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Derek Reilly
2020 – today
- 2024
- [j11]Majid Nasirinejad
, Derek Reilly:
mF+C: Linking suboptimal projections to detail on handheld devices. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud. 182: 103170 (2024) - [c64]Sathaporn Hu, Muhammad Raza, Derek Reilly:
Gander: the Preliminary Design and Evaluation of an AR+Tablet System for Geospatial Analysis. ISMAR-Adjunct 2024: 247-251 - [c63]Cherelle Connor
, Eric Cade Schoenborn
, Sathaporn Hu
, Thiago Malheiros Porcino
, Cameron Moore
, Derek Reilly
, Wallace Santos Lages
Examining Pair Dynamics in Shared, Co-located Augmented Reality Narratives. SUI 2024: 17:1-17:11 - [e2]Derek Reilly, Mayra Donaji Barrera Machuca, Joseph W. Malloch, Brandon Haworth:
Proceedings of the 50th Graphics Interface Conference, GI 2024, Halifax, NS, Canada, June 3-6, 2024. ACM 2024, ISBN 979-8-4007-1828-1 [contents] - 2023
- [c62]Sathaporn Hu
, Derek Reilly:
Parallax-based Glyph Composition Technique with Colour-Blending Glyphs. ICAT-EGVE (Posters & Demos) 2023: 31-32 - [c61]Sathaporn Hu
, Derek Reilly:
Comparative Glyph-Field Trajectory Analyses with an AR+Tablet Hybrid User Interface for Geospatial Analysis Tasks. ICAT-EGVE 2023: 121-130 - [c60]Peter Haltner, Rowland Goddy-Worlu, James Forren, Claire Nicholas, Derek Reilly:
A Comparative Evaluation of AR Embodiments vs. Videos and Figures for Learning Bead Weaving. ISMAR 2023: 1191-1200 - 2022
- [c59]Juliano Franz, Derek Reilly:
Ride With Me: Exploring Group Road Cycling Through Contextual Design. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2022: 1612-1625 - [c58]Rowland Goddy-Worlu, Martha Dais Ferreira, Matthew Peachey, James Forren, Claire Nicholas, Derek Reilly:
Capture and Recognition of Bead Weaving Activities using Hand Skeletal Data and an LSTM Deep Neural Network. AIVR 2022: 124-129 - [c57]Muhammad Raza, Derek Reilly, Joseph W. Malloch:
Active Visualization of Visual Cues on Hand for Better User Interface Design Generalization in Mixed Reality. AIVR 2022: 149-152 - [c56]Abbey Singh
, Matthew Peachey
, Ramanpreet Kaur, Peter Haltner
, Shannon Frederick, Mohammed Alnusayri, David Choco Manco, Colton Morris, Shannon Brownlee
, Joseph W. Malloch
, Derek Reilly
Supporting Spatial Thinking in Augmented Reality Narrative: A Field Study. ICIDS 2022: 270-291 - [c55]Thiago Malheiros Porcino, Seyed Adel Ghaeinian
, Juliano Franz
, Joseph W. Malloch
, Derek Reilly
Design of an Extended Reality Collaboration Architecture for Mixed Immersive and Multi-surface Interaction. ICEC 2022: 112-122 - [c54]Thiago Malheiros Porcino, Derek Reilly, Esteban Clua, Daniela Trevisan:
A guideline proposal for minimizing cybersickness in VR-based serious games and applications. SeGAH 2022: 1-8 - [i2]Thiago Malheiros Porcino, Derek Reilly, Esteban Clua, Daniela Trevisan:
A guideline proposal for minimizing cybersickness in VR-based serious games and applications. CoRR abs/2207.06346 (2022) - [i1]Thiago Malheiros Porcino, Seyed Adel Ghaeinian, Juliano Franz, Joseph W. Malloch, Derek Reilly:
Design of an XR Collab. Arch. for Mixed Immersive and MS Interaction. CoRR abs/2208.14842 (2022) - 2021
