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IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Volume 25
Volume 25, Number 1, February 2017
- Dongrui Wu
, Brent J. Lance, Vernon J. Lawhern:
Guest Editorial for the Special Section on Brain Computer Interface (BCI). 1-2 - Yizhang Jiang, Zhaohong Deng, Fu-Lai Chung
, Guanjin Wang
, Pengjiang Qian
, Kup-Sze Choi
, Shitong Wang:
Recognition of Epileptic EEG Signals Using a Novel Multiview TSK Fuzzy System. 3-20 - Shang-Lin Wu
, Yu-Ting Liu, Tsung-Yu Hsieh, Yang-Yin Lin, Chih-Yu Chen, Chun-Hsiang Chuang
, Chin-Teng Lin
Fuzzy Integral With Particle Swarm Optimization for a Motor-Imagery-Based Brain-Computer Interface. 21-28 - Pawel Andrzej Herman, Girijesh Prasad
, Thomas Martin McGinnity
Designing an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System for Handling Uncertainty Effects in Brain-Computer Interface Classification of Motor Imagery Induced EEG Patterns. 29-42 - Luis A. Torres-Salomao, Mahdi Mahfouf, Emad El-Samahy
, Ching-Hua Ting:
Psychophysiologically Based Real-Time Adaptive General Type 2 Fuzzy Modeling and Self-Organizing Control of Operator's Performance Undertaking a Cognitive Task. 43-57 - Shiyuan Qiu, Zhijun Li
, Wei He, Longbin Zhang, Chenguang Yang
, Chun-Yi Su:
Brain-Machine Interface and Visual Compressive Sensing-Based Teleoperation Control of an Exoskeleton Robot. 58-69 - Yuqiang Luo, Zidong Wang
, Guoliang Wei, Fuad E. Alsaadi:
Robust ℋ∞ Filtering for a Class of Two-Dimensional Uncertain Fuzzy Systems With Randomly Occurring Mixed Delays. 70-83 - Gholamreza Hesamian, Mohammad Ghasem Akbari
Nonparametric Kernel Estimation Based on Fuzzy Random Variables. 84-99 - Sebastia Massanet
, Joan Torrens:
Characterization of Fuzzy Implication Functions With a Continuous Natural Negation Satisfying the Law of Importation With a Fixed t-Norm. 100-113 - Om Prakash Verma
, Anil Singh Parihar:
An Optimal Fuzzy System for Edge Detection in Color Images Using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm. 114-127 - Myeong-Jin Park, Oh-Min Kwon
Stability and Stabilization of Discrete-Time T-S Fuzzy Systems With Time-Varying Delay via Cauchy-Schwartz-Based Summation Inequality. 128-140 - Guanyu Lai, Zhi Liu, Yun Zhang, C. L. Philip Chen
, Shengli Xie:
Adaptive Inversion-Based Fuzzy Compensation Control of Uncertain Pure-Feedback Systems With Asymmetric Actuator Backlash. 141-155 - Yanjun Zhang
, Gang Tao, Mou Chen, Liyan Wen:
Parameterization and Adaptive Control of Multivariable Noncanonical T-S Fuzzy Systems. 156-171 - Yanbing Mao
, Hongbin Zhang, Ziang Zhang:
Finite-Time Stabilization of Discrete-Time Switched Nonlinear Systems Without Stable Subsystems via Optimal Switching Signal Design. 172-180 - Chang-E Ren, Long Chen
, C. L. Philip Chen
Adaptive Fuzzy Leader-Following Consensus Control for Stochastic Multiagent Systems with Heterogeneous Nonlinear Dynamics. 181-190 - Guanyu Lai, Zhi Liu, Yun Zhang, C. L. Philip Chen
, Shengli Xie, Yanjun Liu
Fuzzy Adaptive Inverse Compensation Method to Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With Generalized Actuator Dead Zone. 191-204 - Bo Xiao, Hak-Keung Lam
, Hongyi Li:
