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IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 49
Volume 49, Number 1, January 2001
- Shawn Kraut, Louis L. Scharf, L. Todd McWhorter:
Adaptive subspace detectors. 1-16 - Peter Willett
, Ruixin Niu, Yaakov Bar-Shalom:
Integration of Bayes detection with target tracking. 17-29 - Antonio Napolitano
, Chad M. Spooner:
Cyclic spectral analysis of continuous-phase modulated signals. 30-44 - Axel Clausen, Douglas Cochran:
Asymptotic analysis of the generalized coherence estimate. 45-53 - Peter Strobach:
Total least squares phased averaging and 3-D ESPRIT for joint azimuth-elevation-carrier estimation. 54-62 - Xiaohua Li, H. Howard Fan:
Direct blind multiuser detection for CDMA in multipath without channel estimation. 63-73 - Arie Yeredor:
The extended least squares criterion: minimization algorithms and applications. 74-86 - Petre Stoica, Thomas L. Marzetta:
Parameter estimation problems with singular information matrices. 87-90 - Ting Liu, Tongwen Chen
Design of multichannel nonuniform transmultiplexers using general building blocks. 91-99 - Sony Akkarakaran, Palghat P. Vaidyanathan:
Filterbank optimization with convex objectives and the optimality of principal component forms. 100-114 - Guoliang Fan, Xiang-Gen Xia:
Improved hidden Markov models in the wavelet-domain. 115-120 - Claes Tidestav, Anders Ahlén, Mikael Sternad:
Realizable MIMO decision feedback equalizers: structure and design. 121-133 - Christophe Andrieu, Eric Barat, Arnaud Doucet
Bayesian deconvolution of noisy filtered point processes. 134-146 - Chi-Hao Cheng, Edward J. Powers:
Optimal Volterra kernel estimation algorithms for a nonlinear communication system for PSK and QAM inputs. 147-163 - Bijan Sayyarrodsari, Jonathan P. How, Babak Hassibi, Alain Carrier:
Estimation-based synthesis of H∞-optimal adaptive FIR filters for filtered-LMS problems. 164-178 - Louis L. Scharf, Benjamin Friedlander:
Toeplitz and Hankel kernels for estimating time-varying spectra of discrete-time random processes. 179-189 - Vikram Krishnamurthy, Gang George Yin, Sumeetpal S. Singh
Adaptive step-size algorithms for blind interference suppression in DS/CDMA systems. 190-201 - Louis Shue
, Subhrakanti Dey
, Brian D. O. Anderson, Franky De Bruyne:
On state-estimation of a two-state hidden Markov model with quantization. 202-208 - Deva K. Borah, Rodney A. Kennedy, Zhi Ding, Inbar Fijalkow:
Sampling and prefiltering effects on blind equalizer design. 209-218 - Geert Leus
, Piet Vandaele, Marc Moonen:
Deterministic blind modulation-induced source separation for digital wireless communications. 219-227 - Nikos D. Sidiropoulos
, Xiangqian Liu:
Identifiability results for blind beamforming in incoherent multipath with small delay spread. 228-236 - Stéphanie Rouquette, Mohamed Najim:
Estimation of frequencies and damping factors by two-dimensional ESPRIT type methods. 237-245 - André Monin, Gérard Salut:
Minimum variance estimation of parameters constrained by bounds. 246-248 - William W. Jones, Jeffrey C. Dill:
The square root raised cosine wavelet and its relation to the Meyer functions. 248-251 - Karim Drouiche:
A new efficient computational algorithm for bit reversal mapping. 251-254 - K. C. Ho, Yiu Tong Chan:
An iterative algorithm for two-scale wavelet decomposition. 254-257 - Ljubisa Stankovic
, Igor Djurovic:
A note on "An overview of aliasing errors in discrete-time formulations of time-frequency representations". 257-259
Volume 49, Number 2, February 2001
- Petre Stoica, Olivier Besson
, Alex B. Gershman:
Direction-of-arrival estimation of an amplitude-distorted wavefront. 269-276 - Jian Li, Guoqing Liu, Nanzhi Jiang, Petre Stoica:
Moving target feature extraction for airborne high-range resolution phased-array radar. 277-289 - Dimitrios A. Pados, George N. Karystinos:
An iterative algorithm for the computation of the MVDR filter. 290-300 - Patrick Celka, Neil J. Bershad, Jean-Marc Vesin:
Stochastic gradient identification of polynomial Wiener systems: analysis and application. 301-313 - Nabil R. Yousef, Ali H. Sayed:
A unified approach to the steady-state and tracking analyses of adaptive filters. 314-324 - Zhi Ding
, Jing Liang:
A cumulant matrix subspace algorithm for blind single FIR channel identification. 325-333 - Eweda Eweda:
Convergence analysis of adaptive filtering algorithms with singular data covariance matrix. 334-343 - Artyom M. Grigoryan:
2-D and 1-D multipaired transforms: frequency-time type wavelets. 344-353 - Wanzhsu Ye, Xingwei Zhou:
Criteria of convergence of median filters and perturbation theorem. 360-363 - Vladimir P. Melnik, Ilya Shmulevich, Karen O. Egiazarian, Jaakko Astola:
Block-median pyramidal transform: analysis and denoising applications. 364-372 - Yuehua Wu
, Kwok-Wai Tam:
M-estimation in exponential signal models. 373-380 - Ahmet Kemal Özdemir, Orhan Arikan
Fast computation of the ambiguity function and the Wigner distribution on arbitrary line segments. 381-393 - Daryl C. Bell, Ram M. Narayanan:
