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IEEE Wireless Communications, Volume 31
Volume 31, Number 1, February 2024
- Michael J. Marcus, Monisha Ghosh:
ITU-R Study Group Issues for 2023-2027 of Likely Interest to Wireless Researchers. 4-5 - Josep Miquel Jornet, Nan Yang
, Roger Nichols, Shuai Nie, Chongwen Huang, Ranjan K. Mallik:
Terahertz Communications and Sensing for 6G and Beyond: How Far Are We? 8-9 - Fengchun Zhang
, Mikkel Filt Bengtson, Pekka Kyösti, Jukka Kyröläinen, Wei Fan:
Dynamic Sub-THZ Radio Channel Emulation: Principle, Challenges, and Experimental Validation. 10-16 - Andreas F. Molisch, Jorge Gomez-Ponce
, Naveed A. Abbasi, Wonsuk Choi, Gary Xu, Charlie Jianzhong Zhang:
Properties of Sub-THz Propagation Channels and Their Impact on System Behavior: Channel Measurements and Transmission Experiments. 18-24 - Eray Güven, Günes Karabulut-Kurt:
On the Mutuality Between Localization and Channel Modeling in Sub-THz. 26-32 - Lingxiang Li, Wenrong Chen, Zhi Chen, Tianyu Hu, Weidong Mei, Boyu Ning:
Enhancing Terahertz Communications Coverage with ISAC-Assisted Beam Management. 34-40 - Chong Han, Yuanbo Li, Yiqin Wang, Ziming Yu:
Still Waters Run Deep: Extend THz Coverage with Non-Intelligent Reflecting Surface. 41-47 - Vitaly Petrov, Hichem Guerboukha
, Daniel M. Mittleman
, Arjun Singh
Wavefront Hopping: An Enabler for Reliable and Secure Near Field Terahertz Communications in 6G and Beyond. 48-55 - Jinqiang Li, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Qing Guo:
On the Performance of Noma Systems with Different User Grouping Strategies. 56-61 - Ting Ma, Bo Qian
, Xiaohan Qin, Xiaoyu Liu, Haibo Zhou, Lian Zhao:
Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated 6G: An Ultra-Dense LEO Networking Management Architecture. 62-69 - Ruyan Wang, Shiqi Zhang
, Boran Yang, Zhigang Yang, Puning Zhang, Dapeng Wu:
Enabling Data Sharing Through Data Trusts in LEO Satellite Internet. 70-76 - Pavel Mach, Zdenek Becvar, Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos:
Coping with Spatial Unfairness and Overloading Problem in Mobile Networks via D2D Relaying. 78-84 - Yingying Wang, Chih-Lin I, Junshuai Sun, Xin Sun, Siqi Chen:
End to End AI Architecture for Next Generation Network. 86-92 - Qi Sun, Nan Li, Chih-Lin I, Jinri Huang, Xiaofei Xu, Yuxuan Xie:
Intelligent RAN Automation for 5G and Beyond. 94-102 - Yue Cui
, Haichuan Ding, Lian Zhao, Jianping An:
Integrated Sensing and Communication: A Network Level Perspective. 103-109 - Qing Cai, Yiqing Zhou, Ling Liu, Yanli Qi, Zhengang Pan, Haoyue Zhang:
Collaboration of Heterogeneous Edge Computing Paradigms: How to Fill the Gap Between Theory and Practice. 110-117 - Guyue Li, Hongyi Luo
, Jiabao Yu, Aiqun Hu, Jiangzhou Wang:
Information-Theoretic Secure Key Sharing for Wide-Area Mobile Applications. 118-124 - Zaid Abdullah, Steven Kisseleff, Wallace Alves Martins
, Gaojie Chen, Luca Sanguinetti, Konstantinos Ntontin
, Anastasios K. Papazafeiropoulos
, Symeon Chatzinotas
, Björn E. Ottersten:
Cooperative Hybrid Networks with Active Relays and RISs for B5G: Applications, Challenges, and Research Directions. 126-132 - Dan Wu, Liang Zhou:
Cross-Modal Stream Transmission: Architecture, Strategy, and Technology. 134-140 - Peiying Zhang, Ning Chen
, Shigen Shen
, Shui Yu
, Sheng Wu, Neeraj Kumar:
Future Quantum Communications and Networking: A Review and Vision. 141-148 - Qi Guo
, Fengxiao Tang
, Tiago Koketsu Rodrigues, Nei Kato:
Five Disruptive Technologies in 6G to Support Digital Twin Networks. 149-155 - Peng Yang, Xianbin Cao, Tony Q. S. Quek
, Dapeng Oliver Wu
Networking of Internet of UAVs: Challenges and Intelligent Approaches. 156-163 - Yuanzhi He
, Qinggui Tan, Aijun Wen, Lingyang Song, Yun Liu, Dongjuan Shan:
Satellite Communication Payload Based on Microwave Photonics: Benefits, Architecture, and Technologies. 164-171 - Jian Sang, Yifei Yuan, Wankai Tang, Ya Li, Xiao Li, Shi Jin, Qiang Cheng, Tie Jun Cui:
Coverage Enhancement by Deploying RIS in 5G Commercial Mobile Networks: Field Trials. 172-180
Volume 31, Number 2, April 2024
- Nirwan Ansari:
Advancements in Wireless Network Security and Next-Generation Technologies. 2-3 - Monisha Ghosh:
ThE National Spectrum Strategy and Implementation Plan. 6-7 - Rupendra Nath Mitra, Bo Rong:
Open RAN: The Definitive Guide. 8 - Moayad Aloqaily, Helen Paik, Willian T. Lunardi, Cihan Tunc, Fang He:
Guest Editorial: Zero Trust Security Methods for Wireless Networks. 12-13 - Muhammad Asad, Safa Otoum:
Integrative Federated Learning and Zero-Trust Approach for Secure Wireless Communications. 14-20 - Haoran Xie
, Yujue Wang, Yong Ding, Changsong Yang, Hai Liang, Bo Qin:
Industrial Wireless Internet Zero Trust Model: Zero Trust Meets Dynamic Federated Learning with Blockchain. 22-29 - Mukhtar Hussain
, Shantanu Pal, Zahra Jadidi, Ernest Foo
, Salil S. Kanhere:
Federated Zero Trust Architecture using Artificial Intelligence. 30-35 - Xiaolong Xu, Xuanhong Zhou, Xiaokang Zhou, Muhammad Bilal
, Lianyong Qi, Xiaoyu Xia, Wanchun Dou:
Distributed Edge Caching for Zero Trust-Enabled Connected and Automated Vehicles: A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach. 36-41 - Abdurrahman Elmaghbub, Bechir Hamdaoui:
Domain-Agnostic Hardware Fingerprinting-Based Device Identifier for Zero-Trust IoT Security. 42-48 - Sunder Ali Khowaja
, Lewis Nkenyereye, Parus Khowaja, Kapal Dev
, Dusit Niyato:
SLIP: Self-Supervised Learning Based Model Inversion and Poisoning Detection-Based Zero-Trust Systems for Vehicular Networks. 50-57 - Haotong Cao, Longxiang Yang, Sahil Garg, Mubarak Alrashoud, Mohsen Guizani:
Softwarized Resource Allocation of Tailored Services with Zero Security Trust in 6G Networks. 58-65 - Aly Sabri Abdalla, Joshua Moore, Nisha Adhikari, Vuk Marojevic
ZTRAN: Prototyping Zero Trust Security xApps for Open Radio Access Network Deployments. 66-73 - Zeyad Abdelhay, Yahuza Bello, Ahmed Refaey:
Toward Zero-Trust 6GC: A Software Defined Perimeter Approach with Dynamic Moving Target Defense Mechanism. 74-80 - Yiliang Liu, Zhou Su, Haixia Peng, Yushan Xiang, Wei Wang, Ruidong Li:
Zero Trust-Based Mobile Network Security Architecture. 82-88 - Zhenyu Xiao, Junyi Yang, Tianqi Mao, Chong Xu, Rui Zhang, Zhu Han, Xiang-Gen Xia:
LEO Satellite Access Network (LEO-SAN) Toward 6G: Challenges and Approaches. 89-96 - Kaitao Meng, Qingqing Wu
, Jie Xu, Wen Chen, Zhiyong Feng, Robert Schober, A. Lee Swindlehurst:
UAV-Enabled Integrated Sensing and Communication: Opportunities and Challenges. 97-104 - Jingjing Zhao, Yanbo Zhu, Kaiquan Cai, Zhen Gao, Zhu Han, Lajos Hanzo:
Multiple-Antenna Aided Aeronautical Communications in Air-Ground Integrated Networks: Channel Estimation, Reliable Transmission, and Multiple Access. 105-111 - Ramy Samy, Hong-Chuan Yang, Tamer Rakia
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Reliable Terabits Feeder Link for Very High-Throughput Satellite Systems with SAG-FSO Transmission. 112-116 - Xuewen Luo
, Ruobin Gao, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Shuyi Chen, Qing Guo, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan:
Multimodal and Multiuser Semantic Communications for Channel-Level Information Fusion. 117-125 - Yijing Lin, Zhipeng Gao, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang
, Ruilong Deng, Xuemin Sherman Shen:
A Unified Blockchain-Semantic Framework for Wireless Edge Intelligence Enabled Web 3.0. 126-133 - Jiancheng An, Chao Xu, Qingqing Wu
, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Marco Di Renzo, Chau Yuen, Lajos Hanzo:
Codebook-Based Solutions for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces and Their Open Challenges. 134-141 - Wei Wang, Wei Zhang, Hongkai Xiong:
Model-Free Configuration of Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Toward Pervasive Adaptability and Enhanced Robustness. 142-148 - Guoqiang Cai, Bo Fan, Yiwei Dong, Tongfei Li, Yuan Wu, Yan Zhang:
Task-Efficiency Oriented V2X Communications: Digital Twin Meets Mobile Edge Computing. 149-155 - Latif U. Khan, Ehzaz Mustafa, Junaid Shuja
, Faisal Rehman
, Kashif Bilal, Zhu Han, Choong Seon Hong:
Federated Learning for Digital Twin-Based Vehicular Networks: Architecture and Challenges. 156-162
Volume 31, Number 3, June 2024
- Nirwan Ansari:
A Potpourri on Wireless Advances. 4-8 - Monisha Ghosh:
Spectrum Week 2024: DySPAN, SWIFT, NRDZ, SpectrumX, NSMA, WSRD. 12-13 - Bo Rong, Rupendra Nath Mitra:
Wireless Communications: From Fundamentals to Beyond 5G, 3rd Edition. 14-15 - Zhaoyang Zhang, Mérouane Debbah, Yonina C. Eldar, Dinh Thai Hoang, Wen Tong, Kai-Kit Wong:
Guest Editorial: Sustainable Big AI Model for Wireless Networks. 18-19 - Jun Du, Tianyi Lin, Chunxiao Jiang, Qianqian Yang, Faouzi Bader, Zhu Han:
Distributed Foundation Models for Multi-Modal Learning in 6G Wireless Networks. 20-30 - Weiting Zhang, Nian Tang, Dong Yang, Ruibin Guo
, Hongke Zhang, Xuemin Shen:
Det(Com)2: Deterministic Communication and Computation Integration Toward AIGC Services. 32-41 - Zihan Chen, Howard H. Yang, Y. C. Tay, Kai Fong Ernest Chong, Tony Q. S. Quek
The Role of Federated Learning in a Wireless World with Foundation Models. 42-49 - Liekang Zeng, Shengyuan Ye, Xu Chen, Yang Yang:
Implementation of Big AI Models for Wireless Networks with Collaborative Edge Computing. 50-58 - Hai Wu, Xu Chen, Kaibin Huang:
Device-Edge Cooperative Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models as a 6G Service. 60-67 - Feibo Jiang, Yubo Peng, Li Dong, Kezhi Wang, Kun Yang, Cunhua Pan, Xiaohu You:
Large AI Model-Based Semantic Communications. 68-75 - Peiwen Jiang, Chao-Kai Wen
, Xinping Yi, Xiao Li, Shi Jin, Jun Zhang:
Semantic Communications Using Foundation Models: Design Approaches and Open Issues. 76-84 - Shehbaz Tariq
, Uman Khalid, Brian Estadimas Arfeto, Trung Q. Duong, Hyundong Shin:
Integrating Sustainable Big AI: Quantum Anonymous Semantic Broadcast. 86-99 - Jiancheng An, Chau Yuen, Linglong Dai, Marco Di Renzo, Mérouane Debbah, Lajos Hanzo:
Near-Field Communications: Research Advances, Potential, and Challenges. 100-107 - Tierui Gong, Li Wei, Chongwen Huang, George C. Alexandropoulos, Mérouane Debbah, Chau Yuen:
Near-Field Channel Modeling for Holographic Mimo Communications. 108-116 - Zhe Wang, Jiayi Zhang, Hongyang Du, Wei E. I. Sha
, Bo Ai, Dusit Niyato, Mérouane Debbah:
Extremely Large-Scale MIMO: Fundamentals, Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions. 117-124 - Keke Ying, Zhen Gao, Sheng Chen
, Xinyu Gao, Michail Matthaiou
, Rui Zhang, Robert Schober:
Reconfigurable Massive MIMO: Harnessing the Power of the Electromagnetic Domain for Enhanced Information Transfer. 125-132 - Arjun Singh, Vitaly Petrov, Hichem Guerboukha
, Innem V. A. K. Reddy, Edward W. Knightly, Daniel M. Mittleman, Josep Miquel Jornet:
Wavefront Engineering: Realizing Efficient Terahertz Band Communications in 6G and Beyond. 133-139 - Jiakang Zheng, Jiayi Zhang, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Bo Ai, Mérouane Debbah, Khaled B. Letaief
Mobile Cell-Free Massive MIMO: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions. 140-147 - Chong Han, Yuhang Chen, Longfei Yan, Zhi Chen, Linglong Dai:
Cross Far- and Near-Field Wireless Communications in Terahertz Ultra-Large Antenna Array Systems. 148-154 - Jieao Zhu, Zhongzhichao Wan, Linglong Dai, Mérouane Debbah, H. Vincent Poor:
Electromagnetic Information Theory: Fundamentals, Modeling, Applications, and Open Problems. 156-162 - Wen-Long Chin, Sung-Ching Lai, Shin-Wei Lin, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
Pipelined Neural Network Assisted Mobility Speed Estimation Over Doubly-Selective Fading Channels. 163-168 - Jiajia Guo, Chao-Kai Wen
, Shi Jin, Xiao Li:
AI for CSI Feedback Enhancement in 5G-Advanced. 169-176 - Maoqiang Wu, Guoliang Cheng
, Peichun Li, Rong Yu, Yuan Wu, Miao Pan, Rongxing Lu:
Split Learning with Differential Privacy for Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks. 177-184 - Shi Dong, Yuanjun Xia, Tao Wang:
Network Abnormal Traffic Detection Framework Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. 185-193 - Yang Cao, Shao-Yu Lien, Ying-Chang Liang, Dusit Niyato:
Multi-Tier Deep Reinforcement Learning for Non-Terrestrial Networks. 194-201 - Xiaowen Cao, Zhonghao Lyu, Guangxu Zhu, Jie Xu, Lexi Xu, Shuguang Cui
An Overview on Over-the-Air Federated Edge Learning. 202-210 - Zhen Meng, Changyang She, Guodong Zhao, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Mischa Dohler, Yonghui Li, Branka Vucetic:
Task-Oriented Metaverse Design in the 6G Era. 212-218 - Lina Bariah, Mérouane Debbah:
The Interplay of AI and Digital Twin: Bridging the Gap between Data-Driven and Model-Driven Approaches. 219-225 - Hongyang Du, Zonghang Li, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang
, Zehui Xiong
, Xuemin Shen, Dong In Kim:
Enabling AI-Generated Content Services in Wireless Edge Networks. 226-234 - Oscar Stenhammar
, Gábor Fodor, Carlo Fischione:
A Comparison of Neural Networks for Wireless Channel Prediction. 235-241 - Junmei Yao, Jiongkun Su, Ruitao Xie, Kaishun Wu, Victor C. M. Leung:
Empowering Heterogeneous Wireless Networks through Efficient Signal Identification. 242-248 - Yinan Chen, Xiaoxia Huang:
WiGNN: WiFi-Based Cross-Domain Gesture Recognition Inspired by Dynamic Topology Structure. 249-256 - Xinchen Lyu, Junlin Liu
, Chenshan Ren, Guoshun Nan:
Security-Communication-Computation Tradeoff of Split Decisions for Edge Intelligence. 257-263 - Yishan Yang, Zheng Yan, Kai Zeng, Pu Wang, Jiajun Li:
Physical Layer Authentication in Backscatter Communication: A Review. 264-270 - Jiadai Wang, Yuanhao Li
, Jiajia Liu, Nei Kato:
Intelligent Network Slicing for B5G and 6G: Resource Allocation, Service Provisioning, and Security. 271-277 - Weizheng Wang, Yaoqi Yang, Latif U. Khan, Dusit Niyato, Zhu Han, Mohsen Guizani:
Digital Twin for Wireless Networks: Security Attacks and Solutions. 278-285 - Yinqiu Liu, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang
, Zehui Xiong
, Chunyan Miao, Xuemin Shen, Abbas Jamalipour:
Blockchain-Empowered Lifecycle Management for AI-Generated Content Products in Edge Networks. 286-294 - Abuu B. Kihero, Haji M. Furqan, Mehmet Mert Sahin, Hüseyin Arslan:
6G and Beyond Wireless Channel Characteristics for Physical Layer Security: Opportunities and Challenges. 295-301 - Yang Lu, Weihao Mao, Hongyang Du, Octavia A. Dobre, Dusit Niyato, Zhiguo Ding:
Semantic-Aware Vision-Assisted Integrated Sensing and Communication: Architecture and Resource Allocation. 302-308 - Yanyu Cheng, Dusit Niyato, Hongyang Du, Chunyan Miao, Dong In Kim:
Goal-Oriented Semantic Information Transmission with Message-Sharing NOMA. 309-315 - Xidong Mu
, Zhaolin Wang, Yuanwei Liu
NOMA for Integrating Sensing and Communications Toward 6G: A Multiple Access Perspective. 316-323 - Omid Abbasi
, Animesh Yadav, Halim Yanikomeroglu, Ngoc-Dung Dào, Gamini Senarath, Peiying Zhu:
HAPS for 6G Networks: Potential Use Cases, Open Challenges, and Possible Solutions. 324-331 - Yong Zuo, Mingyang Yue, Huiyuan Yang, Liantao Wu, Xiaojun Yuan
Integrating Communication, Sensing and Computing in Satellite Internet of Things: Challenges and Opportunities. 332-338 - Ying Ouyang, Jiaqi Lin, Tao Feng, Chungang Yang, Lulu Zhang, Tangyi Li, Zhu Han:
Intent-Driven CoX Resource Management for Space-Terrestrial Networks. 339-347 - Yangyang Liu, Lixia Xiao, Weidan Liu
, Zhongxiu Feng, Tao Jiang:
Channel Coding for Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Communication: Classic Applications, Key Technologies, and Challenges. 348-354 - Ning Gao, Yu Han, Nannan Li, Shi Jin, Michail Matthaiou
When Physical Layer Key Generation Meets RIS: Opportunities, Challenges, and Road Ahead. 355-361 - Jinsong Chen, Wenchao Xu, Penghui Hu, Jian Wang, Ke Chen, Yijun Feng, Song Guo:
Toward Multi-User Access Fairness in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Wireless Networks. 362-367 - Zhenyu Kang, Changsheng You, Rui Zhang:
Active-IRS-Aided Wireless Communication: Fundamentals, Designs and Open Issues. 368-374 - Shuhao Zeng, Boya Di, Hongliang Zhang, Jiahao Gao, Shaohua Yue, Xinyuan Hu, Rui Fu, Jiaqi Zhou, Xu Liu, Haobo Zhang, Yuhan Wang, Shaohui Sun, Haichao Qin, Xin Su, Mengjun Wang, Lingyang Song:
RIS-Based IMT-2030 Testbed for MmWave Multi-Stream Ultra-Massive MIMO Communications. 375-382 - Xiaodan Shao, Changsheng You, Rui Zhang:
Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Sensing: Applications and Design Issues. 383-389 - Yifei Yuan, Qiming Chen, Lefei Xu, Jining Liu, Zhi Ding, Dayang Liu, Qixing Wang:
Field Trial of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface with Statistics-based Optimization for 5G Commercial Networks. 390-397 - Ye Liu
, Dong Li, Haipeng Dai
, Xiaoyuan Ma, Carlo Alberto Boano:
Understanding Concurrent Radiative Wireless Power Transfer in the IoT: Out of Myth, into Reality. 398-405 - Jinping Niu, Li Zhang, Yiyao Wang, Xiangwei Zhou, Jinsong Chen:
Toward Zero Blind-Zone Backscatter Communications: Real-Time System Design, Implementation, and Experimental Evaluation. 406-413 - Tao Jiang, Yangyang Liu, Lixia Xiao, Weidan Liu
, Guanghua Liu:
PCC Polar Codes for Future Wireless Communications: Potential Applications and Design Guidelines. 414-420
Volume 31, Number 4, August 2024
- Nirwan Ansari:
A Potpourri on Wireless Advances: Part 2. 4-7 - Haibo Zhou, Hong-Ning Dai
, Xiang Cheng, Diep N. Nguyen
