You will receive an email once your order has been packed for final delivery including the name of the courier and their tracking number (AWB). You can use this to track your delivery online and also to coordinate any local delivery requirements directly with the courier. In addition to this, you can always reach out to Desertcart Support using Live Chat or email and we will gladly guide you further.
Desertcart ships to 75 countries on a DDP basis. This means that you will have the peace of mind of not being asked to pay any further taxes or duties at the time of delivery.
There are a handful of countries that we ship to under DAP terms where the customs fees are not included, therefore duty, tax, and other official fees may be applied in addition to the order total by your local authorities. The courier will contact you when the shipment arrives in your country informing you of the amount and method of payment.
Desertcart may provide an estimate of this during the checkout process, but it is the customer's sole responsibility to verify their local import rules prior to placing their order. Desertcart takes no responsibility for these charges and recommends that you contact your local customs authorities. We are unable to provide a refund if the delivery cannot be completed by the courier due to any customs charges being unpaid.
Our assigned courier will complete the customs clearance on your behalf and arrange delivery to the address provided at the time of placing the order.
In some countries, there may be a legal requirement for the receiver to provide some form of input during the customs clearance process. Some examples of this are:
- National ID
- Tax ID
- Passport
- Proof of payment
- Medical approval/prescription
- Government/import approval
- Company registration/license
If/when this is necessary the courier will contact you when the shipment arrives in your country and inform you how to share the required information with them. Desertcart is unable to override these local regulations, thus we are unable to provide a refund if the delivery cannot be completed by the courier due these requirements.
Where available, we offer an Express Shipping option, that typically delivers 1-2 days faster than our Standard Shipping.
1. You can request a return by contacting Desertcart Support through Live Chat or email within 14 calendar days of taking delivery of the item (extended to 30 days for Pro members).
2. You may be requested to provide photos and/or videos to verify the issue or condition of the item. This is necessary to further process the claim or refund, therefore we may not be able to proceed if this is not available or clearly visible. In exceptional cases, we may be able to issue a refund without needing to return the item.
3. If the item needs to be returned, then Desertcart will arrange the return shipment. Once confirmed, you can coordinate directly with the courier to schedule a convenient date and time for collection. Your return item should be handed over to the courier without unreasonable delay in order to be returned within 14 days.
4. The item should be returned in its original packaging in an unused and new condition, including all parts, accessories, and manuals that were included with the product.
5. Once the item has been received by Desertcart, the refund will be processed within 48 hours and immediately visible in the Store Credit section of your account.
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, then you have 14 days (extended to 30 days for Pro members) to request a refund. All refunds are issued in the form of store credit.
We provide our best estimate of the delivery date when you add the item to your cart. This is based on the supplier's delivery lead time to our nearest shipping hub and then shipping the item from there to your door.
The subsequent delivery time may vary based on the location of the supplier and their stock availability, weekends, public holidays, the international shipping process, and customs clearance requirements.
Where available we offer an Express Delivery option, which is generally delivered 2-3 days faster than our Standard Shipping.
In some countries, the courier may offer self-collection from a service point or locker. Where this is supported, the courier will send you an SMS allowing you to coordinate this (and possibly also other delivery options) directly with them.
Pro members benefit from free Standard Shipping on all orders placed on Desertcart. A fair usage policy applies.
The shipping charges will be calculated based on the delivery address provided and you can review this prior to placing your order. Unless mentioned otherwise the shipping charge includes delivery to your door along with any duty and/or tax applicable in your country. This means that you will not be asked to pay any further charges except when special handling is required.
In the event that the item requires special shipping and handling due to its size and/or weight, then we will review your order and inform you of the additional amount. At this point, you can choose to accept these associated costs and proceed with the order or cancel the item for a full refund.
Yes, Pro members benefit from free Standard Shipping on all orders placed on Desertcart. A fair usage policy applies.
The only exclusion is for large, heavy, or oversized items that require special handling necessitating an additional fee to ensure safe delivery.