Stabilization of Interval Type-2 Polynomial-Fuzzy-Model-Based Control Systems. 205-217 - Ali Ahmadian
, Soheil Salahshour
, Chee Seng Chan
Fractional Differential Systems: A Fuzzy Solution Based on Operational Matrix of Shifted Chebyshev Polynomials and Its Applications. 218-236 - Abdul Suleman
Assessing a Fuzzy Extension of Rand Index and Related Measures. 237-244
Volume 25, Number 2, April 2017
- Antoaneta Serguieva, Hisao Ishibuchi
, Ronald R. Yager, Vasile Palade:
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Fuzzy Techniques in Financial Modeling and Simulation. 245-248 - Michela Antonelli
, Dario Bernardo, Hani Hagras
, Francesco Marcelloni:
Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization of Type-2 Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems for Financial Data Classification. 249-264 - Manish Aggarwal:
Rough Information Set and Its Applications in Decision Making. 265-276 - Li-Xin Wang:
Modeling Stock Price Dynamics With Fuzzy Opinion Networks. 277-301 - Leandro Maciel
, Rosangela Ballini
, Fernando A. C. Gomide:
Evolving Possibilistic Fuzzy Modeling for Realized Volatility Forecasting With Jumps. 302-314 - Abdul Malek Yaakob
, Antoaneta Serguieva, Alexander E. Gegov:
FN-TOPSIS: Fuzzy Networks for Ranking Traded Equities. 315-332 - Jean-Marc Le Caillec
, Alya Itani, Didier Guériot
, Yves Rakotondratsimba:
Stock Picking by Probability-Possibility Approaches. 333-349 - Sigifredo Laengle
, Gino Loyola, José M. Merigó
Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection With the Ordered Weighted Average. 350-362 - Shuming Wang
, Bo Wang, Junzo Watada:
Adaptive Budget-Portfolio Investment Optimization Under Risk Tolerance Ambiguity. 363-376 - G. A. Vijayalakshmi Pai
Fuzzy Decision Theory Based Metaheuristic Portfolio Optimization and Active Rebalancing Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets. 377-391 - Silvia Muzzioli
, Bernard De Baets:
Fuzzy Approaches to Option Price Modeling. 392-401 - Piotr Nowak
, Michal Pawlowski:
Option Pricing With Application of Levy Processes and the Minimal Variance Equivalent Martingale Measure Under Uncertainty. 402-416 - Junfei Zhang
, Shoumei Li:
Quanto European Option Pricing With Ambiguous Return Rates and Volatilities. 417-424 - Preetinder Kaur, Madhu Lata Goyal
, Jie Lu:
A Comparison of Bidding Strategies for Online Auctions Using Fuzzy Reasoning and Negotiation Decision Functions. 425-438 - Xinxin Xu
, Ziqiang Zeng
, Jiuping Xu, Mengxiang Zhang:
Fuzzy Dynamical System Scenario Simulation-Based Cross-Border Financial Contagion Analysis: A Perspective From International Capital Flows. 439-459 - Chien-Feng Wu
, Bor-Sen Chen
, Weihai Zhang:
Multiobjective Investment Policy for a Nonlinear Stochastic Financial System: A Fuzzy Approach. 460-474 - Songtao Zhang, Xue Li, Chunyang Zhang:
A Fuzzy Control Model for Restraint of Bullwhip Effect in Uncertain Closed-Loop Supply Chain With Hybrid Recycling Channels. 475-482
Volume 25, Number 3, June 2017
- Amrit Das
, Uttam Kumar Bera
, Manoranjan Maiti:
A Profit Maximizing Solid Transportation Model Under a Rough Interval Approach. 485-498 - Krzysztof Wiktorowicz
