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IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Volume 1
Volume 1, Number 1, February 2012
- Ronald Y. Chang
, Sian-Jheng Lin, Wei-Ho Chung
New Space Shift Keying Modulation with Hamming Code-Aided Constellation Design. 2-5 - Alessandro Nordio
, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini
, Tamer A. ElBatt:
Fair Traffic Relaying for Two-Source-One-Destination Wireless Networks. 1-4 - Damith Senaratne, Chintha Tellambura:
Spatial Multipath Resolution for MIMO Systems. 10-13 - Haibin Wan, Wen Chen, Jianbo Ji:
Efficient Linear Transmission Strategy for MIMO Relaying Broadcast Channels with Direct Links. 14-17 - Juan M. Romero-Jerez
, Juan P. Peña-Martin
ASER of Rectangular MQAM in Noise-Limited and Interference-Limited MIMO MRC Systems. 18-21 - Giulio Colavolpe
, Amina Piemontese:
Novel SISO Detection Algorithms for Nonlinear Satellite Channels. 22-25 - Shiwei Huang, Hongbin Chen
, Yan Zhang:
Optimal Power Allocation for Spectrum Sensing and Data Transmission in Cognitive Relay Networks. 26-29 - Tong Xue, Yi Shi, Xiaodai Dong:
A Framework for Location-Aware Strategies in Cognitive Radio Systems. 30-33 - Naveed Salman, Mounir Ghogho, Andrew H. Kemp:
On the Joint Estimation of the RSS-Based Location and Path-loss Exponent. 34-37 - Weiliang Zeng, Chengshan Xiao, Jianhua Lu:
A Low-Complexity Design of Linear Precoding for MIMO Channels with Finite-Alphabet Inputs. 38-41 - Junling Mao, Jinchun Gao, Yuanan Liu, Gang Xie:
Simplified Semi-Orthogonal User Selection for MU-MIMO Systems with ZFBF. 42-45 - Aldar C.-F. Chan
Distributed Private Key Generation for Identity Based Cryptosystems in Ad Hoc Networks. 46-48
Volume 1, Number 2, April 2012
- Hong Wen, Pin-Han Ho, Xiaohong Jiang:
On Achieving Unconditional Secure Communications over Binary Symmetric Channels (BSC). 49-52 - Gayan Amarasuriya, Chintha Tellambura, Masoud Ardakani:
Performance Analysis of Zero-Forcing for Two-Way MIMO AF Relay Networks. 53-56 - Ching-Chun Huang, Li-Chun Wang
Dynamic Sampling Rate Adjustment for Compressive Spectrum Sensing over Cognitive Radio Network. 57-60 - Hao Zhang, Yuan Liu, Meixia Tao:
Resource Allocation with Subcarrier Pairing in OFDMA Two-Way Relay Networks. 61-64 - Jian Dang
, Liuqing Yang, Zaichen Zhang:
Improved SNR Evolution for OFDM-IDMA Systems. 65-68 - Brad W. Zarikoff, Douglas J. Leith
A Non-Parametric Approach to Estimating Ambient Noise Levels in the Presence of Bursty Interference. 69-72 - Hideki Ochiai
On Instantaneous Power Distributions of Single-Carrier FDMA Signals. 73-76 - Yuhua Xu, Jinlong Wang, Qihui Wu, Zongsheng Zhang, Alagan Anpalagan
, Liang Shen:
Optimal Energy-Efficient Channel Exploration for Opportunistic Spectrum Usage. 77-80 - Stefano Tomasin
, Matteo Butussi:
Low Complexity Demapping of Rotated and Cyclic Q Delayed Constellations for DVB-T2. 81-84 - Kostas P. Peppas
A New Formula for the Average Bit Error Probability of Dual-Hop Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems over Generalized Shadowed Fading Channels. 85-88 - Amitav Mukherjee, A. Lee Swindlehurst
Modified Waterfilling Algorithms for MIMO Spatial Multiplexing with Asymmetric CSI. 89-92 - Zhuo Li, Deze Zeng, Song Guo
, Sanglu Lu, Daoxu Chen, Weihua Zhuang
