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IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 39
Volume 39, Number 1, January 2001
- David Hounam, Karl-Hans Wägel:
A technique for the identification and localization of SAR targets using encoding transponders. 3-7 - Alessandro Ferretti
, Claudio Maria Prati, Fabio Rocca
Permanent scatterers in SAR interferometry. 8-20 - Michael Dowd, Paris W. Vachon, Fred W. Dobson, Richard B. Olsen:
Ocean wave extraction from RADARSAT synthetic aperture radar inter-look image cross-spectra. 21-37 - Johannes Schulz-Stellenfleth, Susanne Lehner:
Ocean wave imaging using an airborne single pass across-track interferometric SAR. 38-45 - Paul Runkle, Lam H. Nguyen, James H. McClellan, Lawrence Carin
Multi-aspect target detection for SAR imagery using hidden Markov models. 46-55 - Lloyd S. Riggs, Jon E. Mooney, Daniel E. Lawrence:
Identification of metallic mine-like objects using low frequency magnetic fields. 56-66 - Fabrizio Cuccoli
, Luca Facheris
, Dino Giuli, Simone Tanelli:
A feasibility study for active remote sensing of atmospheric carbon monoxide based on differential absorption of infrared radiation along vertical paths. 67-74 - Frank Silvio Marzano, Peter Bauer:
Sensitivity analysis of airborne microwave retrieval of stratiform precipitation to the melting layer parameterization. 75-91 - David P. Duda, James D. Spinhirne, Edwin W. Eloranta:
Atmospheric multiple scattering effects on GLAS altimetry. I. Calculations of single pulse bias. 92-101 - Toshiaki Kozu, Toneo Kawanishi, Hiroshi Kuroiwa, Masahiro Kojima, Koki Oikawa, Hiroshi Kumagai, Ken'ichi Okamoto, Minoru Okumura, Hirotaka Nakatsuka, Katsuhiko Nishikawa:
Development of precipitation radar onboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite. 102-116 - Boris Z. Petrenko:
The beamfilling algorithm for retrieval of hydrometeor profile parameters from passive microwave measurements. 117-124 - John O. Curtis:
Moisture effects on the dielectric properties of soils. 125-128 - Yuei-An Liou
, Kun-Shan Chen, Tzong-Dar Wu:
Reanalysis of L-band brightness predicted by the LSP/R model-for prairie grassland: incorporation of rough surface scattering. 129-135 - Adnan Sahin, Eric L. Miller
Object detection using high resolution near-field array processing. 136-141 - Manuel Martín-Neira, Marco Caparrini, Joan Font-Rosselló
, Stephane Lannelongue, Circe Serra-Vallmitjana:
The PARIS concept: an experimental demonstration of sea surface altimetry using GPS reflected signals. 142-150 - Thomas J. Jackson:
Multiple resolution analysis of L-band brightness temperature for soil moisture. 151-164 - Giorgio Boni
, Fabio Castelli
, Dara Entekhabi:
Sampling strategies and assimilation of ground temperature for the estimation of surface energy balance components. 165-172 - Josef Cihlar, I. Tcherednichenko, Rasim Latifovic, Z. Li, Jing Chen:
Impact of variable atmospheric water vapor content on AVHRR data corrections over land. 173-180 - Jinhuan Qiu:
An improved model of surface BRDF-atmospheric coupled radiation. 181-187 - Iain H. Woodhouse:
The ratio of the arithmetic to the geometric mean: a cross-entropy interpretation. 188-189 - Gabor Vali, Samuel Haimov:
Observed extinction by clouds at 95 GHz. 190-193 - Ignasi Corbella
, Albin J. Gasiewski, Marian Klein, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier:
Compensation of elevation angle variations in polarimetric brightness temperature measurements from airborne microwave radiometers. 193-195 - Roger Fjørtoft, Armand Lopes:
Estimation of the mean radar reflectivity from a finite number of correlated samples. 196-199 - David M. Le Vine, Calvin T. Swift, Michael Haken:
Development of the synthetic aperture microwave radiometer, ESTAR. 199-202 - Curt H. Davis, Diana M. Segura:
An algorithm for time series analysis of ice sheet surface elevations from satellite altimetry. 202-206 - Xiuwen Liu, Ke Chen
, DeLiang Wang:
Extraction of hydrographic regions from remote sensing images using an oscillator network with weight adaptation. 207-211 - Gum-Sil Kang, Yong-Hoon Kim:
New sampling method for the improvement of the image reconstruction algorithm for the rotating object. 211-214
Volume 39, Number 2, February 2001
- Hoonyol Lee
, Jian Guo Liu:
Analysis of topographic decorrelation in SAR interferometry using ratio coherence imagery. 223-232 - Pu-Huai Chen, Ian J. Dowman:
A weighted least squares solution for space intersection of spaceborne stereo SAR data. 233-240 - Oleg Panferov, Yuri Knyazikhin, Ranga B. Myneni
, Jörg Szarzynski, Stefan Engwald, Karl G. Schnitzler, Gode Gravenhorst:
The role of canopy structure in the spectral variation of transmission and absorption of solar radiation in vegetation canopies. 241-253 - Alexei I. Lyapustin
Three-dimensional effects in the remote sensing of surface albedo. 254-263 - Shunlin Liang:
An optimization algorithm for separating land surface temperature and emissivity from multispectral thermal infrared imagery. 264-274 - Lorraine Remer, Andrew E. Wald, Yoram J. Kaufman:
Angular and seasonal variation of spectral surface reflectance ratios: implications for the remote sensing of aerosol over land. 275-283 - James E. Fowler, Daniel N. Fox:
Embedded wavelet-based coding of three-dimensional oceanographic images with land masses. 284-290 - David S. Early, David G. Long
Image reconstruction and enhanced resolution imaging from irregular samples. 291-302 - Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Sankar K. Pal:
Pixel classification using variable string genetic algorithms with chromosome differentiation. 303-308 - Martino Pesaresi
, Jón Atli Benediktsson
A new approach for the morphological segmentation of high-resolution satellite imagery. 309-320 - Yunhan Dong, Anthony K. Milne, Bruce C. Forster:
Segmentation and classification of vegetated areas using polarimetric SAR image data. 321-329 - Jian Yang
, Yoshio Yamaguchi
, Hiroyoshi Yamada, Wolfgang-Martin Boerner, Harold Mott, Yingning Peng:
Development of target null theory. 330-338 - Tie Jun Cui, Weng Cho Chew, Alaeddin A. Aydiner, Siyuan Chen:
Inverse scattering of two-dimensional dielectric objects buried in a lossy earth using the distorted Born iterative method. 339-346 - Qing Huo Liu
, Zhong Qing Zhang, Xue Min Xu:
The hybrid extended Born approximation and CG-FFT method for electromagnetic induction problems. 347-355 - Kevin O'Neill:
Discrimination of UXO in soil using broadband polarimetric GPR backscatter. 356-367 - Joel T. Johnson:
Thermal emission from a layered medium bounded by a slightly rough interface. 368-378 - Christophe Bourlier, Gérard Berginc, Joseph Saillard:
Theoretical study on two-dimensional Gaussian rough sea surface emission and reflection in the infrared frequencies with shadowing effect. 379-392 - Tim J. Hewison
Airborne measurements of forest and agricultural land surface emissivity at millimeter wavelengths. 393-400 - Stephen J. Frasier
, Adriano Camps:
Dual-beam interferometry for ocean surface current vector mapping. 401-414 - Frank Wentz, Peter Ashcroft, Chelle L. Gentemann
Post-launch calibration of the TRMM microwave imager. 415-422 - Douglas E. Alsdorf, Laurence C. Smith, John Melack:
Amazon floodplain water level changes measured with interferometric SIR-C radar. 423-431 - Dorothy K. Hall, James L. Foster, Vincent V. Salomonson, Andrew G. Klein
, J. Y. L. Chien:
Development of a technique to assess snow-cover mapping errors from space. 432-438 - Alejandro Flores, Jordi Vilà-Guerau de Arellano
, Lubomir Gradinarsky, Antonio Rius
Tomography of the lower troposphere using a small dense network of GPS receivers. 439-447 - Min Zhang, Joel T. Johnson:
Comparison of modeled and measured second azimuthal harmonics of ocean surface brightness temperatures. 448-452 - Mansor Nakhkash, Yi Huang
, Waleed Al-Nuaimy
, M. T. C. Fang:
An improved calibration technique for free-space measurement of complex permittivity. 453-455 - Lorenzo Bruzzone
, Diego Fernández-Prieto:
Unsupervised retraining of a maximum likelihood classifier for the analysis of multitemporal remote sensing images. 456-460 - Tie Jun Cui, Weng Cho Chew:
Correction to: "Novel diffraction tomographic algorithm for imaging two-dimensional targets buried under a lossy earth". 461
Volume 39, Number 3, March 2001
- Yi Xu, Ram M. Narayanan, Xiaojian Xu, John O. Curtis:
Polarimetric processing of coherent random noise radar data for buried object detection. 467-478 - Andrea Monti Guarnieri
, Pietro Guccione:
Optimal "focusing" for low resolution ScanSAR. 479-491 - Christian M. Senet, Jörg Seemann, Friedwart Ziemer:
The near-surface current velocity determined from image sequences of the sea surface. 492-505 - Didier Massonnet:
Capabilities and limitations of the interferometric cartwheel. 506-520 - Euisun Choi, Chulhee Lee:
Optimizing feature extraction for multiclass problems. 521-528 - Daniel C. Heinz, Chein-I Chang:
Fully constrained least squares linear spectral mixture analysis method for material quantification in hyperspectral imagery. 529-545 - Zhaohui Zeng, Ian G. Cumming:
SAR image data compression using a tree-structured wavelet transform. 546-552 - Geoffrey G. Hazel:
Object-level change detection in spectral imagery. 553-561 - Maria Petrou, Peixin Hou, Sei-ichiro Kamata, Craig Ian Underwood:
Region-based image coding with multiple algorithms. 562-570 - Thierry Castel
, André Beaudoin, Nicolas Floury, Thuy Le Toan, Yves Caraglio, Jean François Barczi:
Deriving forest canopy parameters for backscatter models using the AMAP architectural plant model. 571-583 - Dirk H. Hoekman, Chris Varekamp:
Observation of tropical rain forest trees by airborne high-resolution interferometric radar. 584-594 - James R. Wang, Paul Racette, Michael Triesky:
Retrieval of precipitable water vapor by the millimeter-wave imaging radiometer in the arctic region during FIRE-ACE. 595-605 - Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Albin J. Gasiewski:
High-resolution passive polarimetric microwave mapping of ocean surface wind vector fields. 606-622 - Yong Du, Josef Cihlar, Jean Beaubien, Rasim Latifovic:
Radiometric normalization, compositing, and quality control for satellite high resolution image mosaics over large areas. 623-634 - Curtis H. Davis, Radian G. Belu, Gang Feng:
Elevation change measurement of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, 1978 to 1988, from satellite radar altimetry. 635-644 - Fabrizio Cuccoli
, Luca Facheris
, Simone Tanelli, Dino Giuli:
Microwave attenuation measurements in satellite-ground links: the potential of spectral analysis for water vapor profiles retrieval. 645-654 - Nicola Bienati, Umberto Spagnolini:
Multidimensional wavefront estimation from differential delays. 655-664 - Anyong Qing, Ching Kwang Lee, Lang Jen:
Electromagnetic inverse scattering of two-dimensional perfectly conducting objects by real-coded genetic algorithm. 665-676 - Kusiel S. Shifrin:
An algorithm for determining the radiance reflected from the rough sea surface using MODIS-N satellite radiometer data. 677-681 - Hideyuki Tonooka
An atmospheric correction algorithm for thermal infrared multispectral data over land-a water-vapor scaling method. 682-692 - Jonathan Cheung-Wai Chan, Chengquan Huang
, Ruth S. DeFries:
Enhanced algorithm performance for land cover classification from remotely sensed data using bagging and boosting. 693-695 - Hongping Liu, V. Chandrasekar, Eugenio Gorgucci:
Detection of rain/no rain condition on the ground based on radar observations. 696-699
Volume 39, Number 4, April 2001
