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Catherine Dubois
2020 – today
- 2025
- [j11]Brijesh Dongol
, Catherine Dubois
, Stefan Hallerstede, Eric C. R. Hehner, Carroll Morgan, Peter Müller, Leila Ribeiro, Alexandra Silva, Graeme Smith
, Erik P. de Vink
On Formal Methods Thinking in Computer Science Education. Formal Aspects Comput. 37(1): 8:1-8:23 (2025) - 2023
- [e11]Catherine Dubois
, Manfred Kerber:
Intelligent Computer Mathematics - 16th International Conference, CICM 2023, Cambridge, UK, September 5-8, 2023, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14101, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-3-031-42752-7 [contents] - [e10]Catherine Dubois
, Pierluigi San Pietro
Formal Methods Teaching: 5th International Workshop, FMTea 2023, Lübeck, Germany, March 6, 2023, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13962, Springer 2023, ISBN 978-3-031-27533-3 [contents] - [i8]Maximiliano Cristiá, Catherine Dubois:
Comparing EventB, log and Why3 Models of Sparse Sets. CoRR abs/2307.03974 (2023) - [i7]Ali Assaf, Guillaume Burel, Raphaël Cauderlier, David Delahaye, Gilles Dowek, Catherine Dubois, Frédéric Gilbert, Pierre Halmagrand, Olivier Hermant, Ronan Saillard:
Dedukti: a Logical Framework based on the λΠ-Calculus Modulo Theory. CoRR abs/2311.07185 (2023) - 2022
- [c39]Catherine Dubois, Nicolas Magaud, Alain Giorgetti:
Pragmatic Isomorphism Proofs Between Coq Representations: Application to Lambda-Term Families. TYPES 2022: 11:1-11:19 - [c38]Amélie Ledein, Valentin Blot, Catherine Dubois:
A Semantics of 𝕂 into Dedukti. TYPES 2022: 12:1-12:22 - [c37]Mathieu Montin, Amélie Ledein, Catherine Dubois:
LibNDT: Towards a Formal Library on Spreadable Properties over Linked Nested Datatypes. MSFP@ETAPS 2022: 27-44 - [e9]Catherine Dubois, Julien Cohen:
STAF 2022 Workshop Proceedings: 10th International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (BX 2022), 2nd International Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Visual Modeling (FPVM 2022) and 2nd International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MeSS 2022) (co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations federation of conferences (STAF 2022)), Nantes, France, July 5-8, 2022. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3250, CEUR-WS.org 2022 [contents] - [i6]Ghiles Ziat, Vincent Botbol, Matthieu Dien, Arnaud Gotlieb, Martin Pépin
, Catherine Dubois:
Automatic Synthesis of Random Generators for Numerically Constrained Algebraic Recursive Types. CoRR abs/2208.12747 (2022) - [i5]Catherine Dubois, Nicolas Magaud, Alain Giorgetti:
Pragmatic isomorphism proofs between Coq representations: application to lambda-term families. CoRR abs/2212.10453 (2022) - 2021
- [c36]Catherine Dubois, Steffen Zschaler
17th Educators Symposium at MODELS 2021. MoDELS (Companion) 2021: 695 - 2020
- [c35]Catherine Dubois
Formally Verified Transformation of Non-binary Constraints into Binary Constraints. WFLP 2020: 117-128 - [i4]Catherine Dubois:
Formally Verified Transformation of Non-binary Constraints into Binary Constraints. CoRR abs/2009.00583 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [c34]Catherine Dubois, Virgile Prevosto
, Guillaume Burel:
Teaching Formal Methods to Future Engineers. FMTea 2019: 69-80 - 2018
- [j10]Catherine Dubois, Alain Giorgetti
Tests and proofs for custom data generators. Formal Aspects Comput. 30(6): 659-684 (2018) - [c33]Catherine Dubois, Olga Grinchtein, Justin Pearson, Mats Carlsson:
Exploring Properties of a Telecommunication Protocol with Message Delay Using Interactive Theorem Prover. SEFM 2018: 239-253 - [c32]Catherine Dubois, Sulyvan Weppe:
Towards Coq Formalisation of {log} Set Constraints Resolution. SETS@ABZ 2018: 32-37 - [e8]Catherine Dubois, Burkhart Wolff
Tests and Proofs - 12th International Conference, TAP@STAF 2018, Toulouse, France, June 27-29, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10889, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-92993-4 [contents] - [e7]Maximiliano Cristiá, David Delahaye, Catherine Dubois:
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Sets and Tools co-located with the 6th International ABZ Conference, SETS@ABZ 2018, Southamptom, UK, June 5, 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2199, CEUR-WS.org 2018 [contents] - 2017