On the Throughput of Feedbackless Segmented Network Coding in Delay Tolerant Networks. 93-96 - Rakpong Kaewpuang, Dusit Niyato
, Ping Wang:
Decomposition of Stochastic Power Management for Wireless Base Station in Smart Grid. 97-100 - Mohamed M. Atia, Aboelmagd Noureldin
, Michael J. Korenberg:
Dynamic Propagation Modeling for Mobile Users' Position and Heading Estimation in Wireless Local Area Networks. 101-104 - Yamuna Dhungana, Nandana Rajatheva, Chintha Tellambura:
Dual Hop MIMO OSTBC for LMS Communication. 105-108 - Qinghua Shi, Yoshio Karasawa:
An Intuitive Methodology for Efficient Evaluation of the Nuttall Q-Function and Performance Analysis of Energy Detection in Fading Channels. 109-112 - Yuan Wu, Danny H. K. Tsang, Liping Qian, Limin Meng:
Sensing Based Joint Rate and Power Allocations for Cognitive Radio Systems. 113-116 - Zülküf Genç, Wim Van Thillo, André Bourdoux, Ertan Onur
60 GHz PHY Performance Evaluation with 3D Ray Tracing under Human Shadowing. 117-120 - Yan Feng, Xiaodong Wang:
Adaptive Multiband Spectrum Sensing. 121-124 - Alexey V. Vinel:
3GPP LTE Versus IEEE 802.11p/WAVE: Which Technology is Able to Support Cooperative Vehicular Safety Applications? 125-128 - Zijian Wang, Wen Chen:
Regularized Zero-Forcing for Multiantenna Broadcast Channels with User Selection. 129-132 - Zhou Zhang, Hai Jiang
Cognitive Radio with Imperfect Spectrum Sensing: The Optimal Set of Channels to Sense. 133-136 - Shan Yang, Wei Song, Zhangdui Zhong:
Packet-Level Performance Analysis for Video Traffic over Two-Hop Mobile Hotspots. 137-140 - Giorgio Taricco
On the Beamforming Capacity of MISO Channels. 141-144
Volume 1, Number 3, June 2012
- Nicola Varanese, José López Vicario
, Umberto Spagnolini
On the Asymptotic Throughput of OFDMA Systems with Best-M CQI Feedback. 145-148 - Te-Lung Kung, Keshab K. Parhi
Optimized Joint Timing Synchronization and Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems. 149-152 - Chunlong He, Bin Sheng, Pengcheng Zhu, Xiaohu You
Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff in Downlink Distributed Antenna Systems. 153-156 - Yue Rong
MMSE-DFE Based MIMO Relay System with Correlated Fading Channel. 157-160 - Lei Wang, Yueming Cai, Weiwei Yang:
On the Finite-SNR DMT of Two-Way AF Relaying with Imperfect CSI. 161-164 - Jun Zhang
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Interference Management with Relay Cooperation in Two-Hop Interference Channels. 165-168 - Sabrieh Choobkar, Reza Sham Dilmaghani:
Delay Analysis in Prioritised Wireless Sensor Networks. 169-172 - Aydin Behnad
, Norman C. Beaulieu, Behrouz Maham
Multi-Hop Amplify-and-Forward Relaying on Nakagami-0.5 Fading Channels. 173-176 - Xiao Juan Zhang, Chin Keong Ho, See Ho Ting, Mehul Motani
, Yi Gong
, Ashish Pandharipande
Joint Decision-Making and Power Allocation for One-Bit Feedback Sensor Communications. 177-180 - Greggory P. Carpenter, Jeff Frolik:
Error-Constrained Frequency Selection for Wireless Sensor Network Beamforming. 181-184 - Ralph Tanbourgi, Jens P. Elsner, Holger Jäkel, Friedrich K. Jondral:
Adaptive Frequency Hopping in Ad Hoc Networks with Rayleigh Fading and Imperfect Sensing. 185-188 - Rui Chen, Changle Li, Jiandong Li, Yang Zhang:
Low Complexity User Grouping Vector Perturbation. 189-192 - Moslem Noori, Masoud Ardakani:
Design of Heterogeneous Sensor Networks with Lifetime and Coverage Considerations. 193-196 - Fengkui Gong, Jian-Kang Zhang, Jianhua Ge:
Distributed Concatenated Alamouti Codes for Two-Way Relaying Networks. 197-200 - Peng Cheng, Lin Gui, Yun Rui, Y. Jay Guo, Xiaojing Huang
, Wenjun Zhang:
Compressed Sensing Based Channel Estimation for Two-Way Relay Networks. 201-204 - Seyed Pooya Shariatpanahi
, Babak Hossein Khalaj, Kasra Alishahi, Hamed Shah-Mansouri:
One-Hop Throughput of Wireless Networks with Random Connections. 205-208 - Chieh Yuan Ho, Ching-Yao Huang:
Energy-Saving Massive Access Control and Resource Allocation Schemes for M2M Communications in OFDMA Cellular Networks. 209-212 - Wessam Mesbah
, Timothy N. Davidson
Weighted-Sum-Rate Maximization in Certain Half-Duplex Cooperative Systems. 213-216 - M. Majid Butt
Energy-Performance Trade-offs in Multiuser Scheduling: Large System Analysis. 217-220 - Marko Beko, Rui Dinis
Designing Good Multi-Dimensional Constellations. 221-224 - P. Ubaidulla, Sonia Aïssa:
Optimal Relay Selection and Power Allocation for Cognitive Two-Way Relaying Networks. 225-228 - Chiao-En Chen
, Wei-Ho Chung
An Iterative Minmax Per-Stream MSE Transceiver Design for MIMO Interference Channel. 229-232 - Md. Anisul Karim, Jinhong Yuan
, Zhuo Chen, Jun Li:
Soft Information Relaying in Fading Channels. 233-236 - Günther Brandner, Udo Schilcher, Torsten Andre, Christian Bettstetter:
Packet Delivery Performance of Simple Cooperative Relaying in Real-World Car-to-Car Communications. 237-240 - Wen-Ching Chung, Chung-Ju Chang, Li-Chun Wang
An Intelligent Priority Resource Allocation Scheme for LTE-A Downlink Systems. 241-244 - Mehmet Karaca
, Özgür Erçetin:
Throughput Optimal Multi-User Scheduling via Hierarchical Modulation. 245-248 - Damith Senaratne, Chintha Tellambura:
Spatial Multipath Resolution with Space Time Block Codes. 249-252 - Zouheir Rezki
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
On the Capacity of Nakagami-m Fading Channels with Full Channel State Information at Low SNR. 253-256 - Dimitris E. Kontaxis, George V. Tsoulos
, Serafim Karaboyas:
Beamforming Capacity Optimization for Rician MIMO Wireless Channels. 257-260 - Liang Xiao
, Huaiyu Dai, Peng Ning:
MAC Design of Uncoordinated FH-Based Collaborative Broadcast. 261-264
Volume 1, Number 4, August 2012
- Jianping Zheng:
Signal Vector Based List Detection for Spatial Modulation. 265-267 - Shixian Lu, Daiming Qu, Yejun He
Sliding Window Tone Reservation Technique for the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction of FBMC-OQAM Signals. 268-271 - Dorra Ben Cheikh, Jean-Marc Kelif, Marceau Coupechoux, Philippe Godlewski:
Analytical Joint Processing Multi-Point Cooperation Performance in Rayleigh Fading. 272-275 - Antonios Pitarokoilis, Saif Khan Mohammed, Erik G. Larsson:
On the Optimality of Single-Carrier Transmission in Large-Scale Antenna Systems. 276-279 - Chia-Chun Liao, Pei-Yun Tsai, Tzi-Dar Chiueh:
Low-Complexity Cell Search Algorithm for Interleaved Concatenation ML-Sequences in 3GPP-LTE Systems. 280-283 - David B. Smith, Dino Miniutti:
Cooperative Selection Combining in Body Area Networks: Switching Rates in Gamma Fading. 284-287 - Zhiwei Lin, Xiaoming Peng, Francois P. S. Chin, Wenquan Feng:
