Marking Special Categories of Classified Information IF105.16 - CDSE — I Hate CBT's (2025)

Markings identify_____________________.
all of the above

Which of the following is provided by classification markings?
Presence of classified information

Only information that falls into at least one of the __________ categories listed in section 1.4 of Executive Order 13526 can be eligible to be classified.

What is the first line of the classification authority block?
Classified By

Which portion marking is correct?

Banner markings identify the ___________.
highest overall classification level of the document or page

Portion markings identify the ___________.
classification level of individual sections of the document

Which type of information is exempt from downgrade and declassification instructions?
Formerly Restricted Data

Only _______________________level(s) of classification per document may appear in the banner line.

A letter of transmittal is not a special type of material that may contain classified information.

All slides in a slide deck may carry the same banner marking throughout the presentation.

You are sending Confidential information to a colleague in another office. You want to give her some background information and decide to attach a letter of transmittal. You include your name, a short greeting, and a Confidential description of the project. What markings must you apply to the letter of transmittal?
All of the above

You have a draft version of a classified document that contains handwritten notes that you want to send to a colleague outside of your activity. It currently has banner markings, the creation date, and a "working paper" annotation. How should the markings change before you send the document out?
It should have the same markings as a finished document

You are marking an audio recording of a conversation. This conversation contains Unclassified and Confidential information. How should it be marked?
An audible statement of the CONFIDENTIAL level appears at the beginning and end of the recording only

The portion marking for a URL reflects the classification of the URL text.

You are conversing with a colleague over a secure instant message system. This conversation contains classified information in the body of the conversation. You need to save the conversation for later use. What markings will apply?
All standard classification markings

In the banner line CONFIDENTIAL//FGI GBR, what is "GBR" considered as?
The three-letter country code

Which of the following is a correctly formatted portion marking for a document that contains Confidential Special Access Program information under the Wagon Wheel program?

Department of Energy information categorized as Restricted Data is classified under National Disclosure Policy-1 (NDP-1).

You are holding a piece of classified information and some of the information is portion marked (TS//RD-N). What type of information are you holding?
Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information (CNWDI)

Purpose of marking

Provide required information about classification.

Includes alerting the holders to the presence of classified information and specifically identifying what information needs protecting and the level of protection required.

Identifies who classified the document and provides guidance for future downgrading or declassification

Identifies the reason for the classification, and alerts the holder to any special access, dissemination, or safeguarding requirements

Standard marking applied to all classified information keeps the holder of the information aware of the sensitivity of the items in his or her care

What is displayed clearly at the top of a document

The highest level of sensitivity

Classification authority block

Contains information regarding who classified the information and why. Also how long the information must remain classified. Whether all of the markings are correct. Located at bottom of document

If the document was originally classified, it must state the reason for classification. If it was derivatively classified, it must identify the source documents from which it was derived.

Must include downgrade instructions, if applicable, and the declassification instructions, unless the information is Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data or otherwise exempted information

Regulations that establish marking standards

1. Executive Order 13526
3. DODM 5200.01 Vol 1-3


1. Make initial determination on whether information should be classified and why
2. Ensure that information is properly marked and maintained at the proper level of security for the proper length of time

Banner Line Markings

Provide information about the overall document. Banner itself indicating the highest overall classification level of information contained in a document

Banner lines on interior pages may either have the highest overall classification of the document or the highest classification level of information on that page. Includes the most restrictive control markings and apply to the overall document

Types of Banner Line Markings


Markings always appear in uppercase letters in English with the full classification level spelled out. Is never abbreviated and is therefore fully written out.

Only one level of classification per document may appear in the banner line

Portion markings

Provide information about each paragraph. Identify the classification levels of individual sections of a document to show highest level of classification that it contains. Including the subject, title, paragraphs, sections, tabs, attachments, the classified signature block, bullets, tables, and even pictures

Types of portion markings

1. U for Unclassified
2. C for Confidential
3. S for Secret
4. TS for Top Secret

All of these abbreviations appear in parentheses before the portion to which they apply. They are always capital letters

Control Markings

Used to identify the presence of special categories of information such as SCI, FGI, or Restricted Data. Required in both the banner line and portion markings, where applicable

When applying control markings to a document, use double forward slashes to separate the classification level from the control markings and dissemination markings. Use single forward slash to separate multiple types within the same marking category.


