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IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Volume 7
Volume 7, Number 1, January - March 2019
- Hui Lei:
TCC: State of the Transactions. 1-4 - Shichao Guan
, Robson Eduardo De Grande
, Azzedine Boukerche
A Multi-Layered Scheme for Distributed Simulations on the Cloud Environment. 5-18 - Márton Sipos
, Janus Heide, Daniel E. Lucani
, Morten Videbæk Pedersen, Frank H. P. Fitzek
, Hassan Charaf:
Adaptive Network Coded Clouds: High Speed Downloads and Cost-Effective Version Control. 19-33 - José Luis García-Dorado
, Sanjay G. Rao:
Cost-aware Multi Data-Center Bulk Transfers in the Cloud from a Customer-Side Perspective. 34-47 - Khalid Alhamazani, Rajiv Ranjan, Prem Prakash Jayaraman
, Karan Mitra
, Chang Liu, Fethi A. Rabhi, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos
, Lizhe Wang
Cross-Layer Multi-Cloud Real-Time Application QoS Monitoring and Benchmarking As-a-Service Framework. 48-61 - Thiago A. L. Genez
, Luiz F. Bittencourt, Nelson L. S. da Fonseca
, Edmundo R. M. Madeira
Estimation of the Available Bandwidth in Inter-Cloud Links for Task Scheduling in Hybrid Clouds. 62-74 - Reuven Cohen
, Gleb Polevoy
Inter-Datacenter Scheduling of Large Data Flows. 75-88 - Subarna Chatterjee, Sudip Misra
, Samee U. Khan
Optimal Data Center Scheduling for Quality of Service Management in Sensor-Cloud. 89-101 - Snigdha Das
, Manas Khatua, Sudip Misra
, Mohammad S. Obaidat:
Quality-Assured Secured Load Sharing in Mobile Cloud Networking Environment. 102-115 - Jason Min Wang, Ying Wang, Xiangming Dai, Brahim Bensaou:
SDN-Based Multi-Class QoS Guarantee in Inter-Data Center Communications. 116-128 - S. M. Shahrear Tanzil
, Omid Namvar Gharehshiran, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
A Distributed Coalition Game Approach to Femto-Cloud Formation. 129-140 - Anwesha Mukherjee
, Debashis De
, Deepsubhra Guha Roy:
A Power and Latency Aware Cloudlet Selection Strategy for Multi-Cloudlet Environment. 141-154 - Tingshan Huang, Nagarajan Kandasamy
, Harish Sethu
, Matthew C. Stamm
An Efficient Strategy for Online Performance Monitoring of Datacenters via Adaptive Sampling. 155-169 - Blesson Varghese
, Ozgur Akgun
, Ian Miguel
, Long Thai, Adam Barker:
Cloud Benchmarking for Maximising Performance of Scientific Applications. 170-182 - Kyle Chard
, Kris Bubendorfer
Co-Operative Resource Allocation: Building an Open Cloud Market Using Shared Infrastructure. 183-195 - Mohammad Shojafar
, Nicola Cordeschi
, Enzo Baccarelli
Energy-Efficient Adaptive Resource Management for Real-Time Vehicular Cloud Services. 196-209 - Giuseppe Piro
, Marica Amadeo
, Gennaro Boggia, Claudia Campolo
, Luigi Alfredo Grieco
, Antonella Molinaro, Giuseppe Ruggeri:
Gazing into the Crystal Ball: When the Future Internet Meets the Mobile Clouds. 210-223 - Johnu George, Chien-An Chen, Radu Stoleru
, Geoffrey G. Xie:
Hadoop MapReduce for Mobile Clouds. 224-236 - Salah-Eddine Benbrahim
, Alejandro Quintero
, Martine Bellaïche:
Live Placement of Interdependent Virtual Machines to Optimize Cloud Service Profits and Penalties on SLAs. 237-249 - Meikang Qiu, Wenyun Dai, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Loop Parallelism Maximization for Multimedia Data Processing in Mobile Vehicular Clouds. 250-258 - Antonio Corradi
, Marco Destro, Luca Foschini
, Spyros Kotoulas, Vanessa López
, Rebecca Montanari
Mobile Cloud Support for Semantic-Enriched Speech Recognition in Social Care. 259-272 - Qi Chen
, Jinyu Yao, Benchao Li, Zhen Xiao:
PISCES: Optimizing Multi-Job Application Execution in MapReduce. 273-286 - Haleh Khojasteh, Jelena V. Misic