Assistant is a shopping app that enables users to buy a product from online retailers with the tap of a button. You need PRO membership to use this feature.
Separate to the DC Assistant admin fee and return shipping charges, any refund for the item will be determined by the retailer. DC Assistant fees are non-refundable. If the retailer's returns policy allows refunds, then this will be refunded to your credit card, and if applicable less any restocking fee (or similar) that is levied by the retailer. The exact refund timeframe is determined by your credit card issuer and ranges between 7-30 days.
You will see two charges from Desertcart, the first for the item as listed by the retailer, and a second charge for DC Assistant. You will be able to see the detailed charges in your order history. The DC Assistant fee will be based on the greater of the gross or volumetric weight of the item. This will be verified by Desertcart when the item is received from the retailer.
Yes, all applicable customs fees will be charged with the DC Assistant fee. You will be able to see the detailed charges in your order history.
DC Assistant will complete the purchase within 24 hours however we cannot guarantee whether the desired item is in stock and/or otherwise available to purchase. You will be given an estimated delivery window (EDD) after the item has been purchased and this will be updated in your order history. This is only an estimate and should not be interpreted as a guarantee.
You should contact the Desertcart customer experience team and we will guide you through the process. We will confirm the return policy of the retailer and update you within 48 hours. It is the customer's responsibility to verify the authenticity, quality, size, features, availability, returns policy, and all other details of the item before informing DC Assistant. If your return is allowed by the retailer, then we will arrange a courier to collect the item and complete the return. You will need to pay a DC Assistant admin fee of USD 25.00 per return plus the international return shipping charges. The return will be arranged once these charges have been paid.
You can contact the Desertcart customer experience team and we will guide you through the process. Please retain the packaging that the item was delivered in and share photos of the damaged item and packaging to Desertcart if/when requested. Any imperfection or cosmetic damage to the external packaging alone is not considered as item damage. Any damage must be reported to Desertcart within 3 days of delivery. In the event that the item damage is attributed to Desertcart, the liability is limited to a maximum of USD 100.00 per order.
Desertcart Pro eliminates common shopping hurdles like high shipping fees, unavailable international shipping, and surprise duties and taxes. With a Pro membership, you'll never have to worry about these issues while enjoying the best international shipping rates and top-notch service.
Pro members enjoy the most competitive shipping rates available. You'll only be charged for shipping and any applicable duties and taxes. For more details, , please refer to our Rates section. When using the Assistant feature, an additional 5% of the product price will be applied to cover transaction fees.
Yes, you can cancel your Desertcart Pro membership at any time. Desertcart Pro is billed annually. If you choose to cancel, you will still get your benefits until your membership ends. Please refer to our Cancellation Policy for more information.
While Desertcart Pro allows you to purchase a wide variety of products from around the world, there may be certain restrictions on items due to customs regulations or shipping limitations. Please refer to your customs website for more information. We reserve the right to cancel any order or stop any shipment that may contain prohibited or hazmat goods.
If your package arrives damaged or is lost during shipping, please contact our customer support team immediately. They will assist you in filing a claim and guide you through the necessary steps to resolve the issue.
Yes, the Self Ship service is exclusively available to our Pro members. The subscription enables us to offer unbeatable international shipping fees and exceptional service, ensuring the ultimate online shopping experience for our valued members.
Desertcart Pro is a premium service designed to make your international shopping experience seamless and cost-effective. By becoming a member, you can enjoy unlimited free deliveries on your Desertcart purchases, access the Assistant feature for hassle-free shopping on any website, and utilize Address for shipping products directly from four different countries.
Your Pro membership allows you to shop from any website worldwide! Just use our Assistant extension to share your desired product with the Desertcart app, and we'll handle shipping, inspection, and delivery. You'll also have access to your own Address in four countries for direct shipping. Once we receive your package, we'll forward it to your international address.