Dissemination control markings

Appear in the last portion of the banner line and portions. They are special handling caveats that apply to items, elements, or categories of information. Identify the expansion or limitation on the distribution of information. Address the special concerns of how to handle the information or to whom it can be transmitted.


Restricted Data


Authorized For Release To


Not Releasable To Foreign Nationals

Most common special types of material for markings

1. Working papers
2. Transmittal documents

Working papers

Documents and materials accumulated or created in the preparation of finished documents and materials

Example: Taking notes on classified information during a meeting or working on a draft of a classified document

Transmittal documents

Documents like memos, letters, or a staff summary sheet that serves to accompany an enclosure or attached document. Items usually include a little information about the contents of the enclosure

Things to consider for working papers

Even if the working paper is just for your use, it still contains information that must be protected, which must be safeguarded according to its classification level

Highest level of classification contained in the document appears on the top and bottom of the working paper as a banner marking. Date of creation must be prominently marked. And is annotated on the face of the page, prominently "Working Paper"

After you are done using the working paper, it must be destroyed. Must be marked in the same manner as a finished document if it is released by the originator outside of the originating activity, is retained for more than 180 days, or contains SAP information and is retained for more than 30 days. Meaning that portion markings, banner markings, and a Classification Authority Block must appear on what was the working paper and is now a finished document

Things to consider for Transmittal Documents

Will be marked with an appropriate instruction indicating that it is unclassified when separated from the classified enclosures.

IF the letter itself contains classified information, it must be marked with all of the standard markings just like any other classified document

Electronically transmitted messages

1. Emails
2. Instant messages
3. Chats and chat rooms
4. Attached Files

Portion markings, banner markings, and a Classification Authority Block are all necessary

Email markings

Classified emails are transmitted on or prepared for transmission on classified systems or networks

Banner markings appear in the body of each message at the top and bottom.

Each portion is marked to reflect the highest level of information contained in that portion. This includes the subject line, attachments, and any links. A text portion containing a uniform resource locator (URL), or link text

The subject line is treated like the subject line of any other classified document. It is portion marked to reflect the highest level of classification it contains. The subject is not the banner line of the email, it is simply another portion

Classification Authority Block appears at the bottom of the mail, after the signature block but before the bottom banner line. If there is an attachment to the email, the name of the attachment must be portion marked, according to the level of classification of the name of the attachment, not the level of classification of attached material

An email will contain all of the standard markings when the email itself contains classified information. If the email itself does not contain any classified information but the attachment does, the email must account for the classification level of the contents of any attachments in the banners and contain a statement indicating the email's overall level of classification when separated from its enclosures

When you forward or reply to an email, you are responsible for ensuring the new or forwarded message is marked appropriately.

Instant Message markings

Conversations that have been captured for retention will be:

Banner marked at top and bottom of each page
Portion marked for each portion, including links and graphics
Marked with a Classification Authority Block

Chats and chat rooms markings

Conversations that have been captured for retention will be:

Banner marked at top and bottom of each page
Portion marked for each portion, including links and graphics
Marked with a Classification Authority Block

Chat rooms contain:
1. A system-high overall classification designating the highest level of classified conversation that can occur in the room
2. Instructions informing users that the information may not be used as a source for derivative classification unless it contains all of the standard markings

Attached Files markings

1. The subject line is marked; it contains the highest level of classification in the subject line
2. The overall classification of the attachment will affect the classification level of the message to which it is attached
3. If an attachment contains classified information, the banner line of the email will indicate the highest classification within the email, including attachments
4. The classification of the attachment title does not indicate the classification of the file itself. Most titles are unclassified even though the file itself contains classified information

Websites, blogs, wiki markings

1. Marked with all standard markings
2. Portions to be marked include: Links, subject lines of posts or titles of websites, attachments, and all content
3. Banner markings appear at the top and bottom of each post, be it a single entry in a series or a single website

URLs markings

1. Portion marked according to the level of classification of the address's content, not the information to which it points
2. Marked so as not to render the string inoperable as a link

Marking a working paper

1. When marked as a finished document, all standard markings apply
2. When used for development of finished document, annotated as working papers, with the date of creation, and the highest level of classification at the top and bottom of the papers

Marking letters of transmittal

1. When a letter of transmittal contains classified information, all standard markings apply
2. When a letter of transmittal does not contain classified information, it will contain a notice that it is unclassified when separated from its enclosures

Briefing Slides markings

1. Marked with all standard markings
2. Portions to be marked include: images, bullets, titles, and all content
3. Banner markings appear on top and bottom of each slide