- I. J. Won, Dean A. Keiswetter, Thomas H. Bell:
Electromagnetic induction spectroscopy for clearing landmines. 703-709 - Zhong Qing Zhang, Qing Huo Liu
The hybrid extended born approximation and CG-FFHT method for axisymmetric media. 710-717 - M. Y. Xia, Chi Hou Chan
, Shu-Qing Li, Jin-Lin Hu, Leung Tsang:
Wavelet-based simulations of electromagnetic scattering from large-scale two-dimensional perfectly conducting random rough surfaces. 718-725 - Siyuan Chen, Weng Cho Chew, Jiming Song, Jun-Sheng Zhao:
Analysis of low frequency scattering from penetrable scatterers. 726-735 - Giuseppe Nunnari
, Libero Bertucco, Fabrizio Ferrucci:
A neural approach to the integrated inversion of geophysical data of different types. 736-748 - Stefano Valle, Luigi Zanzi
, Mauro Sgheiz, Giuseppe Lenzi, Johan Friborg:
Ground penetrating radar antennas: theoretical and experimental directivity functions. 749-759 - Chein-I Chang, Hsuan Ren, Shao-Shan Chiang:
Real-time processing algorithms for target detection and classification in hyperspectral imagery. 760-768 - Stephen E. Reichenbach, Jing Li:
Restoration and reconstruction from overlapping images for multi-image fusion. 769-780 - Andrew J. Tatem, Hugh G. Lewis
, Peter M. Atkinson
, Mark S. Nixon
Super-resolution target identification from remotely sensed images using a Hopfield neural network. 781-796 - Sean J. Hart, Ronald E. Shaffer, Susan L. Rose-Pehrsson, Jim R. McDonald:
Using physics-based modeler outputs to train probabilistic neural networks for unexploded ordnance (UXO) classification in magnetometry surveys. 797-804 - Charles K. Gatebe, Michael D. King
, Si-Chee Tsay, Q. Ji, G. Thomas Arnold, Jason Y. Li:
Sensitivity of off-nadir zenith angles to correlation between visible and near-infrared reflectance for use in remote sensing of aerosol over land. 805-819 - Jarkko Koskinen
, Jouni Pulliainen
, Juha Hyyppä
, Marcus E. Engdahl, Martti T. Hallikainen:
The seasonal behavior of interferometric coherence in boreal forest. 820-829 - Guifu Zhang, Jothiram Vivekanandan
, Edward Brandes:
A method for estimating rain rate and drop size distribution from polarimetric radar measurements. 830-841 - Johan J. Mohr, Søren Nørvang Madsen:
Geometric calibration of ERS satellite SAR images. 842-850 - Yunhan Dong, Anthony K. Milne, Bruce C. Forster:
Toward edge sharpening: a SAR speckle filtering algorithm. 851-863 - Roger D. De Roo
, Yang Du, Fawwaz T. Ulaby, M. Craig Dobson:
A semi-empirical backscattering model at L-band and C-band for a soybean canopy with soil moisture inversion. 864-872 - Giovanni Macelloni
, Simonetta Paloscia
, Paolo Pampaloni, Filippo Marliani, Marco Gai:
The relationship between the backscattering coefficient and the biomass of narrow and broad leaf crops. 873-884 - Janette Aschenwald
, Karin Leichter, Erich Tasser
, Ulrike Tappeiner
Spatio-temporal landscape analysis in mountainous terrain by means of small format photography: a methodological approach. 885-893 - Samira Tadros Bishay, Osama M. Abo-Seida, Ghada M. Sami:
Transient electromagnetic field of a vertical magnetic dipole on a two-layer conducting Earth. 894-897 - Guy Serbin
, Dani Or, Dan G. Blumberg
Thermodielectric effects on radar backscattering from wet soil. 897-901
Volume 39, Number 5, May 2001
- Brian J. Anderson, Lawrence J. Zanetti, David H. Lohr, John R. Hayes, Mario H. Acuna, Christopher T. Russell, T. Mulligan:
In-flight calibration of the NEAR magnetometer. 907-917 - Theodore L. Beach
, Paul M. Kintner:
Development and use of a GPS ionospheric scintillation monitor. 918-928 - Carlton J. Leuschen, Richard G. Plumb:
A matched-filter-based reverse-time migration algorithm for ground-penetrating radar data. 929-936 - I-I Lin
, Werner Alpers, Victor Khoo, Hock Lim, Tian Kuay Lim, Dayalan Kasilingam:
An ERS-1 synthetic aperture radar image of a tropical squall line compared with weather radar data. 937-945 - Frank H. Wong, Tat Soon Yeo
New applications of nonlinear chirp scaling in SAR data processing. 946-953 - Tat Soon Yeo
, Ngee Leng Tan, Cheng Bo Zhang, Yihui Lu:
A new subaperture approach to high squint SAR processing. 954-968 - Juha Hyyppä
, Olavi Kelle, Mikko Lehikoinen, Mikko Inkinen:
A segmentation-based method to retrieve stem volume estimates from 3-D tree height models produced by laser scanners. 969-975 - Takahiro Yamamoto, Hiroshi Hanaizumi, Shinji Chino:
A change detection method for remotely sensed multispectral and multitemporal images using 3-D segmentation. 976-985 - Jinwook Go, Gunhee Han, Hagbae Kim, Chulhee Lee:
Multigradient: a new neural network learning algorithm for pattern classification. 986-993 - Andrea Baraldi, Elisabetta Binaghi, Palma Blonda, Pietro Alessandro Brivio
, Anna Rampini
Comparison of the multilayer perceptron with neuro-fuzzy techniques in the estimation of cover class mixture in remotely sensed data. 994-1005 - Adrian K. Fung, Cinzia Zuffada, Chin-Yuan Hsieh:
Incoherent bistatic scattering from the sea surface at L-band. 1006-1012 - Kimmo Kalervo Kärkkäinen, Ari Henrik Sihvola, Keijo I. Nikoskinen:
Analysis of a three-dimensional dielectric mixture with finite difference method. 1013-1018 - Jianjun Guo, Leung Tsang, William E. Asher, Kung-Hau Ding, Chi-Te Chen:
Applications of dense media radiative transfer theory for passive microwave remote sensing of foam covered ocean. 1019-1027 - Bin Hu, Weng Cho Chew:
Fast inhomogeneous plane wave algorithm for scattering from objects above the multilayered medium. 1028-1038 - William J. Wilson, Simon H. Yueh, Steve J. Dinardo, Seth L. Chazanoff, Ami Kitiyakara, Fuk K. Li, Yahya Rahmat-Samii:
Passive active L- and S-band (PALS) microwave sensor for ocean salinity and soil moisture measurements. 1039-1048 - Simon H. Yueh, Richard D. West, William J. Wilson, Fuk K. Li, Eni G. Njoku, Yahya Rahmat-Samii:
Error sources and feasibility for microwave remote sensing of ocean surface salinity. 1049-1060 - Jing M. Chen, Sylvain G. Leblanc:
Multiple-scattering scheme useful for geometric optical modeling. 1061-1071 - H. Peter White
, John R. Miller, Jing M. Chen:
Four-Scale Linear Model for Anisotropic Reflectance (FLAIR) for plant canopies. I. Model description and partial validation. 1072-1083 - Josef Cihlar, Yong Du, Rasim Latifovic:
Land cover dependence in the detection of contaminated pixels in satellite optical data. 1084-1094 - Guangjian Yan
, Mark A. Friedl, Xiaowen Li, Jindi Wang, Chongguang Zhu, Alan H. Strahler:
Modeling directional effects from nonisothermal land surfaces in wideband thermal infrared measurements. 1095-1099 - V. N. Sridhar, Ranendu Ghosh, Anjum Mahtab:
Atmospheric and angular effects on NDVI temporal profiles derived from ADEOS-POLDER data over India. 1099-1102
Volume 39, Number 6, June 2001
- Lawrence Carin
Foreword. 1107 - Allen N. Garroway, Michael L. Buess, Joel B. Miller, Bryan H. Suits, Andrew D. Hibbs, Geoffrey A. Barrall, Robert Matthews, Lowell J. Burnett:
Remote sensing by nuclear quadrupole resonance. 1108-1118 - Colin J. Cumming, Craig Aker, Mark Fisher, Michael Fox, Marcus J. la Grone, Dennis Reust, Mark G. Rockley, Timothy M. Swager, Eric Towers, Vance Williams
Using novel fluorescent polymers as sensory materials for above-ground sensing of chemical signature compounds emanating from buried landmines. 1119-1128 - Carl V. Nelson, Charles B. Cooperman, Wolfger Schneider, Douglas S. Wenstrand, Dexter G. Smith:
Wide bandwidth time-domain electromagnetic sensor for metal target classification. 1129-1138 - Herbert H. Nelson, Jim R. McDonald:
Multisensor towed array detection system for UXO detection. 1139-1145 - James M. Sabatier, Ning Xiang:
An investigation of acoustic-to-seismic coupling to detect buried antitank landmines. 1146-1154 - Waymond R. Scott Jr., James S. Martin, Gregg D. Larison:
Experimental model for a seismic landmine detection system. 1155-1164 - Yan Qing Zeng, Qing Huo Liu
Acoustic detection of buried objects in 3-D fluid saturated porous media: numerical modeling. 1165-1173 - Magda El-Shenawee, Carey M. Rappaport, Eric L. Miller
, Michael B. Silevitch:
Three-dimensional subsurface analysis of electromagnetic scattering from penetrable/PEC objects buried under rough surfaces: use of the steepest descent fast multipole method. 1174-1182 - Yong Wang, I. Dennis Longstaff, Christopher J. Leat, Nicholas V. Shauley:
Complex natural resonances of conducting planar objects buried in a dielectric half-space. 1183-1189 - Levent Gürel, Ugur Oguz:
Simulations of ground-penetrating radars over lossy and heterogeneous grounds. 1190-1197 - Bo Yang, Carey M. Rappaport:
Response of realistic soil for GPR applications with 2-D FDTD. 1198-1205 - Lawrence Carin
, Haitao Yu, Yacine Dalichaouch, Alexander R. Perry, Peter V. Czipott, Carl E. Baum:
On the wideband EMI response of a rotationally symmetric permeable and conducting target. 1206-1213 - Joel T. Johnson, Robert J. Burkholder
Coupled canonical grid/discrete dipole approach for computing scattering from objects above or below a rough interface. 1214-1220 - Chi-Chih Chen, Matthew B. Higgins, Kevin O'Neill, Richard Detsch:
Ultrawide-bandwidth fully-polarimetric ground penetrating radar classification of subsurface unexploded ordnance. 1221-1230 - Paul D. Gader, Miroslaw Mystkowski, Yunxin Zhao:
Landmine detection with ground penetrating radar using hidden Markov models. 1231-1244 - Gilles Grandjean
, Philippe Paillou, Pascale Dubois-Fernandez, Thomas August-Bernex, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, José Achache:
Subsurface structures detection by combining L-band polarimetric SAR and GPR data: example of the Pyla Dune (France). 1245-1258 - Yanting Dong, Paul Runkle, Lawrence Carin
, Raju Damarla, Anders Sullivan, Marc A. Ressler, Jeffrey Sichina:
Multi-aspect detection of surface and shallow-buried unexploded ordnance via ultra-wideband synthetic aperture radar. 1259-1270 - Lluís Sagués, Juan Manuel López-Sánchez
, Joaquim Fortuny, Xavier Fàbregas
, Antoni Broquetas
, Alois J. Sieber:
Polarimetric radar interferometry for improved mine detection and surface clutter rejection. 1271-1278 - Bruce Barrow, Herbert H. Nelson:
Model-based characterization of electromagnetic induction signatures obtained with the MTADS electromagnetic array. 1279-1285 - Thomas H. Bell, Bruce J. Barrow, Jonathan T. Miller:
Subsurface discrimination using electromagnetic induction sensors. 1286-1293 - Jonathan T. Miller, Thomas H. Bell, Judy Soukup, Dean A. Keiswetter:
Simple phenomenological models for wideband frequency-domain electromagnetic induction. 1294-1298 - Stacy L. Tantum, Leslie M. Collins:
A comparison of algorithms for subsurface target detection and identification using time-domain electromagnetic induction data. 1299-1306 - Alaeddin A. Aydiner, Weng Cho Chew, Tie Jun Cui, David L. Wright, David V. Smith, Jared D. Abraham:
3-D imaging of large scale buried structure by 1-D inversion of very early time electromagnetic (VETEM) data. 1307-1315 - Anton G. Tijhuis, Kamal Belkebir, Amélie Litman
, Bastiaan P. de Hon:
Theoretical and computational aspects of 2-D inverse profiling. 1316-1330 - Zhong Qing Zhang, Qing Huo Liu
Two nonlinear inverse methods for electromagnetic induction measurements. 1331-1339
Volume 39, Number 7, July 2001
- David A. Landgrebe, Sebastiano B. Serpico, Melba M. Crawford, Vern Singhroy:
Introduction to the special issue on analysis of hyperspectral image data. 1343-1345 - C. Lee, James Bethel:
Georegistration of airborne hyperspectral image data. 1347-1351 - Pei-hsiu Suen, Glenn Healey, David Slater:
The impact of viewing geometry on material discriminability in hyperspectral images. 1352-1359 - Sebastiano B. Serpico, Lorenzo Bruzzone
A new search algorithm for feature selection in hyperspectral remote sensing images. 1360-1367 - Shailesh Kumar, Joydeep Ghosh, Melba M. Crawford:
Best-bases feature extraction algorithms for classification of hyperspectral data. 1368-1379 - Shao-Shan Chiang, Chein-I Chang, Irving W. Ginsberg:
Unsupervised target detection in hyperspectral images using projection pursuit. 1380-1391 - Dimitris Manolakis, Christina Siracusa, Gary A. Shaw:
Hyperspectral subpixel target detection using the linear mixing model. 1392-1409 - Christopher C. Funk, James Theiler, Dar A. Roberts, Christoph C. Borel:
Clustering to improve matched filter detection of weak gas plumes in hyperspectral thermal imagery. 1410-1420 - Robert S. Rand, Daniel M. Keenan:
A spectral mixture process conditioned by Gibbs-based partitioning. 1421-1434 - Edward F. Collins, Dar A. Roberts, Christoph C. Borel:
Spectral mixture analysis of simulated thermal infrared spectrometry data: An initial temperature estimate bounded TESSMA search approach. 1435-1446 - Bruno Aiazzi
, Luciano Alparone
, Alessandro Barducci
, Stefano Baronti
, Ivan Pippi:
Information-theoretic assessment of sampled hyperspectral imagers. 1447-1458 - Shen-En Qian, Allan Hollinger, Melanie Dutkiewicz, Herbert H. Tsang
, Harold Zwick, James R. Freemantle:
Effect of lossy vector quantization hyperspectral data compression on retrieval of red-edge indices. 1459-1470 - Megan M. Lewis
, Vittoria Jooste, Aurelio A. de Gasparis:
Discrimination of arid vegetation with airborne multispectral scanner hyperspectral imagery. 1471-1479 - Mónica García
, Susan L. Ustin
Detection of interannual vegetation responses to climatic variability using AVIRIS data in a coastal savanna in California. 1480-1490 - Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada
, John R. Miller, Thomas L. Noland, Gina H. Mohammed, Paul H. Sampson:
Scaling-up and model inversion methods with narrowband optical indices for chlorophyll content estimation in closed forest canopies with hyperspectral data. 1491-1507 - Paolo Cipollini
, Giovanni Corsini
, Marco Diani
, Raffaele Grasso
Retrieval of sea water optically active parameters from hyperspectral data by means of generalized radial basis function neural networks. 1508-1524 - Sigrid Roessner, Karl Segl, Uta Heiden
, Hermann Kaufmann:
Automated differentiation of urban surfaces based on airborne hyperspectral imagery. 1525-1532 - Audrey Minghelli-Roman, Marc Mangolini, Michel Petit, Laurent Polidori:
Spatial resolution improvement of MeRIS images by fusion with TM images. 1533-1536 - Mark R. Pickering, Michael J. Ryan:
Efficient spatial-spectral compression of hyperspectral data. 1536-1539 - Lori Mann Bruce, Jiang Li:
Wavelets for computationally efficient hyperspectral derivative analysis. 1540-1546 - Brian Laursen, Niels Skou:
Wind direction over the ocean determined by an airborne, imaging, polarimetric radiometer system. 1547-1555 - Kevin O'Neill, Shah A. Haider, Shireen D. Geimer, Keith D. Paulsen:
Effects of the ground surface on polarimetric features of broadband radar scattering from subsurface metallic objects. 1556-1565 - Adriano Camps, Calvin T. Swift:
A two-dimensional Doppler-Radiometer for Earth observation. 1566-1572 - José A. Martínez-Lozano, María Pilar Utrillas
, Fernando Tena, Roberto Pedrós, Javier Cañada, José V. Boscá, Jerónimo Lorente:
Aerosol optical characteristics from a summer campaign in an urban coastal Mediterranean area. 1573-1585 - Markku Similä, Elja Arjas, Marko Mäkynen
, Martti T. Hallikainen:
A Bayesian classification model for sea ice roughness from scatterometer data. 1586-1595 - Tommaso Isernia, Vito Pascazio
, Rocco Pierri:
On the local minima in a tomographic imaging technique. 1596-1607 - Neil C. Rowe, Lynne L. Grewe:
Change detection for linear features in aerial photographs using edge-finding. 1608-1612 - Kenji Sato, Hiroaki Horie, Hiroshi Hanado, Hiroshi Kumagai:
A digital-analog hybrid technique for low range sidelobe pulse compression. 1612-1615
Volume 39, Number 8, August 2001
- Thomas J. Jackson, Venkat Lakshmi:
Introduction to the special issue on large scale passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture. 1619-1620 - Wade T. Crow
, Matthias Drusch, Eric F. Wood
An observation system simulation experiment for the impact of land surface heterogeneity on AMSR-E soil moisture retrieval. 1622-1631 - Thomas J. Jackson, Ann Y. Hsu:
Soil moisture and TRMM microwave imager relationships in the Southern Great Plains 1999 (SGP99) experiment. 1632-1642 - Manfred Owe, Richard de Jeu, Jeffrey P. Walker
A methodology for surface soil moisture and vegetation optical depth retrieval using the microwave polarization difference index. 1643-1654 - Simonetta Paloscia
, Giovanni Macelloni
, Emanuele Santi
, Toshio Koike:
A multifrequency algorithm for the retrieval of soil moisture on a large scale using microwave data from SMMR and SSM/I satellites. 1655-1661 - Yuei-An Liou
, Shou-Fang Liu, Wen-June Wang:
Retrieving soil moisture from simulated brightness temperatures by a neural network. 1662-1672 - Adriaan A. Van de Griend:
The effective thermodynamic temperature of the emitting surface at 6.6 GHz and consequences for soil moisture monitoring from space. 1673-1679 - David M. Le Vine, Thomas J. Jackson, Calvin T. Swift, Michael Haken, Steven W. Bidwell:
ESTAR measurements during the Southern Great Plains experiment (SGP99). 1680-1685 - Jasmeet Judge
, John F. Galantowicz, Anthony W. England:
A comparison of ground-based and satellite-borne microwave radiometric observations in the Great Plains. 1686-1696 - Jean-Pierre Wigneron
, Laurent Laguerre, Yann H. Kerr:
A simple parameterization of the L-band microwave emission from rough agricultural soils. 1697-1707 - Rolf Reichle