Design of State Feedback Adaptive Fuzzy Controllers for Second-Order Systems Using a Frequency Stability Criterion. 499-510 - Hyun Duck Choi
, Choon Ki Ahn
, Peng Shi
, Ligang Wu
, Myo Taeg Lim:
Dynamic Output-Feedback Dissipative Control for T-S Fuzzy Systems With Time-Varying Input Delay and Output Constraints. 511-526 - Lei Liu, Zhanshan Wang
, Zhanjun Huang, Huaguang Zhang:
Adaptive Predefined Performance Control for MIMO Systems With Unknown Direction via Generalized Fuzzy Hyperbolic Model. 527-542 - Shing-Chung Ngan
Revisiting Fuzzy Set and Fuzzy Arithmetic Operators and Constructing New Operators in the Land of Probabilistic Linguistic Computing. 543-555 - Ci Chen, Zhi Liu, Yun Zhang, C. L. Philip Chen
, Shengli Xie:
Asymptotic Fuzzy Tracking Control for a Class of Stochastic Strict-Feedback Systems. 556-568 - Yanling Wei
, Jianbin Qiu, Hak-Keung Lam
, Ligang Wu
Approaches to T-S Fuzzy-Affine-Model-Based Reliable Output Feedback Control for Nonlinear Itô Stochastic Systems. 569-583 - Zhi Zeng
, Jianyuan Jia, Dalin Yu, Yilong Chen, Zhaofei Zhu:
Pixel Modeling Using Histograms Based on Fuzzy Partitions for Dynamic Background Subtraction. 584-593 - Kit Yan Chan
, Ulrich Engelke:
Varying Spread Fuzzy Regression for Affective Quality Estimation. 594-613 - Guixiang Wang, Yun Li:
Ranking of Multidimensional Uncertain Information Based on Metrics on the Fuzzy Ellipsoid Number Space. 614-626 - Jörg Verstraete
The Spatial Disaggregation Problem: Simulating Reasoning Using a Fuzzy Inference System. 627-641 - Hongyi Li
, Lijie Wang, Haiping Du, Abdesselem Boulkroune
Adaptive Fuzzy Backstepping Tracking Control for Strict-Feedback Systems With Input Delay. 642-652 - Baocang Ding
, Hongguang Pan:
Dynamic Output Feedback-Predictive Control of a Takagi-Sugeno Model With Bounded Disturbance. 653-667 - Yongming Li
, Shaocheng Tong:
Command-Filtered-Based Fuzzy Adaptive Control Design for MIMO-Switched Nonstrict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems. 668-681 - Hussam Hamrawi, Simon Coupland, Robert I. John:
Type-2 Fuzzy Alpha-Cuts. 682-692 - Li-Xin Wang
A New Look at Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems. 693-706 - Anh-Tu Nguyen
, Michio Sugeno, Víctor Costa da Silva Campos
, Michel Dambrine
LMI-Based Stability Analysis for Piecewise Multi-affine Systems. 707-714 - Bing-Kun Xie, Shie-Jue Lee
An Extended Type-Reduction Method for General Type-2 Fuzzy Sets. 715-724 - Jerry M. Mendel
, Dongrui Wu
Critique of "A New Look at Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems". 725-727
Volume 25, Number 4, August 2017
- Liang Qiao, Qingling Zhang
, Guofeng Zhang:
Admissibility Analysis and Control Synthesis for T-S Fuzzy Descriptor Systems. 729-740 - Changzhong Wang
, Yali Qi, Mingwen Shao, Qinghua Hu, Degang Chen, Yuhua Qian, Yaojin Lin:
A Fitting Model for Feature Selection With Fuzzy Rough Sets. 741-753 - Ruben Robles
, Antonio Sala, Miguel Bernal
, Temoatzin González
Subspace-Based Takagi-Sugeno Modeling for Improved LMI Performance. 754-767 - Ronald R. Yager, Naif Alajlan
Maxitive Belief Structures and Imprecise Possibility Distributions. 768-774 - Radian Furqon, Ying-Jen Chen, Motoyasu Tanaka, Kazuo Tanaka
, Hua O. Wang:
An SOS-Based Control Lyapunov Function Design for Polynomial Fuzzy Control of Nonlinear Systems. 775-787 - Gholamreza Hesamian:
Measuring Similarity and Ordering Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Numbers. 788-798 - Dan Hu
, Xianchuan Yu, Jiayin Wang:
Statistical Inference in Rough Set Theory Based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness-of-Fit Test. 799-812 - Hongyi Li, Ziran Chen, Ligang Wu
, Hak-Keung Lam
Event-Triggered Control for Nonlinear Systems Under Unreliable Communication Links. 813-824 - Yanyan Yang
, Degang Chen, Hui Wang
Active Sample Selection Based Incremental Algorithm for Attribute Reduction With Rough Sets. 825-838 - Longzhi Yang
, Fei Chao, Qiang Shen
Generalized Adaptive Fuzzy Rule Interpolation. 839-853 - Weilin Deng, Daowen Qiu
State-Based Decentralized Diagnosis of Bi-Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems. 854-867 - Martin Pelikan
, Hana Stiková, Ivan Vrana
Detection of Resource Overload in Conditions of Project Ambiguity. 868-877 - Zhiguang Feng, Wei Xing Zheng, Ligang Wu
Reachable Set Estimation of T-S Fuzzy Systems With Time-Varying Delay. 878-891 - Dalibor Krleza
, Kresimir Fertalj
Graph Matching Using Hierarchical Fuzzy Graph Neural Networks. 892-904 - Tzu-Sung Wu, Mansour A. Karkoub, Huiwei Wang, Ho-Sheng Chen, Ti-Hung Chen:
Robust Tracking Control of MIMO Underactuated Nonlinear Systems With Dead-Zone Band and Delayed Uncertainty Using an Adaptive Fuzzy Control. 905-918 - Alberto Pérez García-Plaza
, Víctor Fresno-Fernández
, Raquel Martínez-Unanue, Arkaitz Zubiaga
Using Fuzzy Logic to Leverage HTML Markup for Web Page Representation. 919-933 - Vedika Agrawal
, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi, P. M. V. Subbarao:
Intelligent Decision Support System for Detection and Root Cause Analysis of Faults in Coal Mills. 934-944 - Zhiming Zhang, Witold Pedrycz
Models of Mathematical Programming for Intuitionistic Multiplicative Preference Relations. 945-957 - Xiaomiao Li, Hak-Keung Lam
, Fucai Liu, Xudong Zhao
Stability and Stabilization Analysis of Positive Polynomial Fuzzy Systems With Time Delay Considering Piecewise Membership Functions. 958-971 - Haiyu Pan, Yongming Li
, Yongzhi Cao, Dechao Li:
Reachability in Fuzzy Game Graphs. 972-984 - Sy-Ming Guu, Yan-Kuen Wu
A Linear Programming Approach for Minimizing a Linear Function Subject to Fuzzy Relational Inequalities With Addition-Min Composition. 985-992 - Laura De Miguel, Hélida Salles Santos
, Mikel Sesma-Sara
, Benjamín R. C. Bedregal
, Aranzazu Jurio
, Humberto Bustince, Hani Hagras
Type-2 Fuzzy Entropy Sets. 993-1005 - Yue Deng, Zhiquan Ren, Youyong Kong, Feng Bao
, Qionghai Dai:
A Hierarchical Fused Fuzzy Deep Neural Network for Data Classification. 1006-1012 - Yang Lei
, James C. Bezdek, Jeffrey Chan
, Xuan Vinh Nguyen, Simone Romano, James Bailey:
Extending Information-Theoretic Validity Indices for Fuzzy Clustering. 1013-1018
Volume 25, Number 5, October 2017
- Piero P. Bonissone, Enrique H. Ruspini:
Lotfi A. Zadeh In Memoriam. 1021-1022 - Qian Lei, Zeshui Xu
A Unification of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Calculus Theories Based on Subtraction Derivatives and Division Derivatives. 1023-1040 - Huaguang Zhang