Outage Performance of Relaying with Directional Antennas in the Presence of Co-Channel Interferences at Relays. 288-291 - Erik G. Larsson, Reza Moosavi:
Piggybacking an Additional Lonely Bit on Linearly Coded Payload Data. 292-295 - Mao Yan, Qingchun Chen, Xianfu Lei, Trung Quang Duong
, Pingzhi Fan:
Outage Probability of Switch and Stay Combining in Two-Way Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks. 296-299 - Jingon Joung
, Chin Keong Ho, Peng Hui Tan, Sumei Sun
Energy Minimization in OFDMA Downlink Systems: A Sequential Linear Assignment Algorithm for Resource Allocation. 300-303 - Fabien Héliot
, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Rahim Tafazolli
Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for Point-to-Point MIMO Systems over the Rayleigh Fading Channel. - Vladimir Savic
, Santiago Zazo:
Reducing Communication Overhead for Cooperative Localization Using Nonparametric Belief Propagation. 308-311 - Yuli Yang
, Sonia Aïssa:
Achievable Data Rate in Spectrum-Sharing Channels with Variable-Rate Variable-Power Primary Users. 312-315 - Dharmendra Dixit
, P. R. Sahu:
Performance of L-Branch MRC Receiver in η-μ and κ-μ Fading Channels for QAM Signals. 316-319 - Stéphane Y. Le Goff, Zhiguo Ding:
Capacity-Approaching Signal Constellations for the Additive Exponential Noise Channel. 320-323 - Tingting Jiang, Huacheng Zeng, Qiben Yan
, Wenjing Lou, Y. Thomas Hou
On the Limitation of Embedding Cryptographic Signature for Primary Transmitter Authentication. 324-327 - Kiran Kuchi:
MMSE-Prewhitened-MLD Equalizer for MIMO DFT-Precoded-OFDMA. 328-331 - Yichao Huang, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Awareness of Channel Statistics for Slow Cyclic Prefix Adaptation in an OFDMA System. 332-335 - Yang Yu, Wen Chen, Lili Wei:
Design of Convergence-Optimized Non-Binary LDPC Codes over Binary Erasure Channel. 336-339 - Man Hon Cheung, Hamed Mohsenian Rad, Vincent W. S. Wong
, Robert Schober:
Utility-Optimal Random Access for Wireless Multimedia Networks. 340-343 - Seyed Hamid Safavi, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Soheil Salari:
Relay Beamforming in Cognitive Two-Way Networks with Imperfect Channel State Information. 344-347 - Nicolas Amiot, Troels Pedersen
, Mohamed Laaraiedh, Bernard Uguen:
A Hybrid Positioning Method Based on Hypothesis Testing. 348-351 - Fangzhi Zuo, Min Dong
Prediction-Based Energy-Aware Relay Cooperation for Lifetime Maximization. 352-355 - Namzilp Lertwiram, Petar Popovski
, Kei Sakaguchi:
A Study of Trade-Off Between Opportunistic Resource Allocation and Interference Alignment in Femtocell Scenarios. 356-359 - Rung-Hung Gau:
Probability Models for the Splitting Discovery Algorithm in Wireless Networks. 360-363 - Naveed Salman, Andrew H. Kemp, Mounir Ghogho:
Low Complexity Joint Estimation of Location and Path-Loss Exponent. 364-367 - Tai-Xing Yu, Chih-Wei Yi
, Shiao-Li Tsao:
Rank-Based Network Coding for Content Distribution in Vehicular Networks. 368-371 - Zhengzheng Xiang, Meixia Tao:
Robust Beamforming for Wireless Information and Power Transmission. 372-375 - Manohar Shamaiah, Siddhartha Banerjee, Haris Vikalo:
Greedy Sensor Selection under Channel Uncertainty. 376-379 - Jian Tian, Qi Zhang, See Ho Ting:
LCR and AFD of Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks with N^{th} Best Relay Selection Schemes in Rayleigh Fading Channels. 380-383 - Wensheng Pan, Ying Liu, Youxi Tang:
A Predistortion Algorithm Based on Accurately Solving the Reverse Function of Memory Polynomial Model. 384-387 - Fanxin Zeng
, Xiaoping Zeng, Xiangyong Zeng, Zhenyu Zhang, Guixin Xuan
Perfect 8-QAM+ Sequences. 388-391 - Chao Zheng, Ali Sanaei, Masoud Ardakani:
Design of LDPC Codes with Strong Universal Properties. 392-395 - Xi Yang, Shengliang Peng, Kejun Lei, Rongbo Lu, Xiuying Cao:
Impact of the Dimension of the Observation Space on the Decision Thresholds for GLRT Detectors in Spectrum Sensing. 396-399 - Alireza Shahan Behbahani, Ahmed M. Eltawil
, Hamid Jafarkhani
Linear Estimation of Correlated Vector Sources for Wireless Sensor Networks with Fusion Center. 400-403 - Zhiwen Zhu, Xinping Huang, Mario Caron:
Analytical Performance of M-PSK Communications Systems in the Presence of Gain/Phase Imbalances and DC-Offsets. 404-407
Volume 1, Number 5, October 2012
- Arshdeep S. Kahlon, Sebastian S. Szyszkowicz, Shalini S. Periyalwar, Halim Yanikomeroglu
Separating the Effect of Independent Interference Sources with Rayleigh Faded Signal Link: Outage Analysis and Applications. 409-411 - Osama Amin
, Lutz Lampe:
Opportunistic Energy Efficient Cooperative Communication. 412-415 - Sujun Li, Boqing Zhou, Jingguo Dai, Xingming Sun:
A Secure Scheme of Continuity Based on Two-Dimensional Backward Hash Key Chains for Sensor Networks. 416-419 - Chieh Yuan Ho, Ching-Yao Huang:
Non-Cooperative Multi-Cell Resource Allocation and Modulation Adaptation for Maximizing Energy Efficiency in Uplink OFDMA Cellular Networks. 420-423 - Fakhreddine Gaaloul, Hong-Chuan Yang, Redha M. Radaydeh, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Switch Based Opportunistic Spectrum Access for General Primary User Traffic Model. 424-427 - Young-bin Kim, Bi Hong, Wan Choi
Scale-Free Wireless Networks with Limited Degree Information. 428-431 - Alphan Sahin, Ertugrul Güvenkaya, Hüseyin Arslan
User Distance Distribution for Overlapping and Coexisting Cell Scenarios. 432-435 - Salama S. Ikki
, Sonia Aïssa:
Impact of Imperfect Channel Estimation and Co-Channel Interference on Regenerative Cooperative Networks. 436-439 - Dujdow Buranapanichkit, Yiannis Andreopoulos:
Distributed Time-Frequency Division Multiple Access Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 440-443 - Zhengguo Sheng, Bong Jun Ko, Kin K. Leung:
Power Efficient Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Relaying. 444-447 - Xiang Ling, Bin Wu, Hong Wen, Pin-Han Ho, Zhiqiang Bao, Lili Pan:
Adaptive Threshold Control for Energy Detection Based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios. 448-451 - Kehao Wang, Lin Chen, Khaldoun Al Agha, Quan Liu:
On Optimality of Myopic Policy in Opportunistic Spectrum Access: The Case of Sensing Multiple Channels and Accessing One Channel. 452-455 - Huyen Chi Bui, Hugo Méric, Jérôme Lacan, Marie-Laure Boucheret:
A Cooperative Network Coding Strategy for the Interference Relay Channel. 456-459 - Mohsen Rezaee, Said Nader-Esfahani:
Interference Alignment for Downlink Transmission of Multiple Interfering Cells. 460-463 - Duckdong Hwang, Sang Joon Kim, Chang Soon Park:
Channel Aligned Beamforming in Two-Way Multi-Pair Decode-and-Forward Relay Down-Link Channels. 464-467 - Xiaomin Chen, Douglas J. Leith