- [c53]Sathaporn Hu
, Joseph W. Malloch, Derek Reilly:
A Comparative Evaluation of Techniques for Locating Out-of-View Targets in Virtual Reality. Graphics Interface 2021: 202-212 - [c52]Abbey Singh, Ramanpreet Kaur, Peter Haltner, Matthew Peachey, Mar González-Franco, Joseph W. Malloch, Derek Reilly:
Story CreatAR: a Toolkit for Spatially-Adaptive Augmented Reality Storytelling. VR 2021: 713-722 - 2020
- [c51]Mar González-Franco, Zelia Egan, Matthew Peachey, Angus Antley, Tanmay Randhavane, Payod Panda
, Yaying Zhang, Cheng Yao Wang, Derek Reilly
, Tabitha C. Peck, Andrea Stevenson Won, Anthony Steed
, Eyal Ofek
MoveBox: Democratizing MoCap for the Microsoft Rocketbox Avatar Library. AIVR 2020: 91-98 - [c50]Derek Reilly
, Shivam Mahajan, Abbey Singh, Jake Moore, Isaac Fresia, Matt Peachey, Joseph W. Malloch
Using Space Syntax to Enable Walkable AR Experiences. ISMAR Adjunct 2020: 289-294 - [c49]Fatima Alshammari, Khalid Tearo, Rita Orji
, Kirstie Hawkey, Derek Reilly
MAR: A Study of the Impact of Positive and Negative Reinforcement on Medication Adherence Reminders. SeGAH 2020: 1-8 - [c48]Juliano Franz
, Joseph W. Malloch
, Derek Reilly
Compensating for Perspective-based Distortion on Large Interactive Floor Displays: the SpaceHopper Field Experiment. IMX 2020: 45-54
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j10]Rita Orji
, Derek Reilly
, Kiemute Oyibo, Fidelia A. Orji:
Deconstructing persuasiveness of strategies in behaviour change systems using the ARCS model of motivation. Behav. Inf. Technol. 38(4): 319-335 (2019) - [j9]Mohamad H. Salimian, Stephen Brooks, Derek Reilly
MP Remix: Relaxed WYSIWIS Immersive Interfaces for Mixed Presence Collaboration With 3D Content. Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact. 3(CSCW): 105:1-105:22 (2019) - [j8]Juliano Franz
, Mohammed Alnusayri, Joseph W. Malloch
, Derek Reilly
A Comparative Evaluation of Techniques for Sharing AR Experiences in Museums. Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact. 3(CSCW): 124:1-124:20 (2019) - [c47]Juliano Franz
, Mohammed Alnusayri, Joseph W. Malloch
, Akshay Gahlon, Derek Reilly
AR in the Gallery: The Psychogeographer's Table. CHI Extended Abstracts 2019 - [e1]Christopher Batty, Derek Reilly:
Proceedings of the 44th Graphics Interface Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 8-11, 2018. ACM 2019, ISBN 978-0-9947868-3-8 [contents] - 2018
- [c46]Juliano M. Franz
, Joseph W. Malloch
, Derek Reilly
, Vinicius Sanches:
SpaceHopper: Bounce Your Way to Galactic Domination. CHI Extended Abstracts 2018 - [c45]Felwah Alqahtani, Derek Reilly:
It's the Gesture That (re)Counts: Annotating While Running to Recall Affective Experience. Graphics Interface 2018: 84-92 - [c44]Derek Reilly:
Session details: Michael A. J. Sweeney Best Student Paper Award Talk (HCI). Graphics Interface 2018 - [c43]Mohamad H. Salimian, Stephen Brooks, Derek Reilly
IMRCE: A Unity Toolkit for Virtual Co-Presence. SUI 2018: 48-59 - 2017
- [c42]Huiyuan Zhou, Aisha Edrah, Bonnie MacKay, Derek Reilly
Block Party: Synchronized Planning and Navigation Views for Neighbourhood Expeditions. CHI 2017: 1702-1713 - [c41]Juliano Franz