, Yang Cui, Yingchun Wang:
Hybrid Fuzzy Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With Unmeasured States. 1041-1050 - Ali Chibani
, Mohammed Chadli
, Peng Shi
, Naceur Benhadj Braiek:
Fuzzy Fault Detection Filter Design for T-S Fuzzy Systems in the Finite-Frequency Domain. 1051-1061 - Xudong Zhao
, Haijiao Yang
, Weiguo Xia, Xinyong Wang:
Adaptive Fuzzy Hierarchical Sliding-Mode Control for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems With Input Saturation. 1062-1077 - Juan Antonio Morente-Molinera
, József Mezei, Christer Carlsson, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
Improving Supervised Learning Classification Methods Using Multigranular Linguistic Modeling and Fuzzy Entropy. 1078-1089 - Wenhui Liu
, Cheng-Chew Lim
, Peng Shi
, Shengyuan Xu:
Backstepping Fuzzy Adaptive Control for a Class of Quantized Nonlinear Systems. 1090-1101 - Emmanuel Ramasso
Inference and Learning in Evidential Discrete Latent Markov Models. 1102-1114 - Xiubin Zhu, Witold Pedrycz, Zhiwu Li
Granular Encoders and Decoders: A Study in Processing Information Granules. 1115-1126 - Xiao-Peng Yang
Optimal-Vector-Based Algorithm for Solving Min-Max Programming Subject to Addition-Min Fuzzy Relation Inequality. 1127-1140 - Jianglin Lan
, Ron J. Patton:
Integrated Design of Fault-Tolerant Control for Nonlinear Systems Based on Fault Estimation and T-S Fuzzy Modeling. 1141-1154 - Yang Liu, Fen Wu
, Xiaojun Ban:
Dynamic Output Feedback Control for Continuous-Time T-S Fuzzy Systems Using Fuzzy Lyapunov Functions. 1155-1167 - Sevda Atpinar, Zarife Zararsiz
, Mehmet Sengönül:
The Entropy Value for ECG of the Sport Horses. 1168-1174 - Mahardhika Pratama
, Jie Lu
, Edwin Lughofer, Guangquan Zhang, Meng Joo Er:
An Incremental Learning of Concept Drifts Using Evolving Type-2 Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Networks. 1175-1192 - Mojtaba Ahmadieh Khanesar
, Alireza Jalalian Khakshour, Okyay Kaynak, Huijun Gao:
Improving the Speed of Center of Sets Type Reduction in Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems by Eliminating the Need for Sorting. 1193-1206 - Ta Zhou, Fu-Lai Chung
, Shitong Wang
Deep TSK Fuzzy Classifier With Stacked Generalization and Triplely Concise Interpretability Guarantee for Large Data. 1207-1221 - Ronald R. Yager
Generalized Orthopair Fuzzy Sets. 1222-1230 - Byeong Seok Ahn
A New Approach to Solve the Constrained OWA Aggregation Problem. 1231-1238 - Jian-Ping Mei
, Yangtao Wang, Lihui Chen
, Chunyan Miao
Large Scale Document Categorization With Fuzzy Clustering. 1239-1251 - Ci Chen, Zhi Liu
, Kan Xie, Yanjun Liu, Yun Zhang, C. L. Philip Chen
Adaptive Fuzzy Asymptotic Control of MIMO Systems With Unknown Input Coefficients Via a Robust Nussbaum Gain-Based Approach. 1252-1263 - Jesús Chamorro-Martínez
, José Manuel Soto-Hidalgo
, Pedro Manuel Martínez-Jiménez
, Daniel Sánchez
Fuzzy Color Spaces: A Conceptual Approach to Color Vision. 1264-1280 - Xiangpeng Xie
, Dong Yue, Chen Peng:
Multi-Instant Observer Design of Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems: A Ranking-Based Switching Approach. 1281-1292 - Shuang Feng, Huai-Ning Wu
