At Dame Elizabeth we ensure we cover thoroughly all the latest and most relevant issues in both PSHEE, Citizenship and SMSC. From Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) to Prevention of Extremism, students are delivered tailored, age-appropriate sessions through a one hour timetabled PSHE lesson a week, to ensure they are all well equipped with the tools to deal with a challenging and ever-changing world.
Our curriculum is responsive to national and international news and current affairs. We also take into consideration pupil welfare and student voice and respond within the curriculum when this is appropriate to ensure that our PSHE curriculum is pertinent to the needs of our pupils.
PSHE lessons cover many aspects of social, moral, spiritual and cultural education. Alongside the school assembly calendar which prioritises national and international days of celebration and campaigns and a diverse calendar of outside speakers to enhance the PSHE provision of our pupils.
Pupils in Year 10 and 11 have Religious Education within PSHE lessons and explore moral and spiritual issues across major world religions.
Please see our curriculum overview for more information about what will be taught and when.