, Dennis McLaughlin, Dara Entekhabi:
Variational data assimilation of microwave radiobrightness observations for land surface hydrology applications. 1708-1718 - Rajat Bindlish
, William P. Kustas, Andrew N. French, George R. Diak, John R. Mecikalski:
Influence of near-surface soil moisture on regional scale heat fluxes: model results using microwave remote sensing data from SGP97. 1719-1728 - Yann H. Kerr, Philippe Waldteufel, Jean-Pierre Wigneron
, Jean-Michel Martinuzzi, Jordi Font
, Michael Berger:
Soil moisture retrieval from space: the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission. 1729-1735 - Venkataraman Lakshmi, Katie Schaaf:
Analysis of the 1993 midwestern flood using satellite and ground data. 1736-1743 - Chi-Te Chen, Bart Nijssen
, Jianjun Guo, Leung Tsang, Andrew W. Wood
, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Dennis P. Lettenmaier:
Passive microwave remote sensing of snow constrained by hydrological simulations. 1744-1756 - Lin Zhou, Leung Tsang, Vikram Jandhyala, Chi-Te Chen:
Studies on accuracy of numerical simulations of emission from rough ocean-like surfaces. 1757-1763 - Timothy S. Moore, Janet W. Campbell, Hui Feng:
A fuzzy logic classification scheme for selecting and blending satellite ocean color algorithms. 1764-1776 - Reinaldo B. da Silveira, Anthony R. Holt:
An automatic identification of clutter and anomalous propagation in polarization-diversity weather radar data using neural networks. 1777-1788 - Azzedine Bendjebbour, Yves Delignon, Laurent Fouque, Vincent Samson, Wojciech Pieczynski:
Multisensor image segmentation using Dempster-Shafer fusion in Markov fields context. 1789-1798 - Marcus E. Engdahl, Maurice Borgeaud, Michael Rast:
The use of ERS-1/2 Tandem interferometric coherence in the estimation of agricultural crop heights. 1799-1806 - Traian Dogaru, Lawrence Carin
Time-domain sensing of targets buried under a Gaussian, exponential, or fractal rough interface. 1807-1819
Volume 39, Number 9, September 2001
- Mohammad Reza Ahmadzadeh
, Maria Petrou:
Error statistics for slope and aspect when derived from interpolated data. 1823-1833 - Fabio Dell'Acqua, Paolo Gamba
Query-by-shape in meteorological image archives using the point diffusion technique. 1834-1843 - Charles A. Laymon, William L. Crosson, Thomas J. Jackson, Andrew Manu, Teferi D. Tsegaye:
Ground-based passive microwave remote sensing observations of soil moisture at S-band and L-band with insight into measurement accuracy. 1844-1858 - Zhanqing Li, Alexandre Khananian, Robert H. Fraser
, Josef Cihlar:
Automatic detection of fire smoke using artificial neural networks and threshold approaches applied to AVHRR imagery. 1859-1870 - Boris Z. Petrenko:
Retrieval of parameters of a horizontal hydrometeor distribution within the field of view of a satellite microwave radiometer. 1871-1878 - Jorge E. Pinzón, John F. Pierce, Compton J. Tucker, Molly E. Brown:
Evaluating coherence of natural images by smoothness membership in Besov spaces. 1879-1889 - V. K. Anandan, G. Ramachandra Reddy
, P. B. Rao:
Spectral analysis of atmospheric radar signal using higher order spectral estimation technique. 1890-1895 - Patrizia Basili, Stefania Bonafoni
, Piero Ciotti, Frank S. Marzano, Giovanni D'Auria, Nazzareno Pierdicca
Retrieving atmospheric temperature profiles by microwave radiometry using a priori information on atmospheric spatial-temporal evolution. 1896-1905 - Viswanathan N. Bringi, T. D. Keenan, V. Chandrasekar:
Correcting C-band radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity data for rain attenuation: a self-consistent method with constraints. 1906-1915 - Stephen L. Durden, Eastwood Im, Fuk K. Li, Ralph Girard, Kyung S. Pak:
Surface clutter due to antenna sidelobes for spaceborne atmospheric radar. 1916-1921 - Ferran Gascon, Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry
, Marie-José Lefèvre:
Radiative transfer model for simulating high-resolution satellite images. 1922-1926 - Gerhard Meister, André Rothkirch, Hartwig Spitzer, Johann K. Bienlein:
Large-scale bidirectional reflectance model for urban areas. 1927-1942 - Wenge Ni-Meister
, David L. B. Jupp
, Ralph Dubayah:
Modeling lidar waveforms in heterogeneous and discrete canopies. 1943-1958 - Douglas K. McIver, Mark A. Friedl:
Estimating pixel-scale land cover classification confidence using nonparametric machine learning methods. 1959-1968 - Doug Muchoney, James Williamson:
A Gaussian adaptive resonance theory neural network classification algorithm applied to supervised land cover mapping using multitemporal vegetation index data. 1969-1977 - Paul L. Rosin:
Robust pixel unmixing. 1978-1983 - Jen King Jao:
Theory of synthetic aperture radar imaging of a moving target. 1984-1992 - Riccardo Lanari
, Manlio Tesauro, Eugenio Sansosti
, Gianfranco Fornaro
Spotlight SAR data focusing based on a two-step processing approach. 1993-2004 - Jesper Schou
, Henning Skriver
Restoration of polarimetric SAR images using simulated annealing. 2005-2016 - Johannes Schulz-Stellenfleth, Jochen Horstmann
, Susanne Lehner, Wolfgang Rosenthal:
Sea surface imaging with an across-track interferometric synthetic aperture radar: the SINEWAVE experiment. 2017-2028 - Dan Johan Weydahl:
Analysis of ERS Tandem SAR coherence from glaciers, valleys, and fjord ice on Svalbard. 2029-2039 - Tzong-Dar Wu, Kun-Shan Chen, Jiancheng Shi, Adrian K. Fung:
A transition model for the reflection coefficient in surface scattering. 2040-2050 - Jeff Frolik:
Reconstruction of multilayered lossy dielectrics from one-sided plane wave impulse reflection responses: the bistatic case. 2051-2059 - Todd K. Holland:
Application of the linear dispersion relation with respect to depth inversion and remotely sensed imagery. 2060-2072 - Antonis Katartzis, Hichem Sahli, Veselin Pizurica, Jan Cornelis
