matt-holliday - Sports News, Headlines & Highlights

Matt Holliday Homered With His Fly Wide Open
Check the Cardinals' reactions when Holliday gets back to the dugout. Lot of downward glances, sly smiles. They know. And not one took the opportunity to mutter "XYZ." Some teammates....

A Moth Tried To Lay Its Eggs In Matt Holliday's Brain
I think that's what moths do. I'm not a damned lepidopterist....

Bad Beats: Adrian Gonzalez Will Win Tonight's Home Run Derby
Hello, folks. Welcome back to Bad Beats, the column you visit for betting advice and sad tales of gambling woe. Read past Bad Beats here. Got any stories for us? Email us at [email protected]. Subject: Bad Beats....

The Cardinals Are Pretty Much Cursed Now, Right?
Adam Wainwright needs Tommy John surgery. Now Matt Holliday is out indefinitely after an emergency appendectomy. Next Albert Pujols will sign with Chicago. (Probably.)...

Last Night's Winner: Birds
In sports, everyone is a winner—some people just win better than others. Like our fine feathered friends (real and symbolic) that will get paid lots of money to play baseball and also not be murdered by them....

Buster Olney Gets Scooped By His Own Story
Reader Pete sends along this screengrab of poor Buster "breaking" the news of ongoing Holliday/Cardinals negotiations...a mere minute after Holliday announced said negotiations were complete. Twitter can be a cruel mistress....

Nick Johnson Clogs Buster Olney's Bases
Ken Rosenthal thinks the Red Sox will go Gonzo and that Matt Holliday might consider signing with the Orioles because of God. Buster Olney calls Nick Johnson a "base-clogger," which makes me sad. Read on. HOT FUCKING STOVE....

The Bitter Tears Of The Best Fans In Baseball
In the wake of Matt Holliday's fateful decision to play James Loney's soft liner off his testicles, Cardinals Nation expressed several sentiments unbecoming the best fans in baseball but at least cleared all five stages of grief....

This Is The Headline That Haunts Matt Holliday's Dreams
Got an image you'd like to see in here first thing in the morning? Send it to [email protected]. Subject: Morning crap....

Cardinals Defense Takes A Holliday
That is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad way to lose a playoff game. Commenter SavetoFavorites: "Kinda curious how the best fans in baseball will welcome Matt Holliday back home after this one." [Leitch's Twitter]...

Matt Holliday Gets Sucked Into The Strong, Midwestern Embrace Of The St. Louis Cardinals
"The Athletics and Cardinals have completed a trade that sends outfielder Matt Holliday to St. Louis in exchange for third baseman Brett Wallace, outfielder Shane Peterson and right-handed pitcher Clayton Mortensen, sources told ESPN The Magazine's Buster Olney." [ESPN]...