, Derek Reilly
TangiWoZ: A Tangible Interface for Wizard of Oz Studies. CHI Extended Abstracts 2017: 2584-2590 - [c40]Nabil Bin Hannan, Khalid Tearo, Joseph W. Malloch
, Derek Reilly
Once More, With Feeling: Expressing Emotional Intensity in Touchscreen Gestures. IUI 2017: 427-437 - 2016
- [c39]Nabil Bin Hannan, Felwah Alqahtani, Derek Reilly
JogChalking: Capturing and Visualizing Affective Experience for Recreational Runners. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume) 2016: 129-132 - [c38]Gang Hu
, Nabil Bin Hannan, Khalid Tearo, Arthur Bastos, Derek Reilly
Doing While Thinking: Physical and Cognitive Engagement and Immersion in Mixed Reality Games. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2016: 947-958 - [c37]Huiyuan Zhou, Khalid Tearo, Aniruddha Waje, Elham Alghamdi, Thamara Alves, Vinicius Ferreira
, Kirstie Hawkey, Derek Reilly
Enhancing Mobile Content Privacy with Proxemics Aware Notifications and Protection. CHI 2016: 1362-1373 - [c36]Mohammed Alnusayri, Gang Hu
, Elham Alghamdi, Derek Reilly
ProxemicUI: object-oriented middleware and event model for proxemics-aware applications on large displays. EICS 2016: 50-60 - [c35]Mohamad H. Salimian, Derek Reilly
, Stephen Brooks, Bonnie MacKay:
Physical-Digital Privacy Interfaces for Mixed Reality Collaboration: An Exploratory Study. ISS 2016: 261-270 - [c34]Aniruddha Waje, Khalid Tearo, Raghav V. Sampangi, Derek Reilly
Grab This, Swipe That: Combining Tangible and Gestural Interaction in Multiple Display Collaborative Gameplay. ISS 2016: 433-438 - [c33]Nabil Bin Hannan, Felwah Alqahtani, Derek Reilly:
JogChalking: Capturing and Visualizing Affective Experience for Recreational Runners. UMAP (Extended Proceedings) 2016 - 2015
- [j7]Huiyuan Zhou, Vinicius Ferreira
, Thamara Alves, Bonnie MacKay, Kirstie Hawkey, Derek Reilly
Exploring Privacy Notification and Control Mechanisms for Proximity-Aware Tablets. Int. J. Mob. Hum. Comput. Interact. 7(3): 1-19 (2015) - [c32]Derek Reilly
, Andy Echenique, Andy Wu, Anthony Tang
, W. Keith Edwards:
Mapping out Work in a Mixed Reality Project Room. CHI 2015: 887-896 - [c31]Huiyuan Zhou, Vinicius Ferreira
, Thamara Alves, Kirstie Hawkey, Derek Reilly
Somebody Is Peeking!: A Proximity and Privacy Aware Tablet Interface. CHI Extended Abstracts 2015: 1971-1976 - [c30]Daniel Yule, Bonnie MacKay, Derek Reilly
Operation Citadel: Exploring the Role of Docents in Mixed Reality. CHI PLAY 2015: 285-294 - [c29]Gang Hu
, Derek Reilly
, Qigang Gao, Arthur Bastos, Nhu loan Truong:
A Perceptual Depth Shape-based CRF Model for Deformable Surface Labeling. CRV 2015: 184-191 - 2014
- [c28]Derek Reilly
, Mohamad H. Salimian, Bonnie MacKay, Niels Raabjerg Mathiasen, W. Keith Edwards, Juliano Franz
SecSpace: prototyping usable privacy and security for mixed reality collaborative environments. EICS 2014: 273-282 - [c27]Gang Hu
, Derek Reilly
, Ben Swinden, Qigang Gao:
Human Activity Analysis in a 3D Bird's-eye View. ICIAR (2) 2014: 365-373 - [c26]Sara Diamond, Bhuvaneswari Arunachalan, Derek Reilly
, Anne Stevens:
Workshop on designing the future of mobile healthcare support. Mobile HCI 2014: 589-592 - [c25]Gang Hu
, Derek Reilly
, Mohammed Alnusayri, Ben Swinden, Qigang Gao:
DT-DT: Top-down Human Activity Analysis for Interactive Surface Applications. ITS 2014: 167-176 - [p2]Derek Reilly
, Fanny Chevalier, Dustin Freeman:
Blending Art Events and HCI Research. Interactive Experience in the Digital Age 2014: 153-168 - 2013
- [j6]Enrico Rukzio, Paul Holleis, Derek Reilly
Special Section on mobile interaction with the real world. Pervasive Mob. Comput. 9(2): 201-202 (2013) - [c24]Dustin Freeman, Nathan Lapierre, Fanny Chevalier, Derek Reilly:
Tweetris: a study of whole-body interaction during a public art event. Creativity & Cognition 2013: 224-233 - [c23]Aneesh P. Tarun, Peng Wang, Paul Strohmeier, Audrey Girouard, Derek Reilly, Roel Vertegaal:
PaperTab: tablets as thin and flexible as paper. CHI Extended Abstracts 2013: 2881-2882 - [c22]Aneesh P. Tarun, Peng Wang, Audrey Girouard, Paul Strohmeier
, Derek Reilly
, Roel Vertegaal:
PaperTab: an electronic paper computer with multiple large flexible electrophoretic displays. CHI Extended Abstracts 2013: 3131-3134 - [c21]Derek Neil, Samuel Perreault, Nathan Lapierre, Derek Reilly, David Parker, Harjot Bal:
Limber: exploring motivation in a workplace exergame. CSCW Companion 2013: 239-242 - [c20]Derek Reilly, Emma Westecott, David Parker, Samuel Perreault, Derek Neil, Nathan Lapierre, Kate Hartman, Harjot Bal:
Design-driven research for workplace exergames: the limber case study. Gamification 2013: 123-126 - [c19]Mohamad H. Salimian, Stephen Brooks, Derek Reilly
Examining the impact of regional familiarity and design characteristics on use of a map-based news visualization. MapInteract 2013: 24-29 - [c18]Mohamad H. Salimian, Stephen Brooks, Derek Reilly
Geo-clouds: visualizing news over geographical maps. IWGS 2013: 58-65 - [c17]Derek Reilly
, Bonnie MacKay:
Annotating ecology: looking to biological fieldwork for mobile spatial annotation workflows. Mobile HCI 2013: 35-44 - 2012
- [c16]Anthony Tang
, Jonathan Massey, Nelson Wong, Derek Reilly
, W. Keith Edwards:
Verbal coordination in first person shooter games. CSCW 2012: 579-582 - [c15]Ken Leung, Derek Reilly
, Kate Hartman
, Suzanne Stein, Emma Westecott:
Limber: DIY wearables for reducing risk of office injury. TEI 2012: 85-86 - [c14]Dustin Freeman, Fanny Chevalier, Emma Westecott, Kyle Duffield, Kate Hartman
, Derek Reilly
Tweetris: play with me. TEI 2012: 319-320 - 2011
- [j5]Derek Reilly
Reaching the same point: Effects on consistency when pointing at objects in the physical environment without feedback. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud. 69(1-2): 9-18 (2011) - [c13]Derek Reilly
, Anthony Tang
, Andy Wu, Niels Raabjerg Mathiasen, Andy Echenique, Jonathan Massey, Hafez Rouzati, Shashank Chamoli:
Toward a Framework for Prototyping Physical Interfaces in Multiplayer Gaming: TwinSpace Experiences. ICEC 2011: 428-431 - [c12]Andy Wu, Derek Reilly
, Anthony Tang
, Ali Mazalek
Tangible navigation and object manipulation in virtual environments. TEI 2011: 37-44 - 2010
- [j4]Derek Reilly