A model-based approach to the automatic extraction of linear features from airborne images. 2073-2079 - Karl Segl, Hermann Kaufmann:
Detection of small objects from high-resolution panchromatic satellite imagery based on supervised image segmentation. 2080-2083 - Andreas Siegenthaler, Olivier Lezeaux, Dietrich G. Feist
, Niklaus Kämpfer:
First water vapor measurements at 183 GHz from the high alpine station Jungfraujoch. 2084-2086
Volume 39, Number 10, October 2001
- Eleanor J. Burke, W. James Shuttleworth, Khil-ha Lee, Luis A. Bastidas:
Using area-average remotely sensed surface soil moisture in multipatch land data assimilation systems. 2091-2100 - Tore Guneriussen, Kjell Arild Høgda, Harald Johnsen, Inge Lauknes:
InSAR for estimation of changes in snow water equivalent of dry snow. 2101-2108 - Justin J. Legarsky, Sivaprasad Gogineni, Torry L. Akins:
Focused synthetic aperture radar processing of ice-sounder data collected over the Greenland ice sheet. 2109-2117 - Son V. Nghiem, Wu-Yang Tsai:
Global snow cover monitoring with spaceborne Ku-band scatterometer. 2118-2134 - James J. Simpson, Timothy J. McIntire:
A recurrent neural network classifier for improved retrievals of areal extent of snow cover. 2135-2147 - Gin-Rong Liu, Chung-Chih Liu, Tsung-Hua Kuo:
A contrast and comparison of near-sea surface air temperature/humidity from GMS and SSM/I data with an improved algorithm. 2148-2157 - Paul M. Ingram, A. Henry Muse:
Sensitivity of iterative spectrally smooth temperature/emissivity separation to algorithmic assumptions and measurement noise. 2158-2167 - John M. M. Anderson, Abdel Sallam Al Qatshan:
Matched filtering-based estimation of ground elevation using laser altimetry. 2168-2175 - Massimiliano Pieraccini, Guido Luzi
, Carlo Atzeni:
Terrain mapping by ground-based interferometric radar. 2176-2181 - Jiangqi He, Norbert Geng, Lam H. Nguyen, Lawrence Carin
Rigorous modeling of ultrawideband VHF scattering from tree trunks over flat and. sloped terrain. 2182-2193 - Jean-François Giovannelli
, Jérôme Idier, Daniel Muller, Guy Desodt:
Regularized adaptive long autoregressive spectral analysis. 2194-2202 - Robert Meneghini, Liang Liao, Steven W. Bidwell, Gerald Heymsfield:
On the feasibility of a Doppler weather radar for estimates of drop size distribution using two closely spaced frequencies. 2203-2216 - Lori Mann Bruce, Cliff Morgan, Sara Larsen:
Automated detection of subpixel hyperspectral targets with continuous and discrete wavelet transforms. 2217-2226 - Maria Faraklioti, Maria Petrou:
Illumination invariant unmixing of sets of mixed pixels. 2227-2234 - Harold S. Stone, Michael T. Orchard, Ee-Chien Chang
, Stephen A. Martucci:
A fast direct Fourier-based algorithm for subpixel registration of images. 2235-2243 - Mark E. Everett, Eugene A. Badea, Liang C. Shen, Gulamabbas A. Merchant, Chester J. Weiss:
3-D finite element analysis of induction logging in a dipping formation mark. 2244-2252 - Stephen J. Norton, I. J. Won:
Identification of buried unexploded ordnance from broadband electromagnetic induction data. 2253-2261 - Henri-Pierre Valero, Ginette Saracco
, Dominique Gibert
Three-dimensional seismic endoscopy. I. Design of apparatus and basic imaging algorithms. 2262-2274 - Hongnian Wang
, Shande Yang:
Fast modeling of microspherically focused log in a horizontally layered formation. 2275-2282 - Paola Campadelli, Raimondo Schettini
, Silvia Zuffi:
A system for the automatic selection of conspicuous color sets for qualitative data display. 2283-2286 - Fabio Dell'Acqua, Paolo Gamba
Detection of urban structures in SAR images by robust fuzzy clustering algorithms: the example of street tracking. 2287-2297 - Shantanu Rane, Guillermo Sapiro:
Evaluation of JPEG-LS, the new lossless and controlled-lossy still image compression standard, for compression of high-resolution elevation data. 2298-2306 - David J. Archer, Geoffrey Wadge:
Modeling the backscatter response due to salt crust development. 2307-2310 - Jude C. Giampaolo, Christopher S. Ruf
The effect of atmospheric stability on microwave excess emissivity due to wind. 2311-2314 - Kerri J. Guilfoyle, Mark L. G. Althouse, Chein-I Chang:
A quantitative and comparative analysis of linear and nonlinear spectral mixture models using radial basis function neural networks. 2314-2318 - K. T. Holland:
Correction to "application of the linear dispersion relation with respect to depth inversion and remotely sensed imagery". 2319
Volume 39, Number 11, November 2001
- Albin J. Gasiewski, Karen St. Germain:
Foreword. 2323-2324 - Kamal Sarabandi, Werner Wiesbeck, R. Keith Raney, Haruhisa Shimoda, Kiyo Tomiyasu, James A. Smith:
GRS-S awards presented at IGARSS '00. 2326-2331 - Laurent Ferro-Famil, Eric Pottier, Jong-Sen Lee:
Unsupervised classification of multifrequency and fully polarimetric SAR images based on the H/A/Alpha-Wishart classifier. 2332-2342 - Jong-Sen Lee, Mitchell R. Grunes, Eric Pottier:
Quantitative comparison of classification capability: fully polarimetric versus dual and single-polarization SAR. 2343-2351 - Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Shane R. Cloude:
Single-baseline polarimetric SAR interferometry. 2352-2363 - Pierre Melon, Jean-Michel Martinez
, Thuy Le Toan, Lars M. H. Ulander
, André Beaudoin:
On the retrieving of forest stem volume from VHF SAR data: observation and modeling. 2364-2372 - Shaun Quegan, Jiong Jiong Yu:
Filtering of multichannel SAR images. 2373-2379 - Dennis B. Trizna, Charles M. Bachmann
, Mark A. Sletten, Nick Allan, Jakov V. Toporkov, R. Harris:
Projection pursuit classification of multiband polarimetric SAR land images. 2380-2386 - R. Keith Raney, David L. Porter