Title slide- reflects highest overall classification in slide deck
Interior slides- reflect either highest overall classification in slide deck or on individual slides
Classification Authority Block- appears on title slide or last slide

Images markings

1. Markings appear on the face of the image when possible
2. Include banner markings and classification authority block

Audio markings

An audible overall classification level appears at the beginning and end of the sound recording along with declassification instructions

Marking format

// Separates classification, control, and dissemination control markings

/ Separates categories of control markings

- Separates a control marking from its even more specific sub-control

Syntax for marking special categories and other control markings


FGI Markings

Generally uses equivalent classification levels as U.S; some countries have additional level of Restricted

Banner markings contain highest level of classification, FGI, and country code: SECRET//FGI GBR

Portion markings contain country code and classification level (//GBR S)

Classification authority block lists all U.S. and foreign sources

To protect country identity, do not use country codes in banner: //FGI, or portion: (//FGI S)

NATO Markings

Has its own markings for protection of NATO information. Uses equivalent classification levels as U.S., with addition of Restricted and NATO unclassified

Banner markings contain highest level of classification and FGI NATO: SECRET//FGI NATO

Portion markings contain NATO classification level: (//NS)

Document must include statement warning of the presence of NATO information

Restricted Data (RD) Markings

Information about
1. Design, manufacture, or use of nuclear weapons
2. Production of special nuclear material, or SNM
3. Use of SNM for production of energy

Banner markings contain highest level of classification and Restricted Data: SECRET//RESTRICTED DATA

Portion markings contain classification level and RD: (S//RD)

Classification authority block does not contain classification instruction

Document must carry RD warning notice

CNWDI markings

DOD Designation for Top Secret RD or Secret RD weapons data

Banner markings contain highest level of classification and CNWDI markings: SECRET//RESTRICTED DATA-N

Portion markings contain classification level and CNWDI marking: (S//RD-N)

Classification authority block does not contain declassification instruction

Document must carry RD warning notice and CNWDI warning notice

SAP markings

Often protected with a nickname or code word. Exempt from automatic declassification at 25 years; reviewed at 50 years

Banner markings contain highest level of classification, Special Access Required or SAR, and SAP nickname or abbreviations (SECRET//SAR-RED WAGON)

Portion markings contain classification level, SAR, and nickname abbreviation: (S//SAR-RW)

SCI markings

Information concerns or is derived from intelligence sources, methods, or analytical processes. Must be handled within formal access control systems established by the Director of National Intelligence

Control systems include: HCS, KLONDIKE, COMINT (SI), TALENT KEYHOLE (TK)

May be exempt from automatic declassification

Banner markings contain highest level of classification and identify applicable SCI control systems

Portion markings contain classification level and identify applicable control system (S//TK)

CUI Markings

Information that the Government creates or possesses, or that an entity creates or possess for, or on behalf of the Government, that a law, regulation, or Government-wide policy requires or permits an agency using safeguarding or dissemination controls

FRD Markings

Formerly Restricted Data

Relates primarily to the military use of atomic weapons

Banner markings contain highest level of classification and Formerly Restricted Data

Position markings contain classification level and RD:

Classification authority block does not contain declassification instruction

Document must carry FRD warning notice

which best of the standard classification markings appear at the bottom of the information regarding who classified the document, the reason for the classification instructions, and the declassification date?

classification authority block

the standard markings applied to all classified information keep the holder----

aware if eth sensitivity of the items in his or her care

what is the purpose of marking classified information?

provides required information about classification, including and dissemination instructions

which of the following represent special types of material that may contain classified information?

all of the above

You are conversing with a colleague over a secure instant message system. This conversation contains classified information in the body of the conversation. You need to save the conversation for later use. What markings will apply?


Select the correct banner marking for a U.S. classified document that contains NATO CONFIDENTIAL information.

NOT FGI//confidential

Executive Order 13526 established----.

new standards for classifications

you are making an audio recording of a conversation. This conversation. This conversation contains Unclassified and Confidential information. How should it be marked?

NOT a written statement of the confidential level appears on the label of the label of the


which of the following is the portion marking that would be used for confidential information from a Special Access Program (SAP) with the codework abbreviation HT?



Which of the following is a correctly formatted banner marking for a document that contains Secret SAP information?