, Hina Tabassum:
Guest Editorial: Mobile AI-Generated Content (AIGC) in 6G Era. 12-13 - Jinke Ren, Zezhong Zhang, Jie Xu, Guanying Chen, Yaping Sun, Ping Zhang, Shuguang Cui
Knowledge Base Enabled Semantic Communication: A Generative Perspective. 14-22 - Zhenyu Tao
, Wei Xu, Yongming Huang, Xiaoyun Wang, Xiaohu You:
Wireless Network Digital Twin for 6G: Generative AI as a Key Enabler. 24-31 - Hao Wang
, Haoran Li, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li:
Collaborative Fine-Tuning of Mobile AIGC Models with Wireless Channel Conditions. 32-38 - Jianan Zhang, Zhiwei Wei, Boxun Liu, Xiayi Wang, Yong Yu, Rongqing Zhang:
Cloud-Edge-Terminal Collaborative AIGC for Autonomous Driving. 40-47 - Jincheng Dai, Xiaoqi Qin, Sixian Wang, Lexi Xu, Kai Niu, Ping Zhang:
Deep Generative Modeling Reshapes Compression and Transmission: From Efficiency to Resiliency. 48-56 - Ye Zhang, Jinrui Zhang, Sheng Yue, Wei Lu, Ju Ren, Xuemin Shen:
Mobile Generative AI: Opportunities and Challenges. 58-64 - Bingkun Lai, Jinbo Wen, Jiawen Kang, Hongyang Du, Jiangtian Nie, Changyan Yi, Dong In Kim, Shengli Xie:
Resource-Efficient Generative Mobile Edge Networks in 6G Era: Fundamentals, Framework and Case Study. 66-74 - Yang Liu, Juan Miguel Arrazola, Wen-Zhao Liu, Weijun Zhang, Ignatius William Primaatmaja, Hao Li, Lixing You, Zhen Wang, Qiang Zhang, Jian-Wei Pan:
Experimental Covert Communication Over Metropolitan Fibre Optical Links. 76-80 - Ching-Yi Lai, Kao-Yueh Kuo
Harnessing Coding Theory for Reliable Network Quantum Communication. 82-88 - Indrakshi Dey, Nicola Marchetti, Marcello Caleffi, Angela Sara Cacciapuoti:
Quantum Game Theory Meets Quantum Networks. 90-96 - Sylvester B. Aboagye, Telex Magloire Nkouatchah Ngatched, Alain Richard Ndjiongue, Octavia A. Dobre, Hyundong Shin:
Liquid Crystal-Based RIS for VLC Transmitters: Performance Analysis, Challenges, and Opportunities. 98-105 - Hao Zhou, Melike Erol-Kantarci, Yuanwei Liu
, H. Vincent Poor:
Heuristic Algorithms for RIS-Assisted Wireless Networks: Exploring Heuristic-Aided Machine Learning. 106-114 - Shuyi Chen, Yingzhe Hui, Yifan Qin, Yueyi Yuan, Weixiao Meng, Xuewen Luo, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
RIS-Based on-the-Air Semantic Communications - A Diffractional Deep Neural Network Approach. 115-122 - Jiancheng An, Chau Yuen, Chao Xu, Hongbin Li, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Marco Di Renzo, Mérouane Debbah, Lajos Hanzo:
Stacked Intelligent Metasurface-Aided MIMO Transceiver Design. 123-131 - Tengchan Zeng, Aidin Ferdowsi, Omid Semiari, Walid Saad, Choong Seon Hong:
Convergence of Communications, Control, and Machine Learning for Secure and Autonomous Vehicle Navigation. 132-138 - Jiaqi Xu, Haipeng Yao, Ru Zhang, Tianle Mai, Shan Huang, Song Guo:
Federated Learning Powered Semantic Communication for UAV Swarm Cooperation. 140-146 - Jiacheng Wang, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Zehui Xiong
, Jiawen Kang, Shiwen Mao, Xuemin Shen:
Guiding AI-Generated Digital Content with Wireless Perception. 147-154 - Zhilong Liu, Jiayi Zhang, Ziheng Liu, Hongyang Du, Zhe Wang, Dusit Niyato, Mohsen Guizani, Bo Ai:
Cell-Free XL-MIMO Meets Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Architectures, Challenges, and Future Directions. 155-162 - Tomer Raviv, Sangwoo Park, Osvaldo Simeone, Yonina C. Eldar, Nir Shlezinger:
Adaptive and Flexible Model-Based AI for Deep Receivers in Dynamic Channels. 163-169 - Zheng Lin, Guanqiao Qu, Xianhao Chen, Kaibin Huang:
Split Learning in 6G Edge Networks. 170-176 - Nasim Soltani, Jifan Zhang, Batool Salehi, Debashri Roy, Robert D. Nowak, Kaushik R. Chowdhury:
Learning from the Best: Active Learning for Wireless Communications. 177-183 - Jungyeon Kim, Hyowon Lee, Heedong Do, Jinseok Choi, Jeonghun Park, Wonjae Shin, Yonina C. Eldar, Namyoon Lee:
On the Learning of Digital Self-Interference Cancellation in Full-Duplex Radios. 184-191 - Junsheng Mu, Qiang Liu, Ziwei Wang, Tongtong Yuan, Hongyu Sun, Peng Yu:
Leveraging Blockchain Based Federated Learning for Trustworthy 6G IoMT Image Analysis. 192-198 - Yinqiu Liu, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong
, Dong In Kim, Abbas Jamalipour:
Deep Generative Model and Its Applications in Efficient Wireless Network Management: A Tutorial and Case Study. 199-207 - Kaige Qu, Weihua Zhuang