- [c31]Raphaël Cauderlier, Catherine Dubois:
FoCaLiZe and Dedukti to the Rescue for Proof Interoperability. ITP 2017: 131-147 - [e6]Catherine Dubois, Paolo Masci
, Dominique Méry:
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment, F-IDE@FM 2016, Limassol, Cyprus, November 8, 2016. EPTCS 240, 2017 [contents] - [e5]Catherine Dubois, Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo:
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving, PxTP 2017, Brasília, Brazil, 23-24 September 2017. EPTCS 262, 2017 [contents] - 2016
- [c30]Raphaël Cauderlier, Catherine Dubois:
ML Pattern-Matching, Recursion, and Rewriting: From FoCaLiZe to Dedukti. ICTAC 2016: 459-468 - [c29]Catherine Dubois, Alain Giorgetti, Richard Genestier:
Tests and Proofs for Enumerative Combinatorics. TAP@STAF 2016: 57-75 - [e4]Catherine Dubois, Francesco Parisi-Presicce, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Nicholas Matragkas:
Joint Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium and Projects Showcase Held as Part of STAF 2016 co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2016), Vienna, Austria, July 4-7, 2016. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1675, CEUR-WS.org 2016 [contents] - [i3]Gilles Dowek, Catherine Dubois, Brigitte Pientka, Florian Rabe:
Universality of Proofs (Dagstuhl Seminar 16421). Dagstuhl Reports 6(10): 75-98 (2016) - 2015
- [j9]Driss Sadoun, Catherine Dubois, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Brigitte Grau:
Représentation et vérification d'un environnement intelligent à partir de spécifications utilisateur en langage naturel. Rev. d'Intelligence Artif. 29(1): 47-81 (2015) - [j8]Mélanie Jacquel, Karim Berkani, David Delahaye, Catherine Dubois:
Verifying B proof rules using deep embedding and automated theorem proving. Softw. Syst. Model. 14(1): 101-119 (2015) - [j7]Catherine Dubois, Régine Laleau:
Introduction. Tech. Sci. Informatiques 34(5): 493-494 (2015) - [c28]Catherine Dubois, François Pessaux:
Termination Proofs for Recursive Functions in FoCaLiZe. TFP 2015: 136-156 - [c27]Thi-Kim-Zung Pham, Catherine Dubois, Nicole Lévy
Towards correct-by-construction product variants of a software product line: GFML, a formal language for feature modules. FMSPLE 2015: 44-55 - [e3]Catherine Dubois, Paolo Masci
, Dominique Méry:
Proceedings Second International Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment, F-IDE 2015, Oslo, Norway, June 22, 2015. EPTCS 187, 2015 [contents] - [i2]Mélanie Jacquel, Karim Berkani, David Delahaye, Catherine Dubois:
Tableaux Modulo Theories Using Superdeduction. CoRR abs/1501.01301 (2015) - 2014
- [c26]David Delahaye, Catherine Dubois, Claude Marché, David Mentré:
The BWare Project: Building a Proof Platform for the Automated Verification of B Proof Obligations. ABZ 2014: 290-293 - [c25]Driss Sadoun, Catherine Dubois, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Brigitte Grau:
Formal Rule Representation and Verification from Natural Language Requirements Using an Ontology. RuleML 2014: 226-235 - [c24]Catherine Dubois, Renaud Rioboo:
Verified Functional Iterators Using the FoCaLiZe Environment. SEFM 2014: 317-331 - [c23]Raphaël Cauderlier, Catherine Dubois:
Objects and Subtyping in the Lambda-Pi-Calculus Modulo. TYPES 2014: 47-71 - [e2]Catherine Dubois, Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Dominique Méry:
Proceedings 1st Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment, F-IDE 2014, Grenoble, France, April 6, 2014. EPTCS 149, 2014 [contents] - 2013
- [c22]Driss Sadoun, Catherine Dubois, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Brigitte Grau:
From Natural Language Requirements to Formal Specification Using an Ontology. ICTAI 2013: 755-760 - [c21]Catherine Dubois, Michalis Famelis, Martin Gogolla, Leonel Nóbrega, Ileana Ober, Martina Seidl, Markus Völter:
Research Questions for Validation and Verification in the Context of Model-Based Engineering. MoDeVVa@MoDELS 2013: 67-76 - 2012
- [c20]Mélanie Jacquel, Karim Berkani, David Delahaye, Catherine Dubois:
Tableaux Modulo Theories Using Superdeduction - An Application to the Verification of B Proof Rules with the Zenon Automated Theorem Prover. IJCAR 2012: 332-338 - [c19]Pierre-Nicolas Tollitte, David Delahaye, Catherine Dubois:
Producing Certified Functional Code from Inductive Specifications. CPP 2012: 76-91 - [c18]Matthieu Carlier, Catherine Dubois, Arnaud Gotlieb:
A Certified Constraint Solver over Finite Domains. FM 2012: 116-131 - [c17]Philippe Ayrault, Vincent Benayoun, Catherine Dubois, François Pessaux:
ML Dependency Analysis for Assessors. SEFM 2012: 278-292 - [c16]Matthieu Carlier, Catherine Dubois, Arnaud Gotlieb:
A First Step in the Design of a Formally Verified Constraint-Based Testing Tool: FocalTest. TAP@TOOLS 2012: 35-50 - 2011
- [c15]Mélanie Jacquel, Karim Berkani, David Delahaye, Catherine Dubois:
Verifying B Proof Rules Using Deep Embedding and Automated Theorem Proving. SEFM 2011: 253-268 - 2010
- [c14]Matthieu Carlier, Catherine Dubois, Arnaud Gotlieb:
Constraint Reasoning in FocalTest. ICSOFT (2) 2010: 82-91 - [c13]Matthieu Carlier, Catherine Dubois, Arnaud Gotlieb:
FocalTest: A Constraint Programming Approach for Property-Based Testing. ICSOFT (Selected Papers) 2010: 140-155
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [e1]Catherine Dubois:
Tests and Proofs - 3rd International Conference, TAP@TOOLS 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2-3, 2009. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5668, Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-02948-6 [contents] - [i1]Éric Jaeger, Catherine Dubois:
Why Would You Trust B? CoRR abs/0902.3858 (2009) - 2008
- [c12]Matthieu Carlier, Catherine Dubois:
Functional Testing in the Focal Environment. TAP 2008: 84-98 - 2007
- [j6]Jean-Marc Mota, Catherine Dubois:
Raffinement de modèles topologiques en B événementiel. Des droites aux 2-G-cartes. Tech. Sci. Informatiques 26(7): 883-908 (2007) - [c11]Éric Jaeger, Catherine Dubois:
Why Would You Trust B ? LPAR 2007: 288-302 - [c10]Régine Laleau, Yves Ledru, Didier Bert, Fabrice Bouquet, Michel Lemoine, Catherine Dubois, Véronique Donzeau-Gouge, Sylvie Vignes:
Using Computer Science Modeling Techniques for Airport Security Certification. RCIS 2007: 61-72 - [c9]David Delahaye, Catherine Dubois, Jean-Frédéric Étienne:
Extracting Purely Functional Contents from Logical Inductive Types. TPHOLs 2007: 70-85 - 2006
- [j5]Régine Laleau, Sylvie Vignes, Yves Ledru, Michel Lemoine, Didier Bert, Véronique Donzeau-Gouge, Catherine Dubois, Fabien Peureux:
Adopting a situational requirements engineering approach for the analysis of civil aviation security standards. Softw. Process. Improv. Pract. 11(5): 487-503 (2006) - [c8]Yves Ledru, Régine Laleau, Michel Lemoine, Sylvie Vignes, Didier Bert, Véronique Donzeau-Gouge, Catherine Dubois, Fabien Peureux:
An attempt to combine UML and formal methods to model airport security. CAiSE Forum 2006 - [c7]Catherine Dubois, Jean-Marc Mota:
A Formally Verified Geometric Modelling Core. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2006: 643-649 - 2005
- [j4]Catherine Dubois:
Typage, sreté et sécurité. Tech. Sci. Informatiques 24(9): 1187-1190 (2005) - 2004
- [j3]Karim Berkani, Catherine Dubois, Alain Faivre, Jérôme Falampin:
Validation des règles de base de l'Atelier B. Tech. Sci. Informatiques 23(7): 855-878 (2004) - [c6]Catherine Dubois, Thérèse Hardin, Véronique Donzeau-Gouge:
Building certified components within FOCAL. Trends in Functional Programming 2004: 33-48 - 2003
- [c5]Catherine Dubois, J. Grandguillot, Mathieu Jaume:
Réutilisation de preuves formelles : une étude pour le système FoC. JFLA 2003: 63-75 - 2002
- [j2]Franck Ledoux, Jean-Marc Mota, Agnès Arnould, Catherine Dubois, Pascale Le Gall, Yves Bertrand:
Spécifications formelles du chanfreinage. Tech. Sci. Informatiques 21(8): 1073-1098 (2002) - [c4]Marc Aiguier, Diane Bahrami, Catherine Dubois:
On a Generalised Logicality Theorem. AISC 2002: 51-63 - 2000
- [c3]Catherine Dubois:
Proving ML Type Soundness Within Coq. TPHOLs 2000: 126-144
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [j1]Catherine Dubois, Valérie Ménissier-Morain:
Certification of a Type Inference Tool for ML: Damas-Milner within Coq. J. Autom. Reason. 23(3-4): 319-346 (1999) - 1995
- [c2]Catherine Dubois, François Rouaix, Pierre Weis:
Generic Polymorphism. POPL 1995: 118-129
1980 – 1989
- 1987
- [c1]Véronique Donzeau-Gouge, Catherine Dubois, Philippe Facon, F. Jean:
Development of a Programming Environment for Setl. ESEC 1987: 21-32

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