Portion markings identify the----

classification level of individual sections of the document

what are the standard markings for classified information?

banner markings, portion markings, and a classification authority block

where would banner markings appear in a TOP SECRET document?

at the top and bottom of each page

you are sending confidential information to a colleague in another office. You want to give her some background information and decide to attach a letter of transmittal. You include your name, a short greeting, and a confidential description of the project. What markings must you apply to the letter of transmittal?

all of the above
banner markings
classification authority block (CAB)
portion marking

besides the level of classification, what other information can appear in a portion and banner markings?

control and dissemination markings

You are replying to an email that contains confidential and secret level information. Your response is unclassified. What should the banner of your email look like?


You have been working on a draft document that contains secret information. When you finalize it, what markings must you include?

all standard markings

you are holding a piece of classified information and some of the information is portion marked (TS//RD-N). What type of information are you holding?

critical nuclear weapon design information (CNWDI)

the subject line of a classified email is used as a banner line that marks the overall classification of the email (t/f )


Select the correct banner marking if the following information appeared on your document----


In addition to alerting the holder to the presence of classified information, markings also identify who classified the document and _______________.

provides guidance for future downgrading or declassification

The standard markings applied to all classified information keeps the holder ______________.

aware of the sensitivity of the items in his or her care

Which of the following categories are considered eligible for classification under 1.4 of Executive Order 13526?

a. Foreign government information
b. Weapons of mass destruction
d. Military plans, weapons systems, or operations

Besides the level of classification, what other information can appear in portion and banner markings?

Control and dissemination markings

What is the first line of the classification authority block?

Classified By

Which type of information is exempt from downgrade and declassification instructions?

Portion marking

A letter of transmittal is not a special type of material that may contain classified information.


You are marking an audio recording of a conversation. This conversation contains Unclassified and Confidential information. How should it be marked?

An audible statement of the CONFIDENTIAL level appears at the beginning and end of the recording only

Select ALL the correct responses. Which of the following types of classified materials require all standard classification markings?

a. Photographs
b. Instant messages
c. Emails

When sending an email with a classified attachment, the email is like any transmittal document and should be marked accordingly.


A URL appears on a webpage you are using. How should it be marked?

The URL will be portion marked in a way that does not render it inoperable

You are replying to an email that contains Confidential and Secret level information. Your response is unclassified. What should the banner of your email look like?


All slides in a slide deck may carry the same banner marking throughout the presentation.


Which of the following is a correctly formatted banner marking for a document that contains Secret Special Access Program information?


You are holding a piece of classified information and some of the information is portion marked (TS//RD-N). What type of information are you holding?

Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information (CNWDI)

Which of the following is the portion marking that would be used for Confidential information from a Special Access Program (SAP) with the code word abbreviation HT?


Select the correct banner marking for a U.S. classified document that contains NATO CONFIDENTIAL information.


You are conversing with a colleague over a secure instant message system. This conversation contains classified information in the body of the conversation. You need to save the conversation for later use. What markings will apply?

All standard class. markings

You are generating a derivatively classified piece of information and are looking for information in a classified database. While you are searching, you find a piece of information that is extremely helpful. It includes a banner line and a notice regarding the content only being marked at the highest level of classification within the database. Is this information authorized for use as a source of derivative classification?


You are replying to an email that contains classified information. The email you are replying in-line to contains Confidential and Secret level information. Your response is unclassified. What should the banner of your email look like?


You have been working on a draft document that contains Secret information. When you finalize it, what markings must you include?

All standard markings

Department of Energy information categorized as Restricted Data is classified under National Disclosure Policy-1 (NDP-1).


An event has occurred that affects information scheduled to be declassified. The OCA, as a result, has decided to extend the duration of the information's classification. How will the markings in the classification authority block of a document containing this information change?

The OCA responsible for the change as well as the date will be cited. Additionally, the old Declassify On date will be lined through and the new date will appear next to it.

An OCA previously classified a recent government breakthrough in energy technology as Confidential. The military is developing a new weapons system that will use this technology, and it has been determined it will now cause greater damage to national security if the information is released. How should the OCA responsible for classifying the energy technology change the classification level?

Upgrade the energy tech classification

When filling out the classification authority block of a newly declassified document, it is acceptable to use a personal identifier if the identity of the declassification authority is classified


Banner markings may change when classified information is downgraded.