Shipping charges are determined based on the volumetric weight rather than the actual weight, as shipping companies use volumetric weight to calculate their charges. This ensures that the shipping cost aligns with the space occupied by the package during transit, ensuring fair pricing for both the sender and the shipping company.
Yes, you can always track your packages directly or your orders page. Once your order has been shipped, you'll also receive a tracking number from the courier you can use to monitor the progress of your shipment.
The delivery time for packages shipped through Desertcart Pro depends on factors such as the origin country, destination country, and customs clearance. We aim to get most items within 3-4 days of receiving it to any of our hubs.
Depending on the country and time of the year, the temperature or humidity can have an impact on product quality, so there may be occasions when we have to cancel specific items due to this risk. Your safety is important to us so we will only do this if it is necessary, and you will receive a full refund for any items that we remove on these grounds.
Please use the following emails to contact us for more specific queries: Press/Media/Public Relations: press [at] Careers: [email protected] Legal: [email protected]
We try to show you the most up-to-date information on availability that we have obtained. However, as all items are sourced from third-parties, items may become unavailable in a short span. We will definitely inform you if one of your items is out of stock.
The prices shown to you include the total price of your purchase including the item cost, any customs charges as well as shipping and handling charges. We show you the total cost that will be charged to you. But if there may be changes, we will communicate this with you before we charge your order.
You can purchase almost all of the items that are listed on our website. Just search for something you are looking for!
While we try our best to filter items that are prohibited in your country, it may not always work due to the millions of items that are shown from various merchants. Please check your country's customs and import regulations before placing an order.
If we are unable to ship an item listed on Desertcart due to international shipping regulations, customs regulations, or other reasons, we will cancel your order.
Our trained staff review each order and will let you know if there are any issues before/after you are charged.
Our goal is to provide the most affordable way to shop online, and we try to give you the lowest price that we can provide. The prices listed on our site are final, however, they are subject to change based on the sellers' pricing. Sellers may lower or raise their prices at any time. Also, if your item exceeds a courier's standard dimension or weight, they may charge an additional fee.
We will communicate this with you before we charge your order.
Desertcart works with merchants from across the globe, the majority of whom are located in the USA, United Kingdom, India, and the UAE.
No, we do not offer cash on delivery (COD). Go cashless!
Some of the products listed on the website are with 6 months to 1-year international warranty and depends on the manufacturer. We suggest you see the warranty information of the product on the item page, or on the manufacturer's website first before placing your order.
If there is an issue with the product you ordered from us and you need our help claiming the warranty, please contact us for further clarification of the warranty claim of the product you ordered.
Be advised that warranty claims will take at least 30-60 days and sometimes up to 90 days depending on what country the product will be returned and the manufacturer's lead time. Since most of the products are sourced from international merchants, the products have to be shipped back to the merchant/manufacturer and we will never charge you for the product's return shipping to us and to the merchant/manufacturer's country. The merchant/manufacturer may send back the fixed product or send us a new product.
Please note that while we do our best to follow up with the merchant, we have no control over how long they will take to ship the item back to us.
Our aim is to ensure that your purchase meets your expectations, so if this does not happen then we are here to assist you. For example, there may be a defect with the item, it may be damaged during shipping, or the item may be inadvertently incorrect.
If you believe something is wrong, please let us know as soon as you've received your order by contacting Desertcart Support and we will assist. Any imperfection or cosmetic damage to the external packaging alone is not considered as item damage.
Orders cannot be canceled once the payment has been processed. Your order will continue to be fulfilled, after which you have the option to return the item.
In case you need to exchange an item then this will be processed as a return and new order. Once delivered please promptly contact us and we will arrange for the item to be returned and provide a store credit refund to your account. You can then place a new order for the alternative item that you require. We are unable to reserve stock in advance, so it is subject to availability at the time of the new order being placed.
To request a quotation for wholesale purchase, you can reach out to us at [email protected] with your inquiry. Please send an email along with the quantities and product Ids for your requested items.