-184 - Kostas N. Oikonomou:
Abstractions of Finite-State Machines Optimal with Respect to Single Undetectable Output Faults. 185-200 - Sudhakar M. Reddy, Dong Sam Ha:
A New Approach to the Design of Testable PLA's. 201-211
- Agnes Hui Chan:
Using Decision Trees to Derive the Complement of a Binary Function with Multiple-Valued Inputs. 212-214 - Mark G. Karpovsky:
Multilevel Logical Networks. 215-226 - Keijiro Nakamura:
Inverter-Minimum Networks. 226-230 - Roger W. Hockney:
Algorithmic Phase Diagrams. 231-233 - Harry A. G. Wijshoff, Jan van Leeuwen:
On Linear Skewing Schemes and d-Ordered Vectors. 233-239 - Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa:
On the Time-Bandwidth Proof in VLSI Complexity. 239-240 - Alan A. Bertossi, Maurizio A. Bonuccelli:
A VLSI Implementation of the Simplex Algorithm. 241-247 - Harold Fleisher, Morton Tavel, John Yeager:
A Computer Algorithm for Minimizing Reed-Muller Canonical Forms. 247-250 - Wenlong Zhang, Jack K. Wolf:
Rate 1/2 and 2/3 Majority Logic Decodable Binary Burst Error-Correcting Codes. 250-252 - Cary K. Chin, Edward J. McCluskey:
Test Length for Pseudorandom Testing. 252-256
Volume 36, Number 3, March 1987
- Gardiner S. Stiles, Dong-Lih Denq:
A Quantitative Comparison of the Performance of Three Discrete Distributed Associative Memory Models. 257-263 - Michael A. Schuette, John Paul Shen:
Processor Control Flow Monitoring Using Signatured Instruction Streams. 264-276 - Robert Brian Cutler, Saburo Muroga:
Derivation of Minimal Sums for Completely Specified Functions. 277-292 - David H. Bailey:
Vector Computer Memory Bank Contention. 293-298 - Louis G. Birta, Osman Abou-Rabia:
Parallel Block Predictor-Corrector Methods for ode's. 299-311 - David Hung-Chang Du, Lee-Chin Hsu Liu:
Heuristic Algorithms for Single Row Routing. 312-320 - Ying-Fung Wu, Peter Widmayer, Martine D. F. Schlag, C. K. Wong:
Rectilinear Shortest Paths and Minimum Spanning Trees in the Presence of Rectilinear Obstacles. 321-331 - Kenneth D. Wagner, Cary K. Chin, Edward J. McCluskey:
Pseudorandom Testing. 332-343 - Israel Koren, Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
Modeling the Effect of Redundancy on Yield and Performance of VLSI Systems. 344-355
- Yue-Sun Kuo:
Generating Essential Primes for a Boolean Function with Multiple-Valued Inputs. 356-359 - Albert G. Greenberg, Udi Manber:
A Probabilistic Pipeline Algorithm for K Selection on the Tree Machine. 359-362 - Björn Mossberg:
Vectorization of the Calculation of a Moving Sum. 362-365 - Pinaki Mazumder:
Evaluation of On-Chip Static Interconnection Networks. 365-369 - Robert P. Treuer, Vinod K. Agarwal, Hideo Fujiwara:
A New Built-In Self-Test Design for PLA's with High Fault Coverage and Low Overhead. 369-373 - Anton T. Dahbura, Krishan K. Sabnani, Linda L. King:
The Comparison Approach to Multiprocessor Fault Diagnosis. 373-378 - Che-Liang Yang, Gerald M. Masson:
A New Measure for Hybrid Fault Diagnosability. 378-383 - Frank K. Hwang:
Comments on "Reliable Loop Topologies for Large Local Computer Networks". 383-384
Volume 36, Number 4, April 1987
- Pen-Chung Yew
, Nian-Feng Tzeng, Duncan H. Lawrie:
Distributing Hot-Spot Addressing in Large-Scale Multiprocessors. 388-395 - Ronald P. Bianchini Jr., John Paul Shen:
Interprocessor Traffic Scheduling Algorithm for Multiple-Processor Networks. 396-409 - Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, Utpal Banerjee:
Processor Allocation for Horizontal and Vertical Parallelism and Related Speedup Bounds. 410-420 - Zarka Cvetanovic:
The Effects of Problem Partitioning, Allocation, and Granularity on the Performance of Multiple-Processor Systems. 421-432 - Soo-Young Lee, J. K. Aggarwal:
A Mapping Strategy for Parallel Processing. 433-442 - Maurice Herlihy:
Extending Multiversion Time-Stamping Protocols to Exploit Type Information. 443-448 - Richard A. Volz, Trevor N. Mudge:
Timing Issues in the Distributed Execution of Ada Programs. 449-459 - Kshitij A. Doshi, Peter J. Varman:
Optimal Graph Algorithms on a Fixed-Size Linear Array. 460-470 - Thomas J. LeBlanc, John M. Mellor-Crummey
Debugging Parallel Programs with Instant Replay. 471-482 - Ahmed E. Kamal:
Star Local Area Networks: A Performance Study. 483-499 - Dar-Tzen Peng, Kang G. Shin:
Modeling of Concurrent Task Execution in a Distributed System for Real-Time Control. 500-516
Volume 36, Number 5, May 1987
- Hemant Kanakia, Fouad A. Tobagi:
On Distributed Computations with Limited Resources. 517-528 - Ram Chillarege, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
Measurement-Based Analysis of Error Latency. 529-537 - Arun K. Somani, Vinod K. Agarwal, David Avis:
A Generalized Theory for System Level Diagnosis. 538-546 - William J. Dally, Charles L. Seitz:
Deadlock-Free Message Routing in Multiprocessor Interconnection Networks. 547-553 - Peter J. B. King, Isi Mitrani:
Modeling a Slotted Ring Local Area Network. 554-561 - Yaron I. Gold, William R. Franta:
A Scheduling-Function-Based Distributed Access Protocol that Uses CDM to Relay Control Information in a Network with Hidden Nodes. 562-569 - Marsha J. Berger, Shahid H. Bokhari
A Partitioning Strategy for Nonuniform Problems on Multiprocessors. 570-580 - V. Alan Norton, Allan J. Silberger:
Parallelization and Performance Analysis of the Cooley-Tukey FFT Algorithm for Shared-Memory Architectures. 581-591 - Jacob Savir, William H. McAnney, Salvatore R. Vecchio:
Fault Propagation Through Embedded Multiport Memories. 592-602 - Sun-Yuan Kung, Sheng-Chun Lo, Paul S. Lewis:
Optimal Systolic Design for the Transitive Closure and the Shortest Path Problems. 603-614
- Lamine Melkemi, Maurice Tchuenté:
Complexity of Matrix Product on a Class of Orthogonally Connectid Systolic Arrays. 615-619 - Abhijit Sengupta, Arunabha Sen, Subir Bandyopadhyay:
On an Optimally Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor Network Architecture. 619-623 - Frantisek Kremla:
General Criterion for Essential Nonfault Locatability of Logical Functions. 623-629 - Stanislaw J. Piestrak
Design of Fast Self-Testing Checkers for a Class of Berger Codes. 629-634 - Asish Mukhopadhyay:
A Solution to the Polynomial Hensel Code Conversion Problem. 634-637 - Chun-Fu Huang, Wen-Tsuen Chen:
Fault-Tolerant Single-Stage Interconnection Networks. 637-640 - Carla Neaderhouser Purdy, George B. Purdy:
Integer Division in Linear Time with Bounded Fan-In. 640-644
Volume 36, Number 6, June 1987
- Takanobu Baba, S. Bing Yao, Alan R. Hevner:
Design of a Functionally Distributed, Multiprocessor Database Machine Using Data Flow Analysis. 650-666 - Wesley W. Chu, Lance M.-T. Lan:
Task Allocation and Precedence Relations for Distributed Real-Time Systems. 667-679 - Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Jake K. Aggarwal:
A Characterization and Analysis of Parallel Processor Interconnection Networks. 680-691 - Theodore K. Apostolopoulos, Efstathios D. Sykas, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios:
Analysis of a New Retransmission Control Algorithm for Slotted CSMA/CD LAN's. 692-701 - Miguel Angel Fiol, J. Luis A. Yebra, Ignacio Alegre, Mateo Valero:
A Discrete Optimization Problem in Local Networks and Data Alignment. 702-713 - Veljko M. Milutinovic, Noé Lopez-Benitez, Kai Hwang:
A GaAs-Based Microprocessor Architecture for Real-Time Applications. 714-727 - Imrich Chlamtac, Shlomit S. Pinter:
Distributed Nodes Organization Algorithm for Channel Access in a Multihop Dynamic Radio Network. 728-737 - Ambuj Goyal, Asser N. Tantawi
Evaluation of Performability for Degradable Computer Systems. 738-744 - Wing K. Luk, Paolo Sipala, C. K. Wong:
Minimum-Area Wiring for Slicing Structures. 745-760
- Yu-cheng Liu, Chi-Jiunn Jou:
Effective Memory Bandwidth and Processor Blocking Probability in Multiple-Bus Systems. 761-764 - Jay J. Thomas, Sydney R. Parker:
Implementing Exact Calculations in Hardware. 764-768 - Kyungsook Y. Lee:
A New Benes Network Control Algorithm. 768-772
Volume 36, Number 7, July 1987
- Bezalel Gavish:
Optimization Models for Configuring Distributed Computer Systems. 773-793 - André Seznec:
A New Interconnection Network for SIMD Computers: The Sigma Network. 794-801 - A. Yavuz Oruç, M. Yaman Oruç:
Programming Cellular Permutation Networks Through Decomposition of Symmetric Groups. 802-809 - Ted H. Szymanski
, V. Carl Hamacher:
On the Permutation Capability of Multistage Interconnection Networks. 810-822 - Svetlana P. Kartashev, Steven I. Kartashev:
Analysis and Synthesis of Dynamic Multicomputer Networks that Reconfigure into Rings, Trees, and Stars. 823-844 - Daniel A. Reed, Loyce M. Adams, Merrell L. Patrick:
Stencils and Problem Partitionings: Their Influence on the Performance of Multiple Processor Systems. 845-858 - Philip G. Emma, Edward S. Davidson:
Characterization of Branch and Data Dependencies in Programs for Evaluating Pipeline Performance. 859-875 - Jung H. Kim, Winser E. Alexander:
A Multiprocessor Architecture for Two-Dimensional Digital Filters. 876-884
- Sheldon B. Akers Jr., Balakrishnan Krishnamurthy:
On Group Graphs and Their Fault Tolerance. 885-888 - Kunio Fukunaga, Shoichiro Yamada, Tamotsu Kasai:
Asignment of Job Modules onto Array Processors. 888-891 - Wu-Tung Cheng, Janak H. Patel:
A Minimum Test Set for Multiple Fault Detection in Ripple Carry Adders. 891-895 - Milos D. Ercegovac, Tomás Lang:
On-the-Fly Conversion of Redundant into Conventional Representations. 895-897
Volume 36, Number 8, August 1987
- Karsten Schwan, Prabha Gopinath, Win Bo:
CHAOS-Kernel Support for Objects in the Real-Time Domain. 904-916 - Michael F. Coulas, Glenn H. MacEwen, Genevieve Marquis:
RNet: A Hard Real-Time Distributed Programming System. 917-932 - Hermann Kopetz, Wilhelm Ochsenreiter:
Clock Synchronization in Distributed Real-Time Systems. 933-940 - Insup Lee, Susan B. Davidson:
Adding Time to Synchronous Process Communications. 941-948 - Wei Zhao
, Krithi Ramamritham, John A. Stankovic:
Preemptive Scheduling Under Time and Resource Constraints. 949-960 - Farnam Jahanian, Aloysius K. Mok:
A Graph-Theoretic Approach for Timing Analysis and its Implementation. 961-975 - Yann-Hang Lee, Philip S. Yu, Balakrishna R. Iyer:
Progressive Transaction Recovery in Distributed DB/DC Systems. 976-987
- Richard A. Volz, Trevor N. Mudge:
Instruction Level Timing Mechanisms for Accurate Real-Time Task Scheduling. 988-993 - James F. Kurose, Renu Chipalkatti:
Load Sharing in Soft Real-Time Distributed Computer Systems. 993-1000 - Frederic L. Swern, Salvatore J. Bavuso, Anna L. Martensen, Paul S. Miner:
The Effects of Latent Faults on Highly Reliable Computer Systems. 1000-1005
Volume 36, Number 9, September 1987
- Dan Gordon:
Efficient Embeddings of Binary Trees in VLSI Arrays. 1009-1018 - Michael Granski, Israel Koren, Gabriel M. Silberman:
The Effect of Operation Scheduling on the Performance of a Data Flow Computer. 1019-1029 - C. Mani Krishna, Kang G. Shin, Inderpal S. Bhandari:
Processor Tradeoffs in Distributed Real-Time Systems. 1030-1040 - Victor O. K. Li:
Performance Models of Timestamp-Ordering Concurrency Control Algorithms in Distributed Databases. 1041-1051 - Menachem Berg, Israel Koren:
On Switching Policies for Modular Redundancy Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems. 1052-1062 - Alan Jay Smith:
Line (Block) Size Choice for CPU Cache Memories. 1063-1075 - Hidenori Umeno, Shunji Tanaka:
New Methods for Realizing Plural Near-Native Performance Virtual Machines. 1076-1087 - Eberhard Lange:
Implementation and Test of the ACRITH Facility in a System/370. 1088-1096
- Micaela Serra, Jon C. Muzio:
Testing Programmable Logic Arrays by Sum of Syndromes. 1097-1101 - Rami G. Melhem
A Study of Data Interlock in Computational Networks for Sparse Matrix Multiplication. 1101-1107 - Mandyam M. Srinivasan:
Successively Improving Bounds on Performance Measures for Single Class Product Form Queueing Networks. 1107-1212 - Balakrishnan Krishnamurthy:
Constructing Test Cases for Partitioning Heuristics. 1112-1114 - Jan Gecsei, Eduard Cerny:
Self-Adjusting Networks for VLSI Simulation. 1114-1120 - Takashi Nanya, Toshiaki Kawamura:
A Note on Strongly Fault-Secure Sequential Circuits. 1121-1123 - Robert I. Damper, N. Burgess:
MOS Test Pattern Generation Using Path Algebras. 1123-1128 - Steven S. Liu, Q. C. Chow:
Performance Analysis of a Multiprocessor-Based Packet Switch in Networks with Link-Level Sliding-Window Flow Control. 1128-1132 - Seiichi Nishihara, Hiroji Nishino:
Binary Search Revisited: Another Advantage of Fibonacci Search. 1132-1135
Volume 36, Number 10, October 1987
- Adly T. Fam:
Optimal Partitioning and Redundancy Removal in Computing Partial Sums. 1137-1143 - Alain Guyot, Bertrand Hochet, Jean-Michel Muller:
A Way to Build Efficient Carry-Skip Adders. 1144-1152 - Clement T. Yu, Keh-Chang Guh, Weining Zhang, Marjorie Templeton, David Brill, Arbee L. P. Chen:
Algorithms to Process Distributed Queries in Fast Local Networks. 1153-1164 - Hirokazu Okano, Hideki Imai:
A Construction Method of High-Speed Decoders Using ROMS's for Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem and Reed-Solomon Codes. 1165-1171 - Matthew B. Lowrie, W. Kent Fuchs:
Reconfigurable Tree Architectures Using Subtree Oriented Fault Tolerance. 1172-1182 - Kathleen M. Nichols, David G. Messerschmitt:
Traffic-Specific Interconnection Networks for Multicomputers. 1183-1196 - Daniel Barbará, Hector Garcia-Molina:
The Reliability of Voting Mechanisms. 1197-1208 - Imrich Chlamtac, Shay Kutten:
Tree-Based Broadcasting in Multihop Radio Networks. 1209-1223 - Salim Hariri, Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
SYREL: A Symbolic Reliability Algorithm Based on Path and Cutset Methods. 1224-1232
- Behrooz Parhami:
On the Complexity of Table Lookup for Iterative Division. 1233-1236 - G. Robert Redinbo:
Finite Field Fault-Tolerant Digital Filtering Architectures. 1236-1242 - I-Chen Wu:
A Fast 1-D Serial-Parallel Systolic Multiplier. 1243-1247 - George Markowsky:
Bounding Signal Probabilities in Combinational Circuits. 1247-1251 - Daniel M. Chapiro:
Reliable High-Speed Arbitration and Synchronization. 1251-1255 - Hsuen-Chyun Shyu, Trieu-Kien Truong, Irving S. Reed:
A Complex Integer Multiplier Using the Quadratic-Polynomial Residue Number System with Numbers of Form 22n + 1. 1255-1258 - Baruch Awerbuch, Yossi Shiloach:
New Connectivity and MSF Algorithms for Shuffle-Exchange Network and PRAM. 1258-1263
Volume 36, Number 11, November 1987
- Izidor Gertner, Moshe Shamash:
VLSI Architectures for Multidimensional Fourier Transform Processing. 1265-1274 - Edmund H. Durfee
, Victor R. Lesser, Daniel D. Corkill:
Coherent Cooperation Among Communicating Problem Solvers. 1275-1291 - Stephen F. Lundstrom:
Applications Considerations in the System Design of Highly Concurrent Multiprocessors. 1292-1309 - Naofumi Takagi
, Shuzo Yajima:
On-Line Error-Detectable High-Speed Multiplier Using Redundant Binary Representation and Three-Rail Logic. 1310-1317 - Janusz A. Brzozowski, Carl-Johan H. Seger:
A Characterization of Ternary Simulation of Gate Networks. 1318-1327 - Kang G. Shin, Tein-Hsiang Lin, Yann-Hang Lee:
Optimal Checkpointing of Real-Time Tasks. 1328-1341 - Robert Michael Owens, Mary Jane Irwin:
The Arithmetic Cube. 1342-1348 - Bernard Chazelle, Herbert Edelsbrunner:
An Improved Algorithm for Constructing k th-Order Voronoi Diagrams. 1349-1354
- Dianne P. O'Leary, G. W. Stewart:
From Determinacy to Systaltic Arrays. 1355-1359 - Robert H. Deng
, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
Decoding of DBEC-TBED Reed-Solomon Codes. 1359-1363 - Hao-Yung Lo, Jau-Ling Chen:
A Hardwired Generalized Algorithm for Generating the Logarithm Base-k by Iteration. 1363-1367 - Selim G. Akl, Nicola Santoro
Optimal Parallel Merging and Sorting Without Memory Conflicts. 1367-1369 - Che-Liang Yang, Gerald M. Masson:
A Generalization of Hybrid Fault Diagnosability. 1369-1374 - R. Conterno, Riccardo Melen:
An Analytical Model for a Class of Processor-Memory Interconnection Networks. 1374-1378 - Seyed H. Hosseini, Jon G. Kuhl, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Distributed Fault-Tolerance of Tree Structures. 1378-1382 - Mohammad Ilyas
, Hussein T. Mouftah:
End-to-End Flow Control in Computer Networks with Noisy Channels and Quasi-Cut-Through Switching. 1382-1386 - Chwan-Chia Wu:
Time Redundant Fault-Location in Bit-Sliced ALU's. 1387-1389 - Takashi Nanya, Toshiaki Kawamura:
On Error Indication for Totally Self-Checking Systems. 1389-1392
Volume 36, Number 12, December 1987
- Ming-Syan Chen
, Kang G. Shin:
Processor Allocation in an N-Cube Multiprocessor Using Gray Codes. 1396-1407 - P. Sadayappan, Fikret Erçal:
Nearest-Neighbor Mapping of Finite Element Graphs onto Processor Meshes. 1408-1424 - Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, David J. Kuck:
Guided Self-Scheduling: A Practical Scheduling Scheme for Parallel Supercomputers. 1425-1439 - David T. Harper III, J. Robert Jump:
Vector Access Performance in Parallel Memories Using a Skewed Storage Scheme. 1440-1449 - Kai Hwang, Joydeep Ghosh:
Hypernet: A Communication-Efficient Architecture for Constructing Massively Parallel Computers. 1450-1466 - Stanley Y. W. Su, Arun K. Thakore:
Matrix Operations on a Multicomputer System with Switchabel Main Memory Modules and Dynamic Control. 1467-1484 - Samuel P. Midkiff
, David A. Padua:
Compiler Algorithms for Synchronization. 1485-1495 - Wen-mei W. Hwu, Yale N. Patt:
Checkpoint Repair for High-Performance Out-of-Order Execution Machines. 1496-1514 - Richard E. Buehrer, Kattamuri Ekanadham:
Incorporating Data Flow Ideas into von Neumann Processors for Parallel Execution. 1515-1522 - Marco Annaratone, Emmanuel A. Arnould, Thomas R. Gross, H. T. Kung, Monica Lam, Onat Menzilcioglu, Jon A. Webb:
The Warp Computer: Architecture, Implementation, and Performance. 1523-1538

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