Banner Markings appear _____

at the top and bottom of each page

A piece of information has been classified for five years and is scheduled for declassification next fall. However, should the information be released in the fall, it would still pose the same threat to national security. How should the OCA responsible for classifying this information change the information's classification

Extend the information's duration of classification

What is the purpose of marking classified information?

Provide required information about classification, including handling and dissemination instructions

What are the standard markings for classified information?

Banner markings, portion markings, and a classification authority block

Which of the following statements is true regarding banner markings on blogs?

Must be changed as entries move off the main page to reflect the current state of the page

Select the proper date format for the "Declassify On" line:


With some exceptions, classified information existing on the web should have standard classification markings applied


You are crafting an email that will have a classified attachment but no classified information in the body of the email. Must you apply banner markings?

No, banner markings are not required unless the body of the email contains classified information

A new weapons system is about to come online. Some components covered by the current security classification guide will need to have their classification level upgraded. The OCA is working with a document referencing some of these components at their current level of classification, all of which is at a lower classification. How will the portion markings on this document change?

Change portions containing the upgraded information to reflect the new classification level

What special type of information is contained in a portion that is marked: (//DEU S)?


FGI Secret

A letter of transmittal is not a special type of material that may contain classified information.


Which of the following is a correctly formatted portion marking for a document that contains Confidential Special Access Program information under the Wagon Wheel program?


Executive Order 13526 established

the new standards for the classification of national security information

Select the correct NATO portion marking for information containing NATO CONFIDENTIAL information in a U.S. document.


(//FGI C)

What is the first line of the classification authority block?

Classified by

Which of the following statements apply to the Original Classification Authority (OCA)?

All of the above

Banner markings identify the ___________.

highest overall classification level of the document or page

You are sending Secret information to a colleague located at another office. You want to give him some background information and decide to attach a letter of transmittal. You include your name, a short greeting, an unclassified description of the project, and when you expect the project to be completed. No other information is included. What special markings must you apply to the letter of transmittal?

A notice which says "the letter is Unclassified when separated from classified enclosures

A derivative classifier is the person who _____________.

develops new classified materials from authorized sources

You are derivatively classifying a new document using 10 source documents. What information will you apply to the "Derived From" line of your new document?

Cite "Multiple Sources"

You are compiling information from multiple sources. In addition to applying the standard markings, is there any information specific to compilation that need to be applied?


Yes, annotate that the information was "Compiled"

Triggers of Upgrading

event, changes in circumstances (Predictable, Unpredictable)

the three authorized sources of classified guidance are Security Classification Guides, classified source documents, and DD form 254.


All cleared and trained DoD and authorized contractor personnel who generate or create material from classified sources are derivative classifiers.


When deriving information from a single document, the "Classified By" line always identified the original classification authority who created the source document.


When deriving from multiple sources, the declassification duration reflects the longest duration of any of the sources. q


Which of the following marking appear on all derivatively classified documents?

Portion Markings, Classified By, Derived From

When deriving classified information from multiple sources, which of the following are appropriate markings to include in the 'Derived From' line?

Multiple Sources, A complete list of every source document used

Derivative CLassification

When information is incorporated, paraphrased, restated, generated in a new form.

Apply Standard Markings

Portion markings, Banner markings must reflect the highest lvl of classification in the newly derived documents, Classification Authority Block

Cite Source the Source of Information

When there is a single source, cite it in the "Derived From" line, Format: Source title, office of origin, date of classification, When there are too many source to fit in the "derived From" line: -Cite "Multiple Sources", List all source in or attached to the derivative document

Derivative Marking Requirements: Apply standard markings, Cite Source information, Information classified by compilation

Information Classified by Compilation

Compilation decisions are made only by OCAs and issued in the form of SCGs or originally classified source documents. Compilation explanation must state the basis for the classification by compilation.


Security Classification Guide

DD Form 254

DoD Contract Security, Classification Specification

Changes in Classification Require

Changes in Marking


Raising the Classification level (decided by the OCA only)


Increase lvl of classification, ^ Portion Markings, ^ Banner Markings, Cite date upgrated, Cite OCA or INstruction responsible, N/A


decreasing the classification lvl; triggered by date, event or chage in circumstances (OCA decision only)


Decrease in classification lvl, dg Portion markings, dg Banner Markings, N/A Classification Authority Block, N/A Special Markings,

Extending Classification

lengthening classification duration (req: continue to meet standards of EO 13526 and still pos4e threat to National Security, OCA only decides)