, Stephen Voida, Matt McKeon, Christopher A. Le Dantec, Jonathan Bunde-Pedersen, W. Keith Edwards, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Ali Mazalek
, Roy Want:
Space Matters: Physical-Digital and Physical-Virtual Codesign in inSpace. IEEE Pervasive Comput. 9(3): 54-63 (2010) - [c11]Derek F. Reilly
, Hafez Rouzati, Andy Wu, Jee Yeon Hwang, Jeremy T. Brudvik, W. Keith Edwards:
TwinSpace: an infrastructure for cross-reality team spaces. UIST 2010: 119-128
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j3]Derek Reilly
, Bonnie MacKay, Carolyn R. Watters, Kori Inkpen:
Planners, navigators, and pragmatists: collaborative wayfinding using a single mobile phone. Pers. Ubiquitous Comput. 13(4): 321-329 (2009) - [c10]Derek F. Reilly
, Kori M. Inkpen, Carolyn R. Watters:
Controlling, Integrating, and Engaging Context in Urban Computing Research. HICSS 2009: 1-10 - [c9]Derek F. Reilly
, Kori M. Inkpen, Carolyn R. Watters:
Getting the Picture: Examining How Feedback and Layout Impact Mobile Device Interaction with Maps on Physical Media. ISWC 2009: 55-62 - 2008
- [c8]Derek F. Reilly
, Bonnie MacKay, Carolyn R. Watters, Kori M. Inkpen:
Small details: using one device to navigate together. CSCW 2008: 253-256 - [p1]Derek Reilly
, Bonnie MacKay, Kori Inkpen:
How Mobile Maps Cooperate with Existing Navigational Infrastructure. Map-based Mobile Services 2008: 267-292 - 2007
- [c7]Derek Reilly
, Kori M. Inkpen:
White rooms and morphing don't mix: setting and the evaluation of visualization techniques. CHI 2007: 111-120 - 2006
- [j2]Derek Reilly
, Malcolm E. Rodgers, Ritchie Argue, Mike Nunes, Kori Inkpen:
Marked-up maps: combining paper maps and electronic information resources. Pers. Ubiquitous Comput. 10(4): 215-226 (2006) - [c6]Derek Reilly
, David Dearman, Vicki Ha, Ian Smith, Kori Inkpen:
"Need to Know": Examining Information Need in Location Discourse. Pervasive 2006: 33-49 - 2005
- [j1]Derek Reilly
, David Dearman, Michael Welsman-Dinelle, Kori Inkpen:
Evaluating early prototypes in context: trade-offs, challenges, and successes. IEEE Pervasive Comput. 4(4): 42-50 (2005) - [c5]Melanie Kellar, Derek Reilly
, Kirstie Hawkey, Malcolm E. Rodgers, Bonnie MacKay, David Dearman, Vicki Ha, W. Joseph MacInnes
, Michael N. Nunes, Karen Parker, Tara Whalen, Kori M. Inkpen:
It's a jungle out there: practical considerations for evaluation in the city. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1533-1536 - [c4]Kirstie Hawkey, Melanie Kellar, Derek Reilly
, Tara Whalen, Kori M. Inkpen:
The proximity factor: impact of distance on co-located collaboration. GROUP 2005: 31-40 - [c3]Derek Reilly, Michael Welsman-Dinelle, Colin Bate, Kori Inkpen:
Just point and click?: using handhelds to interact with paper maps. Mobile HCI 2005: 239-242 - 2004
- [c2]Kirstie Hawkey, Melanie Kellar, Bonnie MacKay, Karen Parker, Derek Reilly
From cookies to puppies to athletes: designing a visual audience voting system. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1641-1645 - [c1]Derek F. Reilly, Kori Inkpen:
Map Morphing: Making Sense of Incongruent Maps. Graphics Interface 2004: 231-238

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