Proportional Fair Coding for 802.11 WLANs. 468-471 - Shuangshuang Han, Tao Cui, Chintha Tellambura:
Improved K-Best Sphere Detection for Uncoded and Coded MIMO Systems. 472-475 - Gubong Lim, Leonard J. Cimini Jr.:
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Relaying in Heterogeneous Radio Access Networks. 476-479 - Shengchun Huang, Hao Yin, Haoming Li, Victor C. M. Leung
Decremental User Selection for Large-Scale Multi-User MIMO Downlink with Zero-Forcing Beamforming. 480-483 - Ulrich Epple, Dmitriy Shutin, Michael Schnell:
Mitigation of Impulsive Frequency-Selective Interference in OFDM Based Systems. 484-487 - Abdoulaye Tall, Zouheir Rezki
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
MIMO Channel Capacity with Full CSI at Low SNR. 488-491 - Sujit Jos, Jinesh P. Nair, Debarati Sen, Arun Naniyat:
Method of Generating Multiple Sets of Orthogonal Codes with Wide Choice of Spreading Factors. 492-495 - Daniel Munoz, Baile Xie, Hlaing Minn:
An Adaptive MIMO-OFDMA Relay System. 496-499 - Ahmed K. Sultan
Sensing and Transmit Energy Optimization for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio. 500-503 - Kun Wang, Xuejun Sha, Lin Mei:
On Interference Suppression in Doubly-Dispersive Channels with Hybrid Single-Multi Carrier Modulation and an MMSE Iterative Equalizer. 504-507 - Ronald Y. Chang
, Wei-Ho Chung
, Sian-Jheng Lin:
A* Algorithm Inspired Memory-Efficient Detection for MIMO Systems. 508-511 - Fengkui Gong, Jian-Kang Zhang, Yi-Jun Zhu, Jianhua Ge:
Energy-Efficient Collaborative Alamouti Codes. 512-515 - Rui Zhang, Jibo Wei, David G. Michelson, Victor C. M. Leung
Outage Probability of MRC Diversity over Correlated Shadowed Fading Channels. 516-519 - Amir Dezfooliyan, Andrew M. Weiner:
Experimental Test-Bed for Studying Multiple Antenna Beamforming over Ultra Wideband Channels up to 12 GHz. 520-523 - Gayan Amarasuriya, Chintha Tellambura, Masoud Ardakani:
Performance Analysis of Pairwise Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Way Relay Networks. 524-527 - Jeongsik Choi, Yong-Hwa Kim, Jong-Ho Lee, Saewoong Bahk, Seong-Cheol Kim:
User Throughput Estimation for the PF Scheduling Algorithm under MIMO Channel Environments. 528-531 - Giorgio Taricco
Joint Channel and Data Estimation for Wireless Sensor Networks. 532-535 - Gang Wang, Hongyang Chen
, Youming Li, Ming Jin:
On Received-Signal-Strength Based Localization with Unknown Transmit Power and Path Loss Exponent. 536-539 - Soufiene Djahel
, Zonghua Zhang
, Farid Naït-Abdesselam, John Murphy:
Fast and Efficient Countermeasure for MAC Layer Misbehavior in MANETs. 540-543 - Oluwatobi Olabiyi, Annamalai Annamalai:
Invertible Exponential-Type Approximations for the Gaussian Probability Integral Q(x) with Applications. 544-547 - Kuang-Hao Liu:
Outage Performance of Cooperative Relaying with Fixed and Best-Selected Mobile Relays Over Non-Identically Distributed Links. 548-551
Volume 1, Number 6, December 2012
- Ammar Zafar, Redha M. Radaydeh, Yunfei Chen
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for Fixed-Gain Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks with Partial Channel State Information. 553-556 - Yong Liu, Wen Chen:
Adaptive Resource Allocation for Improved DF Aided Downlink Multi-User OFDM Systems. 557-560 - Kun Pang, Zihuai Lin