, Vojislav B. Misic
Prioritization of Overflow Tasks to Improve Performance of Mobile Cloud. 287-297
Volume 7, Number 2, April - June 2019
- Chuan Heng Foh, Satish Narayana Srirama, Jinsong Wu
, Burak Kantarci, Periklis Chatzimisios
, Elhadj Benkhelifa:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Mobile Cloud Computing. 298-300 - S. Eman Mahmoodi
, R. N. Uma, K. P. Subbalakshmi
Optimal Joint Scheduling and Cloud Offloading for Mobile Applications. 301-313 - Hanine Tout, Chamseddine Talhi, Nadjia Kara, Azzam Mourad
Selective Mobile Cloud Offloading to Augment Multi-Persona Performance and Viability. 314-328 - Niroshinie Fernando
, Seng W. Loke, Wenny Rahayu:
Computing with Nearby Mobile Devices: A Work Sharing Algorithm for Mobile Edge-Clouds. 329-343 - Dezhong Yao
, Chen Yu, Laurence T. Yang
, Hai Jin
Using Crowdsourcing to Provide QoS for Mobile Cloud Computing. 344-356 - Gangyong Jia, Guangjie Han
, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues
, Jaime Lloret
, Wei Li:
Coordinate Memory Deduplication and Partition for Improving Performance in Cloud Computing. 357-368 - Tarik Taleb
, Adlen Ksentini, Pantelis A. Frangoudis
Follow-Me Cloud: When Cloud Services Follow Mobile Users. 369-382 - Yuanpeng Xie, Hong Wen
, Bin Wu, Yixin Jiang, Jiaxiao Meng:
A Modified Hierarchical Attribute-Based Encryption Access Control Method for Mobile Cloud Computing. 383-391 - Athina Bourdena
, Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis
, George Mastorakis
, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues
, Ciprian Dobre
Using Socio-Spatial Context in Mobile Cloud Process Offloading for Energy Conservation in Wireless Devices. 392-402 - Anwer Al-Dulaimi
, Saba Al-Rubaye
, Qiang Ni
Energy Efficiency Using Cloud Management of LTE Networks Employing Fronthaul and Virtualized Baseband Processing Pool. 403-414 - Wenlong Shen, Bo Yin
, Xianghui Cao
, Yu Cheng
, Xuemin Shen
A Distributed Secure Outsourcing Scheme for Solving Linear Algebraic Equations in Ad Hoc Clouds. 415-430 - Jingjie Jiang
, Shiyao Ma
, Bo Li, Baochun Li
Adia: Achieving High Link Utilization with Coflow-Aware Scheduling in Data Center Networks. 431-441 - Kwang Mong Sim
Agent-Based Approaches for Intelligent Intercloud Resource Allocation. 442-455 - Joseph Emeras
, Sébastien Varrette
, Valentin Plugaru
, Pascal Bouvry
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) versus In-House HPC Platform: A Cost Analysis. 456-468 - Snigdha Das
, Manas Khatua, Sudip Misra
Cheating-Resilient Bandwidth Distribution in Mobile Cloud Computing. 469-482 - Wenxin Li
, Keqiu Li, Deke Guo
, Geyong Min
, Heng Qi
, Jianhui Zhang:
Cost-Minimizing Bandwidth Guarantee for Inter-Datacenter Traffic. 483-494 - Yu Xiang
, Vaneet Aggarwal
, Yih-Farn Robin Chen, Tian Lan:
Differentiated Latency in Data Center Networks with Erasure Coded Files Through Traffic Engineering. 495-508 - Joseph Doyle
, Vasileios Giotsas
, Mohammad Ashraful Anam, Yiannis Andreopoulos
Dithen: A Computation-as-a-Service Cloud Platform for Large-Scale Multimedia Processing. 509-523 - Fahimeh Farahnakian
, Tapio Pahikkala
, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila, Nguyen Trung Hieu
, Hannu Tenhunen
Energy-Aware VM Consolidation in Cloud Data Centers Using Utilization Prediction Model. 524-536 - Ying Chen
, Jiwei Huang
, Chuang Lin
, Xuemin Shen
Multi-Objective Service Composition with QoS Dependencies. 537-552 - Jiaqiang Liu, Shaoran Xiao, Yong Li
, Haoyu Song
, Depeng Jin, Li Su:
NetWatch: End-to-End Network Performance Measurement as a Service for Cloud. 553-567 - Jiawei Yuan