Hybrid Robust Boundary and Fuzzy Control for Disturbance Attenuation of Nonlinear Coupled ODE-Beam Systems With Application to a Flexible Spacecraft. 1293-1305 - Pan Su, Changjing Shang
, Tianhua Chen
, Qiang Shen
Exploiting Data Reliability and Fuzzy Clustering for Journal Ranking. 1306-1319 - Sheng-Juan Huang
, Guang-Hong Yang
Input-Output Based Fault Estimation for T-S Fuzzy Systems With Local Nonlinear Parts. 1320-1328 - Wei Huang
, Sung-Kwun Oh
, Witold Pedrycz:
Fuzzy Wavelet Polynomial Neural Networks: Analysis and Design. 1329-1341 - Xingchen Hu, Witold Pedrycz
, Xianmin Wang:
Granular Fuzzy Rule-Based Models: A Study in a Comprehensive Evaluation and Construction of Fuzzy Models. 1342-1355 - Eduard Bartl
, Pavel Procházka:
Do We Need Minimal Solutions of Fuzzy Relational Equations in Advance? 1356-1363 - Chaoshun Li
, Jianzhong Zhou, Li Chang, Zhengjun Huang, Yongchuan Zhang:
T-S Fuzzy Model Identification Based on a Novel Hyperplane-Shaped Membership Function. 1364-1370
Volume 25, Number 6, December 2017
- Jie Lu, Francisco Herrera, Guangquan Zhang:
Guest Editorial Special Section on Fuzzy Systems in Data Science. 1373-1375 - Jesús Alcalá-Fdez, Rafael Alcalá
, Sergio González, Yusuke Nojima
, Salvador García
Evolutionary Fuzzy Rule-Based Methods for Monotonic Classification. 1376-1390 - Han-Xiong Li
, Yan Wang, Geng Zhang:
Probabilistic Fuzzy Classification for Stochastic Data. 1391-1402 - Anthony J. Pinar
, Joseph Rice, Lequn Hu, Derek T. Anderson
, Timothy C. Havens
Efficient Multiple Kernel Classification Using Feature and Decision Level Fusion. 1403-1416 - Cátia M. Salgado
, Joaquim L. Viegas
, Carlos S. Azevedo, Marta C. Ferreira, Susana M. Vieira
, João Miguel da Costa Sousa
Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Modeling Using Mixed Fuzzy Clustering. 1417-1429 - Junjie Wu, Zhiang Wu
, Jie Cao
, Hongfu Liu
, Guoqing Chen, Yanchun Zhang:
Fuzzy Consensus Clustering With Applications on Big Data. 1430-1445 - Rahul Kumar Sevakula
, Nishchal K. Verma:
Compounding General Purpose Membership Functions for Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Under Noisy Environment. 1446-1459 - Ran Wang
, Xi-Zhao Wang
, Sam Kwong
, Chen Xu:
Incorporating Diversity and Informativeness in Multiple-Instance Active Learning. 1460-1475 - Shigang Liu
, Jun Zhang
, Yang Xiang
, Wanlei Zhou
Fuzzy-Based Information Decomposition for Incomplete and Imbalanced Data Learning. 1476-1490 - Yaojin Lin, Qinghua Hu
, Jinghua Liu
, Jinjin Li
, Xindong Wu:
Streaming Feature Selection for Multilabel Learning Based on Fuzzy Mutual Information. 1491-1507 - Ramiro Saltos
, Richard Weber
, Sebastián Maldonado:
Dynamic Rough-Fuzzy Support Vector Clustering. 1508-1521 - Dongrui Wu
, Vernon J. Lawhern, Stephen M. Gordon, Brent J. Lance, Chin-Teng Lin
Driver Drowsiness Estimation From EEG Signals Using Online Weighted Adaptation Regularization for Regression (OwARR). 1522-1535 - Ye Tian
, Miao Sun, Zhibin Deng, Jian Luo, Yueqing Li
A New Fuzzy Set and Nonkernel SVM Approach for Mislabeled Binary Classification With Applications. 1536-1545 - Kai Wu
, Jing Liu
Learning Large-Scale Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Based on Compressed Sensing and Application in Reconstructing Gene Regulatory Networks. 1546-1560 - Yu-Jun Zheng