, Bartolomeu F. Uchôa Filho
, Branka Vucetic:
Distributed Network Coding for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Rateless LT Codes. 561-564 - Prasanna Madhusudhanan, Juan G. Restrepo
, Youjian Eugene Liu
, Timothy X. Brown, Kenneth R. Baker:
Stochastic Ordering Based Carrier-to-Interference Ratio Analysis for the Shotgun Cellular Systems. 565-568 - Jihaeng Heo, Gosan Noh, Sungsoo Park, Sungmook Lim, Eunsun Kim
, Daesik Hong:
Mobile TV White Space with Multi-Region Based Mobility Procedure. 569-572 - Ferkan Yilmaz
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
On the Computation of the Higher-Order Statistics of the Channel Capacity over Generalized Fading Channels. 573-576 - Chenzi Jiang, Leonard J. Cimini Jr.:
Antenna Selection for Energy-Efficient MIMO Transmission. 577-580 - Shujuan Wang, Chen Gong, Xiaodong Wang, Mangui Liang:
An Efficient Retransmission Strategy for Wireless Scalable Video Multicast. 581-584 - David Elkouss
, Jesús Martínez-Mateo
, Vicente Martín:
Untainted Puncturing for Irregular Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. 585-588 - Marco Ferrari
, Sandro Bellini, Alessandro Tomasoni:
Low-Complexity Z4 LDPC Code Design under a Gaussian Approximation. 589-592 - Lihua Wan, Jie Luo:
On the Complexity of Wireless Multicast Optimization. 593-596 - Sébastien Marcille, Philippe Ciblat, Christophe J. Le Martret:
Resource Allocation for Type-I HARQ Based Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 597-600 - Chao-Kai Wen
, Jung-Chieh Chen
, Pangan Ting:
Efficient Approach for Evaluating Throughput of Multi-Hop MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relays. 601-604 - Arman Shojaeifard, Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei
Cross-Layer Design and Optimization of CDMA Networks in Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. 605-608 - Weisi Guo
, Siyi Wang
Interference-Aware Self-Deploying Femto-Cell. 609-612 - Jinhui Chen, Jinsong Wu
A Universal Receiver-End Coupling Matrix Estimation Method with Antenna On-Off. 613-616 - Guoxing Chen, Zhengzheng Xiang, Changqing Xu, Meixia Tao:
On Degrees of Freedom of Cognitive Networks with User Cooperation. 617-620 - Guowei Yang, Mohammad Ali Khalighi
, Salah Bourennane, Zabih Ghassemlooy
Approximation to the Sum of Two Correlated Gamma-Gamma Variates and its Applications in Free-Space Optical Communications. 621-624 - Li Li, Changqing Xu, Meixia Tao:
Resource Allocation in Open Access OFDMA Femtocell Networks. 625-628 - Ziming He
, Yi Ma, Rahim Tafazolli
Posterior Cramer-Rao Bound for Inertial Sensors Enhanced Mobile Positioning Under The Random Walk Motion Model. 629-632 - I-Wei Lai, Chia-Han Lee, Gerd Ascheid, Tzi-Dar Chiueh:
Channel-Adaptive MIMO Detection Based on the Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem (MCKP). 633-636 - Fagen Li, Di Zhong, Tsuyoshi Takagi:
Practical Identity-Based Signature for Wireless Sensor Networks. 637-640 - Sachitha Kusaladharma, Chintha Tellambura:
Aggregate Interference Analysis for Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks. 641-644 - Khondaker Musfakus Salehin, Roberto Rojas-Cessa:
Active Scheme to Measure Throughput of Wireless Access Link in Hybrid Wired-Wireless Network. 645-648

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