Theoretical aspects of radar imaging using stochastic waveforms. 394-400 - Kehu Yang, Yimin Zhang, Yoshihiko Mizuguchi:
A signal subspace-based subband approach to space-time adaptive processing for mobile communications. 401-413 - Francis Levernhe, Gérard Montseny, J. Audounet:
Markovian diffusive representation of 1/fα noises and application to fractional stochastic differential models. 414-423 - Jun Ma, Keshab K. Parhi
, Ed F. Deprettere:
A unified algebraic transformation approach for parallel recursive and adaptive filtering and SVD algorithms. 424-437 - Juan G. Gonzalez, Gonzalo R. Arce:
Optimality of the myriad filter in practical impulsive-noise environments. 438-441 - Tony Gustafsson, Ulf A. Lindgren, Henrik Sahlin:
Statistical analysis of a signal separation method based on second-order statistics. 441-444 - Cheh Pan:
Gibbs phenomenon removal and digital filtering directly through the fast Fourier transform. 444-448 - Ferhat Çakrak, Patrick J. Loughlin:
Multiple window time-varying spectral analysis. 448-453
Volume 49, Number 3, March 2001
- Yingbo Hua, Maziar Nikpour, Petre Stoica:
Optimal reduced-rank estimation and filtering. 457-469 - Carlos H. Muravchik
, Arye Nehorai:
EEG/MEC error bounds for a static dipole source with a realistic head model. 470-484 - Bradford W. Gillespie, Les E. Atlas:
Optimizing time-frequency kernels for classification. 485-496 - Athanassios Manikas, Adham Sleiman, Ioannis Dacos:
Manifold studies of nonlinear antenna array geometries. 497-506 - Piotr J. Durka
, Dobieslaw Ircha, Katarzyna J. Blinowska
Stochastic time-frequency dictionaries for matching pursuit. 507-510 - S.-J. Chen, James Steven Gibson:
Feedforward adaptive noise control with multivariable gradient lattice filters. 511-520 - Nicholas B. Pulsone, Charles M. Rader:
Adaptive beamformer orthogonal rejection test. 521-529 - Eric Moreau
A generalization of joint-diagonalization criteria for source separation. 530-541 - Mehmet Kivanç Mihçak, Pierre Moulin, Mihai Anitescu
, Kannan Ramchandran:
Rate-distortion-optimal subband coding without perfect-reconstruction constraints. 542-557 - Hartmut Brandenstein, Rolf Unbehauen:
Weighted least-squares approximation of FIR by IIR digital filters. 558-568 - Carlos E. de Souza, Reinaldo Martinez Palhares, Pedro Luis Dias Peres
Robust H∞ filter design for uncertain linear systems with multiple time-varying state delays. 569-576 - Anders E. Nordsjö, Lars-Henning Zetterberg:
Identification of certain time-varying nonlinear Wiener and Hammerstein systems. 577-592 - Donald L. Duttweiler:
Avoiding slow band-edge convergence in subband echo cancelers. 593-602 - Björn Völcker, Björn E. Ottersten
Chirp parameter estimation from a sample covariance matrix. 603-612 - Arnaud Doucet
, Neil J. Gordon
, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
Particle filters for state estimation of jump Markov linear systems. 613-624 - Donald R. Fredkin, John A. Rice:
Fast evaluation of the likelihood of an HMM: ion channel currents with filtering and colored noise. 625-633 - Yonghong Zeng
, Guoan Bi
, A. C. Kot:
Combined polynomial transform and radix-q algorithm for MD discrete W transform. 634-641 - Bertrand M. Hochwald, Thomas L. Marzetta:
Adapting a downlink array from uplink measurements. 642-653 - Carlos J. Escudero
, Urbashi Mitra, Dirk T. M. Slock:
A Toeplitz displacement method for blind multipath estimation for long code DS/CDMA signals. 654-665 - Zidong Wang
, Biao Huang, Peijun Huo:
Sampled-data filtering with error covariance assignment. 666-670
Volume 49, Number 4, April 2001
- Christopher I. Byrnes, Per Enqvist
, Anders Lindquist
Cepstral coefficients, covariance lags, and pole-zero models for finite data strings. 677-693 - Karim Abed-Meraim, Yong Xiang, Jonathan H. Manton
, Yingbo Hua:
Blind source-separation using second-order cyclostationary statistics. 694-701 - Jean-Jacques Fuchs:
On the application of the global matched filter to DOA estimation with uniform circular arrays. 702-709 - Jingmin Xin, A. Sane:
Linear prediction approach to direction estimation of cyclostationary signals in multipath environment. 710-720 - Yung-Yi Wang, Jiunn-Tsair Chen, Wen-Hsien Fang:
TST-MUSIC for joint DOA-delay estimation. 721-729 - Olivier Besson
, Petre Stoica, Alex B. Gershman:
Simple and accurate direction of arrival estimator in the case of imperfect spatial coherence. 730-737 - Chris W. Schwarz, Soura Dasgupta:
A new normalized relatively stable lattice structure. 738-746 - Yimin Zhang, Weifeng Ma, Moeness G. Amin
Subspace analysis of spatial time-frequency distribution matrices. 747-759 - Richard G. Baraniuk, Mark Coates, Philippe Steeghs:
Hybrid linear/quadratic time-frequency attributes. 760-766 - Stefano Buzzi, Ernesto Conte, Antonio De Maio
, Marco Lops:
Optimum diversity detection over fading dispersive channels with non-Gaussian noise. 767-776 - Mounir Ghogho, Ananthram Swami, Tariq S. Durrani:
Frequency estimation in the presence of Doppler spread: performance analysis. 777-789 - Luc Knockaert:
On orthonormal Muntz-Laguerre filters. 790-793 - Zidong Wang
, Keith J. Burnham:
Robust filtering for a class of stochastic uncertain nonlinear time-delay systems via exponential state estimation. 794-804 - Wee-Peng Ang, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
A new class of gradient adaptive step-size LMS algorithms. 805-810 - Roberto López-Valcarce
, Fernando Pérez-González
Adaptive lattice IIR filtering revisited: convergence issues and new algorithms with improved stability properties. 811-821 - Brian M. Sadler
, Richard J. Kozick, Terrence J. Moore
Bounds on bearing and symbol estimation with side information. 822-834 - Jaume Riba
, Josep Sala
, Gregori Vázquez
Conditional maximum likelihood timing recovery: estimators and bounds. 835-850 - Xuemei Ouyang, Moeness G. Amin
Short-time Fourier transform receiver for nonstationary interference excision in direct sequence spread spectrum communications. 851-863 - Chong-Yung Chi, Chii-Horng Chen:
Two-dimensional frequency-domain blind system identification using higher order statistics with application to texture synthesis. 864-877 - Soo-Chang Pei:
Two-dimensional affine generalized fractional Fourier transform. 878-897 - Dimitrios K. Fragoulis, George Roussopoulos, Thanasis Panagopoulos, Constantin Alexiou, Constantin Papaodysseus
On the automated recognition of seriously distorted musical recordings. 898-908 - Benjamin G. Salomon, Hanoch Ur:
Comments on "DCT algorithms for composite sequence lengths". 909
Volume 49, Number 5, May 2001
- Anisse Taleb, Jordi Solé i Casals
, Christian Jutten:
Quasi-nonparametric blind inversion of Wiener systems. 917-924 - Garold Fuks, Jason Goldberg, Hagit Messer:
Bearing estimation in a Ricean channel .I. Inherent accuracy limitations. 925-937 - Frantz Bouchereau, David Brady, Colin Lanzl:
Multipath delay estimation using a superresolution PN-correlation method. 938-949 - Erik G. Larsson, Petre Stoica:
High-resolution direction finding: the missing data case. 950-958 - Yuri I. Abramovich, Nicholas K. Spencer, Alexei Y. Gorokhov:
Detection-estimation of more uncorrelated Gaussian sources than sensors in nonuniform linear antenna arrays .I. Fully augmentable arrays. 959-971 - Philippe Forster:
Generalized rectification of cross spectral matrices for arrays of arbitrary geometry. 972-978 - Olcay Akay, Gloria Faye Boudreaux-Bartels:
Fractional convolution and correlation via operator methods and an application to detection of linear FM signals. 979-993 - Rémi Gribonval:
Fast matching pursuit with a multiscale dictionary of Gaussian chirps. 994-1001 - Mats Bengtsson
, Björn E. Ottersten
A generalization of weighted subspace fitting to full-rank models. 1002-1012 - Palghat P. Vaidyanathan, Bojan Vrcelj:
Biorthogonal partners and applications. 1013-1027 - Xiqi Gao, Truong Q. Nguyen, Gilbert Strang:
Theory and lattice structure of complex paraunitary filterbanks with filters of (Hermitian-)symmetry/antisymmetry properties. 1028-1043 - Anatoli Torokhti, Phil G. Howlett
An optimal filter of the second order. 1044-1048 - Emmanuel Perrin
, Rachid Harba, C. Berzin-Joseph, Ileana Iribarren, A. Bonami:
nth-order fractional Brownian motion and fractional Gaussian noises. 1049-1059 - Neil J. Bershad, Patrick Celka, Steve McLaughlin
Analysis of stochastic gradient identification of Wiener-Hammerstein systems for nonlinearities with Hermite polynomial expansions. 1060-1072 - João Manuel Freitas Xavier, Victor A. N. Barroso
, José M. F. Moura:
Closed-form correlative coding (CFC2) blind identification of MIMO channels: isometry fitting to second order statistics. 1073-1086 - Sven Ole Aase, John Håkon Husøy, J. H. H. K. Skretting, Kjersti Engan
Optimized signal expansions for sparse representation. 1087-1096 - Haranath Kar
, Vimal Singh:
Stability analysis of 1-D and 2-D fixed-point state-space digital filters using any combination of overflow and quantization nonlinearities. 1097-1105 - Hyoung-Nam Kim, Woo-Jin Song, Hyun-Chool Shin:
Reply to "Comments on adaptive IIR filtering with monic normalization". 1106-1107 - Steeve Zozor, Pierre-Olivier Amblard:
Erratum: Stochastic resonance in discrete time nonlinear AR(1) models. 1107-1109 - John B. Minkoff:
Comment on the "Unnecessary assumption of statistical independence between reference signal and filter weights in feedforward adaptive systems". 1109
Volume 49, Number 6, June 2001
- Maarten Jansen, Adhemar Bultheel
Asymptotic behavior of the minimum mean squared error threshold for noisy wavelet coefficients of piecewise smooth signals. 1113-1118 - Carlos E. Davila:
On the noise-compensated Yule-Walker equations. 1119-1121 - Aleksandar Dogandzic
, Arye Nehorai:
Cramer-Rao bounds for estimating range, velocity, and direction with an active array. 1122-1137 - Zhi Tian, Kristine L. Bell, Harry L. Van Trees:
A recursive least squares implementation for LCMP beamforming under quadratic constraint. 1138-1145 - Sylvain Sardy, Paul Tseng, Andrew G. Bruce:
Robust wavelet denoising. 1146-1152 - Patrick J. Loughlin, Keith L. Davidson:
Modified Cohen-Lee time-frequency distributions and instantaneous bandwidth of multicomponent signals. 1153-1165 - Azzédine Touzni, Inbar Fijalkow, Michael G. Larimore, John R. Treichler:
A globally convergent approach for blind MIMO adaptive deconvolution. 1166-1178 - José L. Paredes, Gonzalo R. Arce:
Optimization of stack filters based on mirrored threshold decomposition. 1179-1188 - Lung-Jen Wang, Wen-Shyong Hsieh, Trieu-Kien Truong, Irving S. Reed, T. C. Cheng:
A fast efficient computation of cubic-spline interpolation in image codec. 1189-1197 - Soo-Chang Pei, Min-Hung Yeh:
The discrete fractional cosine and sine transforms. 1198-1207 - Simon I. Hill, Robert C. Williamson:
Convergence of exponentiated gradient algorithms. 1208-1215 - Arnaud Doucet
, Christophe Andrieu:
Iterative algorithms for state estimation of jump Markov linear systems. 1216-1227 - Mónica F. Bugallo
, Joaquín Míguez, Luis Castedo
A maximum likelihood approach to blind multiuser interference cancellation. 1228-1239 - Sheng Chen
, Ahmad K. Samingan, Bernard Mulgrew
, Lajos Hanzo
Adaptive minimum-BER linear multiuser detection for DS-CDMA signals in multipath channels. 1240-1247 - Francescomaria Marino:
Two fast architectures for the direct 2-D discrete wavelet transform. 1248-1259 - Jianhua Liu, Xiyuan Zhou, Yingning Peng:
Spectral arrangement and other topics in first-order bandpass sampling theory. 1260-1263
Volume 49, Number 7, July 2001
- Anil M. Rao, Douglas L. Jones:
Efficient quadratic detection in perturbed arrays via Fourier transform techniques. 1269-1281 - Chong-Yung Chi, Chii-Horng Chen:
Cumulant-based inverse filter criteria for MIMO blind deconvolution: properties, algorithms, and application to DS/CDMA systems in multipath. 1282-1299 - Jitendra K. Tugnait
, Tongtong Li:
Blind detection of asynchronous CDMA signals in multipath channels using code-constrained inverse filter criterion. 1300-1309 - Marius Pesavento
, Alex B. Gershman:
Maximum-likelihood direction-of-arrival estimation in the presence of unknown nonuniform noise. 1310-1324 - Ruixin Niu, Peter Willett
, Yaakov Bar-Shalom:
Matrix CRLB scaling due to measurements of uncertain origin. 1325-1335 - Ernesto Conte, Antonio De Maio
, Giuseppe Ricci:
GLRT-based adaptive detection algorithms for range-spread targets. 1336-1348 - Xueshi Yang, Athina P. Petropulu:
The extended alternating fractal renewal process for modeling traffic in high-speed communication networks. 1349-1363 - Carlos E. Davila:
Blind adaptive estimation of KLT basis vectors. 1364-1369 - Márcio Holsbach Costa, José Carlos M. Bermudez
, Neil J. Bershad:
Stochastic analysis of the LMS algorithm with a saturation nonlinearity following the adaptive filter output. 1370-1387 - Jean-François Giovannelli
, Jérôme Idier:
Bayesian interpretation of periodograms. 1388-1396 - Ming Gu, Lang Tong:
Domains of attraction of Shalvi-Weinstein receivers. 1397-1408 - Yunxin Zhao:
Spectrum estimation of short-time stationary signals in additive noise and channel distortion. 1409-1420 - Andrzej Tarczynski
, Gerald D. Cain, Ewa Hermanowicz, Miroslaw Rojewski:
A WISE method for designing IIR filters. 1421-1432 - Xiqi Gao
, Truong Q. Nguyen, Gilbert Strang:
On factorization of M-channel paraunitary filterbanks. 1433-1446 - Lixin Shen, Hwee Huat Tan:
On a family of orthonormal scalar wavelets and related balanced multiwavelets. 1447-1453 - Ilya Shmulevich, José L. Paredes, Gonzalo R. Arce:
Output distributions of stack filters based on mirrored threshold decomposition. 1454-1460 - Hüseyin Akçay
On the uniform approximation of discrete-time systems by generalized Fourier series. 1461-1467 - Lisa Perros-Meilhac, Eric Moulines, Karim Abed-Meraim, Pascal Chevalier, Pierre Duhamel:
Blind identification of multipath channels: a parametric subspace approach. 1468-1480 - Enzo Baccarelli
, Stefano Galli
A new approach based on "soft statistics" to the nonlinear blind-deconvolution of unknown data channels. 1481-1491 - Ruifeng Zhang, Michail K. Tsatsanis:
Blind startup of MMSE receivers for CDMA systems. 1492-1500 - Lowell LeRoy Winger:
Linearly constrained generalized Lloyd algorithm for reduced codebook vector quantization. 1501-1509 - Zhi Tian, Kristine L. Bell, Harry L. Van Trees:
Robust constrained linear receivers for CDMA wireless systems. 1510-1522 - Li-Mei Chen, Bor-Sen Chen:
A robust adaptive DFE receiver for DS-CDMA systems under multipath fading channels. 1523-1532 - Er-Wei Bai, Zhi Ding
Blind decision feedback equalization of time-varying channels with DPSK inputs. 1533-1542 - Kaywan H. Afkhamie, Zhi-Quan Luo, Kon Max Wong:
Interior point least squares estimation: transient convergence analysis and application to MMSE decision-feedback equalization. 1543-1555 - Xiaohua Li, H. Howard Fan:
Direct blind equalization with best delay by channel output whitening. 1556-1563 - Raphael J. Lyman, William W. Edmonson:
Linear prediction of bandlimited processes with flat spectral densities. 1564-1569 - Biao Chen, Lang Tong:
Traffic-aided multiuser detection for random-access CDMA networks. 1570-1580 - C. Mehmet Hendekli, Aysin Ertüzün
Design of a multichannel two-dimensional delta-domain lattice filter for noise removal. 1581-1593 - Helmut Bölcskei, Pierre Duhamel, Rima Hleiss:
A subspace-based approach to blind channel identification in pulse shaping OFDM/OQAM systems. 1594-1598
Volume 49, Number 8, August 2001
- Tsung-Hsien Liu, Jerry M. Mendel:
A subspace-based direction finding algorithm using fractional lower order statistics. 1605-1613 - Sharon Gannot
, David Burshtein, Ehud Weinstein:
Signal enhancement using beamforming and nonstationarity with applications to speech. 1614-1626 - Chunxi Wan, Alan M. Schneider:
Extensions of the weighted-sample method for digitizing continuous-time filters. 1627-1637 - Soo-Chang Pei, Jian-Jiun Ding:
Relations between fractional operations and time-frequency distributions, and their applications. 1638-1655 - Ferhat Çakrak, Patrick J. Loughlin:
Multiwindow time-varying spectrum with instantaneous bandwidth and frequency constraints. 1656-1666 - Li Tan, Jean Jiang:
Adaptive Volterra filters for active control of nonlinear noise processes. 1667-1676 - Binning Chen, Athina P. Petropulu:
Frequency domain blind MIMO system identification based on second and higher order statistics. 1677-1688 - Athanasios P. Liavas, Phillip A. Regalia:
On the behavior of information theoretic criteria for model order selection. 1689-1695 - Reinaldo M. Palhares
, Carlos E. de Souza, Pedro Luis Dias Peres
Robust 𝒽∞ filtering for uncertain discrete-time state-delayed systems. 1696-1703 - Peng-Lang Shui
, Zheng Bao, Xian-Da Zhang:
M-band compactly supported orthogonal symmetric interpolating scaling functions. 1704-1713 - Honggang Li, Qiao Wang, Lenan Wu:
A novel design of lifting scheme from general wavelet. 1714-1717 - Alfred Mertins:
Boundary filter optimization for segmentation-based subband coding. 1718-1727 - Nilesh P. Telang, Louis R. Hunt:
Frequency domain computations for nonlinear steady-state solutions. 1728-1733 - Yangwang Fang, Licheng Jiao
, Xian-Da Zhang, Jin Pan:
On the convergence of Volterra filter equalizers using a pth-order inverse approach. 1734-1744 - José Luis Díaz-Barrero, Juan José Egozcue
Reflection coefficients counterpart of Cardan-Viete formulas. 1745-1747 - Yingwei Yao, H. Vincent Poor:
Eavesdropping in the synchronous CDMA channel: an EM-based approach. 1748-1756 - Philip Schniter
, Raúl A. Casas, Azzédine Touzni, C. Richard Johnson Jr.:
Performance analysis of Godard-based blind channel identification. 1757-1767 - Gi-Hong Im, Kyu-Min Kang:
Performance of a hybrid decision feedback equalizer structure for CAP-based DSL systems. 1768-1785 - Jianhua Liu, Jian Li, Hongbin Li, Erik G. Larsson:
Differential space-code modulation for interference suppression. 1786-1795 - Alle-Jan van der Veen
Asymptotic properties of the algebraic constant modulus algorithm. 1796-1807 - Zahir M. Hussain
, Boualem Boashash, Mudhafar Hassan-Ali, Saleh R. Al-Araji:
A time-delay digital tanlock loop. 1808-1815 - Erchin Serpedin
, Philippe Ciblat, Georgios B. Giannakis
, Philippe Loubaton:
Performance analysis of blind carrier phase estimators for general QAM constellations. 1816-1823 - James A. Bucklew, Thomas G. Kurtz:
Mixed time scale recursive algorithms. 1824-1830
Volume 49, Number 9, September 2001
- Dinh-Tuan Pham, Jean-François Cardoso
Blind separation of instantaneous mixtures of nonstationary sources. 1837-1848 - Tao Jiang, Nikos D. Sidiropoulos
, Jos M. F. ten Berge:
Almost-sure identifiability of multidimensional harmonic retrieval. 1849-1859 - Kheong Sann Chan, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
Analysis of the partitioned frequency-domain block LMS (PFBLMS) algorithm. 1860-1874 - Xian-Da Zhang, Yu Shi, Zheng Bao:
A new feature vector using selected bispectra for signal classification with application in radar target recognition. 1875-1885 - Fulvio Gini, Georgios B. Giannakis
, Maria Greco
, G. Tong Zhou:
Time-averaged subspace methods for radar clutter texture retrieval. 1886-1898 - Leigh A. Johnston
, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
Derivation of a sawtooth iterated extended Kalman smoother via the AECM algorithm. 1899-1909 - Steven Kay:
Conditional model order estimation. 1910-1917 - Jérôme Lebrun
, Martin Vetterli
High-order balanced multiwavelets: theory, factorization, and design. 1918-1930 - Umberto Amato
, Qinian Jin
Convergence of the Red-TOWER method for removing noise from data. 1931-1939 - Kang-Sun Choi, Aldo W. Morales, Sung-Jea Ko:
Design of linear combination of weighted medians. 1940-1952 - Sari Peltonen, Pauli Kuosmanen, Jaakko Astola:
Output distributional influence function. 1953-1960 - Yongbin Wei, Saul B. Gelfand, James V. Krogmeier:
Noise-constrained least mean squares algorithm. 1961-1970 - James R. Bunch, Richard C. Le Borne, Ian K. Proudler:
A conceptual framework for consistency, conditioning, and stability issues in signal processing. 1971-1981 - Stephan Weiss
, Alexander Stenger, Robert W. Stewart, Rudolf Rabenstein:
Steady-state performance limitations of subband adaptive filters. 1982-1991 - Sebastian Egner, Markus Püschel:
Automatic generation of fast discrete signal transforms. 1992-2002 - Zhengyuan Xu:
Asymptotically near-optimal blind estimation of multipath CDMA channels. 2003-2017 - Robert Schober, Wolfgang H. Gerstacker, Johannes B. Huber:
Adaptive noncoherent linear minimum ISI equalization for MDPSK and MDAPSK signals. 2018-2030 - Philip Schniter
, Lang Tong:
Existence and performance of Shalvi-Weinstein estimators. 2031-2041 - Roberto López-Valcarce
, Zhi Ding
, Soura Dasgupta:
Equalization and interference cancellation in linear multiuser systems based on second-order statistics. 2042-2049 - Roberto López-Valcarce
, Soura Dasgupta:
Blind channel equalization with colored sources based on second-order statistics: a linear prediction approach. 2050-2059 - Samuli Visuri, Hannu Oja, Visa Koivunen:
Subspace-based direction-of-arrival estimation using nonparametric statistics. 2060-2073 - Xiangqian Liu, Nikos D. Sidiropoulos
Cramer-Rao lower bounds for low-rank decomposition of multidimensional arrays. 2074-2086 - Tõnu Trump:
Maximum likelihood trend estimation in exponential noise. 2087-2095 - Sungwook Yu, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.:
A pipelined architecture for the multidimensional DFT. 2096-2102 - Minyue Fu
, Carlos E. de Souza, Zhi-Quan Luo:
Finite-horizon robust Kalman filter design. 2103-2112 - Artyom M. Grigoryan, Sos S. Agaian:
Shifted Fourier transform-based tensor algorithms for the 2-D DCT. 2113-2126 - Shan Ouyang, Zheng Bao, Guisheng Liao, P. C. Ching:
Adaptive minor component extraction with modular structure. 2127-2137 - Takashi Matsumoto, Yoshinori Nakajima, Motoki Saito, Junjiro Sugi, Hiroaki Hamagishi:
Reconstructions and predictions of nonlinear dynamical systems: a hierarchical Bayesian approach. 2138-2155 - Guoan Bi
, Yonghong Zeng
, Yan Qiu Chen:
Prime factor algorithm for multidimensional discrete cosine transform. 2156-2161 - B. S. Nollett, Neil J. Bershad:
Errata to "stochastic analysis of adaptive gradient identification of Wiener-Hammerstein systems for gaussian inputs". 2162 - Ilya Shmulevich, José L. Paredes, Gonzalo R. Arce:
Correction to "output distributionsof stack filters based on mirrored threshold decomposition". 2162
Volume 49, Number 10, October 2001
- Shahram Shahbazpanahi
, Shahrokh Valaee, Mohammad Hasan Bastani:
Distributed source localization using ESPRIT algorithm. 2169-2178 - Elio D. Di Claudio
, Raffaele Parisi:
WAVES: weighted average of signal subspaces for robust wideband direction finding. 2179-2191 - Ercan E. Kuruoglu
Density parameter estimation of skewed α-stable distributions. 2192-2201 - Philippe Ciuciu, Jérôme Idier, Jean-François Giovannelli
Regularized estimation of mixed spectra using a circular Gibbs-Markov model. 2202-2213 - Braham Barkat
Instantaneous frequency estimation of nonlinear frequency-modulated signals in the presence of multiplicative and additive noise. 2214-2222 - Ali Kaderli, A. Salim Kayhan:
A spectral matching approach for parameter and spectral estimation of nonstationary rational processes. 2223-2231 - Braham Barkat
, Boualem Boashash:
A high-resolution quadratic time-frequency distribution for multicomponent signals analysis. 2232-2239 - Steven M. Kay, Albert H. Nuttall, Paul M. Baggenstoss:
Multidimensional probability density function approximations for detection, classification, and model order selection. 2240-2252 - Sokratis K. Katsikas
, Spiridon D. Likothanassis, Grigorios N. Beligiannis
, K. G. Berkeris, Dimitris Fotakis:
Genetically determined variable structure multiple model estimation. 2253-2261 - Lieven De Lathauwer, Bart De Moor, Joos Vandewalle:
Independent component analysis and (simultaneous) third-order tensor diagonalization. 2262-2271 - Maciej Niedzwiecki, Krzysztof Cisowski:
Smart copying-a new approach to reconstruction of audio signals. 2272-2282 - Arigovindan Murhuvel, Anamitra Makur:
Eigenstructure approach for characterization of FIR PR filterbanks with order one polyphase. 2283-2291 - Artyom M. Grigoryan, Edward R. Doughelly:
Optimization of linear filters under power-spectral-density stabilization. 2292-2300 - Raman Venkataramani, Yoram Bresler
Optimal sub-Nyquist nonuniform sampling and reconstruction for multiband signals. 2301-2313 - Pengwei Hao, Qingyun Shi:
Matrix factorizations for reversible integer mapping. 2314-2324 - Darryl Veitch, Patrice Abry
A statistical test for the time constancy of scaling exponents. 2325-2334 - Mikko Valkama
, Markku Renfors
, Visa Koivunen:
Advanced methods for I/Q imbalance compensation in communication receivers. 2335-2344 - Kuei-Chiang Lai, John J. Shynk:
Steady-state analysis of the adaptive successive interference canceler for DS/CDMA signals. 2345-2362 - Arthur J. Redfern, G. Tong Zhou:
Blind zero forcing equalization of multichannel nonlinear CDMA systems. 2363-2371 - Xiaohua Li, H. Howard Fan:
Blind channel identification: subspace tracking method without rank estimation. 2372-2382 - Deepa Kundur, Dimitrios Hatzinakos:
Diversity and attack characterization for improved robust watermarking. 2383-2396 - Timothy W. O'Neil, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha:
Retiming synchronous data-flow graphs to reduce execution time. 2397-2407 - Bishnupriya Bhattacharya, Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya
Parameterized dataflow modeling for DSP systems. 2408-2421 - Wanquan Liu
, Wei-Yong Yan, Victor Sreeram, Kok Lay Teo:
Global convergence analysis for the NIC flow. 2422-2430 - Grigore I. Braileanu:
Comments on "Further improvements in digitizing continuous-time filters". 2431-2437 - Alan M. Schneider, Chunxi Wan:
Reply to comments on "Further improvements in digitizing continuous-time filters". 2437-2438 - Jeffrey J. Wojtiuk, Richard J. Martin:
Random sampling enables flexible design for multiband carrier signals. 2438-2440
Volume 49, Number 11, November 2001
- Steven Reece:
Nonlinear Kalman filtering with semi-parametric Biscay distributions. 2445-2453 - Zhen Wang, Peter K. Willett
All-purpose and plug-in power-law detectors for transient signals. 2454-2466 - Mounir Ghogho, Olivier Besson
, Ananthram Swami:
Estimation of directions of arrival of multiple scattered sources. 2467-2480 - Jingmin Xin, Akira Sano:
MSE-based regularization approach to direction estimation of coherent narrowband signals using linear prediction. 2481-2497 - Petr Tichavský, Kainam Thomas Wong
, Michael D. Zoltowski:
Near-field/far-field azimuth and elevation angle estimation using a single vector hydrophone. 2498-2510 - A. Lee Swindlehurst
, Petre Stoica, Magnus Jansson
Exploiting arrays with multiple invariances using MUSIC and MODE. 2511-2521 - Michael J. Grimble:
Restricted structure optimal linear pseudo-state filtering for discrete-time systems. 2522-2535 - Cédric Richard
Linear redundancy of information carried by the discrete Wigner distribution. 2536-2544 - Sudarshan Shinde, Vikram M. Gadre:
An uncertainty principle for real signals in the fractional Fourier transform domain. 2545-2548 - Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, Robin L. Murray, Byeong-Gwan Iem, Gloria Faye Boudreaux-Bartels:
Group delay shift covariant quadratic time-frequency representations. 2549-2564 - Ricardo Merched, Ali H. Sayed:
RLS-Laguerre lattice adaptive filtering: error-feedback, normalized, and array-based algorithms. 2565-2576 - Akihiko Sugiyama, Yann Joncour, Akihiro Hirano:
A stereo echo canceler with correct echo-path identification based on an input-sliding technique. 2577-2587 - Ning Li, X. Rong Li:
Target perceivability and its applications. 2588-2604 - Chung-Shi Tseng, Bor-Sen Chen:
H∞ fuzzy estimation for a class of nonlinear discrete-time dynamic systems. 2605-2619 - Uri Shaked, Lihua Xie, Yeng Chai Soh:
New approaches to robust minimum variance filter design. 2620-2629 - Bogdan Dumitrescu
, Ioan Tabus, Petre Stoica:
On the parameterization of positive real sequences and MA parameter estimation. 2630-2639 - Xi Zhang, Akira Kato, Toshinori Yoshikawa:
A new class of orthonormal symmetric wavelet bases using a complex allpass filter. 2640-2647 - Yuan-Pei Lin, See-May Phoong
ISI-free FIR filterbank transceivers for frequency-selective channels. 2648-2658 - Soontorn Oraintara, Trac D. Tran, Peter N. Heller, Truong Q. Nguyen:
Lattice structure for regular paraunitary linear-phase filterbanks and M-band orthogonal symmetric wavelets. 2659-2672 - Chien-Cheng Tseng, Soo-Chang Pei:
Stable IIR notch filter design with optimal pole placement. 2673-2681 - Amir Averbuch, Alexander B. Pevnyi, Valery A. Zheludev:
Biorthogonal Butterworth wavelets derived from discrete interpolatory splines. 2682-2692 - Bor-Sen Chen, Chang-Lan Tsai, Yi-Fong Chen:
Mixed H2/H∞ filtering design in multirate transmultiplexer systems: LMI approach. 2693-2701 - Yuan-Pei Lin, See-May Phoong
Optimal ISI-free DMT transceivers for distorted channels with colored noise. 2702-2712 - Richard C. Kavanagh:
FIR differentiators for quantized signals. 2713-2720 - Sudhakar Kalluri, Gonzalo R. Arce:
Robust frequency-selective filtering using weighted myriad filters admitting real-valued weights. 2721-2733 - Paulo Jorge S. G. Ferreira:
Sorting continuous-time signals: analog median and median-type filters. 2734-2744 - Ronald K. Pearson:
A recursive variant of Mallows' filter class. 2745-2752 - V. Tsoulkas, Panos Koukoulas, Nicholas Kalouptsidis:
Identification of input-output bilinear systems using cumulants. 2753-2761 - K. C. Ho:
Performance of multiple LMS adaptive filters in tandem. 2762-2773 - Yonghong Zeng
, Lizhi Cheng, Guoan Bi
, A. C. Kot:
Integer DCTs and fast algorithms. 2774-2782 - Soo-Chang Pei, Jian-Jiun Ding, Ja-Han Chang:
Efficient implementation of quaternion Fourier transform, convolution, and correlation by 2-D complex FFT. 2783-2797 - Giovanni Jacovitti, Gianpiero Panci, Gaetano Scarano
Bussgang-zero crossing equalization: an integrated HOS-SOS approach. 2798-2812 - Zhengyuan Xu:
Low-complexity multiuser channel estimation with aperiodic spreading codes. 2813-2822 - Qingyu Li, Er-Wei Bai, Yinyu Ye:
Blind channel equalization and ϵ-approximation algorithms. 2823-2831 - Chin-Liang Wang, Kuo-Ming Wu:
A new narrowband interference suppression scheme for spread-spectrum CDMA communications. 2832-2838 - Emilia Fridman
, Uri Shaked:
A new H∞ filter design for linear time delay systems. 2839-2843 - Thomas Bülow, Gerald Sommer:
Hypercomplex signals-a novel extension of the analytic signal to the multidimensional case. 2844-2852 - Zhong Wang, Timothy W. O'Neil, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha:
Optimal loop scheduling for hiding memory latency based on two-level partitioning and prefetching. 2853-2864 - Daniel J. Sebald, James A. Bucklew:
Support vector machines and the multiple hypothesis test problem. 2865-2872 - Ann M. Bell, William A. Sethares:
Avoiding global congestion using decentralized adaptive agents. 2873-2879 - Jenq-Tay Yuan:
A state-space approach to QRD-LSL interpolation and QRD-LSL smoothing. 2880-2884 - Michael K. Ng
, Wilson C. Kwan:
Comments on "Least squares restoration of multichannel images". 2885
Volume 49, Number 12, December 2001
- Vikram Krishnamurthy, Robin J. Evans
Hidden Markov model multiarm bandits: a methodology for beam scheduling in multitarget tracking. 2893-2908 - Leigh A. Johnston
, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
An improvement to the interacting multiple model (IMM) algorithm. 2909-2923 - Alex B. Gershman, Marius Pesavento
, Moeness G. Amin
Estimating parameters of multiple wideband polynomial-phase sources in sensor arrays. 2924-2934 - Per Pelin:
A fast minimization technique for subspace fitting with arbitrary array manifolds. 2935-2939 - Pei Jung Chung, Johann F. Böhme:
Comparative convergence analysis of EM and SAGE algorithms in DOA estimation. 2940-2949 - Robert E. Zarnich, Kristine L. Bell, Harry L. Van Trees:
A unified method for measurement and tracking of contacts from an array of sensors. 2950-2961 - Martin Kristensson, Magnus Jansson
, Björn E. Ottersten
Further results and insights on subspace based sinusoidal frequency estimation. 2962-2974 - Hoang Duong Tuan, Pierre Apkarian, Truong Q. Nguyen:
Robust and reduced-order filtering: new LMI-based characterizations and methods. 2975-2984 - Igor Djurovic, Ljubisa Stankovic
Robust Wigner distribution with application to the instantaneous frequency estimation. 2985-2993 - Yu Shi, Xian-Da Zhang:
A Gabor atom network for signal classification with application in radar target recognition. 2994-3004 - Yimin Zhang, Moeness G. Amin
Array processing for nonstationary interference suppression in DS/SS communications using subspace projection techniques. 3005-3014 - Ricardo Merched, Ali H. Sayed:
Extended fast fixed-order RLS adaptive filters. 3015-3031 - Jie Liang
, Trac D. Tran:
Fast multiplierless approximations of the DCT with the lifting scheme. 3032-3044 - A. Ben Hamza
, Hamid Krim:
Image denoising: a nonlinear robust statistical approach. 3045-3054 - Jean-Marie Chaufray, Philippe Loubaton, Pascal Chevalier:
Consistent estimation of Rayleigh fading channel second-order statistics in the context of the wideband CDMA mode of the UMTS. 3055-3064 - Michele Morelli
, Umberto Mengali:
A comparison of pilot-aided channel estimation methods for OFDM systems. 3065-3073 - Xiang Yu, Lang Tong:
Joint channel and symbol estimation by oblique projections. 3074-3083 - Roberto López-Valcarce
, Soura Dasgupta:
Blind equalization of nonlinear channels from second-order statistics. 3084-3097 - Timothy N. Davidson
Efficient design of waveforms for robust pulse amplitude modulation. 3098-3111 - Phillip A. Regalia, Mamadou Mboup:
Properties of some blind equalization criteria in noisy multiuser environments. 3112-3122 - Güner Arslan, Brian L. Evans, Sayfe Kiaei:
Equalization for discrete multitone transceivers to maximize bit rate. 3123-3135 - Michael Felsberg
, Gerald Sommer:
The monogenic signal. 3136-3144 - Said Boussakta, Osama Alshibami, M. Y. Aziz:
Radix-2 × 2 × 2 algorithm for the 3-D discrete Hartley transform. 3145-3156 - Magnus Lundberg, Khurram Muhammad, Kaushik Roy, Sarah Kate Wilson:
A novel approach to high-level switching activity modeling with applications to low-power DSP system synthesis. 3157-3167 - Petre Stoica, Erik G. Larsson:
Comments on "Linearization method for finding Cramer-Rao bounds in signal processing" [and reply]. 3168-3169 - Huaijin Gu:
Reply to 'comments on "linearization method for finding cramer-rao bounds in signal processing". 3169

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