Digital Twin Assisted Intelligent Network Management for Vehicular Applications. 208-214 - Peng Xu, Gaojie Chen, Jianping Quan, Chong Huang
, Ioannis Krikidis, Kai-Kit Wong, Chan-Byoung Chae
Deep Learning Driven Buffer-Aided Cooperative Networks for B5G/6G: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Opportunities. 215-222 - Haijun Zhang, Yuxin Zhang, Xiangnan Liu, Kai Sun, Yaomin Zhang:
Resource Allocation and Mobility Management for Perceptive Mobile Networks in 6G. 223-229 - Enrico Testi, Andrea Giorgetti:
Wireless Network Analytics for the New Era of Spectrum Patrolling and Monitoring. 230-236 - Haitham H. Esmat, Beatriz Lorenzo:
SLA Decomposition for Sustainable End-to-End Multi-Domain Multi-Technology Network Slicing. 237-244 - Latif U. Khan, Zhu Han, Dusit Niyato, Mohsen Guizani, Choong Seon Hong:
Metaverse for Wireless Systems: Vision, Enablers, Architecture, and Future Directions. 245-251 - Xueyu Hou, Yongjie Guan, Tao Han, Pingfan Wu
, Ning Lu, Miguel Dajer, Liang Peng:
A Digitized You in My Eye: A Perceptually Driven Spatial Communication Prototype for XR. 252-259 - Hui Chen, Musa Furkan Keskin, Adham Sakhnini, Nicolò Decarli
, Sofie Pollin, Davide Dardari, Henk Wymeersch:
6G Localization and Sensing in the Near Field: Features, Opportunities, and Challenges. 260-267 - Jakub Nikonowicz, Aamir Mahmood, Muhammad Ikram Ashraf, Emil Björnson, Mikael Gidlund:
Indoor Positioning in 5G-Advanced: Challenges and Solution Toward Centimeter-Level Accuracy with Carrier Phase Enhancements. 268-275 - Hichan Moon, Hyosoon Park, Jiwon Seo:
HELPS for Emergency Location Service: Hyper-Enhanced Local Positioning System. 276-282 - Fengye Hu, Zhuang Ling, Tanda Liu, Hailong Li, Bo Ai:
Wireless Perception of High-Speed Railway Communication: Challenges, Framework, and Future Directions. 284-292 - Muhammad Muzzammil
, Saif Al-Kuwari, Niaz Ahmed
, Marwa K. Qaraqe:
Full-Duplex Magnetic Induction Communication: Opportunities and Challenges. 293-298 - Grigorios Kakkavas
, Maria Diamanti
, Vasileios Karyotis, Kwame Nseboah Nyarko, Matthias Gabriel, Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, Symeon Papavassiliou, Klaus Moessner:
5G Perspective Of Connected Autonomous Vehicles: Current Landscape and Challenges Toward 6G. 299-306 - Kai Niu, Zijian Liang, Chao Dong, Jincheng Dai, Zhongwei Si, Ping Zhang:
Semantics-Division Duplexing: A Novel Full-Duplex Paradigm. 307-314 - Chao Zhu
, Xinlei Xie, Chuanfei Ding, Yihang Zhou, Xiang Gao, Jianping An:
Terahertz Empowered Vehicular Fog Computing: Opportunities, Feasibility, and Enhancements. 315-323 - Hao Lin
, Mustafa A. Kishk, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Virtual Backhaul Connectivity for Enhanced Coverage in Fiber-Less Areas. 324-330
Volume 31, Number 5, October 2024
- Nirwan Ansari:
A Potpourri on Wireless Advances: Part 3. 4-8 - Monisha Ghosh:
Continuing Innovations in the CBRS Shared Spectrum Band. 12-13 - Rupendra Nath Mitra, Bo Rong:
5G Non-Terrestrial Networks: Technologies, Standards, and System Design. 14 - Jiakang Zheng, Jiayi Zhang, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Sumei Sun, Bo Ai, Khaled B. Letaief
Flexible-Position MIMO for Wireless Communications: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Future Directions. 18-26 - Haiyue Jing, Wenchi Cheng, Wei Zhang:
Breaking Limits of Line-of-Sight Mimo Capacity in 6G Wireless Communications. 28-33 - Chao Wang, Zan Li, Kai-Kit Wong, Ross D. Murch, Chan-Byoung Chae, Shi Jin:
AI-Empowered Fluid Antenna Systems: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions. 34-41 - Bokai Xu, Jiayi Zhang, Hongyang Du, Zheng Wang, Yuanwei Liu
, Dusit Niyato, Bo Ai, Khaled B. Letaief
Resource Allocation for Near-Field Communications: Fundamentals, Tools, and Outlooks. 42-50 - Yiliang Liu, Zhou Su, Haixia Peng, Xuewen Luo, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Physical Layer Security: A Deep Learning Approach. 52-60 - Jinlei Xu, Xianglin Yu
, Lexi Xu, Chengwen Xing, Nan Zhao, Xianbin Wang
, Dusit Niyato:
IRS-UAV Assisted Secure Integrated Sensing and Communication. 61-67 - Ming Zeng, Wanming Hao, Zhangjie Peng, Zheng Chu, Xingwang Li, Changsheng You, Cunhua Pan:
Resource Allocation for Ris-Empowered Wireless Communications: Low-Complexity and Robust Designs. 68-75 - Huan Huang, Lipeng Dai, Hongliang Zhang, Chongfu Zhang, Zhongxing Tian, Yi Cai, A. Lee Swindlehurst, Zhu Han:
DISCO Might Not Be Funky: Random Intelligent Reflective Surface Configurations That Attack. 76-82 - Kaitao Meng, Qingqing Wu, Christos Masouros, Wen Chen, Deshi Li:
Intelligent Surface Empowered Integrated Sensing and Communication: From Coexistence to Reciprocity. 84-91 - Tao Huang
, Zeru Fang, Qinqin Tang, Renchao Xie, Tianjiao Chen, Ran Zhang, F. Richard Yu:
Integrated Computing and Networking for LEO Satellite Mega-Constellations: Architecture, Challenges and Open Issues. 92-100 - Xueming Zhou, Yuxuan Weng, Bomin Mao, Jiajia Liu
, Nei Kato:
Intelligent Multi-Objective Routing for Future Ultra-Dense LEO Satellite Networks. 102-109 - Yiqin Deng, Haixia Zhang, Xianhao Chen, Yuguang Fang
UAV-Assisted MEC with an Expandable Computing Resource Pool: Rethinking the UAV Deployment. 110-116 - Zonglin Li, Jingjing Wang, Jianrui Chen, Zhengru Fang
, Yong Ren:
Flying Ad-Hoc Network Covert Communications with Deep Reinforcement Learning. 117-125 - Yuli Yang, Mohsen Guizani:
Metasource-Based Secret Key: Physical Layer Security Guarantee for Future Wireless Networks. 126-133 - Chia-Che Sa, Li-Chen Cheng
, Hsing-Huan Chung, Te-Chuan Chiu, Chih-Yu Wang, Ai-Chun Pang, Shang-Tse Chen:
Ensuring Bidirectional Privacy on Wireless Split Inference Systems. 134-141 - Lianhai Wang, Huilin Li, Yannan Li, Yong Yu, Xiaojiang Du:
Self-Tallying Voting with Blockchain in Wireless Network Environment. 142-147 - Daoqi Han, Yang Liu, Ruohan Cao, Hui Gao, Yueming Lu:
A Lightweight Blockchain Architecture with Smart Collaborative and Progressive Evolution for Privacy-Preserving 6G IoT. 148-154 - Zhisheng Yao
, Yu Wang, Guan Gui, Shiwen Mao, Xinbin Wang:
New Frontier of Communication Security on Radio Frequency Fingerprints Concealment. 156-163 - Zirui Chen, Zhaoyang Zhang, Zhaohui Yang:
Big AI Models for 6G Wireless Networks: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Directions. 164-172 - Lina Bariah, Mérouane Debbah:
AI Embodiment Through 6G: Shaping the Future of AGI. 174-181 - Jiajun Li, Yishan Yang, Zheng Yan:
AI-Based Physical Layer Key Generation in Wireless Communications: Current Advances, Open Challenges, and Future Directions. 182-191 - Farhad Rezazadeh, Hatim Chergui, Shuaib Siddiqui, Josep Mangues, Houbing Song, Walid Saad, Mehdi Bennis:
Intelligible Protocol Learning for Resource Allocation in 6G O-RAN Slicing. 192-199 - Rebekah Wang, Yingying Chen:
Adaptive Model Aggregation in Federated Learning Based on Model Accuracy. 200-206 - Xiaoyi Pang, Jiahui Hu, Peng Sun, Ju Ren, Zhibo Wang:
When Federated Learning Meets Knowledge Distillation. 208-214 - Huali Lu, Wenxiong Chen, Conghao Zhou, Huaqing Wu, Feng Lyu, Xuemin Shen:
A Two-Dimensional Hybrid Federated Learning Framework for Secure Data Cooperation of Multiple Network Service Providers. 215-222 - Farhad Rezazadeh
, Hatim Chergui, Luis Alonso, Christos V. Verikoukis:
SliceOps: Explainable MLOps for Streamlined Automation-Native 6G Networks. 224-230 - Zhenlong Liao, Jian Su, Yinghui Ye, Rose Qingyang Hu:
Wisense: A Dataset for WiFi-Based Human Activity Recognition. 232-237 - Aimin Li
, Shaohua Wu, Siqi Meng, Rongxing Lu, Sumei Sun, Qinyu Zhang:
Toward Goal-Oriented Semantic Communications: New Metrics, Framework, and Open Challenges. 238-245 - Jiacheng Wang, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang, Shuguang Cui, Xuemin Shen, Ping Zhang:
Generative AI for Integrated Sensing and Communication: Insights From the Physical Layer Perspective. 246-255 - Ronghui Zhang, Yuan He, Lufeng Yuan, Ziyue Li, Chendi He, Fangqing Tan:
Empowering 6G Ambient Intelligence with Terahertz Integrated Sensing and Communications. 256-263 - Seungnyun Kim
, Jihoon Moon, Jinhong Kim, Yongjun Ahn, Donghoon Kim, Sunwoo Kim, Kyuhong Shim, Byonghyo Shim:
Role of Sensing and Computer Vision in 6G Wireless Communications. 264-271 - Ruoyan Ma, Jie Tang, Xiu Yin Zhang, Wanmei Feng, Daniel Ka Chun So
, Chan-Byoung Chae, Kai-Kit Wong, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in IoT-Based Scenarios: Architectures, Challenges, and Prototype Validation. 272-278 - Cheng-Xiang Wang, Yue Yang, Jie Huang, Xiqi Gao, Tie Jun Cui, Lajos Hanzo:
Electromagnetic Information Theory: Fundamentals and Applications for 6G Wireless Communication Systems. 279-286 - Hadi Sarieddeen, Hakim Jemaa