Extending Classification

Lengthening classification duration, N/A Portion markings, N/A Banner Markings, lassification Authority Blok: cite OCA respionsible, Change Date to reflect extention, Speacial Markings: N/A


Authorized change in status fromo classified information to unclassified information (OCA only)


Remowing the classification from information, Portion markings: cancel markins, replace with (U) line, line through is acceptable, Banner Markings: Cancel Markings, replace with (U) line, line through is acceptable, Classification Authority Block: Annotate OCA responsible, Note Date of Declassification, Special Markings: Mark as Declassified!`

Confidential: Working Paper

Confidential, Date, classifiee meeting, this note is confi, this note is confid, this note is confi, Working Paper, Confidential,

Other Media

Classification Markings Apply: may include- portion markings, banner markings, classification authority block

Working Papers

Requirements: destroy working paper when finished unless it: is released by the originator outside of the originating activity, is retaied > 180 days, contains SAP info and is retained > 30 days, if one of the above applies, mark as finished documents, apply all standard markings

Letters of Transmittal

Required Notice Under Banner Marking, Banner markigns reflect lvl of classification and any controls of attachment, Carrt standard markings: Portion, Classification Authority Block, Banner

Electronically Transmitted Classified Messages:

Emails, Instant Messages, Chatsmand Chat Rooms, Attachments/ all standard classification markins apply to this classified information

Email Markings

Banners: Appear in the body of the email top and bottom/ reflect the overall classification lvl of email including attachments ect , portion making appear on paragraphs, subject line, attachments and links, URL is marked depending on the classification of the text in the URL,
Subject Line: portion marked with the highest vl of classification within the subject line, does not reflect the overall classification of the email, Includes Classification Authority Block, Attachments and Enclosures: the name must b portion marked, this portion mark does not indicate the overall classification on the file, accounted for in overall classification of the email, all new contend in replies or forwards must also be marked,

Instant Messages

Conversations that have een captured for retention will be:
-Banner marked at the top and bottom of each page
-portion marked for each portion, including links and graphics,
-marked with a classification authority block

Chats and Chatrooms

Conversations thayt have been captured for retention will be:
-Banner marked at the top and bottom of each page
-portion marked for each portion, including links and graphics
-marked with a classification authority block
Chat rooms contain:
-a system-high overall classification designation the highest lvl of classified conversation that can occur in the room
-instructions informing users that the information may not be used as a source for derivative classification unless it contains all of the standard markings

Attached Files

-the subject line is portion marked; it contains the highest lvl of classification in the subject line
-the overall classification of the attachment will affect the classification lvl of the message to which it is attached. For instance, a document containing secret information
-If an attachment contains classified information, the banner line of the email will indicate the highest lvl of classification within the email, including attachments
-The classification fo the attachment title, does not indicate the classification of the file itself. Most titles are unclassified even though the file itself contains classified information.

Most Common types of information requiring markings in the electronic environment:

web pages, URLs, Bulletin board postings, Blogs, Wikis, Dynamic documents,
standard markings apply, Classification Authority Block: at top or bottom of page inside the banner lines, a series of separate lines or one continuous string of text

Web page Markings

Banner Markings: single linear string of text, graphics are portion marked, multimedia carries all standard markings, URL is marked in a way that does not render it inoperable (Bulletin Boards and Blogs, Wikis)

Dynamic Document

Dynamic docment, some of the information in this document may be classifies, highest classification of database (at the top)

Dynamic Documents/ If a mechanism does not exist to determine the actual classification of inbfo contained within a dynamic document,

-mark the document with the highest classification lvl of info within the data source
-apply a working at the top and bottom of each page of the document, stating that such content is not to be used as a basis for derivative classification
-consult classification guides, the data source owner, or the point of contact for classification of individual elements
-if there is doubt about the correct markings, contact the data source owner for guidance

Briefing Slides

Banner Markings: first slide shows highest classification in the slide deck, interior slides show either the highest classification of slide deck or the highest classification of that slide, Portion Markings-appear on all content, Classification Authority Block

Photographic Media

Marked on the face if possible
When not possible, markings appear on accompanying documentation
digital image markings are overlaid on the face of the image


Labeled "SECRET"

Sound Recordings

An audible statement of the overall classification and dissemination controls appears at the beginning and end of the recording

Storage Device

The storage device is marked
When the item is stored in other packaging, the packaging is marked

Blueprints, Engineering Drawings, Chards, and Maps

If stored, rolled or folded, markings appear in areas that are visable when folded