, Sheng-Yong Chen, Yu Xue, Jin-Yun Xue:
A Pythagorean-Type Fuzzy Deep Denoising Autoencoder for Industrial Accident Early Warning. 1561-1575 - Xiao-Heng Chang
, Ju H. Park
, Peng Shi
Fuzzy Resilient Energy-to-Peak Filtering for Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems. 1576-1588 - Rafik A. Aliev, Witold Pedrycz
, Oleg H. Huseynov
, Serife Zihni Eyupoglu:
Approximate Reasoning on a Basis of Z-Number-Valued If-Then Rules. 1589-1600 - Jorge Cervantes, Wen Yu
, Sergio Salazar, Isaac Chairez
Takagi-Sugeno Dynamic Neuro-Fuzzy Controller of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems. 1601-1615 - Shanling Dong, Hongye Su
, Peng Shi
, Renquan Lu, Zheng-Guang Wu:
Filtering for Discrete-Time Switched Fuzzy Systems With Quantization. 1616-1628 - Zhixiong Zhong
, Rong-Jong Wai
, Zhenhua Shao, Min Xu:
Reachable Set Estimation and Decentralized Controller Design for Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems With Time-Varying Delay and Input Constraint. 1629-1643 - LeSheng Jin
Vector t-Norms With Applications. 1644-1654 - Xiaoqing Gu
, Fu-Lai Chung
, Shitong Wang
Bayesian Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Classifier. 1655-1671 - Yueying Wang
, Yuanqing Xia, Pingfang Zhou
Fuzzy-Model-Based Sampled-Data Control of Chaotic Systems: A Fuzzy Time-Dependent Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional Approach. 1672-1684 - Decui Liang
, Zeshui Xu
, Dun Liu
A New Aggregation Method-Based Error Analysis for Decision-Theoretic Rough Sets and Its Application in Hesitant Fuzzy Information Systems. 1685-1697 - Christophe Billiet
, Nico Van de Weghe
, Jeroen Deploige, Guy De Tré
Visualizing and Reasoning With Imperfect Time Intervals in 2-D. 1698-1713 - Vera Jandova, Jana Krejcí
, Jan Stoklasa
, Michele Fedrizzi
Computing Interval Weights for Incomplete Pairwise-Comparison Matrices of Large Dimension - A Weak-Consistency-Based Approach. 1714-1728 - Xiuye Wang, Han Zhao, Qinqin Sun
, Ye-Hwa Chen
Regulating Constraint Obedience for Fuzzy Mechanical Systems Based on β-Measure and a General Lyapunov Function. 1729-1740 - Zhenghai Ai
, Zeshui Xu
, Qian Lei:
Fundamental Properties With Respect to the Completeness of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Partially Ordered Set. 1741-1751 - Zhiguang Feng
, Peng Shi
Admissibilization of Singular Interval-Valued Fuzzy Systems. 1765-1776 - Cátia M. Salgado
, Marta C. Ferreira, Susana M. Vieira
Mixed Fuzzy Clustering for Misaligned Time Series. 1777-1794 - Hua Zuo
, Guangquan Zhang, Witold Pedrycz
, Vahid Behbood, Jie Lu
Fuzzy Regression Transfer Learning in Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models. 1795-1807 - Yanling Wei
, Jianbin Qiu, Hak-Keung Lam
A Novel Approach to Reliable Output Feedback Control of Fuzzy-Affine Systems With Time Delays and Sensor Faults. 1808-1823 - Yue Li
, Lu Liu
, Gang Feng
Finite-Time Stabilization of a Class of T-S Fuzzy Systems. 1824-1829 - Xiang Yin
A Belief-Evolution-Based Approach for Online Control of Fuzzy Discrete-Event Systems Under Partial Observation. 1830-1836

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