, Simon Tarboush, Christoph Studer, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri:
Bridging the Complexity Gap in Tb/S-Achieving THz-Band Baseband Processing. 287-294
Volume 31, Number 6, December 2024
- Nirwan Ansari:
A Potpourri on Wireless Advances: Part 4. 4-6 - Ruichen Zhang, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong
, Abbas Jamalipour, Ping Zhang, Dong In Kim:
Generative AI for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks. 10-20 - Masayuki Ariyoshi, Junichi Funada, Emmanuel Le Taillandier de Gabory, Shigeru Asai, Tiago Koketsu Rodrigues, Yuichi Kawamoto, Nei Kato:
Challenges and Machine Learning Solutions for Optical Communications in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks for 6G. 21-28 - Yaoqi Yang, Bangning Zhang, Daoxing Guo, Hongyang Du, Zehui Xiong
, Dusit Niyato, Zhu Han:
Generative AI for Secure and Privacy-Preserving Mobile Crowdsensing. 29-38 - Ziheng Liu, Jiayi Zhang, Enyu Shi, Zhilong Liu, Dusit Niyato, Bo Ai, Xuemin Shen:
Graph Neural Network Meets Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Fundamentals, Applications, and Future Directions. 39-47 - Feibo Jiang, Yubo Peng, Li Dong, Kezhi Wang, Kun Yang, Cunhua Pan, Dusit Niyato, Octavia A. Dobre:
Large Language Model Enhanced Multi-Agent Systems for 6G Communications. 48-55 - Shengchao Zhu
, Guangjie Han, Chuan Lin:
A Software-Defined MARL-Based Architecture for AUV Cluster Network to Enable Cooperative and Smart Underwater Target Tracking. 56-62 - Minrui Xu, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong
, Shiwen Mao, Zhu Han, Dong In Kim, Khaled B. Letaief:
When Large Language Model Agents Meet 6G Networks: Perception, Grounding, and Alignment. 63-71 - Weiliang Xie, Fei Qi:
DRL Enhanced Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for Efficient Air-Ground Vehicle Communications. 72-77 - Eva Lagunas, Flor G. Ortiz-Gomez, Geoffrey Eappen, Saed Daoud, Wallace A. Martins, Jorge Querol, Symeon Chatzinotas, Nicolas Skatchkovsky, Bipin Rajendran, Osvaldo Simeone:
Performance Evaluation of Neuromorphic Hardware for Onboard Satellite Communication Applications. 78-84 - Yunlin Pan, Jiasong Mu:
Enhancing WBANs Network Performance Based on Deep Learning with Integrated Spatiotemporal Information. 86-92 - Jinkai Zheng, Tom H. Luan
, Yao Zhang, Guanjie Li, Zhou Su, Wen Wu:
Digital Twin in 6G: Embracing Comprehensive Network Intelligence. 94-101 - Kun Yang
, Wenping Ma, Shaohui Sun:
Communications and Networks Resources Sharing in 6G: Challenges, Architecture, and Opportunities. 102-109 - Ramez Askar, Jaehoon Chung, Laurenz John, Thomas Merkle, Sven Wittig, Mathis Schmieder, Yonghak Suh, Jongpil Lee, Benjamin Baumann, Michael Peter, Thomas Haustein, Wilhelm Keusgen, Slawomir Stanczak:
Mobilizing the Terahertz Beam: D-Band Analog-Beamforming Front-End Prototyping and Long-Range 6G Trials. 110-117 - Onel L. Alcaraz López, Osmel Martínez Rosabal, Amirhossein Azarbahram, Abdul Basit Khattak, Mehdi Monemi, Richard D. Souza, Petar Popovski, Matti Latva-aho:
High-Power and Safe RF Wireless Charging: Cautious Deployment and Operation. 118-125 - Hong Ki Kim
, Yong Hun Jang, Hee Soo Kim, Won-Young Kang, Young-Chai Ko, Sang Hyun Lee:
Wireless Interconnection Network for Post-Exascale High-Performance Computing. 126-134 - Muhammad Jamil, Muhammad Farhan, Farhan Ullah
, Gautam Srivastava:
A Lightweight Zero Trust Framework for Secure 5G VANET Vehicular Communication. 136-141 - Qinglin Zhao, Li Feng, MengChu Zhou, Di Wu, Xiaofen Wang, Peiyun Zhang:
Full-Duplex Time-Domain Contention for WiFi Networks: Opportunities and Challenges. 142-151 - Weijie Yuan, Lin Zhou, Saeid K. Dehkordi, Shuangyang Li, Pingzhi Fan, Giuseppe Caire, H. Vincent Poor:
From OTFS to DD-ISAC: Integrating Sensing and Communications in the Delay Doppler Domain. 152-160 - Jiayi Cong, Changsheng You, Jiapeng Li, Li Chen, Beixiong Zheng, Yuanwei Liu
, Wen Wu, Yi Gong, Shi Jin, Rui Zhang:
Near-Field Integrated Sensing and Communication: Opportunities and Challenges. 162-169 - Ethan Zhu, Haijian Sun, Mingyue Ji:
Physics-Informed Generalizable Wireless Channel Modeling with Segmentation and Deep Learning: Fundamentals, Methodologies, and Challenges. 170-177 - Chenhan Zhang, Zhiyi Tian, Weiqi Wang, Shui Yu
Semantic Communications Toward Graph Data. 178-185

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