Digital Video Disc, Video Tapes, Motion Picture Films, and Web Videos

Marked with overall classification and classification authority block, unless the addition of such information would render them inoperable
Audio and indivisuals are marked at the beginning and end of the presentation
The storage device on which the information appears is marked

Mecrofilm, Microfiche, and Similar Microform Media

Marked so that the unaded eue can see the markings on this media
When the item is stored in packaging, the packaging is marked

Removable Electronic Storage Media

Items are marked with the highest level of classification and control markings
When the item is stored in packaging, the packaging is marked

Unfinnished Working Papers

Banner Markings, Portion Markings, Classification Authority Block, Other Required Markings.

Unclassified Letter of Transmittal

Banner Markings, Classification Authority Block, Other Required Markings.

Email Containing Secret information

Banner Markings, Portion Markings, Classification Authority Block, Other Required Markings.


Banner Markings, Portion Markings, Classification

You are taking notes during a classified meeting. Your notes include information that is classified. What do you have to do after the meeting if you do not immediately destroy your notes?

Mark the highest level of classification at the top and bottom, date the notes, and annotate them as working papers

Which Classified Email Portions Must be marked?

Not name and email address, Subject Line, Not the Greeting, The Sentence, Not this Closing, Not the Classification Authority Block

Email Subject Line Requires

Portion Line, Not Banner Markings

The Top and Bottom of a Classified Email Needs

Banner Markings

Sprecial Categories of information carry their own markings

International, Domestic, Special Access Programs, Intelligence, Atomic, Law Enforcement

Special Category Marking Format

// / -


Separates Classification, Control and dissemination control markings

/ Separates categories of control Markings


separates a control marking from its even more specific sub-control

The syntax for marking special categories and other control markings:



Foreign Government Information/ Sensitive information foreign governments share with the US, US must afford FGI equivalent protection as originating country

To Protect Country Identity

Do Not Use Country Codes: Banner://FGI. Portions: (//FGI S)

Derived From

List US and foreign sources

FGI Portion Markings:

Country/organization codes
Classification lvl

FGI Banner Markings:

Country/organization codes

Classification level reflects highest lvl of all info

including FGI

Cosmic Top Secret

Nato > US Top Secret

//NATO Secret

NATO > US Secret

//NATO Confidential

NATO> US Confidential

//NATO Unclassified, //NATO Restricted

Confidential: Modified, Handling

North Atlantic Treaty Organization:

A political and military alliance of member nations

NATO information

is information related to treaty agreement
Contains specific markings for protection of NATO information



















ATOMAL applies to

US Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data, or UK ATOMIC information, that has been official released to NATO.

COSMIC is applied to

TOP SECRET material that belongs to NATO. BOHEMIA is used only with NATO TOP SECRET information that is SIGNT derived.

NATO Information Markings

NATO banner marking, NATO portion marking. Required statement for NATO information, Classification level reflects highest level of all information, including NATO

Marking Atomic Energy Information

Only DOE May Originally Classify/ Declassify

Types of Atomic Energy Information Include:

RD Restricted Data, FRD Formally Restricted Data, CNWDI Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information




Formerly Restricted Data


Restricted Data

Marking Atomic Energy Information?

For more information, see Nuclear Classification and Declassification information in 10 C.F.R Part 1045

Restricted Data

RD Warning Notice
RD Banner Marking
RD portion Marking
RD only info: no declassification instruction
RD and other classified information: Declassify On line states "Not applicable to RD/FRD portions"


Portion Markings
Banner Markings
Warning Notice
RD Warning Notice
CNWDI has no declassification instruction


banner marking
portion marking
warning notice
FRD has no declassification notice

SAP Special Access Program

classified program with enhanced safeguarding and access requirements

SAP Information:

information concerning one of these programs that requires special access

Sensitive COnmpartmented Information

Classified information concerning or derived from intelligence sources, methods, or analytical processes
Handled only via a formal access control system


SAP information banner markings: Special access req or SAR; includes hyphen and nickname (-RED WAGON), Security Classification Guide/ RED WAGON
SAP info portion marking: includes nickname abbreviation (-RW)

Declassification of SAP information

for material dated prion to January 1, 1982 Declassify on L 20211231
Authority: File Exemption Series (FSE) dated 30 Mar 2005
For mar=terial data on or after January 1, 1982, Declassify On: .....

