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                    HO SCALE YARD LUMBER KITS











Details N Scale's HO Yard lumber kits are constructed of real wood for the realistic appearance. Kits are available in three sets of 8ft, 12ft, and 16ft units. In our HO kits, heights of the units are varied. Kits also have  different veneers to give impressions of different dimensional lumber in the units. Kits are average price, but have 288 lineal feet of units. (24 X12ft units, 36 X 8ft units, 18 X 16ft units ) Dunnage (2X4's) is provided in the kit for assembly. Paint, glue, and modelers knife are needed for completing the yard model. For added detail, modelers can purchase our banding thread for wrapping the individual units. These products can be found here.

Our Plywood Detail Kit, (part number DHD 350 16) consists of 16 units of plywood with dunnage and banding for model lumber yards. 

New for 2021, we have added the GHQ forklift kit for purchase. These can be used for your lumber yards that compliment the lumber kits. Price is listed below.



New Item # Old Item # Description Price Cart
H30-8 DHD 300-8 Yard Lumber Kit  8'units x 36 pcs. $16.95  
H30-12 DHD 300-12 Yard Lumber Kit 12' units x 24 pcs. $15.95  
H30-16 DHD 300-16 Yard lumber Kit 16' units x 18 pcs. $14.95  
H35-16 DHD 350 16 Plywood Detail Kit 16 4X8 units $26.95  
H61-007   GHQ HO V80-E Forklift Kit 14.95  



� Details N Scale 2021