WITTEX: an innovative three-satellite radar altimeter concept. 2387-2391 - Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Albin J. Gasiewski:
Digital correlation microwave polarimetry: analysis and demonstration. 2392-2410 - Joel T. Johnson, Jakov V. Toporkov, Gary S. Brown:
A numerical study of backscattering from time-evolving sea surfaces: comparison of hydrodynamic models. 2411-2420 - Ann W. Morgenthaler, Carey M. Rappaport:
Scattering from lossy dielectric objects buried beneath randomly rough ground: validating the semi-analytic mode matching algorithm with 2-D FDFD. 2421-2428 - Philip W. Rosenkranz
Retrieval of temperature and moisture profiles from AMSU-A and AMSU-B measurements. 2429-2435 - Patrizia Basili, Stefania Bonafoni
, R. Ferrara, Piero Ciotti, Ermanno Fionda, R. Arnbrosini:
Atmospheric water vapor retrieval by means of both a GPS network and a microwave radiometer during an experimental campaign in Cagliari, Italy, in 1999. 2436-2443 - William J. Blackwell, John W. Barrett, Frederick W. Chen, Robert Vincent Leslie, Philip W. Rosenkranz
, Michael J. Schwartz
, David H. Staelin:
NPOESS Aircraft Sounder Testbed-Microwave (NAST-M): instrument description and initial flight results. 2444-2453 - Arnold L. Cooper, Scott R. Chubb, Mark A. Sletten, Clifford L. Trump:
Estimating ocean frontal surface velocity distributions from radar imagery signatures. 2454-2464 - Dennis B. Trizna:
Errors in bathymetric retrievals using linear dispersion in 3-D FFT analysis of marine radar ocean wave imagery. 2465-2469 - K. Clint Slatton, Melba M. Crawford, Brian L. Evans:
Fusing interferometric radar and laser altimeter data to estimate surface topography and vegetation heights. 2470-2482 - Curt H. Davis, Hai Jiang
, Xiangyun Wang:
Modeling and estimation of the spatial variation of elevation error in high resolution DEMs from stereo-image processing. 2483-2489 - Shunlin Liang, Hongliang Fang, Mingzhen Chen:
Atmospheric correction of Landsat ETM+ land surface imagery. I. Methods. 2490-2498 - Philip D. Hammer, Lee F. Johnson, Anthony W. Strawa, Stephen E. Dunagan, Robert G. Higgins, James A. Brass, Robert E. Slye, Don V. Sullivan, William H. Smith, Brad M. Lobitz, David L. Peterson:
Surface reflectance mapping using interferometric spectral imagery from a remotely piloted aircraft. 2499-2506 - Giovanni Macelloni
, Simonetta Paloscia
, Paolo Pampaloni, Roberto Ruisi:
Airborne multifrequency L- to Ka-band radiometric measurements over forests. 2507-2513 - Anna Rydberg, Gunilla Borgefors:
Integrated method for boundary delineation of agricultural fields in multispectral satellite images. 2514-2520 - Kevin K. Williams, Ronald Greeley:
Radar attenuation by sand: laboratory measurements of radar transmission. 2521-2526 - Ovidio Mario Bucci
, Lorenzo Crocco
, Tommaso Isernia, Vito Pascazio
Subsurface inverse scattering problems: quantifying, qualifying, and achieving the available information. 2527-2538 - Michalis Petrakos
, Jón Atli Benediktsson
, Ioannis Kanellopoulos:
The effect of classifier agreement on the accuracy of the combined classifier in decision level fusion. 2539-2546 - Bruno Aiazzi
, Luciano Alparone
, Stefano Baronti
Near-lossless compression of 3-D optical data. 2547-2557
Volume 39, Number 12, December 2001
- Stefano Migliorini, Stefano Nativi
PIn. I. An operational nonlinear physical inversion algorithm for precipitable and cloud liquid water estimate in nonraining conditions over sea. 2566-2574 - Stefano Nativi
, Stefano Migliorini:
PIn. II. Comparative evaluation of SSM/I and TMI precipitable water estimate for the Mediterranean Sea. 2575-2586 - Frank M. Monaldo, Donald R. Thompson, Robert C. Beal, William Pichel
, Pablo Clemente-Colon:
Comparison of SAR-derived wind speed with model predictions and ocean buoy measurements. 2587-2600 - Simon H. Yueh, Bryan W. Stiles, Wu-Yang Tsai, Hua Hu, W. Timothy Liu:
QuikSCAT geophysical model function for tropical cyclones and application to Hurricane Floyd. 2601-2612 - Hannu Hyyppä
, Juha Hyyppä
Effects of stand size on the accuracy of remote sensing-based forest inventory. 2613-2621 - A. Terhikki Manninen
, Lars M. H. Ulander
Forestry parameter retrieval from texture in CARABAS VHF-band SAR images. 2622-2633 - Dana Floricioiu, Helmut Rott:
Seasonal and short-term variability of multifrequency, polarimetric radar backscatter of Alpine terrain from SIR-C/X-SAR and AIRSAR data. 2634-2648 - Giovanni Macelloni
, Simonetta Paloscia
, Paolo Pampaloni, Marco Tedesco:
Microwave emission from dry snow: a comparison of experimental and model results. 2649-2656 - Pi-Fuei Hsieh, Lou C. Lee, Nai-Yu Chen:
Effect of spatial resolution on classification errors of pure and mixed pixels in remote sensing. 2657-2663 - Qiong Jackson, David A. Landgrebe:
An adaptive classifier design for high-dimensional data analysis with a limited training data set. 2664-2679 - Guoliang Fan, Xiang-Gen Xia:
A joint multicontext and multiscale approach to Bayesian image segmentation. 2680-2688 - Henning Braunisch, Chi O. Ao, Kevin O'Neill, Jin Au Kong:
Magnetoquasistatic response of conducting and permeable prolate spheroid under axial excitation. 2689-2701 - Tie Jun Cui, Weng Cho Chew, Alaeddin A. Aydiner, David L. Wright, David V. Smith:
Detection of buried targets using a new enhanced very early time electromagnetic (VETEM) prototype system. 2702-2712 - Peter Meincke:
Linear GPR inversion for lossy soil and a planar air-soil interface. 2713-2721 - Bishwajit Chakraborty, R. Kaustubha, Amey Hegde, Ashley Pereira:
Acoustic seafloor sediment classification using self-organizing feature maps. 2722-2725 - Hugo Hidalgo
, Enrique Gómez-Treviño, José L. Marroquín, Francisco J. Esparza:
Piecewise continuous models for resistivity soundings. 2725-2728

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