DeuxLooks goes on a GENUS bento blogging spree – a whole two days of GENUS heads in Second Life. Is it growing on her? Read more →

DeuxLooks goes on a GENUS bento blogging spree – a whole two days of GENUS heads in Second Life. Is it growing on her? Read more →
One noticeable absence for me at this year’s Skin Fair was Glam Affair. I have always looked forward to Ada’s special releases this time of year so if you’re jonesing for some perfect complexion Glam Affair goodness, unfortunately you won’t find it at Skin Fair. BUT… …You can find Glam Affair newness at Collabor88! I find it very hard to… Read more →
Wow, I started this style blog early this morning (it’s too cold to go outside) and down the rabbit hole I went. Not in SL; but on YouTube. I have legit been watching beauty blogger reviews for Fenty Beauty foundation for … about 6 hours. WTF. It’s completely mesmerizing. IRL I have fair, freckled skin, dark hair and light grey… Read more →
It’s about that time, isn’t it? You know, the time when we start to think about party dresses for the holidays. How did that happen? Wasn’t it just summer? But yes, as soon as I saw this stunner from Pixicat, I knew I had to clear the way for some party dress inventory – and maybe, just maybe, even… Read more →
This was a bit unexpected. I didn’t expect to be inspired so quickly after my declaration that I was on a self-imposed moratorium. But these pieces brought together my style whimsy in a way that was unexpected but so very perfect for a pick me up. I’ll probably never be the blogger in the sexiest dress or new, popular “skimp… Read more →
Do you know what a “Willow Pack” is? How many of you are that old school? I’ll wait xD… A Willow Pack is another name for what most everyone knows today as the “fatpack.” It was named for the one and only Willow Zander, a friend and a fellow blogger who has been out of SL for a while now.… Read more →
I’m don’t know what the weather is like by you, but here in Boston, we have had an early Spring in February! Yesterday was 68F Today will be much the same. To celebrate, here’s a casual look to love. One part bohemian, one part glam. Mixing one part boho; one part glam I wasn’t sure what I was going… Read more →
Just returned from my vacation to Scotland and am avoiding unpacking my bags. Instead, I am diving back in to SL fashion (as my RL clothes sit in my suitcase). As I let the jetlag wash over me, I am delighting in all the wonderful items released in my absence. While apparently I am perfectly fine leaving everything strewn around… Read more →
I talk a lot about interesting beauty, where imperfections replace perfection, “flaws” are the best part, and unconventional beauty trumps all. With literally thousands of “beautiful” items available every day in Second Life, I think a lot about how to bring my true self into my styles in this virtual world where we can be perfect all the time if… Read more →
Ethereal is one of my favorite words, and when done well, one of my favorite stylings in fashion. Romantic, dreamlike, beyond the earth…Love. I so appreciate all the items at Uber that really live up to ethereal. Absolutely beautiful and it seems even structured items can be ethereal. I enjoyed this round of Uber a lot, and I haven’t said… Read more →
I have logged on and off very quickly over the last several days. I haven’t slept well. Like so many of us, I am so distressed. It’s hard to act “normally” when the world feels so upside down. Blogging somehow felt empty; like I should have something profound to say. But all I can say is, when horror is upon… Read more →
Despite more event openings, I really began this look with revisiting some of my favorites, both in my inventory and by visiting the main stores of several designers. Novel, I know! After I came back to SL last winter, “Blair” (The Skinnery) was the first skin I fell in love with after Glam Affair. I can’t get enough of the… Read more →
The joys in fashion/beauty in SL often come in the quiet of your skybox or wherever you’re trying on new items. I blogged these appliers from Lara Hurley for the LeLutka mesh heads yesterday, and once again, today I was delighted to zoom in on pixel Gillian’s eyes. The eye makeups on Alena are ridiculously well done and the mole… Read more →
While I prefer fitted or longer styles usually, I can’t deny the lure of a flouncy skirt. So many good releases featuring this younger look. And coupled with gorgeous pops of tangerine and pink, they’re a suitable prelude to summer…or my trip to Dallas today! I <3 heels. The new ones at Uber come in the absolute best… Read more →
I felt a little bit prim and proper in these ensembles, without even meaning to. I was just snapping some recent releases that I liked and voila, apparently I am on my way to church…or a tea party? I love the new hairs from Lamb at N21. Overall, I didn’t really feel too many of the clothing offerings there, but… Read more →