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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 19
Volume 19, Number 1, January 1973
- G. David Forney Jr.:
Editorial. 2 - John Robinson Pierce:
The early days of information theory. 3-8 - Athanasios Papoulis:
Minimum-bias windows for high-resolution spectral estimates. 9-12 - Larry C. Andrews:
The probability density function for the output of a cross-correlator with bandpass inputs. 13-19 - Donald L. Duttweiler, Thomas Kailath:
RKHS approach to detection and estimation problems-IV: Non-Gaussian detection. 19-28 - Donald L. Duttweiler, Thomas Kailath:
RKHS approach to detection and estimation problems-V: Parameter estimation. 29-37 - H. W. Lorber, J. D. Burns:
The SQUOD: A versatile and accurate scheme for measuring signal strengths. 37-43 - Osamu Shimbo, Russell Ju Fu Fang, Mehmet I. Celebiler:
Performance of M -ary PSK systems in Gaussian noise and intersymbol interference. 44-58 - Terry Walzman, Mischa Schwartz:
Automatic equalization using the discrete frequency domain. 59-68 - L. Lorne Campbell:
Kraft inequality for decoding with respect to a fidelity criterion. 68-73 - Thomas M. Cover:
Enumerative source encoding. 73-77 - John B. Anderson, Frederick Jelinek:
A 2-cycle algorithm for source coding with a fidelity criterion. 77-92 - R. R. Varshamov:
A class of codes for asymmetric channels and a problem from the additive theory of numbers. 92-95 - Stanislav I. Samoylenko:
Binoid error-correcting codes. 95-101 - James L. Massey, Daniel J. Costello Jr., Jørn Justesen:
Polynomial weights and code constructions. 101-110 - Stamatis Cambanis:
A general approach to linear mean-square estimation problems (Corresp.). 110-114 - William A. Gardner:
Comments on 'A general approach to linear mean-square estimation problems' (Corresp.) by Cambanis, S. 114 - Walter A. Johnson:
The effects of a finite time-bandwidth product on the variance of the sample mean of a low-pass stationary random process (Corresp.). 115-117 - P. R. Hariharan:
Comments on 'Limiting of signals in random noise' by Jain, P. C. 117-118 - B. Roy Frieden:
Statistical estimates of bounded optical scenes by the method of 'prior probabilities' (Corresp.). 118-119 - Charles T. Wolverton:
Strong consistency of an estimate of the asymptotic error probability of the nearest neighbor rule (Corresp.). 119-120 - Francis R. Magee Jr., John G. Proakis:
Adaptive maximum-likelihood sequence estimation for digital signaling in the presence of intersymbol interference (Corresp.). 120-124 - W. E. Toms Jr., Toby Berger:
Capacity and error exponents of a channel modeled as a linear dynamic system (Corresp.). 124-126 - Bruce C. Moore, Leonard M. Silverman:
A new characterization of feedforward delay-free inverses (Corresp.). 126-129 - Munehiro Goto, Teruo Fukumura:
Nonbinary AN codes with distance not less than five (Corresp.). 129-134 - Leonard D. Baumert, Robert J. McEliece:
A note on the Griesmer bound (Corresp.). 134-135 - Chin-Long Chen, William T. Warren:
A note on one-step majority-logic decodable codes (Corresp.). 135-137 - Robert J. McEliece:
Comments on 'A class of codes for axisymmetric channels and a problem from the additive theory of numbers' by Varshanov, R. R. 137 - Elwyn R. Berlekamp:
Review of 'Coding Theory' (van Lint, J. H.; 1971). 138 - Darryl R. Polk:
Quasi-optimum digital phase-locked loops (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 140 - Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.:
The inner product computer (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 140 - C. D. Wang:
Performance of self-bit synchronizers for binary overlapping signals (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 140
Volume 19, Number 2, March 1973
- David S. Slepian:
Information theory in the fifties. 145-148 - Stephen B. Weinstein:
Theory and application of some classical and generalized asymptotic distributions of extreme values. 148-154 - James R. La Frieda, William C. Lindsey:
Transient analysis of phase-locked tracking systems in the presence of noise. 155-165 - W. W. Mayfield:
A sequence solution to the Fokker-Planck equation. 165-176 - Raffaele Esposito, Lewis R. Wilson:
Statistical properties of two sine waves in Gaussian noise. 176-183 - Elias Masry:
An extension of Szasz's theorem and its application. 184-187 - John B. Moore, Priti Hetrakul:
Optimal demodulation of PAM signals. 188-196 - Patrick P. Bergmans:
Random coding theorem for broadcast channels with degraded components. 197-207 - Abraham Lempel, Shimon Even, Martin Cohn:
An algorithm for optimal prefix parsing of a noiseless and memoryless channel. 208-214 - Ingemar Ingemarsson:
Commutative group codes for the Gaussian channel. 215-219 - Jørn Justesen:
New convolutional code constructions and a class of asymptotically good time-varying codes. 220-225 - Judea Pearl:
Time, frequency, sequency, and their uncertainty relations (Corresp.). 225-229 - Judea Pearl:
On coding and filtering stationary signals by discrete Fourier transforms (Corresp.). 229-232 - J. A. Edward, Michael M. Fitelson:
Notes on maximum-entropy processing (Corresp.). 232-234 - Gabriel Frenkel:
Binary decisions with stochastic inputs (Corresp.). 234-235 - J. Lewis:
An approximation for the distribution of shot noise (Corresp.). 235-237 - Yen-Bin Chen:
Empirical Bayes approach to M -ary detection (Corresp.). 237-239 - A. Shulman:
Constrained minimax estimate of a normal mean (Corresp.). 239 - Tsvi Lissack:
Comments on 'On the distance criterion of Patrick and Fischer' (Corresp.) by Chitti, Babu C. 240 - William A. Gardner:
The structure of least-mean-square linear estimators for synchronous M -ary signals (Corresp.). 240-243 - Robert L. Frank:
Comments on 'Polyphase codes with good periodic correlation properties' by Chu, David C. 244 - A. Roger Kaye, Donald A. George:
Relationship between LMS compensators for intersymbol interference in linear and nonlinear modulation schemes (Corresp.). 244 - Robert G. Gallager:
The random coding bound is tight for the average code (Corresp.). 244-246 - D. J. H. Lewis, M. Fukada:
A note on burst-error correction using the check polynomial (Corresp.). 246-250 - David M. Mandelbaum:
Some optimal type-B1 convolutional codes (Corresp.). 250-251 - Neil J. A. Sloane:
Is there a (72, 36) d = 16 self-dual code? (Corresp.). 251 - Robert A. Scholtz:
Review of 'Detection of Signals in Noise' (Whalen, A.D.; 1971). 252 - Richard E. Blahut:
An hypothesis-testing approach to information theory (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 253 - Henry Herng-Jiunn Liao:
Multiple access channels (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 253 - John H. Painter:
Modeling, experimentation, and estimation for multipath signals (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 253 - Chennareddy Pattabhirami Reddy:
On a class of all-digital phase-locked loops: Modeling, analysis, and applications (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 253
Volume 19, Number 3, May 1973
- Andrew J. Viterbi:
Information theory in the sixties. 257-262 - Eugene Wong:
Recent progress in stochastic processes-A survey. 262-275 - Jacob Ziv, Moshe Zakai:
On functionals satisfying a data-processing theorem. 275-283 - Izhak Rubin:
Information rates for Poisson sequences. 283-294 - Ian F. Blake, William C. Lindsey:
Level-crossing problems for random processes. 295-315 - Harry L. Hurd:
Testing for harmonizability. 316-320 - Keinosuke Fukunaga, Larry D. Hostetler:
Optimization of k nearest neighbor density estimates. 320-326 - Francis S. Hill Jr., Mario A. Blanco:
Random geometric series and intersymbol interference. 326-335 - Paul Mecklenburg, William K. Pehlert, Daniel D. Sullivan:
Correction of errors in multilevel Gray coded data. 336-340 - V. N. Koshelev:
Direct sequential encoding and decoding for discrete sources. 340-343 - Hermann J. Helgert, Russell D. Stinaff:
Minimum-distance bounds for binary linear codes. 344-356 - Suguru Arimoto:
On the converse to the coding theorem for discrete memoryless channels (Corresp.). 357-359 - Jacob Binia, Moshe Zakai, Jacob Ziv:
Bounds on the Epsilon -entropy of Wiener and RC processes (Corresp.). 359-362 - G. Goldstein:
Locally best unbiased estimation of the correlation coefficient in a bivariate normal population (Corresp.). 363-364 - Osamu Shimbo, Russell Ju Fu Fang, Mehmet I. Celebiler:
Correction to 'Performance of M -ary PSK Systems in Gaussian Noise and Intersymbol Interference'. 365 - Anthony Ephremides, Lane H. Brandenburg:
On the reconstruction error of sampled data estimates (Corresp.). 365-367 - E. Melnick:
An application of the minimum discrimination information estimate for detecting Gaussian signals (Corresp.). 367-369 - C. K. Chow, Terry J. Wagner:
Consistency of an estimate of tree-dependent probability distributions (Corresp.). 369-371 - Knud J. Larsen:
Short convolutional codes with maximal free distance for rates 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 (Corresp.). 371-372 - James L. Massey:
Review of 'Error-Correcting Codes, 2nd edn.' (Peterson, W. W., and Weldon, E. J., Jr.; 1972). 373 - Kung Yao:
Review of 'Estimation Theory With Applications to Communication and Control' (Sage, A. P., and Melsa, J. L.; 1971). 374-375 - Donald S. Arnstein:
Predictive source coding of correlated Gaussian processes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 376 - William A. Gardner:
Representation and estimation of cyclostationary processes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 376 - William John Jobst:
Acoustic volume reverberation in the ocean: Theory, experiment, and simulation (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 376 - Edward George Kelliher:
An adaptive linear MMSE matrix filter algorithm using updated incorrect a priori signal knowledge (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 377 - Lawrence K. Mackechnie:
Maximum likelihood receivers for channels having memory (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 377 - Francis R. Magee Jr.:
Filtering techniques for time-dispersive channels (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 377 - Jose Antonio van der Horst:
Complete decoding of some binary BCH codes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 377
Volume 19, Number 4, July 1973
- Jack K. Wolf:
A survey of coding theory: 1967-1972. 381-389 - Carl W. Helstrom:
Resolution of point sources of light as analyzed by quantum detection theory. 389-398 - Elias Masry:
The recovery of distorted band-limited stochastic processes. 398-403 - James E. Mazo, Robert F. Pawula, Stephen O. Rice:
On a nonlinear problem involving RC noise. 404-411 - Lee D. Davisson, P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
On the distribution and moments of RC -filtered hard-limited RC -filtered white noise. 411-414 - Douglas J. H. Moore, David J. Parker:
On nonlinear filters involving transformation of the time variable. 415-422 - Louis L. Scharf:
Invariant Gauss-Gauss detection. 422-427 - Periagaram K. Rajasekaran, Mandyam D. Srinath:
Sequential non-Gaussian pattern recognition with supervised learning. 428-433 - Keinosuke Fukunaga, David L. Kessell:
Nonparametric Bayes error estimation using unclassified samples. 434-440 - J. W. Matthews:
Sharp error bounds for intersymbol interference. 440-447 - Shahid U. H. Qureshi, Edmund E. Newhall:
Adaptive receiver for data transmission over time-dispersive channels. 448-457 - Richard Andrew Jones, Someshwar C. Gupta:
A rate-distortion bound on channel requirements for transmission of parameters of adaptive predictive coders, with speech applications. 458-471 - David S. Slepian, Jack K. Wolf:
Noiseless coding of correlated information sources. 471-480 - Robert M. Gray:
A new class of lower bounds to information rates of stationary sources via conditional rate-distortion functions. 480-489 - Jim K. Omura:
A coding theorem for discrete-time sources. 490-498 - J. Pieter M. Schalkwijk, Karel A. Post:
On the error probability for a class of binary recursive feedback strategies. 498-511 - G. David Forney Jr.:
Structural analysis of convolutional codes via dual codes. 512-518 - John M. Geist:
Search properties of some sequential decoding algorithms. 519-526 - Brian E. White:
On the construction of N -ary orthogonal sequences under a continuous-phase constraint. 527-532 - G. Robert Redinbo:
Inequalities between the probability of a subspace and the probabilities of its cosets. 533-536 - Shu Lin:
Multifold Euclidean geometry codes. 537-548 - Luther D. Rudolph, Carlos R. P. Hartmann:
Decoding by sequential code reduction. 549-555 - T. T. Kadota:
On the capacity of asymptotically memoryless continuous-time channels (Corresp.). 556-557 - Seiichi Namba, Yasuo Taki:
On the zero-error capacity of a noisy channel with feedback (Corresp.). 557-559 - José Paulo A. Albuquerque:
The Barankin bound: A geometric interpretation (Corresp.). 559-561 - Thomas E. Fortmann, Brian D. O. Anderson:
On the approximation of optimal realizable linear filters using a Karhunen-Loeve expansion (Corresp.). 561-564 - V. Ralph Algazi, Bernard J. Fino:
Comments on 'Basis-restricted transformations and performance measures for spectral representations' by Pearl, J. 564-565 - Sergio Benedetto, Ezio Biglieri:
Sequential decision feedback with a MAP strategy (Corresp.). 565-569 - Thomas H. E. Ericson:
Optimum PAM filters are always band limited (Corresp.). 570-573 - Robert M. Gray:
Correction to 'Information Rates of Stationary-Ergodic Finite-Alphabet Sources'. 573 - Jim K. Omura, A. Shohara:
On convergence of distortion for block and tree encoding of symmetric sources (Corresp.). 573-577 - Knud J. Larsen:
Comments on 'An efficient algorithm for computing free distance' by Bahl, L., et al. 577-579 - David M. Mandelbaum:
A double-phased-burst-error-correcting code of rate 1/2 (Corresp.). 579-580 - Yoji Niho:
On maximal comma-free codes (Corresp.). 580-581 - Nguyen Duc:
On the Lin-Weldon majority-logic decoding algorithm for product codes (Corresp.). 581-583 - Robert T. Chien:
Review of 'Advances in Information Systems Science' (Tou, J. T., Ed.; 1972). 583
Volume 19, Number 5, September 1973
- Elwyn R. Berlekamp:
Goppa codes. 590-592 - Jakov Snyders:
On the error matrix in optimal linear filtering of stationary processes. 593-599 - Kung Yao:
A representation theorem and its applications to spherically-invariant random processes. 600-608 - William R. Hahn, Steven A. Tretter:
Optimum processing for delay-vector estimation in passive signal arrays. 608-614 - Mohamed N. Gulamhusein, Frank Fallside:
Short-time spectral and autocorrelation analysis in the Walsh domain. 615-623 - Pravin C. Jain, Nelson M. Blachman:
Detection of a PSK signal transmitted through a hard-limited channel. 623-630 - Jack Koplowitz, Richard A. Roberts:
Sequential estimation with a finite statistic. 631-635 - Francisco J. Samaniego:
Estimating a binomial parameter with finite memory. 636-643 - Bruno O. Shubert, Calvin Marion Anderson:
Testing a simple symmetric hypothesis by a finite-memory deterministic algorithm. 644-647 - Michael P. Beddoes, Thien-Ke Chu:
Simple nonstatistical television compression system. 648-652 - Ib N. Andersen:
Sample-whitened matched filters. 653-660 - Jim K. Omura:
On general Gilbert bounds. 661-666 - Morris Goldberg:
Augmentation techniques for a class of product codes. 666-672 - Robert T. Chien, Spencer W. Ng:
Dual product codes for correction of multiple low-density burst errors. 672-677 - Chin-Long Chen, Robert T. Chien, Chao-Kai Liu:
On majority-logic-decodable arithmetic codes. 678-682 - Ian F. Blake, James H. Gilchrist:
Addresses for graphs. 683-688 - D. C. Dowson, A. Wragg:
Maximum-entropy distributions having prescribed first and second moments (Corresp.). 689-693 - D. Murthy:
Factorization of discrete-process spectral matrices (Corresp.). 693-696 - Terry J. Wagner:
Convergence of the edited nearest neighbor (Corresp.). 696-697 - A. Levine, L. Lustick, Burton R. Saltzberg:
The nearest-neighbor rule for small samples drawn from uniform distributions (Corresp.). 697-699 - Francis R. Magee Jr., John G. Proakis:
An estimate of the upper bound on error probability for maximum-likelihood sequence estimation on channels having a finite-duration pulse response (Corresp.). 699-702 - Peter Tolstrup Nielsen:
On the expected duration of a search for a fixed pattern in random data (Corresp.). 702-704 - Peter Tolstrup Nielsen:
A note on bifix-free sequences (Corresp.). 704-706 - Barry M. Leiner, Robert M. Gray:
Bounds on rate-distortion functions for stationary sources and context-dependent fidelity criteria (Corresp.). 706-708 - P. Boukris:
An upper bound on the speed of convergence of the Blahut algorithm for computing rate-distortion functions (Corresp.). 708-709 - V. V. Rao, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
A (48, 31, 8) linear code (Corresp.). 709-711 - E. J. Weldon Jr.:
Justesen's construction-The low-rate case (Corresp.). 711-713 - Charles R. Cahn:
Review of 'Synchronization Systems in Communication and Control' (Lindsey, W. C.; 1972). 714-715 - Leonard D. Baumert:
Review of 'Transmission of Information by Orthogonal Functions' (Harmuth, H. F.; 1973). 715 - Martha E. Sloan:
Review of 'The Metaphorical Brain' (Arbib, M. A.; 1972). 715-716 - Joseph K. DeRosa:
On the characterization of multipath and Doppler fading in earth-scatter communication, navigation, and radar links (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 716 - Robert J. Dick:
Tree coding for Gaussian sources (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 716-717 - Alton L. Gilbert:
Linear minimum-mean-squared-error estimation of exponentially correlated processes with application in interframe correlated video (Sc.D. Thesis abstr.). 717 - Stephen C. Greenhouse:
On-line recognition of speakers by machine (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 717 - William R. Hahn:
Optimum estimation of a delay vector caused by a random field propagating across an array of noisy sensors (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 717
Volume 19, Number 6, November 1973
- Robert W. Lucky:
A survey of the communication theory literature: 1968-1973. 725-739 - Horace P. Yuen, Melvin Lax:
Multiple-parameter quantum estimation and measurement of nonselfadjoint observables. 740-750 - Thomas Kailath:
Some new algorithms for recursive estimation in constant linear systems. 750-760 - Theodore G. Birdsall, Jürgen O. Gobien:
Sufficient statistics and reproducing densities in simultaneous sequential detection and estimation. 760-768 - Aaron D. Wyner, Jacob Ziv:
A theorem on the entropy of certain binary sequences and applications-I. 769-772 - Aaron D. Wyner:
A theorem on the entropy of certain binary sequences and applications-II. 772-777 - János Körner, Giuseppe Longo:
Two-step encoding for finite sources. 778-782 - Lee D. Davisson:
Universal noiseless coding. 783-795 - Hideki Imai:
Two-dimensional Fire codes. 796-806 - Solomon Rosenberg, Malvin Carl Teich:
Photocounting array receivers for optical communication through the lognormal atmospheric channel-III: Error bound for M -ary equal-energy orthogonal signaling (Corresp.). 807-809 - D. E. Todd:
Sampled data reconstruction of deterministic band-limited signals (Corresp.). 809-811 - Darryl R. Polk, Someshwar C. Gupta, David L. Cohn:
Bounds on the performance of a class of digital communication systems (Corresp.). 811-815 - Kung Yao, Harry H. Tan:
Some comments on the generalized Shannon lower bound for stationary finite-alphabet sources with memory (Corresp.). 815-817 - Elwyn R. Berlekamp, Oscar Moreno:
Extended double-error-correcting binary Goppa codes are cyclic (Corresp.). 817-818 - Hermann J. Helgert, Russell D. Stinaff:
Shortened BCH codes (Corresp.). 818-820 - Carlos R. P. Hartmann, Kenneth K. Tzeng:
On some classes of cyclic codes of composite length (Corresp.). 820-823 - William Edwin Clark, Joseph J. Liang:
On arithmetic weight for a general radix representation of integers (Corresp.). 823-826 - Gordon Raisbeck:
Comments on 'The Early Days of Information Theory'. 826 - Eugene Wong:
Correction to 'Recent Progress in Stochastic Processes - A Survey'. 826 - Thomas M. Cover:
Review of five specific books on pattern recognition. 827-833 - Paul E. Allard:
On the decomposition of cyclic codes into cyclic classes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 834 - Jeffrey Aron:
Techniques for classification and feature extraction: Analysis of variance and factor analysis based on stochastic approximation (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 834 - Scott McDuwell Fitch:
Recursive equalization in data transmission (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 834 - Raymond J. Jakubek:
Fixed and variable threshold robust procedures for classifying one- and two-dimensional patterns (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 834-835 - Richard A. Johnson:
Energy spectrum analysis as a processing mechanism for echolocation (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 835 - Charles Edward Persons:
Estimation of a sonar channel scattering function with optimization of signal parameters (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 835 - Lily Lee Wang:
Detection and estimation of an optical image by photon-counting techniques (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 835

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