, Yifan Tian:
Practical Privacy-Preserving MapReduce Based K-Means Clustering Over Large-Scale Dataset. 568-579 - Peng Zhang
, Yueming Liu, Meikang Qiu:
SNC: A Cloud Service Platform for Symbolic-Numeric Computation Using Just-In-Time Compilation. 580-592
Volume 7, Number 3, July - September 2019
- Yonghua Xiong
, Suzhen Huang, Min Wu
, Jinhua She
, Keyuan Jiang:
A Johnson's-Rule-Based Genetic Algorithm for Two-Stage-Task Scheduling Problem in Data-Centers of Cloud Computing. 597-610 - Thomas J. Hacker
, Rui Pais, Chunming Rong
A Markov Random Field Based Approach for Analyzing Supercomputer System Logs. 611-624 - Subhasis Thakur
, John G. Breslin
A Robust Reputation Management Mechanism in the Federated Cloud. 625-637 - Zijian Zhang
, Mianxiong Dong
, Liehuang Zhu
, Zhitao Guan, Ruoyu Chen
, Rixin Xu
, Kaoru Ota
Achieving Privacy-Friendly Storage and Secure Statistics for Smart Meter Data on Outsourced Clouds. 638-649 - Claudia Canali
, Riccardo Lancellotti
AGATE: Adaptive Gray Area-Based TEchnique to Cluster Virtual Machines with Similar Behavior. 650-663 - Xiang Sun
, Nirwan Ansari
Adaptive Avatar Handoff in the Cloudlet Network. 664-676 - Claus Pahl
, Antonio Brogi
, Jacopo Soldani
, Pooyan Jamshidi
Cloud Container Technologies: A State-of-the-Art Review. 677-692 - Xiwei Qiu, Yuanshun Dai, Yanping Xiang
, Liudong Xing
Correlation Modeling and Resource Optimization for Cloud Service With Fault Recovery. 693-704 - Yaser Mansouri
, Adel Nadjaran Toosi
, Rajkumar Buyya
Cost Optimization for Dynamic Replication and Migration of Data in Cloud Data Centers. 705-718 - Moussa Ehsan
, Karthiek Chandrasekaran, Yao Chen, Radu Sion
Cost-Efficient Tasks and Data Co-Scheduling with AffordHadoop. 719-732 - Yuanxiong Guo
, Miao Pan
, Yanmin Gong
, Yuguang Fang
Dynamic Multi-Tenant Coordination for Sustainable Colocation Data Centers. 733-743 - Fan Zhang, Majd F. Sakr, Kai Hwang, Samee U. Khan
Empirical Discovery of Power-Law Distribution in MapReduce Scalability. 744-755 - Richard G. Clegg
, Raul Landa, David Griffin
, Miguel Rio, Peter Hughes, Ian Kegel, Tim Stevens, Peter R. Pietzuch, Doug Williams:
Faces in the Clouds: Long-Duration, Multi-User, Cloud-Assisted Video Conferencing. 756-769 - Seyed Morteza Nabavinejad
, Maziar Goudarzi
Faster MapReduce Computation on Clouds Through Better Performance Estimation. 770-783 - Bernardo Ferreira
, João Rodrigues, João Leitão
, Henrique João L. Domingos
Practical Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Retrieval in Cloud Image Repositories. 784-798 - Shunrong Jiang
, Xiaoyan Zhu, Linke Guo
, Jianqing Liu:
Publicly Verifiable Boolean Query Over Outsourced Encrypted Data. 799-813 - Zhicheng Cai, Xiaoping Li
, Rubén Ruiz
Resource Provisioning for Task-Batch Based Workflows with Deadlines in Public Clouds. 814-826 - Mohamed Nassar
, Qutaibah M. Malluhi
, Mikhail J. Atallah, Abdullatif Shikfa
Securing Aggregate Queries for DNA Databases. 827-837 - Ghassan O. Karame
, Claudio Soriente
, Krzysztof Lichota, Srdjan Capkun:
Securing Cloud Data Under Key Exposure. 838-849 - Hassan Artail
, Mazen A. R. Saghir, Mageda Sharafeddine
, Hazem M. Hajj
, Abdulrahman Kaitoua
, Raghid Morcel, Haitham Akkary:
Speedy Cloud: Cloud Computing with Support for Hardware Acceleration Services. 850-865 - Feng Luo, Chunxiao Jiang
, Shui Yu
, Jingjing Wang
, Yipeng Li
, Yong Ren
Stability of Cloud-Based UAV Systems Supporting Big Data Acquisition and Processing. 866-877 - Debadatta Mishra
, Purushottam Kulkarni, Raju Rangaswami
Synergy: A Hypervisor Managed Holistic Caching System. 878-892 - Zhengjun Cao
