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IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 16
Volume 16, Number 1, February 2008
- Ram Keralapura, Chen-Nee Chuah, Nina Taft, Gianluca Iannaccone:
Race conditions in coexisting overlay networks. 1-14 - Michael T. Goodrich
Probabilistic packet marking for large-scale IP traceback. 15-24 - Yuval Shavitt, Tomer Tankel:
Hyperbolic embedding of internet graph for distance estimation and overlay construction. 25-36 - Nick G. Duffield, Matthias Grossglauser:
Trajectory sampling with unreliable reporting. 37-50 - Fabian Kuhn, Roger Wattenhofer, Aaron Zollinger:
An algorithmic approach to geographic routing in ad hoc and sensor networks. 51-62 - Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos, Konstantinos Psounis, Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
Efficient routing in intermittently connected mobile networks: the single-copy case. 63-76 - Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos, Konstantinos Psounis, Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
Efficient routing in intermittently connected mobile networks: the multiple-copy case. 77-90 - Aditya Akella, Bruce M. Maggs, Srinivasan Seshan, Anees Shaikh:
On the performance benefits of multihoming route control. 91-104 - Shigang Chen, Meongchul Song, Sartaj Sahni:
Two techniques for fast computation of constrained shortest paths. 105-115 - Venugopalan Ramasubramanian, Daniel Mossé:
BRA: a bidirectional routing abstraction for asymmetric mobile ad hoc networks. 116-129 - Xiliang Liu, Kaliappa Nadar Ravindran, Dmitri Loguinov:
A stochastic foundation of available bandwidth estimation: multi-hop analysis. 130-143 - Maulin Patel, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, Subbarayan Venkatesan:
Improved quasi-path restoration in mesh networks. 144-156 - Srinivasan Ramasubramanian, Amit Chandak:
Dual-link failure resiliency through backup link mutual exclusion. 157-169 - Aleksandra Smiljanic:
Rate and delay guarantees provided by Clos packet switches with load balancing. 170-181 - Ilias Iliadis, Cyriel Minkenberg:
Performance of a speculative transmission scheme for scheduling-latency reduction. 182-195 - Rene L. Cruz, Saleh Al-Harthi:
A service-curve framework for packet scheduling with switch configuration delays. 196-205 - Saad Mneimneh:
Matching from the first iteration: an iterative switching algorithm for an input queued switch. 206-217 - Adam Kirsch, Michael Mitzenmacher:
Simple summaries for hashing with choices. 218-231 - Xin Wang, Henning Schulzrinne, Dilip D. Kandlur, Dinesh C. Verma:
Measurement and analysis of LDAP performance. 232-243 - William Lau, Gustav Rosenbaum, Sanjay K. Jha:
Comments on "Dynamic routing of restorable bandwidth-guaranteed tunnels using aggregated network resource usage information". 244-245
Volume 16, Number 2, April 2008
- Yuh-Ming Chiu, Do Young Eun:
Minimizing file download time in stochastic peer-to-peer networks. 253-266 - Daniel Stutzbach, Reza Rejaie, Subhabrata Sen:
Characterizing unstructured overlay topologies in modern P2P file-sharing systems. 267-280 - Kin Wah Kwong, Danny H. K. Tsang:
Building heterogeneous peer-to-peer networks: protocol and analysis. 281-292 - Lukas Kencl, Jean-Yves Le Boudec:
Adaptive load sharing for network processors. 293-306 - Joel Sommers, Paul Barford, Nick G. Duffield, Amos Ron:
A geometric approach to improving active packet loss measurement. 307-320 - Yiwei Thomas Hou, Yi Shi, Hanif D. Sherali:
Rate allocation and network lifetime problems for wireless sensor networks. 321-334 - Nima Sarshar, Behnam Attaran Rezaei, Vwani P. Roychowdhury:
Low latency wireless ad hoc networking: power and bandwidth challenges and a solution. 335-346 - Honghai Zhang, Jennifer C. Hou:
Asymptotic critical total power for k-connectivity of wireless networks. 347-358 - Vehbi C. Gungor, Özgür B. Akan, Ian F. Akyildiz:
A real-time and reliable transport (RT) 2 protocol for wireless sensor and actor networks. 359-370 - Isabella Cerutti, Andrea Fumagalli, Puja Gupta:
Delay models of single-source single-relay cooperative ARQ protocols in slotted radio networks with Poisson frame arrivals. 371-382 - Holger Boche, Martin Schubert:
A superlinearly and globally convergent algorithm for power control and resource allocation with general interference functions. 383-395 - Michael J. Neely, Eytan H. Modiano, Chih-Ping Li:
Fairness and optimal stochastic control for heterogeneous networks. 396-409 - Seung Yeob Nam, Sunggon Kim, Dan Keun Sung:
Measurement-based admission control at edge routers. 410-423 - Zafar Ali, Waseem Sheikh, Edwin K. P. Chong, Arif Ghafoor:
A scalable call admission control algorithm. 424-434 - Minsu Shin, Song Chong, Injong Rhee:
Dual-resource TCP/AQM for processing-constrained networks. 435-449 - Christina Fragouli, Jörg Widmer, Jean-Yves Le Boudec:
Efficient broadcasting using network coding. 450-463 - Violet R. Syrotiuk, Charles J. Colbourn, Sruthi Yellamraju:
Rateless forward error correction for topology-transparent scheduling. 464-472 - Srinivasan Ramasubramanian, Arun K. Somani:
MICRON: a framework for connection establishment in optical networks. 473-485 - Dongmei Wang, Guangzhi Li:
Efficient distributed bandwidth management for MPLS fast reroute. 486-495 - Aditya Akella, Bruce M. Maggs, Srinivasan Seshan, Anees Shaikh, Ramesh K. Sitaraman
Corrections to "on the performance benefits of multihoming route control". 496
Volume 16, Number 3, June 2008
- Sachin Katti, Hariharan Rahul, Wenjun Hu, Dina Katabi, Muriel Médard, Jon Crowcroft:
XORs in the air: practical wireless network coding. 497-510 - Injong Rhee, Ajit Warrier, Mahesh Aia, Jeongki Min, Mihail L. Sichitiu:
Z-MAC: a hybrid MAC for wireless sensor networks. 511-524 - Archan Misra, Abhishek Roy, Sajal K. Das:
Information-theory based optimal location management schemes for integrated multi-system wireless networks. 525-538 - Behçet Sarikaya, Xiao Zheng:
SIP paging and tracking of wireless LAN hosts for VoIP. 539-548 - Karthik Lakshminarayanan, Daniel Adkins, Adrian Perrig, Ion Stoica:
Securing user-controlled routing infrastructures. 549-561 - Seong Soo Kim, A. L. Narasimha Reddy:
Statistical techniques for detecting traffic anomalies through packet header data. 562-575 - Haifeng Yu, Michael Kaminsky, Phillip B. Gibbons, Abraham D. Flaxman:
SybilGuard: defending against sybil attacks via social networks. 576-589 - Yung-Ming Li, Yong Tan, Yong-Pin Zhou:
Analysis of scale effects in peer-to-peer networks. 590-602 - Laurent Massoulié, Milan Vojnovic:
Coupon replication systems. 603-616 - Fabián E. Bustamante, Yi Qiao:
Designing less-structured P2P systems for the expected high churn. 617-627 - Xunqi Yu, James W. Modestino, Ragip Kurceren, Yee Sin Chan:
A model-based approach to evaluation of the efficacy of FEC coding in combating network packet losses. 628-641 - Weiyi Zhang, Guoliang Xue, Jian Tang, Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman:
Faster algorithms for construction of recovery trees enhancing QoP and QoS. 642-655 - Guoliang Xue, Weiyi Zhang, Jian Tang, Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman:
Polynomial time approximation algorithms for multi-constrained QoS routing. 656-669 - Jian Chu, Chin-Tau Lea:
New architecture and algorithms for fast construction of hose-model VPNs. 670-679 - Chen-Shu Wang, Ching-Ter Chang:
Integrated genetic algorithm and goal programming for network topology design problem with multiple objectives and multiple criteria. 680-690 - Reuven Cohen, Gabi Nakibly:
On the computational complexity and effectiveness of N-hub shortest-path routing. 691-704 - Sundar Iyer, Ramana Rao Kompella, Nick McKeown:
Designing packet buffers for router linecards. 705-717 - Simin He, Shutao Sun, Hong-Tao Guan, Qiang Zheng, Youjian Zhao, Wen Gao:
On guaranteed smooth switching for buffered crossbar switches. 718-731 - Xiaohong Jiang, Achille Pattavina, Susumu Horiguchi:
Strictly nonblocking f-cast photonic networks. 732-745
