On Monday, Justice of the Peace Court 2 closed in its current location in Rehoboth Beach and reopen five miles north in Lewes on June 14 at 16283 Willow Creek Road.
Justice of the Peace Court 2 has been located on Hudson Way in Rehoboth Beach since 1998, and over the past 25 years the court has outgrown that location, prompting the move to Willow Creek Road in Lewes. The new location is a more modern facility with more room for court staff and more parking for the public.
“We recognize that changing the location of this court may be an inconvenience for some who have grown used to it where it is, but we believe the public will find this new facility to be more convenient and easier to access,” said Justice of the Peace Court Administrator Liz Petrick.
Justice of the Peace Court 2 handles criminal matters. It is also the home for the Justice of the Peace Court’s statewide video court program, which operates 16 hours a day, five days a week.
The Justice of the Peace Court is Delaware’s entry-level court, and most criminal cases pass through the court on their way to Family Court, Court of Common Pleas, or, the Superior Court.
The Justice of the Peace Court also has jurisdiction over a number of criminal misdemeanors, most motor vehicle cases (excluding felonies), all criminal violations, including municipal and county code violations and truancy.
The Justice of the Peace Court also hears landlord/tenant summary possession proceedings and certain civil cases in which the amount in controversy does not exceed $25,000.
The move is part of a trend of moving facilities out of Rehoboth, which bcomes crowded in summer months and has limited room for expansion.
The city’s library is planning to add a new location, due to growth in the area and limited space but will keep the current location. Even long-time restaurants have left the downtown area. Despite the flight, new occupants continue to lease vacated space.
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