, Lihua Liu
, Olivier Markowitch:
Comment on "Highly Efficient Linear Regression Outsourcing to a Cloud". 893
Volume 7, Number 4, October - December 2019
- Sara Ayoubi, Samir Sebbah, Chadi Assi
A Logic-Based Benders Decomposition Approach for the VNF Assignment Problem. 894-906 - Parinaz Haratian
, Faramarz Safi-Esfahani
, Leili Salimian, Akbar Nabiollahi:
An Adaptive and Fuzzy Resource Management Approach in Cloud Computing. 907-920 - Yinjin Fu
, Nong Xiao, Hong Jiang
, Guyu Hu, Weiwei Chen:
Application-Aware Big Data Deduplication in Cloud Environment. 921-934 - Ahmed S. Kaseb
, Anup Mohan
, Youngsol Koh, Yung-Hsiang Lu
Cloud Resource Management for Analyzing Big Real-Time Visual Data from Network Cameras. 935-948 - Harisankar Haridas
, Sriram Kailasam
, Janakiram Dharanipragada:
Cloudy Knapsack Algorithm for Offloading Tasks from Large Scale Distributed Applications. 949-963 - Nuo Yu
, Zhaohui Song, Hongwei Du
, Hejiao Huang, Xiaohua Jia
Dynamic Resource Provisioning for Energy Efficient Cloud Radio Access Networks. 964-974 - Muhammad Usman
, Xiangjian He
, Kin-Man Lam, Min Xu
, Syed Mohsin Matloob Bokhari, Jinjun Chen, Mian Ahmad Jan
Error Concealment for Cloud-Based and Scalable Video Coding of HD Videos. 975-987 - Ayesha M. Talha
, Ibrahim Kamel, Zaher Al Aghbari
Facilitating Secure and Efficient Spatial Query Processing on the Cloud. 988-1001 - Hoi Ting Poon
, Ali Miri:
Fast Phrase Search for Encrypted Cloud Storage. 1002-1012 - Jun Zhou
, Yan Zhang, Weng-Fai Wong
Fault Tolerant Stencil Computation on Cloud-Based GPU Spot Instances. 1013-1024 - Xi Zhang
, Qixuan Zhu
Game-Theory Based Power and Spectrum Virtualization for Optimizing Spectrum Efficiency in Mobile Cloud-Computing Wireless Networks. 1025-1038 - Ehsan Ataie
, Reza Entezari-Maleki
, Leila Rashidi
, Kishor S. Trivedi, Danilo Ardagna
, Ali Movaghar
Hierarchical Stochastic Models for Performance, Availability, and Power Consumption Analysis of IaaS Clouds. 1039-1056 - Xiaotie Deng
, Tao Xiao, Keyu Zhu
Learn to Play Maximum Revenue Auction. 1057-1067 - Kyle M. Tarplee
, Anthony A. Maciejewski
, Howard Jay Siegel:
Robust Performance-Based Resource Provisioning Using a Steady-State Model for Multi-Objective Stochastic Programming. 1068-1081 - Huawei Huang
, Song Guo
, Jinsong Wu
, Jie Li
Service Chaining for Hybrid Network Function. 1082-1094 - Mehiar Dabbagh
, Bechir Hamdaoui
, Ammar Rayes, Mohsen Guizani
Shaving Data Center Power Demand Peaks Through Energy Storage and Workload Shifting Control. 1095-1108 - Gagangeet Singh Aujla
, Mukesh Singh, Neeraj Kumar
, Albert Y. Zomaya
Stackelberg Game for Energy-Aware Resource Allocation to Sustain Data Centers Using RES. 1109-1123 - Haikun Liu
, Bingsheng He
, Xiaofei Liao
, Hai Jin
Towards Declarative and Data-Centric Virtual Machine Image Management in IaaS Clouds. 1124-1138 - Soham Das
, Sartaj Sahni:
Two-Aggregator Topology Optimization Using Multiple Paths in Data Center Networks. 1139-1151 - Ashiq Anjum
, Tariq Abdullah
, M. Fahim Tariq, Yusuf Baltaci, Nick Antonopoulos:
Video Stream Analysis in Clouds: An Object Detection and Classification Framework for High Performance Video Analytics. 1152-1167 - Huandong Wang
, Yong Li
, Ying Zhang, Depeng Jin:
Virtual Machine Migration Planning in Software-Defined Networks. 1168-1182 - Jian Li
, Shuai Xue, Wang Zhang, Ruhui Ma
, Zhengwei Qi
, Haibing Guan:
When I/O Interrupt Becomes System Bottleneck: Efficiency and Scalability Enhancement for SR-IOV Network Virtualization. 1183-1196

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