Volume 16, Number 4, August 2008
- Athina Markopoulou, Gianluca Iannaccone, Supratik Bhattacharyya, Chen-Nee Chuah, Yashar Ganjali, Christophe Diot:
Characterization of failures in an operational IP backbone network. 749-762 - Min Sik Kim, Taekhyun Kim, YongJune Shin, Simon S. Lam, Edward J. Powers:
A wavelet-based approach to detect shared congestion. 763-776 - Tao Ye, Hema Tahilramani Kaur, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Murat Yuksel:
Large-scale network parameter configuration using an on-line simulation framework. 777-790 - Imad Aad, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Edward W. Knightly:
Impact of denial of service attacks on ad hoc networks. 791-802 - Daniele Micciancio, Saurabh Panjwani:
Optimal communication complexity of generic multicast key distribution. 803-813 - Supriya Krishnamurthy, Sameh El-Ansary, Erik Aurell, Seif Haridi:
An analytical study of a structured overlay in the presence of dynamic membership. 814-825 - Loc Bui, Atilla Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, Xinzhou Wu:
Asynchronous congestion control in multi-hop wireless networks with maximal matching-based scheduling. 826-839 - Rajiv Gandhi, Arunesh Mishra, Srinivasan Parthasarathy:
Minimizing broadcast latency and redundancy in ad hoc networks. 840-851 - Vincent Lenders, Martin May, Bernhard Plattner:
Density-based anycast: a robust routing strategy for wireless ad hoc networks. 852-863 - Michele Garetto, Theodoros Salonidis, Edward W. Knightly:
Modeling per-flow throughput and capturing starvation in CSMA multi-hop wireless networks. 864-877 - Omesh Tickoo, Biplab Sikdar:
Modeling queueing and channel access delay in unsaturated IEEE 802.11 random access MAC based wireless networks. 878-891 - Cunqing Hua, Tak-Shing Peter Yum:
Optimal routing and data aggregation for maximizing lifetime of wireless sensor networks. 892-903 - Xueyan Tang, Jianliang Xu:
Optimizing lifetime for continuous data aggregation with precision guarantees in wireless sensor networks. 904-917 - Rami Langar, Nizar Bouabdallah, Raouf Boutaba:
A comprehensive analysis of mobility management in MPLS-based wireless access networks. 918-931 - Yiping Xing, Rajarathnam Chandramouli:
Stochastic learning solution for distributed discrete power control game in wireless data networks. 932-944 - Do Young Eun, Xinbing Wang:
Achieving 100% throughput in TCP/AQM under aggressive packet marking with small buffer. 945-956 - Stephen L. Spitler, Daniel C. Lee:
Integration of explicit effective-bandwidth-based QoS routing with best-effort routing. 957-969 - Andrew Brzezinski, Eytan H. Modiano:
Achieving 100% throughput in reconfigurable optical networks. 970-983 - Karyn Benson, Benjamin E. Birnbaum, Esteban Molina-Estolano, Ran Libeskind-Hadas:
Competitive analysis of online traffic grooming in WDM rings. 984-997
Volume 16, Number 5, October 2008
- Nan Jin, Scott Jordan:
On the feasibility of dynamic congestion-based pricing in differentiated services networks. 1001-1014 - Miriam Allalouf, Yuval Shavitt:
Centralized and distributed algorithms for routing and weighted max-min fair bandwidth allocation. 1015-1024 - Ishai Menache, Nahum Shimkin:
Capacity management and equilibrium for proportional QoS. 1025-1037 - Tuna Güven, Richard J. La, Mark A. Shayman, Bobby Bhattacharjee:
A unified framework for multipath routing for unicast and multicast traffic. 1038-1051 - Shu Tao, John G. Apostolopoulos, Roch Guérin:
Real-time monitoring of video quality in IP networks. 1052-1065 - Milan Vojnovic, Ayalvadi J. Ganesh:
On the race of worms, alerts, and patches. 1066-1079 - Venkatesh Ramaiyan, Anurag Kumar, Eitan Altman:
Fixed point analysis of single cell IEEE 802.11e WLANs: uniqueness and multistability. 1080-1093 - Hazer Inaltekin, Stephen B. Wicker:
The analysis of Nash equilibria of the one-shot random-access game for wireless networks and the behavior of selfish nodes. 1094-1107 - Wei Wang, Vikram Srinivasan, Kee Chaing Chua:
Extending the lifetime of wireless sensor networks through mobile relays. 1108-1120 - Gaurav Sharma, Ravi R. Mazumdar:
A case for hybrid sensor networks. 1121-1132 - Sundar Subramanian, Sanjay Shakkottai, Ari Arapostathis:
Broadcasting in sensor networks: the role of local information. 1133-1146 - Ahmed Bader, Eylem Ekici:
Performance optimization of interference-limited multihop networks. 1147-1160 - Aditya Karnik, Aravind Iyer, Catherine Rosenberg:
Throughput-optimal configuration of fixed wireless networks. 1161-1174 - Honghai Zhang, Jennifer C. Hou:
On the asymptotic minimum transporting energy and its implication on the wireless network capacity. 1175-1187 - Michael J. Neely:
Order optimal delay for opportunistic scheduling in multi-user wireless uplinks and downlinks. 1188-1199 - Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, Benoît Fourestié:
Performance evaluation of admission control and adaptive modulation in OFDMA WiMax systems. 1200-1211 - Juan José Jaramillo, Fabio Milan, R. Srikant:
Padded frames: a novel algorithm for stable scheduling in load-balanced switches. 1212-1225 - Bensong Chen, George N. Rouskas, Rudra Dutta:
On hierarchical traffic grooming in WDM networks. 1226-1238
Volume 16, Number 6, December 2008
- Kuai Xu, Zhi-Li Zhang, Supratik Bhattacharyya:
Internet traffic behavior profiling for network security monitoring. 1241-1252 - Minho Sung, Jun (Jim) Xu, Jun Li, Li (Erran) Li:
Large-scale IP traceback in high-speed internet: practical techniques and information-theoretic foundation. 1253-1266 - Xiaowei Yang, David Wetherall, Thomas E. Anderson:
TVA: a DoS-limiting network architecture. 1267-1280 - Yong Xia, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Ion Stoica, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman:
One more bit is enough. 1281-1294 - Renata Teixeira, Aman Shaikh, Timothy G. Griffin, Jennifer Rexford:
Impact of hot-potato routing changes in IP networks. 1295-1307 - Fernando Solano, Thomas R. Stidsen, Ramón Fabregat, José-Luis Marzo:
Label space reduction in MPLS networks: how much can a single stacked label do? 1308-1320 - Randeep Bhatia, Murali S. Kodialam, T. V. Lakshman, Sudipta Sengupta:
Bandwidth guaranteed routing with fast restoration against link and node failures. 1321-1330 - Stamatis Stefanakos:
Reliable routings in networks with generalized link failure events. 1331-1339 - George F. Georgakopoulos:
Buffered cross-bar switches, revisited: design steps, proofs and simulations towards optimal rate and minimum buffer memory. 1340-1351 - Srinivasan Ramasubramanian:
Supporting multiple protection strategies in optical networks. 1352-1365 - Lei Song, Jing Zhang, Biswanath Mukherjee:
A comprehensive study on backup-bandwidth reprovisioning after network-state updates in survivable telecom mesh networks. 1366-1377 - Qun Zhao, Mohan Gurusamy:
Lifetime maximization for connected target coverage in wireless sensor networks. 1378-1391 - John Papandriopoulos, Subhrakanti Dey, Jamie S. Evans:
Optimal and distributed protocols for cross-layer design of physical and transport layers in MANETs. 1392-1405 - Andrew Brzezinski, Gil Zussman, Eytan H. Modiano:
Distributed throughput maximization in wireless mesh networks via pre-partitioning. 1406-1419 - Prashanth Hande, Sundeep Rangan, Mung Chiang, Xinzhou Wu:
Distributed uplink power control for optimal sir assignment in cellular data networks. 1420-1433 - Aaron Walters, David Zage, Cristina Nita-Rotaru:
A framework for mitigating attacks against measurement-based adaptation mechanisms in unstructured multicast overlay networks. 1434-1446 - Mohamed Hefeeda, Osama Saleh:
Traffic modeling and proportional partial caching for peer-to-peer systems. 1447-1460 - Tao Wu, David Starobinski:
A comparative analysis of server selection in content replication networks. 1461-1474 - Derek Leonard, Zhongmei Yao, Xiaoming Wang, Dmitri Loguinov:
On static and dynamic partitioning behavior of large-scale P2P networks. 1475-1488

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