For more info on marking SAP info:

See DoDM 5205.07 Volume 4 SAP Security Manual: Marking

SCI Banner Marking:

identify applicable control system(s)
SCI portion markings: identify applicable control system(s)

Examples of SCI control systems



Controlled Unclassified information/ Unclassified information that is sensitive and requires safeguarding and control

CUI Examples

DEA Sensitive DEA S, FOUO, Law Enforcement Sensitive LES

You have been given a Secret doc from Great Britain and another country that prefers to remain anonymous? Which of the following would be the correct banner markings you would expect to see?




Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information

Restricted Data. This Doc Contains Restricted Data as defined by the Atomic Eenrgy Act of....
Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information DoD Directive 5210r.2 applies
*requires both restricted data and CNWDI-specific warning notice


special access required, TG- special access program

Purpose of marking:

provide required information about classification

Presidential Authority E.O. 135626

Establishes new standards for marking classifies information

ISOO Executive Office Authority

Classified National Security Information; 32 CFR Parts 2001 and 2003
-Provides implementing guidance
Marking Classified National Security information Booklet
-Contains Visual examples

DoD Authority, DoD Manual 5200.01, Vols. 1-4

Contains DoD procedures for marking classified information

A limited number of people can classify

OCA, Derivative Classifiers (DoD, Pres of the U.S.)

Original Classification Authorities

Make the initial determination to classify information
Ensure proper marking of information
Identify duration of classification

Derivative Classifiers:

Derivatively Classify information
Ensure the proper transfer o markings from original to derivatively classified information
Maintains list of properly cited source materials

Categories of Information Eligible for Classification Under E.O. 13526

1.4(a), 1.4(b), 1.4(c), 1.4(d), 1.4(e), 1.4(f), 1.4(g), 1.4(h)


Military plans, weapons systems, or operations


Foreign government information


Intelligence activities (including covert action), intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology


Foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources


Scientific. technological or economic matters relating to national security


United States government programs for safeguarding nuclear materials or facilities


Vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems installations, infrastructures, projects or plans, or protection services relating to national security


Weapons of Mass Destruction

Portion Markings

Identify the classification levels of individual sections of a document
Designate the highest level of classification in a portion (includes subject, title, paragraphs, sections, tabs, attachments, classified signature block, bullets, tables, pictures)
Always appear as abbreviations (U, (C), and (TS)
Are always capitalized

Banner Markings

Indicate the highest level of classification contained in the information
Required format:
-Always Uppercase
-English Only
-No Abbreviations of classification

Control Marking

Alert Holder to any special instructions regarding its content
Identify any special categories of information (such as SCI, FGI, RD)

Dissemination Control Markings

Identify applicable special-handling caveats

SECRET Banner Markings

Dissemination Control Markings


BOTH Control Markings and Dissemination Control Markings


Control Markings

Classification Authority

Classified By
-Name and position or identifier of original or derivative classifier
-agency (if not otherwise specified)
-office of origin (if not otherwise specified)
*reason (if original classification
*derived from (if derivative classification)
*downgrade to (if applicable)
*declassify on (unless RD/FRD/exempted)

Which document is the original source for the categories of information that are eligible for classification?

Executive order 13526

Reason is

always included on a piece of originally classified information in the Classification Authority block

Why Mark/ Regulatory Guidance

EO 13526, ISOO; 32 CFR Parts 2001 and 2003, Final Rule, ISOO Marking Classified National Security Information Booklet- contains visual guidance
DoD 5200.01, Vol/2- Contains DoD procedures for marking classified information

Why Mark/ Purpose

Clearly alert to the presence of classified information
Identify what information needs protecting and the level of protections
Provide guidance for downgrading
Identify the reason for classification
Alert the holder to any special access, dissemination, or safeguarding requirement

The three authorized sources of classified guidance are Security Classification Guides, classified source documents, and DD Form 254


All cleared and trained DoD and authorized contractor personnel who generate or create material from classified sources are derivative classifiers


When deriving information from a single document, the "Classified By" line always identifies the original classification authority who created the source document.


When deriving from multiple sources. the declassification duration reflects the longest duration of any of the sources


Which of the following markings appear on all derivatively classified documents?

portion markings, classified by, derived from

When deriving classified information from multiple sources, which of the following are appropriate markings to include in the "Derived From" line?

Multiple sources
A complete list of every source document used

Marking Special Categories of Classified Information IF105.16 - CDSE — I Hate CBT's (2025)
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